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Kioshi Wakami
9th December 2003, 06:46 AM
Jun Wakami

I groaned a bit, the battle finally over. It seemed like we couldn't get away from a fight at all. Was being humans in this Digital World really that bad? No... the clown-face was a human too, atleast I thought he was. He could've been a digimon himself, but what would explain the D-Sense?

My thoughts were interrupted as the left over speckles of slime from my legs and the ground around me was pulled off and hurtled towards Kenichi's digimon. It was a rather awing display and it ended almost as soon as it began (OOC: How long did it actually take? o.o). My body was weary, still from the lack of sleep.

Quietly I walked towards the older Laura and looked over her carefully.

"You okay? That's a pretty nice katana you have there..." I stated, pointing out the sword carved out of ice.

"Yeah..." Her eyes looked away from me and towards the ground. I looked a bit puzzled by this, but brushed it off. She was still probably shy or withdrawn from everyone and me. The thought almost casted a frown upon my face, but only reflected in my eyes.

"If you have any wounds I have the aid kit back in the room. I can bandage you up there." I stated too softly. And with a glance, I tried to find David, and without a real known reason why, I wanted to know if he was okay too.

9th December 2003, 06:10 PM
I looked at the carnage around me, the thoughts of lawsuits running through my head.

"Um," I said, "Guys, I'm not comfortable standing in a street that looks like it went through a mini-earthquake. I think we should vamoose before there's a lawsuit on our butts."

I looked over at Kenichi, who nodded in the affirmative. We scampered off back to the hotel area. Jun was speaking to the hotel peson as I began pressing buttons.

"God, let's just hope Morrigan hasn't woken up before we get back," I muttered, "I don't think she'd..."

"...like it if she were left alone?" the elevator doors opened to reveal Morrigan, stoic-faced, holding the majority of everyone's stuff. She was almost completely covered in various bags. I looked on in horror, this was bad.

"Uh," I said, "Morgan, what are you going to do?"

I began to back away so that Morrigan could get out of the lift. This turned out to be a big mistake as all of the bags she had hit the floor and her hands began to reach for me.

"Oh, crap," I said, "Morgan, DON'T!"

It happened too fast for me to tell you what happened, but now I was dangling from the lobby chandelier. It wouldn't have been too bad if it weren't for several other things as well. I was currently looking down on Laura, Satoshi, and Kenichi, who were just staring in mild surprise.

"I can't believe she managed to get you up there," wide-eyed Satoshi said.

"I can't believe she could give him a wedgie, and THEN hang him up there by his pants," Kenichi said, slightly impressed.

"Do you guys mind?" I said, paralyzed by pain "I'm in some serious physical pain..."

Roy Karrde
10th December 2003, 08:57 AM
Laura Lutz
I stood open mouth in shock and suprise, that was one heck of a throw to get some one that far up. Now the problem came on how to get him down, but I doubt I would be much help doing that so I began to wonder away from Satoshi's side over to the flyers for the towns near the area.

"Here maybe we can get him down with these" Satoshi suggested handing one of two large metal poles to Kenichi, each began to take rounds in trying to get David down, yet it looked more like they were children hitting a pianta.

I represed a laugh and turned back to the flyers, which I was flipping through finally landing on one that said "Primary Town" it looked like a really cute town with all these cute baby digimon hopping around every where.

"Oh, Kari, Morrigan, Laura, look at this" I pointed out showing the other girls the flyer, I would have asked Auny but she seemed to....well she seemed to busy with her new boyfriend. I continued to flip through the book with them, each of us pointing out the pictures with the cute baby digimon in them. We were all almost through with the book, when a large banging sound was heard, followed by the sound of a body hitting the ground.

"Got him down" Satoshi announced, we all looked at him for a second and then turned back to the book.

Alpha Magnetmon
"Master Satoshi can I have a moment of your time?" I asked him, my joints still hurt and I could swear I was still covered in slime and who knew how long it would take to get all of that out.

"Yeah" The boy replied placing the pole back up, I handed him his back pack carefully which he quickly thanked me for.

" I just wanted to know, that I came online, in a very wierd situation, but at that time you seemed very happy and the bio scan I took of you two seemed to regester the same. Yet in the last few days neither you or mistress Laura have been very happy except for the last hour or so when you showed affection for her, now can you tell me what is wrong?" I asked, I really was truely puzzled, this "kiss" that the humans talked about seemed to relax them and bring them into a very healthy state yet it seemed to also bring them into a very dangerous and unhealthy state the hours following it.

"It's kindof complicated" Satoshi replied rubbing the side of his head, he was obviously confused or was trying to figure out how to explain it.

"I'll never understand you teenagers" I sighed and began to walk off as Satoshi slung his backpack over his shoulders. "Oh Master Satoshi, please be careful with that there is something breakable in there that I doubt Mistress Laura wants broken" I warned him.

10th December 2003, 01:25 PM
I've been sick lately. My tonsils are swollen and red, and I've been coughing up nose-dwellers(burgers...ewww) ever since.

Satoshi Takinowa[Hey!!There's no candy in this Pinata!!;( ]

"Oh Master Satoshi, please be careful with that there is something breakable in there that I doubt Mistress Laura wants broken"Alpha Magnetmon warned me, and walked off once more. I took my backpack off my shoulders, and looked at it slightly. I slowly placed it back on my back. I decided to follow Alpha's advice, but I was going to look in my backpack later.

"You ok,David?"I walked over to his body on the ground, and said. I smiled briefly, and offered my hand to pull him up,"That was kind of funny"

"It's not funny when it hurts."He muttered, fixing his undies, which were set in super-wedgie mode, and his pants,which were about in the same status as his undies. I smiled a little more, and walked off..

'Wonder what they are up to.'I thought, looking over at the girls.They all were looking at some strange book or something,but they were all together...

Auny was with Kenichi, David was regathering himself, and Jun was busy talking to the digimon behind the hotel desk. I sighed breifly, and found Hawkmon leaning besides the door.I walked over to him, and placed my backpack softly next to him, and sat down.

Sorry..My fountain of Ideas right now, has dried up.Might be because I need soda.

Yami Annika
10th December 2003, 04:15 PM
Aunyailia Vergere

I watched them use long metal poles to get David down from the chandelier. I felt slight pity for David. But mostly, I felt amused... It was pretty funny. Especially what they were doing to get him down. The classic piñata technique. Half of me wanted a piece of the action, but, unfortunately, there would be no candy reward. And my arms, unlike the rest of my body, were tired.

I felt strange... what happened... It was, as they say, in the moment. I hadn't had time to prepare. Of course, would I have ever been prepared? I also felt very strange... whenever I saw him, I felt lighter, and like I was on some sort of high. Also, lately, very giggly. These feelings had never been so strong before. What did they mean?

Amidst my thoughts, Kenichi walked over to me. I half-jumped.

"Salut," I stammered, grinning slightly.

Giggly again. Stuponfucious.

10th December 2003, 10:54 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

I smiled a bit back at Auny, unsure of what to do. Truth to be told, the amazing wedgie pinata boy had given me a few minutes (however entertaining it was) where the kiss had been shoved to the back of my head. Now it had come around again and had begun to dominate my thoughts. The memory became vivid in my mind, as did thoughts I had never had before...

I ended up unconsciously scratching the back of my head, my smile having grown larger. I stared into her eyes, the warm feeling the kiss had given me had returned. This felt oddly comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

"Hi Auny," I said to her, keeping my smile plastered to my face. "Looks like we finally managed to get David down, I don't suspect he'll have any permanent injuries from it."

Auny giggled at the comment. "Yup, Morgan seems to be pretty strong for someone her size..."

I took a deep breath in. "About that kiss Auny..."

She looked at me, a hint of anxiety on her face.

"I... really liked it," I ended. The look of anxiety was replaced with a blush. She shifted from foot to foot, and looked down towards the ground.

"I... liked it a lot too..." She said her voice quiet in the lobby.

Something within me seemed to leap at this answer, a weight I hadn't realized that had been present since the kiss vanished, replaced by thoughts. Things were interupted as Rigiamon came down the main staircase, the remaining bags and items the group had left bundled neatly into his arms. Silent as a ghost, he strode with an unnerving speed to deposit each bag by its owner. He put down my backpack by my feet, then looked sideways at Auny, then back to me.

As he turned his back to me, I could have sworn he winked...

"It's time for us to leave this town, it is no longer safe for us," Rigiamon said calmly. "The next place we are heading is Primary Village. It is the utmost priority that more of you have partners, and this should solve the problem somewhat."

"Problem is," Jun interrupted as he came from the managers desk. "These digimon want an awful lot of money for the damages we caused outside... I don't think we can leave without working for them for quite some time, or finding some way to make some more money."

Rigiamon stared at him for a moment, then nodded. "If you would wait here for a moment, I will speak to the manager to sort this out in a productive manner."

I saw Hawkmon wince visibly at this, as Rigiamon approached the manager's desk. He nodded his head once at the digimon behind the counter, an ogre type Sharmamon, then pointed towards the door behind the counter. The green faced digimon nodded as well, and the two of them dissapeared behind the wooden door. It took less than a minute for it to open once more, the green face of Sharmamon now very pale. His eyes kept on darting back to Rigiamon as my digimon walked calmly out of the room. With a gulp, he stuck his thumb into his mouth, and ran back into the room.

"Problem solved, he does not want any money. We will be going," Rigiamon said to the group, then added a small edge to it, "Now."

We all responded well to the words, everyone up and off their feet. As a group, we moved out of the hotel, and back onto the ruined street. With Rigiamon in lead, Auny, Satoshi, and Laura ahead of me, we began to move in the direction of Primary Village. The rest of the group was spread out, and I noticed David wincing as he walked.

"Hey Kenichi," a voice whispered next to me. I turned to see Auny now walking next to me. I felt a pressure in my hand, and was surprised to see her holding it, a look of redness on her cheeks. I smiled in response, as the road moved on...

Roy Karrde
11th December 2003, 10:10 AM
For everyone that's in collage Happy winter break and good luck for those who still have finals.

Laura Lutz
Satoshi, Auny, and I continued to walk in silence toward the new town, and then Auny decided to drop back to her boy friend which left Satoshi and I to lead the group. I wanted to say something to him, but every time I opened my mouth I just couldnt find the right things to say so I just closed it again.

After a few more minutes of walking in silence I turned to see Auny and Kenichi holding hands, the were getting really close to each other, every few steps it seemed that either Auny or Kenichi would lean over and wisper something to the other, and he or she would start giggling. Behind that I noticed Laura and Jun trade looks at each other from a distance, they all seemed so happy being with close friend.

I began to feel tears well up in my eyes, and I tried to keep them down I wasnt going to cry I wasnt going to cry. It just wasnt fair, just yesterday every one of them had looked at me and Satoshi like we were some kind of fungus or something aweful when we were holding hands, and now, and now they were doing the same thing it just wasnt fair. It just wasnt fair, I had been nice to every one and even defended Auny when no one else would, even when Kenichi hated her and now and now she was all happy with her new boy friend and all I had was Satoshi who seemed to like me for a second and then hate me the next.

I wiped the tears away from my eyes and looked around to see if any one had saw me crying, that's when I noticed Satoshi looking at me, he looked at me with a warm loving look, not one of hatred or sadness but of happiness. He then looked behind his shoulder to see what I was crying and about and finally turned back around.

"Come here" He said softly and placed a arm around me and pulled me closer to him, I lightly reached over and interlocked my fingers around his while he kept that protective arm around my back, and I just sobbed lightly into his shirt becuase I was tired, and hungry, and had the taste of slime in my mouth, and just wanted to go home.

Roy ( 5 Years Ago )
"Hey Akira" I said rubbing the back of my neck, I tried to balance the phone on my shoulder, while I kept a eye out for Sarah, and well I had to make it look like I was really studying Laura's art project so that she would be happy that I looked at it.

"Roy, I haven't heard from you in years, where have you been, what's.." Akira replied in a some what panicy voice, in the back ground it sounded like at ten year old boy who didnt want to do his spelling words was throwing a fit.

"I cant talk for long Akira, I just cant get in contact with Ashieyu or Kioshi, and well I need one of you guys to promise me something" I sighed placing my head against the wall, Laura sencing my distress came up to my side and asked what was wrong, I placed a arm around her and prepared myself to tell Akira the hardest part.

"Akira, I got this feeling, I dont know who but I dont think I will be around for much longer, And well I want you to take custody of my daughter" I sighed, Akira went silent and I began to rub my forehead, I would never want Laura to stay with Sarah, if Sarah was trying something...she might hurt Laura and I wouldnt be around to protect her.

"Roy, I..." Akira began when the sound of another found being picked up came over the line and a very angry voice joined in.

"Mom when are you getting off" The boy yelled over the phone line, the sudden change in town almost made me jump, I was about to say something when some one else joined in on the convosation.

"Look daddy I'm on the phone" Laura said over the phone line, I almost supressed a laugh, and tried to look around to see which of the other phones she was on. If Sarah found out what I was doing, she would make sure that she got cusdoty of Laura and well, I shuddered at the thought.

"Who's this?" The boy asked over the phone line, what was supposed to be a secret convosation between two people was quickly becoming a group discussion.

"Laura, who are you?" Laura replied in her shy tone. I leaned around the corner to see her in my room, using the phone and twisting the cord around her fingers.

"I'm Satoshi, and mom I need your help on my homework" The boy I guess Satoshi replied in a very angry voice. So Akira had a kid too, I wonder if her and Gali, naw.

"Akira, I'm going to let you go, please if something were to happen to me, just....just please take care of Laura" I sighed, I didnt want Sarah to find out where Laura would end up if I were to die, heck I didnt want her within a hundread miles of my daughter.

"Roy..I..I dont know, call me back tomarrow, and we'll try and work something out" Akira replied, I agreed to call her back and we all hung up the phones. I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands and began to cry. That was it, everything was taken care of atleast Laura would be okay.

"Daddy are you okay?" Laura asked nudging my side, I just wrapped my arms around her and finally wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"Yeah everything is okay, how did you like that Satoshi kid?" I asked her, Laura made a wrinkled face in responce to the question.

"He's too mean, he needs to be nice" Laura said waving her finger at the air as if Satoshi was standing right there.

"Well what would you think about meeting him so day, maybe staying over at his house for a while" I asked rubbing the swelling pain coming from the pit of my stomach.

"I dunno" Laura said shaking her head. "He's a meanie and I dont like being friends with meanies they like to hurt people, besides I want to stay with you daddy" She said finally throwing her arms around my neck.

"Yeah I want to stay with you too honey" I winced as the pain in my stomach seemed to get a little bit worce.

11th December 2003, 04:50 PM
Morrigan (Because David has stolen the spotlight)
Morrigan was flanking the group's left side. She was weary, though she had no idea as to why.

"Hey, lovebirds," she called out to Aunie and Kenichi, ruining whatever moment they had. She ignored the looks they gave him and proceded to talk, "What was going on back there, you guys look tired?"

From them, Morgan learned about the whole fight with the obnoxious Arkana. Morrigan cursed her luck, having missed out on a good brawl.

"miserable little...I oughta...," David was rather audibly mumbling to himself (How does that work?). Morrigan could only assume he was plotting his sinister revenge. Kenichi could only look at him like David was some wierd green thing.

"What was that..." he began, but was cut off by Morgan.

"That would be David plotting against us," she simply stated. Kenichi was now giving her the strange look.

"Us? You're the one..."

"Yeah, well, I don't think he appreciates being knocked about like a pinata with metal rods," she countered. If there was thing she was good at, it was being stubborn. Something she inherited from her father, "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to introduce myself to the unfamiliar folk."

She walked away from the two lovebirds and walked up to someone else.

It was a girl, whom somehow looked familiar to Morrigan. Her ash-to-fire eyes, the pattern on her clothes, indeed, her very demeanor looked familiar to her, but the familiarity was slightly vague. It was something she couldn't quite understand.

"Excuse me," Morrigan broke the ice, "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

12th December 2003, 04:40 PM
Please be patient at this time, but I,right now..probably have the flu(meaning as well, people have been getting it a lot lately. I'm suprised I'm the first one in my house hold to actually get it.). I 100% promise to post tomorrow after I come home from the doctors. I want to know what I exactly have before I post..And for the fact that I have to think about what I will actually post. If I get back on tonite, I'll Post.


13th December 2003, 09:36 AM
Sorry I was gone...being grounded stinks....@_@;;

~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice["In a momory, you'll find me, eyes burning up. The darkness is holding me tightly, until the sun rises up...." from "Forgotten" by Linkin Park]~*^*~
After the so-called 'Great Arkana'(great....my a**) had fled the battle scene and Arwen de-digivolving back to Yukimon, apparently Jun approached me in awe, looking at the katana in my hands.

"You okay?" He asked, soon pointing to my katana of ice, "That's a pretty nice katana you have there..."

"Yeah..." I replied shyly, my eyes somewhat looking away from him and then towards the ground. I couldn't help but remain withdrawn, because I had feelings that deep down, they all have something against me.

"If you have any wounds I have the aid kit back in the room. I can bandage you up there...." He stated, probably a bit too softly. With just one more glance, Jun was trying to find somebody...probably David, maybe to make sure he was okay too. In loneliness, I placed the katana back in its sheath, and Arwen leapt onto my head.

"You sure you're alright....?" She asked, her head hanging upside down and glancing towards mine.

"I....guess so..." I replied, a little startled by her being up close. She withdrew her head, after blinking once, then I immediately looked down to my pendant, it was remorsely glowing faintly, probably to represent my feelings deep down. Sighing, I looked around, trying to find somebody to talk to. Kenichi, Satoshi, Aunyailia, the other Laura, and their digimon have already left, probably to find the next town, Morrigan was introducing herself to the other girl(Kari), I had no idea where Kouji was, and Jun was with David, probably to try and heal him...leaving me alone, the only one here actually with their digimon. There was nothing to do now, so I picked up Arwen off my head, sat down on a bench against the fountain, and placed her in my lap.

"Arwen...What's the next town and how far is it from here...?" I asked quietly, trying not to get anybody's attention.

"I think it's supposed to be Primary Village," She replied, blinking, "And it's probably just a bit away from here..."

Nodding, I placed her by my side, and turned around to look at the statue in the fountain. It resembled two angel-like figures, one male; one female, with a large bunny-like digimon....probably some sort of omen, like the guardians of the digital world. The male was pouring water from his right hand, the female from two of her many wings and her left hand, and the bunny was pouring from its large, flopping ears. The water was pure, reflecting the pale pink, purple, blue, yellow, orange, and red colors of sunrise. I felt something inside telling me something...the darkness releasing me, backing away from the rising sun. In awe, I gazed at the orb of orange, riding slowly across the eastern sky. The ancient Greeks believed that Helios, the sun god, was riding his chariot drawn by horse across the sky. The norse believed day and night was because two Jotuns in the form of wolfs kept chasing the sun and the moon, lead by chariots, because their kind disliked light...and I kept that pace making day and night forever until Ragnarok, which then the Jotuns would finally devour the two.

Smiling, I heard footsteps approaching me, I turned around to see Kouji, also gazing at the fountain.

=*=Kouji Hikazu - Light[O.O;; Oooh....pretty statue....]=*=
"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked Laura, as she looked to me and nodded, following by Arwen who mimicked her partner.

"Yes...but it looks so fragile, but so strong..." She replied, slightly half-smiling, and looking towards her pendant.

"You alright?" I asked, my hair fluttering in the breeze.

"Yeah." She replied, sorta placing her hand over her stomach wound, it looked pretty minor, probably causing not much damage. Shaking my head, I glanced from the statue, then towards the sun. The radiance warmed my cool face, then reflected Laura's glasses lenses. Arwen's forehead gem, also obtain some radiance, glowed with life....apparently enjoying this feeling.

13th December 2003, 07:58 PM
So does being sick^^I promised a postie^^

Satoshi Takinowa[The everlasting sunset]

I looked down at Laura as I heard come light crying.I kept my arm around her, walking slowly. I used my other hand to fidgit with my D-Sense. Ahead of us were Hawkmon and Alpha Magnetmon, both lightly chating.

We continued to walk,even if most of the group wasn't following us.Laura continued to lightly sob on my shirt, and I continued to place my arm around her to comfort her.We got as far as the edge of town, that had a sign saying "Primary Village, 2 hours."

(Ok,I dunno what to post. So sue me.)

Yami Seraphimon[Phantomon's in for it!]

"I'll be going back to my quater's for a little while. I want to see what my child is doing."Venom Lucemon proclaimed. I nodded slightly at him, and his entire beody became darkness, and he traveled, faster than anything I have seen, along the darkness of the room.I was alone now, with Magna Wiccamon working on another project, and Venom Lucemon was doing a little checking on his child.

I looked deeply into my purple glass orb to check on the 3 digimon we sent to capture and destroy Las Mesa. Something told me in the pit of my Digi-Stomach that it didn't go to plan.

First thing I saw was a ghost Digimon, Phantomon, over the city. He examined the group of kids, his eyes full of fear.

"Noo way..I'm not committing Suicide!!"I heard him say. I laughed at that fact, for the matter was, if he came back, I would Kill him and take his Data. So in a way, it was better for him to die fighting than to die like a wuss.

Using the orb, I tried to find traces of Phelesmon and Mummymon,but there was no trace of them. I looked around more, and decided that the stupid kids and their digimon defeated them. I would get revenge..

"Pfftt..I got much better things to do than pick on a bunch of little kids right now. I gotta get plans into motion quick."I said aloud, making a mental note,"I got 2 worlds to conquer."

Aoi Watanabe[Ahh...Shower....Feel's goooooooooooooooood]

"Thank you again."I smiled as I entered the Swanmon's House. It was in the center of the town, near a bunch of bushes with egg's growing out of them. The House itself looked like a big egg.

"It's No Problem."Swanmon replied,"The Last time I've seen a human was about 20..25 years ago.But I was just a Gatomon then."

"How'd you get to be a Swanmon?"I said, placing my Bag on a Chair, and taking my shoes off next to the table.

"I worked for Orphanimon back then, but after a while, and I did such a great job at what I did, that I got promoted to this Job."Swanmon replied,"I've been doing this for 15 years or so."

"That's pretty cool,"I said,"Wheres the bathroom?"
"Uhh.."Swanmon lost her tail of thought for a quick second or two,then added,"It's all the way down that hall."

^^I posted. Dance. Rejoice. Be Merry.^^;

Roy Karrde
13th December 2003, 08:56 PM
Allright Finals week, and well good luck to every non collage student who has finals in the up coming week

Laura Lutz
We walked for what seemed like for ever, and with every step my arms and legs acked more, and I got hungrier and hungrier.

"Hey, are you hungry?" Satoshi asked holding out a bag of potato chips, I nodded slowly and began to ate them as fast as possible, half way through the bag I realized how rude I was being.

"Do.." I gulped trying to find my voice. "Do you want some?" I asked my stomach hurt really badly but I wanted to be sure that Satoshi wasnt hungry first.

"No, it's okay" Satoshi said warmly and I went back to chowing down on the chips, I finally finished the bag and neatly folded it into a small box and placed it into my pocket.

"Satoshi, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked him, I looked up at the moon that was still visable in the sky even though the sun was out.

"I dont know, I guess I really never thought about it, I guess I will decide when I need to" Satoshi replied keeping his mind straight on the target of the next city.

"Oh, I always thought I would grow up to be something nice, like a school teacher, or a astronaunt" I said my eyes getting all stary eyed as I thought of the possible future. "But, ever since daddy died I just kindof wished that I would meet some one that could be nice to me and well just care about me"

Satoshi just sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he tried to think of something next. "Laura, why do you like me, why stay near me when all I have done is be mean to you, why not try and like some one nice like Jun or David, some one who deserves your kindness?"

"Becuase, becuase" I tried to reply searching for what I could put into words. "Becuase your special, your special and unlike any one I met, and becuase your the first person in a long time to actually care about me" I told him and then I quieted my voice down.

"And becuase when you kissed me, for the first time I felt like some one cared about me and only me" I told him quietly he just seemed to watch me for the longest time and I started blushing from all the attention.

"That is why I like you Satoshi" I told him breaking the silence I finally looked up at him again and stood up on my tipee toes and kissed him on the cheek.

Yami Annika
13th December 2003, 10:18 PM
A few minor changes to Aunyailia. First, her age: She's now barely sixteen (Like, a few days old sixteen). And her natural eye color in the real world: It's still hazel, but on one eye around the pupil it has a gold tint, and on the other eye it has a bluish tint around the pupil. I do hope that's alright. If not, then, of course, I'll change it back. :)

Aunyailia Vergere

I felt happy, walking with him. I could, perhaps, forgive the "lovebirds" comment. Although, when that first happened, I jokingly thought to myself that she would soon pay for that. After we told Morrigan about the battle, and we learned from her that David was plotting against us all, she left, leaving us alone again. We kept walking, to Primary Town, whispering and talking and laughing. We were in our own world.

I felt happy.

Ahead and behind us, some people were in their own worlds, as well. We were the train of humans, strangers in a strange land. I kept one eye on Satoshi and Laura, hoping they knew the way and we wouldn't get lost. I wasn't paying much attention, until Laura started visibly crying. My eyes tore to my little friend. Satoshi hugged her tight, and I felt I needed to be up there, not him. I started to realize all the relationships going on about her was hurting her. I made a small mental note to pay more attention to her. She also seemed so tired and so hungry. Her age became very apparant. Soon, everyone would need more than just naps. And we weren't the most well-fed people here...

If things stay as they are, A thought crept past sadly. They'll all be crying, soon...

But, she had been so much. I frowned slightly, watching her. She, if anyone, needed a break...

[FLASHBACK, 5 YEARS AGO (3rd Person)]

The young girl checked her watch, she should be there soon. She was barely eleven years old, her long brown hair pulled back into a French braid. Her father sat on the couch, mostly dazed, and sometimes mumbling nonsensical things under his breath. She watched him with her hazel-blue and hazel-golden eyes. She was glad she got this opportunity, before her mother took her off to France for her to become "cultured". She found it strange, as Japan was another chance for her to become "cultured", as well. As was China, and Brazil... The only place she had barely seen was her birthplace.

"I'm going now," she announced. Her father did not answer. She didn't expect anything, she just walked out the door. The sun was setting behind her. It was a long walk, but she had time. She liked to walk.

A while after the sun set, she approached the house she had been looking for. She checked the sheet of paper, an ad, and looked back at the address. There was a woman getting into the car, as the young girl started walking toward the doorway. She got a fierce feeling off of the woman. The young girl knocked on the door, and it swung open, revealing a nicely-dressed man in an incredible hurry.

"Mr. Lutz?" The girl asked sheepishly, half-bowing. "I'm Aunée, here for the babysitting job."

"Oh, yes," he replied breathlessly. "The- the phone numbers are on the kitchen counter, so you can reach us at the restaurant. She needs to be in bed by seven thirty, help yourself to the fridge." He continued walking toward the car his wife sat in. Aunée followed him with her eyes.

"Okay," She replied.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice," Roy opened the door to the car, and pulled out of the driveway. She watched them drive down the street, then took a breath to steady herself. She turned back toward the door, and saw a five year old peaking out from the hallway shyly.

Aunée grinned slightly, walking in and shutting the door behind her. "Hi there," She whispered sing-songingly. "What's your name?"

"Laura," the little girl replied sheepishly.

"Laura." Aunée repeated. "My name is Aunée. It's nice to meet you." She bent down to the Laura's eye level, and smiled. Laura half-recoiled.

"There's no need to be shy," She extended her hand, and gently led her into the living room. "We're going fun! Are you hungry?"

She walked into the kitchen, and started rummaging through the cabinets. It wasn't long before she opened one filled with vials and pills. She plucked the nearest one and read the label. The date was very recent, only a few days old, perscribed to Roy Lutz. So, he was sick. A cold, perhaps the flu? Whatever it may be, he would be taking it for a long while... The package in Aunée's pocket felt very heavy. Soon. I'll be taking from her what he took from me...

A few minutes later, Laura walked in curiously. Aunée had a huge bag of chips and had one sticking out of her mouth. She grinned taking it out, and offering the bag to her. "Do you want some?" She asked innocently.


I did not realize we were still moving. My feet moved to their own accord, my eyes and mind still fixated on Laura. I felt Kenichi looking at me, worried. I glanced at him and halfway smiled, gently rubbing his hand with my thumb.

I looked back at Laura, who kissed Satoshi on the cheek.

Two more hours to Primary town, and we were the lone human train heading toward it.

I hope you feel better, Poli!

Roy Karrde
15th December 2003, 07:41 PM
Hey guys Auny is sick again, possibly the flu too * It's hitting the DFW area hard * also I just wanted to post this because well it's been a idea that I was toying with, also it may help get the RPG moving again.

Laura Lutz
I waited and waited and Satoshi seemed to blush at first and then calm down, I kept looking at him waiting for something, anything. I don’t know why I was waiting I just wanted him to tell me that I was special to him, or that he liked me anything, I just wanted some sign that we were close again.

“Is there anything you want to say to me?” I asked him, he seemed to bite his lip and look away, I knew that I was putting him in a uncomfortable position but…

All of the sudden Satoshi’s D-Sense lit up for an in coming call causing both of us to jump from the tension. “Jun, hey nice for you to call” Satoshi quickly said into the D-Sense and I looked down disappointed, he would never truly tell me how he felt if he felt anything for me.

“So you guys all healed up, were almost to Primary town” Satoshi said into the D-Sense, the voice on the other end replied with something, I really couldn’t hear.

“Okay well try to meet us as soon as possible, tell Kouji, and Laura, that we all say hi” Satoshi told Jun as he looked around to the rest of us and kindof shrugged.

I began to walk forward in a quickening pace as Satoshi signed off from the call, I continued to just kick up pebbles in frustration. “Hey Laura don’t run off we need to stick together” Satoshi yelled after me as my jog turned into a full out run.

“Why do you care, you don’t seem to care about me” I shot back with such frustration that it caused Kenichi and Auny to jump, I guess they finally decided to come out of there little lovie trance

“What did I..” Satoshi asked turning to everyone else for a solution to my sudden anger. I turned to continue to kick the rocks I was so MAD.

“I think she was hopeing for you, to tell her something, about you know how special she was to you” Auny suggested her voice carried in the wind and I just covered my ears and continued running to Primary town.

15th December 2003, 08:44 PM
David (All the world's a dice game)
I sped on past the remainder of the group, not having to work too hard to keep up with Laura. I could tell she was mad. Part of this came from experience as an older brother. That's what she needed right now, someone to talk to about all of this. If not, then she'll at least need someone to cheer her up.

Eventually she slowed down to a regular pace, and I did the same. For a moment, neither of us said anything. I was searching for a good choice of words. I decided to find some common ground, but she had already done that for me.

"David," she said, depressed, "Who's Ark?"

Ah, yes, that comforting feeling she experienced when we were tossing the beachball.

"Ark McCloud," I said the name fondly, "that's my uncle. He wrote the first ever story about this world."

"You did mention that," she said, remembering, "but what's he like?"

I frowned, searching for the perfect words, "Well, I don't really know how to describe him. Maybe I could use an analogy. Ark is like sleeping in the back of a car. When you're young, it's late, and it's a long drive home, you can just stretch out in the back of the car and go to sleep. It was that feeling of security, never having to worry about anything, knowing that you're parents would make it all right. I guess Ark is like that ride home, with him you feel safe. My little sister says that I'm a lot like that."

15th December 2003, 08:58 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

I looked up at the gray form of my digimon. "Rigiamon?"

Without looking at me, he continued to track Laura's movement with his eyes. David ran up to the little girl and seemed to be try and talk her down. Rigiamon nodded quickly. "Don't worry, I can catch up to her in a second if the need arises. If human children are anything like evil digimon, and both the Lunars and the Celestials seem to think so, all she'll need to do is get this out of her system..." A thoughtful look overcame him. "Or possibly kill something in a rage, but I don't think human children are that similar to evil digimon.

I nodded slowly, and looked back down at Auny who seemed to have gotten concerned over the outburst. Her protectiveness over Laura was plain for anybody to see... Hopefully it would not create a lasting problem between her and Satoshi. Satoshi himself had been through more than enough, and I don't think he was fully equipped to handle the puppy love Laura was diplaying towards him.

I let out a sigh, and took in the somewhat bland scenery of grass and the occasional tree off of the path. The sky was clear, there were a few clouds, and there didn't seem any indication that there was any threat to the digital world... Besides the fact that we had been attacked too many times for my liking. Talking to Auny this whole time had been nice in a way I hadn't experianced before, but thoughts of what were coming up ahead rang louder.

Time managed to slip away steadily, as Laura's pace ahead of us grew steady once more with David by her side, but she kept her distance. The shape of a toy block suddenly towered over the next hill, making me lift an eyebrow.

"And that is...?"

"Primary Village," ended Rigiamon calmly.

The group stopped at the top of the hill, Laura rejoining us as we gazed at the village in wonder. The entire place seemed to be made of children's blocks and dolls, colored in all shades. The ground shifted from grass to patchwork rubber, and the whole place had a truly unreal quality about it.

"This is where digimon in the digital world are born," Rigiamon said, a dark note entering his voice.

"This is where you were born?" I asked, restraining a whistle at the look of this place. It was like a carnival, and I couldn't imagine the sinister looking Rigiamon starting off here.

"No, I was created elsewhere, but I know this village well enough."

I raised an eyebrow. "How's that?"

"I was used as a general for the Lunars," Rigiamon began with his ever calm tone. "Primary Village was a plump, near-defenceless target. It was one of my first missions for them to come here. I ended up destroying the Valkyrimon guardian in the process, and converting hundreds of baby digimon using my programming skills. I left this town as a crater, and that was five years ago.

A shiver overtook me. "So, what exactly happened to those digimon you converted?"

Rigiamon shrugged. "Most of them were destroyed since they sided with me during my rebellion. Those few that are left are probably acting as soldiers in the Lunar's forces... A trifle compared to our group's power."

"I see..." I said slowly.

"Well, we should continue on..." Rigiamon paused for a moment. "Don't be surprised if the current guardian is less than happy to see that I'm still alive..."

I nodded, and began to follow Rigiamon into the village...

15th December 2003, 09:59 PM
You guy's have no clue on who Swanmon really is?Little hint, she was in Legends.

Satoshi Takinowa[I'm never going to eat another egg as long as I live.*barf*]

"What is this place...?"I whispered, staring at the Toy Town with amazement. Houses made in shapes of teapots and building blocks.The floor looked like a quilt, with little rubber duckies and smiley faces drawn on them.

"Primary Village."Hawkmon said.He started to walk down the hill to the village. I followed after him, wanting to know more of this place..

"Every digimon's life begin's here, maybe an exception of a few.."Hawkmon added as we entered the town. I heard the footsteps of Rigiamon behind us, but continued to walk."And a digimon's data is recollected here aswell, giving them new life."

"Did your life begin here?"I asked him. He stopped, and turned around quickly.
"Yes, It did."Hawkmon said,"But I was somewhat of an...outcast...as a baby. There was the popular baby's, then there was me."

Aoi Watanabe[Think once, shame on you.]

"Thanks for everything!"I smiled at Swanmon, finished with getting changed into clean clothing.My red long sleeve made my all warm inside and out, and my pants did the same. I placed my hair in a ponytail with a Extra Scrunchie I had. My Red shoes were still near the table, as so were my socks.

"Why don't I show you around the town a little bit more?"Swanmon said. Labramon nodded her head fast, smileing in delight,"The ground is soft, and is not dirt, so you really won't need your shoes right now."

"I guess I could."I answered, grabbing my Red Based, Orange Rimmed D-Sense and my Napsack.Swanmon opened the door, and we left out for 'sight-seeing'

"These egg's,"Swanmon pointed out to a bush close to her house,"are all about to hatch any day now. You wouldn't mind watering the bush a little with me, would ya?"

"I don't mind at all"I told her.I was good in a Garden, and I was bored..so I would do anything. I watered the plant, allowing some for Labramon to water. Her tail wagged a little bit, smiling at the egg's. They looked like they were glittering, some giving off mists of the colors of the sunset.

"Thank you!"Swanmon smiled as we placed the pails down. We continued to walk out of the shade of the big tree into the village.

"Uhh?"I muttered. I felt my D-Sense vibrating like mad, as if It was a human child and I gave them tons of Pixie Stix. I got it out of my pocket, and a projected compas popped out. The arrow pointed to my left. I showed it to Swanmon, and she nodded. We moved left, and found ourselfs face to face..


Roy Karrde
15th December 2003, 10:26 PM
Laura Lutz
"SATOSHI" This girl screamed out of no where and came running up to Satoshi, almost pushing me over on the way over to him, she threw her arms around him and hugged him like there was no tomarrow.

"Who is she?" Auny wispered to Kenichi and David, who shrugged at the question.

"Maybe a girlfriend from the real world or something" Kenichi replied to Auny, who in turn threw a glance at Kenichi and then motioned with her head over to me and made a "Shut up" motion with her mouth.

"Oh, maybe just a friend, yeah back in the real world I used to have a lot of girls...who were my friends" Kenichi tried to reply and cover up for what he had said before, but the damage was allready done, and the tears began to well up in my eyes.

I had been so stupid, I had pushed Satoshi too far, I should have never had kissed him, or asked to be told if he thought I was special or something, it was just too much and now he had a new girlfriend.

I walked over there slowly and began to talk to Satoshi in a low voice. "Satoshi, just..well I just have these feelings and I just wish you would.. you know tell me I'm special too" I said looking down trying not to make eye contact at Satoshi

"That's nice but, Satoshi you have to see this place" The new girl said quickly taking Satoshi by the hand and leading him away from me, Satoshi tried to look back at me as he was dragged off but the new girl just kept diverting his attention.

"Hey, lets go exploring this place, I can tell you more about Ark" David said trying to cheer me up as he placed both hands on my shoulders.

"Thank you, but I kindof just want to be left alone right now" I told him and took off running.

I just kept running through the whole town, eventually I found Swanmon and she showed me to one of the houses that we were given to stay in, after thanking her, I made my way to the bed room, threw myself down on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

Kioshi Wakami
16th December 2003, 01:12 AM
I'm confused and not feeling well and post later.

16th December 2003, 05:03 PM
"And there she goes," I muttered, watching Laura run away before turning back to Kenichi. It was a pain keeping a straight face as I removed one of my gloves from behind my back.

-POW!- I landed a fist straight in Kenichi's stomach. He doubled over, surprised by the sudden attack. It wouldn't hurt him too bad, but I needed to vent some steam.

"Smooth, Kenichi," I muttered to him as I walked away. Well, at least he'll be spared from my sinister revenge. If I ever do attempt it.


I was so going to take Morgan and Satoshi down.

Anyway, I really didn't know where I was going. Everytime there was a crossroad, I just took a direction that felt right. Part of me felt that something was pulling me in these directions.

It wasn't too long before someone flagged me down.

"Hey, David!" I turned to see that it was the pink-haired girl again, Haruka I think. I had almost forgotten her completely, but then again, she wasn't with the main party the whole time. She was running down the road to greet me. Lopmon was on her head, waving her ear like a hand.

"Howdy" I said, extending my hand in greeting.

She returned my gesture before moving a bit to look behind me, "Where's everyone else?"

I nodded, "They should be in the village; I just left after punching Kenichi in the stomach, Satoshi met an old friend, and Laura is broken-hearted...again." I sorta wanted to slap myself for that last remark. Haruka frowned a bit. I could sorta guess what she would ask.

"Aunyailia is still in the group. I don't like it either, but that's the way the dice rolls," I said, pulling some dice out for emphasis.

She gave me one of those strange looks. Then again, how many people do YOU know that carry such a random allotment of dice*. However, she didn't say anything about it.

"Well, It's nice to know there is someone who has the same opinion I do," she stated, "Any reason why?"

Well, I explained it before, "There isn't any evidence for me to dislike her."

"No evidence! She tried to slit my throat!"

Let's see, so that's been older Laura who's yelled at me, Morrigan (countless times), and now her. I don't think I have a positive effect on women.

"Okay. First, I did not know that til now. Second, sans either your or Aunie's Digimon, none of us had witnessed that incident. Third, the time Kenichi confronted her about Satoshi's 'nightmare' incident, she was able to cover her hide. She may have lied, but I don't know. I'm not the kind of person who judges."

She was about to speak again, but I cut her off.

"I didn't answer your question yet. I don't like her because she generates this negative vibe about her. I feel she's been corrupted, but I have no proof."

There I said it, what does she have to say.

16th December 2003, 07:19 PM
Heh...Indiana has recently caught the flu outbreak, too...>_>;; Also there's a possible chance for snow(and lots of it ^_^) in my area....

~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice["Skeith....Innus....Magus....The rest of the inscription is faded..." -Kite from .hack//Infection]~*^*~
We better hurry up towards Primary Village.... I thought to myself, watching the others do whatever they were doing at the moment. Sighing, I picked up Arwen and held her, and stood up, walking towardfs the continuing outskirts of town, alone.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Jun called out, slightly grunting under his breath afterwards.

"To Primary Village....the closest town...." I replied shyly, somewhat startled by his comment. Kouji blinked, and rushed up next to my side.

"I guess I'll go with you...." He whispered to me, so the other couldn't here him.

"How far?" David asked, his eyes widing with interrogation, same with Haruka's and Lopmon's.

"About a two hour's walk from here...." Kouji added, pointing towards the billboard behind us, "And by the looks of it, all digimon start out in that area."

"Really?" Morrigan added, turning her head towards us, the girl she was talking to also looking over. Gulping, without knowing what to say, I lightly nodded my head.

"Well then..." Jun muttered, "I guess I'll also go...." He then stood up, then David and Haruka walked a bit forward. It seems as some of us were separated, the rest had to stay together somehow. Thinking about it, hopefully somebody got my point for once..

16th December 2003, 08:44 PM
Uhh... Gothic, it might help to read the previous posts a bit more carefully. Both David and Haruka are at Primary Village already, both of their posts having dealt with events that have occurred within the village itself.

Roy Karrde
17th December 2003, 09:40 AM
Hey since everyone is getting confused about where everyone currently is in the RPG I thought I would make up a list to help you guys out.

Primary Village: Laura * Younger *, Satoshi, Haruka, David, Morrigan, Auny, Aoi, and Kenichi, and Kari


Laura: In her room, in one of the houses we are given in this town

Satoshi and Aoi: Walking together in Primary Village

David and Haruka: Talking to each other some where in Primary Village

Auny, Morrigan, Kari, and Kenichi: Standing at the enterence to Primary Village

Los Mesa: Jun, Kouji, and Laura * Older *


Jun, Kouji, and Laura: Begining their trek to Primary Village, on the outskirts of Los Mesa

Anyway sorry about the flu Gothic, it's been hitting Dallas pretty hard too, were even out of vaccine over here.

Yami Annika
17th December 2003, 07:20 PM
Aunyailia Vergere

I was starting to get tired again. And hungry, as my stomach started to feel really, really empty. So the entire David-punching-Kenichi thing seemed really random. And kinda funny. I kept a hand up against my mouth, so he wouldn't see me smiling, and tried with all my strength to keep from doubling over with laughter.

"He got lucky," Kenichi muttered, rubbing his stomach. I snorted a small laugh before trying to compose myself and help him up.

"Well, you have to admit," I chortled. "Your comment was very, uh... smooth."

He playfully glared at me.

"You okay?" I asked, quieter.

"I'll be alright." He answered, straightening.

"So macho," I teased. "Well, I suppose if you are just peachy, then you don't need me for a few minutes." Anger rising as I began to remember what had just happened, I touched him gently on the cheek, then started to move away.

"Where are you going?" He called after me, but I could guess he already knew. There were only two places I would go, but there was only one person who, at this point, I could be this mad at.

"I have some things I need to take care of!" I called, spinning around and waving. Then, I sped off in the direction that girl and Satoshi went.


"Satoshi!" I yelled as their figures began to be visible. "Wait!" They both turned and looked at me, trying to figure out how to react. I took this time to catch up with them.

"Satoshi," I breathed, catching my breath. "We need to talk."

"Excuse me," The girl interjected. "We're kind of busy here."

I stared at her, and blinked for a moment. My stomach kept feeling more and more empty. I stuck out my right hand. "Hi." I introduced myself. "I'm Aunyailia Michelle Vergere. Perhaps my memory's disappearing with my lack of sleep, but I can't seem to place you." I smiled apollogetically.

"I'm Aoi..." She replied, confused. She took my hand and shook it, except with my extra energy I nearly ripped her hand off.

"Nice to meet you." I grinned, and took her to the side.

"I'm terribly, terribly sorry to interrupt your oh-so-important conversation. But I just need one tiny private minute with Satoshi." I held up one finger for emphasis. Then I interlocked my fingers, letting go of her hand. "So, please, if you could just leave us alone for that long?" She didn't seem to obliging. My temper was rising. "By the time you go into that pastery shop, and buy me a pink sprinkled donut, I'll be done." I handed her a few pieces of money, and gave her a little push in the right direction.

"Thanks!" I called after her, then frowned. Another bad impression. I turned to Satoshi.

"You think she'll hate me, too?" I asked him. He still seemed surprised by this turn of events.

"I don't think she'll hate you..." He replied slowly, choosing his words, as I walked up to him. Satoshi looked at me curiosly. "What do you want?"

I looked around, and saw that Aoi was out of sight. I smiled thinly, then slapped him across the cheek, scraping him with my nails.

"What was that for?" He gasped, holding one hand protectively over the swelling red mark on his face.

"Look, buddy." I pointed one finger at him, poking it in his chest. "That's for being so mean and rude to Laura. I'm going to make this short, so your new girlfriend won't have to wait: You either like Laura or you don't. As a friend, let's just say, I really, really hate seeing her strung along on this little mind game of yours. She's ten. So make it clear whether you like her or not. Let her move on. I'm sure David would be pleased, seeing as he enjoys her company and appreciates her friendship, not liking her one moment and being disgusted with her the next."

"Whatever," He muttered, and turned to walk off. He was going to leave the other girl here? Maybe he was worse with women than I thought.

"You don't just walk away from me!" I chased after him. "Go and do this, or I swear your going to lose her, not only as a potential girlfriend but a friend as well. Just in case it doesn't get through," I air-tapped his forhead. "I'll say it once more: She is the only person who cares about you." I straightened. Mission completed.

"Now," I relaxed. "If you will excuse me, I have a friend with a... deadly stomachache." I twirled around, and walked off without looking back. I had to go see, under all the macho-ism, if Kenichi would survive David's fist-attack. After all, stomachaches were not to be fooled around with. Especially since I couldn't shake this feeling... Primary Town was not going to be some relaxing walk through the park.

17th December 2003, 08:16 PM
Lots of snow is always nice.

Haruka Haruda["Aimai na kotoba tte igai ni benri datte/Sakenderu hitto songu kikinagara"-Butter-Fly:Digimon Adventure Opening]

"I didn't answer your question yet. I don't like her because she generates this negative vibe about her. I feel she's been corrupted, but I have no proof."David concluded, looking at me. I stared at him for a second. I felt Lopmon sighing lightly, she was tired..

"I feel the same way,"I replied to his quote, placing my hands in my pockets,"But all the same, the main reason I hate her is the fact that she tried to slit Mine and Lopmon's throat."

David sighed, playing with the dice in his hands.I couldn't get anyone to side with me...they didn't see what she did!

"Well,anyway.."I said, to break the ice,"Anything else been going on?I left last night to do somethings on my own..I prolly missed nothing though."

"Well...There was a fight with a Phelesmon and a Mummymon. But nothing really.There was a fight with a Weirdo called Arkana.He had a digimon called Slimemon, but it wasn't that big a deal...sorta ran away in the end."

Aoi Watanabe["Sou sa joushiki hazure mo waruku wa nai ka na/Stay shisou na imeeji wo someta gikochinai tsubasa demo"Butter-fly]

"Pftt...What does that girl think she's ordering.."I muttered under my breath,Going into the pastery store. I entered the store, Labramon behind me..

"Buy one, get one free day"I said,"Great.Labramon, pick out a Pink Sprinkled Doughnut and a Bostom Cream Lite."Labramon quickly ran to the Doughnut Selection part, and grabbed the 2 Doughtnuts. I went to the counter and payed for them both..

"Who does she think she is..anyways?"I said, thinking of that girl, who pushed me away from Satoshi. I sighed at the fact, Litely eating the Boston Creme. I looked at Labramon, who's eyes gleamed at the Doughnut. I ate a little more of it, then handed it back to her..

"Thankiess!!!"Labramon said, and finished it in one bite. I sighed, looking for Satoshi. I saw him standing in the middle of a "road"..so to say. The girl had left, so I decided to let Labramon have the doughnut. If anything,I'll pay her back.

"You ok?"I said, my hair flowing in the wind. He nodded and looked back at me. He looked at me for a second, then lunged..hugging me tightly..

"You care for me..right?"

17th December 2003, 09:58 PM
Jason (Setting: Ark left, everyone else is in the hospital)
Ophanimon, why do you torture us so? I mean, it seems that the majority of people you choose are related to us. What's the deal, give us a break!

Sorry, it's just, you have NO idea what Chelsea will do to me when she finds her oldest daughter is in a coma. I'm surprised Morrigan is only as foul-tempered as Axehelm or 'Ace' as you remember him.

Oh, right, I need to deliver the message. Don't shoot the messenger, please?

Green Knight's Call to Arms? Like hell I'm gonna tell them that.

First up, Akira. My hand silently opens the door so that I may slip in like a shadow.

"Oh, hey," I commented, smiling, "I didn't know you were having another baby. Congrats, Akira."

Akira smiled at me as she greeted me. Heck, it seemed a long time ago when I had to split her from Akina and take her D-Scanner. Stupid Valentine Virus.

I have this sudden urge to give the little child-to-be some baby talk, but I'm not going to do that. That's not the image I want to have.

"Hey, did you know your older brother's going to be a hero?"

Damn, compose yourself. Just deliver the stupid message.

"Oh, hey, Ark is going to give some speech tommorow afternoon for all of us."

I find her expression to be most amusing. I don't blame her.

"I thought I'd be done with those speeches when I left the Digital World. What's it about?"

