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RaZoR LeAf
18th September 2003, 04:28 PM
"The Disgraced"
-- BEGINS --

Past Name:
Wilson Richards
Magcargo + Graveler
Seems to have little care for what happens to himself, but will stick up for others. Feels his age makes him less important than the others and uses this excuse often in moments of self sacrifice. Aside from this, he's a team player, and very dedicated. Due to his age he's respect, and is wise in the way of the world. He uses his frightening appearence to influence others.
His head and face are horribly altered. The upper right portion of his face is severely burned, bright red and even hot to touch, covered in boils and blisters. One of his eyes is within this burnt part and so is blood shot and always red. The rest of his face is dark skinned and mottled with patches of black spidery like veins. His right arm is also deformed, instead of being a normal human arm it is the arm of a Graveler. Large thick, and rocky. The fist is twice the size of a human fist, which makes a deep comparison to his other arm, which again, is normal for a human. His right leg, this time is completely normal by human standards, his left leg, is normal above the knee. Below it, it spreads outwards and forms a large rocky foot like that of a Graveler again. His entire skin comlextion is dark red and is warm, sometimes boiling hot to touch.

With such deformities, wearing clothes is difficult. He hads a pair of black trousers, that are torn and shredded on one side to fit over his larger foot. His human human is held up in a black boot. He again has half a brown shirt, that is torn to allow his rocky arm to fit though. He usually has a large black blanket wrapped over himself to conceal himself, though it is only worn when descretion is needed. All his clothes have a plasticy feel to them, as they are designed not to be flammable.
Has been trained to use the pokemon attacks; Fire Punch, Strength, Mega Punch, and can make low level Earthquakes. Due to the weight of his foot and arm, he can't run fast or jump very high, but has been trained in Hand to Hand Combat of a brutally physical nature.
Wilson is the son of a wealthy businessmen who sent him to boarding school until he was 20. After that he was expected to follow in his father's footsteps, but instead rebelled and ended up joining Team Rocket. His anger led way for him to gain much respect from his underlings and his commanders and he worked his way up ranks. He openly volunteered for the splicing, but through the immense pain and when he realised what a hidious monster he had become, he realised what he had been putting others through.

He was one of the fore runners of the instant rebellion, waiting until the right time to strike out, a group of them killed the scientists guarding the facility and escaped. He's now one of the leaders of the Disgraced and is using his knowledge of Rocket procedures to gain the upper hand before destroying them once and for all.
Originally had three pokemon, a Seviper, Dragonair and Feraligatr. The whereabouts of these pokemon is unknown, but are most likely under Rocket control now.

Firebolt (m)

"I assume you all know why we are here?" I aksed, to the large group of motley characters gathered around a large wooden table. Mumers of acknowledgement and nods washed across them. I nodded. This place a few of us had found was nothing more than a cave, but fortunatly, it was a large dry, empty cave. Hidden from veiw deep under a mountain, the entrance blocked by large heavy boulders. Inside it was large and dry, no wild pokemon inhabiting it, atleast, none that we've seen. There was also the advantga eof a water spring found at the very end of the cave, not much, but atleast it was clean and fresh. Light and warmth is easily provided by our own.. 'skills'. I coughed, and silence once agained prevailed.

"As you all know by now, Team Rocket are everywhere. In every major city in the world, there is a base, in every government there is an informant, the black markets that deal with slavery, arms merchants and terrorism, all leads back to them. Their members are the worst of their kind. Cold, heartless criminals. They are like vampires, feeding on the innocent, preying on the weak and helpless. As a former rocket, I've come to realise the true evil that I dedicated myself to for so many years. Look around, all those you see before you today, are the results of that evil."
I paused, and looked around myself. Here we were, a gathering of Team Rocket's genetic experiments, humans spliced with the DNA of pokemon. Deformed beyond doubt, there was no way we could ever re-integrate ourselves into society.
"It's time now we fought back. We can't go on and live our lives in peace while the Rockets still hunt us. We've already lost friends to them, we wont lose anymore." I unrolled a large sheet of paper that was tucked under my arm and spread it out over the table.
"This, is a map of the local region," I said, spreading out the geographical survey "this mountain here, is where we are situated, the caverns inside stretch for miles, so the chances of us being found are minimal as long as we stay discreet." I traced my finger from the mountain into the town, the path my finger took left a pale brown burn mark across the surface, as my magma like skin tried to burn through the paper. I'd thoughtfully coated it earlier with a fireproof material, but not even that was proving enough to keep it intact. "this is the local town, I know some of you have visited it, whether under the cover of a disguise, at night, or by flying overhead. Atleast some of you know the layout.

"This is the largest Pokecenter within a ten mile radius, meaning that pokemon trainers from all around congregate there to rest. They rest in the knowledge that their pokemon are receving the upmost care. They wouldn't rest easy if they knew that it's resting on the entrance to a large underground Rocket base." a few gasps and whispers of shock eminated from the group. "All the medical staff that work in the facility are female, and none of them aware of the base beneath. The security guards are all male, they're also rockets. The Male toilets have a concealed entrance to the base, an elevator that sinks half a mile underground to the base itself. Six guards are on duty at all times, with three rotating around every 3 hours, this includes at night.

"Security is fairly loose in the center, but getting down below is much harder. Pokemon have been left trainerless when their over curious owners have gone wnadering and found themselves on the wrong side of a door. By now you probably all realise why i'm telling you this. As far as I know, this is the only rocket base in the area, and it's filled full of important data, data that the rockets have been storing for years, data that they couldn't do without. There's very few of us who can get into and out of the pokecenter itself without arousing suspicion, but recon is the only way we'll know when to strike. The only way into the base is through that one elevator shaft, whether we take the elevator or just jump down is another question, we can save till it's time. But for now, we need to cout the place out in it's entirity. Any questions?"
"Only one." a familier voice, belonging to Nuance no doubt. I knew what the question was, and she knew perfectly well what the answer was, but it had to be said. "How do you know all this?"
"Simple.." I answered, calmly "I helped operate it for 8 years... any more questions? No? Then get some rest, the next few weeks will be important."


I'll make a post for Rockets tomorrow. Thankies to Bulba for the mention in the RPGNews too. The Cheque is in the post :D

Mr SmileAKASkrusti
18th September 2003, 08:57 PM
The Disgraced

Name: Recurved
Past Name: Tobias Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Spilced: Scyther, with a LITTLE bit of Pikachu :/
Personality: Ahh..Here we go ^^ Since being spliced with a Scyther, Tobias has become a lot..how shall we say this? Meaner Although, he can control it, during intense battle situations, or if someone just makes him SUPER mad, the anger releases itself in a furry of blade slices and slashes. Most of the time, however, he is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, happier now that someone actually might care about him *I.E. the rest of you*
Appearence: Scyther Armor around body, making most of his chest, arms, and legs unhurtable *he can STILL be hurt, but it takes alot more in those areas* Wings that can fold over his back, to make him seem a little more human like if he wanted to disguise himself. Clawed feet, so he can't wear shoes, and instead of blades or hands, he has both. The blades somehow fold *o.O If this isn't acceptable, I'll change it* upwards on his arm, so they aren't held out all the time. During this time, he can use his *almost* regular hands, except for the fact they are colored green. A small area on his legs and arms are uncovered, revealing yellow-tinged flesh. Oddly, a small part of his cheeks are red, revealing the Pikachu in him. Doesn't wear shoes, since no shoe size will fit his clawed feet, and, when his blades are folded, he can slip on a coat to cover some of his deformation.
Abilities: Can use electricity--to an extent. He can use a small Thunderbolt if he has the mind too, but just...don't get in his way when he does. Can fly around some, and can use Slash, Scratch, Swords Dance, Quick Attack, and Agility. Taught to use his bladed arms as weapons, so he is kinda like a swordsman.
Weapons: His Blades :/
History: Mom and Dad both died when he was ten. Was shipped off to a slummy orphanage, and ran away when he could take no more. Was taken one night while he was sleeping on a bench in a park, and the next thing he knew, he looked like 'arf a Pokemon. After he was changed, he took very good to this, seeing as somebody actually paid attention, not like those idiots in the orphanage, even though he hated Team Rocket, since they were they ones that killed his parents.
Other: *slashes other to ribbons*

Recurved (m)
"I assume you all know why we are here?" the spliced...Firebolt said. I nodded. I sure knew why we were here. It was the splicing. Making us 'freaks' so much that we were feared and revolted. The only time we weren't was when we are in our cave, or at night, when most don't see us. The cave wasn't much. Light and running water....and rocks. That's about it. Our merry little home till those idiots out in the real world realized we wouldn't change from the way we were.

As you all know by now, Team Rocket are everywhere. In every major city in the world, there is a base, in every government there is an informant, the black markets that deal with slavery, arms merchants and terrorism, all leads back to them. Their members are the worst of their kind. Cold, heartless criminals. They are like vampires, feeding on the innocent, preying on the weak and helpless. As a former rocket, I've come to realise the true evil that I dedicated myself to for so many years. Look around, all those you see before you today, are the results of that evil." At this point he paused, and looked around at us. "It's time now we fought back. We can't go on and live our lives in peace while the Rockets still hunt us. We've already lost friends to them, we wont lose anymore." He said, now laying a map upon the table. Yes, we lost friends. I remembered that other kid...he called himself Agent one and a half, trying to be funny, since he was one and a half things. Team Rocket caught and killed him.

"This, is a map of the local region," he said, spreading out the geographical survey "this mountain here, is where we are situated, the caverns inside stretch for miles, so the chances of us being found are minimal as long as we stay discreet." At this he traced a path with his finger, burning part of the parchment. "this is the local town, I know some of you have visited it, whether under the cover of a disguise, at night, or by flying overhead. Atleast some of you know the layout.

"This is the largest Pokecenter within a ten mile radius, meaning that pokemon trainers from all around congregate there to rest. They rest in the knowledge that their pokemon are receving the upmost care. They wouldn't rest easy if they knew that it's resting on the entrance to a large underground Rocket base." a few gasps and whispers of shock eminated from the group. "All the medical staff that work in the facility are female, and none of them aware of the base beneath. The security guards are all male, they're also rockets. The Male toilets have a concealed entrance to the base, an elevator that sinks half a mile underground to the base itself. Six guards are on duty at all times, with three rotating around every 3 hours, this includes at night." He told us.

"Security is fairly loose in the center, but getting down below is much harder. Pokemon have been left trainerless when their over curious owners have gone wnadering and found themselves on the wrong side of a door. By now you probably all realise why i'm telling you this. As far as I know, this is the only rocket base in the area, and it's filled full of important data, data that the rockets have been storing for years, data that they couldn't do without. There's very few of us who can get into and out of the pokecenter itself without arousing suspicion, but recon is the only way we'll know when to strike. The only way into the base is through that one elevator shaft, whether we take the elevator or just jump down is another question, we can save till it's time. But for now, we need to cout the place out in it's entirity. Any questions?"

"Only one." A voice called. Female. "How do you know all this?"

