View Full Version : Poll: Oh no! NOT THAT!! NOOO!!!

26th September 2003, 07:21 PM
Here's another crazy poll from me! :D

1. What scares you the most or makes you the most nervous?
2. What is your least favorite class in school?
3. What's the worst punishment you've ever recieved?
4. Who annoys you the most (that you know personally)?
5. What's the worst assignment you've ever been given at school?
6. Do you get in trouble often? If so, how frequently, for what, and what is your usual punishment?
7. What is your least favorite commercial?
8. What's the worst pop-up ad you've ever had?

1. Probably bugs. They don't scare me, since I can kill them with one swat, but they're annoying pests that are difficult to hit at all, since they're so small. And the way they flit around my head... it makes me go crazy with frustration! Plus, it makes me itch like crazy. Weird, huh?
2. Out of the ones I'm taking now, probably English, since it's... ahem... BORING!! I know all this stuff already, so why do I have to take the stupid class? :rolleyes:
3. Hmm... probably being grounded for a week with no TV or computer. No computer... how did I survive? ;)
4. Ironically, my best "friend". He's been driving me crazy lately, and I know why, yet I don't... it's a weird situation. Don't ask, 'cause I can't tell you.
5. Any essay in history. I'm terrible at history, and it takes me eons to write a report in that class.
6. I almost never get in trouble, but when I do, I'm usually grounded for several days. I get in trouble for tiny things like arguing once-in-a-blue-moon with my parents, and stuff like that. But I guess that's what I get for being nice all these years.
7. Oh, jeez, I can name several. But my current least favorite is the one for Quizno's Sub Sandwiches, where the two guys in business clothes are by the fountain in the park. One of them insults the other's untoasted sub, asking "What, were you raised by wolves?" The guy goes into a daze for a minute. Flash to a pack of wolves nuzzling and licking each other, with the business guy in the middle of it, licking and nuzzling the wolves. Flash back to the scene by the fountain, where he says, "Yes. I was." That's just... sick. I also hate those stupid Old Navy commercials that parody old shows. It's just idiotic. But the Quizno's Subs one is worse.
8. I kept getting this one for awhile that would automatically download a program to my computer if you didn't close the window within like three seconds. I takes several minutes to get the stupid thing off, and I don't really even know what it's supposed to do. It didn't seem to have much of an effect, other than creating this little icon thingie in the bottom right corner of the screen. I've since given up trying to delete it, after about the fifteenth time of its reappearance.

26th September 2003, 07:47 PM
1. What scares you the most or makes you the most nervous?
2. What is your least favorite class in school?
3. What's the worst punishment you've ever recieved?
4. Who annoys you the most (that you know personally)?
5. What's the worst assignment you've ever been given at school?
6. Do you get in trouble often? If so, how frequently, for what, and what is your usual punishment?
7. What is your least favorite commercial?
8. What's the worst pop-up ad you've ever had?

1. Loosing the people most important to me.
2. Chemistry
3. From parents? Grounded for two days. Their groundings don't last. From school, a 5 day detention sentence
4. This kid that thinks I'm his friend
5. 10 pages of problem solving having to solve each with the 3 step process and it took FOREVER.
6. Yes, at shcool. Very frequently. I'm a loud mouth, opinionated class clown. I talk all the time, am not afraid to voice my opinion to teachers or fool around. Usually a detention. I almost got an in house suspension last year. I think I was 2 away. To get one you need 12 detentions per quarter. I got 2 the first quarter, 10 the 2nd, 3 the 3rd and none the 4th. :p The 10 one, 5 of them were from this stupid teacher that hated my guts.
7. Uhh...Can't say offhand
8. The slot machine one with the loud annoying music!:mad:

26th September 2003, 08:07 PM
1. I'm not scared of anything! I'm fearless!

2. In China, there's a class where they teach you about how to behave and stuff, and it wastes forty minites of your life per week. :rolleyes:

3. 0.o I don't do anything wrong most of the time

4. Annoy? No one.

5. Teacher: Write about a plant/flower
Me: *writes about grass*
Teacher: *looks at homework* This work is a piece of ****. Now write about a garden!
Me: -_-;;

6.Do you mean in school? I'm unschooled. I don't usally get into trouble.

