View Full Version : Zoids The Rebirth (Mod Approved)

Ultimate Charizard
20th August 2003, 09:06 PM
Ok, a few of you may remember about a year back the big RPG here was a Zoids rpg. It came into controversy due to ASB elements involved but now, with proper planning and negotiation it has been approved by the moderators (not just myself for those that want to try and block this) under some stipulations. Mainly the fact that it must be first and foremost an RPG. It cannot degrade into nothing more than random battles.

The details are being worked out and expect it to be up and running in the near future but first we need to establish any interest in the restart.
Ive know that people have told me they want it to return but it would be better for people to actually post here rather than me just saying "Yeah lots of people will sign up"

Remember this is not a sign up page, simply an enquiry.

20th August 2003, 09:26 PM
Yeah. I'm in full support of this :o It seems like a fun RPG and stuff.

20th August 2003, 09:27 PM
I was one of the newer members to this RPG. Though I was an inexperienced Role Player at the time and I only ever participated in one battle, It was an experience I fully enjoyed. I would have stuck with it, but my attention span will not handle two messageboards at once. It'll be an honor to be in the Zoids RPG again. The RPG has my support.

Shadow Djinn
20th August 2003, 09:40 PM
Well..though I wasn't in it..i would join. And I fully support this.

Perfect Chaos
20th August 2003, 09:51 PM
I must really be stoned if I didn't support this RPG. After all, most creators love all their work, espeically if it was popular. So, yeah, you got my support


Outlaw JT
20th August 2003, 10:52 PM
Seeing as I am going to be partially responsible for running it of course it has my support. Everyone tell all their friends Zoids is making a return so we can get everyone back in here to show their support.

20th August 2003, 11:19 PM
Let Zoids Rise from the ashes like the pheonix!

Prof. Jb Wolf
20th August 2003, 11:31 PM
I think I was in the original, though I wasn't much of a poster than...well I promise to post more regularly in this one. I put my support in reviving this RPG!

Mew Master
21st August 2003, 08:16 AM
*reads all the names and is shocked to find them all still alive*

Are you nutz? Zoids was the Only RPG I was in that DIDN'T die within a week.

Common, we need to start this up again. It's too much fun not to. Esspecially the chance to be a GM and beat all of you once again! *smug grin* *sparkle*

*evil glares his way*

Okay, maybe I didn't technically beat you...... but there's nothing that says I couldn't. *innocent grin*

Meh. Common, how many more people want to start the RPG again?! Raise of hands?


8 total votes, including mine.


~Mew Master

21st August 2003, 09:17 AM
Yay bring it back =) (I was in the first one my old name was Firemaster i think =D )

Mr SmileAKASkrusti
21st August 2003, 12:11 PM
You have my support :) I was in the first one for a while...:D Hopefully this gets off the ground once again!

21st August 2003, 01:46 PM
yea, bring back Zoids. Zoids was awesome...

Interpol HQ
21st August 2003, 04:07 PM
You have my support, it sounds pretty cool

22nd August 2003, 12:02 PM
:::Steps out of the shadows in a cloud of smoke and mist:::

I shouldn't surprise anyone when I say that you have my full support.

22nd August 2003, 12:05 PM
Count me in people.:D

Mew Trainer Rose
22nd August 2003, 02:23 PM
Zoids are good. Zoids are very good. I'd be very hapy to participate in a Zoids RPG here.

22nd August 2003, 02:38 PM
Sounds interesting. I'de love to give it a shot.

22nd August 2003, 06:51 PM
You can count me in!!

23rd August 2003, 10:15 PM
BTW, can someone please tell me who is heading this as I know Danny is not.

Outlaw JT
24th August 2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Darkness
BTW, can someone please tell me who is heading this as I know Danny is not.

Ultimate_Charizard and myself will be 'heading this' as you put it.

24th August 2003, 09:39 AM
*waves hand* I'm in! I'm in!

This was the most confusing RPG I was ever in, but it was also the best! That may have also been due to the fact I joined way far in (Page 33 or so... me thinks...)

I want it back! Bring back the RPG that lasted! ^_^

26th August 2003, 09:42 PM
I remember this RPG and I was one of the first to join it. ^_^

Sure I support the comeback of this RPG. I kinda want to have the same teamates as before but meh. XP


Outlaw JT
12th September 2003, 05:46 PM
Zoids is almost ready to be started people. I just thought I'd pop in here real quick to let you know. A couple of quick things to cover.

If you want custom or original equipment for your zoid you need to pm it to me so I can place it on the price list so it will be available for you.
Also, those wanting their own original zoid design need to pm the specs for it to me as well. Do not include weaponry or equipment, just it's basic physical specs and capabilities. Original zoids must be approved before they will be allowed.

try to put everything in one pm if you have a few items that need to be included or issues that need to be covered. And for goodness sakes all of you stop botherung U_C about it. He is going to be coGM but I am doing the pricing and story which we are all waiting on so I am the one to address your impatience with.

12th September 2003, 07:42 PM
Eh? What the heck am I doing here again?

*scratches head*


Oh, that's right... Perfect Chaos told me about this. Well, I'd definetely be interested in posting here, and I might as well bring back Kenichi and Hedgerush. Doubt I'll post in anything else, don't want to strain myself after all of this time.

So, want a PM of Hedgerush, Outlaw? Or do you remember it?

Ultimate Charizard
12th September 2003, 07:49 PM
Glad to see u back Thargor.

JT isnt around right now but i think you'd be best PM'ing him...or myself the details.

Please take into account that were starting from scratch so you may have to wait to get all those systems you had in Hedgerush the last time but then again the same goes for all of us.

Ultimate Charizard
12th September 2003, 11:00 PM
Just a reminder people.

If you are submitting an original zoid to JT please leave off ALL WEAPONS of any Kind.

If you have an original design for a weapon/System that you want on your zoid please include it in the PM but seperate from your actual Zoid descriptions.
They will be judged seperately and put into the price list. We arent allowing any 'Unique' weapons this time around, if you want a weapon making your going to have to share.