"Simple.." He said. "I helped operate it for 8 years... any more questions? No? Then get some rest, the next few weeks will be important."

At that we dispersed, to do what we wanted. I still had my coat on, and didn't feel like taking it off, so I strayed outside. It was raining lightly, and the mist felt good. "Ah...what the hell." I muttered. I tore off my coat, and, using my Agility, diposited it into my 'room' inside the cavern. I flew around outside, remembering that day I had been taken.

"Psst...hey kid.." The voice had called. I was half-asleep at the time. "Huh? Whatchoo want." "Are you tired of living on the streets? I can help." I remembered coming alert at this. "Sure I do. Would YOU like to sleep outside all night, even during a downpour?" I had asked. The voice then chuckled. "I thought so. Come over here...behind these bushes. Its nice and dry underneath here." If I had been thinking clearly, I would've not gone. But, since I was tired, I easily fell for their trap. They threw the net over me, then clubbed me with a riflebutt until I went unconcious.

There was more to the story, but I didn't remember more any more of it. The rest that I COULD remember was being broken out of a cage by members of, the 'Disgraced'. Before that...nothing. "MAN! Why'd I have to be so stupid?" I asked myself. All I could do was fly in a certain area, until it was night. I was mad...but I knew I wasn't that mad, or I'd have certainly destroyed some stuff by now. Although, a certain part of me liked being different. I mean, its not everyday you get to become part Pokemon. I flew inside, saying hi to random 'Disgraced'. It wouldn't be long until nighttime...then my fun would begin. Yes..nighttime was the ONLY time that I could actually have fun. I often found certain individuals...who, after some 'persuasion' by me, admitted they knew something about Rocket Activities. "I can't wait.." I whispered to myself. The only one who knew about my nighttime activities was Firebolt himself, and even he disapproved. "What's gonna happen if you get caught? You ever think of that Recurved?" He had said. "Well, I have. I can use my quickness and my blades to escape most cases." I told him. "You can do it...just be careful, got it?" I had 'gotten' it allright, although I had just, and only just managed to escape a few times. "Tonight, I play harder. We need more information..." I anticipated the fun I would have..........

18th September 2003, 09:19 PM
YAY! It starts!

Name: Nuance
Past Name: Kiera Alastando
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Spilced: She was the only one to successfuly be combined with Umbreon and Espeon, (these are evident) but she believes she was combined with one other pokemon... but she doesn't know what.
Personality: She's rather nice to be around... but she doesn't overwhelmingly accept everyone at first. She's down-to-earth, and very pratical but yet she cares for people although she doesn't overly show it. She tries to remain cheerful however.. she's not pessimistic usually, and she always tries to find positive things in a situation but without being overly bubbly.
Appearence: She stands about 5'8, with probably the most humanoid figure out of all the experiments. She has the overall build of a human, and is slim to fit... but her legs resemble the hindlegs of an Umbreon but luckily they do not cause her to hunch very well. Black fur surrounds her whole body, being long and silky towards her neck and the ends of her elbows and knees. Magenta-swirling rings are at the sides of her legs, back of her humanish shoulders and they seem to glow usually. Her face is shaped much like a cat's, with a slightly longer muzzle however she does have tuff-like whiskers of an Espeon. Her eyes are slightly larger than a humans, and are slitted like a cat and are an icy blue. She has an Espeon's jewel upon herforehead, except it is pure black with a glowing, magenta-core or center which sends and eerie cast of light. SHe DOES have human hair which is long and rather unkept, reaching down to her waist and it is black, with slight hue of purple and magenta streaks are in her hair. Two large ears perk out from her hair of an Espeon, with tuffs of hair at the ends. She also has a tail, which is an Espeon's tail and black in color.
The clothing she wears is rather short and revealing, but it is result after wearing them for so long. Her shorts are ripped so that they are extremely short, and must be bound around her skinny, furry waist by some crude farmer's twine. Around her chest, is the remains of a sport's bra, which is ripped at the sides slightly. Over that is a jacket, but that too is almost gone and ripped severely at the bottom and at the sleeves, so that many holes are seen in it. She wears no shoes, having Umbreon (wolf-like) feet which are abnormaly large. Her tail also has create a slight hole in her shorts...
Abilities: She has the combined abilities of psychic and dark pokemon... which creates odd combos. Later, revealed late into the RPG... another element will be revealed, to show she might have another pokemon mixed with in her. She was trained extremely harshed, to the point where she was ready to collapse each day in training... and thus her figure is very strong, athletic and trim yet fit. She was trained to use her feet and hands as weapons more than her powers... so she doesn't like to use her powers often. What style of her fighting is rather unknown and it is unique... reminding many of a tribal-styled of rouge fighting.
Weapons: She doesn't have any weapons.
History: Her history is extremely vague... she remembers the expermintal part of her history very well, because she was a Hostage and did not want to be experimented on. She remembers she was a child of a middle-class family... and she also remembers being enrolled in a Martial Arts school and she remembers winning a few 'fights'. That is all really...
Other: She had pokemon, but all of them are gone except for one- an Eevee.

Nuance - F- The Downfall (Umbreon/Espeon/???)


I nodded to Firebolt, reguarding how I knew that information. But it was a statement, or a queston rather, which had to be attended to. Everyone of us would wonder why he knew so much, and if it hadn't been because I had hung around Firebolt often, I wouldn't have known either and probably would have been suspicious of it. Many did not know of Firebolt, and they could easily assume it was a trap to get us all.
"Fire.." I spoke softly, as he turned around to face me. Fire was a nick I often used to speak to him, I wasn't too fond of two-syllable names.
" Just to let you know, i'd like to stay at your side. I know you the best out of most everyone here, and I think that it would work best if I were second to enter upon this mission."

(Anyone can interact with her.. lol, just trying to start some thing.)

Rocket Elite

Code Name: Hunter
Name: Liz Oblaso
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Personality: Cold, very witty and exceptionally intelligent. She's very blank-expression and has a rather 'get to work' additude. She doesn't believe in mercy...
Appearence: (This is the part I hope is okay...) She was an Experiment as well, in latest stages after the 'escapes' were created. Thus, her appearance is distorted. She has the appearance of a Centaur SLIGHTLY, as far as the way her body is combined. She has the whole body of a slim yet muscular Arcanine, except where the Arcanine's head SHOULD be, instead is her upper human torso half. That half is almost completely human, except she has shorter (than her arcanine's half) black fur around her whole human half, and her hands have large claws upon them. Upon her back are strange, silvery-bone markings which make a large circle around her middle torso (like they are around a Houndoom's paws), and around her neck is the same as the bone markings around a Houndoom's neck. Her hair is pure black, and poking through her hair are the ears of a Sneasel, and behind those ears are the horns of a Houndoom pointing backwards. Her face shape is like a wolf's, with a muzzle n'such with nice canine teeth. Her eyes are cat-like, and are blood red.
One other difference is she has the powerful body of an Arcanine like a Centuar has the body of a horse or goat. Instead of having regular Arcanine's orange fur with black stripes, she has pure black fur with silver stripes and the white fur of an regular Arcanine is silver instead as well.
Abilities: She has the abilities of the given pokemon mutated into herself of a Sneasel, Arcanine, and Houndoom.
Weapons: She has a gun... unknown of what type.
Division: She's the Top Assassin and she works in the torturing department, along with doing occasional special assignments.
History: She was born into the Rocket Association. Her father killed her mother many years ago (unknown fact to her) and had her grow up in the Rocket Headquarters. A few rockets were assigned to teach her basica schooling, and added classes of gun sniping and fighting etc... were also added. A ssoon as she became an adult, she quickly rose in ranks for her skills. After hearing about the procedures being done on the experiments, she heard rumors about the experiments becoming 'unhappy'. After negotiating with the 'boss' she finally got him to let her admit herself into an experiment, adding her own imput into it. After the "Disgraced' escape, she was still in the experimenting stages. Finally, after time passed a little bit after the Disgraced starting messing with Rocket's missions, she was finished... and the product of herself was a success in more ways than one.
OTHER HISTORY: Kai and Liz were in Rocket together, and many time sthey were assigned together since for some reason their personalities were very similiar and they respected and worked well together. Liz often found Kai as a source of 'reliability' or like a wall she could always rest upon although she didn't like others to see that so she often hid it. Then when Kai volunteered for the experiment, Liz was left alone and right when Kai was about to come out, she decided she couldn't let Kai be an experiment and changed with out her being the same... so then she went into 'Phase 2' of a new Experimentation, and then came out after Kai. Of course, she lost a lot of human abilities to talk... but she still had her regular human mind, she just couldn't show her true feelings (whatever they were) about Kai as well.
Pokemon: None
Other: Special Note After the experiment, Liz changed. Her mind has the inner instincts of all the three pokemon combined with her, and they 'overwhelmed' her humanoid mind. Thus, she had the 'intelligence' of a human, but lost bits and pieces of the basic part of her human mind such as most of her speech. She is extremely smart, but acts like a pokemon as far as taking commands n'such. This was a 'success' in the view of the top Rockets overlooking the experiments, because she is now a killing and deadly machine- she is extremely loyal, and behaves just like a pokemon except she's got a higher intelligence level.

Hunter (Liz) - F - Rocket (Arcanine, Houndoom, Sneasel)

"You do know what this means... right?"
The cold voice rose over the air, as my piercing red eyes glared through the darkness. Of course, I understood...
I was to be the killer, the assasin... I was to be the Hunter.
My code name had always been hunter, when I was more... human, but now it seemed to ironically with a bit of irony, fit my name perfectly. I was a hunter now, and I would hunt those I was sent to take down and destroy or capture.
It was my duty, my obligation... the instincts which now swirled inside of me like a madness of the wind yelled and screamed to obey. They told me to attack, to fight, to bite... and to obey.
A memory told me that these instincts were helped by me... because I helped those pokemon to obtain the instincts which now flowed in every fiber of my being.
But that seemed so long ago..

"Yes, we'll dispatch immediatly."
"Good, dismissed."
The 'boss' had dismissed us, and I turned my gaze to Kai as he motioned me to follow him. It was instinct... look to Kai, and do what he said. Of course I had my own free will, but a part of me always had to look at him... I always had to, it was as if it were programmed.
" Hunter..." The Boss suddenly said, which caused me to stiffen but I did not turn to gaze at him. Instead I perked my ears backwards, so that they pressed back against my horns but allowed me to listen slightly. My tails swished upsidedly... as I waited for 'the boss' to speak.
" Use your judgement as well."
Then Kai and I left.

I could have laughed if I were more human... use my judgement as well? How slightly hilarious... he was telling me to use my newly programmed animal instincts. It was rather strange to be told to use my judgement... as an experienced Rocket since pratical birth, I had always known that it was best to use your judgement and instincts, but now that i was 'different', I was so fondly reminded.