7. *dusint watch TV* o.0 Um, problaey thouse pop up ads on line.

8. The one that tells me to buy oreos (or whatever their spelld)

26th September 2003, 08:07 PM
What a negative poll :P

1. What scares you the most or makes you the most nervous?

Brillo :<

2. What is your least favorite class in school?

I go to uni, I haven't even started my classes yet, we start them next week, I'm not really liking the sound of Communication Theory and Practice though.

3. What's the worst punishment you've ever recieved?

This life. I must've done something damn mean previously.

4. Who annoys you the most (that you know personally)?

My friends when they let me fill up the bandits then drop them with 50 pence -_-

5. What's the worst assignment you've ever been given at school?

Java last year ~_~ I... Don't want to talk about it.

6. Do you get in trouble often? If so, how frequently, for what, and what is your usual punishment?

No, I'm always such a good girl. I've never been on detention for something that was my fault and I've only been grounded once when I was about 8.

7. What is your least favorite commercial?

Kinder Suprise >_<

8. What's the worst pop-up ad you've ever had?

While I was away this summer my dad managed to get every annoying pop up creating program and virus you can imagine on my computer, so right now I'm quite often getting the free hot XXX action ones. I MUST CLICK YES FOR HOT ACTION NOW!!!!

26th September 2003, 09:30 PM
1. i hate cockroaches.

2. english and social studies because they're annoying, and italian because it's boring beyond words.

3. i don't know. once i was banned from the computer for three months in 5th grade for lying...that was pretty terrible

4. no comment

5. i dunno - there have been a lot of really awful assignments...summer homeworks suck

6. nope

7. a lot of them.


27th September 2003, 12:02 AM
1. What scares you the most or makes you the most nervous?
I hate bugs: roaches, spiders, all of them (except butterflies I guess). :\

2. What is your least favorite class in school?
Pre-Cal. The teacher is nice, it's just that I don't understand the material at all. For instance, we recently had a test with 13 questions on it... and I was only able to answer fully about 5 questions. ;o The rest I just put work down and hoped it gave me credit.

3. What's the worst punishment you've ever recieved?
I guess when I was cut off from everything (computer, tv, games, etc) for about 3 weeks. It was supposed to be a month but I guess my mom got soft.

4. Who annoys you the most (that you know personally)?
My mother. :wave: I mean, she's cool most of the time, but she can be so damn annoying.

5. What's the worst assignment you've ever been given at school?
Last week, for Spanish class we had to memorize the song Guantanamera and sing it in front of the class. It wasn't that hard, but who wants to sing with a horrible voice in front of everyone? Another crappy assignment I had last year (and this year again) is the 5-10 page History term paper. I can't write 10 pages on the Article of Confederation. >_>

6. Do you get in trouble often? If so, how frequently, for what, and what is your usual punishment?
Not really. My mom yells at me a lot, but that's my mother. She'd yell at me for anything minor.

7. What is your least favorite commercial?
I dunno. I hated the p'zone commerical though... that stupid kid deserved a punch in the face. "Whut's a pa'zone???" :no:

8. What's the worst pop-up ad you've ever had?
The ones that take up the whole screen, the ones that play music, the ones that slow up my computer, basically all of them. :<

27th September 2003, 02:45 AM
1. Worms. >_<
2. Eh, I don't know. I'll say my spanish class because it's boring.
3. Right now I'm grounded for over a month ~_~
4. One of my best friends, Courtney. She likes to be my little clone..
5. Worst assignment? Probably last year when we had to read 25 books for english in a year. That's like two or three books a month. On top of that, my teacher expected me to read 500+ paged books all the time, and it really got annoying.
6. No, I don't get in trouble a lot, really. Only once every coupla months :)
7. Dunno really. I do like the Chrusher (?) advert with the singing kitties and the cow though. :D
8. I got one that filled the entire screen (you couldn't press the X) and about 20 of them popped up at once. Yeah that'll REALLY make me want to buy your product, stupid ****s.

