View Full Version : Nuriko is alive... (warning, slightly long post. my apologies. -_-)

20th August 2003, 05:47 PM
Hi. Remember me? I mod here. You probobly all thought I was dead, right? I finally came back a few weeks ago and posted like... one thing, and promised to post more, but I dissappeared again. Go me. -_-' Well, it's not completely my fault, I swear! First, my parents dragged me on a really long trip across Ontario so my dad could go to some reuinion thingy. The only computers I had access to were at hotels we stayed at and stuff, but they charged, and I only had a really limited time so I couldn't really do much more than check my e-mail. If that wasn't bad enough, when we finally got home, my computer had all these viruses, (I'll blame my stupid brother for that one) including this stupid blaster virus, and we coudn't get rid of them, and um.. I kinda accidently transferred it to my dad's computer, so I wasn't able to use either of them... and nobody wanted to do anything about it until recently, we finally got my dad's comptuer fixed, at least. Mine's... well, it's doing better, but it's not exactly usable because nothing will run...
But anyway, as if all that wasn't bad enough, I went into depression again and began hating my art... hating it like I've never hated before, it always seems so worthless, i can't even pick out one good thing about it, everythign is wrong somehow. So iI'm a lil scared to come back and post, because of that problem...

Anyway, I'm finally starting to get over it, and now that I have computer access again (though it's still limited...) I'm back! And I promise you I'll be back to my regular duties and mod and everything, and you don't know how bad I felt for leaving. I just talked to Meowth Kitten and she helped me get my self esteem up a little, enough to at least upload one of my pictures, and come back here... she also filled me in on everything I've missed. So um, i hope to be back to normal now. Please forgive me. I know you're all frusterated with me because I leave and come back so many times, and you probobly won't trust me if i tell you i won't do it again... but at least this time it wasn't really my own choice completely, I mean, i wanted to post, I just... couldn't! Stupid computer. >_<'

Anyway, if you've read this far, then... you're rewarded with a piccy! A not-so-good-one, but it's all I have right now.
Er, it's a really quick, almost practice drawing, of a Poochyena. And I know it looks wierd and everything... I did it in quite a different style. And I really rushed the backround, i know, I know. But er, if you read the description you'll see that part of it's screwed-up-ishness is the mouse's fault! ;_; Okay, I shouldn't blame the mouse I guess. But as much as I hate all my art, I can honestly say I've done better than this. The problem is, all my other pictures are on my computer which does not work so... it'll be a long time before I show any of those. Plus, I'm too afraid to show them. because those are the ones I truly worked hard for, and weren't rushed like this one, so to get criticized for those ones... it hurts. For this one, I don't really care because I didn't try very hard. Do you understand me? Um, anyway...

So, if you were too lazy to read the rest of the message, I'll just um it up for you:
I'm sorry I left, it wasn't my fault, I'm back now though, and I hate my pics. Good day. ^_^

20th August 2003, 06:13 PM
We've all been wondering where you've been but now that you're back, everyone will be happy again ^^ I've always liked your art and I know others agree with me. If you always doubt yourself though, then you'll never accomplishment what you like doing the most. In this case, it's your art which I can find no fault in

To get on with things, that pic is adorable. I help at a feline adoption center and one of the cats looks a bit like your pic (even though it's a pic of Poochyena). So fluffy and sweet looking. Like I said before, I've always liked your work and this one is no exception. Once you can get your other pics up, I'll be sure to look at them immediately

20th August 2003, 09:23 PM
Nuriko!!!!!111ONEone *glomps madly*

O.O';; You live! Don't worry, I'm sure none of us blame you for your absense. ^_^';; As long as we know you're coming back...that's good enough for me!

Sorry 'bout your computer(s). That annoying virus is.......annoying. O.o';; But glad to hear you've mostly nulled it.

*gasps* How dare you hate your artwork! O.o';; Baaad Nuriko, no cookie for you~! XD Lol. *gives a cookie anyway because she's bored*

Now, for your Poochye--FWEE! Omg, that's cute! O.o';; I've never thought of Poochyena actually looking cute, but you did a really good job on it! And no, I'm not just saying that. Seriously, it is really, really cute. x.x';; I want to hug it . . .