I sighed... my mutation was probably the worst, but in the eyes of the higher rockets, it was the best for their new purpose. I was a killing machine, my whole body built for power, speed and stealth. Now I had greater instincts and heightened senses of the pokemon's blood which was in me, and I also had the mind of a human- but my human mind was more obedient. I was fully aware of this too, which was strange... I was aware I was more obedient, but I felt like it was some thing I could not control either way.
I didn't really mind... I had my own free will still. I often had bit those that they tried to serve as my 'master' with the loss of some of my basic human traits of the mind, but if they were unrespectable and not worth my time, I let everyone know by biting them or attacking them. Finally, they let Kai in... and although he was changed too- the fact of that slightly pained me for some reason which I still could not remember. Kai was my master, but for some reason... I felt like he was some thign more than a master. Perhaps that was why I listened... perhaps that was why I let him command me.
It was also the reason I protected him....
" Wuh'r now?"

i manged to roll off my tongue, wondering what Kai was thinking.
Our assignment was rather simple, yet delicate all the same. We were to track the escaped experiments and either disable or exterminate them. We were perfect for teh job as well... who better to track experiments then .... loyal experiments?

18th September 2003, 09:49 PM
Oh crap... It started already? ::Hurries up to start sign-up:: Sorry, my life's been kinda busy... >>

Elemental Seribii
19th September 2003, 03:10 PM
Name: Apathy
Past Name: Dyna Ristino
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Spilced: Meowth, Unown
Personality: She's usually silent, only giving her opinion unless it's asked of her, and she automatically seems cold and uncaring. She has a cynical and sarcastic outlook on life, and has a very dry and harsh sense of humor. She's quite prone to nervous breakdowns, and always seems to be on the verge of a total breadown. She's very unstable, and lashes out when she's mad, and has nightmares often. She can become very bloodthirsty, and loves sparkly things. She's usually written off as an insane, disturbed teenager. She really just wants a little attention, but finds it very hard to deal with such a need.
Appearence: She has two Meowth ears that were where her human ears were supposed to be, and they face down, instead of up, like normal cat ears. Her nails are scarily sharp, and permanently painted black, while her canines are very sharp. She has black, swirling marks all over her body, and black hair that is cut short an inch below her chin. She has a very feline build, and her human body hasn't fully adjusted - some bones stick out very awkwardly,and she's almost disgustingly skinny. She can either crouch down on all fours or walk like a human. She has a Meowth tail, and while she has exceptional balance, it's very uncomfortable to sit down on, so she prefers to crouch, and balance on the tips of her feet. Her eyes are slightly wider than those of a normal human's, and they're only black pupils that adjust to the light. She does have the charm on her forehead, but it's more like it's been engraved, rather than sticking out. As for clothes, she only has a piece of black cloth that is fixed underneath her shoulders, and four inches above her navel, along with black shorts that make her look decent enough, but still allow enough flexibility, along with a rip for her tail.
Abilities: She can perform Hidden Power, Scratch, Faint Attack and Shadow Ball (via TM). The unstable Psychic powers of the Unown could be very dangerous. She'll start to have spurts of Psychic power, and no one's too sure what would happen if she met and communicated with an Unown. She seems to radiate a certain something that makes Pokemon shy away from her.
Weapons: She was originally taught swordplay, with a fencing-like style. She doesn't have a sword however, and can't fight hand-to-hand.
History: A Rocket in disguise visited her school, secretly trying to recruit kids that wouldn't cause too much stir if they were taken. The Rocket decided that Dyna would make a very interesting test subject, and got her into his car, knocking her out, and then drove to the Rocket Headquarters. It was originally decided not to try and change Dyna, due to hormones and other things. Yet at the time there were a lack of test subjects and needed information. What would happen if a human was spliced with such a unstable Pokemon, such as Unown? Perhaps their mistake was merging it with an already unstable teenager. She almost suffered a total brain shutdown, as a defense mechanism. She did not try to escape for a short time, before realizing that she was little more than a specimen. In this time with the Rockets, she was taught to fight with a fencing sword, and the few Pokemon abilities she knows.
Other: The black marks of the Unown in her are slowly poisoning her mind and her body, while not even the scientists were aware of this, they suspected something. She has a Gengar, who seems to be too attached to her to leave. She was given an Unown D in a Pokeball, but has been forbidden to open it. This was from the scientists who were waiting for the right time to see the reaction between her and the Pokemon, after honing the Psychic side of her.

Apathy - The Disgraced - Meowth/Unown
I listened intently to Firebolt, but studied the large map, instead of looking at him. I followed the mark his finger left as he traced the route.

I'd been into the town, but only at night, when the cover of dark shadows was the greatest. I remember that Center, and the few late night/early morning Trainers I had to dodge to stay hidden. I'd only been there once or twice, but it was the closest I ever got to humans. Since the splicing, anyway.

I had no questions, and when we adjourned, I slunk off to my room of sorts, just an extra large dead end opening of the twisting caverns. My bones cracked as I tried to walk upright, echoing around me, down the halls, back to the entrance, where the rain swallowed it up.

Pain shot up my left arm, and I inhaled sharply, keeping my eyes shut until it was nothing more than a dull throb. I leaned against the nearest stone wall, and tried to swallow, trying to get the dryness in my mouth to go away. I closed my eyes again, and sank to the ground.
Short opening post. Hope that's okiday.

19th September 2003, 03:52 PM
Name; Jenniah
Past Name; Saana Ultops
Gender; Female
Age; 29
Spilced; Miltotic-Skarymory-Gardevoir
Personality; Sadly for Jenniah, the whole experience was traumatic for her. Her mind has become that of a two-year-old and must be watched constantly. Jenniah is simple and innocent, although she still remembers what 'those bad people did to me'. She offers her trust and friendship to almost anyone she meets, whether they are her friends or they wish to hurt her. She's chatters aimlessly all the time and has a short attention span. Sometimes Jenniah will giggle irrationly sometimes for no reason at all. Jenniah wasn't like this before. Before the experiment, she was a bright intelligent young woman. When she awoke and discovered how she looked after the experiment, she went crazy and had to be sedated. When she woke from the sedation, they found that her mindset had degraded to that of a toddler.
Appearence; Jenniah's legs have fused together in a tail, with red-blue scale patterns on it. Since she can no longer walk, she slithers instead, her tail snaking behind her. The first and index fingers have been fused together, and also her fourth and pinky fingers on both hands, giving her three clumsy digits on each hand. They are still able to bend, however, and Jenniah can get some basic movement out of them. Jenniah's skin is splotchy mix of peach, silver, and green. Her hair is a greenish-red color, handing down to her waist and curling slightly at the ends. Both of her eyes have long, beautiful eyelashes. However, the left eye is red, with a droopy eyelid, making it seem sleepy, while the right is a wide open colbat blue eye. The right eye seems to have a life of its own, the pupil looking around crazedly. Her ears have formed into three spikes, like that of a Gardevoir. Potruding from her shoulderblades is a pair of steel silver wings, the red feathers a deep crimson color, that Jenniah can use to fly with. Also, she usually wears nothing, having her long hair covering her breasts. Think of her as a naga. A flying naga.
Abilities; Jenniah can use basic water attacks, like Water Gun, Mist, and such. She can also use flying moves, like Fly, Wing Attack, Whirlwind, etc. However, what she has been trained in is her Psychic abilities, which she is very powerful at. She can use all the psychic attacks, and can stun or kill with a thought. Too bad she can't really remember how to use it most of the time.
Weapons; None. She can't really use them, although she is good at swinging a huge stick.
History; Born and raised in a middle-class family, Saana was a content child. Her parents both worked but got along well with each other, and while Saana might not have been with the populars at school, she was still well-liked. When she was 15, she took an interest in Pokemon Research and planned to become an assistant to one of the minor Pokemon Researchers in her area. When she was 18, she became engaged to one of her beloved childhood friends. Life was going well for her. She was going to get married and start on a good career, when suddenly, all Saana remembers is someone grabbing her. Saana tried to fight back and was prepareing to scream when suddenly she blacked out. The Rocket had knocked her out. When she did finally awaken, it was when they were splicing her. Saana had never felt such pain in her life, but she didn't know what they were doing to her. However, when she caught a glimpse of herself - she went mad. She tried to kill the scientists and Rockets grouped around her, but they managed to sedate her. When she reawoke, they discovered that her mind had gone back to her childhood age. This didn't stop them, however. Saana escaped with the others, mainly because she thought it was some fun game.
Other; Jenniah dimly recalls her past, as it were looking through a giant fog. She remembers faintly of one of her Pokemon - a Skarmory with deep red crimson feathers. Other than that, nothing. Jenniah also likes to hum and sing, which can get really annoying. "Fishie fishie swimmie swim, birdie birdie flie fly!"

Jenniah/F/The Disgraced/Skarmory:Miltotic:Gardevoir
Jenniah clapped clumsily, her red eye shining with excitment while her blue one darted around crazedly. The young woman slithered up to the Disgraced holding the map.
"We fight the bad people, yes?" she chattered excitedly. "We fight bad people, yesyes? And Jenniah can come, promise? Please? Jenniah want to help! Jenniah no like bad people! Bad people make many hurthurt, make Jenniah different! Jenniah no like bad people! Bad people hurt Jenniah! So Jenniah will fight, yesyes?"
Jenniah grinned at Firebolt, childish innocence radiating off her. She continued her inane chatter.
"Firebolt work for bad people before, yesyes? But Firebolt not bad! Firebolt nice! Nicenicey Firebolt! He good people, like us, not bad person like bad people, yesyes! Jenniah like Firebolt! Jenniah like everyone! Everyone nice, yesyes? We rescue Po-ke-mon," she pronounced this slowly and carefully " from bad people! We do good things, we be good people, yesyes? And then other people, see we aren't bad! Then they want to make friends with us, help us defeat the bad people, ya?"
Jenniah's eyes shone, never understanding in her innocence why she would always be an outcast in human society.