13th September 2003, 12:56 PM
Is there a certain form we could fill out in order to give you the specs. It makes things easier for me.

14th September 2003, 08:43 PM
Count Me in, when does this start?

Thou shalt shun Muffin Man

I'm gonna form my team again and I think whoever used to be a GM should be one. Ok I'll start Draco again from scratch I hope Outlaw remembers it
I'll PM it anyways.
can we start? please? pretty please? Pretty please with cherries on top?

A_D still lives! OMFG i cannot buhlieve my eyes.

Denny did you ever think those RPGs lasted only a week cuz you were in em? :D

Mew Master
16th September 2003, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by DeMarko

A_D still lives! OMFG i cannot buhlieve my eyes.

Denny did you ever think those RPGs lasted only a week cuz you were in em? :D

*twitch* *twitch*




*starts to beat DM with a trout*

Yes! I shall bring back my trusty trout, Benjamin for this RPG. I never bring him out for any other.... unless I'm the RPG's creator of course :D

*thwacks DM SSBM style and he goes flying into the horizon*

MM is back to play, common JT, when does this bad boy get underway?

~Mew Master

17th September 2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by DeMarko
Count Me in, when does this start?

Thou shalt shun Muffin Man

I'm gonna form my team again and I think whoever used to be a GM should be one. Ok I'll start Draco again from scratch I hope Outlaw remembers it
I'll PM it anyways.
can we start? please? pretty please? Pretty please with cherries on top?

A_D still lives! OMFG i cannot buhlieve my eyes.

Denny did you ever think those RPGs lasted only a week cuz you were in em? :D

I am very much alive. Reports of my death (If there were any) were greatly exaggerated, I assure you.

Well Outlaw, when are we going to get this show on the road?

18th September 2003, 04:06 PM
I'm still waiting for an answer to my earlier question. I really want to use my new Arachnoid (I hope someone remembers him) model, but I'd like to know if there's a form I could fill because I don't quite know what kind of information you want.

I'd also like to know what a reasonable size and weight would be for a Zoid (I never had to worry about this before)

Ultimate Charizard
18th September 2003, 04:45 PM
This page has a list of most of the common zoids. Zoid Page (http://www.artvilla.com/zoids/z99/)

Obviously for those that know zoids, the Ultimate X's arent allowed. For those that dont know Zoids anything that mentions 'gains its power through permanent fusion with an Organoid' is an Ultimate X.

Just follow that sort of format but leave off ALL armaments.

27th September 2003, 05:22 PM
When are you goig to start this already? You've been talking about it for a month or so and you haven't even posted the sign ups yet.

27th September 2003, 05:36 PM
Yeah, I'm so for this RPG! This was my first one, and I had so much fun writing for it, even though I never got to battle because the guy I was going to be a team with posted his character info and never returned because he thought it was "too boring." Bahh, whatever. It was still fun even without the battling; just posting in character was cool.

I think I might keep the same character I started with, although I might change her a little

Ultimate Charizard
28th September 2003, 04:12 AM
We apologise for any delays but believe it or not we do exist outside of the internet.

We want to make sure this is going to be as good, if not better than the last time so were taking our time. When this thread went up we hadnt actually started working things out, this was simply to gauge the interest.
It shouldnt be too much longer now, possibly even today or tommorrow (But dont quote me on that)

Im as eager for this to start as any of you, good things take time and are worth waiting for.

28th September 2003, 03:54 PM
Ooh, crap. Just went to that Zoids site. Looks like I'm going to actually have to think about the structure of my Zoid. I'm not really good at mechanical details, so I made up my Zoid with really vague descriptions. I need to rethink a lot of stuff. >.<*

28th September 2003, 06:51 PM
Yeah, I can relate to that, Ashi-chan. I sent my desc. using a slight description, the Zoid's purpose, and its main weaknesses. I think I also mentioned it's speed. Oh, and the reason why I never specified the size was that I'm not good with Metric.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone remember the old team names? It's been so long, I've forgotten which team I (as in Boris. I'm still using him) was in. I imagine it was called Quicksilver, but I'm not sure.

28th September 2003, 07:50 PM
Yeah... that's the only team I remember the name of for sure... I think my team was called the Titans... But something's telling me that's wrong. Does anyone really know? *doesn't want to go around not remembering the name of her old team*

28th September 2003, 09:00 PM
Dunno the name of the team Kenichi was on... Bah, I don't think it matters that much anyway. We can create new teams if and when this begins.

Also Ultimate Charizard, as a former GM for this game, you can ask for my help if you want, as I have more free time this year than before.

Mew Master
28th September 2003, 09:08 PM
This is why you guys have me! I'm basically the record ceeper since I printed off all the info for my Zoid Fan Fic..

Kenichi and Hedgerush was on the Orbit Team.

EVme 15: You were indeed on the Titan's team. Lead by Shadowfox who continued to change his name and who I still don't particuallarly care for now.

I have a list of most of the old members and remember what team they were one... ironic isn't it? ^_^U

29th September 2003, 09:17 PM
Ok Boris and Celire(don't know his current user name) were on the Quicksilver team with Alexis( that would be me).

ok i know there was a Titan, Blitz Orbit and Quicksilver teams. Can't remember the other ones though, Amnesia or drugs or something

Mew Master
29th September 2003, 09:24 PM
And Chimera we can't forget the infamous Chimeras. The one team that went up against the ZBC Team... and lost.... but still got some popularity points.


29th September 2003, 09:38 PM
Would anyone still have any links to those battle threads? I think it would be nice reading them over again, before the RPG starts...

Oh, and has anyone else heard of the first episode of a new Zoids season starting on Cartoon Network? It's supposed to air on this Saturday. Called Zoids Fuzors... Seems like the Liger Zero is going to be the main attraction so far, but no sign of Bit...

30th September 2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Thargor
Would anyone still have any links to those battle threads? I think it would be nice reading them over again, before the RPG starts...