Anyway, welcome back~! ^____^';; And do try to get more of your artwork up. You're one of my favorite artists, because your style is quite original. Keep up the good work! ;)


20th August 2003, 10:19 PM
^___^ She lives! Lol, welcome back. We missed ya. =3 We forgive you, too. :x Anyway, onto the piccie since I have about 30 seconds to sign off. o_O;;

CUTE~ I mean it. That's adorable. I love how it looks so fluffy!!! *huggles* Like Smear, I've never really considered Poochyena as a cute Pokemon. I thought it had drug problems (uh.. no offence to any Poochyena fans? o_O;;), but your picture is so different. I think it's the eyes. I've always admired how you draw eyes. They're so cute. <3 The pose is adorable too. His little tail is wrapped around him and.. and.. *dies* (-123 lives oO) I think I mentioned this, but I love your art. Your did a good job on the colouring and shading and whatnot. And you claim you're not good at it? Pfft. Yes you are. XD Btw, did I mention I like how you drew its eyes? O_O *can't get over that part.* The only thing I can think of that would make it better would be to accent the lines a little more to make them standout. They sort of disappear against its fur. ^_^ Maybe thicken or darken them a tad or something~ I dunno. You've done a great job. Keep it up, and don't get so depressed. =X

I'll say it again: We've missed you AND your art, and welcome back. ^_^


21st August 2003, 05:08 PM
Oh yay I'm glad you really posted this picture, Nuriko. I told you everyone would love this piccie if you posted it. And I was right, wasn't I? I told you how much I loved it last night, its just sooooooo adorable. I think one thing I didn't notice last night was its eyes. I knew they were adorable and everything, but I only just now noticed how detailed it is. I look at it and I am put into a trance. I am dead serious, that eye looks sooo real. *sigh*

We love you Nuriko and we're glad you are back. Don't be depressed. Look at your picture and don't think about the bad places *there are none* and look at the good ones! Look at that eye you drew for goodness sake! Its beautiful!!! Lol. Welcome back, Nuriko, welcome back. =)

21st August 2003, 09:17 PM
I was wondering where you went, but I'm glad you're back ^^ although it really really sucks about your computers. hope you get them fixed up soon, I know what it's like to get an evil evil virus >_<;; good luck with that! anyway! on to the picture!

erm... you must've posted the wrong picture because there is NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed about in this piccie X3!! it's soooooooooooooo frikken adorable, I can't get over the floofyness ^_^ as everyone else said, the eye is just amazing, I love it love it love it! you draw eyes better than anyone I know, you should be proud of that :) I don't see what you're saying about the background, if it was any more detailed it would take the attention away from the poochy, which is a sort of turnoff in pics. anyway, I'm sure you're sick of my ramblings and abuse of the smilies, so I'm just going to conclude with WELCOME BACK ............. NURIKO!!!! (what's your first name anyway? oO; I think I know all the mods at tpm's names except yours XD ^^;; sorry!) :wave:


21st August 2003, 11:04 PM
I was actually missed? Yay! I have to admit I'm surprised. ^^; But I'm glad to be back. Er, a couple things...

I'm sorry for not being proud of my pics and doubting myself and all that. It's just... it's like a bad habit I have almost, and it just gets worse and worse and I can't fix it... I know my pictures are improving, but it seems the better I get, the more the more flaws I see. In fact, I was looking at some old archives of tpm from about 2 years ago, and I saw one of my early posts... i posted this awful picture, like, I look at it now and it's just... ick, it wasn't even shaded or anything. But somebody said it was cute, and in the next post, I was like "Of course it's cute! My pictures are always cute!!" Now, you won't see me doing that very often nowadays, will you? ^^; I can't beleive I used to be that confident. And 2 years ago, so my pics were that much worse. It seems so wierd...

Anyway... thanks for the cookie SmearGal. XD Like I said, I'm sorry, I'll try to start liking my pics more, but it's not easy to just force yourself t like stuff you hate. O.o; And yeah, I agree the Poochyena does look a lot different from the regular Poochyena... ^^; It's just the style. I did a whole bunch of other advance Pokémon in that style as well... I might post them later.

