View Full Version : [GSC] Need help with treasure room deal, and Raikou

22nd October 2003, 08:00 AM
I picked up Crystal again after reading some interesting stuff about the Ruins of Alph treasure rooms, and I did two of them (escape and light) but I don't know how to make water work. Apparently you have to attach Mystic Water to your lead pokemon, so I didn that, in every different way I could think of and still nothing has happened. I tried attaching it before I went in, then reading, reading, then attaching, attaching before reading, etc. No luck. Any ideas?

On a slightly related note, I am having trouble finding Raikou. I have it on my map, but it's movements are completely random, making it very difficult to track. When I finally end up in the same spot as it (by dumb luck, usually) It then won't come out, and disappears after a while of searching. it's infuriating and I need it so I can get Ho-oh. Does anyone have any tips for getting it?


22nd October 2003, 09:09 AM
I thought water was a water stone on your pokemon.... but that is from memory so I could be worng.

To get Raikou fly to a town - walk to a nice patch of grass beside it and see if its there... repeat always flying to the town. You'll get it eventually.

You don't really need a Raikou to catch anything though...

22nd October 2003, 11:06 AM
OK, I'll try that. On the site walkthrough, it says Mystic Water, maybe he got confused or something; and in Crystal, apparently, you need to catch all three legendary dogs before you can have access to Ho-oh