Oh, and has anyone else heard of the first episode of a new Zoids season starting on Cartoon Network? It's supposed to air on this Saturday. Called Zoids Fuzors... Seems like the Liger Zero is going to be the main attraction so far, but no sign of Bit...

Indeed. Zoids Fuzors preimieres Saturday, October 4th, at 8:00pm on Cartoon Network.

Ultimate Charizard
30th September 2003, 02:46 PM
Hope the delays arent pushing people away.

I like the talk of the old rpg, it would be good if we could blow some dust off the archive.

Also it may be a good idea to start planning your teams and/or zoid mixes for your strategies, a general idea of how your going to outfit your zoid.
Anyone who doesnt have any contacts etc and want a team feel free to make enquiries in here.
Teams should be a Maximum of 5 Pilots.

Mew Master
30th September 2003, 02:49 PM
Question: Are the Teams and Warriors going to have different Ranks? Such as the Team has an over-all Rank as does the Warrior has a personal Rank?

Sides.. I feel like reviving the Chimera Team! ^_^ Anyone with me? A_D, anyone?!

Ultimate Charizard
30th September 2003, 02:51 PM
A full League/Rank system is being sorted out, as is a Personal Pilot League.

Full details will be posted once the signups are finalised.

Zee Sage
30th September 2003, 03:08 PM
Hi! I'm new too the forums, well at least I wasn't here last time the rpg was out. I LOVE ZOIDS! Boy I can't say that enough. But I can't help but notice everyone likes each other around here. I really like this idea and I want to be apart of a team so if anyone wants me to me to be on it. Just say so, please.


30th September 2003, 03:11 PM
Well, I'd certainly be interested in starting a new team, since I don't know exactly what the other Orbit team members are doing... Though for this, I would suggest U_C or somebody else posting a list of the characters so far, and the type of zoid they have (I.E. animal and combat designation).
That way we can have some sort of communication before the rpg begins...

Ultimate Charizard
30th September 2003, 03:11 PM
Dont worry, guaranteed your not the only newbie and trust me, not everyone here likes each other ;)

And to al you experienced RPG'ers. Try and include a newb or two in your teams. Having a team of whipping boys untill they grasp the concept wouldnt be very fair now would it.

I would do that but since i cant really untill the signups are posted youll just have to get a rough idea of who youd like to join up with.

And by the way just so you know. I plan on filling out the team numbers myself with NPC teams, ending up with roughly 20/30 teams overall, just so the league is more interesting. I will be thinking of strategy and tactics so dont think its going to be like the show where its just a team of the same zoid. 3 Saber Tigers just sucks lol.

30th September 2003, 04:29 PM
Hey, DeMarko, do you plan on reviving the Quicksilver team? Just wondering, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do since I don't have either game master's opinion on my new Arachnoid model.

Now that I think about it I should probably think up of some different weapons and equipment for my Zoid. Boris was the technical genius, might as well think up of something original.

Mew Trainer Rose
30th September 2003, 07:23 PM
Anyone who doesnt have any contacts etc and want a team feel free to make enquiries in here.

*raises hand* I'm gonna need a team. :) Since I'm not sure what zoids we're allowed to start with, I don't know which I'll have. But I've been a fan of zoids since around the time of the last zoids RPG here, so i know a fair bit about them. ^_^

oh, and question: I have a rough idea for a new Zoid, but I don't think it's developed enough to use yet. If I flesh it out a bit later, could I switch from whatever Zoid I start with to the one I'm coming up with?

Perfect Chaos
30th September 2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Mew Master
Question: Are the Teams and Warriors going to have different Ranks? Such as the Team has an over-all Rank as does the Warrior has a personal Rank?

Sides.. I feel like reviving the Chimera Team! ^_^ Anyone with me? A_D, anyone?!

Hey MM, I'm down with that, so count me in with the Chimera Team :D


Mew Master
30th September 2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Perfect Chaos
Hey MM, I'm down with that, so count me in with the Chimera Team :D


Okay.. Me PC and even Ashi-Chan are willing to restart the Chimera's... Up for it A_D? We could even let MTR join us! ^_^

30th September 2003, 07:48 PM
Mew Trainer Rose and Zee Sage, feel free to join up with me for my new team. My Zoid, Hedgerush, is largely an interceptor/heavy assault zoid, so it would be best to have zoids to complement those abilities.
I was thinking of calling it the Rogue Team... I'm open to suggestions for a better name though...

Mew Master
30th September 2003, 07:49 PM
Ya know... maybe a High-velocity Team. Talon, Hedgerush, and the Omega Raptor.....

That would be interesting... *nods knowingly*

30th September 2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Mew Master
Okay.. Me PC and even Ashi-Chan are willing to restart the Chimera's... Up for it A_D? We could even let MTR join us! ^_^

Whoo-whee! I can be part of your team? Wow, I feel so honored. In the old RPG I came in as a late newbie, and no one even knew I existed. I'd love to be part of your team! ^.^

Mew Master
30th September 2003, 07:56 PM
OF course! ^_^ You werea part of the Chimeras before.. and you can be again.

30th September 2003, 08:07 PM
Hey, Thargor, what exactly does an interceptor do? Not up on that kind of lingo, sorry. It's been awhile that I was in an RPG that uses that kind of stuff.

Also, there's a question I think needs to be asked. How will you be handling the battles. Our last approach (posting separate topics for them) got the RPG closed, mind you. Will we be trying something new, or will the mods just be tolerating the extra topics? I imagine that whatever we do, it will have to be in agreement with the 'contract' you set up with mods.

30th September 2003, 09:25 PM
An interceptor is basically the designation for a battle vehicle that achieves high speeds to intercept enemy vehicles and weaponry. It uses speed, maneuverbility, and surprise to quickly strike at an enemy, then retreat.

Prof. Jb Wolf
1st October 2003, 12:01 AM
*Holds up an in need of team sign.* Mayhap if anyone is looking for a warrior that specializes in heavy artillery (is that with one or two L's?) and support, I would gladly like to offer my services! I work cheap and...