Knowing him, he'll probably just spout off stuff we already knew. How we find ourselves in this situation and about how we should help each other out.

"I imagine he'll be reminding us of the good old days."

I want to kill myself for saying that, those were good old days. I doubt I'll ever get to see Toby again, and it makes me feel small and emasculated. I never knew how I really felt for her, and now it's too damn late. Of course, I'm sure Ark has the same problem.

"Well, I've got to tell the others," I got up from my seat (I didn't know I even sat down. Wierd), and exited the room. I made the same announcement to Akina (why similar names), and then proceeded to Arnen.

"Hey, ASM," I greeted, hoping she'd understand the inside joke.

She took it...well. Must be the sign of the Apocalypse. It used to drive her insane when I refered to her as the Anti-Social Maniac. Of course, that also meant I got hit by Ark when her back was turned, but you know, I have to get my kicks.

"Where's Ark," was the first thing she asked. Hmm, still attached to the guy in some way, eh. This could be interesting.

"We're not joined by the hip you know," I stated, mock-gruffly. I like making fun of twin stereotypes, "Actually, he had to get some stuff done, so I'm being his stooge. He's got a speech for tommorow afternoon, and he wants everyone to be there. Hey, he just might propose to you if you're lucky."

Now, there is a hillarious expression. I just pray she doesn't ask why I didn't think she was married, though it probably wouldn't be as bad as facing Mrs. Axehelm's wrath.

I quietly left the room so that I may deliver the message to Kioshi. There was going to be some problem, though. Kioshi's life partner probably should not be in on this. If only because I doubt he knows the truth behind Kioshi. I didn't want to inform Kioshi and make him feel uninvited (and any other problems that might occur).

I took a pen and some paper and wrote something down.

Water Warrior,

The Green Knight's hosting a meeting tommorow afternoon. Everyone that matters has been invited. You can't bring him unless you tell him the truth.

Greased Lightning

I folded the paper and wrote Kioshi's name before sliding it under the door.

18th December 2003, 07:51 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

I let out a sigh as I saw Aunie go after Satoshi and the new girl. My back straightened out completely and all looks of discomfort were erased from my face, replaced by a look of regretful amusement. With a snap, I stretched my arms above my head, and began a little regiment to get myself loose after that hike.

Rigiamon looked at me in amusement as I dropped to the ground to stretch my legs. "You were completely prepared for that punch, yet you let it hit you." He stated it as if the sentence was a proven fact, and not just speculation.

A smile merely went across my face, almost sheepish as I stretched my thighs. "His body language told me what he was going to do ages before the punch. The tension, the way he carried himself, and the sudden stiffness entered him. I've been punched by more than enough people in my time, and those are clear signs as any."

"And the reason you let his punch connect?"

"Why shouldn't have I?" I said, getting up from the ground and twisting my body around. "I said something tactless, and if David hadn't let out his steam then, things could have gotten worse. Besides," I added with a sour smile, "David doesn't have the build or temprement of a fighter, his punches don't exactly do much. He get's his free shot, and the group stays closer together in the process. No resentment lingering between us."

A true smile passed on Rigiamon's lips. "I can see why you were the one who was selected to be my partner..."

I laughed, then shook my head at the village below. "Should we go into the village?"

Rigiamon nodded quickly. "Yes, you should meet the others there... I'll find you a bit later, I'll scout for the next two temples in this area so we can add more digimon to our team. I'll see you in about an hour."

With a leap that turned Rigiamon into a blur, he quickly darted towards the outskirts of city and out of site. Putting both hands in my pockets, I whistled almost silently as I went down the path. Today was not a bad day...

18th December 2003, 10:09 PM
Akina Haruda["Michi ga michiteru furontia e/Hashiri tsuzukeru nda "Kimi o tsurete" "-FIRE!! Digimon Frontier Opening]

I sighed deeply, looking outside the window of Aiymee's hospital room. I sat on my chair besides her bed, and allowed some fresh air to get in by opening the window. I reached inside my pocketbook,and pulled out my D-Scanner..

"So long ago.."I noted to myself,smileing at it's glory. The handle was black,buttons black.The base of it was a deeppink. It wasn't always like this though. It used to be white with a pink handle, but that changed when me and Arnen had to Hyper Spirit Evolve.

The screen flashed with a picture of Lady Wolfmon, she smiled. I got her back near the end of our last adventure, when Lucemon broke Spirit Memorial and released our spirits. I got Lady Wolfmon and Lichtmon back, and Angelic Ladywolfmon Joined the crew.

I looked back at Aiymee, my Brown hair to my shoulders moveing with my head. She layed motionless, only moving her hand to gestures of stars, lines and X's.

Ark's giving a speech tomorrow afternoon. I reached into my Pocketbook once more, and grasped my organizer. I was open all this week, so I was good, I could go. I missed them a lot, and a talk would be nice.

"Kimi o tsurete"I hmmed lightly, watching the winds carry Aiymee's soft brown air.

Satoshi Takinowa["Stay shigachi na imeeji darake no tayorinai tsubasa demo" Butterfly-Digimon Adventure Opening]

"You care for me..right?"I asked Aoi, clutching onto her red slongsleeve shirt, smelling her hair.I felt her knees weaken a little to it, but she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, and I felt her lips smile.

"Always." She replied back. I let go of my hug, and looked over to Hawkmon. Aoi's digimon was with him, and they both looked like they were crying..

"That was beautiful!!"Hawkmon said, his eyes watery. Aoi's digimon, one that I couldn't match a name to the picture, had tears forming a river, it's tail wagged in it..

"Yeah...I mean..It could be a soap opera!"Hawkmon added. I felt myself blush as Hawkmon and Aoi's digimon set for a reinactment.

"Labramon...You care for me..right?"
"Yes Hawkmon..I do!I really do!"Labramon and Hawkmon hugged,then let go..Aoi wasn't next to me anymore, but behind the two joking digimon.

"You two better shuddap, or I'm gonna.."Aoi said, making a evil smile. Labramon stopped asap, and went behind Aoi.

"I gotta check on a friend though, Mind going with me?"I asked Aoi. She looked like she was gonna question "Who?"m but she stopped in her treks. She nodded a Yes, and walked over to me again. Hawkmon and Labramon followed, and we set off to find Laura.

I peeked inside every house that seemed like someone was inside.Aoi just looked around for anymore humans that I could introduce her to. As I looked,I wondered two things.

One was why Aoi was here, and what Element she had. Another one was what was Laura Doing? Was she ok?

"Found Her!"Hawkmon noted from across the streed. I smiled, and ran over. I nodded to Aoi, asking if she could stay outside while I went to talk to Laura.

"Laura.."I whispered lightly,closing the wooden door behind me. The light was on, the place seemed empty if it wasn't for the faint whisper in the air of a cry.

"Laura..your here...let me talk.."I whispered, entering another room besides the main one. It contained a bed, and a figure in a fetus position. The sheets around it's head were soaked, the cry...familar..

"Laura"I told the figure. I placed a wodden straw chair next to the bed, and sighed deeply. I fixed my glasses, and nudged Laura..

"Who's..that girl that you ran with?"I heard her say, under the snuffing,under the tears falling. She was talking about Aoi."Was she your girlfriend from the real world?"

"Aoi?Naw, she's a best friend from the real world, she's not my Girlfriend."I told her. That stopped some of the tears from her, and she sat up on the bed. I looked at her for a second..

"I love you, you know. I was worried with the Mummymon..then you stormed off.."Laura said, still crying,although it was a lighter cry. I got up from my chair, and grabbed another blanket from the closet. I covered Laura in it, and whispered in her ear before I left.

"I love you too."And my words rode on the wind as I left.

Roy Karrde
18th December 2003, 10:31 PM
Okay I deleted my old post so that I can do a Laura's post after what Poli just did.

"What are you doing here?" Akira asked, we were both floating around in this cloudy white room which just seemed to go on and on forever.

"I dont know, it's your dream" I replied with a shrug and a streach, "Ah, it's good to be solid again"

"Arnt you" Akira began to ask kindof shocked.

"Dead yeah, but like I said it's your dream" I countered, as I continued to streach and enjoying being solid again. "Anyway I came here to tell you something: Satoshi and everyone else is okay"

Akira seemed to sigh and relief and her body began to relax, or atleast her dream like body seemed to. "So you came back from the dead to tell me this?" She asked.

"Yeah and to ask for a favor, I want you to take Laura in, dont let her go back to that adopted family" I warned her in the best ghostly tone I could, I could see that it wasnt working and I just let my body sag. "Please" I begged.

"I promised you 5 years ago. What do you think my answer is now?" Akira smerked and I relaxed a little bit and breathed a sigh of relief. "Anyway how do you know Satoshi is okay?"

"I've been keeping watch on them, really to make sure Laura remains out of harms way, but recently I've been having to watch out for Satoshi" I told her, and she seemed a little puzzled at this. "Okay this may wierd you out a little but Laura has fallen well in love with your son, and he has fallen in love with my daughter"

"I need to sit down" She replied and suddenly a chair appeared behind her. "Handy dream world" She remarked and sat down.

"I can show you him if you want" I asked her and she shot up immediatly, a image appeared of Satoshi leaning down and wispered something into Laura's ear, the image pulled out to show another girl standing impatiently outside the house.

"That isn't your daughter is it?" Akira asked puzzled.

"The one your son is with is, the girl standing outside, well that's Aoi she went to the Digital World by a boiler room enterence" I told her and the picture shut off, Akira just stood there in a daze for a second.

"Listen I cant stay for long, just tell everyone I said Hi and that I miss them and that their children are okay" I told her, as I began to feel my body grow more and more faint. "And when Laura wakes up tell her that her daddy loves her and still watches over her"

Laura Lutz
"Sa-toshi?" I asked weakly looking over the sheets. No one was there, the room was empty, I jumped out of bed I wanted to run to him and hug him, and well tell him I loved him over and over again. I ran out the door to the bed room and opened to front door to the house

"Satoshi, I" I began to say opening the door with a huge smile but no one was there, the street was empty. My smiled faded and I went back inside disapointed. I decided to take a quick shower and change back into that old dress I had which was remarkably clean and didnt smell of that bad soda like it used to.

With a final comb through of my hair to make sure it was just right I walked outside and started on my trek to find the others. Maybe Satoshi had to run off some where, maybe something important happened and he couldnt stay, but the most important thing was that he told me he loved me. I continued to walk around with a new found energy until I bumped into Haruka and David.

"Hi Haruka" I said happily, before I turned and noticed David, "Oh David, I'm so sorry for what happened but you will never believe what happened" I said turning back and forth, I wanted to tell them about Satoshi and that he loved me, and everything, but, but they would never believe me.

"Well what happened?" Haruka asked pushing me.

"I..I found these houses that Swanmon is letting us stay in" I said a little disheartened, I wanted to tell them so bad, and now I had just lied to both of them, I couldnt even look at either of them.

"C'mon lets go see these houses you found" David said taking me by the hand with a smile and leading me along.

"Okay could we also get some food like Cotten Candy?" I asked happily as we continued along then I noticed Haruka wasnt walking with us. "Haruka are you coming?" I asked turning to see her still back at the spot that we had just left.

"No, you two go ahead I'm going to go see if I can go find Satoshi" Haruka said, sudden a over whelming fear washed over me, what if Haruka told Satoshi that I was holding hands with some one else, would he hate me, would he take back what he said?

"No Haruka, dont please" I begged her which took everyone by suprise.

"Okay" She said trading glances with David before finally sighing.

"C'mon Laura lets go get some of that Cotton Candy" David said turning my attention back to him.

"Okay" I chipped up as we continued to walk together, but even as I walked I continued to couldnt stop thinking what Satoshi was doing right now and if he was thinking of me.

18th December 2003, 10:42 PM
OoC: Lol... *pokes Gladiator*
Ach, I've missed a lot of stuff again... Baka school...

<~-Arnen [Anti-Social Maniac] -~>

I stared absently at Kari's unconscious form, just lying there in the hospital bed. The only sign of life in her was the faint rise and fall of her chest with her breath.

"Why did this have to happen now, when things are so hard?" I murmered. "<It seems like life just keeps trying to screw me over, doesn't it...>"


I held the pregnancy tester with shaking hands, desperately awaiting my fate.... It was a +...

"K-Kenta?" I called, trembling.
"What?" My boyfriend called lazilly from the other room of our shanty little apartment.
"It... It's positive..."
"WHAT?!" he roared. I heard a crash as he apparently leapt from the armchair, knocking it over. His footsteps reverberated throughout the room as he stamped his way into the kitchen, where I sat on a stool at the table.

"The test's positive," I repeated in a whisper, handing him the electronic tester. He stared at it, as if by sheer will he could change what it said.
"It's gotta be wrong..." he muttered.
I shook my head. "It's supposed to be 99.9% accurate."
"This... This is too much..." he said, shaking his head. Strands of raven hair fell over his eyes, and he shoved them away. "I can't take this..." he turned and walked out of the room.

I leapt up and followed him. He was in the bedroom, throwing clothes and junk into a suitcase.
"What...?" I muttered. He ignored me as he shoved past, then went out the door, slamming it. "Wait!" I cried, running after him. It was no use; by the time I was at the door, he was already in the car and driving off.
"Kenta... Don't... Please..." I said helplessly. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, and I couldn't stop them. "Don't leave me... Please..." It wasn't fair. We had planned to get married... I sank down to my knees, barely believing that he was gone, and with... Well, things how they were. I leaned against the door frame, my hand to my mouth as I sobbed. "Why...?"


I was snapped out of the memory by the door opening. I started at the noise, quickly whiping a tear from my eye. It was Jason.

"Hey, ASM," he said. I supposed ASM stood for his old nickname for me, Anti-Social Maniac. I smiled slightly, remembering the first time he'd called me that. He had been introducing someone, and I guess it kinda slipped, and I had gotten mad and went off on my own. And Ark had come after me.

"Where's Ark?" I asked automatically.
"We're not joined by the hip you know," he replied with a grimace. "Actually, he had to get some stuff done, so I'm being his stooge. He's got a speech for tommorow afternoon, and he wants everyone to be there. Hey, he just might propose to you if you're lucky."

I blushed, frowning. He made an amused sort of face, so I guess my expression was kinda funny. I forgot for the moment to wonder how he knew I was single.

"I'll be there," I said, looking back at Kari's seemingly asleep form.

20th December 2003, 10:26 AM
~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice["Without the mask....where will you hide..? Can't find yourself...lost in your lies..." from "Everybody's Fool" by Evanescence]~*^*~
I sighed broodingly, as everybody went their separate ways in the town apparently constructed of oversized toys and filled with cradles holding out "fresh" digimon, young and waiting until they accept their fate that they must digivolve, from what Arwen told me out on the road. The light fluttered slightly, as the wind blew strands of my hair across my face. I noticed a tree...a tree, but no ordinary tree. It was either a large oak or sycamore, but its leaves...were of colors never-ending their cycle of the colors of the rainbow.

I guess I was meant to be alone all along.... I thought to mjyself, sitting down, and pulling my D-Sense out of my pocket. There were 12 or 13 dots scattered along the area, one dark blue dot just lying still(myself). Every other dot kept a far distance from mine, so I knew nobody actually cared. Sighing, I lied on my back, the soft grass blades rubbing against the edge of my shirt. Arwen was nearby, entertaining a few fresh digimon, not to far from me. The sky was its usual blue, as a few clouds drifted around, it was rather peaceful...yet soothing. But as this happened, my eyelids slowly, but smoothly closed shut....as I drifted out, falling to sleep.

~*~Laura's Dream(happening in the real world, but she was never there)~*~

I opened my eyes, looking down at my floating Digital World form, it was slightly see-through and misty, but I didn't know how. I pulled out one arm and stuck the other hand through it, it went right through, like a ghost through a mortal form. Gasping at realizing I was no longer alive, I looked at the people surrounding my figure lying in a coma on a hospital bed(Real-World Laura in coma), doctors....just quickly examining me.

"Did you get anybody to get to her once she wakes up?" The first asked, writing her down.

"No...her mother claimed she doesn't care for her, her father is deceased, her uncle in America is probably away, at church or something, her other uncle is deceased also, her aunt is probably away, and I guess there's nobody..."

"So we leave her for the dead?"

"I guess....unless we can get someone before we lose her."

Tears fell from my eyes as I heard the second statement. I knew my father was dead, my mother never did care, but I never knew I had an aunt.

Who is my aunt....? I asked, just plainly confused at this matter. The only siblings my mother had were two younger brothers, the younger was a Catholic married with three kids and never cared for me, but the older of the two uncles was dead...he had died about two years ago from AIDs. I drifted away, fading to mist in sorrowful, which awoke.

I awoke in startled pain, sweating coldly, but daintly. I sat up, using the edge of my left sleeve to dab the sweat from my forehead and glasses. That was probably the most confusing dream I had ever had.

"Arwen....I just had the strangest dream," I said quietly to my Digimon, who immediately pranced over.

"What was it like...?" She asked, her eyes widening, wanting to know.

"It's a little too hard to explain on my own...." I replied, looking down, "But I had learned I had an aunt..."

"It's the truth, Laura. You do have an aunt."


"Well, let's just put it this way," She said, about to tell a story about if I had an aunt or not, "The last humans in the Digital World were about 25 years ago, from what Orphanimon had mentioned when she told me this. The first of the ice deity was the girl at the temple who showed you how to use your D-Sense, Akira, who is Satoshi's mother and Haruka's aunt. But again, 3 years after the first time...there was another group of humans in the digital world, some of them the first 10. The new child of ice was Sen Kinomoto, who had never known she had a fraternal twin sister, who had went to an American family....for at the time of her birth, her Japanese-American parents lived in China."

"But, her sister....who is it...?" I asked, still not getting the point.

"But, when her son Kouji was born, but this something had come up three or four months after his birth: you. We had wanted orignally Kouji to have Ice, but when we realized a not-so-distant related girl, you, was born, we ended up choosing Kouji to gain the prowess of Light. The reason? Because we wanted to continue the tradition of female ice digidestined."

"Does that mean....my mother was the separated fraternal twin?"

She nodded, "Yes. If it freaks you out, I understand. It's quite scary when you realize your mother was related to somebody you have heard about, but never thought you had a relation to family-wise. But, since Sen is your aunt, that make Kouji....your cousin."

Nodding with an understanding, I just stood up and looked around, wondering if there was anybody I could tell this discovery to.

*Dun dun dunnnn.....* Yeah, I felt like causing huge drama...^^ Sen's gonna be pretty shocked when she learns she has a niece.

~*~Sen Kinomoto[The dawn of a new world is near....The dawn of a new truth is here.]~*~
I remembered that Ark had a speech to give tomorrow, and I planned on going. That is, if Kouji was out of a coma by then. I layed my head over my arms, folded on the bed near my son's head. I had remembered the last time I was like this, when Kouji was about a day old in the hospital, and I held him for the first time, which he was to stay for another day or two.

....Flashback....Sen is 22...
I sighed with relief, my head sweating after the moment of truth had come when I had to name the son I had. I wasn't even married, but my fiance, Kenji Hikazu, had already planned that the first kid would be of the last name Hikazu, I wouldn't change it even if he decided to leave me behind.

"I have no name in plan..." He replied, rather lazily, "What about you?"

"All I had planned for a son was Kouji....but I knew you had a rival of that name, hopefully you don't care." I said, rather nervous about what he said, my engagement ring's diamond flushed lightly.

He snorted angrily, "I knew you loved that bastard, didn't you?!? That's all you really want to do...raise our son to grow up and be like you, probably be gay, and piss me off, ending my family name once and for all?"

"But Kenji....That's not what I had in mind...." I snapped back, rather sadly, tears starting to build up in my eyes.

"Well, be that way! The engagement is over for good!" He shouted, hastily throwing off his own engagement ring, and it had landed right at my son's forehead. He cried in anxiety, as his father stormed off after the nurse told him to never come back, and probably go and register for anger management classes. I cried, trying to keep myself calm, before the nurse walked to my side.

"Are you okay, Ms. Kinomoto?" She asked, when I put the engagement ring of mine Kenji had left behind in her care.

"I'm fine....You can have the ring...." I replied, sadly gazing into my son's deep blue eyes. I felt sorry for my son, who would have no father, "I just can't believe he would leave me and his own child behind like that."

"It's what some men do..." She said, plaxing the ring at a stool away from me, "But anyway....do you have a first name for your son? Since he is going to be a Hikazu like his father, I guess the surname scandle is settled."

I thought about it, but still liked the only name I could think. He seemed to look like he would be an alright boy, but the name that caved into my head came to mind first, "Kouji. Hikazu, Kouji." She nodded slightly, and left the room for a moment. I was left here, with only my little Kouji, who at the time, clutched one of my fingers with a small hand, and looked up at me, somewhat nervous.

"It's alright, Kouji..." I told him softly, placing a hand on his head in remorse pain. I smiled slightly down at him...I would raise him well, because he was my son and mine only....for now, that is.

.....End Flashback....[/I]

I sighed at this thought, remembering all that had happened. My D-Scanner shone in the light, which was a keepsake ever since I was 15. Nobody but Kouji and any former digidestined had any clue about it. Putting it away as I heard footsteps approach the room, I looked to see Dr. Masomito once again, slightly sighing with news, by the sounds of it.

"Yes...? What is it...?" I asked, rather nervous.

"Well, Ms. Kinomoto, it seems for 14 years, you never knew you had a niece. The girl is Rider, Laura...and seems to be in a coma almost exactly like your son Kouji is. Since you knew you had a fraternal twin sister, you never knew you had a niece."

I placed my hands over my mouth and gasped, I had a niece? My fraternal twin sister, my parents told me about, but the niece opart I never knew about not one bit. I put my hands down back into my lap, nodding slightly, 'Who has custody of her?"

"It seems her two uncles aren't in Japan, her father is deceased and her mother doesn't care about her anymore. So...I guess once we work it out in court, hopefully you have her legal custody."

"If she has relations to me and/or Kouji, I promise I'll care for her, unlike my sister I never knew..." I replied, feeling rather sorry for this Laura girl. I wondered if I should tell Kouji if he had a cousin? Maybe, just maybe if he was in the Digital World too...Laura could tell him for me.

Yami Annika
20th December 2003, 02:07 PM
Aunyailia Vergere

I didn't go back to Kenichi, for some reason. I felt I needed to explore. And, I was still hungry. I walked up and down the streets, looking for somewhere to eat. Something sweet sounded appealing...

I wondered where Hoshimon was, too. Every time I thought of her, my heart broke. I knew that she, too, had places she needed to be. But I didn't want people to think I was evil again. I didn't want to be alone, again... Now that I had the attention and care of the group, I was a little addicted. I couldn't stand Kenichi or Laura not caring for me anymore.

I sighed outloud, and looked around to see where my feet had carried me now. Just my luck, as I stopped near a cotton candy shop. My stomach growled loudly, as I hopped toward it.

I walked inside, and my eyes adjusted to the color. I went up, and ordered and paid for some of the sugary-goodness. Within minutes I had the largest ball of fluff I had ever seen in my hands. I knew it would be gone within seconds, but I was happy. I looked around, and saw Laura and David instantly. I wondered to myself who else was here. I had to be on my best behavior, if Haruka was around especially. I wanted a sugar high, not more hatred and depression. In spite of myself, I grinned happily and let a piece of fluff melt in my mouth.

Someone else can take it from there...

Roy Karrde
20th December 2003, 04:50 PM
Laura Lutz

I twirled around in front of the mirror again just to get another view of the campaign white gown that David had picked out for me, it looked great from every angle, with the sparkling white diamonds that glittered all over the gown it made me look so elegant, something I thought I would never look before. “So what do you think?” I asked David who was sitting in a chair acting very patient while I just kept showing off in the dress.

“I think it’s almost perfect” David replied and my face dropped, almost perfect what did he mean, suddenly he got up walked over to me, undid the braids in my hair and let it flow down my back side. “There now it’s perfect” David smiled, I blushed and looked away.

“I know, but it’s still really pricey” I told him checking the price tag on the sleeve. David looked at it and frowned and I munched a little bit on the cotton candy, ever since I caught word that there was going to be a firework celebration for us tonight, David had insisted that we come to the dress shop he even helped me pick out this gown but now it was so pricey and I didn’t want to make him pay for it.

“It does look just splendid on you doesn’t it” Some digimon said fluttering over to me for the past hour he kept bugging us and making adjustments to the gown. “If you were to have a account set up at the local bank allready I’m sure that would pay for it”

“I know, but we just got here and I’m sure my dad didn’t set up a account when he was here” I replied looking at myself in the mirror again, I really liked this gown, and I knew Satoshi would like it too.

“What’s your dad’s name maybe he did?” The digimon asked. I told him my father’s name and he went off to check on it while I sat back down and ate the last of the cotton candy.

“So who are you going to take to the firework show?” I asked placing my head in my hands on the edge of the chair, trying to put on my best question face.

“Your rich, your rich” The digimon came screaming back with a checkbook in one hand and a necklace in the other. David kindof sighed at the sudden change of subject.

“Wha?” I asked scared by the digimon’s sudden craziness, he finally fluttered down and began to catch his breath.

“Your father left a 100,000 digi yen in his account, and with interest that places it up to around 300 million digi yen, he also left this necklace for I guess you” He replied handing over the checkbook and the necklace. I placed the checkbook down and studied the necklace in my hand. Daddy had left this for me? The necklace was a long gold band with a clear pretty crystal hanging from the bottom of it. I handed it to David and he placed it around my neck and clasped it, it fit perfectly with the gown.

I picked up the checkbook and walked over to the desk and paid for the gown, ten minutes later I had changed back to my old dress and bought a pair of crystal slippers for the firework show tonight. “So do you think we have everything for tonight?” I asked him as I slung the two shopping bags over my shoulder, one with the gown in it, the other with the shoes in it.

“Almost” David smiled and walked over I followed him over to a flower stand, and he placed this halo of roses over my head, I blushed and thanked him and then paid for the roses. “There now your ready for tonight”

I smiled at him again and then caught Satoshi, Aoi, and Hawkmon out of the corner of my eye. “Satoshi” I waved at them, running over to them almost knocking off the halo of roses which I finally had to take off the top of my head, Satoshi waved for Aoi to go on as I caught up to him.

“Satoshi…I got a new dress, and well there was this firework festival tonight and well I was thinking, well wondering, if…well you wanted..to…go…with me to the firework festival” I asked him digging my foot into the ground and looking at my feet.

20th December 2003, 06:59 PM
Hey, Morrigan tried to introduce herself to Kari. Alright, so I suck at description, cut me some slack. I'll post for David when one of the Poli-characters are posted for (Since almost all of them are in the same area). I'll post for Morgan when Nabooru posts next.

David seems to be doing his 'older brother' role pretty well. Kudos, Big Lutz (Did I say that right)

So anyone know where Kioshi is?

20th December 2003, 07:08 PM
OoC: Oh! Sorry, I need to pay better attention XD I would post now, but something's wrong with my keyboard right now (can't push enter or backspace)

20th December 2003, 07:19 PM
Aoi Watanabe["Demo donna pinchi mo haruka e toberu/Chansu ni mo kawaru Kiseki kakushi motteru"WtW]

I walked on as one of Satoshi's little friends came up to talk to him. We had caught word from a wandering Poyomon that there was a Festival tonite, and it included fireworks. We were going off to get something to wear, though Satoshi pushed just to go as normal, without any kimono or anything.

I walked with Labramon on my side, she kept on looking up at me. My hair bounced in the wind, and I kept on looking for anyother new people. I also looked for a shop that would sell kimonos-the farthest you would see me in something dressy. I found one, and found a digimon sitting in the middle of the floor, aranging sashes by the color.

"Uhh...I need to buy---a kimono.."I said, wonder what a Digimon would need a Kimono for. But I decided they collected them like a weirdo collects stamps.

"Well...You've come to the right place!And at a good time too!There's a Festival tonite, one that comes around once a year. It's about the birth of a digimon, and also about the 10 Ancient Humans!A Red kimono would suit you best..maybe some things here and there.."It was a Tentomon behind the counter, and he scramed to find pins and needles.

"I got a question though..to pay it off.Is there anything you would..need help on?"I asked the Tentomon.His eyes gleamed, and placed the needles down. Labramon layed down near the window, and fell asleep. I placed my bag right near her head, and the Tentomon came over, with a piece of paper and pen.

"I need digimon-or people- to help me with the fireworks tonite!I mean..to light them off and stuff. If you promise and write it on this paper,I'll let you have one kimono for the festivial tonite!"Tentomon said. I signed my name in Hiragana, then wrote in English that I agreed to help him tonite.

"Ok!!So..Find the stuff you want..and I'll make it fight all nicely for you!"


“Satoshi…I got a new dress, and well there was this firework festival tonight and well I was thinking, well wondering, if…well you wanted..to…go…with me to the firework festival”I saw Laura digging her foot into the ground.

"I..uh..well."I examined Laura more. She was wearing her old dress,all cleaned and sewn up.Her hair was down, and she held 2 large bags in her grasp.

"You look better than the last time I saw you."I noted at her. I tried to go off-topic about the whole thing, I would much rather spend some time by myself. I have yet to tell Aoi this, and I knew I had some hardships to deal with.

"Don't get off topic."Laura said, then blushed,"I do?"

"Yeah."I smiled a little. I had to lay it on her that I didn't wanna go out with anyone to the festival tonite.

"Laura..I..well..Really wanted to go by myself tonite to the festival..."And I waited for a responce.

A Blah.A Boing.

Roy Karrde
20th December 2003, 07:33 PM
Thanks for the compliment Gladiator I guess I'll go on and post Laura's since Poli left her's really open ended.

Laura Lutz
I tried to recover from what he just said, I didnt want to believe it, I had done everything I got a new gown and everything and now, and now I would be all alone at the festival while Jun and Laura were together, and Kenichi and Auny, probley even Satoshi and Aoi, I would just have to sit alone in my stupid dress with those stupid shoes.

"Hey look at me" Satoshi said nealing down and placing a hand next to my face. "I promise to take you out to some where really special soon, just me and you and you can look just as beautiful as will tonight"

I blushed and mouthed the words "I love you" to him, he just smiled back and wispered "I love you too" and then kissed me on the forehead. I let go of his hand and he began to walk away I turned to watch him walk away. "I'm sorry" David appologised as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, could you and I go to the festivel tonight, just you know as friends?" I asked him hopeing he wouldnt turn me down like Satoshi did.

20th December 2003, 09:33 PM
Hey, I meant to reply to the PM, Big Lutz, but I had some problems. I'll just say my parents were trying to look over my shoulder, and I'm very insecure about that stuff.

"Hey, could you and I go to the festivel tonight, just you know as friends?"

AIIGH!! my mind suddenly froze up before I was able to regain my composure. It wasn't so much the prospect of taking someone younger than me to the festival, I'm very open-minded.

It's just...

"Will there be any dancing involved?" I asked, hoping against hope Cause I suck at that.

Laura gave me a look, "Well, I imagine there will be."

Ack, ERK! It was all I could do from falling on the floor like my uncle would. I felt like the entire Digital World was conspiring against me at the moment. I mean, the physical pain I endured in the beginning was bad enough, but to make me dance?!!

Alright, you caught me, I've never danced before and I'm exaggerating. I'm not comfortable doing stuff I've never done before. Formal ocassions just aren't my strong suit.

I sighed in defeat, "Yeah, I'll take you to the festival, but you'll need to teach me to dance."

Damn, I'm such a pushover. You couldn't have gotten your alone time after the festival could you, Satoshi? I hit the floor before I could finish the thought, as Laura had collided into me at high speed. I believe she had successfuly attempted in what you people call a 'glomp.'

"THANK YOU, DAVID!" she had a cheery ring to her voice now, and I found it very heart-warming. I mean I found it heart-warming as a surrogate older brother.

Well, I suppose it's worth it to see her happy. It kind of reminds me of Beth. Then I realized something.

"Hey," I tried to pry Laura off me, "you think you could help me choose a suit?"

20th December 2003, 10:37 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

As I walked past the toy-like buildings and groups of bustling schools of baby digimon bunched together, I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't exactly belong here. It was if I had snuck into a kid's amusement park, forgoing the payment. Added to the fact I was a good four or five feet taller than most of the residents...

The roads themselves were cutsy, and seemed to be made of some sort of patchwork, the "threads" showing at the edges of the street. Stores lined the road I was on, some right inside giant alphabet blocks, one imparticular in a giant Teddy Bear. The digimon all around me were bustling around with excitement, leaflets describing a festival written in both english romanji and kanji. It seemed as if we had come at a very convenient time... Or inconvenient... When was the last time I had attended a festival anyway?

My thoughts drifted as I looked through the store windows, then suddenly spotted Auny in one of the windows, devouring what seemed to be a ball of cotton candy the size of a watermelon. That wouldn't amount to much, but that was quite a lot of sugar.

I came through the door of the store, located in a block "B", and walked over to Auny. I gave her a nervous smile, and tapped her on the shoulder, interuppting her feast for a moment.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked lightly, my eyes twinkling in amusement.

Short post... You can take over here Anni

21st December 2003, 03:01 PM
Meh...Gladiator, don't worry. You're not alone. My parents sometimes try to look over my shoulder a lot, giving me insecurities.... :/ At least they're both gone right now.

~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice["Discomfort endlessly has pulled istself upon me...distracting, reacting. Against my will I stand beside my own reflection, it's haunting, how I can't seem..." from "Crawling" by Linkin Park]~*^*~
I noticed the other Laura, Satoshi, David, and Haruka nearby what looked like a store....a store for what?

"The store..." Arwen said, "Is for kimonos. Tonight is a festival, celebrating the 10 Ancients, the two spirits of the first 10 digidestined's combined, and the dawn of a new digimon."

"So...should I get one?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Probably," she replied, "You don't really need to, but it's optional."

I nodded slightly, standing up and walking towards the store carved from a large block the other digidestined were gathered near. Digimon here and there bustled around, argued, and bribed each other. Sighing, Arwen leapt onto my head, before I headed into the store. I looked around, as a Tentomon was taking a piece of paper to the front counter and a girl was choosing out a kimono.

"Welcome!" The Tentomon greeted me in a rather high-pitched buzzing voice, "I'll be with you in a few moments." Nodding, I waited patiently, Arwen sitting on my head.

"Don't worry, I know him...." Arwen whispered to me, brimming with some confidence.

"You...do...?" I asked, trembling with anxiousness. I gulped, "You worked...with him...once..?"

"No," she replied in her whisper, "I knew him from when we were younger. We were friends. Don't worry, I can help get a kimono for you."

Nodding, and turning from the paper, he asked, "How can I help you?" I trembled slightly, nearly about to pass out with worry.

"My partner here would like a kimono." Arwen said for me, leaping off my head and stepping closer to him by about an inch or two, "For tonight, that is."

He nodded to my partner, then walked towards me, and with his wings, floated around me. Arwen stared, slightly confused, before the insectoid stopped and looked up.

"Hmm...By your eyes and hair, I believe a deep blue would suit you perfectly. Along with a black or silvery gray sash." Smiling, I nodded to his suggestion, which sounded a rather great idea.

"How much would I need to pay, though?" I asked, rather worried that I might not have enough Digi-Yen.

He looked at me, then Arwen, "Since your partner knows me, I'll let you have one kimono with a sash for free for this festival tonight." Nodding, I looked around at all the options. I looked through the different color choices in sashes, and picked out an ebony sash. I held it against my waist, then slightly wrapped it around. It fit perfectly.

Now for a kimono....in general... I said to myself, holding the sash, and looking through the choices of blues. Lesse: Sky blue, too bright; Baby blue, Ugh.....Prep color; Light blue, not really interested; Ocean blue, Not really; Pure blue, boring; Sapphire blue, a little too light.....aha! Deep blue at last!

Smiling, I placed the things at the front counter and went to find a hair piece of flowers. The sakuras looked beautiful, but didn't go with my kimono. I found one of a dead-looked black rose. It looked beautiful and fragile, but seemed perfect. Nodding at the find I had made, I took the hairpiece at the front where he was totaling up the kimono and sash. I placed the hair piece down on the counter, and he smiled.

"One hair piece?" He asked, slightly sweating. Nodding, I checked through the 1,500 digi-yen in my pocket, "That would be....500 digi-yen." I placed the total down, as he placed it without greed inside the cash register.

"Well, I guess....I'll be going...." I said, as I looked down at the things.

"Not yet," He said, slightly confused at my slow rush, "We still have to fit you into this..."

Feeling confused and stressed, I leaned over the counter and sighed. My vision looked slightly blurry for a moment, as I seemed rather dazed. Hopefully....this wouldn't mean I'd pass outon the floor...

=*=Kouji Hikazu - Light["*point* Hideki. *point* Hideki. *points at many things* Hideki! Hideki! Hideki! :D" -Chi from Chobits]=*=
I kept wandering aimlessly around the tree of rainbow leaves, wondering about Laura's prescence and where was she. I stared at my digi-egg, hopefully it would hatch soon, wherever my temple was. My mother had told me about this place once....Primary Village, where all digimon start out. I shrugged, sitting underneath the tree, feeling relaxed in the shade. The sun kept sinking westwardly, soon nightfall would come, and the 'festival' these digimon were talking about would start.

I didn't need any sign, Laura was probably buying a kimono for the heck of it, or something like that. From what I see, I'm not in love with Laura. She's like a friend to me, maybe even more....possibly like a sister or a cousin to me. But it didn't matter now. All these thoughts consolidateed inside my mind, as I felt blank. Nothing was on my mind, my thoughts, my dreams, or even my worries right now...I just felt like I wasn't there anymore.

Yami Annika
21st December 2003, 03:52 PM
Aunyailia Vergere

"Enjoying yourself?" Kenichi's voice asked me. I had eaten most of my cotton candy, but the amount left was still quite a lot. He looked both amused and nervous, and with good reason.

"WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" I yelled in his face, then, at his expression, cracked up laughing. "You should see your face! Oh..." I took a deep breath and gulped down another piece of fluff. "Hi Kenichi." I grinned.

"I think you've had enough," replied Kenichi, but he seemed to be laughing, too.

"No, no..." I groaned. "One more piece." Before he could replied, I crammed the entire fluff ball into one, less large ball and stuffed it into my mouth. I smiled widely, once it had melted down enough that I could swallow it.

"Right... then," He said, in some disbelief. I giggled. "Have you heard? There's a festival tonight..."

I cut him off with a nod. "I... er, overheard David and Laura talking about it before they left. You going?"

He shrugged. "I guess."

"GREAT!" I exclaimed, louder than I had intended. "Let's go!" I took him by the hand and ran out of the store, dragging him after me. The Digimon inside watched us leave with amusement.

"It's tonight, you know..." Kenichi said informatively.

"I'm not talking about now... Shopping, duh!" I giggled good-naturely again. "I mean, it's all formal and all... I don't have a dress and I have a sneaking suspicion you don't have any kind of tux..." His look confirmed my suspicions. "Ready then? Get set... go!" I took off running, Kenichi following me at his own pace. With the sugar, I was like a little kid again. I was a kid and Primary Town was my perfect Toyland.


We went our seperate shopping ways, for a while. After an hour, he came back a little worried (as I had been spending, as he said "it's not healthy to spend this much time looking at shoes"). I had instantly found my dress. Two parts: The first one was an icy sapphire blue long dress with straps. Over it, went a long, black, see-through, small-rose designed Asian-collared dress that zipped in the back, making the blue underneath seem much darker. It was incredibly tight, but I hoped that it was only because of all the cotton candy I had just eaten.

I was much calmer now, but still just as happy. I finally found some black spiked (ouch) high-heels. Shopping makes me all excited, but finding what I want made me even happier.

As Kenichi still hadn't found any sort of formal outfit, I went over there to help. Like all the other stores, this store was splashed with colors, but still found a way to look elegant. And it was big. I even allowed myself some spinning time. Halfway across the store, I could barely see David and Laura.

"Pink!" I squealed, running over and picking out one tuxedo.

"I am not wearing pink..." Kenichi muttered defensively behind me.

"Of course not." I laughed. "But still. Pink!" I shook my head in dismay. "Crazy." He even started chuckling to himself, as I slowly moved away and started looking over the rest of the stuff.

"How about blue?" I asked after a while, pulling out one.

"I think that's black." He replied, examining it closer.

"It's midnight blue. Ain't it great?" A bit too American there, Aunyailia, my mind cautioned itself.

It wasn't long before we both got a bit tired of shopping, but, luckily, we had both gotten our outfits. I examined the leaflet of the festival and quickly memorized when it would be. It was only in a few hours...

21st December 2003, 08:57 PM
~`~`Kari [Lalalala...]`~`~

"Know me?" I asked, startled. I looked up and saw a girl with long black hair and green eyes, Morrigan, I think her name was. "Umm, I don't think so..." I said.

"Really?" she said, blinking, "You look really familliar..."

"Maybe you've seen me around school or something?" I suggested, feeling slightly akward since I was having such a conversation with someone (or any conversation, for that matter).

Roy Karrde
21st December 2003, 09:09 PM
Hey I dont know where Kioshi is, maybe he went away for Christmas or something, oh and Naboou I'm sorry Laura has neglected Kari, I'll try and get her to strike up a convo at the festivil.

Laura Lutz
“How do I look?” David asked putting on a serious face, we had gone through twenty suits so far and right now he was wearing a light blue one with some nerd glasses that he had made from somewhere I clapped and giggled almost kicking my feet in the air at the sight.

“You, look…cute” I laughed trying to think of the right word while David’s face dropped and he walked back into the changing room. “Oh David, I didn’t mean, I thought you were kidding” I suddenly sat straight up worried that I had hurt his feelings.

“I know” David smiled sticking his head out of the room, I laughed again and David shut the door, almost as a after thought he threw out his glasses and I jumped forward to catch it.

“And Laura scores the game winning…touchdown?” I asked fishing for the right sports word, David responded by clapping from the changing room and making crowd noises while I raised the dorky glasses over my head as if it were a trophy and paraded it around the chair.

“And here comes the amazing David” He announced making a grand entrance from the dressing room. I plopped back down in my chair with my legs swinging over the left arm of the chair and placed the glasses on my face. This time David finally wore a nice standard tux that looked like it cost a lot of money. I quickly began to clap and he bowed. “Thank you thank you” He smiled and I clapped some more.

“PINK” Auny squealed from across the room and we both turned to look at her, at this point she was holding up a pink suit in front of Kenichi.

“Let’s pretend that we don’t know her” I sighed looking away I didn’t want to be mean to Auny but she was going a little crazy.

“Laura” David laughed looking at me and I shrunk back into the chair, I quickly looked down in shame, that was the wrong thing to say. “Hey what’s wrong it was funny” David laughed tilting my head up and I smiled.

“So you want to go with the tux?” I asked, David shrugged and I told him that he could take it back anytime he wanted. He quickly changed and we went over to the counter.

“Wow it’s so pretty” I said all twinkle eyed as I looked at a golden ring with a diamond in it. “How much does it cost?” I asked looking up at the sells clerk who took it out.

“Laura, that’s a guy’s ring, it would be too big for you” David reminded me as I turned the ring around in my hand. “Plus it costs a fortune”

“I know, I was hopeing to give it to…Satoshi” I whispered turning the ring around again and David sighed and looked at me.

“Why are you buying that? If he doesn’t even care about you egnough to take you out?” He asked and I turned away from him and looked at the ring, he was right but, but I knew Satoshi loved me and he deserved the best.

“Because..he told me he..loved me, and I told him I loved him too” I said in a low voice and David placed his arms on my shoulders and gave me that comforting smile that only he could do.

“Hey if you really care about him that much then he is a very lucky guy” David smiled and I smiled back and nodded, I turned back to the sells clerk and bought the ring and David’s tux even though he argued about me buying it. Finally we walked back outside and I ran over to the same flower shop that he had bought me that rose halo thingie. As fast as I could I bought him one of those rose thingies to wear with a tux.

“Now you will be the prettiest guy there” I smiled and handed him the flower.

“Umm thanks” He laughed and took the flower and placed it gently in his bag. With a quick look at a clock that was hanging near by I realized how late it was getting.

“Hey I have to go back to my house and get ready, where should we meet?” I asked almost breaking in to a run to go back to the house in time to get ready.

“I’ll pick you up at your house” He replied and I quickly told him the address of the house Swanmon gave to me, we both said a quick goodbye and ran off in opposite directions to get ready for the festivil.

22nd December 2003, 08:52 PM
Uhh..CHEESE!No...Random spasmning..taking..over..

Satoshi Takinowa["Sugiteku hibi Arikitari de hayakute Mienaku naru/Ima Jibun no iru basho ga doko na no ka Doko e mukau no ka"Haruka na Okurimono-w/An Endless Tale]

I sighed deeply as I watched Laura walk off with David. I stood behind a block with the letter "S" on it, it apparently was a store.

"Hawkmon..do you know this store?"I asked him. His face was full of smiles, it must've been somewhere with bunch of digi-girls..

"I'll be gone for a while, I'll meet you over near this block before the festival. Are you getting changed?"Hawkmon asked. I sighed once more, and looked off onto the horizon.

"No, I'm just going as is."I told Hawkmon. He sighed, and went into the block with the S written on it..I walked off, either wanting to bump into someone, or....something.

"Lopmon, can you please.."I heard a female's voice complain. The voice was close, so I started to walk faster. It was Haruka's voice, and she was here. I knew she left Las Mesa before all of us, but I didn't know she would be going here.

"Satoshi?"I heard her voice say. I then heard footsteps getting faster and faster..then I felt a body, arms landing over my shoulders..

"Haruka..."I said plainly. Lopmon looked around, and asked..

"Where's Hawkmon?"
"God knows. Probably off somewhere..flirting. Or something, I dunno."
"You know there's a festival tonite..Taking anyone?Laura..perhaps?"Haruka asked right after I finished answering Lopmon.
"I'm not taking anyone, I might just watch the fireworks.."
"There's dancing too.."
"I can't dance, so I'm not even trying."
"Oh..I might aswell do the same."Haruka sighed, her hair moving in the wind's whisper. I looked at her, and smiled. I had 2 people her now from the real world that I actually knew..

Aoi and Haruka. And now I have a Brother.


22nd December 2003, 10:03 PM
"Maybe you've seen me around school or something?"

I arched an eyebrow, no that wasn't it. I recognized her from somewhere, but whatever it was didn't register.

"No," I said, turning my head. Then an idea hit me. I backed up a few steps. I moved my fingers in a gesture that looked like a picture frame.

"Okay," I muttered, "This is definitely familiar. Hmm, have you ever met my father?"

It was her time to look confused, "...No, why?"

I frowned, "Well, my father does paintings, and I definitely remember seeing a painting that looks almost like you."

"I don't think I've met your father, and I've never posed for a painting."

This was getting me nowhere, and it was pissing me off, "Well, you don't have to pose in any of my father's paintings. He can just about draw anything from memory or description. Do you know any of my relatives? My father's name is Axehelm McCloud and I have two uncles, Ark and Jason McCloud. Do you know any of them?"

22nd December 2003, 10:26 PM
~`~`Kari [Looks like her mom XD]`~`~

"Ark McCloud...?" I repeated. It sounded familliar. "I think I've heard my mom talk about him..."

"Who's your mom?" she asked.

"Her name's Arnen. Arnen Alzena..." I was squinting at the ground. Yes, Mom had definitely mentioned and Ark McCloud before. She had been talking about how she went to the Digital World before. Of course, I had thought she was a crazy insane liar, but now...

Roy Karrde
23rd December 2003, 03:57 PM
Well mise on get this festivil under way

Laura Lutz * In a pretty outfit :P *
The gown felt a little bit tighter as I tried it on in front of the mirror, back home I would have never worn anything like this, other than it being a little tight, it was also way too grown up for me to wear, but this isnt home, this was the Digital World. Besides I could wear something adult and pretty for one night, even if Satoshi wasnt going to see me. I zipped up the gown and twirled around in the mirror again, and then sat down on the bed with my chin resting on my hands. I really wished Satoshi could see me tonight, it would have made this night even more special. With one last look at the clock I went back to combing my hair and slipped on the halo of roses.

About a hour later the doorbell rang and I put my red high heals on as I ran to the door, almost tripping over my own feet on the way over there. "David" I smiled opening the door he was standing there almost impatiently, he looked nice in that tux he picked out which had that rose pinned to the side pocket. "You look pretty"

"Thanks you look beautiful" David commented and I blushed looking away from him at the setting sun. "Well lets go" He added and I stepped out allowing the sun light to catch the crystals all over my gown turning them into a golden color.

"I didnt know the gown did that" I gasped looking at the beautiful golden hue that now surounded my gown. David extended his arm and I looped my arm around his and we began to walk toward the festivil grounds.

"Kari, Morrigan" I yelled as we approched the fair ground, my gown had begun to change color as the sun disapeared over the horrizon this time it was a dark blue color.

"Laura, isnt that gown a little too old for you?" Kari asked as I apporched the two, I shrugged and looked around at the different areas they sat up.

"I wanted to try something new" I said and then noticed the dance floor. "C'mon David there's the dance floor lets go dancing" I tugged on him almost dragging him toward it.

"But..but...I dont know how to dance" David tried to refuse as I kept tugging on him.

"So what, neither do I," I replied as we approched the dance floor.

The music they were playing was a type of waltz or atleast that is what Daddy called it when he used to dance with me. "Okay here is what you do" I said taking one of my hands with his, while placing his other hand on my back.

"Now what?" David asked trying to settle in the dance as I led him threw the motions, he only steped on my feet a few times, each time I winced but didnt say anything.

"Just dance slowly" I replied closing my eyes and placing my head on his chest and listened to the music as we danced slowly on

24th December 2003, 01:39 PM
OoC: Can't really post right now (trying to do several things at once XD), but, um... Has PerfectChaos even posted his form yet? Cuz if he's not gonna, I'll take Fire... I have a character in mind...

24th December 2003, 02:58 PM
Perfect Chao's never showed up, so I ended up taking the character. I did update the front page to show no LSU's/Reservations.^^

I'll post tomorrow most likely.

Yami Annika
26th December 2003, 02:28 PM
Merry Belated Christmas, to all those who celebrate it!