27th September 2003, 12:02 AM
Name: Whitewolf
Past name: Aki Shiniri
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: A very silent person that hates the rockets. He is a serious fighter and an awesome battler.
Appearance:Whitewolf looks like a normal human, almost exactly like he did before except a few new additions. His long hair that was down to his shoulders is now dark blue with brown straks in it, He now instead of human ears has the ears of a houndour, his eyes are that of a cats and his canine teeth are extra sharp and a little longer. He has a three and a half foot pikachu tail, and on his sides he has the marks that a normal pikachu would have.He is about five foot nine and weighs about one hundred and twenty five pounds. He is slightly cut and is very attractive. He has red eyes, and a catlike tongue. His hand and claws(retractable). He also has wiskers.
Abilities:He has a wide variety of abilities. He can use lighting to his advantage. and has retractable claws on both hands.He can run like a dog and climb and jump like a cat. He can blend into the shadows because of his houndour dna. Also from the houndour dna he can use fire attacks.
Weapons: He has a Revers Edge Katana he got from his father when he died. He also has his retractable claws .
History:He was a very respected Rocket commander before the experiments. He volounterred himself for an experiment involving a Sandslash, Articuno, Houndour, Persian, Arbok, and Pikachu. He was one of the first succesful experiments and was given his job back and also became a supervisor for the experimenting. One day he saw an experiment taking place. What he saw he will not tell and he does not like it. But what he saw caused him to rebel against the rockets and attack the leaders. He was captured and managed to escape to his locker in his room. He opened it and got his normal clothes and put them on and burned the rocket uniform, he also got his sunglasses and his fathers katana. He than escaped from the building and went out on his own looking for peaple to help him destroy the Rocket Empire. But before he escaped he got his best freinds out with him, a female Eevee named Saristi, and a Houndour named Aki.
Other:He has two pokemon, a eevee and a houndour, He wears Black slacks tucked into Very shiney black jungle boots, a wife beater is worn under a Black silk dress shirt, which he wears fullu buttonded except for the top one, he wears a tie slightly loosened because he has the top button unbuttoned. He also has a black suit jacket worn over his shirt and under a very unique trenchcoat. his trenchcoat is black and has leather on the sides of the sleeves, it has fur on the cuffs, and on the shoulders the coller is worn up, he has red trimm on the sides of the buttons and button holes that goes to the bottom and al the way around the bottom, he also has wolf tails hanging down from the sides of the coat.Also on his pants he as holes cut for his tail

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``

As i walked into the cavern soaking wet i looked for a disgraced that might be the leader. Immediatly i saw the one with the map and walked toward him slowly until i was right next to him. "My name is whitewolf, i dont know u all and you dont know me, but i would like to help on this so called mission" "i am an ex rocket and i beleive u could use me and my pokemons assistance, as i said before im white wolf, whats ure name?" "Firebolt." the man exclaimed. "well firebolt ould u tell me exactly why we are going into this rocket base?"

RaZoR LeAf
27th September 2003, 03:32 PM

"Could you tell me exactly why we are going into this rocket base?" the stranger asked as if it weren't obvious. I stared at him waiting for the punchline but when I relaised he was serious i straightened up.
"Look around, and tell me if what you see answers you're questions." I followed his gaze around, at each of us who was gathered in this cave. All deformed, never again to have the chance to lead a normal life. Our mind's constantly torturing us with broken memories and hunting thoughts, some of us suffering complete mental breakdown, some of us so young, even dealing with it is an achivement. "I'll let you decide."

I moved around the room until I reached Nuance.
"Nuance. I'd be honoured if you'd accompany me as a second when we storm the base."
"Thank you Fire. What you're doing, going against the people you worked with, it's giving everyone hope, even if they don't show it."
"I hope so."


Sorry for the shortness and the lack of activity. But i'll make a post for the rockets tomorrow. I've been planning ahead and the things's i've got in store are crazy.

28th September 2003, 06:15 PM

As i looked around i saw the horrible afteraffect of the rocket experimentation. "look firestorm or whatever you said your name is, all i see in here is a bunch of freakish faces that couldnt defend themeselves against the rockets if their lives depended on it." "so i ask again, what is the point of storming the rockets, we wont win, my skill with my sword and with pokemon battling isnt enough to beat them, there had better be a real good reason we are storming this place or im outta here." I looked outside and saw that it was raining harder, I decided to take a stroll to clear my mind of thoughts and prepare for the raid on the rocket stronghold. "my god" i said to myself "why Aki, why are you doing this to yourself" I looked up for a moment "you should just end it here" I said unsheathing my sword partially, then i raised it to my throat and was about to slice. "finish it Aki, end it here"

28th September 2003, 06:40 PM

Umbreon/Espeon/??? - F - Disgraced

I nodded to Fire, as he seemed to respect that I wished to stay by his side. Even though he was an ex-rocket...
I swallowed slightly. Fire knew my position with the rockets... in fact, whenever anyone spoke the word of it immediatly I recoiled about it. I wasn't sure why... I felt as if my past had some thing to do with it... and Fire was the only one I had told this feeling to.
Everyone had been changed by the rockets.. yet no one was flinching painfully, hissing or feeling ready to rip off a head at the name of it.
Some thing... in my past.. had to have done it, but what could be so horrible to have that affect on me?

"We go now? We go fight bad people yes? Jenniah fight bad people! Firebolt bring Jenniah?"
I turned to gaze at the bumbling joy of a child-like manner near me... and smiled ever so slightly.
"Nuance will bring Jenniah to fight the bad people. Jenniah can fight."
Firebolt gazed at me sharply, as if considering this a mistake as I shrugge.d
"She was hurt to. She should be able to fight if she so desires to."
"YAY! Nuance brings Jenniah! Jenniah is happy!"
I smiled slightly, as my tail swished back and forth and I gazed to Firebolt.
" Well.. I am rested up as ever. I wish to go now but I will wait... "
I sighed as I saw Jenniah running around the two of us, and I sighed.
"Jenniah go too! Jenniah go now!"

RaZoR LeAf
30th September 2003, 07:13 AM
Code Name:
Black Out
Mathius Linal
Mathius is always looking out for number one, and wont hide the fact that he is either. He's sneaky, and always skulking around eavsdropping and spying on people. He'll say things he's not supposed to know, anything to gain the upper hand over a person. He trusts no one, other than his own pokemon.
Much like the uniforms seen worn by the anime characters (Jessie, James, Butch, Cassidy, etc) but the main colour is that of military combat uniform. Green and brown patches. The R is pure black, outlined by a dark brown colour. Black boots, belt and gloves accompany the uniform. Clipped onto the belt are his pokeballs and a holster on the opposite hip holds a gun. When further discretion is required, has a large brown trenchcoat and wide rimmed hat that he can use to cover his face.
Aside from this he has a mid tanned complextion and deep brown eyes. Also has cut short dark-brown hair and a medium/big build.
Only street fighting, fist fights playing dirty and the such.
Has a holster with a simple pistol
Infiltration and Disguise
Joined Team Rocket at the tender age of 12, after accidently wandering into one of their hidden camps. Whether he volunteered to stay, or they wouldn't let him leave he doesn't remember. Nevertheless he's risen in the ranks due to his sneakery and ruining the lives of his commanding officers. His skills in intrusion knocked out spies and infiltrators in the rocket ranks, and he was moved to the top of his division.

He was put on the mission to seek and destroy the morphs, when Rocket HEads realised they'd need to get close to them and even infiltrate their ranks. His pokemon are all skilled at changing and hiding, and gaining information the sneaky way.
Misdreavus, Kecleon, Porygon2, Ditto, Murkrow

Blackout (m) Rocket

A surge of electricity shorted out the cameras before the emergency generator kicked in and the infrared sensor started to show what was happening through the black billowing smoke. A scientist was thrown against a wall smashing into the bricks, his spinal cord shattering killing him instantly. Two bodies alay on the ground, completely burned from head to foot, in some places even their bones had burnt away. Gun shots, stun sticks, everything seemed to be blazing at once. The cryotubes and study tubes were shattered, random patches of fire, torn up flooring, massive gashes in the walls, it was pure chaos. Then someone approached the camera. It was a woman, probably very attractive originally, but her face was deformed so that all her facial features were missing, other than two pure white eyes. White hair flowed down her back, and two long pink ears poked out from underneath. A crackle of energy sparked around her and the camera exploded.

The tape ended but the lights remained dimmed. In the auditorium of one of many Rocket Bases around the world, a voice began to speak from the front.
"You've all seen this tape numerous times, this is the only footage that was recovered after Experiemnt Alpha-526-Omega came to an ubrupt, and unfortunate end. You also all know what is being done to prevent any more leaking."
Another film started to play. This one was still footage, photographs and things. Various images of rockets flashed up. These were grunts mostly, the occasional young elite, but mostly disposable rockets.
"We've lost alot of rockets already, to the remainder of the experiments. Some of them we've managed to recapture, some have been terminated."
The film flicked again and gruesome images of deformed people appeared on screen. There was one or two groan in the thatre, but nothing out of place. Anyone with a sick stomach, shouldn't even be this high up the ranks.
"These are the experiments we've so far apprehended, but there's still others out there." On the screen, numerous people flashed by including the black faced, white haired woman from earlier. Then came the ones that were still out there. A few images clicked by, then stopped on a duel picture. It was a face of a rocket besides a face of an experiment.
"You'll all recognise this man. Wilson Richards, volunteered for the experiment and later aided the escape and is still on the run. We also have Aki Shiniri. They've both rebeled and are our primary targets before the others. They know how we work, they know our secrets, they know too much to be allowed to continue this so called 'Downfall of Team Rocket' that we learnt through interrigation.
"You're all here for the same reason. Our means of tracking them through the electronic tagging implants have failed, no doubt they've been discovered and deactivated through their own developing skills. You're all gathered because you're skills have proven yourself to be necessary to hunt them down."
The lights lifted slightly, and a spotlight fell over me, I jolted slightly, and straightened up from the low slouch that spread me out over two seats.
"Blackout, you're our expert on infiltration and disguise. You've got he know how, we'll get you the equipment."
The light moved across to Laura Rider, a young lithe woman with long dark hair.
"Nightmare, you're skills are abound, you're in this for your fighting skills, as well as you're ability to theive things without being noticed. It may be necessary. You'll both be accompanied by Kai Calaman and Liz Oblaso, who both wish to be refered to as Pydro and Hunter." The light moved to the back of the room. I flipped around to see the only two experiments that were working with us, as oppose to against us.
"The four of you will be given as many grunts as you need. The heads want this problem dealt with swiftly and cleanly, so don't mess it up. Failure isn't an option here, and the only way out is your own sacrifice."

The lights finally rose to regular levels, and at the front of the theatre there was only a speaker. No one had seen the face behind the voice, but then, it wasn't necessary.
"So Blackout, do you still have that Murkrow?" Nightmare asked as she sidled up beside me.
"I do." she faltered slightly "why?"
"No reason." she added quickly. We met up with Hunter and Pydro
"The last report but the group in the area around Lavaridge Town. That means they could be anywhere nearby, most likely Mauville, Rubstboro or Fallarbor. All three are surrounded by alrge mountains full of caverns, so guesses are their hiding someone underground. That's why our sattelites can't pick them up" Pydro explained "it'll take two days to reach Rustoboro, from there we can begin to track them down."
"You two will never be able to walk around Rustboro in the day, probably not the night either. Nightmare and I will work the city scape, you and Hunter can work the Rustterf Tunnel and the surrounding caves and forests."
"Rustoboro has the trainers school, so there'll be alot of new trainers out, someone is bound to have seen something out of the oridinary" Nightmare added "so that will be our first port of call. In the meantime, we should also check the bases in each town."
"Wilson has probably got his sights set on one of them, but they've all got information he could take advantage of to our dimies, as soon as we find out where they are, we'll alert security in the base immediatly before hunting them down." I added.
"Then lets get going" Pydro finished, motioning Hunter to follow him. Nightmare and I took up the rear and left the theatre.