Now I feel like I'm begging for a job...

BTW - If it matters, I still have the schematics for the Zoids of most of the Orbit Team besides the Hedgerush. There were two other 'unique' Zoids that seemed like very solid designs. Iffen you guys want it, I can PM their schematics to you...

1st October 2003, 06:16 AM
Hey Prof. JB Wolf! You can gladly join my new team... It would be nice having at least two old team members on a different team. Balancing out new players with old players would be a good idea...

Mew Trainer Rose
1st October 2003, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by Mew Master
Okay.. Me PC and even Ashi-Chan are willing to restart the Chimera's... Up for it A_D? We could even let MTR join us! ^_^

I'll be happy to join the Chimeras. ^_^

Ultimate Charizard
1st October 2003, 10:27 AM
Well for those asking about the battles.

We will be permitted to have a couple of extra topics. Infact ive ok'd a couple of sticky topics. (Signup Lists/Shop etc) and a few temporary battle threads but heres the rule. There will be no Random battles. They should all be set up during the RPG. This rpg will not be tolerated if it degrades into an ASB with no plot.

1st October 2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Mew Master
Okay.. Me PC and even Ashi-Chan are willing to restart the Chimera's... Up for it A_D? We could even let MTR join us! ^_^

I don't know yet, MM. I was thinking about free-lancing this time around.

1st October 2003, 01:48 PM
yes I am gonna keep Quicksilver we might need one member justin case Celire doesn't show up.

Just an idea we should have at least one GM per team to ensure fairness.

So there's gonna be player rankings now? oooooooooo :o
We could have feature one on one matches.

can this start soon? you know like next week at least

If i got this right then we're all starting with our zoids at zero. just basic weapons and not much else? Take That MM!

Ultimate Charizard
1st October 2003, 01:55 PM
Yeah were starting at the basics.

Were considering some zoids that are only known for their weapons and would be stupid without them (Gun Snipers, Di Bison, Blade Liger) but on the whole all zoids will start with 2 basic machine guns and basic armour.
You will recieve an opening account with which to arm yourself and equip your zoid. Like i said ill work out details with JT once i finally get a hold of him.

As a note. I plan on being in the same Team as JT so before anyone says its not fair having 2 GM's on one team ill be more of a backseat GM. Since im the Moderator behind all this ill have a little say and help run the boards etc but the main decisions will go to the other GM's which (before anyone asks) are yet to be decided.

Prof. Jb Wolf
1st October 2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Thargor
Hey Prof. JB Wolf! You can gladly join my new team... It would be nice having at least two old team members on a different team. Balancing out new players with old players would be a good idea...

Ne, why not? Wouldn't mind at 'tall.

Hmmm....wonder if we can share targeting data...*Wanders off to ponder battle strategies.*

BTW - Err...if ye doan't mind, I'd prefer if ya called me Prof.

Mew Master
1st October 2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Prof. Jb Wolf
Ne, why not? Wouldn't mind at 'tall.

Hmmm....wonder if we can share targeting data...*Wanders off to ponder battle strategies.*

BTW - Err...if ye doan't mind, I'd prefer if ya called me Prof.

Just don't call him "DOC".... ppl will get confused >.<

1st October 2003, 06:25 PM
*raises hand* Hey, so... what about the Titans team? Is that just going out the window? Or is there someone else's team I can join? Or is there a new topic already? *will check when done*
God, I hate homework.

The Muffin Man
1st October 2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Ultimate Charizard
Well for those asking about the battles.

We will be permitted to have a couple of extra topics. Infact ive ok'd a couple of sticky topics. (Signup Lists/Shop etc) and a few temporary battle threads but heres the rule. There will be no Random battles. They should all be set up during the RPG. This rpg will not be tolerated if it degrades into an ASB with no plot.

So as long as the plot remains, you're allowed to abuse your power and break the rules? This is the exact reason the first one created a huge mess, UC.

Mew Master
1st October 2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by The Muffin Man
So as long as the plot remains, you're allowed to abuse your power and break the rules? This is the exact reason the first one created a huge mess, UC.

He TMM.. he said he got permishion to start it again...

Ultimate Charizard
1st October 2003, 07:58 PM
Mike, we were discussing this in PM, there was no need to spam in here.

As ive stated....

I got permission from Rudy and Bulba, i did not make this decision and allow it as a moderator on my own and guidelines have been set to stop it from getting out of hand.
I posted this thread in order to Gauge the interest and therefore the point of restarting this rpg Weeks before planning even began.

As far as i could see, apart from one or two too many battle threads the last rpg didnt have a problem. You say its breaking the rules but it is the Moderators of a Forum that decide the rules. This RPG would only break the rules you posted when you were a moderator and as we know, that is no longer the case.
Since all 3 Moderators are in agreement this time around then i cant really see a problem.
The only one who has a problem is you and to be honest...well, moderators shouldnt really insult their members....should they.

2nd October 2003, 04:35 PM
i think it would be best if someone started the sign up topic right quick (howdy thar partnah)

Either that or this topic will be as long as the last zoid topic we had

2nd October 2003, 04:59 PM
I know all we've done is talk, we haven't really done anything. I mean, I know I'll have to wait awhile, UC won't fully approve of my Zoid until Outlaw agrees to it (by the way, will the tail blade count as basic weaponry?)

It shouldn't take too long now, though, if things go well. Since I'm going to be on your team, DeMarko, would you mind PMing the Zoid you plan on using and vice-versa. That way we can kind of work on some team strategies ahead of time.

Ultimate Charizard
2nd October 2003, 05:29 PM
Once again i can only apologise for the delays.

Unfortunately JT has most of the info, Price List/Plot etc and he hasnt been online much. And now since my MSN is playing up i have no way other than TPM of getting in touch with him.

Im doing all i can to get this started ASAP.

2nd October 2003, 07:23 PM
EV you could always join the Prof and me in the new team I'm putting together... The Rogue Team. That would make it a grand total of three...