Aunyailia Michelle


I primped myself and posed in front of the mirror in the bathroom inside my rented house. It was nice, a little cramped, but I only needed it for a short time… I looked at my eye shadow and then decided I didn’t want to risk anymore make-up. Then again, it would be easier to decide that if I had more make-up. I was ready, although, it wasn’t even time yet. All dressed up and no where to go, at least, not yet.

I sighed and started heading out, when I heard a low, rumbling giggle. Curious, I backed up, and my reflection followed my movements.

“You’re going like that?” My reflection asked me, incredulous. I just stared.

“Bien sur.” I answered.

“You should stay…” My other self blinked. “Parties are too dull.”

“I can’t hear you,” I replied, all sing-song, and stuck out my tongue at her.

“Something’s about to happen,” She giggled again. “And soon, you won’t be the only one hearing voices.” My eyes narrowed, and I turned to leave.

“You don’t just walk away from me, Aun.” She replied, her voice like ice. “You need me. Let me out... it won’t be the first time.” She added with a glint in her eye.

“Stop it,” I whispered as the doorbell rang. “Not now.”

“What, later?” She asked in response. “Who’s at the door? The one whom you love? I’d like to meet him…”

“Stop it! I won’t let you hurt him! I won’t let you hurt anyone!” I repeated in a whisper, and headed out the bathroom.

“Why don’t you at least finish the job you started? No one will suspect…” In the corner of my eye, she made a slashing motion.

I bounded out of the bathroom, toward the door, but she followed me in every mirror, every piece of glassware. Her giggle and taunting “Murderer!” followed me through the house.

“Shut up…” I froze, whispering. “I won’t hurt anyone…” I closed my eyes, as I stepped near the door. It was suddenly silent.

I opened the door, to reveal Kenichi, all dressed up. I plastered a smile on my face.

“Good evening,” I greeted, all smiles, glancing at the setting sun. “Shall we go?” I let my thoughts go away... Tonight was all about fun, right? I had just spent too much time dressing up, which is why I was late to the door...

I did not like this town…

26th December 2003, 04:48 PM
~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice["Sonna toki itsu datte me o tojireba waratteru kimi ga iru..." from "Dearest" by Hamasaki Ayumi(3rd Inu-Yasha ending)]~*^*~
"Well...how do I look?" I asked, staring at my dolled-up reflection...this was the closest you'd see me in a one-piece dresslong that wasn't Gothic Lolita. Arwen's eyes widened slightly as I slipped on my japanese sandals and placed the hair piece I purchased earlier in my hair. I slipped my other clothes into my bag for later, since tonight I wouldn't need them. I, myself, felt like I was staring at Vampire Princess Miyu in a way...it was strange, but it felt great.

"You look perfect.." Arwen said, smiling slightly before leaping onto my shoulder. Petting her, I nodded and left the hotel room, for I might not return until later. Locking the door and placing the key in my pocket, I walked quietly out...rather nervous. Where was Kouji and Jun? Would they surprise me themselves? Sighing, I looked around the lobby one last time, before exiting the doors and heading into the sunset...the stars glinting slightly. Hopefully, this time the light wouldn't betray me as the sun goes down...

=*=Kouji Hikazu - Light[Now mocking Miroku appearance-wise...xDD]=*=
"Well, seems nothing that bad..." I said, gazing at my black and dark purple robes and new sandals, "But thanks for the clothing." I waved farewell to the Gabumon that had lent me the clothing for tonight's festival. I thought about it...I was probably mocking that perverted Miroku on Inu-Yasha. Heh, whatever. Like it mattered to me.

I walked towards the crowd as dancing, laughter, chatter, and music filled the serene peace of the sunset. I wondered to myself about Laura's current whereabouts. With my digiegg in my arms, I just tried to pace through the crowd of digimon and a few humans, until I broke out...and the sight was different. Even more stars flickered in the sky, as the shadows of red and pink turned blue and purple. The sun sank lower as I sighed, reaching my former place under the tree.

"You were outcasted....too...?" I heard a faint whisper from behind the tree, as Laura, dressed in a new deep blue kimono with a black sash and a I hairpiece of a black rose, scooted outward and sat at my side, Arwen on her shoulder.

"Laura? What a surprise..." I said, panting with relief as Arwen leapt between us.

"Yeah...." She said rather solemnly, gazing shyly at the ground...as if she was being bothered by something deep down, probably not feeling like describing these feelings. We looked our separate ways for a second, before Laura looked back up at me.

"But have you ever thought we were....related...?" She asked, rather curious at my thoughts herself.


"It's that...I've learned recently that....we're..." She said, gulping before finishing her sentance rather softly, "...cousins..."

My eyes widened at her slightly....cousins? Us? I wondered exactly how this could happen...one of her parents related to my mother? That was a rather strange thought if you come to think about it...

300th post = mine...=P

27th December 2003, 01:52 PM
Satoshi Takinowa["Raison d'etre Sonna fuu ni/Raison d'etre Onajiyouni"Raison D'etre[Reason to Live]-Ending 1 to Chobits]

Me and Haruka started to walk to the outskirts of the town, where the festival was held.Me and her weren't really going, we didn't feel up to it. I was depressed slightly, though Aoi showing up helped. Haruka sometimes was like this, mainly she would wanna go.

"Let's sit here."Haruka said. We were on top of the hill, which overviewed the festival completely.Hawkmon had come back, and Lopmon and him were down at the festival, most likely having the time of their lifes.

"Did anyone ask you to the festival?"Haruka said, playing around with her D-Sense. I sighed at this, and looked up at the Sky. The star's twinkled.

"Yeah."I answered,"Laura."I halfway regreted it, but I wasn't much of a Dancer at all. I had to left feet, and I didn't wanna hurt Laura in anyway. Like stepping on her feet.

"Why didn't you go?I mean..Laura's nice enough. I think she would forget you stepping on her feet during the time."Haruka replied. I sighed at this quote, and looked for a answer.

I found none, so I had to make one up.

"I just didn't wanna go."I answered Haruka. It was a true one, but not entirely true. Part false.

"Ok..."Haruka replied."Anyway, I'm off."

"Where?"I replied to Haruka, who was standing up and brushing herself off. Haruka Looked down, and found Lopmon running up the hill. Haruka got her scooter set up, and her goggles over her eyes. Lopmon went on her head as Haruka's body aimed towards a seperate route.

"I suppose..."She replied silently,"Where ever the wind guides me."She then turned her head over, gave a wink, and rode off. I looked on untill I couldn't see her anymore, then sat down once more.

I looked down at the Dancing..Partying figures. The humans in the crowd stood out more than the digimon. I looked around for Laura in the crowd, and it led to a quick frown..

'Look's like you're losing your girl.'I heard a voice in my head. Mine, but it gave me a cold chill. I looked next to me, and found a shadow of myself. One with lips moving.

Aoi Watanabe["Kabe o kowa****e todokitai/Daiji na itami e"Beyond[Minoru & Yuzuki Song]]

"Lemme just close shop, and I'll be right with you."The Tentomon said, walking out of the back of the store. There was a girl in the front before, and I wished to meet her, but I was busy putting the fireworks in the little Golf Cart's trunk outside. It was a little hard moving in the Kimono, but when I didn't move much, or at all, it was so comfy. The silk rubbed against my skin to smoothly, it felt like A feather.

"Aoi, you look soo prettyy.."Labramon adored me as I completed a 360degree circle, modeling the kimono. My hair was down, but I still looked elegant. I smiled at Labramon as I use the clip on the top to attach it to my sash.

"Thanks."I said.Tentomon came to the back once I heard the door slammed and locked fully. We all went out the back door, locked it, and went on the golf cart. I had to drive it of course, since I had fingers...

"Thanks again. I was borrowing it from a friend of mine, just to look at it. I can't really drive it."Tentomon said. He sat on the roof as He pointed the way for me to go. I actually drove it well,for a first timer. We made the destination, and began to unpack the boxes onto the area.

"I'll be back. I have to do something...Labramon,can you come along?"Tentomon asked. Labramon nodded yes, and walked off with Tentomon. I sat on the back of the golf cart, sighing a lite sigh.

"Huh?Anyone there?"I asked myself, looking around. I had gotten a cold chill, and that normally signals off that 'Someone it coming'.

I then looked next to me, and almost fell off the cart. It was a figure of me, her eyes the same, the hair, the same. Her clothing was different, she was adorned into a crimson colored Chinese Silk Dress. But her presence gave a cold chill. Almost instantly, a Dark mist rolled off her..

She placed her hand on her head, scratching her scalp, like she was thinking. She then stopped, and Placed a Evil smirk on her face. Her hand reached over to my Sash, and detached my D-Sense..

"I'll be borrowing this. After, I gotta decieve my enemy..and your lover."She smiled, and walked off. The black mist disappered as soon as she grabbed my D-Sense.

And she went off, and not one comment from me.

Roy Karrde
27th December 2003, 02:27 PM
Laura Lutz
"He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not.." I continued to repeat the two phrases over and over again as I picked away at the flower pulling the petals off and letting them fly off into the wind.

"Anyone in particular?" David asked as we both settled down on to the blanket which we had set up on a hill that over looked the soon to be firework show.

"What do you think?" I blushed and he laughed and did a one arm hug as we sat side by side with each other. "David I just wanted you to know, that I'm really greatful that you took me to the festivil"

"Well I'm glad you went with me, I didn't want to go alone" David smiled and I settled in under his arm, and just thought about home.

"David, I'm really lucky to have a friend like you" I said looking up at him, for a second we just looked at each other and I slowly moved in to kiss him and then I realized what I was doing and turned away blushing "I'm sorry, I'll be right back promise" I said and ran off, mentally kicking myself for being so stupid.

I didnt know where I was going and probley ran past half the group, when I did realize I was lost I studied my suroundings and realized that I was near the fire work area that was when I spotted Satoshi's friend...Aoi I believe her name was. "Aoi, hi" I yelled waving to her she rolled her eyes and went back to work as I walked up next to her.

"Hi, your Satoshi's friend right?" I asked peering over her shoulder as she worked on the firework display one of the first things I noticed was that she didnt have a D-Spirit was she not a chosen one?

"Very close friend" She corrected me as she continued to work at the fireworks. She seemed very determined to work on the fireworks which was a trait you had to admire.

"Well I just wanted to know if when Satoshi kisses some one...does he ever change I mean like how he treats the person" I asked, Aoi stopped working for a second and then picked up again.

"I wouldn't know, and why should you care?" Aoi asked her pace quickened on the fireworks almost to being frantic.

"Becuase back in the next town, we had gotten very close and then he..kissed me" I said in a low voice, Aoi stopped again and looked at me with a questioned look on her face.

"You mean like a peck on the cheek, a friendly kiss right?" She asked and I shook my head.

"On the lips, like in the movies" I replied and she went back to work. I paused for a second and debated asking my other question and then finally asked it. "Is there a favorite food Satoshi likes? I mean I want to do something nice for him and make him something he likes like a good girlfriend"

Aoi laughed and it wasnt a good laugh or a funny laugh it was a suprised sarcastic laugh. "This young child is Satoshi's girlfriend?" She muttered underneith her breath, causing me to look myself over was did everyone judge me becuase I was only ten well eleven.

"Pizza. If anything Japanese orientated, he likes Wasabi on his sushi, he also likes Okonomiyaki" She added and then looked at me with a evil/annoyed glare. "Now please leave I have alot of work to do" She added shooing me off. Maybe Laura or Kari could help me a little more than she did or maybe Haruka if she wasnt still mad at me for supporting Auny.

Yami Laura
I stretched, it was good to be alive and to well be here on this day when these group of humans were just right for the picking, the lonelyest one I zoomed in on, it was a boy...Satoshi, he was close to my counterpart, I began to absorb both of their memories. Yes I could use this, I appeared behind him and changed my outfit in to the most hurtful outfit I could find in his memory with the blink of my eye.

"That should have been me down there, kissing her" Satoshi wispered tears running down his cheek as he watched Laura and David almost kiss.

"Oh but it wasnt you, girls are tricky that way, they love you one moment then hate you the next, how does it feel to be hated by the girl you once thought you loved?" The other Satoshi taunted the evil Satoshi, the good Satoshi just sat there transfixed on his old girlfriend.

*Get out of here* I told the evil Satoshi privatly he shot me a angry look and then turned back to the good Satoshi.

*I have buisness here you little twit* The evil Satoshi replied privatly finally getting up and walking over to me. *Make it fast* He said before walking off.

"Hiya Satoshi" I laughed placing one drunken arm around him, I knew this dress the one Laura had worn when she got drunk at Las Mesa hurt Satoshi, and seeing Laura like this was even worce. Satoshi turned and looked at me all wide eyed.

"Not again, not again, please" He begged as I slid down next to him, finally laying my head in his lap and looked up at him so that he could see all of my outfit.

"Why Satoshi I thought you liked me like this, you created me remember?" I asked him running my finger over his lips, he twitched away trying not to look at me.

"I.." He replied his tears falling on my head his eyes tracing Laura's movements near the stands down below. I grabbed his face forcing him to look at me.

"When you kiss her you think of me, when you touch her you think of me, admit it, I am everything that you want Laura to be, you may try to believe that you like the sweet innocent Laura, but in reality you just love the bad Laura" I taunted and he just shook his head, I jumped up and placed a finger on his nose pushing his face to follow me as I walked away.

"Just give her one drink and I will return" I laughed and walked off disapearing into the night.

28th December 2003, 09:37 PM
Satoshi Takinowa["Imamade zutto ienaimama kakush-itetano/Tsuyogatteru soredakenano mitsukedash-ite"Let me be with you-Chobits Opening]

"Pfft.Took her long enough."The shadowish figure took form.He was an exact carbon copy of me, except for the clothing, and that he didn't have glasses."You can't see a thing without those, can't you?"

I looked down to the ground, thinking about what happened...Who was that?She looked like Laura when she was drunk, but...Laura was down there, dancing. With David. The copy of me sat down, and looked at the sky..

"Can't really see a damn thing, everything's a blur."He said, and looked at my glasses,"Mind if I borrow?"

"Uh..No.."I replied, but to late. He snatched my glasses, and everything quickly became a blur.I reached my hands out to try to see if he was hear, but he wasn't..

"Hey, oh yeah."The other me replied. I felt vibrations coming from infront of me. I swiftly moved my head around to find a blur opf my body.

"Don't try to attack me. I would be able to counter everything."He replied. I felt vibrations on the ground, he was walking closer to me. I soon felt his hand searching in my pocket, and I felt something was gone..

"Need this."The other me took my D-Sense, and I felt him run off. I closed my eyes slightly, and tried to crawl slightly down the hill, and near a tree,or something I could possibly lean on.I soon found something cold and hard, rough yet smooth. A rock! I leaned my back on it, and closed my eyes slightly.

"Great. A Person can take my glasses, and disable me...Fun"

["Until now, unable to say it, I've just been hiding it/I'm only acting strong, that's all it is, please see through it" Is the translation to the quote I used.]

Yami Satoshi

"God,that boy can't even see without these stupid glasses."I kept on touching the rim's of his glasses. They felt cold, like a metal material."Sorta makes me feel bad I had to take them."


I looked around at the festival's party-ers.Some humans, but I felt Satoshi didn't really know them as well. Some digimon too, but nothing big.I looked around for one person, one person I knew he cared for a lot in this group of Misfits.

"Laura."A Cold whisper erupted from my mouth. I gave a evil smirk as I looked around for her. I got continous look's from various digimon, but heh.

"SATOSHI!"I felt weight baring on me. The goodie goodie's glasses tilted as I fell to the ground. I looked at the figures face. Speak of the devil.Laura.

"Oh, just the person I was looking for."I said, with a hint of anger in my tone. She looked at me as I sat up, dusting my self off.

"Are you ok?Or anything..?"She asked. Just the question I wanted to hear.Here was a way to start destroying my double's life.

"Now that you mentioned it..What the hell were you doing with David?"I asked her. Her eyes danced around, like she was looking for a answer,"Simple to put it, Why did you almost kiss him?"

"I..didn't mean too. I caught myself."Laura replied. Good reply, I had to think a little for a comeback.

I stood up, and Looked at her. Almost made me feel bad.Almost.

"Listen, between me and you...It's over."I simply placed no effort into it. She got up, and looked at me straight in the eyes. I was easily decieving her, no problem.

"You don't mean that, you've said stuff like that before. But you came back!"She smiled. I readied up my hand, and quickly..

SMACKKK!! The noise could be heard from a distance.She placed her hand up to the red spot on her face, where I slapped her. Tears started to come out of her eyes..

"Just listen to me, b*tch. I never liked you, and never will. Just stop bugging the hell out of me, and leave me ALONE!"I yelled at her. She stopped, and I casually walked out on the sobbing girl..

"1 down, 1 more."I stated, watching the star's as I walked.


28th December 2003, 10:30 PM
OoC: I edited my form a bit; nothing major, really, but...

~`~`Kari ["All that was good has died..." Down With the Sickness, by Disturbed]`~`~

I hadn't even bothered to dress up all fancy. Mom never wore kimonos anyway, nor did she make me. I didn't like them that much, too girly, and they were inhibiting. I had worn a plain black shirt and flares to the carnival. Yep, jeans and a T-shirt, nothing better...


I heard the smack, I saw Satoshi, I saw Laura with the red mark on her face... But I didn't believe it.

"Satoshi?" I whispered bemusedly. Why would he, of all people, do something like that to Laura? "He's dressed differently!" I realised. And it looked as if his glasses were bothering him... But they shouldn't, should they? They didn't look new... Something was up. "I'll be right back," I said to Morgan, standing and walking after Satoshi. "Why did you do that?" I demanded, running around in front of him and preparing to shift into a fighting stance. Who knows, he was acting weird, and if I had to fight him to knock some sense into him, well...

Roy Karrde
29th December 2003, 03:12 PM
Hey Jun/Kioshi is having a problem with his keyboard so I believe Gothic has agreed to take over Jun till he can get it fixed.

Laura Lutz * Very Hurt and Confused *
“Why did you do that?" Kari asked standing between Satoshi and I in a fighting stance, my mouth filled with blood from where I bit my tongue and my cheek felt like it was on fire, worst of all I had just lost Satoshi the one person who I told everything to, and I had no idea what I did wrong.

“Laura get out of here” Kari warned taking a swing at Satoshi who side stepped the attack easily, Satoshi laughed and let his glasses fall off of his face.

“Let the b*itch stay, infact that is my new pet name for her little b*itch because that is what she is and that is what she will always be” Satoshi laughed and I felt myself just get ripped apart harder, did Satoshi really just string me along all this time just waiting for me to make a mistake? I should have never gone to that dance, maybe then, maybe this would have never happened. I was so stupid to go, so stupid.

“Laura go” Kari yelled and I took off running trying to not look behind me, after a while I stopped running and collapsed out of breath, panting hard I feel to my knees and began to sob again, I had just lost Satoshi, I felt like I could tell him everything and now he was gone because I made a stupid mistake.

“Who’s there?” Some one that sounded like Satoshi yelled out from behind a rock. How could he have gotten here so fast? How could he have defeated Kari so quickly? “Really I know how to defend myself,” He said in a defensive voice, but as he tried to stand up he slipped and feel down onto the ground hitting his head on a rock.

I bit my lip trying to decided what to do, my cheek still burned and my head felt funny from the hit, my tongue had stopped bleeding but it stung. “Damn it” he cursed struggling to get back up again, slowly I walked over there and helped him up, with me guiding him I walked him back up the hill and over to the safety of a shade tree. “Thank you…um, what’s your name?” Satoshi asked and I realized he didn’t have his glasses on he couldn’t see, I began to walk away when he spoke up.

“Hey please don’t walk away I don’t even know your name, I’m sorry but I cant see with out my glasses, I’m Satoshi” He said, I looked back at him with a concerned look if I told him, he, he would hit me again.

“It…it’s me Satoshi” I whispered, he realized who it was and sat straight up trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

“Laura? Laura where are you” Satoshi asked

I just broke down crying at that point and ran over and hugged him. “Oh Satoshi, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, please don’t leave me, please don’t leave me, your all I have” I begged him he seemed very shocked at this and tried to touch my face causing me to jump back. “Please don’t hit me again, please I said I didn’t mean it please”

Satoshi started to cry at this point and quickly wrapped me up in a hug “I wasn’t going to hit you, I would never hit you” Satoshi promised and I slowly stopped sobbing, and slowly, very slowly I began to sit back up in front of him. “Here, now slowly where are you hurt and who hurt you” Satoshi asked touching my face with his hands to wipe off the tears and I moved his right hand to the spot that he had hit me before.

Very very softly he began to touch the flesh at the bruise and feel around at it causing it to bleed a little, which trickled over his fingernails. “Who did this to you, I’ll kill them” Satoshi said in a very angry voice, I shuddered; this was the maddest I had ever seen him before; I just closed my arms around him and hugged him again.

I began to answer but the first big bangs of the firework ceremony started and I decided to just sit back next to him and watch the fireworks. “I wish I had my glasses, this is the first time I would have been able to see fireworks in a long time, I guess I will just have to settle to watching it” Satoshi sighed, I looked at him for a moment and then turned back to the fireworks.

“That one over there, it’s blue and green and all sparkly, and then there is that one that looks like the Pepsi symbol, and that one is all pink with another one exploding in the middle of it” I continued to describe the fireworks, taking his hand and pointing it in the direction of the firework, I kept on doing this till my throat was dry and continued on until I started coughing, that was when Satoshi asked me to stop and we sat there in a long silence.

“I-I know you might not want me to ask this, but I saw you kiss well almost kiss David, why would you do that? In a relationship the girlfriend isn’t supposed to go kiss another boy” Satoshi asked and I began to scoot away, I prepped my muscles just in case I did have to make a run for it, I mean the last time I talked to him about this he..he got so mad.

“I, I made a mistake, I don’t know what came over me, but I realized that the only person I wanted to kiss…was you” I whispered he sat back and smiled, I waited for the hit to come, but it never came and I slowly sat back down next to him. “Did you call me your girlfriend?” I asked and he nodded I smiled happily and laid my head down in his lap.

“You know when I was young, my dad he would sing to me at night when things got really bad with mommy, I-I miss that” I sighed closing my eyes.

*3rd Person mode *

Satoshi sighed looking down at Laura who was slowly going to sleep in his lap, although he couldn’t see her he still could feel her stir as she tried to find a comfortable position where the bruise wouldn’t hurt so badly, he leaned back up and off in the distance he could swear he could see the last remnants of the sun as it sank over the horizon

“Zutto zutto issho ni iru to Ano yuuhi ni yakusoku shlta kara” he sang softly, almost at a whisper, he noticed Laura began to relax, her breathing softened so he continued on.

“Ima sugu aitai Sono kimochi o Onegai tsutaete ne
Hitoribotchi no kokoro ni Totsuzen tobikonde kita
Sukoshi itakatta koto Yasashiku tsutsunde kureta
Konna ni hotto suru koto wa hajimete dakara
Sono nukumori o sotto Poketto ni tsume konde Aruite ikitai?

Zutto zutto issho ni iru to Ano yuuhi ni yakusoku shlta kara
Sabishii toki mo Hirogaru orenji o nagamete
"Kitto kitto daijoubu da yo" ano yuuhi ga sasayaite kureru
Ima sugu aitai Sono kimochi o Onegai tsutaete ne

Anata ga ichiban suki na Saikou no egao de
Mukaerareru you ni Watashi mo mainichi ganbatte ikitai?

Zutto zutoo issho ni iru to Ano yuuhi ni yakusoku shlta kara
Kujikesou demo Kirei na orenji o dakishime
"Kitto kitto daijoubu da yo" Ano yuuhi ga oshiete kureta no
Shinjite ireba Sono kimochi wa Kanarazu todokutte

Zutto zutto issho ni iru to Ano yuuhi ni yakusoku shlta kara
Tooku ni itemo Onaji orenji o kanjite
"Kitto kitto daijoubu da yo" Ano yuuhi wa tsunagatteru kara
Mou nakanai yo Futari no ai Kokoro o terashlteru
Futari no ai Kokoro o terashlteru?” He sang softly, finally he looked down again and noticed Laura fast asleep in his lap, he closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree.

29th December 2003, 04:25 PM
Yami Aoi

"First stop, Satoshi."I said, walking out of where my counterpart was. I decided not to collide with the group of twits, but walk around them. I had to walk around the town though, through some alley ways.

"There."I smiled slightly, catching my target. The only differenct was that he had no glasses on, and Aoi knew he couldn't see without them. My voice being the same as her's, I would easily decieve him. He seemed to have company though.

I walked over to where I spoted them. The young girl was asleep, but Satoshi's eyes were wide awake, trying to look at the sky.I went infront of him, and prepared my voice.

"Satoshi?"I asked him. My voice came out exactly like Aoi's."Can I talk to you, in private?"

"Aoi?Sure."He slowly got up, and Placed the young girls head on the floor.She woke up, and looked at Satoshi, who know held my hand. I had to make sure not to loose him, He couldn't see a thing.

"Where are you going?"She asked. Satoshi smiled, and looked at me, although all he could see is a blur.

"I'm just going to talk to Aoi in private for a couple of minutes.I'll be back."He smiled as he replied.

"Aoi..did you get changed?You were in a Kimono when I last saw you.."The young girl asked.
"I got changed into this."I plainly replied. We walked off slowly, with Satoshi holding my hand. He sometimes fell, not on purpose.

"Here we are."I told him, and patted his shoulder to sit down.

"So...what is it that you wanted to tell me?"He said, leaning against the huge, oak-like tree I brought him to.I looked at him slightly, and whispered under a cold breath.

"Ai"The only thing that Aoi could perform was usefull.Ai had the power to decive the mind's senses into thinking the opponent into loving them. It could last for a while, to only ten minutes.

His eyes were entirely pink, well, besides the pupil being there.He looked like a sick puppy dog. I gave a evil smirk off, this
really would help break of the two, Laura and Satoshi.

"Aoi.."His voice said sweetly. I leaned over to him.

And we shared a enjoyable kiss(A French kiss at that.).

Haruka Haruda["Donna toki demo mimamotte kureru/Yasashii koe sora ni hibiku hirogatte"My Place[c/w Yuuhi no Yakusoku]-By:AiM]

"I hope Satoshi is ok..."I muttered as I scooted off. The star's twinkled on the night canvas. Lopmon sighed litely.

"I bet Satoshi is ok!No worry Haruka!"Lopmon replied. That was a relief, although sometimes, Lopmon wasn't right.

"Let's take a pit stop."I said, as we came to a Forest Area.I placed my goggles back on my head, and I folded my scooter up.

'I bet right now, Your little cousin's betraying his girlfriend.'A Dark voice said in my mind. I looked around as the voice gave me a cold chill.I looked up, at a tree branch, and I got the ultimate cold chill.

The figure jumped down, and looked me exactly in the face."The only mortal in this world.That must make you lonely."

"It's also one of the reasons that you don't stick with the group of Misfits.You're afraid one of them will kill you."She replied. My eyes went wide at what she said. It was all true.

I was the only human in this world who could die. And that sentence stroke horror in me. My whole body froze up.

"Your lucky I won't stab you right here...Well..I guess you could say I was going to 'back stab' you..But.."

"Blazing Ice!"Lopmon yelled. The dark me suddenly froze in her track's."That should stop her for now, Haruka."

"Haruka, you know that I wouldn't let anyone kill you."

Yami Satoshi

I grabbed my counterpart's glasses off the ground and placed them back where they belonged. Damn Satoshi and his poor eyesight.

"Why did you slap Laura?" 'Kari',as they called her, asked me. I looked at her slightly, and gave a little laugh under my breath.

"Because, it's fun."I replied,"Actually, It's quite fun to sometimes carry someone on a lie, then you back stab them."

"Pfft.I don't have the time of day to mess around with you."I told her. I started to walk past her slightly..

(Don't cha tell I dunno what to reply with Yami Satoshi?)

29th December 2003, 11:22 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

The night air whipped at my hair, which had decided to thwart the efforts of my comb by sticking out in several directions. I let a sigh escape me as I gave it one good tussle so it would settle in the fashion it had adopted in the Digital World. My dark blue suit was of a fashionable cut, something I probably wouldn't have chosen in a hundred years... But at the very least it was comfortable, and wasn't that constricting to my movement. If push came to shove, I could even dance in this get-up, one of my previous foster parents having an odd fetish for classic dance.

Walking up the path to Auny's little toy-like house, I couldn't help but feel a bit better. The air was cool, my skin was clean from a shower, and I had some friends here that I could seemingly depend on... All I had to look forward to when I got to the real world was being shuffled between more foster parents until I reached 18.

I pressed the doorbell lightly, and waited patiently at the door. The sound of feet was muffled by the walls, but I could clearly tell Auny was coming... Though it was taking her awhile, her footsteps at times erratic.

Auny came out, a smile plastered to her face. She had makeup on, her hair was done, and her new dress, dark blue like my own was draped over her frame.

"Good evening. Shall we go?" She asked anxiously.

I nodded to her. "Alright then, I think I know the way..." I hesitated for a moment. "You look very nice by the way."

That illicited a laugh from Auny. "Thanks, seems you followed my suggestion about the suit." She tugged on the collar, and smoothed it down.

I put out my arm, and she took it. As the air around us became totally dark, and the town brightened the area for the digimon we talked as we looked around. Banners, signs, streamers, all were over the town getting ready for the big main festival.

Our pace was somewhat slow, due to the fact Auny was walking with a slightly subdued look to herself. It was as if something was bugging her, something that I couldn't figure out...

Time passed as we looked around the newly assembled stalls, as suddenly explosions filled the air. We both looked up together, as a startling managerie of color dotted the sky above us. The fireworks bloomed in odd patterns, some resembling digimon, some resembling attacks, and others just plain weird. Among the digital explosions were normal looking fireworks, which gave it a sense of normalcy.

Auny hugged me tighter as the fireworks began to go down. "Do you mind if we find somewhere to sit for awhile, Kenichi?"

I nodded my head. "Sure, sounds alright..." We had reached the edge of the grass, where the hills and trees had begun. More digimon seemed to be here watching the fireworks.

"Over there looks-" I stopped, as I saw Satoshi starting to walk by Kari. Something about the scene put me off immiediatly, but I didn't realize it until I had begun to move towards him. Satoshi was carrying himself... differently...

"Kenichi, I don't like this," Auny muttered into my ear.

I looked over to her, and patted her arm. "Looks like something is happening... You can wait here, I'll see what's wrong."

A look of deep concern, tinted with something I couldn't describe overcame Auny's face as I turned to face Satoshi.

"Ah, look who we have here! It's Kenichi!" Satoshi said, his grin a hideous parody of any smile I had seen him use. His face didn't have the same expression, his arms were moving much more assertively, and his stance was that of a young Yakuza's.

"Kenichi, there's something wrong with him! He slapped Laura, and is acting strange," Kari said, giving the boy a wide berth.

The boy's eyes became wide with delight behind the glasses. "The b**** deserved it. Now, we need to have a talk Kenichi."

"Ok," I said, my voice kept level. "First tell me who you are."

The boy infront of me looked befuddled for a moment. "I'm Satoshi! Are you as blind as me?!"

"You do not move like Satoshi, you do not act like Satoshi, and your mannerisms are suited towards that of a street thug's. Now, tell me who you are."

"Oh, I'll tell you who I am!" the boy shouted, letting a punch fly at my face. With one hand, I grasped the boy's arm, and with another I used leverage to throw him over my shoulder. The boy landed with a gasp onto his back, a stunned expression on his face. I put both hands in my pockets and kicked the imposter onto his belly. With one of my shoes on the side of my face, I slowly pressed his head down into the dirt, ready for his arms or legs to try and sweep me out of position.

"Now are you ready to tell me who you are?" I asked, as I let a more serious expression overcome myself.

"You son of a b****..." The imposter cried.

"If I had a mother, I would take offence at that," I said quietly.

Suddenly, the boy became still beneath me. A low chuckle overcame him, developing into a bellowed laugh.

"You don't know your mother, eh Kenichi?"

Roy Karrde
29th December 2003, 11:40 PM
Laura Lutz
“Sa..toshi?” I whispered slowly waking up, he was no where around, I remembered someone telling me they were going over to talk to Aoi, was that Satoshi? I stumbled down the hill in a daze and started walking toward the stands.

“Laura” The older Laura waved running over to me, with that other guy right next to her, I squinted and looked at her, I knew my hair was sticking up everywhere and I probley looked like I was drunk or something in this light. “Wow you don’t look so good”

“I just woke up” I muttered walking down the streets of the shops, the other Laura, and that guy fell into step with me, and I spotted a glasses shop, I walked well stumbled inside and bought Satoshi some glasses they may not have been his prescription but the freaky looking Digimon said that they would work for a while.

“You guys know where Satoshi is?” I asked half awake and squinting from all of the bright lights, one of them said something about seeing him walk to some area with a girl so they showed me the way and what I saw caused me to wake straight up, it was Satoshi and he was kissing that girl, Aoi.

“Satoshi” I asked shocked, he turned to look at me and his eyes went from pink back to their normal color, he looked at me and then back to Aoi in his arms, and then back and forth again, finally pushing Aoi away. “What happened what did you do to me?” He asked.

“We were talking and then you grabbed me and started kissing me like a wild man, I tried to scream and push you away but you said you wanted to kiss a real girl, I had to give in because you were hurting me” Aoi said looking shocked, I could feel the tears well up, I..I wasn’t a real girl? What did he mean by that. “Thank god you three came along, I wouldn’t be able to stop him if he went further” She added.

“Laura I would never..” Satoshi started to say I looked back at the other Laura looking for some kindof of support but she was shocked, I just threw the glasses down and ran home.

I cried and cried into my pillow, my eyes stung, my limbs ached from exhaustion but worst yet my heart was in a million pieces. Behind me I heard the door open and some one slowly walk in, I didn’t want to know who it was, I just wanted to be alone.

“Laura, I didn’t mean..” Satoshi began placing a hand on my shoulder he was wearing the glasses I bought him even though dirt clung to them, I sobbed a little more and shook his hand off, I didn’t want any comfort, not from some one like him.

“How-How could you?” I asked him, trying to calm myself down, I didn’t want to look at him I didn’t want to even be in the same room as him, so I just kept my face buried in my soggy pillow.

“Look Laura, I..” He started to say, I couldn’t take any more, I rose up off from my spot and looked at him with blurry eyes and pointed my finger right at him.

“No, you look, I’ve done everything for you, no matter how badly you’ve treated me I’ve forgiven you, no matter what you’ve done, I’ve forgiven you, but Satoshi..I-I cannot forgive you for this” I said to him in a fit of rage pointing my finger and jabbing it at him. He looked so hurt at the remarks, and I didn’t want to hurt him but, but it just seemed like the right thing to say.

“Laura please, it was just one kiss” Satoshi replied as I got up, straightened myself and walked across the room, I finally turned to face him, this time I held the tears in.

“Satoshi, I know your lying to me, I know that she means more to you than I ever will, and I just want you to know two things Satoshi: That I will never ever forgive you and” I began to cry now, the tears ran freely down my cheek. “And that I still love you more than anything” I cried, I just stood there swinging my fists back and forth.

“Laura” Satoshi sighed getting up and escorting me back to the bed where we both sat on the edge. We both just sat there for a few minutes, I sobbed, and Satoshi placed a arm around me.

“Laura, what do you want from me? What do you want me to do?” Satoshi finally asked, I wiped some tears from my eyes and looked at him, I thought for a second and finally answered.

“I-I want you to tell every one that we kissed, and I-I want you to be like you used to be, you know the Satoshi that would care for me, and kiss me, and love me, I miss that Satoshi, I just want things to be like the way they were” I told him, I decided this was the best chance as any and I through my arms around his neck and hugged him. “Please can we just go back to the way things were?”

“I-I..” Satoshi began he turned to look at me, “I want to kiss you” Satoshi murmured and our faces were just inches away from each other, he seemed to just go blank, I guess he was thinking the same thing as I was thinking because we both inched forward, we both met mid way, and we both began to kiss each other. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and we began to kiss more and more, this time it was different than before, last time it was slow and nice, this time it was fast and furious, as if we were pushing each other to see who could kiss harder it was the most passionate thing I had ever felt, I don’t know how but we tipped off the bed. We landed on the floor and I broke from my kiss with Satoshi, we were both gasping for air and panting from the kiss, I closed my eyes and layed my head on Satoshi’s chest.

“Laura” Satoshi asked as he began to play with my hair, I wasn’t really sure if he was comfortable laying on the floor like he was but he sounded happy. “Hmm?” I asked closing my eyes.

“I love you with all my heart, you know that right?” Satoshi asked a little bit of worry in his voice.

“I know that” I replied as I began to drift off to sleep on his chest.

“Satoshi” I asked sitting up again and kissing him on the lips. “You’re the best boyfriend I ever had”

Satoshi laughed for a second and then looked at me. “I’m your first boyfriend so that doesn’t mean al…boyfriend?” Satoshi asked stunned I nodded and he settled back down and I curled back up again on his chest. “Wow I’ve never had some one call me a boyfriend before”

“Satoshi?” I asked half way a sleep. “Yes Laura?” Satoshi asked he sounded almost asleep too.

“Can we stay this way…forever?” I asked, he responded by pulling his arms around me and hugging me, as I drifted off to sleep.

30th December 2003, 01:15 AM
~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice["If I could change I would, take back the pain I would, retrace every wrong move I made I would/If I could stand up up and take the blame I would, I would take all the shame to the grave.." from "Easier to Run" by Linkin Park]~*^*~
I felt ashamed I couldn't help younger Laura with Satoshi and Aoi, as her name assumingly was. Satoshi ran off after Laura, and Aoi...well, Aoi looked a little pissy. I stared at the ground, somewhat sorrowful, not willing to show my face. I small tear trickled down my face, only before falling in the soft grass. I soon realized my eyes were filling up with more tears, that's when I sat and layed my head on my knees and wrapping my arms around my legs...then I began to cry softly.

Every sound began to die, and my mind stopped...only before a light flashed and settled in, a flashback five years ago or so began once more.

~Flashback, Laura was only 9~

The day was somewhat chilly for an early October day...leaves crisping, some already fallen to meet the same fate as the leaves before them did around this year. That was your normal school recess as a 4th grader in Kentucky(not hillbilly eastern, it was central)....luckily we didn't live in the northeast where New Yorkers would gather and watch the boring little leaves. Sighingly, I walked alone to the swings and took my place there...eventually, my friend Morgan took her place on the swing by mine, her piercing green eyes and light amber hair glinting in the sunlight.

"Well....are you okay?" She asked, slightly blinking. Confused, I didn't know how to reply, so I just calmed down..and replied smoothly.

"I...guess...." I replied, gulping, "I just worry about report cards."

"Ah, don't worry. They won't be sent out until after fall break." She said, even calmer than I seemed. She was right...but fall break started after school that day, and my mom said we had business to do that week.

"But still..." I replied, as a shadow appeared over us. We looked up, only to see two classmates of ours glaring at us.

"How come ya took our swings, foos?" The first, more larger and shorter one said....in his thick southern accent as if he was a hick from deep south, like Alabama or Mississippi. He formed a fist, grabbing the chains of Morgan's swing with his other hand.

"Well, how come guys like you still swing....are you wimps or gay or something...?" I asked, snapping back right at them with sarcasm.

"Ah...we ain't gonna back 'way from a diss like dat from b*tches...." The other said in minor street talk, glaring at us. My eyes widened, before my teacher and my mother approached us. The boys backed away towards Morgan, as the two adults surrounded me.

"Mother...Mrs. Jones...What is it...?" I asked quietly, rather nervous and scared of what fate was settled upon me.

"Well, we'll miss you because.....I'd like your mother to tell you..." My teacher said, before walking away, waving as if this was my last day in the school.

"Laura," My mother said, looking rather sorrowful, "We're moving to Japan...."

"What?? I can't...." I said with immediate dramatic shock, tears flooding from my eyes and my glasses slightly fogging up, "I have school to finish and thing to do, besides, I'm not that good at the language!"

"It wasn't my choice, taking you out of school now..." She said, hading me my backpack. I stared back at the swings, where Morgan was now being held up by her arms and punched while crying for me and someone to help her, tears also flooding from her eyes. This couldn't be reality...this couldn't be....Japan? Why us?

~End Flashback~

My tears stopped soon, my arms and knees felt somewhat wet with liquid, as I looked up, my glasses fogged. I took them off and rubbed the lenses with my glasses, before placing the back on my nose and lookwards Arwen and Kouji...

"You...okay...?" Kouji asked, slightly confused, sitting by me and seemingly trying to help.

"I guess I am..." I replied, looking down at my kimono. I let go of my legs, and let them lay on the ground and remain their to loosen up, "I just wonder how come I have all these bad memories, no loving mother, a dead father, fears of loneliness, and assumingly no friends...does everybody hate me?"

"Well, I guess I'll be your friend," He said, before looking towards me with curiousity, "Besides, I never knew my father. I feel half of the pain you do about your father. My mother said he left her behind at the hospital the day I was born...and left me in her care alone."

"Well...since there's nothing to do...what do you want to do?" I asked, staring back at the crowd as the sun sank beneath the edge of the horizon and stars embedded the sky, along with a pale looking gibbous moon. Torches and colored lights were among the crowd, as music of japanese instruments filled the air.

"I guess we'll see if there's anything going on at the festival that seems entertaining," He suggested, and I nooded. We both stood up, Arwen leaping onto my shoulder, as we headed into the crowd

30th December 2003, 01:09 PM
Yami Satoshi

"You don't know your mother, eh Kenichi?"I said, over all the laughing I had done. I felt his foot lighten up on pushing my face to the earth. My..I mean my counterpart's... glasses had fallen off as Kenichi had thrown me over his shoulder.

"Wha...What do you mean by that?!?!"Kenichi asked to my last comment. I stopped bellowing, and looked up. Everything was a blur, but if I squinted, I could see..meh...Not as good with the glasses...

"Get your foot off my face, and I'll tell you what I mean 'by that' "I snapped at him. He did what I asked, and I reached over for my glasses.

"First, to Introduce myself...How do I put it?"I rubbed my chin, and got exactly how to explain it to him,"I am part of Satoshi, I'm all that rage built in him."I looked at Kenichi to see if he got it in his dull brain. He seemed to got it..

"Now, on the factor of our mother.."I smirked, looking at Kenichi.

(You should note the our in that senctence.)

Satoshi Takinowa["Saigo ni, warau tame bokura no ima wo kicchiri aruitekou"Grip![Inuyasha's 4th Opening]]

“Can we stay this way…forever?”Laura asked. I opened my mouth to answer, but Laura fell asleep.I hugged her slightly, looking at her tear-stained face.

"I dunno, Laura..."I said to myself, placing the glasses on the table besides us. They started to bother my eyes.

I closed my eyes for a second to think..'What was Aoi thinking?I mean..I don't really remember kissing her at all, I don't remember a kiss.'

'All I know, is that I didn't start it.'I thought, then placed a picture of Aoi in my mind, one with the chinese silk dress. I tried to remember the way she walked...It wasn't very much 'Aoi' at all..

'That WASN'T Aoi!'I came up with the answer.She somewhat reminded me of that other Satoshi, the one that carried my D-Sense. The one that stole my glasses.

I looked down at Laura, and remembered the kiss we had. I touched my lips, and rubbed the saliva inbetween my pointer and thumb fingers.It was a pretty sweet kiss, to be precise.

"She's not bad."I said in a whisper tone. I felt uncomfortable without my D-Sense, but if Anyone was to find it, they would hopefully return it.

'A Little nap, then I gotta find myself(his counterpart)'I thought, closed my eyes, and went to Dreamland.

Roy Karrde
30th December 2003, 02:21 PM
Hey since no one has given the Adult Characters much time I thought I would do this, dont worry she'll be back in the Digital World in no time, but in turn she can carry anything back for the kids that the adults give her.

Laura Lutz
I was in a white room, well it wasn't really a room, it was more just emptiness a open space that went on forever, I had been here before, in that dream I couldn't remember. I turned and found Satoshi standing right behind me, I almost jumped when I saw him becuase he startled me.

"Where are we?" Satoshi asked looking around at the white emptiness.

"In my dream" I replied sitting down crosslegged

"Then I must be dreaming too, I remember closing my eyes for a nap, I really had no idea we could share a dream" Satoshi thought out loud as he joined me in a cross legged sitting. "So what do we do now?"

"I dunno, I guess wha.."I began as a strong wind began to blow from the direction Satoshi was sitting, he looked around confused as we both stood up, it seemed that he wasn't feeling the wind becuase his hair was perfectly normal while my hair was flying backwards as the wind increased. "Satoshi" I yelled as my feet began to slip out becuase of the wind.

At the last second Satoshi reached out and grabbed my hand I flew into the air with the only thing keeping me from flying away was Satoshi hanging onto me. "I can't hang on too much longer" Satoshi yelled over the noise of the wind my fingers were begining to slip through his hand as the wind steadily increased.

"Satoshi please dont let go" I yelled back at him as my fingers began to slip through his hand, only a few more inches and my fingers would be free and I would have been blown away, the wind increased one last time and my fingers slipped away from Satoshi, immediatly I blew away climbing higher and higher in the sky as a white light surounded me. "Satoshi" I screamed one last time.

“Mmmmm” I moaned moving around in the sheets, I felt weird there were beeping sounds and where was Satoshi? Did he leave me on the bed and go out? No he would have told me, and what was with that dream?

“She’s coming around” A voice said and I opened my eyes, slowly, everything was blurry nothing in focus, I thought I saw another human in the room, which was weird because there were no humans other than us in the Digital World, and the room was white? Where was I?

“SATOSHI” I screamed sitting straight up in the bed, for the first time I got a clear look around, there was a doctor next to me running checks on machines, and a woman at the door way of the room watching me, when I yelled out Satoshi’s name she seemed stunned. I looked around the room where was I? Where was Satoshi? “Satoshi where is he where did he go?”

“Calm down” The doctor said easing me down onto the bed as he began to take out my Iv’s, which caused me to wince in pain, where was Satoshi? We were kissing each other and then I fell asleep and had that dream, then I woke up here, where was he?

“You have to tell me where Satoshi is, he promised he would stay with me, where is he” I yelled grabbing the doctor by the collar. The doctor began to take out a shot but the woman walked over to him and stopped him, she then easied my arms off of him and came over to my bedside.

“Calm down Laura, Satoshi is in the other room” The woman replied soothingly, I began to relax, everything was okay, but how did she know my name?

“What happened? Satoshi and I were kiss on the floor and then I woke up here” I asked the doctor looked at the woman weirdly and she shrugged before looking back at me. “And how do you know my name?” I asked.

“It’s on the folder on the door…Laura Lutz right?” She asked and I settled back down on the bed and began to relax the next thing she said brought me back to full attention. “I’m Satoshi’s Mother, Akira”

I felt like I had just been hit by a ton of bricks, this was a horrible first impression. “It’s very nice to meet you, but can I see your son, he means a lot to me” I asked the doctor shrugged and in a few minutes I was in a wheel chair being wheeled into the next room where Satoshi was laying on a bed, asleep. “Satoshi wake up it’s Laura” I nudged him, he wouldn’t wake up.

“He’s in a coma Laura, just like you were” She said and I felt tears flood my eyes.

“Satoshi please wake up please, it’s me Laura” I kept saying even though I was crying in front of Satoshi’s mother, at any other time I would be embarrassed but right now I didn’t care, I just took his cold hand and held it, asking him to wake up over and over again.

“Hun, he’s in a coma..he’s not going to wake up for a while” Akira said trying to pull me away from Satoshi but I held onto his arm, we had gone so far I wasn’t going to led go now. “Please let’s go in another room and talk,” She said and I finally let go, allowing myself to be taken away from my love into another room.

“So, okay this may be weird, but how do you know my son? I’ve never seen you before, and I doubt my son has met you before, I mean here in the real world” Akira started and my mouth went dry, this wasn’t a question I wanted to answer, I just wanted to go back to being with Satoshi, and I wanted to eat and drink something, I was so hungry.

“He’s my..boyfriend, we’ve been dating since Las Mesa where he kissed me, last night he went to the firework show alone and ended up being hypnotized by Aoi” I said slowly grinding my teeth at that last part. “He went back to my house with me, and comforted me about everything that happened, we ended up kissing on the bed, after that I fell asleep, and then I woke up here” I said knowing that was too much information, but the one thing I left out, the dream, I couldn't tell any one about that.

She looked at me for a second as if she was going to say something and then bit it back down. “But..he’s in a coma” Akira finally said. “Where have you guys been all along?” She asked I replied that we have been in the digital world that caused even more confusion.

“The..digital world?” She asked taking out a weird looking D-Spirit, I looked back out the door longingly.

“Now if you don’t mind, I kindof would like to be next to my boyfriend’s side just incase he wakes up” I said I could feel the digital world start to pull me back in, I would be back in a coma soon, but for the time being I wanted to be next to Satoshi.

30th December 2003, 09:11 PM
Hi, guys, I've been having technical difficulties so sorry for not posting. If someone could just brief me in what the hell is going on, I could make an intelligible post. Also, is it night or daytime?

I must admit I was surprised, not that I was almost kissed. My little sister kissed me all the time. I was surprised by the manner in which she almost kissed me. I mean no little sister is going to kiss their older brother on the lips.

She didn't have to apologize, she was upset that Satoshi didn't go with her. I could understand that, but I only watched silently as she ran away.

"Oh, brother," I muttered, "she's not coming back."

I got up and left. I could only assume that Satoshi would find out eventually and so I looked for him.


Strange, how desperate our enemies must be to create perverted versions of ourselves.

It was that familiar chill in my spine, the sense that something was corrupt. My...supernatural sense if you will. Nervously, I turned around to see Kenichi and two other figures.

One looked like Satoshi, but the cold aura that he generated told me otherwise. The other person was a girl, that looked strangely familiar. I'd have to check into that.

As I recall, Kenichi, who had guessed as much as I had, had managed to hurl corrupted-Satoshi onto the ground and was now facing the ground.


Now that I think about it, Kenichi should consider being a detective, he'd give Sherlock a run for his money.

Part of me wanted to do something, but I thought it would be better if I just looked on and catch bits and pieces of info.