30th September 2003, 12:07 PM
Name: Pydro
Past Name: Kai Calaman
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Spliced: Golduck and Charizard
Personality: Although he is still under Rocket's wing, he can be irrational and, at times, disorderly. However, he, unlike the others, believes he has been made more powerful by the experiment and that is why he refuses to destroy Rocket. He is ruthless and doesn't really care for his victims, either killing off the weaker Disgraced or striking down and torturing the stronger. Many of the grunts are insecure around him due to the fact he has gone partly insane but he can control it (most of the time). He also feels superior to his peers and even to some of his commanders, which is why he is not completely loyal nor trusted, but is able to carry out missions anyway.
Appearence: He stands slightly over 7 feet tall. Working under Rocket's wing, he was given a uniform to fit him. As for his body, both orange/red and light blue are mixed together but remain independant mainly, only changing colour when two different colours meet. His skin is smooth and shiny. He has two Charizard wings but his arms are more Golduck shaped. His hands and feet are human shaped except the fourth appendage is missing and they are webbed like a Golduck. His wings can be folded and tucked in but not disappear into his body. His body is like a Golduck's mixed with a human's muscular torso. His neck is long like a Charizard's and his head is quite deformed indeed. His jaw sticks out like the beak and jaw of the Pokémon he was spliced with but it physically looks more like a Charizard's mouth, especially his teeth. He has inherited the Golduck's eyes and the four spikes at the back of his head. He has shaved them of any hair. He also has the Golduck's red dot on his forehead.
Abilities: He is able to blast water and fire from his mouth (but not simultaneously or in quick succession). He can fly and is also capable of some Psychic techniques such as Disable, Confusion and Psybeam. He also has greater strength thanks to Charizard and doesn't need air underwater like a Golduck.
Weapons: Nope.
History: A high-ranking Rocket, he was determined to gain a higher position of authority, wanting to be at the boss' right hand one day. However, he tried to hard with irrational ideas and techniques which seemed impossible. In a last ditch attempt to get noticed, he volunteered to be spliced with his two favourite pokémon (Charizard and Golduck). This was the clinch. His peers thought he was crazy, but now they knew he was completely insane. Nonetheless, he went through with it and stepped out, perhaps completely deformed, but a great warrior who struck fear into those around him. He now goes on hunts and raids, looking for renegade Disgraced to slaughter.
EDIT TO HISTORY: During his time in Rocket, he and Liz (B4's Hunter) had a relationship and were very supportive of each other. They were usually assigned together but when ambition overtook him, Kai volunteered for the experiment, but before he came out, Liz also volunteered, but came out later than Kai. They are still assigned together, but Pydro now looks after Liz as well as has a certain authority over her. He still loves her, but is unsure whether the love is returned.
Other: He had two Pokémon, a Charizard and a Golduck, who were used who his genes. He had trained them himself so they knew the techniques he inherited. When he emerged after the experiment, he thanked the Pokémon by setting them free.



After hearing this speech I took the lead of our motley crew and wandered down the corridors, snarling at grunts that looked at me funny. I was still human, I was just far more powerful now. They had no idea of the power I wielded. They should fear me, not dispise me. We ascended the metal staircase and the automatic doors opened to the helipad. I looked behind me and looked at the three that followed.
"I can easily carry Hunter on my back and fly to Rustboro. I'll fly high enough to be mistaken for a common Charizard as not to be noticed, and will steer clear of the towns en route as to avoid any attention. What about you two?"
They looked at each other.
"We're going to round up a regiment of grunts and have them take an APC to Rustboro. We'll proceed and take the helicopter to the location. It'll take two days so we'll stop for fuel and sleep..."
"...as will we for food, water and rest," I replied. I nodded at them. I did not care if they did not fear me. My mission does not require them too, for they are my colleagues. I bent down and motioned Hunter to jumped on my back, and she obeyed. This was the woman I loved, and I still love, but now she is warped, will she ever feel the same for me again? I bit my lip. I sure hoped so. I bent my knees and then leapt upwards, unfolding my wings and flapping them, creating a vast dust cloud underneath me then I took to the skies. She clenched onto me, almost hugging me and put the side of her head against my back. I smiled.
"Hold on tight, Liz, we're going for one hell of a ride!"

1st October 2003, 11:28 AM
Rocket - (Liz Oblas) F - Houndoom/Sneasel/Arcanine

I listened intently to their plan, fully comprehending it but failing to comment on it either way. Nodding slightly to Pydro's command, I went upon his back and using my human portion, I hugged him tightly to stay on, as my Arcanine body lay upon it's belly. He took off instantly, with the powerful force of his wings and instantly we flew off. The wind rustled against my thick, silky and velvety fur as I poked my muzzle upon his neck, so to see below. i could feel the heat generating from his body as I watched the world fly by. Flying did not scare me... nothing really scared me, anymore. The inner animalistic side of me would never be afraid of anything... they could not let me, for they were trained to never be afraid.
Trained... to perfection.
Now I was apart of that perfection.
We flew for what seemed relatively shorter than what it could have been, even though it still took quite some time.
"We'll have to come in fast... so jump off my back when I get in range."
Pydro commanded, and my ears perked and I nodded dully as he suddenly went into a full-force dive.
The wind howled in my ears... as I narrowed my eyes and easilly saw the landscape seemingly swallow us up as it came closer. Finally... when we were relatively lower to the ground (although to any normal being, animal or not, it was way to high to jump from) I leapt off. I caught Pydro off-guard slightly... as I leapt off his back suddenly with such an explosion of force for my laying position, I propelled myself several feet away from where we had been. Falling downwards... I outstretched my paws and instantly felt my blood pumping as every inch of fiber in my body tensed yet loosened for impact. Then my paws hit, and I bent my knees and skidded slightly as dust rose and erupted from the ground.

Flaring my nose, I turned my wolf-like eyes to the sky and Pydro was not in sight. Then I heard the sound of impact as welll, and instantly my legs tore off in the direction he was through a forest-like area. dodging trees and bushes in my way like a swift wind, all too soon I found him with my sense of smell and quick feet.
" 'err.." I growled softly, as I approached him, unable to pronounce my 'h' in 'here'.
Frustrating... this speech was.

1st October 2003, 09:58 PM
I changed Carbon Copy's age, not much of a difference there, but I added something to Spectra's history...

And also, we're near Rustboro, right?

Name: Carbon Copy
Past Name: He doesn't know...
Gender: Male
Age: around 18, not exactly sure
Spilced: Ditto
Personality: Slightly unstable now, because he was mostly brainwashed, but it wasn't a complete job. Now he has flashbacks of memories he doesn't know about, which drives him slightly insane.
Appearence: In pure form, he looks almost like a normal Ditto, except he is an electric green color, and glows slightly in the dark. His default human form is tall, with short, dark brown hair, and green eyes, with a slightly muscular build.
Abilities: His training has not only let him master Pokémon Transform without needing to see the actual Pokémon, he was learning about human and object transformations. He had managed to learn how to transform into one human form (which happened to be his old human form, see History), how to make clothes on the body, and how to transform parts of his human form into melee weapons when the revolt occurred...
Weapons: Only what he makes himself.
History: He can't remember much about his past, except that his parents didn't care for him. After he was kidnapped, brainwashed, and experimented on, he became slightly unstable, because of all these flashbacks that he couldn't understand. After he was trained to morph Pokémon, he was set to be trained to morph humans. Almost immediately, he had a flash of his old body and transformed into that. The Rocket trainers were slightly shocked, but nonetheless pushed him farther, training him to morph certain parts of his body into weapons. Then the revolt started...
Other: Still has his only Pokémon that he had before the experiment, a female Gardevoir. He knew she was his Pokémon via another flashback.


Name: Spectra
Past Name: Kris Derose
Gender: F
Age: 18
Spilced: Sableye
Personality: After the transformation, her personality can be summed up in 4 words: total lack of modesty. She speaks her mind freely, not caring who gets hurt, usually, unless it's one of her friends. She's very loyal, though, and also strong-willed. Will not go down without a fight, and will fight to protect her friends.
Appearence: Mostly human in shape, but with noticable differences. For one, her entire body is dark purple, and semi-transparent. Her hands are smaller, with Sableye claws on them. She has a red gem above and between her breasts, as well as a couple more gems on her back. The most noticable change, of course, is her head. It's still shaped like a normal human head; however, her eyes, while semi-normal, are shaped like Sableye eyes, her ears are now taller than her head and shaped differently, and she has a very large mouth. She has long, strangely silky brown hair protruding from her head as well.
She needs no clothes, for all of her "private" details are not present, as if she were wearing a full-body leotard. Occasionally, she'll wear something to try and cover the fact that she's different, but it rarely works, and she finds the clothes strangely constricting.
Abilities: She was trained for stealth; can walk through solid objects, but can't fly (yet). She's learned a few attacks: Night Shade, Fury Swipes, Detect, and Faint Attack.
Weapons: nope
History: She was a student just going into college when she was kidnapped. Someone (a Rocket) crashed a car into hers while driving down the road early in the morning. She was taken from the wreckage and changed. She got over her decency issues (no clothes) fairly easily, so she never needed to go back to wearing them. [ADDED]: Was Carbon Copy's g/f, but can't bring herself to tell him anything.
Other: nah...

Carbon Copy
Who am I?
Who is this body?
Why did they do this to me?

My knowledge of those answers were next to none. I had no clue who I was or where I came from. Just a few memories that popped into my head every now and then. I somehow knew this human form was mine, somehow knew I was about 18 years old, and somehow knew that the Gardevoir on my belt was indeed mine.

"Carbon!" my new name echoed through the small caverns. I looked up to see Firebolt heading for me. I knew what he was going to want before he even said it. My ability allowed for one major tactical advantage.

"Carbon, I need you to make sure nothing's suspicious, that there's no sign they know we're here." I stood up as he stopped in front of me. I looked at his horribly mangled face, his deformed arms and legs. At first glance I might be considered lucky. But I envied him, simply because he had his memory. I would have given all my apparent normality to be able to remember even my name.

"Right, I'll check it out tonight, sleep over, and report back tomorrow." I took Gardevoir's Pokéball off of my belt and put her on the ground. Then I focused, thinking of an Abra. With a flash of white, I was on the ground, an Abra. Delicately, I stood up and picked up Gardevoir's Pokéball.

"Thanks, Carbon," Firebolt said, as I used Teleport.

-- a few hundred feet outside Rustboro --
I phased back into reality, sitting in a tree near the entrance to Rustboro. Carefully checking that there were no other people around, I floated down, silently, changing back to human and adding clothes just before touching down.

It was fairly dark, the streetlights didn't come out this far. I attached Gardevoir to my belt and started walking up the street towards the city. I had been here many times before, almost all of those times on orders from Firebolt. I kept walking, acting like it was normal for someone who was about 18 to come walking into the city at night...which it was.

I passed under the first streetlight, about 500 feet from the start of the town. I looked at my hands in the light, the false appearance that now haunted me. How could I live a life of a me I didn't know? How was I supposed to do it? As I passed the second streetlight, it happened.