Ultimate Charizard
5th October 2003, 08:02 PM
Well im sorry to do this but since JT has been absent so long i must start looking into taking things into my own hands which unfortunately means starting almost from scratch.

If A_D or anyone else for that matter can send me any info about the old rpg (especially the Pricelist) id appreciate it. Also anyone who made up their own zoid and didnt recieve an acceptance from JT pm your plans to me.
Once agan im sorry for the Delays.

6th October 2003, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by DeMarko
yes I am gonna keep Quicksilver we might need one member justin case Celire doesn't show up.

Just an idea we should have at least one GM per team to ensure fairness.

So there's gonna be player rankings now? oooooooooo :o
We could have feature one on one matches.

can this start soon? you know like next week at least

If i got this right then we're all starting with our zoids at zero. just basic weapons and not much else? Take That MM!

Yay Quicksilver's back ^_^
What, you think I'd miss Zoids coming back? lol, no chance. Can't wait till it starts.

6th October 2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Ultimate Charizard
Well im sorry to do this but since JT has been absent so long i must start looking into taking things into my own hands which unfortunately means starting almost from scratch.

If A_D or anyone else for that matter can send me any info about the old rpg (especially the Pricelist) id appreciate it. Also anyone who made up their own zoid and didnt recieve an acceptance from JT pm your plans to me.
Once agan im sorry for the Delays.

I'd be happy to, if you'd give me your e-mail adress.

6th October 2003, 07:02 PM
Want all of the info for the legendary ZBC Team, UC? I would hope that an npc team like that will still remain in the RPG, if only to have something to shoot for... I still have all of their info, character and zoid.

Mew Master
6th October 2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Thargor
Want all of the info for the legendary ZBC Team, UC? I would hope that an npc team like that will still remain in the RPG, if only to have something to shoot for... I still have all of their info, character and zoid.


Right... Legendary like my feet.

I also have a lot of the info on many of the old Zoids, including the background of Hedgerush and the ZBC Team. Which kinda wnet overboard with the strength of the team. I really wanted a rematch against them.

Yo! UC, I can help too. I still have most of the original rules as well as skimatics for the classic Zoids. PM me if you could use my help.

Ultimate Charizard
6th October 2003, 07:33 PM
Seriously, just PM me any and all Info you have...it will all help.

Kiori Hayabusa
6th October 2003, 08:36 PM
Upon a certain someone's request, I'd like to sign up on Thargor's team (apparently to be titled the Rogue Team) with a basic Storm Sworder.

7th October 2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Kiori Hayabusa
Upon a certain someone's request, I'd like to sign up on Thargor's team (apparently to be titled the Rogue Team) with a basic Storm Sworder.

Nice to see someone who doesn't want to create an 00ber-munchkin Zoid.

Mew Master
7th October 2003, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by A_D
Nice to see someone who doesn't want to create an 00ber-munchkin Zoid.

HEY! That's an insult!

7th October 2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Mew Master
HEY! That's an insult!

I too feel deeply offended

We're just creative that's all

Ultimate Charizard
7th October 2003, 04:34 PM
Well DeMarko, u may be offended but hes right lol.

Yours was supposedly larger than a Whale King and able to simply float.

Alot of people are coming up with over the top outlandish zoids. Why cant they settle for exisiting Models with modifications...

Mew Master
7th October 2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Ultimate Charizard
Well DeMarko, u may be offended but hes right lol.

Yours was supposedly larger than a Whale King and able to simply float.

Alot of people are coming up with over the top outlandish zoids. Why cant they settle for exisiting Models with modifications...

Um.. accoding to my reference notes. DeMarko's Draco Zoid was no bigger than a Whale Shark.

Why do we create New and cool Zoids? Simply because they don't have the Zoids we want! :P

There aren't that many Raptor Zoids that meet with my ideas of a cool Zoid.

Raptors should be fast and deadly in close-combat. Which is why Talon is the way he is.

Ultimate Charizard
7th October 2003, 04:42 PM
Yeah i discussed that with DeMarko last night.

Apparently Whale Shark was an error. He actually did mean the Whale King, the zoid carrier. It then came down to the Length of an Ultrasaurus and finally a flying Stealth Viper..

7th October 2003, 05:14 PM
I'm insulted as well. I think my original Zoid is somewaht reasonable. I mean it's a Scorpion Zoid! I wanted a close-range/long-range fighter mix, and I think a Scorpion is perfect for the job, I even named an obvious weakness for my model.

I'm in agreement with Mew Master on this, but I also use original Zoids cause I'm unfamiliar with any of the available models.

7th October 2003, 05:27 PM
I'm not insulted, but I don't agree that all of the customs are 00ber-munchkin Zoids. (Still don't get why they are "munchkins"). I like Hedgerush, seeing as I was easily able to think of another, faster way for a Zoid to move through rolling, that the creatures never thought of.

On this subject, UC, do you want me to submit some Hedgerush stuff to you? I believe I was already accepted by JT, but if you still need it, I can send it.

7th October 2003, 06:28 PM
That's hilarious. Half the fun of the last Zoids RPG was your own original zoid. I don't wanna have to resort to having a freaking Rev Raptor o.O Besides, most normal models are boring.

And besides, If I remember correctly A_D, your Command Wolf was stacked with so much stuff (Smoke Emitters, Boosters, Advanced Sensors, all that Robotech stuff, ect.) it would be considered an "00ber munchkin zoid"

BTW do I have to send my zoid info in for approval?

7th October 2003, 08:46 PM
:D heh yes there was some confusion about my zoid it is the length of a Stealth Viper (roughly 21m)

Please send all original zoids to U_C for approval and leave off the fancy weapons and stuff

7th October 2003, 10:09 PM
Hey there. I use to be Firemaster and if its alright with DeMarko I would like to rejoin the QuickSilver team. So i send my zoid to U_C for apporval right?

Kiori Hayabusa
7th October 2003, 10:22 PM
Heh, sorry for creating so much controversy just by posting my zoid choice. However, in light of certain facts, it actually seemed the best choice given the rest of our team at this point, or planned team rather.