"You don't know your mother, eh Kenichi?" Satoshi said, over all the cackling he had done. Kenichi seemed confused, if not bewildered. I had this feeling something bad was about to go down.

"Wha...What do you mean by that?!?!" Kenichi asked.

"Get your foot off my face, and I'll tell you what I mean 'by that' " Satoshi was getting testy now, but Kenichi obeyed anyway.

To say I wasn't impressed would be a lie. Whatever enemy we had would have to be very skilled to have created darker versions of ourselves. At the same time, I was dissappointed, for it seemed that these Pseudo-destined were here to play mind games.

Honestly, why can't they just bump us off and be done with it? I thought to myself.

"Well, except for one or two of you, we can't," a voice sounded as a swift punch connected with my jaw. I stumbled back from my hiding place as my attacker came out of his.

The person didn't surprise me, now that I knew what I knew, but I had to admit I was impressed with his mind-reading skill. I was also surprised that my pseudo-me was as honest as I was.

"Wait," I said, realizing, "Aw, crap!"

The darker me was dressed in similar fashion, except that he wore a black leather overcoat and dark sunglasses. He smiled back at me, a dark cruel grin.

"Yep, unlike you, I don't condone fatal violence, and I have no interest in causing mental anguish like the rest of my brethern. But since I can't kill you, I might as well cause as much pain and suffering as I can."

I turned my head to see that Kenichi was now white in the face, and that DS was now smirking like a madman. He probably said whatever he had to say.

...I turned back in time to see Dave give me a good solid kick in the jaw.

31st December 2003, 08:35 PM
[Satoshi Takinowa][Ugh..Lost my orginal Post...]
"Laura!!"I yelled, suddenly sitting up. I looked around, and noticed she wasn't nearby. She wasn't even on my lap anymore. She either went out somewhere, or something..

"Did that wind come from me?"I asked myself as I placed the glasses Laura got for me on. I personally perfered my old glasses, these kept on slipping down my nose. They also made my eyes hurt a little bit, but atleast I could see out of them.

"I hope she only left to seemore fireworks. I would kill if something happened to her."I said to myself more as I placed my shoes on, and went outside. Closing the door behind me, I started to walk back to the firework disply. I needed to find Hawkmon and Aoi...and by that..I mean the Real Aoi.

"You don't like me?"I heard a sweet voice come from behind me. I jumped, and looked behind my shoulders. The Aoi in the Chinese Silk Dress. She was playing around with the real Aoi's D-Sense.

"Uh..Fake Aoi. You scared me for a second there.."I told her, and continued to walk. I felt her walking behind me, following me closely. She wanted something.

"I'm not betraying Laura again, like you made me do."I told her strictly. I heard her stop, and I sighed. I started to walk a little faster, and I heard her coming again. Running this time though.

"You know, I can't change your will."She replied to me. I felt her hand going up against my spine. I found it soon on my shoulder as I stopped moving. Her head was on my other shoulder, playing around with my hair.

"Then why did I kiss you?I mean, I don't remember much of it, but what from Laura claim's, I was kissing you wildly."I told her. I felt her sigh lightly again.

"You didn't enjoy it?You kissed me from your own free will. I was just assisting you. I mean, I can help you more than that 10 year old can ever do."Fake Aoi replied. I turned around to get a good look at her, and I felt her hand rub against my chin.

"You know you do. I just have to assist with those feelings."She told me. I felt my body froze up as I started to look straight up in her eyes.

"Ai"I heard her sweetly say. My head felt warm and fuzzy, and I felt out of control. I looked at Fake Aoi...

'Must..resist..'I thought, but I fell to my knee's. I looked down, and my glasses fell off. I felt like I was flying though, in a surge of happyness.I looked up at Fake Aoi, and my heart fluttered..

"Now then,"She said. I smiled sweetly to her voice. I felt my body loosen up.

"That's good, don't fight it..."She said"Now, let's find a place that no one can find us. Maybe one of these empty houses."

She glanced around, and smiled. Each house, if it wasn't vacant, had a Name Plate on the front, like a sign. There was a house among other houses that wasn't labeled, so I felt Fake Aoi's hand tightly grip onto mine, and we opened the door.

"Why don't you that your shoe's off, and We'll have some fun."She smiled. I looked at her in pure bliss.

'What am I thinking?!!?!?I shouldn't be doing this at all, I should be searching for Laura, and Hawkmon.'I thought. I looked over at Fake Aoi, and she looked like she was concerned.

"A Stronger dose, I suppose."She said. She seemed to go into deep concentration, then slowly walked over.

"This will only take a second.Then you'll never remember that Laura and the love of you too shared. Just close your eyes,and think that you want this."She said, and I followed her instructions..Like a slave.

"Ai"She said, and I fell onto my knee's once more. I felt my head go numb, like things were going to be shut away from me. I looked up at Aoi, and smiled sweetly.

"Now, no more pain. Come on."

[Akira Takinowa][?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?]
"Doctor..Can you watch what she does with Satoshi for a while?I need to rest."I asked him. I started to feel pain from my baby, she was kicking.

"Go right ahead, Mrs. Takinowa. I'll watch her while you go take your medicine and rest."Doctor Shinwa said. I smiled, but wondered how he knew that I needed to take my ibuprofen. I hope Akina didn't tell him.

I walked passed her room, and I saw her wave. I wanted to go smack her or something, but the pain kept intensifying.

"150 yen.."I whispered infront of the vending machiene in the emergancy room/waiting room. I got a Diet Cola, and sat down on one of there chairs.

"There fella, you hurt a lot, so you better be cute."I said, smiling at my belly. I felt my baby kicking slightly, it mean't she was lively.Almost a little to lively.

I took my medicine, swallowing it with a big gulp of soda. I looked at the vending machine for the prices of the candy bars...Chocolate..

I soon fel my tounge licking my lips. I stopped it, and took 50 yen coin out of my purse. I walked over, and got a chocolate bar. I sat back down, and ate it slowly...Chocolately heaven.

'I wonder how that girl know's my son?And why did she call him Boyfriend?'I thought to myself. I reached into my pocket, and took out my D-Scanner...

"Did my son..and those other children...go to the digital world?!?!?!?"

1st January 2004, 01:59 AM
Kenichi Tanaka

"Now on the factor of our mother," the smirking form of the doppleganger began to talk.

Our mother? I thought to myself. I couldn't afford to trust this guy, even if he was telling the complete truth, and I knew he wasn't, a guy made out of anger wasn't going to say anything that would help matters, only complicate them. Take everything with a pinch of salt...

"Our mother," he continued. "is Akira Takinowa. You are really supposed to be Kenichi Takinowa, but guess what? Our mother gave you up when you were born because you were weak, supposed to die really."

"And how am I supposed to be this Akira Takinowa's son when Satoshi is about my age?" I asked quietly, the brief flare of emotion I had displayed a thing of the past.

"Well, here is the kicker! Me, and by 'me' I mean good old Satoshi, is your twin! Your younger twin to be exact. The twin that was kept and was lavished on by his parents, while you were abandoned straight into the world. I guess the older one isn't the favorite one in this case, eh?" He asked mockingly, his face plastered with a smirk.

I felt my face grown colder, as the information was processed. The copy of Satoshi, which indeed he appeared to be, did not have the stance of a liar, or the facial expression of one. He had looked unflinchingly into my eyes, with near to no blinking. He had not looked away from me, his hands had stayed at his sides, and his body remained relaxed. He obviously thought he wasn't lying either...

But he was created with an evil intention, and that means nothing that he thinks he knows can be trusted. He is just another form of attack on us, more subtle than the digimon they've shoved on us so far... He is a pawn... My own voice whispered inside my head.

"Is that all you have to say?" I asked. "Because I don't believe it... Even if it is true, I won't believe it until I hear it from the mouth of the actual Satoshi. And that means whatever goal you thought you could accomplish by saying that has failed."

"You think I'm lying to you?" He said.

"No, I think that you think you're telling the truth. But that doesn't mean the information is correct. It just means that you are possibly not as important as you think you are."

Satoshi scowled and took a step closer towards me. I let my body stay loose, as I gestured with one hand for him to come at me. He hesitated at that point, put off by how casually I saw him as a threat... Perhaps he was too good a copy of Satoshi... From what I had seen of him, the original didn't have much in the experiance in the ways of simple brawling. I had years of experiance.

A grunt sounded from up the hill, making my head jerk up. In that instant, I saw a mirror image of David let a kick fly at David's jaw and connect solidly. The other David was dressed in much more casual clothing, black leather with sunglasses, a stupid move during the night to wear. It seemed there were more copies than one around.

"Ha!" I heard the cry from infront of me, as I felt an impact on my right cheek. I moved with the punch, lessoning its impact on me, as I braced myself with my left foot. The Satoshi copy cradled its fist with one hand, and winced. I brought one of my fists to bear, punching upwards right below his ribcage. He let out a gasp as his air was forced out of him.

"Rookie mistake," I said calmly, twirling him around and grabbing one arm. "Inexperianced fighters always go for the head, while the experianced ones know that is the easiest way to break your own hand, with little damage actually ocurring on your opponent."

Twisting his right arm behind him, leaving just enough room so I wouldn't break it, I fell with him below me once more to the ground. He landed solidly, as I applied pressure to the arm I had. He let out a shout, then stopped as I slowly pushed more.

"Now, let's get a conversation going, shall we? This time, I'll choose the topic. How many copies are there, and why exactly have you chosen now to attack us?"

"I wish we had one of you so I wasn't the one to deal with you..." the Satoshi copy hissed beneath me.

I applied more pressure, and his body stiffened. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to be louder..."

1st January 2004, 05:14 PM
~`~`Kari [Happy New Year!]`~`~

"<Am I the only one here without an evil clone?!>" I thought, annoyed. I watched sullenly as Kenichi beat up the fake Satoshi. "<This is stupid!>" I decided and turning, I walked away.

I flopped down on a bench and looked up at the fireworks. Green, blue, red, white... I absently traced them one by one with my index finger. I heard the sounds of the fake Satoshi getting his butt kicked, but I ignored the noise.

"<I wonder if mom misses me?>" I thought suddenly, drawing my hand back as if it were burned. I shook my head. "No," I said aloud, "Why would she miss me...? She was always going on about how much of a pain I am..."

Yami Annika
1st January 2004, 07:02 PM
Aunyailia Michelle

"Brother...?" I thought wordlessly to myself, watching with my head tilted. Then, panic and anxiety began to fill me, tightening inside my chest and around my lungs, suffocating me. The Yami had mentioned that there was no doppleganger form of Kenichi... Was there one for me?

"Why should there be?" A voice whispered in my ear. "As if there's any good in us... Your double would be an angel." A small, dark giggle pulsated my eardrum. "Not much use to anyone, I'm afraid..."

Did they know this, though? Would they tell Kenichi...? Or the rest of the group?

Would I be alone again?

No... No...

I looked up again, and saw two Davids in a brawl. One, the good one, wasn't in such a good shape. I couldn't do this myself... But, Kari was in her own thoughts. I couldn't bother her with these burdens. I'd have to do this by myself.

I ran, as fast as I could, over to the two Davids, whilst making an improvised prayer of my gratitude for the leg-slits in this dress. I tried to decipher which one was which... but I didn't have Kenichi's sixth sense, or whatever... I was useless.

"Let me take over," The voice whispered. "I can sense which one."

"No!" I exclaimed in my thoughts. "You'll use that, and kill the good one instead!"

"I promise you." She answered, but it was... different, somehow. "You don't have to worry."

I was riding in the wind...

"David!" She called loudly, and both turned to face her. My eyes raced back in forth between the two, and then, the David nearest to her got a face full of high heel. He doubled back, blacking out momentarily in his steps.

"Thanks, Aunyailia," the real David replied softly.

My face smiled widely, and a small giggle echoed in my throat. "Sorry I couldn't come sooner."

"You guys need any help?" Kenichi's voice called.

"Ca va!" My voice called back. "Everything's just peachy!"

There was a small laugh, and we turned back to see Doppleganger David get back up.

"Ready for another round..?" Someone asked, as I came spiraling down to Earth.

"I'm done." The voice whispered softly.

"I had to fight? In this dress?" I wondered, my wits slowly catching up with me.

I nodded slowly to myself, and got ready...

Roy Karrde
1st January 2004, 07:48 PM
Laura Lutz
I snuggled up against Satoshi in the bed and placed my head on his chest, I could hear him breathing softly, but his body seemed to twitch from time to time, evetually he started breathing harder and began to jerk around as if he was having a bad dream. I raised my head up and looked at him, he was sweating and every few seconds his body would twitch, his face look pain ridden. I smoothed back his hair and held his hand. "Everything is going to be allright" I said comfortingly. I didn't know what was happening but I could only guess Aoi had something to do with it. I had to go back I just had to. I told the doctor to go get Satoshi's mom and he left to go get her, I returned to trying to calm him down and with my free hand I started to fiddle with my necklace, my necklace? I looked down and noticed that I still had it on, I could take things back to the digital world! I jumped out of the bed turned took off the necklace and placed it into Satoshi's hand, I closed his hand and placed it over his heart, finally I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead and ran out almost triped over myself as I ran out of the room and bumped into Akira.

"I can take things back, I can take things back" I said excidedly, Akira just looked at me in confusion "See I got this necklace from the Digital World and it came back with me, I can bring things back in when I go back"

"Hold on, woah, you just got back here, your not going back, I dont want to risk it" Akira said, I just shook my head and ran back into Satoshi's room and noticed his glasses on the counter.

"He lost his glasses in the Digital World, let me just hold onto it when I go back" I asked her, she looked at me for a minute and nodded. I wanted to get back as soon as possible, I needed to help him. "If you want you can tell the other adults that I can go back with stuff, but it will have to be small, and Akira one other thing, can I have two pictures of you...to remind Satoshi of you when I go.." I began to say suddenly I grew wide eyed and began to look around the room, everything was growing huge and swirly.

"Laura?" Akira asked stepping forward.

"Catch me" I replied and colapsed into her arms, the digital world, it's pull was getting so strong on me, I was going to slip back into it soon, I just had to hang on for a few more minutes.

Yami Laura
I could feel it, the stench of it, the pure evilness of it. That Yami, the Aoi one she was using Ai on Satoshi, she was going to screw up Satoshi's relationship with Laura, and if I ever wanted to come back, I had to keep Laura some what happy, and that ment screwing over Yami Aoi. With a wave of my hand I appeared in a forest next to Haruka, wearing a Japanese school girl dress, I gave my self a check over just to make sure the transportation worked. "Wow Laura, you look pretty good in this" I admired before I ran over to Haruka.

"Laura..what, how did you get this far out here?" Haruka asked, I looked at her for a second and then she began to back up next to Lopmon, she noticed that I wasn't Laura, not the real one.

"Listen I wont hurt you, I just need you to do something, your cousin that Satoshi kid, he well he is about to make a huge mistake" I warned her, Haruka eyed me for a second and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why should I believe you, this could just be another trick, and besides Satoshi can handle himself" Haruka replied defiantly

"Becuase I'm here to try and prevent something, and when this happens it will not only effect Satoshi but it will also effect other people, people he cares about, now if your going to let Aoi screw that up, then go right ahead, but your the only one I can go to right now so please do it" I said I even squeezed a few tears out. She wasn't really the only person, I could go to Jun, I couldn't go to the older Laura though becuase she was in no state right now, and everyone else was off doing their own thing. All I could do now is wait and hope Haruka decided to go and save Satoshi.

1st January 2004, 10:05 PM
Dave (Dark David)
"Cheap shot," I growled, well aware of who had kicked me. I may not be a perfect copy of David, but my superiors had blessed me with his supernatural sense.

Everyone was busy. Kari was busy with her thoughts; Kenichi with Dark Satoshi; Aunie and David with me. I could only grin that cruel mocking grin which was returned by David's scowl.

I made the first move. I turned around and bolted toward a nearby tree. I turned to see that Aunie was in close pursuit with David tailing her. No matter, he hadn't the stomach to hit me hard.

I was soon at the tree and began to set my plan in motion. I began to run up the side of the tree and followed with a flip over Aunie's head. She did not see this coming, but she wasn't the problem. I quickly turned to punch David in the stomach. The poor fool should have stayed in his normal attire, but I kept his special spiked fists.

David might not look like a fighter, but what he lacks in strength and discipline, he makes up for in his agility, speed, and reaction time. As a copy, I am well endowed with his talents.

The moment I knocked David back was about the same moment I took off. Back to where the fight began.

I looked around, Kenichi was busy with Evil Satoshi. Pfft, like I care. The arrogant bastards can all go to hell.

There's a problem with being a hideously flawed, mind-playing doppleganger, especially if there are other hideously flawed, mind-playing dopplegangers. We're all in it for ourselves, so I think it's self-explanatory. Plus, if you screw up (and there's a SMALL margin for error in this department), then you're permanently screwed. In my opinion, people who do this are arrogant snots who Morrigan (if and when she finds out) will hunt down like the dogs they are.

Okay, so my approach isn't any better, considering they can't die (and I'll still be in the way of the others), but it's less work, in my opinion. Plus, Morrigan is more likely gonna axe the people who have (intentionally) emotionally tortured the others first.

In a flash, I dissappeared. I had things I wished to say to David. David alone.

1st January 2004, 11:35 PM
[Aiymee Haruda][Think I forgot about her, ne?]
"I've got to go out to those kids."I said, sitting up fastly on Babamon's bed. Droommon looked at me concerningly, and so did Babamon. The Justimon was making some tea, and warming up towels and sheets.

"Hun, They are already taking care of them. You need to be concerned about your health. A while ago, you were frantically calling out 'Mommy!!Mommy!!!', so lay down, and wait."Babamon said. She came over with another pillow and comforter, and I laid back down. I soon found myself sitting up, sipping hot tea.

"Let me take our D-Sense, Aiymee."Droommon said. She came over to my side, and took my D-Sense, and went back over to a chair.

'I swear...I'll get my revenge on Auny and...I promise to bring the demise of those 11 dimwits!'I thought silently as I sipped the hot tea.I soon feel asleep afterwards,and let my body recover.

[Akira Takinowa]
"Doctor!!"I yelled as I felt my body slowly falling, along of that...Laura's body. I had about 10 of them, and some Nurses, around me in a matter of seconds. They got a wheelchair, and wheeled Laura to her room.

"Akina!Watch over Laura for a sec!I'll be back."I yelled into Aiymee's room. I heard someone jumping, prolly Akina. I started to walk quickly into each room, trying to get atleast one thing for each child.

"Prayer beads."I ran into Kioshi. I smiled, and took them from him as he rushed into Jun's room. I got A Razor scooter Shoulder strap from Akina,and some misc. items from others. Before going into Laura's room, I passed by one boy's room.

"Kenichi Tanaka."I read the sign in a whisper. I opened the door, and the only one visible was a nurse, who was by his bedside, and a doctor, working on IV's.

"It'd be a bad omen if no one is here at his bedside."The nurse said. I smiled, and looked at the boy's face quickly. He seemed utterly familar, I couldn't place a single name on it though.

"Well, I'll be here in a sec for his bedside, so you can go back to work. Arigato."I told her. I rushed out, and went into Laura's room.

"She was moved into Satoshi Takinowa's room."The nurse said,preparing fresh sheet's on a new bed. I went into the next room, and found Laura clutching Satoshi's arm.

"Here."I said, handing her the items. The Prayer Beads are for Jun, but the rest have names on them. Give these to Satoshi..k?"I told her. She clutched all the items tightly in her arms, and Her Moniter showed a calmed Heartbeat.

"Tell him I love him."I said, and saw the item's fade from view, and her eyes closed.

[Yami Satoshi]
"I'm sorry, but you'll have to be louder..."Kenichi said, and applied more pressure. I let out a little yell, and tried to shake off the pain.

"Out of all of us, your the only one not to have a copy. I wish you did though.."I said, grunting from the pressure he applied on me,"because then I wouldn't have so much work."

"And now to attack you?Hmph, because we had to learn more about you first, I suppose."I told him, trying to give a straight answer. I felt like I was a slave and he was the master.

"And for each digimon and human there are here, there is a copy. Except for you, Kenichi, arent'cha the lucky one. Doesn't mean I can't mentally torment you."I told him. I felt some pressure being lifted off..

"Now, I want to start a conversation."I told him strictly.I was still in a bind, but it wouldn't be fun without a equal conversation.

"You know, you might aswell trust me. I mean, Satoshi cares to much for your feelings to tell you in your face."

[Haruka Haruda]
"Fine."I said in defeat out of endless No's and Please's. I looked at The Fake Laura, dressed in a Japanese School Uniform. I wore a Sailor Uniform at my school personally, but now was not the time to think about clothing.

"Come on,Lopmon."I said, and Lopmon sighed, getting on my head. I placed my goggles on, and in a sec, I felt Yami Laura's hand creep on my shoulder.In a blink, I was no longer at the forest entrance, but Infront of a house. The door's sign, which read 'Shibiyama and Takinowa', got me pissed off. I was already pissed for someone interupting me, but this pushed it.

"One..Two..Three!"I said, and used my scooter as a battery ram. The door was a weak one, and soon fell over.

"Satoshi, Damn it..come out NOW!"I yelled. I soon faced a girl similar to Satoshi's friend Aoi, but she wore a Chinese Silk Dress, and comething gave me the cold chills about her.

BAMM!The Fake Aoi was now against the wall, falling down. I basically took her arm, and whirled her around in circles, until I felt her light body slip off the ground.

"Now, Satoshi.."I said, growling. I looked over my shoulder, to see the Fake Laura smirking at Fake Aoi, who looked displeased...and in pain..

"Aoi, hun."I heared someone's voice say from the back. I dropped everything, and Lopmon jumped off my head, shaking in fear. When I was angry..I was angry.I didn't like being angry though.

"Ohh..who are you?"I heard his voice say. I saw him from the next doorway, looking at Fake Aoi. I ran over, and looked him in the eyes. They were the color of a Bright, Neon Pink...they were red before...

"SATOSHI-KUN!!"I yelled, and threw a punch at his eye. He soon made friends with a table and the floor, coming up, covering his eye. He let go for a second, some red specks appered.

"Ok..Satoshi..This hurts me more than you.."I said, smiling. I aimed, and kicked him in..where...male's should not be kicked. He soon doubled over in pain, and closed his eyes. I could notice brusing on the eye I punched slowly coming.

"Ok..you back to normal yet?"I said, wlaking over to him. I used my foot to move his head, and bent down to open his eyes.

Completely red, besides the pupil.I smiled, and looked back at Yami Laura, who seemed to be with a friend..

"Satoshi!"Laura yelled, and ran over to him. She looked up at me like I was a psyco.

"My works done, I'm off. Sayonara."I said, and took Lopmon on my head. I stepped over the door, and walked off.

[Satoshi Takinowa]
"Laura.."I started to say, moving my lips slowly. I tried to open my eyes, but all that came was a blur. But I saw a familar outline, Laura.

"Ohh..what did Haruka do to you?"She said, rubbing my eye. I felt myself slowly passing out, my mind slipping from reality. I let a smile out, and I felt my legs getting oftly numb..

"What's wrong, Satoshi..Satoshi?!?!?!"Laura yelled. I started to feel dizzy, liteheaded and felt like my heart was burning. I could barely move, barely speak. Something was happening...maybe Haruka was too strong..and I was dieing..

"This isn't fair...I just came back Satoshi..and look, I brought gifts.."Laura said,but her voice seemed far.I tried to open my eyes, but found it immposible.I felt that I could move my lips though, and I wanted to say something before...

"Laura...stay here.."I said, and in a second, I wasn't there. Vanished, without a trace.
"His heartbeat, Akira, is very calm. His breathing rate is the same too, so don't worry."I heard over me.I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. But I could breath, and everything like that.

"Mom.."I whispered. I heard a llight gasp from a womens mouth. I then felt vibrations coming from my left. I tried to open my eyes...and succeded..

"Son!"Mom yelled, in joy. I smiled, and hugged her on the side of my bed..One thought lingered..

'Is my Journey over?'

Roy Karrde
1st January 2004, 11:58 PM
Just doing this to explain how Laura got there

Laura Lutz
I opened my eyes and fell about four feet onto the floor and landed with a oompf. I moaned and rolled over as all the stuff hit me in my back, slowly I raised up out of the crumpled material and tried to scoop it all up, I placed the beads around my wrist and placed Satoshi's glasses on my face and scooped up everything into my arms. "Satoshi?" I asked walking around the house.

"He's not here" I heard a voice appear behind me, I turned to see, myself? In a School girl uniform, but how could it be another me? I was so confused. "He's in a house a few houses down, run or your not going to make it in time" She warned, I had to juggle the stuff but I still made good time in my run to reach the house, the first thing I noticed was the door busted open and Haruka in the den of the house, with Satoshi slumped against the wall.

"Satoshi" I yelled running into the house and droping down next to him, embreasing him in a deep hug, I finally let go and noticed the black eye and how weak he looked. I shot a glance up to Haruka, she began to say something but I didn't listen.

"Laura.." Satoshi moaned, his voice sounded so weak, his eye was black and soaked in blood.

"Ohh..what did Haruka do to you?" I asked him, I licked my finger and rubbed it over the eye trying to clean the wound out. Satoshi stopped breathing for a second and his body seemed to fade in and out again. "What's wrong, Satoshi..Satoshi?!?!?!"

Satoshi's disapearence was now coming at a faster rate, he was almost gone, what was left, it was bearly a shadow of what he used to be. "This isn't fair...I just came back Satoshi..and look, I brought gifts.." I said holding out the items, I dropped them on the floor and they fell straight threw his feet, I reached out and hugged him so tightly not wanting to let them go. I finally looked up at him with tear filled eyes as I held onto what was left of him, Satoshi smiled and touched the glasses that I was wearing, I hadn't even noticed I still had them on.

"Laura...stay here.." Satoshi told me, with one last pulse he disapeared completely, leaving my hands empty, I just looked at my hands...my empty hands. I dropped to my knees, my hands were empty...MY HANDS WERE EMPTY.

"Sa-to-shi" I wimpered, I looked around the house, it was so big, I was in the Digital World and I felt so scared, so alone, maybe everyone else knew where Satoshi went, I started to walk out of the house and down the street, I just kept walking and walking with my arms out infront of me. I didn't blink, I didn't do anything but just kept on walking.

"Laura what's wrong?" The big Laura asked running up to me, I must had walked all the way back to the hill, that one guy that Laura was with got down on his knees infront of me and looked into my eyes, I looked at him then back at Laura then back at him.

"My hands, they're empty, see" I said shoving my hands into his face, he placed them down and smiled, I turned to Laura and showed her my hands.

"Maybe we should take her to Kenichi and the rest of them, they may know what's wrong with her" Big Laura said placing a hand on my back and guiding me along.

"My hands, they're empty, they shouldn't be empty" I said looking up at the big guy that was Big Laura's friend. He looked back at me with a worried look.

3rd January 2004, 12:44 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

"Well, that's a nice sentiment and all, but as you said, you are not Satoshi," I said. "I will talk, but let's change this situation a little bit. Kari!"

The girl who had been sitting on the bench jerked up akwardly and took a look at me. I noted with relief that Auny was standing alone with David now, the leather-clad copy gone from sight. At least the danger was largely gone in this area... But probably not for long.

"Ask those digimon over there to bring over some rope or twine!" I shouted, not letting off from the copy.

She nodded, and jogged off to the nearest digimon who had been enjoying the festivities. It took a minute or so, in which Auny and David had reached me, but she brought a line of rope with her.

With my experiance in hand, I knotted both of the copy's hands together, making it tight and secure. Now escape for him was almost impossible, even if he could run... His balance would be shot with his hands behind his back. I brought him up to his feet once more, and noticed the D-Sense at his side... It appeared to be Satoshi's. With a quick grab, I snatched it without him realizing it, and stuffed it into my pocket.

"Well now, that's slightly better than having my arm broken," he whispered.

I ignored him for the moment. "Auny, David, are you guys alright?"

Both nodded in return, Auny herself looked somewhat confused. A nice bruise was shaping up on David's face however, from the kick to his jaw. It would hurt for him to talk...

"So, Kenichi, where is good ol' Rigiamon at the moment?" the copy asked.

"He should be coming back shortly to act as a defence against some more of you copies... Which should probably be attacking us soon with our lucky streak. And he should be able to tell us where the Temples in this area are."

"The Temples?!" the copy cried. "He's trying to locate them?!"

Yami Annika
3rd January 2004, 03:09 PM
My hair was a mess. That was the kindest way to put it, at least. But we were alright, for the most part. It seemed my feeling of this town was correct... Even though I was right, I wasn't happy with it. What else would happen?

"The Temples?!" Satoshi's double, now all tied and stuff, yelled. "He's trying to locate them?!"

"What's wrong with locating the temples...?" I wondered outloud. Then, I grinned. "Ooh, that's what'll make them all go away." I giggled a little. I didn't know why. Maybe cotton candy was still having a little effect on me.

The clone stayed silent, but gave me an incredulous look, as if he wouldn't dignify that with an answer.

"He used to be so chatty..." I thought to myself. "Though, I think I prefer this more..."

I left my hair alone, for the moment. After all, it would probably get messed up again, shortly... I sighed. Doubles, doubles, everywhere. I felt that tonight would be more confusing than fun.

A little anxiety started to rise in me. Where's Laura? I started asking myself. She was with David, but now... I looked over at David, who was slightly massaging his face. What if she's out there all alone..? Or, worse so, what if there's a Yami after her?

I started glancing all around. But, of course, curse my luck, she was no where to be seen.

Horrible, little, teeny tiny post... But oh well.

3rd January 2004, 09:09 PM
[Satoshi Takinowa]["Tomodachi to kenka ****a toki haha ni shikarareta toki sae mo/Ano koro koko de kou ****eta kono basho ga tada daisuki datta/Ano toki mo kaze ga hikari wo tsurete kite kigi wo watatte ita/Kobushi wo nigirishimenagara sora wo miagete ita"By AiM[On the Hill]]

"Ma.."I said, I felt my eyes tear in joy. Was this another dream, was someone controling my body on the other side, and this was just to entertain me?I held my mom tightly, grasping her shirt in my hands. Ok, so it wasn't a complete hug, mom still had the baby inside of her.

"What happened...tell me all the details!"My mom smiled, pulling a chair besides me. I sighed and sat up on the hospital bed. I had IV's running through me, and the thought of needles in me made me shiver.

"What's..this?"I said, opening a closed fist. It held a necklace, like a crystal. I felt like it was pulling me..like it wanted me to see something. I blinked, and soon faced with a glowing crystal. It's glow pulseated, and I felt it's light soothe me..

"Whatss....that!?!?!!"Mom said. I closed my eyes, and what I saw was a nightmare

Blood soaked pathways, human figures fighting.It seemed like a war was going on for ages, but something told me it was bloodshed equal to a one days masaqure. I felt like I was floating, watching all this happen..

"Laura..?"I said, my voice seemed to echo. I looked at a girl I once knew, a gentle girl...who probably help a fly, not swat it.The girl's hair was bload-soaked, it looked more red now than blonde..

"Sat-ohh.."She gased for air, and seemed to cough up blood. I floated down to her, and tried to calm her down. But no use, she couldn't hear me. All of a sudden, a black light slashed her, and she fell, her eyes rolling behind her head..

"LAURA..!!"I yelled, I felt tears...Was this what was happening when I wasn't there?

I looked all over, and tried to find another human. I soon found one that seemed to want to fight to the death.He had black, somewhat unruly hair. A Pair of goggles was on his head...Kenichi..

"Brother.."I whispered. He kept on fighting..till..till..

*Do you wish to go back?*I heard a womans voice.I looked around, and I saw some intense light infront of me.

"I'm Orphanimon, one of the 3 Celestials."She proclaimed,"I thought of sending you home for a while..I thought your mind needed a little rest. But what you saw here...is a Posibility of what you'll come back too."

"Unfortunatly, you don't have your D-Sense,so It's going to be hard to go back.."She continued."But there is a way. Later on today, a portal in the TokyoDome's Bolier room will be open. Then and only then you can go back.Otherwise, your stuck here, and this vision might become reality."

"I'll do anything, just don't let them die."I told her.She smiled at the remark, and the light she came in seemed to encase her.

"That's what I thought wind would say."She smiled,"Go...and comfort your mom.Tell her I send my praise."

"Satoshi...Satoshi...come on...don't leave me again!!"I heard a familar voice call to me. I opened my eyes, and there was my mom. She sighed, and placed the tear-soaked tissue down.

"Mom, you worry to much."I smiled, and she smiled back. I looked over at the next bed, which wasn't so far away.

"She requested it. To be with you."Mom said,"I don't know why though..you know her?"

"In..the digital world..Me and her..."I tried to fumble around my words. My mom wanted me to date someone my own age, never someone younger than me by more than a year.

"Uhh..Nevermind that subject. Tell me everything you did there."My mom said, with a wide smile on her face.

"Mom...I found my brother."

[Aoi Shibiyama]["Hoshi ni negai wo kaze ni puraido noseta toki/Kyou ga kesenai asu ga mieru yo kitto ne..."Vocals by AiM[I wish-Digimon Adventure Ending]]

"Your done!I've got the rest from here, Aoi-sama."Tentomon said,"And for overworking you so much, I'll give you this. Use it wisely though."He handed me a envelope with my name in Hiragana written on it.

"It's some Digiyen for you, and a gift certificate for someplace in Playa Beach...I think Hoshi Resorts?The owner there is really nice."He smiled. I I held on tightly to the envelope, and went on my way..

"Sayonara!"I smiled, and walked off in my Kimono, which I had loosen up.It was dificult working around fireworks in a Tight Kimono.I first wanted to look for that duplicate of me, the one who took my D-Sense. Labramon walked besides me, sniffing the nighttime air..

"Something happened..."She said in a low, haunting voice.I looked at her, to see if she was joking...She wasn't at all. I started to walk in a quickened pace, and soon made it to the girl from before crying. She had one that looked just like her, and some other people around her..

"I..I dont know what happened, I think...Haruka might...I dont know...Haruka hurt him...and he disapeared...he died right infront of me and I couldn't do anything "I overheard her say.....Did she mean Satoshi?I knew Haruka, and she would only beat Satoshi if she was really mad at him for something.

"Sa-to--shi-sama."I said, and fell on my knee's...

I would do a Yami Satoshi Post..but maybe I'll edit it in later.^^

Roy Karrde
3rd January 2004, 09:17 PM
Laura Lutz
I closed my eyes and just kept on walking, the images the sight of Satoshi dieing right in front of me. His last words for me were to stay there, and, and I betrayed him. Maybe he was going to come back if I hurried back maybe he wouldn’t be mad at me. I turned and tried to run but the big Laura’s grip was to strong I struggled and continued to struggle till my own muscles betrayed me. I just slumped over and allowed myself to be pushed along the road until Kenichi and the rest were in sight.

“See were here” Big Laura told me, I just turned my eyes back to my hands, they were empty. I could hear some one running up to us but I didn’t want to look up, I had betrayed Satoshi and watched him die in my hands.

“What’s wrong with her?” Auny asked, her voice was faint almost far away like I just kept looking at my hands, my stupid empty hands. “I’m going to kill Satoshi if he hit her again” She added I kept looking at my hands and started crying Auny couldn’t kill him because he was allready dead.

"I..I don’t know what happened, I think...Haruka might...I don’t know...Haruka hurt him...and he disappeared...he died right in front of me and I couldn't do anything " I said looking up at Auny, she was shocked, they all were, Satoshi was dead and that was the point that it hit me: He would never come back, he would never touch me or kiss me or say he loved me. I just ran into Auny’s arms and started crying harder then I ever had before in my life.

Auny just hugged me and kissed me on the top of my head, as I sobbed. Satoshi was dead and one of us could be next, I didn’t want to die, I didn’t want to die.

Kioshi Wakami
4th January 2004, 01:45 PM
Jun Wakami [Just one of the side characters]

I sighed a bit as I walked through the festival. I was wearing a hakama with a traditional kimono top and getta sandals. It was the clothing that samurai would wear, or those who practiced Kendo like I did in my school. I became seperated from the group and didn't really care all that much. It was a festival and they should have their break of fun. They didn't need me telling them everything they were allowed to do. Though, as the eldest one I did feel responsible for them.

Within all of the festivities I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone else around me was a digimon, even though a select few did look humanish. My mind started to wander, thinking about the group and what they could be up to. I knew that there were two new additions to it. That Kenji guy and another girl who seemed kinda fiesty. I frowned, I was sure they were probably 15 too.

It sucked being the oldest one, I felt like I couldn't relate with any of the others and just like how I was the 'oddball' around all these digimon, I too didn't fit in our digi group.

Yami Jun

It felt good to be released from the other Jun. I took in a deep breath and straightened my school boy outfit, the same one the real Jun was wearing. I decided to make myself completely identical to Jun, including the digi device, because all of the other pathetic Yami's were having a difficult time fooling the digichildren.

I walked over to a stand with a small pond full of goldfish. A digimon smiled and handed me a small fan like utensil. I knew this game, you had to try and catch a goldfish with the cloth fan. It was supposively difficult due to it being flat, but I dipped it in the water and caught one anyways.

"Sugoi ne~!!" The digimon cheered and took the goldfish and put it in a plastic bag, filling it up with water and handing it to me. I sighed and took it and paid the respected amount of yen. As a Yami, I sure as hell didn't really know how I should torment this group. I know I was to pose as Jun, but once I started to act ill-fatedly agains the group they'd know for sure I wasn't the real one. I suppose I could just act cool for the moment and play on some heart strings.

Once more I began to walk and searched for the group. I noticed the new black haired girl walk into a house. Perhaps the rest were in there. I started a jog and headed for the tea kettle looking hut and stepped inside the busted down door to see everyone already grief strickened. It was time for me to put on my act.

"What happened?" I questioned, looking at everyone in the room and then to the younger Laura.

4th January 2004, 09:45 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

Satoshi... Laura thinks he's dead... I thought to myself, keeping a tight hold on the copy's shoulder. The scene had exploded infront of me almost before I knew what had happened. Nearly the whole group was present before me; both of the Lauras, Auny hugging the younger one tightly, David off to the side cradling his purple jaw, Aoi looking stunned on the floor, and Kioshi looking in at what was going on.

Something bugged me when I looked at Kioshi initially, but I shrugged it off as part of this odd moment... Was Satoshi really... Was this boy who might be my brother dead?

I looked to my right, and saw the copy smiling slyly to himself. I leaned into his ear. "What do you know about this?"

"What makes you think I know anything at all about the amazing dissapearing Satoshi?" he whispered back.

My fingers dug deeper into his shoulder, and he winced. I repeated my question slowly to him.

"He's not dead, I know that much..." the copy winced back. "One of those Celestials got involved and brought him back to the Real World. He's more free than any of you are."

A feeling of relief filled me, knowing that Satoshi was safe, and not blugeoned to death by Haruka. Now all that had to be done was break it to Laura... And it would have to be done well enough...

I pushed the copy to David, who looked at me speculatively.

"Press with your hands here," I pointed to a portion of skin between the copy's shoulder and neck, "And he'll be immobalized."

David hesitantly nodded to me. I walked up to Laura, still being hugged by Auny. I looked into Auny's eyes, almost asking permission to try and talk to her. After a long moment, Auny nodded slowly.

"Laura," I whispered slowly to her. "You can stop crying now... I know that Satoshi is still safe and well."

Laura's sobbing lessoned somewhat, as she turned to look at me. Her eyes were red, her nose was running, and she had the look of someone who had lost a close relative.

"But... but I saw him... I saw him..." Her sobbing threatened to overcome her.

"I know, but that was just Satoshi taking a trip... A trip back to the real world, where he'll be safer than any of us can be here."

"H-how can you know that?" her voice was nearly silent, sobs still wracking her small frame.

"I made the bad copy of Satoshi tell... The one that hit you, and told you untrue things to try and hurt you more... I made him tell the truth." I said, pointing slightly to the copy being tightly held by David.

I looked back with concern at Laura, not knowing how much this was actually sinking in. The crying had continued, albeit at a much slower pace... But the crying could not last much longer. Who knew how much more time we had before another copy was here?

4th January 2004, 11:00 PM
That feeling...again. That same stench of corruption. It was getting stronger. Coming from Dark Satoshi, Aunie and...Someone else was here.

It seems the Digital World had some kind of influence on me, allowing me to pick up on the vibes of others. There was too much interference, however, to tell me who.

I could only stand there, watching Laura cry. I was horrified, I wanted to say something to her.

I slowly walked up to her, dropping the clone as I did so. In one stride I had managed to hand a slip of paper to Kenichi, warning him, before standing before her.

Laura was upset, she needed somebody.

She needed a brother, and I was the best person for the job.

"You described Satoshi as fading out?" I asked, concerned. I was relieved when she nodded to me, "Hey, let me tell you something. That's not the first time someone has done that here."

She looked at me, confused. She was too upset to understand.

"Well, during the beginning of this adventure, I noticed that, sometimes, no one could see me, and they couldn't here me. I was like a ghost to everyone. On some occassions, I could here voices talking. Not ordinary voices, however, but my uncles Jason and Ark McCloud. They talked about everything that happened while we were here."

I took a breath, trying to ready my tongue (I also had to wonder where AlphaMagnetmon was), "You see, I kept slipping out of this world, but never fully crossed over to ours. The symptoms are the same, so I can only assume something similar has happened. I managed to make it back in one piece. I'm sure Satoshi will also make it back."

I had to look at her, and I suddenly realized something. I searched through my pockets before finding what I needed.

"You're upset and angry, I know, and you have every right to be. You're afraid of losing Satoshi, because you lost people before. Your father died when you were young, your mother didn't care for you. You lost a family, and now you fear losing the one person who loves you."

A new reaction, surprise, grief, and anger combined. She didn't have to ask. She wanted to know how I knew.

"I...have a picture, of the funeral. I didn't remember it until now. When Ark returned from that trip, I remember he was very depressed that day. From the time he was there, he had a good idea of what kind of person your mother was, and that was all he could talk about for a time."

Part of me thought I was making it worse, but I needed to prove a point.

"But look around you Laura, you're surrounded by people who love you and are concerned for you. We may not love you the way Satoshi does, and we could never replace your father, but we still love you, and we'll look after you. Cause we're a family, and that's what a family does. Satoshi will come back, I promise."

5th January 2004, 04:34 PM
[Satoshi Takinowa]["Mezameyou kono shunkan wo/Yagate bokura wo torimaku dearou/Musekaeru you na riaru na nichijou"-By Every Little Thing[Grip!]]
"Your..brother.."My mom seemed shock. Her eyes froze up, and seemed ready to cry,"Who told you, son?"

"Hawkmon did, he told me that he was born before me, and because he had little life in him, and doctors gave it a million in one chance of him surviving, that you allowed the Goverment to adopt him. You never told dad."I told her, looking in her grief stricken eyes. She seemed to think for a sec..

"I'm sorry that I didn't mention it to you before, Satoshi..I should've."Mom told me,"Who's he?"

"Hey,nurse!"I yelled to a nurse walking infront of the doorway, she stopped, and waved."I need a wheelchair...and someone to get these IV's out of me."

"Here you go, the wheel chair. I'll take the IV's out for now, but they might be needed later."She replyed. I found my leg's to be a little wobbly, but I got out of the bed into the wheelchair.

"Follow me!"I told my mom, and started to wheel myself around..muttering.."Kenichi..Tanaka..."

"Here we go!"I said, and with one door, opened his room. There was a Nurse over him, checking on IV's...She looked at me, then him, and smiled..

"Ahh..he's got family?"She said, and walked out. I wheeled myself next to his bed, and my mom stood on the otherside..

"Kenichi.."I said,rubbing on his arm slightly. He was warm, and his breathing was normal. I looked up at my mom, and asked"Was I like this?"

"You were twiching a lot before, and sometimes it seemed like your blood pressure went up.But your were peaceful, all besides that."She smiled,playing with his tidy hair with her fingers.

"Figures,In the digital world, His hairs really untidy.."I smiled to my mom. She giggled a little, and sighed..

"He look's like Satoru-your father."Mom said,"Like you look like me and a somewhat crossbreed of your dad and my dad."

I smiled, and continued to look at my Brother.


Roy Karrde
5th January 2004, 05:01 PM
Laura Lutz
"..Satoshi will come back, I promise." David said, I looked around, these people they were my family, and Satoshi would come back? That bubble of hope and happiness came back up before it was dashed away. Satoshi he told me to stay there and I ran, oh god if he came back he would yell at me and hit me.

"I'm sorry" I said in a low voice and ran off, I ran down the hill, and down into the blocks and blocks of houses, I ran past house after house, before I felt a strong set of hands grab onto me and pull me around.

"Slow down" David said spinning me around, I looked at him for a second, I was so shocked, he had slowed me down and Satoshi would be back any minute, I had to hurry.

"I cant, I promised Satoshi I would stay, if he doesnt see me, he'll he'll get mad" I yelled my hair and face plastered with rage, David backed off for a second and I just colasped to my knees my body seemed to just relax and I started to cry again. "I'm sorry David, I'm so sorry I'm just so scared" I cried.

"Oh Laura" He sighed getting down on his knees and hugging me, I just sighed and placed my head against his chest and continued to cry.

"David, I feel so empty inside, I lost my Dad, and I might have lost Satoshi, I cant keep on like this David, I dont want to have this feeling inside of me any more, I dont want to spend the rest of my life watching every one I love die" I cried, David broke off the hug and looked at me holding me at arms length, even through Satoshi's glasses I could see the consern on his face. "David, I want to die, I want to die" I cried this time harder, I felt so tiard, so empty, like I was just a shell.

"Laura that isnt true, you know thats not true" He said trying to calm me down, I just shook my head, I felt so empty, so tiard, so sleepy, everything hurt, and I missed Satoshi.

"It is true, I want to die, I want it to end, I want.." I began to say, David just grabbed me by the shoulders pulled me toward him and kissed me on the lips. I felt my body lighten and for a second I didnt feel empty any more, David broke away from the kiss and I feel to the ground.

"Satoshi" I mumbled, I could see Satoshi standing there clear as day, he was the one that kissed me? the image began to twist and melt and it wasnt Satoshi it was..David?What have I done? I kissed some one? Satoshi would find out oh god if Satoshi found out what I just did he would hate me forever.

We just stood there for a few minutes, I began to say something when a loud rumbleing came down the street, we both turned to see a Rabitmon, a Digimon that looked like a evolution of Haruka's Lopmon and a Snow Leopard Digimon which looked like the evolution of Yukimon both running down the street, but they werent the same Digimon, they looked Dark and evil like the Yami's. "Laura..run" David yelled, I tried too but my legs were too tiard, I couldnt move I was just frozen there in place.

Yami Annika
5th January 2004, 05:28 PM

I watched Laura run off, and everything in me wanted to run after her. But, right over her head, something caught my eye… It wasn’t visible at all, but somehow I could see it, and I knew it was there. There was only one person I had ever been able to sense without them being there: Hoshimon…

I could see her distant eyes, but, more than anything else, she conveyed her thoughts and emotions. Fear, anxiety… it was a warning.

A giant army, more powerful than the Digimon you have… Leave, Aunyailia. You don’t belong here, save yourself.

I glanced around. Kenichi was watching where Laura had run off. I held my eyes on him for a minute, before continuing on. Everyone else was minding their own business, or watching, too. My friends. My family. “We are kind of like a family, aren’t we?” I had thought when David gave his speech.

You don’t belong with them… Hoshiskymon’s thoughts met mine. Run! Please.

I looked down and saw the two very large, very yami Digimon ready to attack Laura and David. I had to make my choice now, before I got too involved, too attached. What was that phrase I had paraphrased so long ago? “Darned if you do, darned if I don’t.”… I took a few steps back.

“What are you doing?” The older Laura asked.

Then, although hesitantly, I charged forward. Yet again, I was thankful the slits in this dressed. “Our friends are in trouble,” I yelled behind me. “Got any better ideas?” There were sounds of footsteps as some came after me.

Well, I thought back to Hoshiskymon. I ran. I might not be much help, and I might get seriously hurt. I’ve given up on having a happy night. What are you going to do about it?

5th January 2004, 10:21 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

"Our friends are in trouble, do you have any better ideas?" Auny's voice was ahead of me quickly as she made her way forward. I was quickly on the move after her, my eyes darting from her form to the forms of the large white leopard and the oversized rabbit heading towards Laura and David. Their forms were largely masked by the darkness, but I could see they had the stiff looks that came with being caught off guard.

To my right and left respectively, Kari and Jun were also following Auny. I pushed my pace and was able to catch up easily as she was struggling with her high-heeled shoes. I reached with one hand to steady her, as she swayed on the grassy ground. I gave her a grim smile.

"I think this'll go easier if you hop... now," I said, as I held one arm steady. Auny leapt into the air, her cumbersome heels falling down to the ground. She landed barefoot, steadied by my touch. She gave me a small look of thanks.

"Now let's show them that when they attack one of us, they have to deal with us all," I said, as I brought up my D-Sense with my free hand...


Rigiamon- Rookie versus Champion, Fight or Flight?

"Blast Ring!" The deep voice resounded to my right, forcing me to leap prematurely from the dark ground into the air. My body was starting to take a toll from these attacks, and without Kenichi or my Rimon data, I had no way to digivolve.

"Ha! Gotchya little bug!" A hollow sounding voice echoed out of the depths of Beta Rollingmon. It's metallic surface gleamed in the half light produced by the shadowy temple that loomed over the group of defenders and myself. I could appreciate the design of Beta Rollingmon from above, its single cannon providing an excellent long range weapon. Unfortunately said weapon had begun to spit out energy at me while I was still in mid-air.

"Tornado Fists," I whispered to myself, rotating wildly in the air. The current whipped around my form, shooting me off to the side away from the explosion that ripped through ozone I would have been going through. The layer of wind around my body didn't do much to dissapate the heat that I felt, a blistering violent sensation. I kept my pain to myself however, even as I was knocked out of my own small tornado by Aquilamon.