Flash! -- I was walking, walking here, exactly -- Flash! -- arm out to the side -- Flash! -- A hand, delicately clasped in my own, with -- Flash! -- eyes, purple eyes staring at me, staring through -- Flash! -- lips, so red, so soft, so -- Flash!

I came to, sprawled on the bench next to the lamppost. I was sweating a flood. I had had visions like that, but never had they been so intense, so sudden, so...real. I looked around. The closest people were still a few hundred feet away, a couple students playing outside the school.

"I shouldn't have come tonight," I said to myself, wiping myself of my sweat before continuing towards the PokéCenter.

I watched from a distance, disappointed, as he transformed into an Abra and Teleported off. "Dammit," I muttered to myself as I faded into the wall of the cavern. That had to be like the hundredth time that day that he had missed or avoided me. I had heard the rumors through the grapevine, but I didn't know if they were true...

"Oh, that Carbon Copy kid? The one that looks normal? He's lost all his memories, I've heard. Can't remember a thing about his life."
"I wouldn't go near him...he gets a little crazy at time. I've seen him, looking perfectly normal, then he'll all of a sudden fall into a halucination or something and go insane."
"He's not stable, that boy...memories gone, everything hopeless...he's worse off than us freaky-looking mutants."

'If only he knew who I was,' I thought miserably as I slid out through the wall again. 'If only he knew who he was. If only he knew how close we were. If only he knew...'

slightly short Carbon post, rather short Spectra post also. I'm not dead yet!

also, I hope this doesn't interfere with any plan of yours, RaZoR

EDIT: contiguity issues...

RaZoR LeAf
5th October 2003, 08:47 AM
I was actually waiting for someone to decide what town were were aiming for, so it's Rustoboro. The Rockets don't know this yet though. Now to deal with our suicidal guest.

Firebolt (m)

After speaking with Carbon Copy, i turned back to deal with Whitewolf, only to find he had disappeared. The boulder set at the front of the cave was obviously still out of place, as the echoing of rain drops of the cold stone was still in hearing range. I left to deal with it. Outside the storm was begining to lift, but the rain was still falling. It was nice to feel the cool water on my hot, magma like skin, but each hit turned to steam on my skin and I groaned.
"You should just end it here" the voice came from further up the hill, along with the sound of silver being pulled from a sheath. I pushed the boulder over the crack, leaving a tiny space and made my way to the speaker.
"Finish it Aki, end it here"
Whitewolf was standing alone, his back to me with his sword held close to his throat. He was obviously unaware there was anyone else with him.
"Suicide.. How nobel of you." I sneered, catching him offguard. He hesitated, and almost sliced through his neck before facing me. "What happened to the rocket inside you?"

He glared "I'm a Rocket no longer."
"You'll always be a Rocket, you can't ever forget that."
"And what would all your 'friends' down there think if they knew you were still a Rocket? Betrayal was always you're speciality"
"If I wasn't still a rocket, i wouldn't have the guts to go against them. The Rocket blood gives me the confidence, and the knowledge. What they did to me, gives me the anger, the strength and the reason to go against them. We're the only past-rockets here now Whitewolf, it's time to turn the tide."

He turned away to consider. "You may have stopped me from ending this torture, but what you're proposing is suicide none-the-less. What do you hope to accomplish from it?"
"You've had the same thoughts as me, you want vengance of some kind. I want the rockets to pay for what they've done to, to others, for those they've taken.." I trailed off and he caught on that.
"You have something else, some other reason for doing this don't you?"
"Perhaps, but whether it's clouding my judgement or not doesn't matter. There's alot at stake here."
"Are you willing to lead them all to their deaths? Just for you're crusade?" he turned back and pointed at me accusingly.
"Team Rocket started this experiment for the sole purpose of creating a fighting machine, something they could use to gain control. Well they were right about one thing, they made a fighting machine. They didn't get the control they wanted, infact, their going to loose it at the hands of their own creations. There's nothing else for us, the least we can do, is take the fight back to our enemies, and teach them a lesson."
"It still sounds like suicide."
"Perhaps, but we have no other choice." I turned to look back at the cave, then at the night sky. It had stopped raining. "Something has to be done." I turned and made my way back down the mountain side, calling back to whitewolf as i descended "I'll let you make you're decision. I have made mine."


Good news everyonw, i've got the story planned out, AND the basic structure of a sequel.

6th October 2003, 03:55 PM
As i thought about what firebolt said i made my decision. "Firebolt wait for me" i declared. He stopped walking and turned around and looked at me. I ran toward him and told him that ill help with this raid on the rocket base.

"Ok" he exclaimed "you can help"

Mr SmileAKASkrusti
6th October 2003, 08:25 PM
Sorry I haven't posted for a while ^^; I've been really busy with Driver's Ed and other school things, so yah.

Ahhhh. Nighttime. Nothing like it for hunting for information! For some reason still unkown to me, I decided to check in with Firebolt first. I couldn't find anyone inside...and then I thought. "Is it tonight?" Great... I unfolded my wings, and zipped outside the cave. The rain had stopped. I had just gotten back from a quick recconasaince mission (sp? ><) and what I had learned Firebolt needed to know before I went back out hunting. I hadn't gone long when I heard something. "....Err.." Came from the bushes below me. I stopped in mid-air, and zipped quickly down below tree level. Amazing! Two other Disgraced, but I had never seen them before! "We're close to Rustboro, so we'll wait here for the others." The Golduck/Charizard said. The other nodded, and crouched down. I landed on a tree branch, intent on watching them for a while. I had never seen these two before, and I didn't know who they worked for. Of course, I had heard the stories of hybrids working for the Rockets still, and that was amazing! Then, something terrible happened. The centaur like hybrid lifted its head, and sniffed. "Rrrrrrr." It growled. The Charizard/Golduck looked towards it, and nodded. Then, the one who growled dissapeared completely, and the attack came from behind! A dark shape slammed into me, claws digging into my back. I yelled in pain. Those claws were sharp little suckers! "GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled. My mind started shutting down, and then I blanked out. When I woke up, it was to hear a small whimper, and the me laying on the ground, very hurt. I had gone into the rage again. I couldn't move for some reason, just my head could move. I raised it, and I could see the 'centaur' lying on its side, with a gash across its back. The Golduck/Charizard was treating it as best it could.

"You'd better hope she isn't able to get up soon Disgraced." The Golduck thing said to me. I tried to move again, but an agonizing pain stopped me. "That's the only good thing that happened. You broke your leg." He told me. I tried to move my leg..it was broke. I growled. Don't let them know you can talk! I thought. I couldn't lose my temper again! The hybrid just ignored me, and went back to healing. I tried to get up again, and barely managed to do it. My legs were throbbing like crazy. I raised a blade, but before i could do anything, I was blasted into a tree with a jet of water. "That's what's useful about having this body. The ability of Pydroness, as I call it. Being able to use water, and flames." At this he raised his head and belched flames upwards. "Now. Stay there until I'm done with my friend hunter here, and I won't kill you." He said. I growled again, but at the state I was in, I couldn't move at all, so I slumped down at the base of the tree. DAMN! I have to get to Firebolt! My mind screamed. But, I just couldn't move. "Allright. Now, let that sit for a while, ok Hunter?" 'Pydro' told his companion. "Now for you." He said, turning around. "Who are you, and what were you doing hiding in that tree?!" He roared. I growled again. Can't let them know I can talk! He walked over, raising his webbed hand. He slahsed it across my face. I was stupid. I had yelled out Get off of me when 'Hunter' had attacked me. "I'm not going to tell you anything! Now, leave this area, or face the consequences!" I bellowed defiantly. I needed a little more time to recover...luckily, Scyther's heal quickly. I remembered my other heritage, the one that blasts electricity with a vengance. He just laughed. "What are you going to do? You can't even move!" He laughed harder now. "I don't need to!" I yelled, then I concentrated. I started to glow a mellow yellowish colour, and then I moved the energy to my cheeks. The only thing that shows I had Pikachu in me, the electric sacks. "TAKE THIIIIIIS!" I yelled, blasting out the elecricity in every direction. This was risky, since I became tired after using it, and sometimes even hurt. When I stopped, I realized I was paralyzed, and the "Pydro" thing and "Hunter" were gone. Great. I started yelling out, hoping someone would hear me.

RaZoR LeAf
15th October 2003, 02:01 PM
Firebolt (m)

"Something's wrong." Nuance said, stopping what she was doing and looking distantly into the side of the mountain. I fllowed her gaze, and realised the direction she looked in was towards Rustboro.
"Can you tell what?" I asked.
"No. I only have.. feelings. Dread, Anxiety, Fear. I.."
She was cut off by a knocking noise on the stone boulder outside. It was weak, but Nuance nodded, sensing that it was safe to open it. I pushed the boulder ajar and found Recurved lying on the ground, soaking wet from the sudden falling rain and in great pain. He was accompanied by Carbon Copy, still in Abra form. I grabbed him and carried him inside, pushing the boulder back into place. Carbon nodded and teleported back to the town to continue, a more aware observation.

"Two others. They were like us, but they weren't with us." He groaned, as one of us, fortunatly splicied with a Chansey made work on the cracked bone in his leg, and the bruises covering his body and the in set paralysis caused from using his own developing abilites.
"Rockets by the sound of it." Whitewolf commented. "Can you remember what they looked like, or their names?"
"There was one.. a man. He called himself Pydro. He had Golduck and.. Charizard qualities. He was giving orders to another. He called it Hunter. I don't know if it was aware of itself, it was taking commands like it were a pet."
I nodded my head to Whitewolf and we turned to gain a little privacy.
"Liz Oblaso's code name was Hunter." he said. I didn't recognise her real name, but the code sounded familier.
"I've heard of the Hunter. She always caught her prey. Born into the Rockets. If she's been spliced, and is having to take commands, then she's been spliced hard. Her brain is altered."
"We should tell the others. It's getting unsafe here."
"We'll wait for now. Until Carbon returns with his report, nobody leaves the cave."

15th October 2003, 02:52 PM
NB - Pydro doesn't call them Disgraced, he calls them hybrids, but no-biggy.

Pydro - Rocket Charizard/Golduck

"TAKE THIIIIIIS!" the Scyther hybrid began firing electricity from his cheeks. I hadn't noticed those before! And since electricity is not exactly my greatest defence, I jumped backwards and began flapping my wings while beating back the bolts with a flamethrower. I picked up Hunter and jumped up and made a quick flight before landing underneath the tree canopy as the rain began to come on again. I lay down Hunter I examined her gash. I needed to be more careful. I can't just have my sweetheart sacrificing herself for me, I'm supposed to be the man in this relationship!

I picked up a bundle of sticks and roasted it in the palm of my hand then dropped it, making a make-shift fire and lay Hunter down beside it. Her mammal-like genes will confirm that the wound will heal itself but I'll have to stick it out for the meantime. Perhaps we can leave again in the morning.