Besides, I'm new to these forums and don't want to cause trouble by accidentally creating some uber zoid right off the bat and get called a cheater/munchkin/cheezewizzer. I'd much rather demonstrate my ability to utterly decimate my opponents through sheer strategy and writing ability ^_^

Mew Master
7th October 2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Kiori Hayabusa
Heh, sorry for creating so much controversy just by posting my zoid choice. However, in light of certain facts, it actually seemed the best choice given the rest of our team at this point, or planned team rather.

Besides, I'm new to these forums and don't want to cause trouble by accidentally creating some uber zoid right off the bat and get called a cheater/munchkin/cheezewizzer. I'd much rather demonstrate my ability to utterly decimate my opponents through sheer strategy and writing ability ^_^

It's not that you created any controversy. No, it's fine that you chose a Storm Sworder.

It's just that a lot of us enjoy creating Zoids taht reflect our interests. Me for example. I created a Rev Raptor sized Zoid that was a Raptor-Type. Talon was quick in both speed, and attack in close-range. It was also a blast to pilot in battles.

Sides.. creating your own Zoids goes right up there with the pourpose of an RPG. Sides.. they dont' have any Raptor-Type Zoids that I like.... and I like comming up with my own things for RPGs... ^_^ Using your imagination doesn't make you a cheater.... heaven forbid. Nor does using already created Zoids make you stale and void of imagination.

It's all how you fight and post. ^_^


~Mew Master

Kiori Hayabusa
7th October 2003, 10:52 PM
Well then, I'll look forward to kicking you rear in the near future ^_^

*begins planning strategies*

Mew Master
7th October 2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Kiori Hayabusa
Well then, I'll look forward to kicking you rear in the near future ^_^

*begins planning strategies*

*gasps* Oh no you didn't!

Get ready. It's on now!

Kiori Hayabusa
8th October 2003, 07:44 AM
*cough* well, if you SERIOUSLY think you can keep up to MY level, I'll be happy to oblige you in the RPG...or maybe sooner.

8th October 2003, 10:21 AM
Ok now you just look silly so stop fighting! XD

Umm firemaster yes you can join and that would complete the original Quicksilver team. Including Boris the New Guy (no offense Gladiator)

Nightblaze send the zoid to U_C ASAP so we can get this party started. Your zoid was a dragon right? Try to make it a little more realistic. I had to change a couple things that weren't SIZE.
SIZE was a misunderstanding!

Mew Master
8th October 2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Kiori Hayabusa
*cough* well, if you SERIOUSLY think you can keep up to MY level, I'll be happy to oblige you in the RPG...or maybe sooner.

Your level?! HA! That's right I say HA!

I was a mamber of the original RP and a damned good Warrior.

Never underestimate your opponents.. no matter what level of maturity they seem to be at.

Kiori Hayabusa
8th October 2003, 11:32 AM
Your own advice would do you good.

Mew Master
8th October 2003, 11:40 AM
Watch it rookie

8th October 2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by DeMarko
I too feel deeply offended

We're just creative that's all

I don't mean any offense, but at times it seemed everybody in the entire RPG has either some sort of over-powered monstrosity that would be capable of defeating entire armies of regular Zoids with ease...or a customized Shadow Fox. And that was pretty lame. Just MO, but that was how I felt.

In my new under-construction RPG (Ask for the site link if you want it), you can only build your own Zoid after accumulating a set number of experience points, and you have to pay higher fees for repairs on custom Zoids (Because parts have to be built, instead of just replaced). Also, you can't buy the Anime gimmick equipment-strike laser claw, buster slash, optical stealth, energy shield, etc.

My character, for the record, now pilots a Konig Wolf (his Command Wolf evolved).

Kiori Hayabusa
8th October 2003, 04:27 PM
I'll watch it when it has been proven that there's something for me to watch.

Mew Trainer Rose
8th October 2003, 04:36 PM
*sigh* *pokes both Denny and Kiori Hayabusa* quit arguing, i'm getting tired of reading an argument that isn't going anywhere.

8th October 2003, 04:39 PM
Bah, I don't need a new Zoid, I'll just take a lovely GenoBreaker. *sighs* ahh destruction at it's finest.

EDIT:BTW, I'll join any team that'll accept me.

Ultimate Charizard
8th October 2003, 04:45 PM
Sorry Kalad, the Geno's ar banned.

As is the Death Saurer, Death Stinger, Liger 0 and Elephander.

There may be more but not off the top of my head.

8th October 2003, 05:03 PM
Grrr..... then lemme see.....
I'll take a Slash Liger, if anyone wants a close range juggernaut, lemme know.

Mew Master
8th October 2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Ultimate Charizard
Sorry Kalad, the Geno's ar banned.

As is the Death Saurer, Death Stinger, Liger 0 and Elephander.

There may be more but not off the top of my head.

Berzerk Fury anyone?

Ultimate Charizard
8th October 2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Mew Master
Berzerk Fury anyone?

Um...oh yeah lol......UltraSaurus too.

8th October 2003, 05:29 PM
What about Mad Thunder?

Ultimate Charizard
8th October 2003, 05:32 PM
Yeah those too.....Just use some common sense. Anything that would be considered Uber....leave out.

Mew Master
8th October 2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Kiori Hayabusa
I'll watch it when it has been proven that there's something for me to watch.

I'll say this Rookie... you're pretty cocky for a newbie Zoid Warrior. And for Rose's sake I won't try and drag out this little "disscussion" between us out any more than is nessicary.

It will all be resolved out on the battlefeild.

8th October 2003, 06:01 PM
Nightblaze send the zoid to U_C ASAP so we can get this party started. Your zoid was a dragon right? Try to make it a little more realistic. I had to change a couple things that weren't SIZE.

I HAD a dragon to start with but eventully I traded it in for a SHadow Fox remember?

8th October 2003, 06:05 PM
If either of you are going to continue the arguement, do it over E-mail, PM, or whatever other private messaging is used. Sound good?