I fell like a sack of stones, rotating to catch the ground with my shoulder. I rolled with the impact, lessoning it somewhat and ended up in a crouched defensive position, my legs and two of my hands stabalizing me, while my other two arms were curled back, ready to quickly strike out once more. A fortunate insurance, as Aquilamon was far from done with me.

His form dived down upon my own, wings pulled back to gain speed. A look of hatred was stamped in his beady bird eyes as he opened his mouth for another attack. With a snap, both of his wings opened to slow him down for the crucial moment of climbing back up into the air. As his speeding form came within reach, I took my opportunity. Striking with one hand, one of Aquilamon's eyes was slammed inward into his own skull. Before the large Champion could even get a half decent screech out, my other arm jutted out to grab one of his horns. Using what leverage I had, I swung myself onto the speeding bird Digimon's shoulders.

Using my legs to straddle his neck, I grabbed a firm hold of both of the horns, and brought my two lower arms into position. Then I used my spikes to directly impale Aquilamon's eyes. The screech of pain became one of anguish, as I harshly turned the digimon's horns to face Beta Rollingmon, now a distant speck on the plain below us. The blind bird moved to where I directed it, acting only on instinct now to be able to fly at all. We began to dive together towards the ground.

Balls of spasming light erupted out of Beta Rollingmon's cannon, as I used Aquilamon's horns as a pilot's yoke. Fire erupted around us, charring portions of my skin and setting several of Aquilamon's feathers alight. The firing proved useless though, as I saw the look of panic in Beta Rollingmon's eyes as it realized we would not be pulling up.

Kicking off from the bird, I leapt into the air just scant moments before the two Champions collided. Dust and dirt flew into the air, as Beta Rollingmon lived up to its name by rolling wildly backwards, the broken bird intwined in its armor. With a shudder, the two stopped, and both began to squirm. It appeared that in this case flight would be better than staying to fight... I could not easily penetrate the armor on Beta Rollingmon while in my rookie form.

Landing nimbly, I winced outwardly and inwardly. The fight had taken its toll on me, and I was scratched up, charred, and bruised. The two digimon had taken me by surprise as I had approached the dark glow of the obsidian temple. The Light temple in contrast had been deserted, it's simple form swathed in the colors of the setting sun I had seen when I had left there.

Suddenly towards the entrance of the Temple, two human figures stood out, a small female and an male... The little girl Laura and David? But no... Their data was all wrong, twisted in a most unprofessional way... Not too stable either... Copies?

Taking a quick measure of my situation, I knew they must be like the digimon that I had just faced. Which means the others can be in trouble. My choice was clear, I had no time to investigate these two new humans. I had to go protect Kenichi and inform them where to find the temples...

I kept a close eye on where the silent humans stood, before my feet pounded on once more, and I became a gray blur in the dark fields around me. The light of town glistened ahead, the fireworks that had gone on for so long ominously not present anymore...

Roy Karrde
6th January 2004, 07:49 PM
Laura Lutz
The Dark Digimon were almost on top of us, taking a quick look behind me I could see Auny and the rest of the group leading the charge. Maybe David’s plan to move wasn’t so bad, but what was the point? Maybe if I did die here and now I would see Satoshi maybe I could finally be happy. “Carrot Bomber” The Rabbit Digimon yelled, a Carrot shaped missile flew out of its hands on a collision for us. David realizing it was no use to get me to move threw himself over me trying to block the attack.

“What are you doing?” I screamed, I wanted to die I didn’t want any one else to die too.

“Your like a little sister to me, I don’t want you to get hurt” He replied, the sound of the missile began to get closer and closer, I began to squeeze out tears knowing this was the last moments that we had together, and that some one else I loved would now be dead.

“Armor of the EARTH” Kenichi yelled, He preformed a double flip into the air and landed in the missile’s path. In the blink of an eye the ground surrounding him rose up and created a glistening metallic armor that shed away when the missile hit it.

I blinked a couple of times; the echo of the weapon’s impact still rang in the air. “Move” Kenichi yelled, David helped me up and I moved a few steps before feeling what felt like a vice grip rack my stomach, I fell to the ground and David grabbed onto my arm almost yanking it out of it’s socket. “You okay?” David asked, I felt a warm liquid swell in my throat. I looked up to David and nodded that I was fine.

“Ear Flopper” The Bunny yelled, well this was it this was when we all were going to die.

“Gotcha” A cat like voice rang in my ears, I looked over to see David picked up by a Dark, Cat like Digimon, it was Auny’s digimon, but different.

“Laura” David yelled as my hand slipped out of his hand, I just watched as he flew further and further away.

“And I have you” Kari smiled, picking me up, and dropping me off near Auny. I just sank to the ground and spit out the blood in my mouth, the pain had lightened up but, it still felt horrible, I looked back at the start of the battle I had to do something, I had to help.

Yami Annika
6th January 2004, 08:05 PM

I dumped David out of harm’s way, and flew back before he could get a good look at me. At least I looked different from my other, more known form… But the repercussions might be unbearable for Aunyailia. Then again, a death might be even worse.

It had been dumb luck that I was “Hoshiskymon”, now. Aunyailia must have changed me long ago, and it was luck that she did. There was no way she could make the symbols, while being surrounded without looking suspicious. It was fortunate that she did – Hoshimon would have been no use against such things.

I used “flight”, and camouflaged myself into the sky. The bunny seemed to be the main threat… but, really, a bunny? It would have been comical had lives and sanity not been at sake. I circled around, until I found the ideal spot: the neck. I prepared myself, then bit down hard. My paw, which had been damaged, suddenly felt better alongside the screams of my opponent. There was a sound to my left, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the leopard (OOC: is that one of the other ones?) head toward me.

Hoshiskymon! Aunyailia’s thoughts screamed at me. And then, in barely a whisper: Sweet Dream…

The leopard momentarily stopped, long enough for me to finish. My opponent was momentarily mentally unconscious, and some of the kids had taken over beating up the others. Using “Flight” again, I flew out of sight, and waited.

7th January 2004, 01:38 PM
satoshi takinowa
"Hun, Say bye to Kenichi for now."My mom said, about 10 minutes later, with a bag of stuff.My Khaki shorts, my red shirt. My leather jacket and my wallet.Everything inside of the plastic bag."I got you signed out. You seem more lively than anyone that's actually come back here, so I decided if you were to come back home, I wouldn't want you going back."

"I know saving the digital world is big, and I've done it before...But I don't want to lose you, Satoshi."Mom said, reaching for my face,"I don't want you to hurt right here."She placed her hands on her chest,where the heart was."I don't want you to say goodbye."

"Akina had that.."She said, looking at the now closed door of Kenichi's room."She fell in love, but he left, and the next time she saw him, she somewhat...died that day."

"You see, in the digital world, at that time, we were mortal. We could die, but in the digital world, we could be reborn from digieggs. Akina went through that, but her digiegg was in evils hands.
In that egg, was some of the worst nightmares you could see. And the bad thing, is that when she was reborn, she believed them for a while. She believed we hurt her, that we were the enemy. She thought that Nightmare in the egg was a reality,and the real reality was a dream. She began attacking us untill we could get her into another digiegg.Her soul was lost, she didn't know what to believe."

"But because she was in our hands then, we got her back. To normal, for what I know, Akina goes to therapy."Mom said,"But at the end, she said goodbye, and she told me it hurt right in her heart. I'm suprised she married her husband, I never thought she would. And I think she thought she was marrying Gali at the time too."

"Mom, can I get changed before we continue with the sappy story?"I told her, inside I was crying.She nodded, and I used the bathroom in Kenichi's room to get changed. It felt good with contacts on, my normal clothing. Although in the fall, I would go back to my school uniform.School..

"Done yet, slow poke?"I heard knocking on the door. I streched my newfound arms and legs, and walked out of the bathroom, using the comb in my pocket to comb out my hair, which had absoultly no gell or anything in it.It looked like I had a American-Mushroom Hair-cut. My mom giggled, and said "I'll trim it when we get back."

"Satoshi Takinowa's going home?"We went to the main office,"Everything is ok here, just call Dr. Shinwa's office in a week for a progress report."I sighed, and got myself a cola in the vending machine.I was thirsty..a feeling I never really felt in the Digital world.

"Come on, wait here, and I'll pull the Trail Blazer up."Mom took the car that I was praticing for my learner's permit for later this year. I waited outside,the warm summer air blew my hair in the wind.

"7:30pm your time..remember.."A Female's voice echoed in my head...I had a choice. Go finish what I started, or wait for them to come back.That's what I had to decide, and it was only around 1pm.. Mom soon came up in the Trailblazer. I got in, and buckeled.We soon left for our home in Asakasa..My home..

The ride was about 20 minutes with traffic, but we got there fine. We placed the car in the Garage, and I took my shoes off before coming in to the house. A 2 story house.I unlocked the door,and placed my keys..

"HOME!"I instantly yelled. And It was a reflex,too. I soon walked to the couch in the living room(they have a den too), and placed the T.V. on. Old reruns of Season 1 Digimon.

"Of course, My storys real."I said, watching the opening.I frowned as a single word came to mind,Laura. My mom came into the living room midway, and came in with some mini-sushi and popcorn.

"Hey mom, Can I tell you something?"

7th January 2004, 02:42 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

"Gai Grip!" I shouted, as I ran with all my might towards the lumbering bunny rabbit, Rabitmon. The ground was a blur beneath my feet, part of my vision disturbed by the now heavily chipped armor around my body. But what was really unusual about the whole thing was it was if the armor didn't weigh anything at all.

"Carrot bomber!" the white beast shouted back at me, turning at the last moment to shoot a barrage. The blasts caught my upraised arms, deflecting me from my target somewhat and getting rid of about an inch of protection. I lost my footing, and my arms wrapped around its right foot... Just in time for the molten rock and material that whipped up the ground around my arms to start to envelope it.

"Wh-what is this?!" The digimon bellowed. As my grip remained firm on the digimon's limb, hardened rock continued to climb up its leg. It would just have been a few more moments, and the entire leg would be covered. Already the hardened rock had come past its knee, locking it into place.

"Enough!" The digimon shouted. "Begone pest!" One of its fists rose up into the air, and slammed into my chest. All the air exploded out of me, as the rock connecting my hands to its foot shattered, leaving two small circular areas on the foot without any rock, the rest of the leg encased. I flew backwards, the armor on my chest completely smashed with the blow. I could feel heat come from it even now, the familiar smell of blood in my nose even before I plowed into the ground, back first.

Dust, dirt, and grass flew up into the air, as even my first contact with the ground didn't stop my momentum. I plowed through feet of dirt, to come abruptly to a stop... Pain was rapidly getting bigger, it was possible he cracked a rib or two with that blow, and at the very least would give my chest a black and blue look. It didn't help that there was now dirt partially over me, the cracked pieces of my armor having pierced my skin. Struggling to gain control of my body, I managed to get into an upright position, in time to see Rabitmon move.

It used both of its massive hands like a gorilla, knuckles down with its feet swinging forward. The right leg was completely useless to it now and it was unable to run. But in surprisingly few bounds, it slammed down into the ground next to me. Intertwining its fingers above my head, it brought both hands into one massive fist. With a jerk, it brought it down.

My body jerked as I tried to dodge, but I knew it would never be enough to miss this blow. Then, the fists abruptly stopped about six feet above me, a gray blur having stopped infront of my downed form.

"If have attacked him, and I shall kill you," the gray form said with a hard undertone. My eyes focused in the night air, and I saw it was Rigiamon. By bracing his legs, and using two hands for each arm, he had managed to totally halt the blow that had been intended for me. Now the overstuffed bunny's arms were locked into place, they were shaking with effort to try and break free.

With a move many gymnasts would find hard to copy, Rigiamon kept his grip on the bunny's arms, while bringing both legs off the ground. Spinning as if the locked hands were a beam, his feet squarely connected with Rabitmon's head, slamming him backwards. The rabit's eyes closed, as his arms flailed backwards, trying to stay upright despite his immobalized leg.

"Lancing cut!" Rigiamon whispered loudly, his fist's edges becoming as sharp as knives. With a single leap, he sliced into Rabitmon's head, creating a star-like wound right into the digimon's face. Rabitmon clutched its face in silent agony, falling to the ground with a heavy thud.

Slowly, I got up from the ground, my breath somewhat haggard, but in control. Rigiamon leapt to my side, helping me the rest of the way up. I pointed at the panther digimon off the side, slowly getting up from whatever had downed it from before.

"Ready for the next one?" I asked, forcing a smile as I let the pain wash over me, not even attempting to phase it out.


The Real World...

"Doctor, come quickly!" one of the nurses shouted to the doctor looking over Laura's machines. They had been monitoring her carefully ever since she slipped back into the coma.

"What is it?" the doctor shouted back, already moving out of the room.

"Tanaka Kenichi is displaying odd readings, you should take a look at it. The doctor's mind darkened as a bad feeling overcame him.

Rushing into the room, he gave a little gasp. The heart monitor was bleeping rapidly, Kenichi's heartbeat racing much faster than normal. The boy's breathing was haggard, and he was twisting in agony on the bed. A couple of low moans could be heard from the body, the white sheets twisted around it.

The doctor quickly rushed to the bed, making notes of what the monitors told him. He drew back the covers somewhat, and let out a low whistle. Kenichi's chest was heavily bruised. What kind of coma could do this to a child?

Roy Karrde
8th January 2004, 01:55 PM
Naboou, Gothic, where are you guys?

Laura Lutz
I layed back onto the nice soft grass and watched the battle play out down on the city below, I was useless in the fight seeing how Alpha had abondoned me and I couldn't do spells like everyone else I was just a liability someone who wanted the pain to end and to just be with the person she loved.

"Not feeling very good?" Aoi asked sitting down next to me and watched the battle continue, we were winning which was good and off in the distance you could see the Light Temple, which looked all pretty and shiny also grey and drab, almost as if it was coming into focus in the early morning light. I shook my head and wiped the rest of the blood off my chin, My stomach was feeling a little bit better but I still felt bad. "So you know Satoshi, have you ever seen him eat? he looks like a pig scarfing down everything" She said trying to break the ice.

I laughed a little and turned to face her. "No but I've seen him when he is really hungry he makes this growling noise like a dog or something it's really freaky" I replied with a smile, she leaned her head back and laughed, I was kindof getting excited and wanted to top her on the food thing. "I know that when he kissed me it was all slobbery and everything" I said and immediatly covered my mouth when I realized what I said, Aoi liked Satoshi too and I probley just said the worst possible thing.

"I've seen him kiss a poster, he slobbered all over that too" Aoi laughed and we both just sat there in silence for a few minutes and I started to tear up again, Aoi noticed this and placed a arm around me and gave me a one sided hug.

"I really miss him" I cried.

"He'll be back soon I know it" She replied and we just both sat there watching the carnage going on below.

8th January 2004, 06:37 PM
satoshi takinowa
["hitori ni hitotsu zutsu moraeru jiyuu to jounetsu o te ni/kagayaku tame ni umarete kita bokura no tabi wa tsuzuku"-Wild Drive(By by Nagai Masato)[Yu-Gi-Oh! 3rd Opening]]
"What is it,Satoshi?"My mom said cheerfully, sitting besides me on the couch. I grabbed some popcorn, and began to eat. I sorta looked around to get out of the hole I already dug myself,and noted the frig, and the 12 pack inside.

"Wait a sec, I gotta get something to drink!"I said, getting up quickly.My mom quickly pulled me down, revealing 2 cold cans of cola.Well, One was rootbeer for me. And the other was a Diet cola for mom...I sighed, and looked at her.
"Come on now, don't be a wuss.Tell me what you were going to say?Or I'll make you wear my old Sailor School Uniform."My mom said, smirking. I sighed, and began to talk about Laura.
"In the end, I suppose, you might can us..."I said,than added in a mutter"Boyfriend and Girlfriend."
"What was that?Speak louder son."
"Boyfriend and Girlfriend"I said, in a louder mutter.
"Come one, don't wuss out!Say it louder,"Mom said, punching my arm lightly.
"Boyfriend and Girlfriend."I said in a polite tone,"See?Is that loud enough?"
"Don't be such a wise crack.And"My mom said, placing the popcorn and stuff on the coffee Table,"And Aww..Satoshi's got a Girliefriend.."She looked sorta disturbed at the fact though, only placing a funny mask over her feelings. I opened my rootbeer, and studied her motions.

"Wouldn't you like..maybe..a older girlfriend?"My mom said, And I knew she would say it too. I took a sip, and sighed at her remark."Anyway,that Laura girl...do you remember her from a while ago?I was talking to Roy about her staying over, and you got angry because I would'nt help you with your Romanji and Hiragana.Well, how would you say about her staying over..I mean..if they.."

"I'm pretty sure they'll be able to get out of the digital world."I replied, and with a full smile-I added"That's fine!Aslong as she doesn't touch my stuff."
"Don't worry!I'll get the den setup if this is to happen."

"Now..Let's watch some fake adventure in the world we both traveled in."My mom jokenly said, and I laughed...didn't catching that last remark.

8th January 2004, 10:10 PM
I'm here I'm here sorry!!! I've been bogged down with schoolwork, sorry XD I hafta go now but I'll post later, I promise!!

9th January 2004, 04:17 PM
I'm still alive...just put under the pressure of heavy-duty homework...*sighs*

~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice["But I know...I may end up failing too//But I know..you were just like me, with someone disappointed in you...." from "Numb" by Linkin Park]~*^*~
I walked around the streets nervously, ever since I lost sight of Kouji I was purely confused. I eyed around, searching for somebody I could rely one...but then, wearing a hakama and a traditional kimono, I spotted Jun...as if he were brooding in loneliness...maybe because at his age of 17, he was older than almost everybody. Sighing, closing my eyes, Arwen resting on my head, I strided foreward, pretending as if I was invisible and that Jun would barely notice me.

"Heh...you outcasted, too?" I heard him ask me with one small grunt, then my spine felt numb and frozen, I sweated slightly in nervousness, my eyes shooting open, as I turned towards him, slightly looking down, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Yeah..." I slightly whispered, feeling a large thought of emptiness inside of me, I tried not to bring back a memory...especially not that one of when I first started out school in my area in suburban Tokyo. Those times I'll try not to remember once I turn old and gray, lonely in my own place, nobody even caring...that is, what it seemed like my future would be like if it remained the same. I placed my scar was, I felt numbening around that area all of the sudden, was that happening to my real, mortal body?

Yami Annika
10th January 2004, 11:07 PM

I watched the battle ensue. I couldn’t really do anything at the moment, as Hoshiskymon couldn’t let herself be seen. I was worthless. And I was the one who ran first. A bit… ironic, maybe? My friends were being nearly destroyed, all over what: A temple? It must be near here. With so many Yami’s, it’s like they’re guarding more than random attackings.

Then again, what did I know?

Kenichi… He was hurt, I could tell. He smiled at Rigiamon and went - gallantly? Stupidly? – back into the chaos. Everyone was getting hurt, it seemed. What would the physical strain be doing to their real bodies? How long before we break? After all, Digimon are reborn. I wasn’t sure if we had the same luxury.

It was getting darker by the second. We were all getting more and more tired. There was only so many “spells” I could perform… And they were all defensive, which made me feel worse… when could I finally go on the offensive against these?

Could Digimon be hurt by human weapons – guns? Swords? Would it help any? I pulled out a hair from my braid. What kind of gun? How big a sword?

“Wield…” I whispered gently. A heavy weight came down on my palm. I hadn’t had much experience with advanced weaponry, but I still had never seen this kind of weapon before. Almost like a mini-rocket launcher… very powerful feeling. A useful feeling. Maybe someone was guiding me? Who, though? Nonetheless, this was my chance to do something instead of being defensive in this.

I took a few steps in the direction of Kenichi and Rigiamon, and took aim on one of the Yami Digimon. Walking to my doom… most likely. But what a ride.

11th January 2004, 04:59 PM
"Guard duty," I muttered, "How boring."

"Well," Dark Laura responded, "Someone had to do it. Who's supposed to come here, anyway?"

I shuddered, "Morrigan. Ugh, just my luck."

"Aww," Laura mocked me, "Is poor baby scawed of li'l Morgi?"

"Yes, I am," I responded, hotly, "and you should be, too."

"Oh, you are so full of hot air," she responded. I recall being mildly angry with her at this point. No way was I exaggerating. My memories of Morrigan were as clear as David's. She was scary when she was mad, and for good reason. She could kick the crap out of most guys twice her size.

It was almost like fighting the Hulk. She was more dangerous the angrier she got. Of course, there are limits, but she was pretty tough.

"What makes her so angry, anyway?" Laura said. I arched an eyebrow in response. I had no idea why she wanted to know. I could only assume she would use it in the future as a way to torment Morrigan. Phhht, good luck with that.

"Well, I think it's inherited from her parents," I commented, "but I also believe the thing that drives her is also what makes her afraid."

"Afraid," it was Laura's turn to arch an eyebrow, "Afraid of what?"

"Fear of loneliness," I simply said, "and fear of commitment. She's always in conflict with her two fears, and it makes her lash out at everything."

"What started all that?" she said, and this time I knew she was prying in too close. I turned to face her, and noticed a rustle in the bushes.

"Now see here," I said, getting angry, "That is not for you to know. Trust me, you'd be on a one-way trip to the Digital Hell if EVER you use that knowledge against her. Morrigan is NOT your responsiblity, Yami Laura. You leave her to Le Fay."

"Are you going to make me?" she asked, trying to intimidate me. I could only smile at the foolish girl, as I backed away from her.

"I'm not going to," I replied as a pair of hands popped out of the bushes, grabbing Laura from behind. I didn't fail to notice the black flaming aura that was surrounding them. Suddenly, Laura erupted in a bunch of black flames as she let out a loud scream. She then ran away to a close source of water.

Morrigan, the REAL one, looked at me with those burning emerald eyes. I looked around for reinforcements. Apparently, there were none.

I weighed my chances of survival, and decided to vanish. I was NOT going to take her out on my own.

Besides, they can't die. I didn't see the point.
Crap post, but I couldn't think of anything better.

11th January 2004, 08:51 PM
I only have time for a Satoshi Post.

satoshi takinowa

Watching the program made me think to a point. It made me miss the digital world, and the good and bad times. And two of the characters, Hiro and Nina reminded me of Me and Laura. Nina was a tad older than Hiro though, Like I was a tad bit older than Laura. And Hiro was more gentler than Nina, who would'nt give up a fight if she was forced to. It made me yearn for Laura and the digital world more then I ever did. The credits started to roll, and my mom started to clean up.

"Nina Shinwa-Akira Takinowa?Your her VA aren't cha?"I asked my mom, turning the t.v. off. She giggled, and shook her head yes.Mom was good at making her voice sound different, and perform all of there emotions. I never really watched the show, well..the first season, much. My mom started to search in the pantry for dinner. Tine flew by, there was a maration of Season 1 on. It was about 3 o'clock.

"Mom, I got something to tell you...I had my first kiss."I told her, in a quiet tone, waiting for a answer.She looked at me, and smiled.
"Cool, Satoshi's a big boy now!He got his first kissie!"My mom played around."With who?"
"Laura.."I said lowly. She looked straight in my eyes in excitement. She ran over, and started to jump up and down like the girls at my school.
"OMG!Satoshi got his first kiss!!"She said playfully.
"Like OMG!"I joined in, but it soon fell quiet, as we stopped jumping.
"Is it true?"
"Well..Uh..Congrats then."She replied, and walked over to the kitchen counter.

"I'm gonna go to the store and get some stuff, and I'm gonna do the Laundry. Wanna come?"Mom said, getting her pocket book ready. I thought about it for a couple of second's.
"Nah, I'll go next time. I wanna get reacquanted with the home."I smiled, and my mom made a thumbs up. She closed the main door, and I soon heared the TrailBlazer getting onto the street.

I went up the stairs into my room. Closing the door, I turned on my laptop. I looked at my bed, nicely made. My hamster, Hikari, was eating his food. And my fish, were squirming for more food.
"I bet mom didn't feed you."I said, walking over to the tank. I gave them a pinch of Goldfish Flakes, and walked back over to my laptop. I quickly got up on the web, and searched.And while I did that,I thought...

'What are you doing right now Laura?'


Roy Karrde
11th January 2004, 09:22 PM
Hey guys I've had my name changed to Roy Karrde okay.

Laura Lutz
"Go fish" Aoi said, I conseded and grabed another card off of the top of the pile, one of the adults had given me a deck of cards to bring back, it was one of the only few things that I had kept instead of droping it at Satoshi's house.

"So you and Satoshi didnt know each other before the Digital World?" Aoi asked shuffling around her cards in her hand, the battle began to get louder below, and I winced at every explosion.

"No, we met ontop of a cloud, that was I think four days ago, but it seems so long ago" I sighed and Aoi looked at me for a second with a glimmer of hope in her eye.

"Do you have any eights, I never thought of Satoshi falling in love at first sight" Aoi grinned and I handed over three eights, She was winning, atleast I think she was winning, another blast sounded this time rocks and dirt was kicked up into the air causing our cards to go flying. "I cant take this, I'm going to go do something" Aoi finally said getting up.

I stood up and grabbed her arm, Aoi and I were becoming close friends, atleast I thought we were becoming friends, as far as I knew she could just be planning to brake Satoshi and I up and I was playing right into her hands. "I'll be okay" She said and I nodded, sitting back down it was just me again, me alone, in this big dark world.

"Laura" David waved running up the side of the hill after Aoi had run off, I waved back and began to gather up the cards again. "I take it Aoi decided to join the party" he said reaching me and sitting down next to me.

"Yeah" I sighed smoothing out my gown. "David, about earlier tonight..I know I freaked and it wasnt fair, we were out on a date and I bailed and I'm sorry" I sighed appologising to him he smiled and told me not to worry.

"Do you..think Satoshi misses me?" I asked and David smiled, placing a arm around me.

"I think it is tearing him up inside with out you there" he replied and I smiled looking down at the card deck.

"So do you know any card games?" I aske handing him over the deck, he smiled and thought for a second as I looked up at the stars and thought: 'What are you doing right now Satoshi?'

Yami Laura
"That damn Morrgan" I sighed the smell of burnt flesh and cloth lingered in the air around the area that I had teleported in. I hated being burnt alive becuase it always seemed to mess up my hair. Worst yet I was given the duty to wake up the most arrogant person on the face of the earth. "Wake up" I yelled kicking Yami Satoshi in the cheek. The kids had basically left him on the ground and forgot about him, which was bad for them, good for us.

"WAKE UP" I yelled again this time kicking him in the head hard egnough that it would have knocked a normal person's head off. Yami Satoshi moaned and rubbed his cheek, I took this time to fix my clothing to look a little decent, I mean I couldnt go walking around looking like I had just spent the last hour in a inferno.

"Oh it's you, David allready told you, I'm not Satoshi" He smerked rising up to a sitting position and rubbed his arm which was serverly bruised and had turned several shades of purple.

"Sorry, wrong person, now rise to your feet, were losing and we need your help, besides you dont think I would waste my time on some one like you if I wasnt desperate?" I asked, it finally dawned on Yami Satoshi and he rose to his feet.

"What do the Yami's want me to do?" He asked and I smiled before laying out the plan.

12th January 2004, 04:42 PM
akina takinowa[Thought this was a Satoshi Post?]

"Going food shoppnig.."I tried to get the idea of a 10 year old kissing a 15 year old out of my head, but it didn't work. I almost got into a car incident too, just for trying to think it...so I quickly parked into the parking lot, and ran inside with a cart..

I looked around quickly, searching for what I needed.I felt rushed in a way, but I don't know why..I guess I was hyper or something, that happen's sometimes.

'Why would he kiss a 10 year old..?'I thought, in the cereal aisle. We were pretty stocked up on cereal for now, and it's not like Satoshi ate them anyway.I walked fastly, trying not to concentrate on the picture of them kissing..

"UCKKK!"I yelled my lungs out. I got people staring at me like a weirdo, and I got people telling people I was a freak..
"Uhh..sorry...I sorta.."I said, trying to excuse myself. I soon found myself running out of the cereal aisle. I continued to shop, trying to think about some other things. Like Satoru coming home soon,and...

I couldn't stop thinking about that mental image..Satoshi and Laura..kissing....the two...kissing.I guess it was sorta freaky to think of it, but in a way, it was cute..
"Oh!!Akira-san!"I heard someone sneak behind me. It was Aoi's mom, Keiko. She smiled at me, and touched my shoulder. Her cart bumped into mine, and I smiled back at her. Keiko and Aoi looked almost the same, but Aoi didn't have Keiko's emerald eyes.
"Have you seen Aoi?She didn't come home from working at the convention."Keiko asked, worried. I sighed, and shook my head no. She looked down at the cart, then back at me again. She smiled back at me..

"It's ok, maybe she's at Hiro's house or something, and she didn't tell me."Keiko replied,"She does these things all the time."
"Well, If she doesn't come home soon, just tell me. Maybe Satoshi will go out and look for her."
"Thanks.Well, I gotta go make dinner."She said, and walked to the cash register. I finished my shopping, and walked out, with my paid groceries..

12th January 2004, 11:15 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

"Lancing cut!" shouted Rigiamon as he leapt into the air. Nimbly he twisted his body around, all four of his sharp edged fists piercing the chest of the fallen champion digimon. Rabitmon exploded into green light and numbers, his form becoming fuzzy in the steady increase of sunlight.

A line appeared across my D-Sense's screen. I pressed down on the button, and pointed it at Rabitmon. "Your fight is over now bunny." The data of the champion exploded in the air, and slammed into my D-Sense. The force of it made the device shake, as suddenly stopped, a card was in my hand now.

"Hold on," Rigiamon said, as he scooped me up into both of his arms. I didn't have much time to protest, and less even to enjoy the ride as he bounded up into the air, somehow taking my armored form easily in his arms. The field of battle below us had shrunk somewhat now. The only enemy combatant left was the blue leopard digimon, which had regained its head from its previous grogginess. Ice had already covered the area it was in, coming in droves from its mouth. Jun had been forced to back off, or become an icicle. Aoi could be seen running down from the hill where David was just sitting there with Laura... And then Auny...

What is she doing? I thought to myself.

Auny was running towards the snow leopard with something in her arms... With a small whomp, we landed within twenty feet of the monster before us. Ice had crystalized the blades of ice, making them crack audibly beneath my feet, which Rigiamon effortlessly seemed to avoid them.

The panther turned to face us, and barred its teeth. This digimon would waste no words with us apparently, it was aware of what we had already done. With a straining sound, the heavy muscles of its jaw opened to spew the deadly cold out. A cold light cascaded out as crackling overtook the air, the precursor to its attack…

“Try freezing this you overgrown cat!” Auny shouted off to the sidelines, hoisting something that looked eerily like a missile launcher on her shoulder. The charging attack dissipated into the air, as the champion had quickly jerked its head at the offending human. A look of intense concentration came across Auny’s face in the dawn’s light, as she went down onto one knee. Unlike a missile launcher, however, there was no light or smoke coming out of her device. One moment a large metallic bullet was on it, the next it was hurling through the air at the digimon. To say the digimon didn’t know what hit it was an understatement, the impact forcing it off its own feet and into the air. Its body fell heavily down several feet backward, landing on its back. I felt a moment of surprise and pride at this, had she taken it down?

Then, like a bullet in its own right the panther got up. Large discoloration was apparent on one shoulder, the icy blue turning darker shades, while trickles of blood ran down its flank. The bullet itself lay at its feet, halted by the champion’s rather thick skin. A person seeing this would think it was a miracle that a creature was alive, but you had to hand it to digimon, they were insanely tough. And rather than act injured, this one acted angry, so angry that its pupils had dilated to little points, and all of its hair had risen up. With a single howl, a breath of ice darted towards Auny.

The danger to her exploded in my mind, making my body move of its own accord. I knew immediately I could not get to her before she would be frozen stiff… But I had the earth as my ally, and I would not let her be taken away!

Almost as if in a trance, I felt my fist slam into the earth. For a brief moment, it was if I was part of the earth itself. I felt the movement of the dirt, the plants around it, even the sound of our feet against its surface. Imposing my will on it, the earth shook, and rippled past the dancing ice in the air. Like a tidal wave, the earth rose up in front of Auny shielding her at the last moment. With a crack, the shield of solid earth froze, and left her safe for the moment.

“Rigiamon,” I said, pressing the button on my D-Sense. “Time to put this cat to sleep.”

Silently, Rigiamon’s form bulged out once more, as he became the towering titan, Rigimon. His massive horn shone in the rising sun, and his four knives shone equally well on his belts, as did his claws of titanium. Bringing all four arms into a loose fighting stance, he eyed the evil KooriNekomon. The digimon stepped back in surprise, a look of true fear entering its thoughts for the first time. To the side of this scene, a smaller digimon bounded onto the scene, barking loudly in a deep voice. Its flaming tail cast shadow on the snow cat, as I saw Aoi come over to my side.

“Hey,” she said to me and smiled. I nodded back to her, and looked on at the battle that was commencing…

“Ice ribbon wave!” the previously silent ice cat digimon shouted, as it leapt towards Rigimon. The tail glowed somewhat, as it grew stiff and hard. Rigimon stayed exactly where he was. At the last moment, with two hands he grabbed onto the tail, and pushed the digimon up into the air. The smaller digimon hurled straight upward, as my digimon looked at Aoi’s Hephaestusmon.

“Attack now!” Rigimon said, putting his own words into action. “Fighter’s Spirit!”

“Fire Whisp!” said Aoi’s digimon in response, its tail growing brighter.

Rigimon was covered in a dark aura for a moment, then it seemed as if he grew in proportion. His muscles bulged, his eyes glowed, and all his metal surface became darker. With one gesture, the rippling light that had overtaken his body shot out in one massive wave, joining the flickers of light from Hephaestusmon. All this hit the ice digimon, making it impossible to see for a moment… But then, with a crash it smashed into the ground.

Auny had made it to our side by now, and watched on as the copied digimon twitched on the surface of the miniature crater it had made. Rigimon loomed over it disdainfully, as Aoi’s digimon watched him carefully, looking for his lead.

“This digimon is done for-” Rigimon started to say. In mid-sentence, it unsheathed two blades and twirled around. Bringing them together, he braced himself in the matter of just a fraction of a second. The blast of energy that came from over the hill pushed him backwards, as he reflected it up into the sky with tremendous effort. The explosion dazzled us with light, as a rolling tank-like creature approached us.

“This is just the beginning chump… Beta-Rollingmon, DNA digivolution!” It shouted. Streams of smoke poured out of its armored body, as a light shone out to hit the injured KooriNekomon. The cat floated into the air for a moment, before being hurled towards the smoke, at which point it was engulfed. An explosion that rivaled that of Beta-Rollingmon’s attack on Rigimon occurred, and allowed all those present to see the two digimon floating in the air, then grow fuzzy. Data flowed around them freely, as the two forms became one…

“Beta Rollingmon,” began the tank.

“KooriNekomon,” continued the cat.

“DNA digivolve to…” they said as one entity.

The light blew away in one moment, as the darkened figure before us landed on four legs with a metallic thud. The gleam of fangs and a twin pair of icy blue eyes looked out at us.

“Capri-Rollingmon,”the two voices uttered out of one mouth.

The digimon that stood before us was an Ultimate level, but one I had never seen before. The large ice cat had become slightly larger, but was now covered in gleaming plates of black metallic armor. Claws of shining metal were visible on all of its massive paws, spikes like icicles present on its tail like some sort of pre-historic monster. Large fangs came out of its armored muzzle, two glowing blue eyes peering out of the eye slits. Two large cannons lay on either shoulder, while another massive one was attached all the way from the middle of its back to several feet above its own head. This was no pushover.

“Fire Whisp!” cried Hephaestusmon, a note of panic in its voice. Rigimon made a move to stop it, but it was too late.

Flares shot out from the champion digimon’s tail at the newly evolved enemy before us. A deep laugh echoed out of its frame, as all three of the cannons seemed to lock onto a target. The tip of each seemed to be sucking the surrounding light, then a massive concussion sound exploded in our ears. Above the roar, I could hear it shout its attack in all self-assurance that it would win.

“Atomic Ice Blaster!”

Waves of ice, like nothing that the previous champion could have performed bursted out of the metal muzzles. The flares of fire were crystallized, then destroyed right before us. Rigimon managed to push the other champion out of harms way, however, before the attack managed to hit its target… It had only taken a few moments, but the area around us was now quite different. While the ground our digimon had gotten to was still covered in grass, just a few feet beyond the blast area opened up, leaving hundreds of meters of the field covered in ice. The edge of it ended mere feet from us, but I could spot that everything had been frozen, and could feel in my body that it wasn’t only the surface… Whatever that attack had done, it had done it to several feet beneath the ground itself as well…

“Well, let’s see how long you can stand against our might, eh chosen digimon?” the voices of KooriNekomon and Beta Rollingmon laughed out of Capri-Rollingmon’s mouth. Then, the fight truly began…

What had once been an easy fight, turned to a struggle for survival for Rigimon and Hephaestusmon. While they attempted to attack the Ultimate level digimon, they could rarely get close due to the cannons. Rigiamon’s size and Hephaestusmon inexperiance created problems dodging as well, despite both digimon’s deceptively good speed. The damage began to take its toll on the pair, as the Ultimate seemed only to be enjoying itself. What attacks did make it through merely seemed to scratch its armor, as it had been keeping its stomach well hidden.

Rigimon had spoken to me through my D-Sense early on, warning us to stay away from this fight, to stay at the sidelines. It had taken some convincing of Aoi, but the three of us were watching just outside the ice field… And feeling thoroughly useless because of it. But these digimon were at a different level than us… We would have to work at our abilities if we hoped to compare.

I felt Auny’s hand on my shoulder, as if she had been reading my thoughts. A look of uncertainty was written on her face… But we couldn’t risk the danger of being a distraction to the digimon…

Auny gasped, as I looked back at the fight. Hephaestusmon sailed through the air, and smashed through a crystallized tree, smashing it into shards. The fiery digimon skidded across the field for a time, then stayed still. Its size suddenly decreased, as it reverted back to its rookie stage. Rigimon stood off to the side, panting in its small respite from the battle. Its gray skin was covered in a thin layer of frost, and every breath was visible in the air. Scratches were common-place, and even with his enhanced strength he wasn’t going to last much longer himself…

“No!” Aoi shouted, as she ran towards her fallen digimon. She skidded across the field herself, but ignored it on her trek to her friend.

Capri-Rollingmon chuckled at this. “I suppose its time to freeze those humans for good… If we can’t kill em, just make em into ice-cubes!”

The cannons on the armored cat’s back rotated towards us, and began to charge once more. I gripped Auny’s shoulders, and began to move back, knowing full well we couldn’t get out of range in time. Rigimon shot up from the ground like a bullet, his eyes trained on me.

“Kenichi…” he whispered. His hands smashed into themselves, making massive fists. Blood trickled down them, only to freeze at the bottom. His pupils dilated, and an aura of energy appeared around his form.

“I won’t let them take you!” He shouted.

With speed I didn’t even think he was capable of, Rigimon hurled towards both Auny and myself. Just as the beams erupted from Capri-Rollingmon, Rigimon put himself in the path of the attack, his back taking the full brunt of it. A sickening crackling noise overtook the air, as I looked in horror at Rigimon. His back was completely encased in ice, as was most of his body… What little remained out looked blue, and was so cold…

Capri-Rollingmon cackled. “Well, that was an interesting show, now let’s continue on… What’s he doing?”

Rigimon’s form began to shake, and the ice began to crack. Steam blew out in waves from newly made orifices, and Rigimon’s eyes glowed blood red. The D-Sense in my hand began to vibrate furiously, as I looked in surprise at the symbol there… Rigimon could digivolve now? He was alright!

I pressed the button on the digivice, and Rigimon roared back to life. Shards of ice came off his body as he was free from his prison. Darkness flowed from the ground beneath him, engulfing his form as he seemed to grow slightly bigger. The sky above us suddenly seemed to grow darker, despite the early morning sun. The air itself grew electric as Rigimon twisted and changed before all present eyes.

“Rigimon, digivolve to…”

The ground began to shake, as streams of liquid metal slammed into the black aura that clouded Rigimon’s form. Chains, ones that you would think of seeing attached to a battleship or a cruise liner appeared around the dark digimon, as it slowly came into view.


There he stood infront of us, a changed digimon. No longer was he gray, but a black that held more feelings of cold than the surrounding ice. Veins of pure metal and ore ran around his body where once ran tattoos. The massive chains encircled his arms, and ran down the length of his body at all angles, looking so horribly heavy and deadly. His knives had turned into four dark swords, their length measured in car-lengths rather than feet. Steam came from his nostrils, as he eyed Capri-Rollingmon. His eyes did not seem normal, almost clouded by red swirls.

“You shall not escape here with your sanity, copy,” Rigmon whispered with an odd inflection to his voice. To my surprise, it was barely suppressed anger.

“I shall rip you apart piece by piece, until I deplete your lungs of every last scream I can tear from your soul! I shall show you why I was once feared across this realm as a envoy of darkness and despair!”

Raising both arms into the air, the chains twirled around elegantly. “Chains of the Earth!”

With one smooth movement, the chains slammed into the frozen ground, and disappeared beneath the surface. All around us, the ground gyrated widely, making screams be heard from the village itself. The ground was torn asunder as thick chains came out into the open air, first just a couple, then a dozen, until a forest of metal was reaching out into the sky. Capri-Rollingmon didn’t have anywhere to run, and was quickly tangled in several of the massive metal chains. All four legs were wrapped in their own chain, and one lay across the mid-section. The digimon screamed in terror as it was lifted meters into the air, supported by the very will of Rigmon’s attack. The screams turned to that of horror, as the chains began to move in different directions.

I could only watch in wonder as Rigmon’s attack had changed the entire area, while avoiding each of us humans… So this was my digimon when he was angry… Had I done this?

Rigmon’s eyes grew brighter, as they peered at the struggling digimon. “I shall make you pay…”

The ground began to quake at a faster rate, as darkness gathered around Rigmon’s form, smothering the light…

Roy Karrde
13th January 2004, 03:21 PM
^ Wow

Laura Lutz
The darkness began to creep over us like a black cloud while mechanical whines and begs for mercy could be shown, both David and I got up from the card game and watched the battle. Rigimon now looked different, he looked darker and more evil. He had grabbed on to some beast using metal chains to latch on to each body part of it, each chain was stretching into the ground, slowly ripping the monster apart, and at the same time the monster screamed for mercy. "Laura close your eyes" David warned coming up behind me and placing a hand over my eyes while placing another protective arm around me.

"David what happened to Rigimon?" I asked as the metal shreaks got louder and louder.

"I dunno" he replied at that instant a explosion that shook the ground, and brightened everything to the point that even with my eyes closed I could only see pure white happened, the air smelt of death and destruction as David and I fought the wind that followed in the wake of the Digimon's gruesome death.

"It's okay now" David finally said removing his hand, I opened my eyes and saw the burnt grass all around us. "Lets go find the others" He added taking me by the hand and leading me down the hill in silence. Below the battle field was well a battle field, the ground was destroyed and chared. there was crators everywhere and Rigimon who had turned back into his rookie form was with Kenichi.

"I'm sorry, I did what I had to do" Rigimon said approching us, that..that thing wasnt Rigiamon anymore it was, it was a monster that was just hiding itself in a costume. I jerked away from him and ran for cover behind David, in my mind I could see myself being ripped apart by the chains that had just taken the life of that other Digimon. "Laura I.." Rigimon began to say as he started to walk around David, David stuck out his hand to stop him and he shook his head "no" Rigimon nodded and walked away.

"Hey are you okay?" Kari asked coming up behind me, I nodded slowly, I didnt notice it at first but I was shaking like a leaf from what had just happened. "Anyway I had to go, I take it that I missed alot?" She asked I nodded slowly.

"Where..where did you go?" I asked, what had happened, why did she just suddenly disapear, could this be a Yami and not Kari?

14th January 2004, 03:01 PM
satoshi takinowa

The more I asked that question to myself,The more I was to closer brinking the edge of sanity and insanity.I felt guilty for leaving my friends, Hawkmon...Aoi and Haruka.And Laura.I looked around for my t.v. in my room, and I turned it on to T.V. Tokyo News.

"<Remember the Digimon card game?Well, we have footage of a digimon sighting...a real digimon."The T.V. Anchor woman acclaimed. And after her last words, a video appered.It showed a Tyrannomon in the Hokkaido area. It must of been a quick second though, it soon vanished, only leaving mist and fog behind, along with some huge footprints."<This is the latest recordings of a digimon prior to 23 years ago, when a Angel looking one and tons of others fought in the streets of Tokyo!More on this later.>"

My eyes shriveled in fear....could that happen again?There was digimon present 23 years ago.And it might happen again..I thought, I have to get back..I have to try the 'Anamoly' before what happen's on the T.V. becomes a regular thing.

"<Love ya mom, going out somewhere. I'll be back soon, so don't worry.>"I wrote on some of my desk paper, and left it on my desk. I looked for my Moped, and soon locked the doors. Mom knew where the hide-a-key was,so it was ok.

First I went to the convience store, and bough enough junk food to last me a millenia. I paid for it, and went off onto the Tokyodome, which was a semi-long Moped ride away.


And he'll be back when I get to post again.

15th January 2004, 05:14 PM
Sorry for the double posty.

---satoshi takinowa---
["Akaku nijimu taiyou wa subete o/Terash-ite kita ima mo mukashi mo/Kono yuuyami ni egaiteru souzou wa/Hatashi-te kono te ni oenai mono na no ka?"Shinjitsu No Uta [Song of Truth-Inuyasha 5th Ending]]

"Gotta..get...there.."I whispered over and over, putting the metal to the Moped's Pedal, trying to get to the TokyoDome as fast as I can. And I didn't wanna take the train, I would get there before the train would arrive. And I don't support Tokyo's Public Transportation system.^^

"<Damn it,>"I cursed, as my moped started to loose gas. I looked around frantically for somewhere that I could refill, and It was about a block away. I walked quietly, getting few stares from people.I just ignored them, and got to the Gas station. I refilled on gas(yes, his Moped does take gas.And if you think it's a Vespa, it isn't.x.x), paid, and found myself on the side street's of Tokyo. It was suprisingly not busy, and I was able to get to the front gate of the dome.

Good thing I could fold it up, so I did. I took my moped in, and showed them my little tag from the Convention. I soon found myself on the ground level of the area, some remnant's of the Covention still here.My eyes wondered around the room, looking for the room.

SLASH!I slashed my employee card(Gahh...^^) on the security pad, and it soon opened the door.I looked around, it looked like a normal boiler room. It couldn't be a portal to the digital world, right?I made sure I held onto my Junkfood I bought(Pocky!!),and walked around, closing the door behind me. I looked at the ground, scorch marks. I looked around some more, and found something of Aoi's.

"Her Favorite Scrunchie?"She never placed it around her wrist, but on her Napsack, it laid in it's front pocket. I walked over, and grabbed it. It suddenly burst with light..

'You came early, but all is well.'Orphanimon appered from the light as I dropped the scrunchie,'You want to go back?You want to leave the life you love for now and go back to the one in the Digital World.'

"Yes..."I said,looking down. She walked to me, and I felt her hands on my cheek. She smiled, and looked in my eyes. I felt a surge of warmth in my body, and soon...well...I only had my boxers on(He's going into the clothing he had on in the DW). I still held my Moped and the junkfood.

And I felt my body floating. I soon found myself, and Orphanimon, in a space like picture, with 2 worlds together.
'Choose your world, Wind.Choose it carefully.'Orphanimon said.I looked, and the worlds were identical in apperance. I went towards the one on the right, I felt that was the right choice.

Then,A Surge of coldness, and I found myself in the clothing I had on in the Digital World.Except for my glasses.My hair no longer was supported by gell, and it fell around my eyes, and it looked like it was washed.I looked at her, and she nodded her head. I soon felt weak, and closed my eyes.

Reopening them, I was in the same Boiler room I was in before. I had my Digital world change of clothing, and my stuff from the real world.I saw the scrunchie that brought me here, and grabbed it. Nothing happened. I decided Aoi needed to go back...I didn't want her here.

"I heard sounds coming from that room over there!"I heard a female voice yell, coming towards the door.

aoi shibiyama
["Hoshi ni negai wo kaze ni puraido noseta toki/Kyou ga kesenai asu ga mieru yo kitto ne..."I wish By AiM [Digimon Adventure Ending]]

"Labramon!"I yelled, skidding on the ice below. I made it to Labramon, who was moaning and groaning. I looked at er with concern. I had changed before, into my Red longsleeve and Black dress pants. No longer in the kimono..

"How did you..digivolve..?"I asked myself, Yami Aoi took my D-Sense. Labramon moved her paw slightly, and turned it upside. She had my D-Sense. I grabbed it, and patted Labramon's head."Don't move. I'm gonna take us into somewhere,"

I lifted Labramon, and stood up on the ice. Labramon's eyes glew,and the ice beneath me melted, along with a path to a house. She smiled, and closed her eyes. I placed her over my shoulder, behind the chaos going in the background.I walked on the path, and noted Laura.

"Come on Laura!Let's go hide."I yelled. She nodded, and slipped on the ice, coming to the path. Once on the path, we both quickly walked away from the chaos behind us.I was injured, some scrape's on the elbow's, but nothing big. We soon made it into the house..Laura sat down on a chair, and I placed Labramon On the bed. She quickly regained strength, and she started to sniff the air..

"Someone's here.."She said. She still was injured, but she wanted to walk.She walked towards a door in the back, like where a closet would be.She started to place her head against it..

"Someone's in there!"She yelled, and I looked at her, in unison with the shooken up Laura.We both walked to the door. I opened it, and found A Boy.

A Boy of the height of 5 foot 5. His hair, messy. He held a moped and some food in his hands. Satoshi-kun.I almost yelled in glee, and Laura looked in shock. He walked up the stairs, it was like a basement. He held something else in his hand, though I was unable to identify it. He smiled as he made it through the door way, and looked at me..

"I'll be seeing you. Don't worry,this is for the best."He said, and grabbed my hand. He placed something made of fabric in it, and stared me in the eyes, through his messy hair.He then clutched my hand and Labramon's I felt my body getting lighter,and he looked at me...