And Lightning, I know what you mean about the lines. ^^; They drive me mad, I can never get them to stand out good, especially with darker colours like in this picture. Maybe next time I'll have to go over them again when I finish, or something.

And are the eyes really that good? O.o; I've been getting compliments about my eyes a lot lately. ^^; And this may sound odd, but I think my kitty deserves some credit... =P I used to do really, dead awful eyes... either that or just kinda lifeless and boring. But then one night, my kitty, Mickey, was laying on my bed and I looked into his eyes and studied them really good, and then later I kind of... put it into work with my pictures, and tried to copy his eyes kinda. Well, it's a combination of that, and anime style, because I was practicing good anime style eyes at the same time, so... that's how I came up with my odd style of eyes. Now, wasn't that an interesting story? ^_^ (riiiight)

Oh, and Katie, my real name is Ally... (uhg.) That's what you wanted to know, right? ^^'

Anyway, thank you guys sooo much, now I remember the reason I love this fan art forum so much, you guys are all just wonderful and make me feel so much better about myself. ^_^ *hugs everyone*

23rd August 2003, 07:22 PM
Lol, welcome back! ...Even though I don't really know who you are because I never post in FanArt... but yeah. ^_^;; Anyway, that's pic is SOOOOO cute! It's all fluffy and adorable-like! It makes me just want to reach out and huggle the little Poochyena! You have NOTHING to hate about this pic. You wanna see sucky art? Have me post some of mine sometime. ;_; Every once and a while I get lucky and do good, but I suck mostly. You're really good, though! And like everyone else has said, the eyes are great!

Agent Elrond
23rd August 2003, 09:47 PM
Heh, I know what you mean about doubting your own work, I get that a lot with my writing. (Notice I haven't posted in FanFic yet...)

Anyway, since it never hurts to hear this:

That's not an oppinion, it's a fact. You are VERY good at drawing eyes, and that pose is just adorable. And guess what, I bet you just keep getting better, that's what happens if you just keep on drawing, you just get better and better at it. And if everyone in FanArt works together you could stop hating you work so much. :)

I'm actually pretty new here myself, so I don't really know your artwork, but I do know good work when I see it. Trust me. And yours is good, I would really like to see some more of it too. I hope you get your computer fixed, and fairly soon.

25th August 2003, 03:01 AM
Nice to see you back in Fan Art again, Nuriko! Sorry about what happened to your computer. That sounds really terrible. And I know how you feel about doubting yourself. Though I wish you could see your art the way we see it. When we look at your pictures, we don't really see anything wrong; our attention is always grabbed by the overall cuteness. -^^- Speaking of which, I don't know what you're talking about, because that is the cutest Poochyena I have ever seen! ^__^ (If there ever was a such thing as a cute Poochyena in the first place...o.o') I can tell by looking at this you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. That little guy is so adorable! *can't stop looking at it* And he looks shy too the way he's pulling his tail in front of him. I honestly wish that the real official Poochyena looked like that! He's such a cutie! -^^- *is hypnotized* @.@

Yes I think the eyes are done extremely well, as usual. ^^ Oh so that's how your eyes always have such amazing color and depth! Many compliments to your kitty. *gives Mickey a gold medal* ^^ And many compliments to you as well for such a cute picture! Nice job, Nuriko, and please try to remove all doubts about your art! =)

25th August 2003, 11:33 AM
Aw, thanks guys. ^_^ Well... I'm trying not to hate my work so much. I used to point out every lil detail of everything i did wrong when I posted my art up. I don't think I did that this time... *checks* Okay, so I pointed out a few flaws, but just the obvious... I didn't go all in depth liek I usually do... that's an improvement, right? ^^; Buthonestly, it makes me feel better when I know other people like my art... ^_^ To be honest it doesn't make me like my art any better though... but it's still... a nice feeling. I can't really explain it. Btw, Azureon, glad to see you back as well. ^_^ And uh, I think that's it. Again, thank you guys so much for your wonderful compliments. ^_^

26th August 2003, 10:35 AM
Nuriko, your art friggen rules...don't say otherwise. -_-;;

I've been down for like three months...camp and laziness and stuff...

Well, you probably have no idea as to who I am, but its good to see you back.