DeMarko: No offense taken.

So I take it that there are other kinds of Genos? Probably shouldn't surprise me considering the number of Ligers and various other animal based Zoids available.

Curiosity aroused, what animals haven't been used for Zoids?

Ultimate Charizard
8th October 2003, 06:54 PM
Right. The Price List and other parts are ready however as yet i havent finalized a plot.
Since i expect a number of signups im going to post the signup topic now then i can start getting an idea of team numbers etc.

As i said there is no plot right now, that will be added when this thing gets up and running.
Let me know if ive missed anything from the pricelist etc, constructive criticism is welcome.

9th October 2003, 06:06 AM
does it have to be based on an actual zoid or on the shape of the DRD in my sig?

9th October 2003, 08:00 AM
Hmm...I need to start working out my character and my Zoid since the signups are already posted.

Poor Loreli doesn't have much of a history, though, since she barely participated in the last RPG anyway. ^.^;;

9th October 2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by DarkTemplarZ
That's hilarious. Half the fun of the last Zoids RPG was your own original zoid. I don't wanna have to resort to having a freaking Rev Raptor o.O Besides, most normal models are boring.

And besides, If I remember correctly A_D, your Command Wolf was stacked with so much stuff (Smoke Emitters, Boosters, Advanced Sensors, all that Robotech stuff, ect.) it would be considered an "00ber munchkin zoid"

BTW do I have to send my zoid info in for approval?

Note to self: Make sure there isn't another page worth of posts before you reply, Danny.

If you think normal Zoids are boring, I have to wonder why you like Zoids enough to be involved in an RPG based on it.

At any rate, while I'd love to unload on you (And I'd be quite interested to see the specs on your Zoid, if you thought my Command Wolf was heavily modified), this topic isn't the place to debate these things.

On the other hand, I'm not going to sit here and take crap from people like you.

So I'm going to step back from this topic so that it doesn't degenerate into an argument clinic, or worse, a flame-fest, and let U_C get back to the business of getting this RPG off the ground.

If he needs assistance, I will, of course, be happy to see if I can help. Outside of that, however, I probably won't be posting in this topic.


Mew Master
9th October 2003, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by DRD1812
does it have to be based on an actual zoid or on the shape of the DRD in my sig?

Actually, there is a Zoid in that shape. It's called a Gustav, but really isn't the best for Battles.... trasportation, maybe.. but not fights.

And A_D, take a Flintstones and Chill :P :D

Ultimate Charizard
9th October 2003, 08:52 PM
Ive decided to appoint Thargor the Head Ref. Basically since i know im not much of a ref ive handed this on to someone who knew the old system and can keep track of who is and isnt a ref.

This isnt ASB, being a ref wont bring a financial reward just remember, without Refs there can be no battles.

9th October 2003, 09:38 PM
Ok, well I'll be accepted that Head Ref position... Tomorrow I'll be posting a mock battle situation in this thread. In it, the ZBC Team will be fighting the Saber Tiger Team. Based on the beginning post, and the ZBC Team's "replies" those of you who wish to become Refs can PM me your write-up of that round.

In it, remember to write a detailed description of what actually occured during the battle. Afterwards, below the description, write what damage, if any, occured because of this round, and the zoids overall condition. Mention anything worth notice.

Those who write good enough round results, will become Refs. Those of you who don't can try again later.

Another little announcement has to deal with the overall rankings of all player teams in the beginning of the RPG. All teams will start at C class in the ZBC League. For a team to increase or decrease their rank, they must meet these qualifications:

To increase to B class, a team must have a positive 5 win record. A loss is subtracted from any wins you already have, or if you have no wins, your first future win. To decrease to C class, you either must have a negative 5 win record, or have lost 5 consecutive matches in a row.

To increase to A class, a team must have a positive 8 win record. As before, a loss is subtracted from any wins you already have. To decrease in rank to B class, you either must have a negative 8 win record, or have lost 5 consecutive matches in a row.

To increase to S class, a team must have a positive 15 win record. This gains them eligibility to enter a ZBC tournament (held semi-annually) in which the winners will attain S class recognition. To lose this honor and go back to A class, you must either have a negative 15 win record, or have lost 5 consecutive matches in a row.

Shadow Djinn
10th October 2003, 06:55 PM
Question, may sound dumb but...

in the anime, the Zoid team(The Blitz) had 4 Zoids. Will there be 4 zoids, or 3 on each team?

10th October 2003, 06:59 PM
Mock Battle Situation

The serene white landscape of the tundra is violently interrupted, as an explosion briefly lights the center of the field. A crater appears, and out from it, a Judge Capsule ascends. From the now liquid filled crater, the Judge emerges out in the below zero weather, and looks around to all sides.

Two zoids are evident on the field. The representative from the A-class team, the Saber Tigers in a battered yellow Saber tiger. The pilot stands next to a small snowy ridge, and bellows out his challenge to the large red zoid facing him.

The red zoid, the Geno Breaker stands there without a word. The world-class zoid with its world class pilot represent the S-class Team, the ZBC Team.

"Area scanned...battlefield set up... Battle mode 0001. The Saber Tigers vs. The ZBC Team! This match will determine whether the Saber Tigers can progress to the next official Zoid Battle Commission Tournament, or be down-graded to B-class! Let the battle begin!"

With a roar, the Saber Tiger rushes in at a straight line, its pilot screaming with energy and excitement. The Saber Tiger pays no heed to where it is stepping, and just bolts at the Geno Breaker...

Geno Breaker Response:

The pilot smiled himself as he watched his opponent come at him. Such a rookie mistake... He would have to teach the punk to respect the number one team on Planet Zi, and its leader...

Bringing his two 140 mm cannons to bear, the pilot let out a quick volley of blasts at the front two legs of the Saber Tiger to throw it off balance. He brought his main engines to bear, as the Geno Breaker dashed towards the stumbling Zoid, pincers open.