~Pydro, Pydro, please respond, Pydro!~
My commlink was going off. I put it in my ear.
~Pydro here. What's the news?~
~This is Blackout. We saw this flash several miles away, did you?~
I remembered the giant flash the rogue had made, but to say that we ran would have been diabolical.
~Yeah, it was this part-Pikachu hybrid. He used flash on us to elude us.~
~You've spotted a disgraced?~
I growled at this name.
~Excellent. That means they must be in the area. Can you follow?~
I looked at Hunter.
~No, Hunter has sustained a wound. We have set up camp for the night and we will go into the caverns at 0500 hours.~
~Roger that. Transmission end.~
I turned off the commlink and pondered. I have to prepare myself for the battle to come. I then heard a voice. I turned to Hunter.
"S...s...sorry..." she made out. I don't know whether it was the rain or if I was crying but I wiped the drops from my eyes and lay down beside her, covering her with my tail to shelter her.
"No, I failed you. I should have protected you." I said softly and began to nurture her until she drifted off to sleep.

15th October 2003, 05:40 PM
As i looked at the badley injured Recurved i got angrey and my left eye started twitching. "Firebolt" I said angrily.
"Yes" he exclamed looking at me.
"Im leaving but ill be back" i said running toward the door
"NO" he replied"I said no one leaves"

I ignored his comment and opened the door stepped out and shut it.

(I gotta find them) i thought to myself (theyll pay for that)

I saw a small flame under the tree canopies. I ran ilently toward it. I saw a golduck/charizard hybrid and another that i couldnt make out clearly.

I walked right up to them looking down the whole time. "Howwwdy" I said calmly.

The charizard/golduck stood up quickly and said swiftly "who are you"

As I drew my blade i said" its not nice to double team peaple" "for that you have to pay"

He looked at my like i was insane, but i saw deep in his eyes the fear

"Goodbye!!!!!!!!" i yelled as i dashed at him slashing with my sword. He jumped back and doged all the slashes.

As he dodged i jumped back and used bolt and flamethrower on thim then slashed even faster hitting him with the two elemental attacks and stabbing him in the gut.

I then kicked him a few times and backed away. "There i feel better" I walked slowly toward the injured one on the ground and put my sword to her throat "well time to finish this one.........

RaZoR LeAf
16th October 2003, 10:57 AM
I shouldn't need to explain why i'm over-ruling that post, but i will anyway.

Firstly: When my character said "no one leaves" i meant, "no one leaves". Not one person decides to go off. The whole idea of the disgraced hiding in the cave is that they are staying hidden. When the biggest criminal organisation in the world is hutning you and ready to put you're polished skull on a wall, the last thing you do is walk straight off and go hunting for them.

Secondly: You are not invincible or super powered, so stop acting like you are. You don't know where Pydro and Hunter were, you don't know what they look like, so you don't suddenly find them. You also don't beat one of them in less than 4 lines with little to no effort.

Thirdly: This is the longest post you've made so far, and i'm disapproving it. Take a look around and make some proper sized posts next time.

Finally: This is a warning. Don't mess up again.

16th October 2003, 04:30 PM

Disgraced - Umbreon/Espeon(f)

I calmly stood against the cave wall, crossing my arms together and closing my eyes. I had felt a huge rush of anger... and sadness. Some times I believed it was an asset to feel 'auras'... but other times I felt as though I were cursed...

"What do you feel?" The strange man asked, as I was confined in a room with chains surrounding my ankles, wrists, neck and waist. I glared at him... but it hurt to even wince. I had been worked very hard this day... I had refused to obey most of the commands, for they all involved killing or hurting an innocent pokemon or human. As punishment, electricution had been in order along with holding me down with these blasted chains and attacking me with other... poor pokemon.
"I... I don't feel anything!" I yelled, struggling to still remain standing as the chains were tightly bound and uncomfortable.

I felt it again. I could feel some one in the other room... it cracked against my mind and ripped at my soul. It felt like some one was in horrible pain... and it made me sick and wince... it made my mind burn.
"Stop hurting it! STOP HURTING IT!"
I cried... until finally the man smirked and got up.
" I knew we could convince you to cooperate."
With that he got up and left... simply walked out, as I struggled to stand, shaking from teh feeling...
They had tortured some thinig in that other room... a pokemon-like being... they had burned it to death.
A single tear rolled down my cheek...

" I think we'll be safe tonight. Those two beings which attacked will not attack us tonight... "
Silence ensued, until suddenly a disgraced who seemed irritable fiercely gazed at me.
"How do you know? You can't say that... we have to be on guard! Don't say thing syou can't possible predict!"
My face blankly stared back, as Firebolt quickly growled.
"Calm down and get some rest. Nuance knows a lot of things... she has many abilities which you may not be able to comprehend, so respect her."

I looked at Firebolt suddenly, an dnodded... a little reassurance. It was nice to have some one looking out for you...

19th October 2003, 10:58 AM
Jenniah/F/The Disgraced/Skarmory:Miltotic:Gardevoir
Jenniah nodded her head fiercely at Firebolt's comment and gazed at Nuance adoringly.
"Big-sister Nuance strong!" she declared proudly, calling the younger disgracer her 'big sister', despite the fact that Jenniah was at least five years older than her and they were probably in no way related.
"Jenniah will help big-sister Nuance, too! Jenniah will fight-fight the bad people too!" She focused both of her eyes upon Nuance as a thought flitted through her mind, making her frown unhappily.
"Big-sister Nuance will let Jenniah help her... yesyes?"

20th October 2003, 07:05 PM
I walked to the back of the cavern thinking deeply on how hard it is going to be to storm the rocket base with these "peaple" against highly trained soldiers. We would need an army of assasins just to break security unless we can ge a peron the looks human into the base freely. which would be immppossible.

I looked around and saw all the "peaple" and thought to my self, they really think they have a chance, i cant believe im going to risk my life like this for this cause, but you never know we may win and break through security and overcome the rockets, highly doutfull but hey we can try.

I looked at firebolt and said to him, "how are we going to storm the rocket base without any casualties, or do u not know?"

Elemental Seribii
20th October 2003, 07:32 PM
I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. My Gamecube brainwashed me. ^-^;

Apathy - F, Disgraced
I finally stood up again, all that was left of the pain was a throb in my wrist. I walked upright back to the main area, where the rest still were.

Firebolt didn't even look up from his plans and talking with another 'Disgraced' who seemed to have shown up. As long as he wasn't trying to rip our hearts out, I'll just ignore him.
The tell-tale cracking of my bones told Firebolt it was just me. Nuance looked up and gave me a grim smile, at which I tried to remember how to smile myself. How long have I been here?

Of course, in this place, sometimes a day feels like or year...or it can feel like a second.

Jenniah came up to me, grinning widely.
"Appy is coming with us, yesyes?" She asked, bouncing slightly with excitement.
I nodded, and she smiled again.
"That's good, Appy. We can get rid of those mean people for good!" One of the silences I was so used to followed, as Jenniah waited for a reassuring reply.
"Of course, Jen. That's what we want." Nuance offered, which seemed to suit her need for a response.

"Have your markings been bad again, Apathy?" Firebolt turned around, concern only visible as a tiny glint in his eye. I nodded, and, speak of the Devil, my upper arm started to hurt again. Not a throbbing pain this time, but more like someone was stabbing it constantly. I winced, and leaned my back against the wall. God, I couldn't infiltrate a Rocket Base like this.

Nuance grabbed her arm and inhaled sharply, before looking over to me. She shouldn't have to pay for whatever those scientists did to me, and I suddenly felt guilt flood my mind. I looked down, and I couldn't help but feel embarassed.
"It's alright, Apathy. It wasn't too bad, I promise."

Sometimes I feel so pathetic. I'm not going for the sympathy card or anything, but sometimes...I don't know. Everything's gone so horribly wrong.

RaZoR LeAf
9th November 2003, 03:24 PM
Lets see if we can't revive this with a hardcore battle aye? But first, some big intertwined posts. :D


Almost two days have passed since Recurved was attacked. No one had entered or left the cave with the exception of Carbon Copy, who had reported in with his survey of the town. After three teleports to random locations he returned, exhausted from the over use of the latent Psychic abilities. The reason for his large cross coutnry movement?

"A copter landed just outside Petalburg Woods last night. There were two Rocket Elites in there, along with a half dozen grunts. I watched them for as long as I could, but their dark pokemon sniffed me out. It was only luck that I managed to escape as quickly as I could. I had to pass make sure no one was following me, I can't even be sure I wasn't being tracked this far."

By now Carbon Copy had reverted to his human state, but was loosing muscle consitency. Nuance took the opportunity to put him into a Psychic trance of sorts, something to let him rest properly, and regain his strength.
"By the sounds of it the Rockets must have a solid assurance that we're hiding out near Rustboro. They can't know it's our primary target yet, someone will need to make themselves known in Mauville atleast." I said.

"Let me." came the voice of Stone from the back. Stone was a college jock, but was ruined when he'd been spliced with two Rock types. Rhydon and Sudowoodo. "I'll make an appearence in Mauville, get the rockets off your back atleast for some time."
I nodded, and he left immediatly through one of the tunnels in the rear of the cavern.

That was yesterday, there had been no reply from him, nor had there been any activity. But as no one had left, we couldn't be sure. A noise at the front of the cave alerted Nuance, Whitewolf and myself to something lurking outside.
"Get the younger ones to the back of the cave. Whitewolf, come with me."

Whitewolf drew his sword, and followed me. I pressed my ear to the boulder in hope of hearing what was outside, but there was nothing. Gingerly, I pushed the boulder slightly to peer out. There was nothing. I pushed it out a little more when a dart rang past my ear and missed by mere millimeters.

"Idiot!" came the muffeled cry from the bushes, and suddenly the boulder was levitated away by an unseen pokemon. At once I filled my fist with fire heating up the skin around it to boiling point, but the pain was unimportant we'd been discovered. Something flew out of the bushes and rolled to a stop at my feet. I looked away then shook my head in grief. Stone's skull, unmistakable from the rhydon horn protruding from the forehead.
"You bastards.." Whitewolf growled and took a step forward. I held him back.

"A wise move Wilson." came a familier voice. The camoflauged uniform of Blackout, an Elite Rocket who specialises in covert operations stepped out of the forestry, where he had remained perfectly hidden. "We all knew how much of a wild card Aki was."
"Mathius you're scum you know that? Whatever you may be thinking right now, you'll have to get through us first."
"Oh really?" He smiled, and clicked his fingers. Instantly, six grunts stood up followed by Nightmare, Hunter and Pydro. That's eight rockets with a likely full compliment of pokemon each. Fourty Eight pokemon, not including anyone else we may have to fight. "How does this make you feel?"
"It changes nothing. You're not getting past us."


"It changes nothing. You're not getting past us."

