View Full Version : Might as well name this board "Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game".

25th December 2002, 03:41 AM
Pffft. Pretty much the only thing on the entire front page are YGO topics... kinda ruins the point of this being a Pokémon board, doesn't it? Ah well, seeing as I don't know a thing about YGO, I don't really feel like I have a reason to be here anymore... besides the fact that I can't access my old account (and I'm not a mod anymore, incidentally)...


26th December 2002, 04:03 AM
Ah well, the admins ruled that this place should be a discussion for all TCGs, pkmn or not. Go argue with them if u want, or start posting pkmn stuff.

Aaanyway, no reason to keep this open. [k1!k]