"Sayonara."He said, kissing my lightly on the cheek. I touched it, but I soon felt my body no longer on ground. I was on the floor of the Boiler room with Labramon...and the item Satoshi gave me glew..

With a marvelous red light.

Roy Karrde
15th January 2004, 05:35 PM

Laura Lutz
"C'mon Laura lets go hide" Aoi said taking me by the hand, I looked at Kari for a minute as I was jerked along, Kari had been through so much and she needed a friend right now.

"Kari c'mon" I finally said holding out my outstretched fingers, she finally grabbed on to my hand, causing me to stumble and slip on the ice, I finally gained my footing and followed Aoi to a house, which I guess was the place we were going to hide.

"I got some things to do I'll be right back" Kari said before running off to one of the rooms in the house while I sank into the chair. A few minutes later Aoi walked to a door in the back of the house and I followed her. "Someone's in there" We both said and opened the door.

Satoshi? He was back, but that couldnt be real, becuase, becuase my hands were empty, they werent supposed to be empty. Something was supposed to be there but I couldnt remember what, what was it?

"Laura?" Satoshi asked touching my chin and tilting my head up, his glasses dropped over my nose he bent over a little bit and touched the glasses. "You look really cute wearing my old glasses" He commented slipping them off my face and laying them on the ground.

I blushed and looked into his eyes, he was back he really was back! "Satoshi I.." I began, my eyes filled with tears he took both of his thumbs and wiped away the tears building in my eyes. I began to say something but he leaned in, tilted his head a little, and kissed me. I felt my body lighten at the touch of his lips upon mine, my shoulders sank, and my knees almost gave way. Almost as if he was reading my thoughts he reached a arm around my back to support me. To match his arm I reached up with my own and ran my own hand through his hair, down his neck, and grabbed on to the back of his shirt, this caused him to kiss me harder and do something different I believe it was called french kissing, it was unique, and wierd at first, but most important it felt great.

"Best welcoming back I ever had" Satoshi wispered after he broke from our kiss, I just stood there looking at him, when I felt a cough rising in my throat, I looked away and coughed over and over again, eventually coughing so hard I started making gagging sounds, I coughed to the point where I finally coughed up blood which just sat there swishing around in my mouth, it felt so discusting. I couldnt let Satoshi know I was sick, he would worry about me, I swallowed it back down and winced from the aweful taste as it slid down my throat. "Laura are you okay?" Satoshi asked placing a hand on my back I hadnt even noticed that I had doubled over from all the coughing, I wiped some blood that had dribbled out of my mouth and onto my chin, nodded and stood up.

"It's nothing, I'm just really glad to see you" I lied, my stomach felt like dead weight while at the same time it felt like it was being twisted into millions of knots. "Satoshi, I need to tell you about something that happened between..me and David" I sighed.

15th January 2004, 09:55 PM
~`~`Kari [Bored to death o.O]`~`~

I had wandered off to a building that said HOTEL on it, and I had gone in and rented a room. It was as I liked it, spacious, slightly furnished, and, best of all, was black and had blackout curtains.

I lay down on the bed, and, pulling off my jeans so I was just in the over-large black T-shirt I wore, I crawled under the covers for a nap.

OoC: Yami Kari is with Laura and Aoi and Satoshi; I'll post for her later.

16th January 2004, 04:07 PM
~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice~*^*~
["And you don't seem to understand//A shame you seemed an honest man//And all the fears you hold so dear//
Will turn to whisper in your ear//And you know what they say might hurt you//And you know that it means so much//
And you don't even feel a thing...." ~from "Duvet"(Serial Experiments Lain opening)]
I sighed faithlessly, without a single answer from Jun...it seems as if what I thought was true...He was ignoring me...but why? it's a shame I believed he was honest, but all I could do is walk away....and find somewhere to mope with nobody to disturb me...but where? How can I try to find somebody to talk to? Or is it that...I was alone all along? From the start? Before all of this coming into the Digital World? Hopefully this was a dream....but my scar was starting to numben up, before I could think about it. I gazed around, hoepfully finding away to get my mind off this.

I walked back to the old tree with rainbow leaves, my sandals slightly sliding on a root which peered out from the ground. There was nothing to do now but wait here...wait until morning came and abandoned this festival. The wind picked up slightly, the sound of a bamboo flute on its own carried out through the wind, its pure serene soprano voice carrying on without stopping. But the tune sounded somewhat eerie...as if I heard it from somewhere before...but where? My mind passed through, as if I heard it from one of the many .hack// video games...but it suddenly stopped.

"What was that...?" Arwen asked, slightly confused as she cocked her head.

"I don't know..." I told her, somewhat feelingas if a prescence was behind me...but not just one....two. I whistled quietly, the tune was the music for the .hack// video games, the music played in the castle dungeons. I stepped back off the root, before turning around, the prescence fading from my mind, but I wondered what it was....or was I just being paranoid? I could tell it wasn't sheer paranoia, because if it was...I would fall into a nervous breakdown. But I swear it wasn't, which left me confused. Shaking my head, I walked away from the tree, feeling a long feeling of fatigue...but speaking of prescences...where was my Yami? Sighing, I walked alone through the crowd, feeling as if I was the loneliest human threre...I bet Kouji was having a good time...and the others, especially Jun, I bet he found something to do. I continued whistling, before twirling around one last time, and continued on my path away from here...to my hotel room to get my bags and go on an independant journey...

<->*<->Yami Laura Rider<->*<->
I shrugged, wondering why the hell Laura refused to give up her D-Sense...did she understand what part of 'I needed it' I didn't know? Ah well...that pathetic little b*tch, I was much better than her. I stared at the baggy clothes of my...Peh, how pathetic, I didn't deserve these, I needed them tighter...but what choice did I have? I guess it would've been fun to make her look like a whore in front of every other Chosen Child, but I couldn't. I regretted coming out if it meant wearing these....God, why couldn't it have been somebody else?

Glaring, I looked at my counterpart, somewhat mopey with 'Arwen' on her shoulder, as if she was walking back to the hotel. Sipping my glass of green tea, I fastened my glasses which mocked hers onto my nose, before throwing away the clay cup and walking through....thinking about my first victim.

First off...I guess I'll take on Kouji...but where is the little bastard? I asked myself, my eyes glancing to and fro, before I spotted him, looking as if he hadn't a care in the world...Smirking, I started to compose my first plan...

16th January 2004, 10:53 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

The dust had settled and our group had been separated once again. I couldn’t blame Laura for being afraid of Rigiamon. Not only had his latest form been far from cute and cuddly, for the first time he had displayed anger, and one of the most viscous forms of it… Revenge against another. It had unsettled me to say the least, and had given me guilty thoughts to boot… If I hadn’t been so close to the battle, Capri-Rollingmon might not have chosen me to attack…

I shook my head a bit, Auny and Jun close by still, Rigiamon standing off to the side. If Rigiamon hadn’t gotten angry, then he might not have been able to digivolve to save us.. Whatever the case would be, I couldn’t blame Rigiamon for what had happened. He had saved us and he was clearly feeling remorse for what had happened. It just made me curious as to what exactly the Lunars had done to him while he had been in their service… What acts they had made him go through with.

“You,” Rigiamon’s voice echoed out coldly from his position. Both Auny and I looked up in surprise to see the gray digimon looking at Jun. Emotion had seeped into his voice once again, one matching the battle from before. Auny made a move to step in, but I held her back. Something in Rigiamon’s stance made me want to wait a moment, but not due to fear…

“I don’t have any patience for the likes of you now,” Rigiamon continued, as he paced towards Jun. A light aura overcame from his body, as the grass beneath his feet burst into digitized pieces. Jun stepped back, fear entering into his stance.

“What are you talking about? Have you crossed your wires or something?” he said at a rapid pace.

“You are another one of those copies. Now that I’m not busy tearing up your fake digimon partners, I can see you clearly for who you are. I suggest you leave now before I decide to know what your screams sound like,” Rigiamon ended, a predatory smile on his face. Two of his hands slapped the shoulders of the unmasked copy, glowing briefly as it shot back a look of anger. Without a word, the copy disappeared before our eyes like a shadow.

All emotion dropped from Rigiamon’s face, stance, and emotion after that. He turned to give me a tired smile. “Enjoy my performance, Kenichi?”

“You’re completely in control of your emotions now?” I asked, Auny sticking to my side watching our conversation.

“Yes, I have been since I de-digivolved back to this form…” He paused for a moment. “The surge of emotion was due to a sub-routine program imbedded into me. It had never activated before… Probably due to my usual lack of any emotion… When my care for you came up, and the danger to your life and the others, it took that emotion and changed it into raw anger for energy. I have the said sub-routine completely under my control, there isn’t a danger of it going off without my permission again.”

I nodded. “So, what was that performance about?”

“I needed to him to think I was still ruled by anger. It allowed me time to construct a thin tracking program from the data I gathered from the grass. It’s embedded into his shoulders now, and should allow us to track him to an extent… Where one copy can be found, many others can be as well. If I made it correctly, I can probably modify a D-Sense to track them.”

A smile crossed my face, as I went over to pat Rigiamon’s back. “Well, I appreciated what you did back there, I know you only wanted to help us.”

Rigiamon nodded, “Yes, I suppose that’s right…” He looked sharply towards where Laura and the others had gone. “I’m detecting another human where the others went… Satoshi is back.”

Looking at Rigiamon, I looked to Auny. Holding her arm, we began to make our way towards the new arrival…

Roy Karrde
16th January 2004, 11:47 PM
Allright since I am going to be gone for most of the day tomarrow * Yu Gi Oh Mall Tour * I decided to go on and post this, everything that happens here has been planned out for the past few weeks.

Laura Lutz
“Well, go on” Satoshi edged me on, all the blood drained out of my face, my body became shaky and Satoshi used his arms to steady me. “Laura, you’re sick, you need to lay down” He suggested I just shook my head, I couldn’t keep this inside any more.

“See when you left, I, I was in shock, I wanted to die, I thought I would never see you again, I got so depressed I almost killed myself, David he comforted me, he…kissed me” I slid down into a chair and tried to keep myself from shaking, my stomach kept twisting in knots over and over again. Satoshi just stood there, and then he began pacing back and forth around the room. “Satoshi it was a accident it really was” I explained from my seat.

“I..I..just” He stammered out as he continued walking, I just followed him with my eyes as he walked back and forth in front of me. Satoshi began to say something else, when everyone seemed to just barge into the room, I sank back down into the chair while Kenichi and Satoshi shook hands and did their macho hand shake stuff.

"Satoshi may be we should go find the other Laura, and Kari is around here...somewhere" I said Satoshi was so busy talking to Kenichi so I just slunk back down in my chair, out of sight, out of the way.

“Are you okay?” Rigiamon asked walking up to me, I looked up at him from my seat, I never noticed that he was so tall, I nodded and he leaned forward. “Look, I know your scared of me but…Laura there’s something wrong with you” Rigiamon said coldly, I froze in fear, he knew, he knew I was sick.

“Here I’m going to clear this block in your memory, it was created by a dark influence” Rigiamon said placing a hand on my face, suddenly I felt very sleepy everything went dark and my head drooped down on the chair like a dead weight. When I awoke everything was jumbled, I knew where I was, I knew who everyone else was, but at the same time I didn’t know who any one was, was I this Rigiamon or this Laura, no wait I was Laura, but I had memories of Rigiamon.

“I’ll…be right back” I said quickly and ran for the bathroom, as quickly as I could I slammed the door, lifted the toilet lid, stuck my head over the bowl and puked, over and over again, my knees grew weak and I slipped down to my knees and looked at the bloody mess floating around in the toilet. I just kept looking at it, and looking at it, then I started to cry, what was happening to me? Why was I sick? I wiped my chin with my arm and started to open the door, I cracked it open, heard talking, and decided to just wait there and listen.

“It’s a rip or like a ulcer, it would be no problem, but with the speed of the Digital world on her body, best you can do is make her as comfortable as possible..” Rigiamon said, the sound of some one sniffling followed I looked over and I could bearly see Satoshi, he was all puffy eyed and looked like he was crying, Auny just seemed to be holding herself, and Kenichi was looking away.

“How long does she have, I mean could you fix it?” Satoshi asked his voice was cracked as if his throat was dry or something.

“I could try putting her in stasis, but it may just quicken it, as for how long it could be days, maybe weeks, she’ll just fall asleep one night, and wont wake up” Rigiamon said, he was talking about me, that’s why I was throwing up, that’s why I kept coughing, I shut the door, slid down it into a sitting position, placed my head in my hands and my hands on my legs and just cried.

17th January 2004, 12:59 AM
satoshi takinowa
["WITH YOU sugu soba ni/ita koro no kimi was inai/WITH YOU hanaretermo/Kawaranai to yakusoku noni/Tatoeba bokutachi ga omoide ni naru/Soba no nuku mori ni was kanawarai kura/Setsunai tameiki ga fui ni koboreta/Maigare haruka tooku kimi ni todoku you ni"Tackey and Tsubasa Sotsugyou[Inuyasha Eppy 124 Insert-Kikyo's Death]]

“I could try putting her in stasis, but it may just quicken it, as for how long it could be days, maybe weeks, she’ll just fall asleep one night, and wont wake up”Rigiamon replied to my question as I moved my head towards the bathroom-where I heard Laura, puking..and crying.I looked at him concerned, I felt my eyes swell with tears. And won't wake up. Repeated in my mind.I looked around, Auny-holding herself, and Kenichi-who was looking away.

"Is there anyway..we..can.."I said, and utterly collasped, the old glasses Laura broght falling ever-so-gently to the ground. My hair flew wild as I tried to contain my tears...Laura...could...die..I tried to imagine it...and cried even a heavier river of tears.

I imagined a cold,rainy day. I had 2 roses in my hand, a white one and a red, both being held by shaking hands of disbelief.I looked down, and a tombstone read-

"Laura-A Beloved Friend, An Innocent Child..R.I.P"It said,and the rain grew heaver with my river of tears growing. I Fell to my knees, and hugged the stone. She...wasn't dead...I kept repeating the line in my head,like trying to remember lines for a school play.

"Dry up, Satoshi. She isn't dead yet. And stop hugging the air."I heard a stern female voice above me, it snapped me to reality.I looked, and found a small puddle of tears besides me. I was on my knees, hugging the air. I stopped crying, and looked up to search for the voice.Haruka. She had a frown on her face.

"But..."I stammered, and she kicked me lightly in the back.
"She's still here, Satoshi.Enjoy every bit of it."She said, and she was right..
"I can't stop crying knowing she can die, Haruka."I said, rubbing my back. My fountain of tears dried up, leaving tear stained cheeks and a puddle below me. I stood up,with out my glasses, looked to the blur.

"Satoshi, don't worry.She won't die,"Haruka endowed.I looked at her, and plastered a fake smile on the wet face.

'Laura..please..when you sleep that sleep.'

'Wake up for me.'

"With you--you who were right at my side/Are no longer here/With you--I promised you that I wouldn't change/Ever,if we are apart,but../If we were to become memories/Even memories cannot contend with the warmth at your side/So a wistful sigh unerringly welled forth/May it take flight and go so forth it reaches you."Is the translation to the quote I posted. I will also post the MP3 soon.

I will also post as Haruka later on Saturday^^


Here ya go. (http://members.lycos.co.uk/inuyashamp32/)

Please, right click and press "Save Target As" when you download this. Also, please only download it once, I don't got a lot of bandwith.It's a ZIP file, so you need Winzip.^^

Yami Annika
17th January 2004, 09:40 PM

“…She’ll fall asleep one night, and won’t wake up.” Rigiamon had said. Please, let him be lying. He went evil in the battle, maybe he was still. He was lying from the start. Oh, I wanted to hurt him so badly. I wanted to hurt something... to kill something, even. All this rage and hate built up inside of me and a dug my fingernails into my arms. To have that certainty in his voice, to tell us all Laura was dying... I wanted to know it was a lie... I wanted... I...




I was so blind...

I should have seen it. More than anything, I should have prevented this entire thing, somehow. Stopping her from going to the Human world, something…

My eyes were filled with tears, but I couldn’t see anything, not even colors or vague shapes. My little friend, my first friend… I told her I would not let anything from the outside hurt her, I had promised her. And here she was, dying…

Maybe… Maybe… if I could just… stop her from sleeping? Then she wouldn’t have a chance not to wake up? Would that work? Would that make everything… okay?

I held my head down, and let my hair cover my face. I tried to calm down, but instead, a tear fell down my cheek. The world around me seemed to drift away, and I was caught in forever. It was just me, and Laura, and my tears.

Me and my dearest friend…

“She isn’t dead yet.” Haruka’s voice entered my thoughts. The words weren’t meant for me, but for the first time since I met the girl, she was right. She wasn’t dead yet. No, I wouldn’t use the word “yet”. She wasn’t dead.

I wasn’t going to let her die… She wasn’t going to, not under my watch. Nothing from the outside would hurt her anymore. I would make sure of it. By the time she would get out of the Digital World, she would be smiling. She would be with us, as lively as a ten year old should be.

Stop crying, Aunyailia… I told myself. She needs Aunie right now, the optimist. She needs Aunie to convince her everything will be okay. To make her smile.

I tried to smile, but it caved in on myself again, and another wave of tears started to come. The fell more rapidly down my cheeks, and nothing seemed to stop them. It felt like nothing could. Like nothing ever would...

No, no more tears. Tout sera bien.

Tout sera bien… Right?

I swallowed down my tears, and sniffled a few times.

Tout sera bien.

"Tout sera bien" means, as translated by Altavista's Babelfish, "All/Everything [Tout] will be [sera] well [bien]". Although, I'm a little iffy on the translation.. but that's what I meant it as. Oh well. Please forgive my error if it is wrong.

Roy Karrde
17th January 2004, 11:32 PM
Laura Lutz
He was wrong, he had to be wrong. Rigiamon was evil right? No he wasnt he was fine he knew the truth, he knew I would die soon. I wasnt that afread, I wasnt...I was so afread, I mean if I did die, I would see daddy right? but I would leave Satoshi, I didnt want to leave Satoshi, ever.

"Some one needs to go check on her" Some one said from the other side of the door, I didnt want to see them, they would pitty me, or act all nice around me. I got up and ran for the window, almost slipping on my own blood that was all over the floor, I could hear the door begin to open as I dropped out of the window and ran off into the early morning light.

"Laura" Kari yelled out from behind me, I spun around to see her walking up infront of me from the side of the house. "Wait up" She yelled out.

"I-I cant talk right now" I said almost in a crying fit. "I need to get away, just to get away from everyone" I added almost shaking, Kari just stood there, I ran off yelling that I was sorry before I was out of hearing range.

"Laura" Someone's voice called out to me, it was the older Laura, I hadnt realized that I had wondered so far after exploding at Kari, what I said to her when she was trying to help, it was wrong, and I should appologise to her as quickly as possible, I wasnt going to make the same mistake twice. "Wow what happened to you, you look like crap" She comminted, I tried to smile and began to fall in step with her. It was nice being with some one who didnt know I was dieing.

"I cant believe I actually destroyed this place once" I said watching the sunrise over the houses. The older Laura stopped for a second and I realized what I just said, my memories they were so jumbled. "I'm sorry Rigiamon did something to me to unlock a memory it kindof messed my memory up a bit" I quickly said, The older Laura nodded and we just kept on walking.

"Laura, if you wouldnt mind, if anyone else asks if you've seen me, could you tell them you havnt?" I asked her.

"Why..need some alone time huh?" The older Laura asked, I nodded slightly.

"But not right now, right now it's nice to just be around some one who doesnt treat me as if I would kill over any minute" I said and forced out the first smile in a long time.

Doctor Cigil.
"Ma'am I'm sorry to have to bother you but there is a problem that you and your son should know about" I said, I had called Akira's cell phone, becuase no one at the house was picking up. "On Laura, one of the nurces noticed some abnormal spots and swelling on her stomach, we believe she may be bleeding internaly, the problem is the blood seems to just be passing through her stomach lineing, were going to go in and try to slow it down, but we need a signature from a legal guardian or something"

There was no reply on the other line and I was worried that the call had been dropped. "I'll..be right over" She finally replied and hung up the phone. I layed the phone back down and rubbed my forehead infront of me I could see the nurcing staff starting on their preparations for bringing the little girl into surgery. I had a bad feeling, that she would be the first one out of the kids to finally die, and mostlikely she wouldnt be the last.

18th January 2004, 08:09 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

"I believe at the moment, we should try and keep her physical activities and stress at a minimum," Rigiamon continued, as Satoshi picked himself up with the newly arrived Haruka at his side. While Rigiamon looked passive, I could tell he was concerned over this. As was I, and the effects that it would have on everyone... Auny had already checked on

"In the meantime," Rigiamon said. "I can create copies of her to experiment on, to try and find a way to halt this before it gets any worse... It'll be a way to test new programs without having her be in danger. It would be even more useful if we could capture the 'Yami' Laura so I can extract her data."

Auny bounded back into the room from the bathroom. "Laura is gone!"

People got up from where they were standing, while Rigiamon just lifted his head, seemingly sniffing the air. I took this as an action to mask whenever he was reading data.

"Don't worry, she's with the older Laura at the moment. They're alright."

Satoshi made a move to leave, tears still staining his face. Auny looked concerned about what had happened, and I moved in to her side. "Don't worry, we'll get this sorted out... She should be ok for the moment..."

Auny nodded absentmindedly, as I felt a growing weight in my right pocket. Putting my hand there, I felt Satoshi's D-Sense, possibly reacting to the closeness of its owner. Satoshi... I had to ask him.

Whispering to Auny that I was going to make sure Satoshi was alright, I followed him out of the room and to the outside beyond. No longer was everything drenched in darkness, everything looked slightly better in the new day's sun... That is, besides the battlefield. Satoshi was looking on dully at the scene himself, a saddened look on his face.

"Hey there Satoshi," I said, moving to his side, looking forwards. He gave me a somewhat startled look, then gave me a half hearted smile.

"Hey... Kenichi..."

"Some punk took this off you before you left, I've been holding onto it for you," I said, as I handed it to him.

"Thanks Kenichi... You didn't have to..." He said quietly, looking at it in his hands.

I raised an eyebrow, then sighed. I turned to him, to look him fully in the face. "I need to know something about us Satoshi..."

He gave me a look of surprise, and one of reservation...

"When I faced the copy that had your D-Sense, he told me that we were... brothers. I want you to tell me... Am I really your brother?"

18th January 2004, 10:17 PM
satoshi takinowa["Nichijou no yami ni kurumari Jiyuu ni shibarete/Kimi to yume wo mita mabushisa de Jibun no kao matomo ni nozokenaku natt"The Pillows[One Life-FLCL OST 1]]

"When I faced the copy that had your D-Sense, he told me that we were... brothers. I want you to tell me... Am I really your brother?"Kenichi asked me, and I basically gave him a long,dry stare. I bit my lip, trying to think what I was going to answer. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, or Hawkmon would get his behind kicked by Rigiamon.

"Uhh...well.."I tried to hold off as long as I could,waiting for something to come so I could skip answering this question.

"Come on,"Kenichi asked, impatiently. I looked at him, with a serious face.
"The weathers nice..."I muttered.
"I guess.."He said, looking at the sky for a second. He then looked back at me, and glared."Tell me."
"Fine.."I sighed in defeat."It all happened when we were born."

"You were the first one out, so I suppose your the oldest.But you were weak,very sick.The doctors gave a bare chance of you surviving, and one brought up allowing the government to take care of you."I continued,"My mom it was for the best, and signed you over. A second later, I was born, and you were with the state. My mom only got the time to name you."

"So I guess the fake me squeled the secret out."I finished, with a big sigh, like a weight was taken off my shoulders.

He looked shocked,suprised at the least. His face showed that he was thinking, of what--I don't know.And I was suprised that he was shocked at all.

"Hawkmon told me in Las Mesa, I haven't known for long."I said, breaking a eerie silence.
"So...How are they like?"He asked. I looked at him, and gave a Smile.
"Mom,Akira, like's to joke around a lot..But she's very careing. She's almost due for another baby.Dad,Satoru, is always away on business.But when he's around, he's very nice--Unless you get him angry."I told him.."Oh..come with me for a sec."

"Ok."He said, a little cheer in his voice. I started to walk towards the house me and Laura shared, for my Backpack.We got there in no time, and I opened the door.
"Like we left it."I said, sighing. I looked near the bed, and found my backpack. I looked inside, and found something that almost brought me in tears.

It was a glass dove that was familiar.It's wing was broken, fixed with crazy amounts of glue. I looked on it, and found a engraving...
"Satoshi and Laura."It read. I held it close to my chest. Kenichi looked at me like I had 6 heads. I quickly placed it aside, and kept searching for what I was looking for.

"Ahh...there."I said,I found it. It was a picture Laura brought back, with My mom, 8 months pregnaut..and my Dad. I was in the middle of them, in my black school uniform.I handed it over to him, as he gazed in wonderment.In the background was our home.

And I saw a little tear escape from Kenichi's left eye.

18th January 2004, 10:40 PM
Technical difficulties, sorry for my lack of posts. If you'd put me up to speed on what happened, I'll post for David.

Morrigan walked aimlessly through the temple, seething with anger.

"Stupid Doppleganger David," she muttered, "What does he think he's doing. Oughta kick his butt"

Though she did not know where she was, something seemed to direct her through the endless maze of corridors. Even though, she knew the way she was going was correct, her patience was wearing thin.

"How long will this take," she said looking around her.

The corridors were about twice her size and equal in width. Somehow, the obsidian color of the walls seemed almost fresh and natural. Passing her hand over the surface, she took note of its almost smooth texture.

Somehow, the temple unnerved her, but, at the same time, she felt she belonged here.

"Hmm, I wonder what Digimon I'll receive."

19th January 2004, 12:34 AM
~*^*~Laura Rider - Ice~*^*~
["In the land of twilight, under the moon//we dance for the idiots//ring-around-the-roses, jump to the moon//we sing with the castanets..." ~from "In the Land of Twilight, Under the Moon"(.hack//Sign Insert song)]

It was mearly a while ever since the younger Laura met up with me. Since she wanted to be away from much of the others, I had thought about it...that was a lot like me at that age...hopefully her early teen years would be better than mine. At least somebody felt like being around me, because my random iciness would scare them away. Arwen had curled up and passed out into sleep, probably exhausted after not sleeping for two days. For me, I haven't slept in the two-and-a-half to three days we were here, but I, myself, was amazed I haven't fainted or started hallucinating yet.

The pale colors of pink and purple splashed everywhere among the sky, some patches of blue starting to take place, the orange-pink sun spreading its shadow onto the land. It reminded me of yesterday, only less crowded. I eyed around for a moment, the entire crowd had left from last night, leaving it a complete emptiness around the courtyard. The fresh smell of dew and crisp leaves blanketed over what food and gun powder smells were left from last night, leaving what was once an orgy into a complete stillness of serenity.

I looked around, Kouji was all of the sudden...gone. He must've returned his own clothing and slept in, otherwise he is purely tired and just shacked in for the morning, and recover his exhaustion. Wherever he was, I bet he must;ve been in a beter mood than me, maybe even Jun....but I didn't know. The silence between me and Laura last a good fifteen minutes, but I had to say something, so I let out what I planned on doing, my independant journey and everything.

"Well...Laura...I..." I said quietly, slightly stuttering, "At first I thought about it...that I should go on my own journey somewhere, but then you came along and I was wondering..." She looked up at me with confusion about what I was going to say, "...would you like to come along with me...?"

-*-Kouji Hikazu - Light-*-
["Kitsukazu ni kaketa kanjou hiroi atsumete//Yurushi wo motometara.." ~from "Half-Pain" by Bana(Witch Hunter Robin ending)]

I, gazing down at my renewed clothing from before the festival, felt free from the heavy robes, thankful not to be dressed like a perverted monk. Putting my bandanna on, I walked away and towards the tree for no obvious reason, the sunlight shining brightly through the rainbow leaves. With amazement of this sight, I ran a bit further...and stopped, gazing as I squinted my eyes....But then turned away, for I had seen something at the corner of my eye...an opening in the tree? Curiously, I pulled out my D-Sense, which made a slight beeping noise, as if it wanted me to go into the opening.

Putting up my D-Sense, I took a deep breath. After exhaling it, I tried my hardest to squeeze through, and made it. I saw a light only a foot away, then stepped into it. I felt slightly blinded by the fact it was made of a pure white-gold color. Confused, I walked through, gazing at the imprints of the Hikari symbol across the wall in a gold yellow color, and a design of what looked like a human-like femmenine wolf, and a wolf...much like a MetalGarurumon my mother told me about...which was within a manga version of the first season, I think.

I dashed ahead, as I noticed at the end....an altar, with a yellow orb filled with a swirling blue mist, nearby a statue of a girl...possibly in her teens. The statue itself looked somewhat sad...but more of an emotionless expression. Something inside of me told me to approach the orb and pick it up. With my egg at hand which wobbled slightly, I gulped, only to take yet another deep breath. Sweating a bit on my neck, I placed a pair of firm hands around the orb, picking it up...

Roy Karrde
19th January 2004, 12:16 PM
Laura Lutz
I was floored really, I mean I could leave with some one who didnt know my secret, I could leave and I didnt have to have any one worry about me, I could, just disapear for the last few weeks. Yet I would never see Satoshi again, he would worry about me, Auny would too, and David he was my big brother he would be devistated when he found out. "Okay, I'll go, but I want to write a letter to a few people" I told her as I ran into a near by shop and bought a pen and a pad of paper.

"It'll just be a minute and then I can go" I said sliding down onto a park bench, Laura walked off for a minute and I started, I mise on do Auny's first.

Dear Auny
I know, I know that you are going to worry about me, but I want you to know that I am okay, I'm happy, and I am happy. I would rather think that you let me go, that you decided that this was what I really wanted and knew that I died happily. I will miss you very much becuase there were so many times that I felt you were the only one that I could talk to. If David were to be my Big Brother I would want you to be my Big Sister. I dont blame you for what happened in Las Mesa, that was a hard time for all of us. But I do want to thank you for being there for me, with out you I would never had gotten very far in this journey. Thank you.

Love your Little Sister

Now came the hard ones, both Satoshi and David. I really didnt want to write either one, I wanted just to stay with them and be happy, but I couldnt, I couldnt becuase they wouldnt be happy they would be sad when I was around.

Dear Big Brother
I know by the time you read this you will allready have found out about me getting sick.I know that you are afread that I will die, and to tell the truth I am afread too. So that is why I have to leave, I dont want you to be scared for me, I want you to be happy and to go on living. I wanted you to know that that you were the big brother I always wanted you were there for me when Auny couldnt be, and no matter how horribly I treated you, you still cared about me. I will always remember that night that dance we had and sitting together under the stars. It was the most fun I ever had. When you get back please tell Ark that I wished I could have met him, and that he seemed like a really nice guy. Stay strong Big Brother.

Love forever your little sister

Dear My love
I dont want you to greve for me, I want you to cherish the time we spent together. I'm so sorry I couldnt say goodbye to you in person and I beg for you not to hate me becuase I wasnt able to. When you get back home tell your mom that she was very nice to me and I liked her. Also please talk to Aoi she loves you like I do and I know it will be hard to open your heart again but please try. I wish I could say I wasnt scared of dieing but it scares me so badly. If I could have a last wish it would be to fall asleep in your arms, but Laura has offered me a chance to get away to not have to watch you worry after me, and a chance for you to not have to see me die. I wish this letter could go on forever, I wish it didnt have to end like this but it does. I want you to know that I will always watch you from heaven, and that I will always be with you. I will always love you

Laura June Lutz

I slid the letters onto my D-Sence and set it on becon mode, everyone's D-Sence would be drawn to mine soon, I slid it down on the park bench and walked over to Laura. "Lets go" I sighed and we walked off.

It was a hour later when we reached the hills where you could bearly see the town, Satoshi and them would be finding my letters by now. "Goodbye" I wispered and took Laura's hand and walked off.

19th January 2004, 09:55 PM
`~`~Yami Kari [Will the real Digidestined please stand up? o.O]~`~`

I followed behind the little Steel Digidestined, Laura, stayinf far enough behind her that she wouldn't see me. I watched from a distance as she and the other Laura (how many of those little b*tches were there anyway?) left, then went up and snatched up the notes, turning off the beacon on her Digivice momentarilly.

"<Hmm... These won't do...>" I thought, smiling maliciously after reading through them quickly. After scanning the handwriting, I darted off to a corner where I wouldn't be noticed and, finding some new paper, I rewrote the notes.

Dear Auny
I hate you. I'm dying, and you don't really care, do you? I would like to call you my big sister, but now I'm not so sure. Big sisters would care if their little sister were dying, but you don't seem to. So now I'm leaving, and I won't miss you at all.

Dear David
You have screwed up my life and my whole relationship with Satoshi with that kiss. I hate you for it, it was all your fault for making me kiss you and now Satoshi's mad at me. And now I'm dying and it's probably because of all the stress from you and Satoshi and everybody, so I'm going now.

Dear Satoshi
I can't believe you! First you hit me and now you're hitting on Aoi? And now I'm gonna die, and do you even care, or are you too busy thinking about her? I hate you... And now I'm leaving because I can't stand you, I really can't! I thought you loved me, Satoshi...

I went back to where I had found the originals and put the Digivice back how it was with the fake notes.

"<Now to hide the evidence... Where they'll be sure to find it, heheh...>" I shook with surpressed laughter as I ran through the hotel and, making sure the real Kari was sound asleep, I tucked the real notes under her pillow. Then I took my leave, shutting the door quietly on my way out.

21st January 2004, 09:03 PM
Sorry for the lateness, dealing with exams this week ><;;

Kenichi Tanaka

It was my mother and my father, right before me... A few tears had slipped out unheaded, as the implications of it washed over me, their images imprinting themselves on my mind. Akira Takinowa... My mother... Her stomach bulging with her pregancy, a new child... No, a new sibling on its way... Then there was my father Satoru, wearing an eerily familiar expression on his face, his black hair kept cleanly, his face a very similar picture to what I saw in the mirror most mornings, just older... Then there was Satoshi, the real world Satoshi in a black school uniform. My brother. I wasn't alone.

I didn't know how to interpret my feelings at that moment. All my life I had been alone in the world. Sure, I knew other kids had parents, but I thought I had made my peace about that before. I didn't have any experiance with having any family at all. The most I ever had were friends, and they never seemed to stick around for too long... Now, I apparently had an entire family. I had a chance for something more.

I looked up from the picture, and hastily wiped my eyes. I put on a smile towards Satoshi. "Thanks for telling me the truth... brother. It's nice to know I have a family out there, even if the majority of them don't know I'm still alive... A weird feeling."

Satoshi smiled at me for a bit, then wavered. "So, you haven't been adopted yet?"

I shook my head. "No... Just been going from foster home to foster home all this time. Never had anything real permanent."

I punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Though this does tell me why I want to help you out so much though... I haven't had a feeling like that for awhile before the digital world... Glad that I have it towards my brother now..."

I smiled again. "Anything you'd like to know about me?"


Sorry for the short post, time is short =P

22nd January 2004, 03:17 PM
haruka haruda["Subete wa mou owatta to
/Mimi o saii da mama de kimi ga iu/kotoba wa tada nagareteku/Yasuragu koto no nai ashi-ta e"See You Space Cowboy[Vocals By Mai Yamane]]

"Lopmon, now that Satoshi has left, why don't we check what he brought?!?"I asked Lopmon, and she smiled with glee. It wasn't like Satoshi got a lot, but it was something.
"What's this stuff,Haruka?!?!"She said, and brought out a box. I read the title slowly for her...
"Pocky"I replied. I took the box from her, and opened the box, revealing 2 packets of 20 Pocky Stix.I opened both, and gave Lopmon one. She started to eat, her smile growing withn each bite. I took a stick out of mine, and handed it to Auny...I mean...Not that I like her...But I should be nice to her..

It's not like I was going to be with the group much longer.I only came because I felt Satoshi coming back.
"Thanks."She said, and ate it slowly. Me,on the other hand, was searching for anymore useful things.
"Ohohohohoh"I said, grabbing Satoshi's Skyblue Moped. I smiled, and Lopmon just ate. I could use this, and go faster. I did have some yen, maybe I could see if they had anything I could use, or I could try to see if I could reroute the wires towards a battery, and let it not use Gas. But it had a full tank, so it was still good.

"He's got some chip's, candy sashimi(gummy pieces cut up to look like Sashimi)."I trailed off, and took the candy sashimi into a a seperate plastic bag.
"Let's stay for while..Stay!Stay!"Lopmon started to chant, crumb's and all around her small mouth. I gave her a small glare, then a smile..
"Ok..not for long..but ok."

satoshi takinowa

"Anything you'd like to know about me?"Kenichi asked, and I smiled to the comment..I thought.
"Uhh.."I said, placing my hand on my chin. I started to add on, but my D-Sense went on vibrate.I took it out of my pocket, it broke the little "reunion".The screen basically read "Beacon Mode.". I pressed a button, and a holographic compass popped out.

"First, let's see where this thing wants us to go."I said, smiling. Kenichi nodded, and I got up, and walked out door.It pointed left, towards the edge of the town. We sorta walked slowly, untill we came upon a bench, with 3 letters and a D-sense that was whirring and vibrating.I picked up one of the letters,and read it slowly..

"Dear Satoshi
I can't believe you! First you hit me and now you're hitting on Aoi? And now I'm gonna die, and do you even care, or are you too busy thinking about her? I hate you... And now I'm leaving because I can't stand you, I really can't! I thought you loved me, Satoshi...

I gave a double take, and read the letter..that was Laura's handwriting....

And The letter fell from my hands to the pavement, My face-left with a shocked(like O.O WTF?) look.

Short posts..ucky.

Roy Karrde
22nd January 2004, 08:29 PM
Laura Lutz
"Laura, LAURA" A female voice snapped jerking me back to reality, I looked around trying to get where I was, I remembered the dream I guess you could call it of being Rigiamon before we came, and and now here I was sitting in the place we had set up camp for breakfest, I looked down and saw the bowl of soup in my hands, the bits of potato floating in it.

"I'm sorry, I..I'm not hungry, and if you want you can call me June so that this wont get too wierd, it's my middle name" I said sitting the bowl down and standing up to stretch a little bit.

"Okay, just out of curiosity when was the last time you actualy ate, or slept for that matter?" Laura asked me, I had to actually sit down and think about it for a second before I came up with a answer. "That's what I thought, now eat, besides your starting to look pale food would do you some good" She insisted.

"I'm really not hungry, but sleep sounds good" I smiled sitting down the bowl and walking over to a rock, placing my head on it. It was really getting too hard to sleep, but a nap would be good, at the angle I was at I noticed something white sticking out of my backpack, I leaned over and pulled out a small plastic piece of paper, I turned it around and found the second copy of the picture Akira gave me, the, the one of Satoshi, and his dad, and his mom. Placing my head on the rock again I layed sideways and held the picture with one hand while tracing my finger around Satoshi's face in the picture. "I think I made a mistake" I wispered to myself.

I layed the picture back down and began to bring my hand around to my head when it just went limp, almost dead weight, it felt so wierd, and heavy. Struggling I brought the limp hand, over to my face, it was pale, bloodless as if all the blood had drained out of it. "Oh no, oh no, oh no" I wispered trying to move my hand, it remained still, I tried to move it again, anything, not even my fingers would move."Move" I begged and slowly the feeling began to come back into my hand, I kept trying to flex it, trying to get the blood back into it, which inturn I began to get light headed.

"Maybe...sleep would be good" I sighed flexing my hand one last time and closed my eyes.

22nd January 2004, 09:02 PM
Morgan looked around at the final chamber, and it was somewhat odd to her. In the center stood the pedestal which held the black orb, her orb, but that was not what she was interested in.

She backed up a bit to look at the stone panels on the wall, staring at each panel from right to left. In it was a scene of battle, and each panel showed one Digimon she was familiar with. Sometimes, one panel would show two different Digimon. They were all of exquisite detail.

"Huh," she muttered, "It's like father himself had etched these in stone."

She passed her hand over one particular panel. Two knights, back to back. One was carrying a giant sword, the other wielded two. Plants seemed to have been growing out of him.

"The Green Knights," she said to herself, "Generations 1 and 2. Celticmon and FloraGallantmon. Straight from Ark's book. He must have been to this world before. I wonder who he was?"

She went to study another pair of stone panels. They were adjacent to each other, but where the two panels meet was etched a giant barrier, as if it were separating them. She recognized them both.

"LadyWolfmon," she said, "and Sephiromon, the Final Fantasy rip-off Digimon."

Figuring that she had enough of looking at the panels, she finally turned her attention to the black sphere. She fingered the egg, that she had in her wide-spaced pockets.

"Here we go," and she stretched out toward the orb.

Yami Annika
24th January 2004, 09:39 PM
I was told I had permission to do this. Plus, I owed BL (Roy Karrde) a post.


After Kenichi left for Satoshi, I excused myself from… wherever I was. I wasn’t really sure anymore. Through all my trying, the thought that Laura had run off had left me adrift again. I walked outside and breathed in the fresh air. It was almost morning… How long had we been in this world? I felt almost claustrophobic. I needed to get out of this town. Although, being outside helped.

My dress was nearly ruined. I was pretty, I guess, in a beat-up way. Though, the celebration was over, so I guess it was okay. Not like I would have the dress or the shoes when this adventure was over, anyway.

Distracted with my thoughts, I found myself wandering over to a bench. I nearly sat down, until three pieces of paper caught my eye. And Laura’s D-Sense, too… She was smart, I had to give her credit.

Though, did she want to keep me away from her that much?

Sadly, I picked up one of the letters, begging for an explanation. I carefully unfolded it, and read the first line of the short letter.

“Dear David, …”


I bit my lip, and carefully folded it back to its original look. One down, two to go. But, what if she didn’t leave one for me?

I carefully picked up the next one, and unfolded it.

“Dear Auny, …”

I smiled gently. If she were to call me that, instead of my real name, perhaps all was not lost.

“Dear Auny,
I hate you. I'm dying, and you don't really care, do you?”

I opened my mouth a little, aghast.

“I would like to call you my big sister, but now I'm not so sure. Big sisters would care if their little sister were dying, but you don't seem to.”

My eyes filled with tears again, so I barely saw the last line…

“So now I'm leaving, and I won't miss you at all.

She had to know. She must have known that I cared for her, so much… I sniffled, and my fingers tightened around the paper. I read through it again, and I prayed that I was asleep… Maybe I was still asleep in Las Mesa, and this was one, big, elaborate dream.

But it wasn’t. I wiped my tears away after reading it a third time, and folded it back up. So that’s why she left her D-Sense here… She hated me, especially me. I felt the letter drop back on the bench.

I felt weighted down.

I ran.

I ran until the city was just dim-lights. Tears came, but they never fell from my eyelashes.

“Hoshimon…” I called hoarsely. Obediently, she appeared. She looked up at me with concern. I felt as if I were about to faint.

“Aunyailia,” Hoshimon asked quietly. “What’s the matter?”

“Come,” My voice was surprisingly still. “We have business.”

In the shadow of a tree, my body sunk underneath the ground. When it rose again, I was miles and miles away. Far from the detection of any of my friends or the Digimon. I heard a low laugh, and some chatter.

Arkana and Slimemon came into view, from over the horizon. He saw me, and recognized me almost instantaneously.

“You’re that other girl,” He remarked, and I winced inwardly at that title. “Haven’t I seen you before… with the bed-hair?” He laughed at something only he would get. Slimemon looked at Hoshimon, comparing.

“So,” He finally said, when the laughs had calmed down. “I was just thinking of seeing what those kids were up to. Want to have some fun?”

I looked at him through my bangs, as my head was slightly bent. I felt a small grin on my face, and a low giggle tickling my voice box. “Yes…”

Hospital, Arkana’s room, half an hour (Digital World time) later

The boy’s veins looked as if they were ready to burst under exertion. In his coma, these were the first signs of life he had shown recently. His face was tinged with blue, and although he was breathing normally, no air seemed to reach his lungs.

His hands grasped the sheets, and then, within seconds they relaxed. He did not exhale his breath of air he had been holding… but he did not inhale again, either.

The heart moniter, which has been showing signs of normalcy, then racing speeds, flat-lined. Like a siren, a long, unrelenting beep erupted.



I stood up, and pocketed my cards again. I was alone again, save Hoshimon. I started walking back.

“Where are you going, now?” Hoshimon asked, quietly.

“I’m done. I’m going back to Primary Town.”

“Your eyelashes.” She commented. I picked her up, and studied my reflection in her eyes. They were hinted with emerald, now. “They’ll notice.”

“It’s eyeliner.” I answered evenly. “I’ve had it on all night.”

She looked at me, confused. I swallowed, and, at once, it all came back to me. What I had done… Oh… what I had done…

He was going to go after Laura, I rationalized. And Kenichi, and Morrigan, and Satoshi, all of them. They weren’t ready for another round. You saved them all.


Tears filled my eyes. Even if she hated me, I was still going to protect her. Whether she liked it or not. She was like my little sister, even if she hated the sight of me.

“This never happened,” I informed Hoshimon, my voice wavering. What happened flashed back through my mind. I needed to forget.

I fell through the shadows, and appeared back near Primary Town.


Forget what? I frowned sadly, trying to think. The only thing I could ever want to forget now was Laura’s letter… My eyes threatened to tear up again. I needed to be with people. So, I went to go find the group…

Please, please, follow this: No one followed her/saw what she did... And she just made herself forget (albeit temporarily) what happened. The last thing she remembers is reading Laura's letter, and taking a "walk". Then, she comes back into town, realizing she needs to be near people, as she feels pretty horrible right now.

24th January 2004, 11:14 PM
~*~Laura Rider - Ice~*~
["ichigatsu no aoi tsuki doko made ochite yuku//owaru hazu no nai koi ni yasashii yoake" ~Yasashii yoake(Easy Dawn)--See-saw(.hack//SIGN ending theme)]

I looked at Laura...uh...June as she laid there, fidgeting slightly and talking softly where I couldn't make out exactly what she was saying, but I could tell she was in a dream. I stared gazingly at the dancing embers of our "fire", cooking the breakfst which would soon be done. I satred at my blue sports bag one more time..it had what we would need to last us food-wise until we reach the next town: canned food, a pocket knife, soda, bottled water, and some other things. I bet Arwen was having fun, for I noticed she was chatting with Alpha, as what June's digimon went by.

I looked around, and sighed in loneliness...it wasn't ordinary for a girl my age to be in such despair...but I had no choice. I backed towards my sleeping bag and laid down slightly, my head over my folded arms. I sniffed the calm air slightly, before thinking of Kouji all alone(possibly with nobody)...no, he must've found somebody. I sighed, as a thought of part of the lyrics to an old song passed through my head...it was a song from .hack//Liminality...but I barely remembered the tune...

Futari wa nido to mou meguri aenai no.... I thought, before translating it calmly, The two of us shall never cross paths again... That was probably true now, we might never cross paths again...well, at least until we return to the real world. A cloud faded slightly through the easy dawn...as I felt as if nothing would never be the same.

"What's with me...?" I asked myself, turning to my side to glance at June. knew it wasn't right for girls my age to be mothers..but was there anything wrong of acting mortherly? Until I met up with the others, it seemed that would be my job...but I wondered: would we meet up again...in the next town?

25th January 2004, 12:02 AM
(Uh, I have no idea what's going on, Auny so clue the dumb guy in.)

I looked around me and sighed. I was lost and I had no idea where I left everyone. Sometimes, I still wonder how I lost Laura at the time.

"Oh, I hope she's alright," I said, scratching my arm, "Where is everyone?"

"Not exactly living up to your 'family' speech, are you?" I looked above me to see David, the darker David, just laying down on a branch in the tree. I backed away, wanting to make sure he didn't pull anything funny.

"Relax," he said, glumly, "I'm too depressed to try and kill anyone."

I straightened up, this was not something I was expecting.

"What's YOUR beef? It's not like you have to keep track of your friends," I said, raising an eyebrow. He didn't turn his head to face me, he only sighed.

"Believe me," he said, "My problems are worse than yours."

Something was up, I didn't think any of our Dopplegangers would just stand there.

"You know what the problem is," he said in a darkened tone, "The others are ignorant or just don't care."

"Uh," I began, "I'm not following."

He turned his head to face me, those sunglasses giving him this vacant look.

"Your problem is that you see me as your clone twisted evil. Though you recognize me as what you could become, you see me as a complete individual. We're not as three dimensional as you would believe."

I didn't say anything, though I knew what he meant.

"It is true that I'm a copy, but I'm only a half-clone. I'm incomplete, devoid of the things that make you the person you are. Though I can be pleased, I'm never truly happy. I can only feel the darker emotions. It sickens me. I have your memories, and I remember all of the feelings in them, but it's only a foggy memory, like staring into a cracked and broken mirror."

I still didn't say anything, though I wanted to know why he was telling me this.

"To add to this, I'm only a pawn in this game of chess. You may have been forced into this world, but you still fight. Me, I have no choice, I have no importance in the things to come. It's very hard to kill any of you, and you can heal most physical injuries. I just don't see the point."

He might have cried, but part of me didn't think he could.

"The others don't see it, or don't seem to care. But I do, and I want all of this to end, but I cannot kill myself or the others. My masters will never allow it. All I can hope for, is that someone else will kill me."

He stared at me again, making me real uncomfortable in the process.

"Go south to the tower there, then turn west. You should find some of them, but you might not like what you find."

Knowing this would be my only peaceful moment with him, I thanked him and left. I could still recall the words he sang as I did so.

"And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I ever had.
I find it hard to tell you, cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles, it's a very very..."

I remembered that song somewhere, sometime. I didn't know how or who, but it was familiar to me.

"Mad World"

25th January 2004, 12:27 PM
`~`~Yami Kari [Evil is fun... As is spending other people's money...]~`~`

I stood in a dark alleyway out of earshot from the scene of the crime, watching, laughing as those fools read the forged letters.

"Ah, this is too much fun!" I said, wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes. "Serves them right... Ah, I'm so bad..." Turning on my heel, I walked back out to the street behind the alley. I grabbed several unsuspecting Digimons' wallets as I passed, and, thumbing through the DigiYen as I walked, I found I had upwards of 2500Y.