"Ah Wilson, or should I call you Firebolt now? That is the name you're going by now isn't it? You know, you killed alot of rockets when you and your motley crew broke out of that lab. You killed friends too." He growled. Excellent "That's the sign of a true rocket. Killing anyone to get where you need to be. I should know, It's how I got where I am today."
"No good at anything else were you, had to resort to murder?"
"Oh, like you never did anything of the sort FIREBOLT. I do recall having to pick up the peices after you and your deformed friends ran riot and slaughterd a good group of scientists. You know, you're a good rocket, come back with us, and we'll spare your group."

Behind me I could hear Pydro growl a disagreement, but I knew Nightmare would hold him back for now. Wilson was obviously mulling it over, I always knew he'd come back if he could just be convinced.
"Come on, come back with us now, and we'll leave your friends alone. You're a rocket, this is what you do, not run about with delusions of revenge."
"You're right.. this is what I do." he stepped towards me, Aki beside him was shocked and didn't move in time to stop him. He turned to face Aki and spoke solemnly "I'm sorry old friend."

Without warning, he sawung around, his solid fist, the size and strength of a graveler, smashed into me, knocking me backwards into the forest. As I landed, pokemon were being released and commanded to attack with their strongest moves. Nightmare released her own, before running over to pick me up.
"Ai jaww.. Baftar frojem my fujig jaw.."
"Yeah right. Well shut up and stay down then. Give me your pokemon."
The pokeballs on my belt released my team where upon the instantly flew into the battle that was already outmatching the two former rockets that stood outside the cave alone.
"Bashards!" I screamed, the pain was immense. Through tear stained eyes I could just see others running out of the cave attacking, as I lost conciousness.

9th November 2003, 03:46 PM

Umbreon/Espeon/???(F) Disgraced

I sensed pain suddenly jeer from Firebolt's direction, and looking to him he suddenly fell to the ground.
"Firebolt!" I shouted, as a flying Noctowl came charging at me. He used confusion... trying to confuse everyone.
I have to get to Firebolt before...
Consentrating my energy, I held my hand upwards in the air, and instantly a viberant, churning violet marbled ball began to form. I thrusted all my mind power into the ball, and then my dark powers added to the psychic matter of the energy ball I had formed.
Spread! I thought, and instantly a flash echoed through the air and a dome-like area was formed around the entire group... encluding some rockets. It wasn't a shield...
"TOWL!" The owl-like pokemon shrieked, for teh bubble had left it and several other psychic and bird pokemon out. They could enter the bubble after a few pounds, but it would neutralize all their flying and psychic-related attacks. No confusion here.

I dodged a few gun shots, guns... great I thought, as I quickly went to Firebolt. I felt pain frome veryone as they attacked... but I quickly put up my mental block, trying to dull the pains I felt from everyone. For the time being, it was working.
"Grrarrrr..." As I reached Firebolt, suddenly my icy eyes glanced upwards to see two figures before us. The Charizard-related hybrid like us, whom I believed to be Pydro... and the most mutated creature I ever saw, with blood red eyes which instantly struck me as some thing you didn't want to mess with. That had to be 'Hunter.' I winced at the sight of her... she had blood upon her claws and muzzle.
I quickly placed my hand against Firebolt, as I crouched there... unmoving, afraid as if they would pounce if I moved. As I stared at them... my violet ring upon my forehead began to glow, along with the inner palm of my hand which remained onseen. It was dark out... night time... plus with the REcover from my psychic half... it was like a shockingly jump start for Firebolt.
Even if he is knocked out... it will help to awaken him... or at least, recover his body.
I gazed at the two pair... and the one smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes...
"If you're going to attack me, then go ahead!"
If they attacked me, I would defend with all my strength to defend Firebolt... no matter if it meant death or capture. He was a leader and ... and... my greatest friend.
I would not leave him.


Rocket Hybrid - Arcanine/Houndoom/Sneasel

I had awoken, to see Pydro over me... and it looked as if he had been crying. Crying... why would my mas-Pydro, cry?
"Grry?" I spoke gruffly, and he understood I was wondering why he would cry.
"I... I thought I had lost you."
I narrowed my eyes, as slowly I stood up. I shook my head, my fur rippling along wiht my hair, as I gave a grave face. I had been knocked out... but I was barely scaved. I had to remember next time to neutralize such electrical forces with the dark powers.

(Attack Now)

I awaited... standing by Pydro obediently, as I watched two Disgraced come, and then after a few words, a battle ensued. I licked my jaws, and watched as more Disgraced soon came out.
"Let's attack, Hunter." Pydro stated, and immediatly I felt an overwhemling force take over... (this is what happens when she goes into battle, her pokemon (arcanine mostly) take over, and they're more blood-thirsty than Liz.)

There was a pokemon sent out by one of the disgraced, and it was going after one of the main rockets. It was an electric type... and rage consumed for I remembered that was what had disarmed earlier. Narrowing my eyes I charged at it, feeling the dark energy inside of me begin to churn as my body slowly casted an ebony aura about me. The pokemon saw me coming and started to power up... holding it's ground, but just as it was about to fire the attack, I unleashed my paw and fwacked it upon the head. A little jolt came from it... but before it could begin to charge up again, I opened my mouth and felt the fire inside of me grow intense. Instantly fire of higher flame-thrower perportions came flowing out, spewing out actually, and the pokemon shrieked in pain. As soon as I was finished the pokemon came at me again but it was too late... after being weakened and dazed, I instantly grabbed it with my hands and brought it up to my muzzle in and instant, and with my powerful jaws around it I broke it's neck with ease. Just as I had finished, I saw Pydro had eyed a disgraced which had fallen. Turning my head... I saw that another disgraced had come to it's aid. Padding slowly over to Pydro.. he held up his hand as if to stop me.
The disgraced yelled at us... getting into a defensive stance. I lowered my head and growled... awaiting a command.

Elemental Seribii
10th November 2003, 07:51 AM
Blood is not good for Appy...but battles are fun.

Apathy - Disgraced (Meowth, Unown)
Jenniah and I were ushered to the back of the cave with the younger ones, to which I mentally protested. If it got hectic enough, maybe I could sneak out. Nobody would miss me.

I almost yelped when I sliced off a layer of skin on my thumb. I had put my hand against the wall, and must of dragged it back. I sucked on it, pouting.

Atlantis, a Lapras and Mr. Mime mutant, watched with amusement. He was two years younger than me, and still content with his life. I scowled back, and continued working on my weapon.

"Ah, sh*t." I mumbled, as I lost feeling in my hand. Atlantis suddenly snatched my hand into his larger and flatter ones, and closed his eyes, a blue aura surrounding him. Feeling shot back into my hand, but I winced at the pain that came with it.
"You're welcome." He smirked, and went back to talking with another Disgraced.
I rolled my eyes, and pouted down at the floor. Now, instead of a dead hand, I had a throbbing one.

"Gengar...Gengar, where are you?" I whispered. I was answered with a cackling in my ear. The ghost Pokemon was sitting on my shoulder, his unfailing grin in my face.

I didn't have a weapon, and I couldn't find hand-to-hand. Sure, I learned fencing while I was still with the Rockets, but I had forgotten to steal a sword, and there had plenty of them. Damn.

Suddenly, a salty, thick smell floated through the cave. I could feel my ears twitching. Blood was roaring through my head, and it was like someone was trying to force me out of the cave. Great. I get stuck with the psychopathic Meowth genes.

"Come on, Gengar. We can't hide forever." I whispered. He cackled, and I stood up, swaying in an invisible wind, and then automatically leaned down onto all fours, where I soon regained my balance. I 'walked' away from the group, hugging the wall.
Hope that's okay...

11th November 2003, 01:06 AM
Um, RaZoR, I think you called my character "Copycat" when he's really "Carbon Copy." It's not really the same...

Carbon Copy
I watched the carnage, as the Rockets beat up on our team. Guns were fired, and I knew they were going to hurt unless I transformed into something hard...

Then I had an idea...something that would both protect me and give us all a fighting edge. I had the DNA of every single Pokémon within me, even ancient Pokémon. I squelched down to my green blobbiness, then focused on the giant beast I was about to become. Slowly, I grew wings, talons, and a mean jaw. My body hardened to a soft, but solid rock, and I grew tremendously in size.

It took the Rockets approximately 30 seconds to notice the sudden addition to our team. I let out a loud screech (being unable to speak human) saying "You made me this way, let's see how you like it!" By this time, the dome that had been created to stop Flying and Psychic abilities had dissipated. With a great leap, I took off into the sky with tremendous acceleration.

I hovered over the battlefield after stopping short in mid-acceleration some 2000 feet up. I looked down at the Rocket ranks and noticed what seemed to be another experiment-gone-wrong, like us Disgraced. She seemed to be the main fighting force, and had already taken out one of our Pokémon. She would make an excellent first target.

Tucking my wings in, I dove, my immense body adding to my acceleration as I got closer. That one was going to pay for her actions this day. I saw as she slowly looked up at me as I hurtled towards her. With unnatural speed she moved backwards, out of the way of my falling body. With even more grace than her, if that was possible, I turned, last millisecond, out of my dive and flew straight into the Rocket ranks, aimed at her. I felt a couple dull thumps against my wings, which I assumed to be slow-to-react Rockets that I hit.

Still, I did not take my focus off of her. She dodged nimbly over me as I flew by, but I was fast to make a U-turn headed straight for her. She foolishly charged her flame, intending to burn me. As I went by again, she jumped me as before, this time raining fire onto my body. I shrugged it off, like it was just a feather tickling me.

But then I saw ahead of me another experiment who was charging water in his hands and looking at me menacingly. 'Fire I can deal with, but water's going to take something else...' I thought, going through my choices of Pokémon. Unfortunately, most were useless flying at high speeds. Then I caught on one, one that I hadn't tried before.

'There's a first time for everything, huh?' I told myself as I shrank considerably, growing separate arms, softening my limbs, shrinking my wings... Just as I was about to be in the range of this other Experiment, I had transformed, and my new Dragonite body, being much more agile, jumped straight up at a 90 degree angle from the ground without losing any speed. The water attack flowed harmlessly beneath me.

I stopped a few hundred feet up, slightly worn out from the sudden change. <You changed me...trying to make me an ultimate weapon...> I said psychicly to the Rockets, without putting thought into the words. <You wanted to use me as a thing that would win,> I added. Somehow, I was remembering what one of the Rockets had said in my presence earlier. My mind half flashed back to it, while still keeping myself hovering.

"If we could fuse one of them with a Ditto it would be a formidable opponent," the first said.
"Why leave it to simple fusion? Train it senseless until it learns to transform without seeing," another added
"That's...ingenious! We'd have ourselves an ultimate weapon!" a third piped in.
"Yes, an ultimate weapon of all the Pokémon in the world! It would never lose!" the second one finished.

<You tried to make me an ultimate weapon,> I repeated, breathing hard. <Well it looks like you were successful.>

Then I dove.
Just a note: CC is starting to get tired from the massive flying and constant changes. He won't last much longer at the rate he's going. A down-to-earth reminder that he really isn't all-powerful, but a rather large victim to fatigue. Also, whoever posts for the battle next can decide who he dives for.

Maybe I'll post for Spectra soon...