View Full Version : Yeah! Here it is! DORY! (in color)

White Gryphon
18th August 2003, 11:35 AM
This is the second of two pics of Dory that I did in color pastel. Somehow or another I can't get this one to come up on DA, so I'm going to have to attach it to the topic in order for people to see it... so... LA! Done on dark blue heavyweight construction paper.

Even though the submission to DA didn't work, as soon as I turned the browser towards TPM the radio started playing Mraz... for the first time since I came back from vacation, a couple months ago.


[attachment deleted by admin]

18th August 2003, 11:39 AM
Pretty cool. I hate working in pastel though as it's very messy. You seem to love Dory. :P I like the body the most. The eyes and some features are a bit on the blurry side though.

18th August 2003, 10:40 PM
hehe cute ^^ I like dory too, you're not alone. I like the shading, dunno why... it's... there. lol. my only complaint is the eyes, they seem somewhat demonlike o.o' good job anyway, better than I could ever do with pastels XP


White Gryphon
18th August 2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Katie
hehe cute ^^ I like dory too, you're not alone. I like the shading, dunno why... it's... there. lol. my only complaint is the eyes, they seem somewhat demonlike o.o' good job anyway, better than I could ever do with pastels XP


I know what you mean! And I think I've figured it out... her left eye isn't positioned directly beneath the left eyebrow. I noticed it when I was doing the highlights, and I would try and smudge the lighter blue a little closer to the middle of her forehead, but somehow or another that wouldn't change it too much. At least it looks less demon-like now than how it started out looking.

Next time I'll work on that. Thanx for pointing that out. :)