"Wonderful. Now I can get out of these dumb clothes." I walked into a lothing store and went crazy buying black leather, and came out wearing a mini-skirt, halter top, and bandana of the wonderfully dark stuff, as well as dark sunglasses, tights, and spiked-heeled shoes -- and feeling beautifully evil.

Roy Karrde
25th January 2004, 01:40 PM
Yami Laura
"We'll arnt you looking spiffy" I laughed looking at the new Yami Kari, she had her new wardrobe on and looked okay, well as okay as Kari could look.

"What do you want?" Yami Kari asked turning her face from me and began to walk down the street, I ran and caought up with her with ease.

"Oh nothing just this" I laughed taking half of the DigiYen out of her hands, before she could protest I had teleported out of there and in to the shop in which Laura bought that hiduous looking outfit the day before, but with the little twit gone, I could fill her place. As quickly as possible I bought a marked down copy of the outfit, changed into it, and made myself look as close as I could to the original. With the bat of a eye I transversed several blocks to where Kenichi, Rigiamon, and Satoshi sat.

"Satoshi, Kenichi" I breathed making my voice a little more ragged as I colapsed in the middle of the street, both turned toward me and ran over I felt Satoshi picked me up in his strong arms and I realized why Laura liked him so much.

"Laura, are you okay?" Satoshi asked brushing some hair out of my face gently as he layed me on the park bench.

"Satoshi, I'm so sorry I never ment to run away, I..I wrote some goodbye letters, but Kari said I couldnt go, she said if I did she would change my letters, Satoshi I'm so sorry" I cried reaching up to hug him around the neck, he leaned down and allowed the hug.

Rigiamon began to say something but stopped and leaned in sniffing the air. "Satoshi, she's not real, she's a Yami" Rigiamon growled. Satoshi jerked away studying my face in shock.

"Satoshi.. what's wrong" I asked struggling to get up, Rigiamon new the truth and maybe Kenichi but if I looked like Laura, Satoshi's heart would hide the truth from him.

"Get away from her Satoshi" Rigiamon warned tensing up as if he were prepared to attack me or to rip off my head. I staggered up and held onto the back of Satoshi's shirt looking at Rigiamon in fear.

"Satoshi, please dont let him near me, while you were gone, Rigiamon, he changed, he ripped apart a Yami in his last battle, Satoshi I'm not a Yami and I dont want to die, Satoshi please I'm so scared" I cried allowing real tears of fear to slip down my face. Satoshi turned to look at me for a long second, finally placing a hand on my shoulder before turning to Kenichi.

"Kenichi, Rigiamon is this true?" Satoshi asked, Kenichi nodded slowly and Rigiamon seemed to just get madder and madder. "Rigiamon...dont touch her" Satoshi finally said I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me and I hugged Satoshi's waste.

" I missed you Satoshi" I breathed letting Satoshi's sent fill my lungs. As long as I was with Satoshi, nothing would happen to me, atleast that was what I hoped.

Laura Karrde
Why hadn’t they answered my questions yet? The thoughts of so many digimon had been lodged into my memory… It was getting harder to ignore the points they were bringing up about how this movement was being brought about… Even more about just what nature the Lunars themselves dictated.

The base had changed since my last mission, but only in my own head I think. The darkness and secrecy that enshrouded the lair… Yes, I think the word lair is now appropriate… it was different. No longer did it hold the hope for a better digital world under new guidance. It only offered the knowledge that I was being left out of the loop, I was the one being an unwitting stooge to something that wouldn’t be beneficial. It stank of greed and corruption, something I had been getting to dislike more over time.

My head nodded slightly as I passed through the final arch. Hoshimon’s slick form hovered between the darkness of the hallway and the light of the final chamber. I let a small smile pass on my covered lips as I saw her concerned face turn to me. She had been one of the few digimon that I had created that I had genuinely enjoyed working on and being with. She had been my most loyal ally and comrade, a pleasure amidst work that usually reaped none. I patted her head as I passed, my thoughts now on the summons the Lunars had given me, despite feeling Hoshimon’s eyes on my back.

With a small rustle, both sets of my wings settled comfortably around my sides. These meetings with the Lunars were common, but with every new piece of information I gathered, each mission I undertook, my belief in their infallibility was crumbling… Perhaps they were the ones who needed some guidance. If only I could persuade them to listen to me in this meeting…

“Rigiamon,” the voice of Magna Wicamon croaked out. “Punctual as ever I see…”

I nodded towards him, and the forms of Yami Seraphimon and Venom Lucemon which were swathed in shadow. The other two made no notice of my half bow, making no effort to return the courtesy…

“Your next mission involves a strike on one of the portals we’ve found that leads to the human world,” Magna Wicamon continued on. “Through this, you should be able to gather data on potential candidates for our plan. Now-”

I coughed into one of my hands, the pure black of it making the light around me seem all the more bright. All three of my creators shot me hard looks. Yami Seraphimon was the one who spoke first.

“Why do you interrupt one of your masters?” she asked contemptuously.

“I simply have some of my own opinions on this matter, my masters,” I said, bowing deeply. “I believe they are relevant, and could help further your goals at wresting control from the Celestials.”

Magna Wicamon snorted in derision. “Why should your opinions matter to us? We were the ones to create you, and you live to serve us. Shut-up and do what you’re told.”

Venemon Lucemon held up a hand and chuckled. “So, what are these opinions of yours, Rimon?”

The two Lunars looked at each other for a moment, but Wicamon broke his gaze first to look at me grumpily. A little weight seemed to leave my shoulders at this. At last I was being shown some respect.

“These plans involving the humans,” I began. “Are starting to become very convoluted. I don’t think any plan that rests on how human beings think and obey could be one that you would control. It is the digimon that will decide how this conflict will end and digimon should be the tools to which the keys of the Digital World are obtained. Using our current methods, added with the fact more digimon will flock to us with every victory, we can simply win by having the largest force on this world. The Celestials will be forced to relinquish any of their powers on this realm just on the basis that those they protect wish you to control them.”

A silence overcame my three masters, as they looked at me. I stood straight, looking at them calmly, trying to see what their reaction to my plan was, if any. I knew that my plan wasn’t as… grandiose as theirs was, but it should get the job done just the same. Under the Celestial’s own moral codes, if their people no longer wanted them to rule, they couldn’t anymore-

My thoughts were dashed as a line of red trickled down my vision and my head exploded in sudden pain. In the beginning I didn’t even feel it, shock overcoming my senses. Yami Seraphimon was just looking at me, a vengeful smile plastered on her face, my blood on her fist. The other two were at her side, energy trickling down their hands and eyes.

“Don’t pester your betters with your stupid ideas!” Yami Seraphimon screamed, as she launched another attack at me. My armored mid-section took the brunt of the attack, but it still brought me down to my knees. I looked up, a hardening unemotional feeling overtaking me.

“A punishment is in order for such insolence,” Magna Wicamon said, looking to Venom Lucemon. “Don’t you agree?”

Venom Lucemon scratched his chin, then nodded. “This independent thinking can’t be allowed to continue on like such. Lessons have to be learned, I’m afraid, Rimon.”

Violent energy ripped out of Lucemon’s mouth, slamming me back against the wall. The corrosive effect of it nibbled at my armor, burned my face and tore shreds out of my wings. Wicamon took position then, sending out a volley of dark knives at me, pinning me to the blackened surface. Then all three were upon me, volleys of attacks, slashes, and punches rocking my frame as I struggled to keep onto my consciousness.

As blood and bruises covered my body, the thought of retaliating against such treatment crossed my mind for the first time. Was it even possible that I could stand a chance?

Raising all four arms during a moment when they had backed off, probably to instigate another attack, I felt my own dark aura envelop my body as an attack passed on my lips. What I saw next startled me out of my own attack… Before they began in earnest once more, making me lose consciousness finally, a single thought crossed my mind.

They were terrified…

"Laura..Laura wake up" A comforting voice called for me, I was ingulfed in darkness, wait, it wasnt darkness, I was just asleep, slowly, very causiously I opened my eyes. "There you go" The voice said again, Satoshi's voice.

They were all surounding my bed everyone the whole group, they were all smiling, we were at the hopsital, back in the real world, we were home. "We did it we all made it back, Rigiamon was even able to fix your illness, and your mom is here, she came all the way here to check on you" Satoshi announced I looked over and saw Mom..Mommy next to me standing next to my bedside.

"How you doing honey" Mom said I just smiled and closed my eyes, hopeing this would never end that this would be reality for ever. "Satoshi, Auny, and David are coming with us home, were all going to be one big family" Mom said, I opened my eyes looking at everyone all the smiling faces.

"Here let me help you up" Satoshi offered I held up my hand and he took it softly in his grip, I began to rise up when I noticed the sound of a cracking sound like glass cracking, I looked at my arm and saw it fall to pieces as if it were some glass doll's arm that had been held too tightly and had broken off. I fell back down to the bed with a missing arm, and then the cracking sound happened again and my body just fell to pieces.

The room started to get dark and everyone began to file out single file. "No please wait, please dont go" I begged as they all left only leaving Satoshi and Mommy there.

"Heh, I thought you changed, but your still no more than a broken doll" Mom said taking one last look at me before walking out of the room. I turned to look at Satoshi with tear filled eyes I couldnt move I could just lay there with my body in pieces.

Satoshi calmly took his glasses off rubbed them with his shirt and placed them on. After a second he stepped up onto the bed and walked up till he was looking down at my face. "I cant have a broken Girlfriend" Satoshi smirked raising his shoe up to have it come down ontop of my face driving me back into the darkness.

"No" I yelled shooting up from my laying position, I was back in the Digital World at the camp ground, I felt my face drop as the memories of the dream...the nightmare came back. "No, no no no" I cried, I felt two arms go around me and hug me tightly followed by a soothing voice.

"It's allright it was just a dream" Laura finally said letting me out of her tight grip, "Are you okay now?" She asked taking a step back to look me over, I nodded softly using my hand to wipe away some of the tears.

I took a couple of deep breaths and took a second to find that picture of Satoshi which was sitting half covered in dirt next to me. "I miss you" I sighed dusting off the picture, I just took a few minutes looking at the picture as I lightly held onto it between my thumb and index finger. The wind around us began to kick up I guess becuase of how high up we were but it got so strong that the picture suddenly flew out of my hands and was kicked up into the air. "Wait no" I yelled out getting up and began to chase after the picture.

I ran after the picture I dont know for how long, I could hear Laura's voice behind me every few minutes yelling for me to slow down as I followed the picture, "Stop please stop" I yelled out to the picture but it just kept flying higher and higher. "Stop" I yelled out when a hand grabbed me from behind and pulled me to a dead stop, I took a second to realize that I was at the edge of a cliff I was one step away from falling to my death. The picture just kept flying away getting further and further away from me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry just please come back" I yelled out to the picture but it just kept flying, I fell to my knees, my body just seemed too heavy to support. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that I got sick, I didnt mean to, I didnt mean for any of this to happen, I'M SORRY" I yelled out at the picture as if it was Satoshi but it just kept flying away until I couldnt see it any more, and thats where I realized that I would never see Satoshi again, he was gone, gone for good.

25th January 2004, 11:24 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

My eyes narrowed on the new Laura that was hugging Satoshi. Whatever program that had caused Rigiamon to freak out was under control now... The real Laura knew that, and knew that he had helped her before all of this. I knew Rigiamon was right, this was just another one of the copies... But Satoshi didn't want to see it...

"Satoshi," I said. "You know as well as I do that there isn't anything wrong with how Rigiamon can detect one of these copies... For all we know, this Laura could have written that horrible note to you, while the other one was innocent."

"But it maybe wasn't them at all.." Satoshi said. I saw the fake Laura let her grip go a bit, a look of uncertainty flashing for a moment.

"Whatever the case, you are in danger if I leave you in this position," Rigiamon said. "And I doubt Kenichi would like it if you were injured..."

Rigiamon closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, they were glowing with a white light, as the ground beneath his feet wavered. Without a sound, a circular patch of ground around him simply dissolved into the air. With a light patter, his feet landed into the dirt two feet down. His fist became a blur, as the copy Laura gasped in surprise, and possibly in pain. Satoshi backed up instinctively from her, and watched as the copy was drenched in green light.

Holding her up into the air off her feet, Rigiamon's wrist was buried into her chest, which didn't seem to be solid anymore. Her body seemed to convulse once, then she became eerily still. Rigiamon frowned in concentration, as the frozen Laura hovered in the air. With a fractional nod, Rigiamon slipped his fist out of her chest, which instantly seemed to become whole once more.

Another one of his hands shot out at Satoshi, grabbing his D-Sense. Pressing a combination of buttons rapidly, the screen on it lit up.

"Card swipe," he said, his voice still very calm.

The green light around the copy dissapated, and was absorbed into the device. In an instant, the copy fell back to the ground, her eyes active once more. With a flick of his wrist, my digimon threw Satoshi's D-Sense back, which Satoshi caught instinctively.

"What did you just do?" Satoshi said.

"I installed a dead-man's switch into her main cognitive functions," Rigiamon said. "Her program functions are now linked to your D-Sense, but only one way I assure you. By just touching all of the buttons at once, you can effectively switch her 'off' which halts any danger she represents to you."

Satoshi looked at it. "I don't need it..."

Rigiamon narrowed his eyes. "We shall hope you don't. Now if you don't mind, I think Kenichi and I should look for the real Laura. Once we show you the genuine model, I can get busy taking apart the programming of the copy to help stem the disease of the original."

I put one hand on Satoshi's shoulder. "Be careful, Satoshi, I don't want anything to happen to the first bit of family I managed to find in my life... I'll try and find an answer that'll satisfy you..."

Nodding to Rigiamon, we left Satoshi, his D-Sense in hand. I split up from my digimon, in order to cover more ground...


Minutes later, coming to the outskirts of town, I saw someone cross across the front of a toy-like building, with a swaying gait. To my surprise, it was Auny, still clad in the ruined dark blue dress and looking like a wreck. Come to think of it, I was still in the tux she had gotten me, and it was ripped to shreds in some parts...

"Auny!" I shouted to her. She didn't react at first, it was if she was in some sort of daze. A few more shouts got her looking groggily at her.

"Kenichi?" she said weakly.

I ran to her side, holding her up as she tried to stumble her way to me. I looked at her in concern, her eyes red, her cheeks stained, her eyelashes green...

Now why didn't I notice that before? The thought crossed my mind before I let my concern take over. She needed some help now, Rigiamon would have to be left on his own for the moment.

"Laura, she hates me," she whispered, as I saw tears well up.

"No, she doesn't," I whispered back to her, hugging her tighter to my side.

"Yes, she wrote it down on a letter..." She said, tears coming out freely now. I could feel her sobs against my side. I had little experiance in comforting somebody like this, and wasn't quite sure what to do. Giving in slowly, I just let one hand stroke the top of her head, trying to make her stop crying. After a few moments, the tears seemed to stop for a bit, and I looked back into her stained face.

"Laura didn't write those letters," I said to her, "Rigiamon says he thinks one of the copies did it..."

"It doesn't matter, she still doesn't care about me... Nobody ever does..." she replied.

I smiled back to her, "Well, I care about you."

A look of surprise came across her face at this statement, and I felt it reflected inside me as well... It was a different feeling that I had gotten when I learned Satoshi was my brother, but shared so many aspects of it... And it was true.

"Come on, lets get you back to your house... We've got to get some clothes on that aren't torn to pieces, and we'll find out just exactly what is going on..." I said, supporting Auny as we walked back slowly...

26th January 2004, 12:14 AM
satoshi takinowa
["Nani ga wow wow wow wow wow kono sora ni todoku no darou/Dakedo wow wow wow wow wow a****a no yotei mo wakaranai"Butter-Fly[Digimon Adventure Opening]]

"Be careful, Satoshi, I don't want anything to happen to the first bit of family I managed to find in my life... I'll try and find an answer that'll satisfy you..."Kenichi said, placing his hand on my shoulder as I stared at my D-Sense. Him and Rigiamon both left afterwards, and I looked down at Laura..

'She's too good to be fake..'I thought,'But still..'

"Here,let me help you up."I said,handing my hand outwards towards her. We then sat back on then near us, and I looked in her eyes, which seemed to be swelling with tears.

'Those tears are real..'

"No..one think's I'm really Laura."She said, sniffling and started to cry lightly,"I'm the real Laura,I swear..I am."

I placed my arms around her, and gave her a hug. I sniffed her hair, the same smell as Laura's."It's ok, I think you are the real Laura, and It shouldn't matter if someone else doesn't believe you."
"Thanks Satoshi,"She said, and clutched onto my shirt.Her skin was soft...
"To me, you are Truely Laura. And I love you."I told her, and she stopped clutching on my shirt. And for a second, we stared into eachothers eyes, both searching for something..

"Hey, I brought some stuff back from the real world, lets go have some."I smiled, and stood up. She followed, and we held hands, goind back to the house with the Boiler room in it.
I slowly opened the door, and peeked in. Haruka was laying on the bed,while Lopmon was besides her, eating slowly a packet of pocky..
"Lopmonn.."I said to her, opening the door fully. She stared at me, then stared at Laura.
"Who's that?"
"That's Laura."
"No it isn't, she doesn't feel like Laura."She said.
"She's Laura, otherwise you gotta give me my pocky back."
"Okk,she's Laura"She smiled, and continued to eat.

"Here,some Candy Sashimi, Mini Candy Okonomiyaki.."I said, going through the bags I brought, and handed some of it to Laura, who seemed to enjoy the sight of the stuff quite well.

Roy Karrde
26th January 2004, 02:11 PM
Yami Laura
"Are you sure this is okay?" I asked looking down at the candy and then back at Satoshi and then back at the candy. "I dont want to take your candy or anything" Satoshi just smiled and said it was okay. Slowly I took a few pieces and tried a bite, it taste really good, I tried a few more and smiled it tasted really good.

"You like it dont you?" Satoshi asked I nodded several times and went back to eatting the multi colored candy. What was I doing? I was actually starting to fall for Satoshi? I was supposed to be evil, I was supposed to have murder and destruction follow in the wake of every step, but now, now I was acting like some kid, I was acting like the real Laura.

"Stop it, you shouldnt be doing this" I yelled out my head snapping violently to one side, I shook it trying to clear my thoughts there were so many voices in there telling me what to do. "Get out, get out, GET OUT" I yelled back at the voices standing up and walking around the room while digging my nails into my skull.

"Stop it, I wont hurt him I wont" I yelled back at the voice that told me to take the opertunity and kill Satoshi. He was the only one that trusted me, I wasnt going to betray that. "Shut up, SHUT UP" I yelled again, the voices seemed to just stop on that and I found myself in a courner my hands clutching my head so hard that blood was rolling down my arm.

I slowly let go of my head, letting it drop down as if it were some rag doll, and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down, I wasnt going to kill anyone, I wasnt going to hurt Satoshi atleast not right now. "It's okay" I breathed opening my eyes to look up at Satoshi, I knew he would be scared, maybe a little frightened of me, but I didnt expect to see him holding his D-Sence, his fingers inches away from pressing the failsafe button. "Satoshi, I.." I began shocked that he would even consider doing that.

"Are..you ok?" He asked, I nodded and he took a few steps toward me his hand still next to the D-Sence, I looked down at it and then back at him, and then back down at it. "Oh..sorry" He sighed placing it back into his pocket.

"I..I dont know what's wrong with me, but...I want you to come here Satoshi, I want you to feel something" I said as Satoshi sat down in front of me, I closed my eyes for a second and gave the coding Rigiamon gave me a physical personification, it looked just like it felt something awful just squirming around inside of me. I slowly took Satoshi's hand and placed it over my chest where my heart was. He almost flinched away but I held on tightly. "See I'm real, I have a heart beat and everything" I told him he took a second and just looked at me he was about to say something when the coding or worm moved over that area, I could tell Satoshi could feel how discusting it was by his reaction and him jerking his hand away.

"That was what Rigiamon placed inside of me, it's I dont know what it is, but it hurts every second I can feel it moving around inside of me Satoshi and it hurts so badly, please make the pain go away" I begged him, we both just stood there in silence and I let the image of the coding drop from the system, it was taking too much of my strength to keep it up. "I'm sorry I..I shouldnt be worrying you with this" I said getting up quickly and walked out the door to the house.

"Laura..Laura stop" Satoshi yelled out after me I finally stoped and he only took a second or two to catch up with me. "Laura listen, I know I've been a jerk to you, I've never treated you like I should truly treat you, I know I've said I love you but I still treat you like a kid, I'm..I'm sorry about that, and I want you to know that I'm hear for you, and..and I want you to get me back for how awful I treated you" Satoshi finally said I looked at him like he was crazy, he held out a finger and ran off a second later he came back with a squirt gun which he handed to me.

"Shoot me, shoot me right now in the face"
"I..I dont know"
"SHOOT ME, embearace me, something"

I closed me eyes and wraped my finger around the trigger and pulled it back, a small stream of water shot out splattering all over his shirt, when I opened my eyes I could see that his shirt was soaking wet. "Do you have one for yourself?" I asked him pumping the air pressure up in the gun again. He shook his head no. "Then how are you going to defend yourself?" I laughed as he took off running and I took off after him squirting him in the back every few seconds.

26th January 2004, 09:23 PM
satoshi takinowa
["Moshimo tsubasa ga attara kono sora tobeta toshi-tara/Michi ni mayou koto sae naku yume ga kanai no?"If We Fly Together[Sora and Piyomon's Theme-Digimon 02]]

I began running for my life around Primary Village as Laura kept on shooting me with the watergun. My already messed up hair got in my face, and I had to keep on moving it out of my eyes. In that time, kept on squirting me with water..I quickly ran in a dash towards a store,with the words "Toy" on it. Running inside, I was safe for now. I panted deeply, and looked around.

"Here we goo.."I said, smiling. I found a little bit bigger water gun than Laura's. I quickly gathered around my pockets and found enough to buy it.
"Here."I said to the Gallantmon behind the counter. He stared at me weirdly, then asked.
"Do you wish for me to fill it up with water for you?"He said, and I shook my head yes. He went to the back, and came out with it filled up.
"All Pressurized...have fun."He smiled, and I grabbed it from him, left my change on the counter, and ran out.

"Fair game.."I said, She was outside, waiting for me besides the doorway. She shot me again with water, and I was now, officially soaked.
"Payback time.."I smirked, and shot her with a blast of water. Her shirt was now soaked in the front. I pressurized it a little more,and she shot me again. I started to run, and about a minute later, came to a standstill.
"Hey, Why did you stop?"Laura asked, catching up to me. I pointed ahead to shadowy figure that was quickly walking up to us..

"You know, you 2 are immature."Her stern voice said. Haruka. She waved at us, and came face to face with me. Lopmon wasn't with her, and so wasn't her scooter.
"You know,"She said, touching my face,"You should really look closer at that Laura.She isn't the real thing.."
"Aren't you?"She completed, Facing Laura now.

haruka haruda
["Ano koro no boku to wa chigatte mieru ka na?/Jishin wa nai keredo/Tsuyogatte waraerun da"Kaze ni Mukatte/Facing towards the Wind[Jou's Theme-Digimon 02]]

"I'm the real Laura."She replied to my question, her face sorta quivered as I moved my face towards hers. I bent down to her level, and suddenly, I felt weird inside. It was the kind of empty feeling, I couldn't explain it more...She wasn't the real Laura at all, who would normally give me a cheery feeling inside.

"Satoshi-kun,"I said, placing my mouth near his ear,"She isn't the real thing."
"Yes she is."He said instantly, and Laura nodded. I looked back at her, and gave her a quick glare.
"You know, you Yami's have no feeling inside whatsoever. Unlike us humans, who aren't really a bunch of 0's and 1's, you and your bunch of Yami's are."I told her.
"Well, I'm the Real Laura..Please believe me."She said with a sad tone.I looked into her eyes..
"Whatever. Just know-If you hurt Satoshi, your in a world of pain."I said, cracking my knuckles. I then waved bye, and headed towards the house with the boiler room in it. It wasn't that long a walk..

"You know.."I told myself as I approached the house,"I sorta feel guilty for doing that."
"Nahh."I said, and got near the door. Opening it,I found Lopmon still asleep. I decided to join her aswell, locking the door behind me.

29th January 2004, 02:24 PM
Sorry for not posting lately, I've been having Midterms, and those suck my brain dry of any ideas and crud. So I'll be posting by Tonite, tomorrow afterschool the latest.


29th January 2004, 06:15 PM
"That was a diss, wasn't it?"

Morgan shot her head up, surprised to hear another person's voice in the room.

If it weren't for the many other strange things that Morrigan saw on her journey, she would have been surprised to see the face of a statue looking down at her. Instead, she was confused by his remark.

"Say what?"

"You said 'Final Fantasy rip-off.' Was that a crack about me?"

Morgan could see that the...person was slightly peeved about her remark.

"I didn't mean anything by it," she stoically responded, "I'm just saying that your Digimon form bore a resemblance to the Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts character. So, what do you need?"

The figure sighed, but otherwise said nothing.

"Well, you already know what's going on and why you're here, so why don't I show you how to work the D-Sense."

Morrigan pulled the device from her pocket and set the egg down.

"Well, if something happens and you're in a pinch, simply move your D-Sense into a star formation," he showed the motions and Morrigan copied.

She looked around her to see the room engulfed in what could best be described as a heavy darkness. Like being in a weak black hole. Her D-Sense was rumbling violently. She could only suppose that the blackness was caused by it.

She looked to see the statue nod approvingly.

"I see," he said, "You are the possessor of all that is dark or shadow. Darkness is your element, the weapon against your enemies."

"Huh," Morrigan said, "A positive darkness? Doesn't that sound a tad like a paradox?"

"Strange," a new, more feminine voice piped in, "I had the same thought."

Morrigan looked down, though she did not gasp (that's not her style), she did look a tad surprised.

"It can't be," she muttered, but close inspection told her otherwise.

From its pitch black scaly skin to the feathery wings on its back, it was the same dragon that she had bugged Ark into creating. It was almost too good to be true.

"You're Nixmon." she said, "How?"

The dragon, as clueless as Morgan, could only shrug her front shoulders.

Morgan decided to drop the subject, "So what now?"

The dragon merely sat down on its hindquarters, "We wait."
Where's Gothic?

Roy Karrde
29th January 2004, 08:37 PM
I dunno where Gothic is... :(
Laura Lutz
"Soo.." I finally said breaking the silence as we walked along the valley toward, who knows where. Laura had finally been able to calm me down, and I felt kindof silly afterwards of the whole thing, these last few days were going to be a new life for me, a no Satoshi life. "You and Jun seemed to be getting pretty close"

I watched as Laura seemed to blush a little bit but at the same time she straightened and kept walking. "We were friends June thats all" She replied trying to mask her feelings, she might have been able to hide those feelings from Satoshi or Kenichi but not me.

"Sure you were, lets go ask him" I laughed grabbing her D-Sence and running off trying to get a head start on her. "Jun, hello Jun, Come in Jun?" I asked pressing as many buttons on the D-Sence as I possibly could before Laura tackled me to the ground.

"Give that back" She yelled trying to keep from laughing, I stretched out my arm trying to keep it out of her reach but she was taller and was able to pry it out of my hands. "Got it, now if we are going to call some one lets call Satoshi or David" Laura laughed, I blushed slightly and looked away for effect.

"So where are we going?" I asked before Laura could answer I started coughing again, bending over I dropped to my knees and vomited out what I ate of this mornings soup and more blood than you could fit into a can of C.C. Lemon. Wipeing off the blood from my mouth I stood up and looked at Laura who staired at me in shock. "It's okay, I just got a bit shaken up, so if not Jun than who..Kenichi?" I asked standing up, Laura laughed and shoved me back down to a seated position, maybe this whole trip thing wasnt that bad after all.

Yami Laura
"I..I'm Laura" I stammered out letting the squirt gun fall from myside, everyone, Kenichi, Rigiamon, and now Haruka? They were all saying I wasnt Laura but I remembered being Laura I remembered coming here to the Digital World, and meeting Alpha and getting my first kiss from Satoshi.

"It's nothing, everyone is acting wierd today" Satoshi laughed I shook my head and just ran off, I had to get away from them, away from Satoshi I..I didnt want to hurt him, I couldnt hurt him could I? No, no I couldnt.

"I'm Laura, I am" I sighed slamming my hand down on the fountain that I was sitting next to, I was I just knew I was.

"No your not, and I'll prove it" Satoshi laughed walking up to me, I didnt understand how could he change what happened, what changed his mind, and if I wasnt Laura..what was I? With the blink of a eye Satoshi grabbed my hand and the surounding changed to that of a Hotel Hallway the door infront of us proped open so that you could bearly see the inside room, so that you could bearly see Kari sleeping inside of the room. "Your a Yami, a insterment of evil, now kill Kari like you were ment to do and you will remember" Satoshi said his voice deepened as he handed me a knife.

"I wont, I...I wont, and I'm not a Yami I'm Laura, Satoshi said I was" I yelled back at the fake Satoshi ad I bearly kept a grip on the knife with two fingers, that knife it was evil it was aweful and their was no way I was going to kill Kari with it. Satoshi made a swirling motion with his finger and all the water left on me flew off my body, collected in the air, and formed a colored picture of Satoshi being held down by a monsterous Digimon.

"Do it or I will tell this Digimon to kill him" The Evil Satoshi lied, I almost droped the knife in shock from the lie, Satoshi, the only one that believed me, the only one that loved me, he couldnt die he just couldnt, I would do anything to save Satoshi.

"I..I'll do it just dont hurt Satoshi" I said my mouth bearly forming the words, The Evil Satoshi nodded and vanished, leaving me standing in the doorway. I slowly opened the door and walked in, shutting it and locking it after I was in. Gripping the knife and gulping back a urge to warn Kari, I began to walk to Kari and raised the knife above my head. I had to do this, I had to do it for Satoshi.

Yami Annika
29th January 2004, 09:22 PM
Sorry about lateness! Evil teacher gives too many projects, and I'm tired, so this is short and sweet:


We walked back into town, thankfully at a slow pace. I was happy to be with Kenichi… very, very happy – but the memory of Laura kept nagging my thoughts. It was a very bittersweet moment.

We stopped at the house I had “rented” – or perhaps “borrowed” is a better term. I rummaged around for a few minutes, before I found a shopping bag with my old clothes. At last, freedom from skirts and heels…

“You don’t happen to have your clothes with you, do you?” I asked quietly. My voice was still raw from crying. He shook his head, and I felt so sorry for him. The rags, what was left of his suit, were hardly fashionable, or comfortable.

I started digging around more in the bags, and brought out the pink tuxedo, smiling weakly. “I just had an urge to buy this. You could wear this, if you want.”

“It’s pink,” he reiterated his earlier statement. But there was no hint of aggravation or annoyance in his voice, for which I was glad.

“It’s light pink,” I grinned teasingly. I shrugged. “Do what you want, though. Who knows? Pink just might be your color.” I turned, and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me, sighing gently. He said he cared about me… That made me the happiest.

Maybe we could just explore Primary Town some more. The last thing I needed to see was Laura… or Yami Laura, whichever. I’d be all in tears again. I never really got to spend the ideal time with him at the dance… then again, no one really did. Perhaps this was my chance to make it up. And second chances don’t come often.

“I care about you.”

Inwardly, I grinned again as I started unfolding my pants and shirt.

30th January 2004, 04:08 PM
Sorry I was gone guys...My week was stressful. Got the report card, extra homework, my insecurities of my mother increasing, working on my science project...well...you get it...:(

I'll post later, I gotta go in a few minutes...

30th January 2004, 09:45 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

I watched Auny move to the other room to change, while I glanced at the light pink tux layed before me. The situation could have been worse I suppose... I could have no clothes left. At the moment, the clothes were literally hanging by the seams on my frame, something that probably didn't look too good... The tux had a white collared button shirt beneath it, which I took apart from the pants.

I quickly got out of the old clothes, changing into just the light pink suit pants and the white shirt itself. The blood on my chest was dried now, and wasn't in danger of showing through the white. I didn't want much attention brought to it, there were other people to care about at the moment. Seemingly there were more people here that I had to care about than I had in the rest of my life... And one of those needed my company. I looked towards the closed bathroom door at this, and let a smile play across my lips. Or perhaps I needed hers at the moment.

As I put my D-Sense into the new pocket, the door to the bathroom opened up. I looked up and smiled at Auny. She was dressed in a clean shirt and a pair of pants. Her face was cleaned up a bit, the tear stains gone and some of her discomfort gone. I felt warmed inside as she smiled back at me.

"So, should we head back to the others?" I asked slowly, moving over to her.

She shook her head quickly, then put her arm around mine, a smile smile on her lips. "No... I think that we should take all the time we've been given. We didn't get to spend much time together last night, this could be the perfect opportunity."

I smiled back at her, and we looked at each other silently for a moment. Joining briefly in a sudden kiss, we broke it off as we headed for the door. I opened it, leading Auny by the arm.

"So, I heard some digimon talking last night about some street entertainment being performed today... What do you think we head off there first?" I asked. Auny smiled and nodded back.

"Sounds like a good start."

As we headed down the path, I let my thoughts wonder to Satoshi, Laura, and Rigiamon... I'm counting on you Rigiamon...



They were getting closer now... The data was flowing freely before me, acting as a homing beacon. At first their trail had been somewhat hard to follow, they had managed to make good distance from Primary Village, and their trail wasn't that warm. But fortunately the older Laura still had her D-Sense with her and I took the gamble that the youngest one was still with her. My gamble had paid off, as I could sense the two humans traveling together...

The form of Primary village was distant behind me, hills and grass mostly obscuring it from view. While it was scenic out here, there was hardly anything interesting... At least to the naked eye. Data had always interested me, something that the Lunars had thought necessary. At least they had done something good for me... I could read data more easily than most digimon who could only see the "surface" of the digital world, a surface that tried to imitate the "real" world of the humans. Kenichi had said that whenever I was tracking something, I appeared to be sniffing the air like one of the animals back on his world. While other digimon might agree to that, I did not waste time on "scents", only on the hard data itself I detected. Why waste time on trivial matters?

As the flow of data almost became solid before me, a hill imposed itself on my mind before me. I had my eyes closed for most of the journey, to not distract my search with images. Taking pause for a moment from my rapid pace, I braced my legs and leapt over it.

I opened my eyes as I flew over the hill, seeing the two human girls together beyond the grassy bump. Their expressions were those of surprise, shock really in the case of the older one. The youngest, however, didn't seem to have much of a reaction, and appeared quite listless...

Landing lightly on the ground next to them, I slowly straightened my back to my full erect posture. Little Laura was sitting on the ground, her skin very pale and a pile of nutrients were beside her on the ground. Her condition had grown a lot worse, she wouldn't survive much longer without a transplant from the copy. The older Laura had stood up to look at me, she was normal.

"Rigiamon? What are you doing here?" she asked me.

"I am here to retrieve you. There is trouble going on at Primary Village, another copy has appeared, this time of the little Laura. She is posing as the real thing, and has managed to convince Satoshi to an extent that she is the real Laura." I said, gauging both of their reactions.

"Is Satoshi alright?" the younger Laura asked, her voice a whisper. I doubted she would remain conscious for much longer.

"For the moment he is... I gave him a defense against her before I left, but I can't be sure whether he would use it or not. We must show him you..."

"No, I don't want him to see me like this..." she whispered back.

"There is another reason," I said softly back to her. "Using the copy's data, I can make you much better than you are now, saving your life for a moment. Do you really think Satoshi would be happier with a copy?"

"But... I..." Laura stopped in mid-sentence as she slumped over. I reached out with one arm to steady her, then pulled her to my chest. I looked to the older Laura.

"I'm coming with you to make sure she's alright," she said before I could open my mouth.

I nodded, and kneeled. She got the idea quickly, and got onto my shoulders like Kenichi had not so long ago. Rising slowly so not to unbalance her, I shot off from the ground, back towards Primary Village...

30th January 2004, 10:23 PM
~`~`Kari ["The blade above my head reminds me what to do before I'm dead" Before I'm Dead, by kidneythieves]`~`~

My sleep was cut short by a noise above me. My eyes snapped open and I saw... Laura? Standing over me with a knife? WTF?

"L-Laura?" I stuttered, drawing back and gathering the covers up to my chin. "What are you doing? What's... What's with the knife?"

I noticed she had frozen, the knife half in the air. She mouthed something, then turned and ran. I stood up, knocking the beddings askew, and ran after her.

"Laura, wait! What happened?"

Roy Karrde
31st January 2004, 03:21 PM
Hey just a little bit of News, Thargor updated his post with the Rigiamon post and Virtual Play who is a amazing artist has started a art coloring thread which is here (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25762), he did the colored pic of Laura which was drawn by Kioshi * Who I have been emailing for a while and still not gotten a responce back * The colored pic can be found here (http://home.comcast.net/~dark_archon/images/coloring01.jpg)

Yami Laura
I ran out of the room and down the hallway as fast as I could, Kari had woken up, she had seen me and I couldnt kill her, now Satoshi would die, and then Haruka would kill me.

"Laura wait" Kari yelled stumbling after me still in her nightgown, I couldnt stop running I just couldnt, she wouldnt understand anyway, would she?

"Kari I cant, I just cant" I turned and yelled back at her, I turned back around just in time to run right into a cleaning cart, the blade slipped out of my hand, and flew through the air, I reached up to grab it and it sliced open my left hand before it hit the ground right beside me. I just sat there against the wall for a second holding onto my bleeding hand until Kari finally arived.

"You know, you Yami's have no feeling inside whatsoever. Unlike us humans, who aren't really a bunch of 0's and 1's, you and your bunch of Yami's are." Haruka had spat at me back when Satoshi and I had met her.

"Kari, is this blood, please tell me it's blood" I begged holding out my cut had which was starting to feel weak and limp. "It's not ones and zeros is it?" I asked as Kari wraped my hand in a bandana.

"No, it's blood, and a really bad cut too" Kari sighed wraping the bandage I just leaned forward and hugged her. This ment I wasnt a Yami I was real, I really was real. "Now what is with that knife back there" Kari asked as I pealed off of her.

"I'm Real I'm Real" I laughed hugging her again, Kari just seemed to laugh and pat me on the back, I slowly let go of her and just sat back hugging my arm. I was REAL.

"Satoshi, David, some one, I have Laura here, and I need some help with her" Kari said into her Digivice as I just sat there cradling my hand, I was real.

Laura Lutz
Rigiamon craddled me in his arms as we flew through the air, wind whiping at my face as we went along. It was getting so hard to breath almost like I had to strain just to get a single breath. "Rigiamon, I'm soo sleepy" I complained shutting my eyes, my next breath I almost gagged on and had to exhail so quickly.

"Stay awake kid, were almost there" Rigiamon said but his words sounded so faint so far away as if he were miles away. "Hey open those eyes, the town is allready below us, we should see Satoshi or Kenichi any second"

"Cant..open...eyes..too...tired" I said between gasping for breath.

"Hold in there" Rigiamon said again as he picked up speed, his voice, the wind, everything seemed to grow so faint.

31st January 2004, 04:52 PM
David (This post takes place when David reaches the hotel area, or wherever they are)
I didn't know what to say, it was too strange for me to comprehend.

I knew the girl before me was not the original Laura, I could definitely detect that hint of corruption. At the same time, I could sense that, in some way, she was not like the other Dopplegangers. Like she had escaped the fate that Dave said they were trapped in.

I got down on one knee to examine the cut on Laura's hand, taking her down to the lobby area where there was sure to be a plant or two.

I caught the look on Laura's face.

"What's wrong?" I said.

She turned her head down, shying away from me, "Do you think I'm really Laura?"

Oh, crap I thought. Part of me wanted not to have this conversation. I was caught in a dilemma, should I tell the truth or lie. I would hate myself forever if I ever did both.

Then it hit me.

"Do you believe you are really Laura?" I asked. She hadn't expected this question, and my question was the perfect way to set up my point.


"Then what I think doesn't matter," I said, "What anyone else thinks doesn't matter. You believe you are Laura, and that is all that matters."

She looked up at me, "So you think I'm not her?"

"Yes," I said, "but if you believe that you're Laura, then what I think should not matter."

Silence, and then...

"Haruka told me that Yami's were nothing but 0's and 1's and that made them inhuman," she told me, revealing what had upset her in the first place.

"Well, then she's a fool," I snorted, "Let me show you something."

I made her look over at the growing plant at the lobby hall, and then concentrated.

Laura gasped as she saw the plant before her grow many flowers. They weren't all the same kind of flowers, though. The plant had seemed to explode into a rainbow of flowers. Yellows, reds, purples, and even colors that didn't occur naturally in flowers.

"It's beautiful," she said, amazed at my handiwork.

"You think so," I said, "Well they are made of 0's and 1's. Everything here is made of 0's and 1's. Heck, right now, WE'RE composed of 0's and 1's. Her Digimon was born here and it is made of 0's and 1's. Does that make Lopmon less human than Haruka? She's basically saying that her Digimon is uncapable of emotion, but what does she know? Even if they are composed of 0's and 1's, they can become something beautiful."

Jason (I imagine some time had passed)
Jason found Ark sitting there on the bench. Ark was mumbling words to himself, possibly preparing for the speech he was going to deliver later that day. He was clutching the newly acquired cane in his right hand, the cast having been removed the day before. Without even looking up, Ark could tell Jason was there. He lifted his head up.

"You think they'll show up?" he asked.

"I hope so," Jason responded, "It would be nice if we could talk to everyone again, not about the incident of course. Just to catch up on what everyone has been doing."

Ark shook his head, "You realize that my speech will concern the incident?"

Jason half-grinned, "Well, yeah, but if we could all meet out of the hospital, we might just be able to meet elsewhere a bit more often."

"So much to catch up on," Ark solemnly said, "I can't believe I've isolated myself from everyone."

Jason sat down beside his twin, "I know, I had split myself from everyone, too. It's frustrating, isn't it?"

"Do you miss her?"

"Toby?" Jason turned to face his brother, a bit annoyed, "You know I do. What about you? Do you still like Arnen?"

Silence, Ark didn't answer. Jason didn't like this lack of response.

"Tell me, Archwood McCloud. You can't hide from me."

Ark couldn't really deny this, "Yes."

“Well, maybe now’s your chance. You could ask her out.”

Ark’s expression revealed his opinion, “Are you crazy? I can’t do that!”

Jason began to round on his brother, “Why not?! She’s single, you still like her, and I think she’s attached to you; I really don’t see the problem.”

“Well, I don’t know. How about the fact that I’ve never said anything about it before. That the whole while we were in the Digital World, I had developed a passion for her and never, I repeat never, told her about it. The fact that I haven’t seen her in God knows how long. The fact that we’re all in the middle of a crisis. I don’t want to look like I’m taking advantage of her! Did you ever think of any of that?”

POW! Jason couldn’t take any more of it, he hit Ark square in the jaw.

“Don’t make excuses,” he told him, “We both know why you won’t do it! Because you’re afraid.”

Both of them were getting increasingly angry at the other.

Ark began to respond, “Well, of course I’m afraid. Who doesn’t fear rejection?!”

POW! “Dammit, Archwood McCloud, you know that’s not it! For as long as I knew you, you were afraid to be alone. Everyday since you were fifteen, I remember you asking someone out, and they all ended the same way: You were rejected, put down, humiliated, and tasered. They all wanted nothing to do with you, but you never gave up. Then we were taken to the Digital World, and you met her. She was angry with everyone, and she thought everyone mistreated her. She was almost always lonely, and you were able to identify with that. You told me that you never met someone who could ‘piss you off, scare the hell out of you, and enchant you all at the same time.’ She was possibly the only person who would ever return your affections, but you never said anything. You were afraid to love her, you and I both know it!”

Ark could only stare at his brother, but he knew what he said was true. He turned his head away in shame.

“But it’s not too late for you, Ark,” Jason added, “You’re here, she’s here. This is the perfect opportunity for you. Just tell her the truth, be yourself, the person that she knew and could count on for support. She might punch you out, but It may turn out better than you dreamed.”

Ark didn’t say anything; Jason knew he needed time to think, he got up from the bench.

“Your speech is for later today; do you want to give it in this spot?” he asked.

Again, Ark said nothing, but slowly he nodded his head, still lost in his thoughts.

“Well, alright,” Jason responded, “I guess I’ll go inform everyone.”

Jason then headed toward the hospital.

1st February 2004, 09:14 PM
Okay people...we need to get going to the next place-So finish up your temples, GL and Gladiator, and we will be on your way. I will account though, I have had Midterms last week, so whoever's had troubles with school lately, it's ok. Just make sure to let us know, and keep updated.

Now, Info on the newest Town.

Wishing Lakes:On the way to Playa Coast are tons of Lakes, all pretty much medium size. These lakes are called "Wishing Lakes", and They have been known to be able to....well...^^Grant one wish to a couple(2 people that are in love with the other.And no, It doesn't include wishing to go home...buggars. And there are no loop holes.Also, can not hatch any digi egg's of any sorts.). One temple here.There is a small diner on the side, that also sell's tents and camping gear.

Water Temple:In the middle of each Wishing Lake is a small Island, with an Entrance to this temple. Made with Blue and White gold walls, It's said that only the one of water can go inside.

At this point, after Wishing Lakes, We will Have the Wind,Ice,Steel,Earth,Light,Fire,Water and Darkness Orb's. That means only 2 more towns.
Playa Coast:Beautiful beaches, huge hotels...You name it, they've got it all here in Playa Coast(Which Translates to Beach Coast,Playa is Beach in Spanish).It's always nice weather here, and all the digimon are friendly..
And there's a strange digimon looking for humans to work for his hotel...
There is only one temple here, sad to say.
Storm/Electricity Temple: (Where is Kioshi...?)Known to be in a basement of a beach house, this temple is lined with Yellow and Gray walls, and a huge,huge room at the end.

Then,The last town is..

Soyokaze Village:Known for their soup, and the location is RIGHT next to the last and only portal to the real world(unless your A mortal, then you can't use it), This is a Beautiful village, with houses set on trees. Big gardens, and in the center..One huge, tree...where the last temple is located..

Forest Temple:Inside the "Holy Tree", this Temple is huge, and the ground is of dirt, with Grass and huge trees. At the end there is a huge Colessum like sturcture..

Then the portal to the real world is..
Spirit Memorial:Known as also the "Purity Temple", One a huge slab of stone standing up, is a picture etched in stone. Of 10 Children, 20 Spirits, 2 Hyper Spirits...And the Digimon that they combined to make..Aswarumon.

Purity Temple:The orb's resting place is on a Altar before the Spirit Memorial, it is seaid if the orb is split ni two, and the 2 holders shake hands or kiss above the altar, the Orb will rest there once again until it's true owner, the one with only the half of orb(Haruka...), lifts it. It then blesses the one that carried the other half with some of purity's Power. Once this ceremony is complete, the portal to the real world will open..

There you have it..Now I need to post...

aiymee haruda

"Thanks again!"I told the Babamon, and the Justimon as me and Droommon closed the door. I was completely healed from that attack from Auny, and Droommon got a great rest aswell..
"Now, where do you suppose we go?"Droommon said, looking at me. My Long brown Hair flew in the wind as we walked through Tama Market, with digimon giving us strange looks.
"I suppose we head to Wishing Lakes."I said, instantly knewing the name by Heart. I took my D-Sense out, and Pushed one of the buttons, and made a circle. A Map popped up, and I looked at it..
"Right above Primary Village?There are about...10...maybe 11 dot's there. That means 11 CC."Droommon said, smiling as we quickly made it through Tama Market. I looked at the map, and saw a shortcut.
"We can make it by afternoon if we go North West."Droommon pointed out...

"And we'll have plenty of time to cause fear in those 10 CC. And get revenge off of Auny."I glared, and Took off the map,"We'll intercept them from walking right into Wishing Lakes.."
"Just save your energy, Droommon, you'll be needing it."I told her as we walked out of Tama Market, and onto intercepting the twerps at Wishing Lakes.

Heh...Me post more tomorrow.

1st February 2004, 09:54 PM
I'm waiting for GL, since both temples were supposed to merge after they gain the orbs.

Now that I think about it...

"Y. David," an all too familiar voice rang out, "Get off your lazy butt!"

I looked down at the darker form of Morrigan, of whom I shall refer to as Le Fay. She looked no different from her counterpart, though I knew she had know intention of infiltrating the group.

"What do you want, Le Fay?" I responded without moving.

"The Maestros report they cannot detect Laura's clone," she responded, "They want to know why."

I shrugged, "Her life support has been rewired. She belongs to Satoshi now. To do as he pleases. She also seems to believe she's the real deal."

Fay arched an eyebrow, "How do you know?"

"Because David knows," I responded, "In a way, I envy her."

Fay snorted for a moment, "Oh, please, don't start preaching to me again about how we're only tools."

I sighed, "As you wish. So what do you plan to do?"

"What do you think?" she responded, "I plan on ruining Morgan's life, and I think I know the perfect way to do it."

"Let me guess," I responded, "You plan on killing David, thus removing her best, and only, friend. You hope to remove the only person she's ever really been close to. (I shuddered inwardly. That had come out so wrong), and make her fear ever being close to anyone else. You seem to forget though, they can't die."

Fay giggled, a totally un-Morrigan action, "Oh, it's not that they can't die. It's that it's hard to do, but I've devised a way to kill three birds in one stone."

"What," I recall being surprised, "Three?"

"Yes, you fool," She giggled again, "I'll kill David by killing the only person whom it is easy to kill, Haruka."

I should have seen it coming, it made sense in a way. Haruka's special connection to David. The Purity Orb was split between the two. Haruka being the true owner, David's half would constantly try to return to her. The further away he is from her, the more unbearable it becomes. If Haruka is being injured, David's half reacts more violently. By killing Haruka, the stress put on David would overwhelm him. It was almost sickening how far Fay was willing to go to ruin Morrigan.

Yet, I could do nothing, betraying the others would mean termination from my masters. As much as I wanted to die, I was afraid to do it.

"Well, see you," Fay called back, "Haruka's alone with the rabbit, now would be the best time to take her out."

As she turned away, I could make out a large, darkened figure following her. I could almost make out the four pairs of feathery wings.