With one solid motion, the Geno Breaker catches the Zoid with his pincers. Firing a steady stream of fire from his 140 mm cannons, and 80 mm cannons alike, the point blank fire dashes into the Saber Tiger...

For all those who wish to become Refs, it is your job to judge this round. As I said in my previous post, judge it for quality, tactics, and always consider both sides of the battle. Write a detailed paragraph or two about the round results, then below that the actual damage in percentages (and type of damage) for each zoid.

The written up results should be PMed to me, which I will judge. Those that are good enough, shall become Refs for the new RPG.

11th October 2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Thargor
Mock Battle Situation

The serene white landscape of the tundra is violently interrupted, as an explosion briefly lights the center of the field. A crater appears, and out from it, a Judge Capsule ascends. From the now liquid filled crater, the Judge emerges out in the below zero weather, and looks around to all sides.

Two zoids are evident on the field. The representative from the A-class team, the Saber Tigers in a battered yellow Saber tiger. The pilot stands next to a small snowy ridge, and bellows out his challenge to the large red zoid facing him.

The red zoid, the Geno Breaker stands there without a word. The world-class zoid with its world class pilot represent the S-class Team, the ZBC Team.

"Area scanned...battlefield set up... Battle mode 0001. The Saber Tigers vs. The ZBC Team! This match will determine whether the Saber Tigers can progress to the next official Zoid Battle Commission Tournament, or be down-graded to B-class! Let the battle begin!"

With a roar, the Saber Tiger rushes in at a straight line, its pilot screaming with energy and excitement. The Saber Tiger pays no heed to where it is stepping, and just bolts at the Geno Breaker...

Geno Breaker Response:

The pilot smiled himself as he watched his opponent come at him. Such a rookie mistake... He would have to teach the punk to respect the number one team on Planet Zi, and its leader...

Bringing his two 140 mm cannons to bear, the pilot let out a quick volley of blasts at the front two legs of the Saber Tiger to throw it off balance. He brought his main engines to bear, as the Geno Breaker dashed towards the stumbling Zoid, pincers open.

With one solid motion, the Geno Breaker catches the Zoid with his pincers. Firing a steady stream of fire from his 140 mm cannons, and 80 mm cannons alike, the point blank fire dashes into the Saber Tiger...

For all those who wish to become Refs, it is your job to judge this round. As I said in my previous post, judge it for quality, tactics, and always consider both sides of the battle. Write a detailed paragraph or two about the round results, then below that the actual damage in percentages (and type of damage) for each zoid.

The written up results should be PMed to me, which I will judge. Those that are good enough, shall become Refs for the new RPG.

It's rather hard to judge this battle when you posted almost no actions for the Saber Tiger. Charging headlong at the enemy won't result in much more than everything your opponent says ending up as fact in the judgement.

Your PM box is full, BTW.

11th October 2003, 11:30 AM
Never said this was the best battle post, did I? Just an example... The differences in the two pilots is already quite large, just looking at their class levels.

My PM box now has room.

11th October 2003, 10:04 PM
Current GM Try-Out Results

Now, through this I'm only going to be naming those of you who have submitted to me and who have been accepted. Those of you who haven't, I don't want to read angry posts in this thread. Send me a PM, and I will send you a detailed post entailing why exactly you were not accepted.

Having that done...

Mew Master, despite a confusing first paragraph before your judging, I found it to be very detailed. You had supporting information throughout the description, and a very thorough damage report. Just to take in mind, when having a Zoid that has a unique feature like pincers, you should include that with percentages like any other part of the zoid.
The decision at the end was sound, and you gave your reasons for such throughout all your judging. Congratulations, you are the first Assistant GM!

Unfortunately, this is the only person I can announce for this position. I haven't received that many PM's yet... Remember people, for this RPG to go on, we need GM's to conduct the battles!

Mew Master
11th October 2003, 10:10 PM
*Does classic RPG victory sequence/stance* Yay.

*pokes Thargor* OF course I should have some understanding. I've done hours upon hours of research on Zoids and how they are put together/work. I did work on the Fan Fic for a year or three.


12th October 2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Thargor
Current GM Try-Out Results

Just to take in mind, when having a Zoid that has a unique feature like pincers, you should include that with percentages like any other part of the zoid.

I skipped the percentages myself, since it was a one-round fight and the results were blindingly obvious in the Status reports.

12th October 2003, 02:18 PM
I know it's none of my business since I'm not trying out for ref, but why the hell would an A-Class Zoid pilot make such a C-class mauenuver? I mean, the battle suggests that you can enter the A-Class rank as easily as a person can enter hell.

15th October 2003, 12:52 PM
Did you get my PM? Just wondering and stuff.

Why don't RPGs start fast

15th October 2003, 01:42 PM
Yes Demarko, I got your PM... And as I said in my announcement, I am only mentioning those that I have chosen. If you want to know more, PM me about it, since I don't want to discuss it here.

Updated GM Try-Out Results

Congratulations to Kiori Hayabusa for getting an Assistant GM spot! Your description while short contained enough vital information and rulings. Your damages while smaller than I would believe given the weapons remained consistent, which was a good thing. The way how you measured the pro's and con's was also nice.

Now we are up to three GM's for this RPG... While it is much better than just two, we probably need a couple more... Anybody who hasn't pmed me with their rulings and wants a shot at becoming a GM should as soon as possible.

18th October 2003, 06:09 PM
Now with another edition of...

Updated GM Try-Out Results

Adding another GM to our ranks, DeMarko has been accepted as an Assistant GM! Congratulations. Nice description, nice damage, and a very noteable reaction from the "NPC" Saber Tiger to the "player" Geno Breaker's attack. In the future battles, since the NPC teams don't get to post for themselves (for obvious reasons) it is the job of the GM to make intelligent counter-moves for those teams. The level of the team should effect this, as well as their previous performances.

19th October 2003, 11:08 AM
*does a little dance*

I'm a GM yay!

Will we be doing the team rotation thing like last time? I only ever got through 2 rotations before we got closed down