27th September 2003, 02:59 AM
1. What scares you the most or makes you the most nervous?
I hate slugs, but they don't scare me, so I guess it's spiders :<

2. What is your least favorite class in school?
PE ¬_¬ I can't do any sort of physical sports to save myself ;_;

3. What's the worst punishment you've ever recieved?
I've been excluded from my school for a week... . .;

4. Who annoys you the most (that you know personally)?
I have to pick ONE person? X_x;; Um, this guy called Andy who's really conceited and thinks he's really clever, yet he's always asking others on what to do and gets really bad grades >_>;

5. What's the worst assignment you've ever been given at
A three page essay about TREES. How the hell is that humanly possible? >_< I managed, but it was the most boring piece of work you can imagine.

6. Do you get in trouble often? If so, how frequently, for what, and what is your usual punishment?
I get into trouble all the time, but I don't think it's my fault. Well, at least, not totally. It's usually because everyone treats me as that outcast with a crappy life, and try to beat my up or hurt me some way and I retaliate =/ It's usually just a detention.

7. What is your least favorite commercial?
Oxy Clean! So crap... ~.~

8. What's the worst pop-up ad you've ever had?
Like Simone and Ashlea, the ones that fill the entire screen and don't let you close it because you can't find the close button X.x;

27th September 2003, 07:29 AM
1. What scares you the most or makes you the most nervous?
Rollercoasters. I feel like a scaredy-cat.

2. What is your least favorite class in school?
Science. I like the course, but our teacher doesn't know how to teach, and she gets things mixed up herself. And we're only in Year 9.

3. What's the worst punishment you've ever recieved?
Can't remember, I'm such a good little girl.

4. Who annoys you the most (that you know personally)?
I can't pick one out of my aunts and uncles.

5. What's the worst assignment you've ever been given at school?
Any form of Chinese homework, since it's actually my first language but I got forced into it... good thing I could quit this year. So boring.

6. Do you get in trouble often? If so, how frequently, for what, and what is your usual punishment?
Nah, see 3.

7. What is your least favorite commercial?
Me and TV don't go together, so see 8.

8. What's the worst pop-up ad you've ever had?
Any that pops up about 20 times in a row.

27th September 2003, 09:50 AM
1) Rollercoasters and other thrill rides for me as well. Just looking at them scares me ^_^;;

2) Gym. Our teacher makes us do these stupid 'activities' that don't require any physical skill or even any movement rofl. Most of my classes are good tho.

3) I was grounded for over a month because of bad grades about 2 years ago, that's about as bad as it gets tho

4) My dad, he often goes out of his way just to annoy somebody, so he can be a real pain. I don't have any aunts or uncles, I'm lucky to see my grandparents once every several years, and none of my friends are really annoying.

5) Last year's music project. 50% of your grade and the project was 'do something related to music'. What a detailed description. I got a 21/20 and an A+ for the course, so it's all good.

6) Rarely, I don't really do anything.

7) Barbie of Swan Lake. I can't stand it, I had the commercial stuck in my head for like 10 minutes of pure agony lol

8) The huge full-screen crap, too annoying

27th September 2003, 12:37 PM
1. What scares you the most or makes you the most nervous?


2. What is your least favorite class in school?

i love them all.

3. What's the worst punishment you've ever recieved?

punishment? ive never really been punished. im not a jackass.

4. Who annoys you the most (that you know personally)?

a girl named lyndi.

5. What's the worst assignment you've ever been given at school?

pretty much any of the term papers ive had to write.

6. Do you get in trouble often? If so, how frequently, for what, and what is your usual punishment?


7. What is your least favorite commercial?

hmm...the Zoom Zoom commercials.

8. What's the worst pop-up ad you've ever had?

popup? buh? i had like 10 popups that came up once by just clicking on some link. it pissed me off.

27th September 2003, 05:38 PM
1. Spiders...eww...it creeps me out just thinking about 'em!

2. I would have to say Math...don't ask me why; I just don't like it.

3. This one was from my school-wrestler brother: I kept asking him what he was doing in the garage, and he twisted my arm behind my back with my stomach against the kitchen counter...OUCH!

4. My little sister---she just can't keep her sticky fingers off my stuff!

5. In my college math class, we were given a couple of "logical" math problems as part of the take-home part of our finals---were those trick questions, or what?!

6. Well, these days, I don't get punished very much.

7. Those Oreo commercials---those people look so goofy :rolleyes:.

8. Who cares which one---they're all so ANNOYING!!!