"Watch out for Ebodramon, Haruka," I said in silence.

Roy Karrde
2nd February 2004, 09:59 PM
And with this we reach a mark that ties with Digimon: Legend which before this was one of the longest running RPGs ever. Also happy birthday Gladiator, atleast the board says today is your birthday.

Yami Laura
"Well they are made of 0's and 1's. Everything here is made of 0's and 1's. Heck, right now, WE'RE composed of 0's and 1's. Her Digimon was born here and it is made of 0's and 1's. Does that make Lopmon less human than Haruka? She's basically saying that her Digimon is uncapable of emotion, but what does she know? Even if they are composed of 0's and 1's, they can become something beautiful." David said with a smile, I was finally able to tear myself away from the plant to look back at him.

"You always seem to know the right thing to say David" I returned that smile and snuggled up against him on the coach in the lobby.

"Well thats what I'm here for" David replied placing a arm around me, we just sat there for a few minutes I guess waiting for one of us to move, I began to wonder if Kari was okay, did I scare her that badly?

"I need help" Rigiamon yelled braking down the doors of the hotel as he flew in carrying one body in his arms and Laura on his neck. "I need a clean space, a table, something"

"You can use this" David said getting up off the coach, Rigiamon let Laura down and walked over to the couch we were sitting on, I got up too, and that was when I first saw her, atleast I thought it was my first time. It was Laura the real one, she was pale and weak, her breathing was faint and slowed as if she were struggling just to breath.

"That..that's her" I said brushing some hair out of her face, Rigiamon nodded and then looked at me, I knew what I had to do, she needed my data, she needed it to survive if not, if not only I would be left, and that wouldnt be fair, not to Satoshi, not to Haruka, not to David, not to Auny, not to Kenichi, or Laura, not to Jun, not to Kari, or Morrgan, no one. "I know, just tell me what I have to do" I said looking back at Rigiamon.

"You dont have to do this, Rigiamon can find another way, there has to be another way" David said grabbing my arm with such force that I thought it would rip it off.

"That's sweet of you David, but it's my turn to become one of those beautiful flowers" I replied, his grip began to loosen on my arm but I made no attempts to shake it off. ""Let me do this" I wispered he finally sighed and let me go.

"You need to lay on this" Rigiamon said pulling over another couch so that I was right next to Laura with just egnough room for Rigiamon to stand. "David, Laura, I could use your help, and Kari's but it might be bloody so you can turn away if you want" Rigiamon told them, He finally turned back to me and I nodded slowly closing my eyes.

I just layed there for a few seconds as I guess Rigiamon prepared himself for the operation, I tried to keep from shaking, I really did but my arms were shaking like crazy. "It's okay, I'll be here with you through the whole thing " David said leaning over the couch and taking my hand and squeezing it, I opened my eyed and looked up at him, he looked back at me comfortinglyand squeezed my hand harder

"Thank you so much" I wispered to him rubbing my thumb over the top of his hand, now there was only one last thing I needed to say. "Can you tell Satoshi..thank you for believeing in me when no one else would?" I asked, the last sight I saw was David nodding yes before I was plunged into utter blackness.

3rd February 2004, 10:14 PM
<~-Arnen [Umm... Confusing herself o.O]-~>

I walked over to the place where Jason had said to meet. I was still wearing what I had worn to the TCG convention, my black lace-trimmed blouse and leather jeans. I bet I looked like a biker chick, but what did I care?

Jason walked past as I exited the hospital, and I gave him a small wave. He smiled and continued on his way, probably to tell the others the meeting was about to start. Like I needed a reminder... It was a chance... To see Ark...

I found him sitting on the bench, staring at the ground. He appeared to be muttering something to himself. I sat down next to him, practically startling him out of his seat.

"Hey," I said, grinning evilly at him. He blushed, looking back at the ground. "<Did I... make him feel bad? Not good... Hey, why do I care?>" I thought, confusing myself. Shaking myself mentally, I too stared at the ground, waiting now for the others as well.

~`~`Kari ["Ano toki fumihazushiita..." from the theme song of .hack//liminality]`~`~

I was back in my room, going over what had happened in my mind. That had been a Yami, hadn't it? Could they.. cry like that? Maybe this one was different, maybe she had gotten over her evil "programming" .........

My Digivice beeped all of a sudden. I pressed a button and held it up to my ear like a celphone.

"Kari? It's David. We need you down here right away. We're going to use some data from Yami Laura to repair Laura;s stomach. We need you to cut inside Yami Laura and extract the data. We figured you'd be the only one who could stomach it."

I thought about it for a second. "Ok, I'm on my way," I said, standing up and leaving the room, shoving my Digivice back into my pocket as I did so.

Total blahness for both XD I had to type fast; I'll add more tomorrow.

4th February 2004, 04:20 PM
Arnen: Just to recap, Roy's dead, and Ark's cast was removed (he's got a cane for support, though)

Roy: Hey, thanks for noticing. It was my birthday February 2nd (I can't believe I'm sixteen). When's yours?

Also, to note, my grades have been suffering in school, so as of tonight I may (as in there's some chance I'm not) be grounded (talk about bad timing). I'll let you know if I am later.

4th February 2004, 05:13 PM

With both the copy and the original Laura side by side, I was easily able to distinguish the ailing region of the original. She wouldn't be alive too much longer, stress had unfortunately pushed her across the edge. Fortunately the copy wasn't showing any signs yet of the disease, if it indeed had it at all...

"Keep them both here and wait for me. I have to get the appropriate programs ready for operation."

I rushed out of the building, and out of the main doors. Pausing outside, I took a deep breath and accessed my main memory. Fragments of programs were sorted in a fraction of a second, as I assembled the right programs necessary for this operation. It would be painless for the copy with the programs I had selected, and everything should go well. The ground around me shook, as portions of it dissapeared into the air. I felt the data I had taken form themselves into the programs I had remembered, and began going over the procedure in my mind.

A scream on the edge of my senses made me shift direction to look towards the hotel. Pain was blasting at me from the inside, as my eyes widened in shock. This was a pain I had become familiar with while fighting on the side of the Lunars, a pain my comrades strode to achieve while I lamented over. It was the pain that came with being slowly tortured to death.

It was the children. Kari had joined the group and had proceeded to open up the copy by herself... But she couldn't convert the copy to raw data, to stop any possible pain... She had cut her open with a knife, and was tugging and tearing at her insides, trying to pull out the necessary piece of data, still in organ form. And throughout, the copy was still conscious. It was disgusting, and more than a little annoyance came over me at the children's display. What did they think they were doing playing around with their friend's life?!

I rushed back inside, my speed slamming the doors off their hinges. I saw the wet organ on Kari's hands, damaged somewhat by its rough transition from its old body and into the air. The copy still lay gasping on the sofa, a look of intense pain on its face.

"Sleep now, forget the pain," I whispered quickly to the copy. Placing my hand on its forhead, I looked away from its bloodied chest. The look of pain was replaced with one of relief. A sigh came out of her, then her body glowed. Her data slowly drifted up into the air, as it was absorbed by the data around her.

Turning an angry eye towards Kari, I put forward one fist. The stomach in her hands glowed as well, as the data was pulled into my being. She looked where the organ used to be in shock, as I tried to repair some of the damage they had created while the organ was still with me.

"Hold Laura, she might fidget while I do this," I growled. "I want you to obey my instructions to the letter, I assume you all want your friend to have a full recovery."

Not waiting to see if everyone responded, I activated a program within myself, and placed one hand lightly over Laura to bring her to a more simple state of mind, pain receptors effectively off. My hands easily flowed into her chest, as I began the operation in earnest...

Yami Annika
4th February 2004, 07:06 PM
Killer props to Roy, who helped me with this. Read: Wrote the entire thing. But I helped. And made it Auny-ish.

I might/might not be posting even more infrequently now. I have yet ANOTHER project... and my teacher's actually calling it a project, so I know I'm in trouble.

And Gladiator: Sorry. The maybe/maybe not grounding sounds sucky. Be strong!

The sights were wonderful. I guess I never realized it at the festival, but Primary Town was really… well, pretty. The music was also nice, even if the band was full of Digimon.

It didn’t really feel right, though. What was everyone else doing? Probably not dancing, or spinning, or being with the one they care about the most, or any of the fun stuff. It was making me feel a little guilty, to be honest.

“Something wrong?” Kenichi asked from beside me. I looked over at from my seat at the park bench, and shook my head in response. Awkwardly, I sat quietly with my thoughts, as the sun finished setting. What was left of the gold and reds were fading into gray, as blue painted across the canvas overhead. I looked up, and began to see little star being dotted in the atmosphere. It was, well, beautiful.

A gust of wind flew over my arms, and I started to realize that a short-sleeved short wasn’t the best of an idea. I half-wished I had brought something else. Then again, it was summer back in Tokyo, so wearing something warm was the last thing on my mind. I sighed softly, and we both shivered.

“Here,” I heard Kenichi’s voice, and he put an arm around me, pulling me closer for warmth. I leaned my head lightly against him, resting it on his chest. With my slouching and the “slight” difference of our heights, it was a perfect fit.

“Thanks,” I whispered, blushing. We sat in silence for a few minutes, he watching the sky, and me listening to his heartbeat.

“You know,” he admitted. “I’m a little new at this dating stuff. What do people usually do at the end of dates?”

I tapped a finger against my chin, thinking back through all the memories and romantic movies I had seen… Wait. That was it, movies.

“Movies!” I half-exclaimed suddenly. “People on dates usually go to the movies together.” I smiled, and with great timing, as it turns out, as the lights to the local theater lit the sky. We got up, and started walking over there.

“I wonder what a Digimon movie is like?” Wondered Kenichi out loud.

We wandered over to the theater and the sign, naming the theater, came into view. I did a double-take and read the sign again… “Kazaa?” “I guess the movie theater downloads their movies just like everyone else.” I gave a little giggle as I realized what I was saying, and did a click glance over the posters.

“Oh, Skunkaphobia! OmiGOSH! I’ve seen that movie, like, a bajillion times!” I laughed out loud, taking his hand and running to the ticket counter, where I quickly bought the tickets for the movie. I pranced into the movie theater. I haven’t pranced since I was a little girl. But it was my favorite movie… I don’t know what caused the sudden change in attitude, be it low blood sugar or head injuries, but I was grateful for the happiness.


“Goobers or Raisinettes... Goobers or Raisinettes… Goobers… Or Raisinettes…” I muttered softly to myself, sliding one finger back and forth between the boxes at the candy counter. The movie was about to start. “Goobers or Raisinettes. I guess that’s the dadgum question, now, isn’t it?” I added with a little giggle, turning to Kenichi. A line of about 20 or 50 Digimon stood behind me, as I debated the eternal question.

“Auny, we might want to go.” Kenichi whispered, having already gotten his candy.

“You’re no fun.” I teased, and then sighed. “I’ll get both!” I slapped down the remainder of what money I had with me. The Digimon vendor gladly pulled out the boxes from behind the counter and gave them to me.

We quickly ran away from the impending mob.

The hallways to the movie theater were so big – I was beginning to wonder if they did have every movie ever made. We finally found Skunkaphobia, and, to my surprise, there were Digimon there. Enough for us to have trouble finding seats.

We did find some, though, and, luckily, I didn’t have to sit still through those annoying previews. Soon, the room began to get dark. I had seen this in a movie somewhere, so, of course, I couldn’t resist:

“The lights are DIMMING! The lights are DIMMING!” I announced, literally bouncing. Kenichi pulled me down, saving me from a fireball attack from the Digimon a few rows back.

Was it unnatural for me to be this happy when I’m seeing a movie about a fear of skunks? Maybe. But would that stop me? No.

I did finally get quiet, and calm, when the opening credits began to come. My troubling thoughts were shoved to the back of my mind - I was happy, darnit.

4th February 2004, 09:19 PM
Sorry for again, not posting.I suppose just concentrating on more things than this led to it, and I'll more than likely post tomorrow, with Aiymee's revised signup.

*wonders*How would the digital world get ahold of Earth candy...although it could be programmed....


And a Happy Late birthday, Gladiator. Me and Roy share the same birthday, but we were born on different years.

Roy Karrde
4th February 2004, 09:58 PM
LOL I dunno probley off of a candy websites, or maybe the rift created by the original Digidestened * In Legends * created a rift into the Digital World between there and the human world which absorbs small amounts of matter from time to time. Or Digimon could just like candy and made their own just like the Humans * Shurugs * and Gladiator if problems do arise then I'll keep Laura handing around David just to keep the character busy.

Laura Lutz
Everything was so dark and cold but it was a nice type of cold like a cold winter night where you just wrap yourself up in a blanket and enjoy the fire in the fireplace, I liked doing that, I miss doing that. "She's begining to wake up" A faint voice said it sounded so far away, was I awake? where was I? what had happened? was I did? "Please let this work" Another voice said, a girl's voice, this one was closer.

"Hello?" I asked slowly my mouth felt like it was filled with cotten, my throat was dry and my tongue was like a dead weight. I began to open my eyes but everything was so blurry so white that I had to quickly shut them again.

"Laura, LAURA?" A voice yelled running to my side I tried to open my eyes again this time things came into focus a little more, I saw what was I believed David, I wasnt sure his face, the colors in the room, they all looked like a child's finger painting.

"Oniisan?" I wispered my throat began to hurt with every word I spoke, wait there was no pain, the pain in my stomach was gone, all there was, was a tingling feeling like when your foot falls asleep. "My stomach doesnt hurt anymore" I wispered and again the rough pain of speaking. Things were coming into focus more now it was David, my Oniisan, standing next to me, and Rigiamon, and a very upset Kari with blood all over her hands, she looked as if she were near tears.

"That's so gread" David smiled now he sounded like he was near crying, what happened? what did I miss? "She's safe now right, no more fatal operations?" David asked turning to Rigiamon.

"For right now yes, later there is a possibility of it returning, maybe in a few weeks, but the group might allready be in the Human World by then and she can get proffesional surgery" Rigiamon replied. David squeezed my hand again, all this time I never noticed he had been holding it tightly.

That was when the dream came back, the one when I was in that darkness, it really was more of a feeling than a dream, it was of pure hatred toward David and Haruka, more of it directed toward Haruka. "Is Haruka okay?" I asked weakly the big Laura came over and gave me a cup of water which I sipped slowly.

"I havn't seen her, either of you guys?" David asked, every one shook their heads. "I guess she is keeping to herself which isnt that unusual for her"

"We need to find her, she might be in trouble" I groaned swinging my legs off of the..couch? and tried to get up. "She could allready be under attack, one of those Yami things could be after her even mine" I said as I was rewarded with even more pain from my stomach which had turned from a tingle to a full all out drill, drilling into my stomach.

"Easy there, you just had a major operation, your going to rest" Oniisan said placing a hand on me and forcing me back down to laying on the couch. I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes, rest did sound good.

"Could one of you call Satoshi? I just want him to know I'm okay" I asked, everyone seemed to be talking and really busy so I doubt they heard me. "Great" I wispered and allowed the exuastion wash over to me as I drifted off into dream land, and for the first time I didnt have to worry about not waking up.

For those who didnt know that one bit of Japanese:
Oniisan = Big Brother

5th February 2004, 09:29 PM
Ugga only had time to finish this up before I have to go. Sorrwie.

[aiymee's revised signup]
Name:Aiymee Haruda
Look's 1:Somewhat tall for age, she stands at 5'8". Her hair is a coal black, unlike her sister's golden brown locks.He hair goes down to her mid-back section, and she has bangs, that look similar to Kagome's in Inuyasha.Her eyes are a brown, with long eyelashes. She normally wears her Sailor uniform, which is a pladed(sp?) purple skirt that goes down to her ankles, and a shortsleeve white shirt, with the little thing(ughh...can't remember it) is purple with 2 white stripes running across the bottom of it, and a green hankerchief thing that is ties underneath it.
Look's 2:She look's uttermost the same, she gets a change of clothing on the way to Wishing Lakes, which is the same outfit I mentioned above. The only difference is the fact that her skin is paler, and her eyes are a haunting yellow.She also has a charm anklet, with charms of each elemental symbol(in kanji) on it. They glow whenever the person of that element is near.
Personality:In the real world, she's actually a sweet kid, who's always putting herself infront of others. She's very social, but she's not a brat. She actually, to a point, loathes Haruka for being somewhat lonerish. Sometimes her friends get on her nerves.
Personality-D World: She's not that sweet anymore, actually more lonerish than she was before. She tends to be patient, and is like a slow poison. She actually doesn't like to show herself infront of the CC though, since Satoshi is with them.
D-Sense Color:Lavendar rims, Black base.
Digimon: Droommon
1.Dream Controller:She can controll a person for a short period of time.
2.UnHoly Shield: Protect's against weak Ice and Fire Attacks.
3.Icey Blaster: Shars of ice apper, and go to opponent, freezing them up.
Theme Songs:
1.One day, One Dream-Tackey and Tsubasa
Other:Bite mehhhh

Name: Droommon(Dutch for Dream)
Type: DreamCatcher
Virus,Data or Vaccine?:Vaccine
Looks:She look's like a human, at the height of 3'5". She's very pale, and look's like she has deep blue hair flowig in each way. Her eye's are yellow, and she wears a long white gown, and has a little bow and arrow, and mini black wings.
Attacks(2 for rookie-champion.4 for Ultimate and Mega):
1.Droom vanger(Dream Catcher)-A Auroa of Black mist surronds the oppponent, making the human or digimon very dilisional.
2.Los dolores en el Sueño(Pains in the Sleep)-After using Droom Vanger, Droommon makes the illusions the opponent is suffering to cause actually pain.Droommon's eye's a horrific yellow light during this.
Element(MUST correspond to the Element you are assigned.):Unholy
Personality:Although she doesn't agree with Magna Wiccamon and the other lunars in controlling humans, she agrees to, since it's been her dream to be with a human partner. She understands that Satoshi is cousin to her 'master'..

Name:Rêvemon(French for Dream)
Type:Emotional Dreams
Virus,Data or Vaccine?:Virus
Looks:Her black wings are larger now as she stans at 5'6" with Lavendar hair that's everflowing, very long.She's extremely pale, with rosey cheek's. She wears A Long white gown with some armour on her knee's,and her chest area. Her Arrow's and Bow are longer now.They serve no purpose but for looks.Her eye's are Yellow.
Attacks(2 for rookie-champion.4 for Ultimate and Mega):
1.Rêver le Tisserand(Dream Weaver)-A Stronger verson than Droom Vanger, Yellow mist comes out of her eyes, and goes into her opponent, which make's them even more dilisional.
2.L'impresa(Undertaking)-Allowing Rêvemon to control the thing she used Rêver le Tisserland on, she make's their dreams cause great pain, and great emotional damage.
Element(MUST correspond to the Element you are assigned.):Unholy
Personality:Almost the same as Droommon, she's very motherly to Aiymee.
Other:Rêvemon stays in this form for 24 hours.

Virus,Data or Vaccine?:Vaccine
Looks:A Tall human looking being, with pale skin, and a everflowing white dress, with it fading to lavendar on the bottom. Her wings are still black, but even longer. She has purple lipstick on her lips, and green eyes.She basically floats, never really touching the groung. In her hand is a silver flute.Her silver hair is down to her back, and had lavendar highlights.
Attacks(2 for rookie-champion.4 for Ultimate and Mega):
1.Unholy Smphony(sp?)-She takes out her conducters wand, and it starts to glow with a purple light.She then waves it around, and blasts of darkness come out whenever she stops.
2.Musical Notes-She takes her flute, and starts to play a lite, sweet melody.Little Sparkly Music Notes come out, and pick a random person. They then flow through the head, and leave the person in a bliss state. It also makes them unwilling to fight..
3.Silent Mind Wave-After using Music Notes, she then uses it to easily correspond her brainwaves with the human, and allows her to control the person.
Element(MUST correspond to the Element you are assigned.):Unholy
Personality:Almost the same as Droommon, she's very motherly to Aiymee.

6th February 2004, 03:36 PM
Alright...I'm back.

~*~*~Laura Rider - Ice~*~*~
["anata no koto wo omou, sore dake de namida ga//ima afureda****e kuru yo, hakanai omoi zutto donna toki demo negau yo, anata ni todoku you ni to..." ~My Will--Dream(1st Inu-Yasha ending)]
I stood patiently outside of the room of the hotel where Laura was being cured by Rigiamon, and I didn't really wish to know why. Gazing around, I slid down until I was in a seating position, probably next we'll head to the next town. I looked at Arwen, as if I was to ask her something, and gave a slight nodding motion.

"Arwen," I began, softly and shyly, "Do you have any idea about the next town...?"

She nodded and leapt over, "Apparently we should head to the Wishing Lakes next. It is rumored to grant the wishes of couples...except leaving this place. There is also a diner, a store for camping gear, and believed that inside the island of each lake, a tunnel leading to a temple where believed only the one of water can enter. I've been around the area a lot before I was called to assist you."

I nodded, "Well, we can get camping gear..." I looked down in disgrace, "But the lakes granting wishes to couples...I guess I can't..."

"What do you mean?"

"It's Jun....half of me believes he doesn't care about me, but the other side wants me to believe he does, and wants me to love him back. I'm stuck, and not which side to believe," I said, thinking about how there eleven Chosen Children, "And because it's 11 of us...I guess I'm supposed to be the lonely one."

"Well, will you tell him about how you feel?" Arwen replied, slightly cocking her head.

I gazed downward, the around the hallway, "Maybe...once I get washed and out of this kimono..." Standing up, I carried my D-Sense in one hand, as I walked back to my room, just to wash up.

[Translation~ "I think of you and that alone is enough,
to make the tears start to flow now//I always, always wish that these fleeting thoughts would reach you..."]

-*-Kouji Hikazu - Light-*-
["Hitotsu no me de asu o mite//Hitotsu no me de kinou mitsumeteru//Kimi no ai no yurikagode//Mo ichido yasurakani nemuretara.." ~The Real Folk Blues(Cowboy Bebop Ending)]
I gazed as the statue slowly came to life, the orb slightly glowing. My egg had been kept safely near my left foot, as I tried not to fumble at the nearly-blinding aura emmited. I blinked slightly, as a girl with brownish-gold hair stepped forward slightly, in her handing something much like what my mother had...only the girl's was pink with a white grip...I think it was a D-Terminal.

"Thank you for coming..." She said quietly, moving her D-Terminal towards me, "Watch these movements." She did movements which eventually formed a pentagram and a line, "Repeat those movements." I gave a stern, but understanding, nod, and repeated the movements on my D-Sense. I, too, eventually had formed the same pentagram and line. She faintly smiled, before saying some more.

"About 20 years ago, 10 humans boarded Trailmon and joud into this world in order to protect it. There, they collected twenty spirits, 10 Human, 10 Beast. Eventually the humans and their spirits combined came to be known as the 'Ancients'...." She said, before giving a slight frown. I had heard that story before, and I nodded slightly. Eventually she smiled again before fading into her light aura, along with the orb and the statue she came from. Blinking with curiousity, I shrugged. My egg was gone, too. With tension, I stepped backward before tripping on something, fumbling backward and came face-to-face with something.

"What was that for?" He asked, wagging his tail(which I had tripped on) slightly. Sighing, he backed up slightly when I sat up.

"Sorry about that..." I said, realizing the 'thing' was a Digimon...but no ordinary Digimon. This one was much like a cross between a dauschund and a collie(border collie? O-o), only with deep blue eyes and anything normally black and brown were various shades and tints of yellow. He also had a marking of a sun on his forehead, probably signifying his element: Light. If so, that explained the gold and white and the fact I only could get in here this morning.

"Well, it's alright, I'm Howlermon..." He said, his ears perking up slightly, "You must be Kouji, then." I nodded slightly, as I stood up and picked up my D-Sense

"To prove you are the Child of Light, there is one task: you must fight a Digimon...pure and simple." He lead me behind the altar and into an arena-like place, it was a mix of blackish-purple and gold-white marble...and seemed much like an Ancient Roman temple, minus the statues and dedications to the gods/goddesses. At the end stood a tunnel...which rampaging was sounded from inside. What came out? A Mammothmon.

"An Ultimate..?"I said, gasping and shuddering(OoC: If you've seen the episode of Family Guy I am Peter, Hear Me Roar, his shudder sounds like Stewie's when he realizes what he was doing in his sleep:End), "I have to fight an Ultimate Digimon...?"

[Translation~ "One side of my eyes see tomorrow, And the other one see yesterday//I hope I could sleep in the cradle of your love, again"]

Roy Karrde
6th February 2004, 04:45 PM
Hey hate to be the bearer of bad news but Gladiator PMed me last night and told me to tell you guys that he just got grounded becuase of his grades, so he could be back as soon as 3 weeks to I dont know when, anyway I guess we are going to all have to step up to fill his spot in posting.

Laura Lutz
( 2 Years Ago )
I sat there on the edge of my bed, tissues bunched up in hand, and all decked out in a depressing black dress. Daddy's funeral were today and all of his old friends were in the den talking to mommy, who had told me to stay back in my room or else.
"I can't go?" I asked mommy with tear filled eyes as she paced back and forth in my room just hours before.

"Why should you go, your the one that killed him, why should you go to his funeral" Mommy spat at me she was flushed red and continued to pace back and forth in a hurried pace. "Infact if you even leave your room while other people are here, I..I..I will throw you out of the house" She threatened.

I winced and sank lower on the bed, She began to leave and I got up and ran after her tugging on her black dress. "Please I'll..I'll do anything just let me go" I begged hugging on to her dress. She turned around and smacked me across the cheak sending me flying off my feet, my body fell to the ground and one of my small toys lodged into my neck cuasing it to bleed.

"Keep your hands off of me" She glared looking at me for a second and then turned her head with disgust and shut the door.
I peaked outside of the door to see who was out there I remembered what Mommy had said but those people, I had never met them maybe, maybe I could just see them for a second. I peeked out the door and I could bearly see into the den there was a tall guy standing there and next to him was a 12 year old who looked strong or muscular like he was in sports or something.

The 12 year old guy turned around to look at me, I closed the door to the point where I could bearly see out of it, the guy smiled and waved, I quickly shut the door and ran back over to the bed to act like nothing had happened, a minute later the door opened and he walked in I looked up at him for a second before looking away. "Hi, my name's....well it doesnt matter what my name is, are you Laura?" He asked me sitting down next to me on the bed, I nodded slowly and just kept looking straight ahead trying not to make eye contact. "I..I'm sorry about your dad, is..is there anything I can do?" He asked.

I looked back up at him with tear filled eyes again, " Can, you just be my friend, no body's done that in a long time" I cried colapsing in his lap and sobbing. I had never really been this emotional infront of anyone, but Daddy died becuase of me and then Mommy began hating me, and I really needed a friend.

"Shhhh, it's okay" The guy said comfortingly as he stroaked my hair and rubbed my back. "What's this?" He asked moving my hair out of the way to discover the bloody scar on the back of my neck.

(Present Day)
"Oniisan" I wispered as I woke up to find my face smothered in a pillow, the memories of the dream still danced in my head, it really wasnt a dream I guess but a memory that I had tried to forget.

"I'm here" David said next to me as I raised my head up, I blinked a few minutes and looked at him "Kari went to wash the blood off of her hands and Laura's upstairs" David quickly replied to a question I didnt even ask.

"You..you were that guy..you were him back when daddy died that came into my room" I asked him turning away and brushing my hair aside to show him the scar on the back of my neck. "I asked you to be my friend that morning" I said turning back to him, my stomach didnt hurt anymore it actually felt really good.

"Yeah.." He sighed looking away from me. "I'm sorry I couldnt do anything about how your mom treated you" he appologised.

"It's okay, she found me trying to make myself dinner, when she came back from the funeral so she threw me out of the house that evening, I lived on the street for a few weeks till I was picked up by social services, they took me to a new home, and they didnt like me either" I sighed looking down at my hands. "I've still been waiting for a family to take me in that actually likes me" I added, we just sat there for a long period of time in silence.

"I'm going to leave..with Laura soon, I promised her I would go with her, and I have a promise to keep" I finally said breaking the silence, I could see the disapointment in his eyes along with a hint of tears, tears that I would probley see from others. "I love you Oniisan, you are the heart of the group, never forget that" I said patting him on the hand and got up to join Laura up in her hotel room, I wanted to stay, I really did, but I wanted to keep my promise to Laura and besides she was fun to be with.

6th February 2004, 11:12 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

"No, not again! The stench!" the man screamed again, as another chase scene took place. Skunkaphobia was a very literal translation of what this movie was: a man afraid of skunks... And there were more skunks in this movie than I had ever seen before. The movie wasn't exactly up to the standards that I usually adhered to... But Auny seemed to be enjoying it. A smile passed across my face as I put one arm across her shoulder.

She looked up at me with a smile on her face, then bounced happily as she saw the guy on the screen jump five feet into the air when a skunk happened to be in the porta-potty he had entered. She leaned against me and I could feel her giggling above the bizarre soundtrack for the movie. At least no more digimon were launching attacks at us anymore.

As the movie continued, I tried to follow the plot (or lack of). The movie was just about running... Though a woman was involved who was attempting to get rid of his fear. Unfortunately it involved throwing more skunks at him, which didn't seem to be doing him much good at all.

During a non-skunk scene (which were few and far between) the woman admitted to having feelings for the cowardly man. They began to kiss passionately, something that felt out of place in this sort of movie. I looked over to Auny to be a little surprised that she was already staring at me. With a little smile on her face when she saw she had caught me by surprise, her face moved forward and kissed me on the lips. This time she stayed on my lips, the kiss becoming deeper than the ones we shared before.

While surprised at first, I enjoyed it. Emotions rushed at me, and I dove into the kiss like I had seen actors occasionally do on television and on the screen before us. But the actors couldn't feel like this while kissing the girls across from them... They didn't care about them like I did Auny at this moment...

I wasn't exactly sure how long it was until we broke apart from the kissing, but the hero (or coward as I like to refer to him) had seemed to conquer his fear of skunks, and was presently hugging a pair of them against his chest. They were spraying him at the same time, but he didn't seem to mind much.

Auny rose up from her seat, clapping as "The End" screen came up. Several digimon shot her exhausted looks, and several others shot me sly smiles as we got up together.

Best movie I've ever seen... I thought to myself as I looked at Auny. Auny clasped my arm, and we moved to exit the movie...

7th February 2004, 10:24 PM
Aiymee Haruda

"Hey..Miss!!"I heard a voice behind me, running and slowly gasping for air. I stopped, and looked around to find a Gabumon. Droommon looked at him funny, and he stopped in front of us, gasping for air.
"Someone told me to give some clothing to you."The Gabumon regained his breath,and handed me a picture. It was a Seraphimon looking picture, and next to it, a Weird, human looking digimon. It was a male, with pale skin, a purple rode around him, and a witched hat. He had a beard to a point with gray hair, and His eyes were like those spinny hypno discs."He called himself 'Hypnosimon', and told me he thought you might like a shower and a new set of clothing. He paid for both, so come with me."
"Thanks.."I said slightly, and sighed as me and Droommon headed back to Tama Market with the Gabumon. But it wasn't a long walk to the Gabumon's shop.
"There's a Spa/Shower in the back rooms, use the one with Purple decorations. I will deliver your clothing when you are dry. Take as long as you want."He said, and smiled,"And he also told me to treat you to some real food, not tea and biscuts."
"Thanks again."I smiled slightly, and walked into the back hallway with different colored doors. I saw a purple door, and opened it. It had ton's of lavendar towels, a toilet, sink, and a spa with a shower head above it. It had "Lavendar" smelling shampoo and conditoner, purple poof's and purple body wash. There was even lotion on the sink, and toothpaste/toothbrush...and a Letter.

"Please let me help you on your journey."The note read in shiny, purple ink, written in script. The bottom had a fingerprint, and next to it, it said "Hypnosimon". I smiled, and Droommon stared at the picture.
"Hypnosimon was the digimon that Yami Seraphimon and Magna Wiccamon were talking about before I left for you."
"Something about him running a hotel/recruiting base in Playa Coast."

"Oh, thanks. Wanna take a little bath?"I smiled, and put some purple bubble bath into the running water of the spa/bath. She smiled, and I took my clothing off. I wasn't developed much, so it was no biggy. I stepped into the slightly hot water, and Droommon did the same. We relaxed for a little bit, chatting about things such as the real world, and my family..

"Haruka is around 2 years older than me."I said. I felt my true, real world emotions again. Envy about Haruka,"Haruka never really had anyfriends, so she got to do more stuff with Mom."
"I envy her for that. I never got time with my parents since I was always out with friends."I sighed slightly,"I suppose I want to be like her in a sence. Except she bottles all her emotions up, she never crys."
"Well, now you can get your revenge for your envy of her,right?She's the only one that can be really killed. Though what would happen is that her soul, her body's data would be stored in a digiegg while it gets 'defragmented' "Droommon asked,as I drained the water to take a shower. I closed the curtains,and the shower started. I used some of the pore stuff, and soap on my body, with Droommon making a mess.
"Heh, your funny."I said,as I placed shampoo in my hair, following by conditoner. The ground was dirty as I finished cleaning my hair, and I felt my body getting lighter. I stepped out as Droommon was finishing up, and placed a robe on myself. I placed my hair in a towel,and opened the door.

"Here it is.It also came with this nifty charm anklet. I'll give you a new pair of sandles when you get out."He said, and handed me a bag.Droommon got out, and wrapped herself in a towel. I placed the bag by the door, and placed some lotion on my body. I felt pampered---good. And something told me if I did what I was told, I would be pampered more often. I smiled as I took the soft clothing out, and almost gasped..

"My school Uniform.."A Long, sily purple pladed long skirt with a shirt,with a purple thing on it. I had forgotten it's name..I smiled as I saw some undergarments, and I looked at Droommon..
"Can ya step out of the room for a sec?"I said,and Droommon smiled, and walked out..

I got changed slowly, one by one, untill I was fully dressed. I ever had the anklet on,and I felt more powerful with it. I had blown dry my hair, and brushed it untill it was soft. I then brushed my teeth, and looked at myself on the mirror behind my door..

"Like school.."I frowned, then smiled. It felt nicer in these clothes,rather then the ones I was wearing before.

Roy Karrde
7th February 2004, 11:13 PM
Laura Lutz
"Just tell me when your ready to go" I told Laura before shutting the door, well everything was taken care of, in a few hours I would leave my friends and go off with Laura and Jun on a whole new adventure. I would leave everyone, Oniisan, Haruka…Satoshi, everyone.

I found myself walking along the streets later that day with the sun setting, splashing all different colors over my face, as I thought about how life would be different with my new journey at hand. I was jolted out of my thoughts by a splash of water against my back side, all the way down to my butt. "REVENGE IS MINE" Some one yelled but I was so furious to not even recognize the voice.

"Who do you think you are splashing people with.." I yelled turning around, my face soften immediately, I lost all anger and I felt like a dream had finally come true. "Satoshi" I cried running up to him and throwing my arms around him as I cried.

"Laura" Satoshi whimpered closing his eyes and wrapping his strong arms around me.

"I missed you so much..my love" I murmured as we just stood there in our embrace.

"I missed you too, Laura" Satoshi whispered kissing me on the forehead.

"So Rigiamon found a cure for me, he says I'll be fine" I smiled we had been walking around town for the last two hours, Satoshi had been really reluctant to talk about what happened while I was gone while I just rambled on and on, finally we found ourselves at the old Fireworks ground, the party was long over but they had left everything up, even the dance stage. "C'mon you owe me a dance mister" I said sticking out my tongue and winking at him, slowly I dragged him over to the dance floor and turned on the lights and placed a slow song on the Jukebox's.

"I..cant dance" Satoshi said beginning to walk off the stage, I grabbed on to his arm and pulled him back onto the dance floor. "Laura I cant" he complained

"It's just me and you, no one else will see" I reminded him, it was true we were the only ones here, "Here I'll teach you, you place your hand here, and here" I told him, showing him where to place his hand on my waste, and where he could outstretch my other arm like in the movies.

“Laura..” Satoshi began, he was doing pretty good, he had only stepped on my feet a few times, but as he put his heart and soul into it, the dance became easier for him, we both were able to glide across the dance floor like Cinderella and he was my Prince Charming.

”Dancing is just about what you feel, what you want to do” I told him laying my head on his chest to finish the dance.

“What if I want to kiss you?” Satoshi asked, I smiled and looked up at him, we stopped dancing for a second and kissed on the dance floor it all seemed so right, so perfect.

“So what do you think that star is named?” I asked him, it was a few hours later after the dance, and we had curled up on a park bench with a blanket, as it got cold outside, both of us had snuggled up together to watch the stars and try to name them.

“Ah that is a very interesting question, I believe that is the star: Sagitarrus” Satoshi said in a very professor like voice, I giggled at the made up name and pointed out another one, they looked like two people one smaller and the other one taller, both of them right next to each other. “Oh well that’s a interesting one, see that smaller one is named Laura, and that bigger one is named Satoshi, and he is very happy to have Laura back” Satoshi whispered in to my ear, I turned and kissed him on the nose before laying back and making little puff balls of smoke come out of my mouth from the cold.

I shifted in the seat and felt the ring dig into my skin, that ole ring that I had bought for Satoshi just a day or two ago, I had promised to give it to him as a promise ring, and well no time like the present. " I leaned one thing when I was sick, is that life is so short, and that I want to stay with you, so I have this ring, it's a promise ring, I've seen teenagers give it to each other and it means that they might get married later on in life, I guess what I'm asking Satoshi is... will you marry me some day?" I asked moving the ring onto his marriage ring finger, he looked down at it and then looked back up to me, I smiled and waited to see what his answer was.

Yami Annika
8th February 2004, 05:40 PM
In my defense, Kenichi's suggestion was written by Roy.


“It’s getting late,” Kenichi sighed, leaning back in his chair. It was true. Seated from the café across the movie theatre, I could see the Digimon heading to their own homes and into dreamland. I sipped on my milkshake – or the Digital World substitute - as he checked his watch. “We have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow.”

I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant, but I hoped it meant we would soon put Primary Town behind us. I nodded absentmindedly.

“We could check in on Morrigan; her locator shows her in the temple.” Kenichi added, his D-Sense displaying a map with multi-colored dots all around the city.

“That’s… quite alright,” I vetoed. “Last time I went into a temple, bad things happened.” I absentmindedly rubbed my head from where I had been knocked unconscious. The memories were still fresh. “Besides, she’s a big girl. She can take care of herself.” I reminded him. Kenichi seemed to agree, and we went back to contemplating how to spend the rest of the night.

“We could just, you know, sit on a bench all night, making out.” Kenichi suggested shyly, at least, shyly for him. I was so surprised; I sent air back through my straw, causing my drink to spew out all over the table. “Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” He immediately apologized.

“No, no it’s alright,” I quickly amended; glad to have clean-up duty to distract me from my deepening blush. “It just caught me by… surprise…” I quickly tried to work on damage control, to keep him from mentally kicking himself for days to come, but didn’t really succeed. “So…”

Then, both of our D-Senses went off, signaling an incoming call, and saving us from having to embarrass ourselves further.

“Sorry to interrupt you two, but I have a request” David’s head appeared in 3-d form above the device. “Laura said she had a feeling that Haruka was in trouble. Do you guys mind checking in on her?” I wondered which Laura to which he was referring, but then he added “And Kenichi it was the real Laura that told us this not the Yami. She told us after Rigiamon was able to perform surgery on her.”

My worst suspicions were confirmed, and I started to turn uncomfortably in my seat at the name. The letter came fluttering into my mind, along with the thoughts of how she hated me and how I had broken my promise to her.

“And Aunyailia, Laura’s going to be okay.” I could only smile thinly at that comment – at least she would live. But it was no matter, she still hated me. “Anyway, it’s up to you guys,” David finished, disappearing from the sky.
“Might as well.” I shrugged, breaking the silence, and standing up. Haruka wasn’t the ideal person I wanted to save – she, too, hated me. But maybe saving her life would make her open her mind a little. If so, it would be worth it.

“Shall we?” I asked, helping Kenichi out of the booth. He wrapped his arm around me, and we walked out of the café, and onto the boardwalk.

10th February 2004, 03:17 PM
Satoshi Takinowa

" I learned one thing when I was sick, and that is that life is so short, and that I want to stay with you, so I have this ring, it's a promise ring. I've seen teenagers give it to each other and it means that they might get married later on in life, I guess what I'm asking Satoshi is... will you marry me some day?" She asked, and my eyes froze at her body as she looked in my eyes with a tint of happiness. My mind froze at the question..

And I found myself in a similar situation as like the one back in Tama Market, when Laura renounced her love for me. My mind froze, my mouth only spitting out “Uh’s”. It’s was a big decision, even if it won’t happen for a while. I would be promising Laura my hand in marriage, and I wasn’t sure I was up to the promise---I mean, I’m only 15,right?

“So, Yes or No?” Laura asked, a bit more sadness in her tone of voice. I shifted my eyes around, on accident, as I looked for the right answer, but all I found were all the wrong ones. I strongly felt myself wanting to ask Haruka on this matter, but she wouldn’t take me very seriously at all. She’s like that, you know?

Then, I took a ring, the promise ring that she placed on my finger. A little loose, but soon, it’ll be snug, sort of like our relationship. It’s sort of jumbled around, but soon-and I felt it- we would get close. And this is where I took upon to find the right answer, and I placed a grin on my face.

“Ee.”I said shortly, and she looked at me interestingly. It suddenly popped out of my mind to say Yes in English, and not in Japanese. Baka me for that.
“Yes, I mean” And suddenly, Laura arose with a smile, and her face lighten up with happiness, and I felt myself radiating the same emotion. I held her hand in mine, and I leaned for it.

And I suppose it was like any other kiss we have done so far, but it was different all the same. And it felt like it lasted forever, and we soon departed with it, and I felt upon a pure, sensational bliss.

“Hey, Lovebird’s.” I heard from the corner of the area, and saw upon Hawkmon, who had some lipstick around his beak. I glared upon him as he walked over, and stood in front of us.
“Hawkmon, NOW you decide to return.” I said in a strong tone.
“And? I had a blast.” Hawkmon lit up. I sighed, and looked at Laura.

Haruka Haruda
[“Hitoribotchi no shiisoo de/Daremo ga dareka ga kuru no wo matteru/Boku mo onnaji dakedo ne/Itsu demo hantai muki ****e/Suwatte itan da” Hitoribocchi no Seesaw; The Lonely Seesaw[C/o-Tobira~Door]]

“Wake up Haruka….someone at door!” I woke up rudely to Lopmon’s kidish voice, and she was right, someone was pounding on the door. I sat up, and slowly opened my sleepy eyes.
“One sec, one sec..” I said, and the pounding lightened up to be a soft knock. I quickly brushed my hair and placed my goggles on, and ran over to the door, looking in the peephole. A Girl, who seemed to hang around David a lot was in front, but a Dark figure showed in the back of her--her temple was here, I suppose. But as I reached for the door knob, I felt a forbidden feeling--like I shouldn’t open the door. I backed away from it, but it was only that girl…right? It could be a Yami, but I would wonder what they would want from me.

So I turned the knob, and the girl didn’t move at all when the inside, the warm house, was presented to her. But a cold smirk was plastered on her face, and the Digimon behind her revealed itself with glowing wings..
“Black Flame Burst!” It bellowed, and the wings grew with a intense darkness…This wasn’t the girl that hung around David…but a Yami.

A Strong Willed one at that.

I suddenly felt my hands burn when I felt fear overcome me. Lopmon went behind me, and as soon as the digimon released the Darkness..
“Akiramenaide!”I yelled, and my hands glew with a white light, and surrounded Lopmon, me, My Scooter and Satoshi’s Moped. The blast suddenly was over, and the house was ruin’s afterwards. I stared into the girl’s eyes as she walked over, and I started to back up, with Lopmon copying.

“Why protect yourself when you know you are going to die, mortal.” She said with a cold voice.”Ebodramon….finish her off.”
I soon found my hand reaching for my D-Sense in my pocket, and I pressed a button. I made a Pentagon (A Star), and Lopmon glew with a bright,pinkish light..

“Lopmon…digivolve to….Rabbitmon!” My D-Sense said in a feminine tone. I looked behind me, to notice a huge rabbit behind me..
“Darker Intent.”The Dark Dragon like champion bellowed, and a black-purple like fireball shot rapidly at Rabbitmon, who soon found herself in a battered-Lopmon form. I growled as the digimon hissed and smirk. He flung a little fireball at me, and I took the attack, my body soon found itself in pain.

“Haruka?!?!?!”I hear a voice.

Kenichi and..


Aoi Shibiyama

“Why did you do that!”I yelled, and I soon found myself on a bench outside a huge stadium/dome building.A Boy was staring over me..Hiro-kun?
“Hiro?”I asked,and sat up. Labramon was behind him, rubbing against his leg.
“You were out for a while, and I needed to get help.”Labramon said,”He came immediately, picked you up and brought you here. Since that, he’s been asking what’s been happening.

“Your not freaked on Labramon?” I asked Hiro, and he smiled, and laughed for a sec.
“Digimon have been appearing around lately. But Labramon here told me she was with you, so I suppose she’s good. I also found this next to you..” He replied, and handed me my D-Sense. I looked in it, and looked into Hiro.
“It’s a Digivice.” I said clearly to Hiro. I then felt something looking over me, and looked behind me to find nothing. I felt a cold presence around though.” I was in the Digital World for around a day.”
“It hasn’t been a day..It’s been around…maybe a couple of hours or so.” He said, dazed and confused. All the same though, it felt good to be back..

I then got that strange feeling again, and pushed my Black hair to look behind me..
“Greymon…Champion Level.”

11th February 2004, 11:04 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

“Haruka?!?!?!”I shouted out, as I saw the ruins of a building. Morrigan was there, as was a rather big dragon digimon who was attacking her! Haruka was Satoshi's cousin... And mine too I suppose... I couldn't let anyone take away part of my family, whether they knew it or not.

"Armor of the Earth!" I cried. The ground did move, but not beneath me. It quickly unjulated beneath Haruka, swarming up her legs and arms in time to cover her before the next blast hit her. When the energy of the blast dissapated somewhat, Haruka was still there, straining to get up with her new light-weight rock armor covering her form.

"Kenichi?! And Auny I see..." Morrigan said as Auny came up to my side. The dragon beside Morrigan, the Yami, also turned to face us, Haruka forgotten for the moment.

I'm coming Kenichi, hold on... Rigiamon's voice echoed in my mind. I shook my head microscopically to his words, I had called him with my D-Sense on the way here. With Rigiamon, we could easily handle this pair... Perhaps even without him in this case. Morrigan hadn't had a digimon last time I'd seen her, so this Yami version must also be very young. And inexperianced.

Liquid rock slid up my body, quickly becoming solid in an armor that covered my pink pants and white shirt. I missed my old clothing in this case, along with all of my equiptment in my backpack... This would be a pure power match.

Auny held one of my arms lightly, and nodded to me. I nodded quickly back, comforted somewhat that she was there with me, ready to help and fight.

My fists swelled in size as more rock covered them. I began walking towards the pair slowly, motioning for Auny to go to Haruka's side with a whisper.

"I don't suppose you'll simply leave?" I asked calmly, facing down the pair which were rapidly getting close.

"I could say the same to you Kenichi... This isn't your fight."

"Haruka is one of us, and I won't let you kill her... Besides, I found out that she's my cousin and I'm not interested in losing a person who owes me some long overdue birthday presents," I said the last sentence lightly.

Stopping, I got into a loose fighting stance, both of my arms up ready to block an attack.

"I'm first up, shall we begin?"

Roy Karrde
12th February 2004, 04:44 PM
Well Valentine's day is in a few days, I think Poli has something planned, but well..we'll see.

Laura Lutz
Satoshi turned to me with a sigh of grief, Hawkmon did seem to pop in at the worst time, but it was okay becuase, well I was literly bursting with energy. "Here Hawkmon let me clean you up" I suggested pulling the blanket off and getting on my knees, I pulled a small scarf out of my pocket and began to clean off his beak. "So you had a great time?" I asked trying to wipe off the lipstick.

"It was awesome" Hawkmon replied jumping up into the air and then fluttered back down, he tried to pull away but I held him down by grasping one leg, with one last wipe I got the last bit of lipstick off of him. "I had sooo much fun, my mind is still reeling from it" He continued spining around, His wings flew past my face and I must have been allerigic to it becuase I started sneezing horribly, while laughing at the same time.

"Laura" Satoshi said in a serious tone, I turned to him and he was holding up his D-Sence. "Auny, Kenichi, and Haruka are in trouble" He added grimly, my heart sank and I knew we would be going into battle, just...hang in there Auny.

"Let's go" I agreed as we got up, Satoshi folded up the blanket and put it by the bench, he put an arm around me and we began to walk toward where the others were on the map. "Satoshi...I feel safer with you, than anyone else I ever knew" I said looking up at him and blushing.

"Thanks.." He replied smiling weakly. "I always feel happier around you, though I don't show it much" He added, I snuggled in closer and he placed a tighter arm around me.

"Laura Takinowa" I said trying out the name.

"What are you talking about?" Hawkmon asked looking at both of us suspisiously, Satoshi and I just laughed and kept walking.

A huge Dragon bellowed into the air not far away, I looked over at Satoshi, who looked scared to death we both just stood there for a second and then took off running. "Alpha time to go to work" I yelled with thw wind rushing through my hair, Alpha appeared next to me, as if he just appeared out of thin air, but I knew he has been secretly following me all night.

"Laura, stay out of this" Satoshi warned skidding to a halt and placing a arm in front of me, I bearly stoped myself before I slamed into his arm. "I dont want you to end up like dead, this thing is bad, I dont want you to fight it" Satoshi warned.

"I cant to that" I told him looking at him defiantly. "Auny is in there, and she is my best friend, and I'm going to protect her, plus Haruka is there, and I guess she is my Cousin in Law, now too and I want to stand up and help her" Satoshi looked at me for a few seconds, and finally nodded, we both began to run again, and for the first time I felt like I was apart of a family.

12th February 2004, 06:07 PM
~*~*~Laura Rider - Ice~*~*~
["It's so hard to tell myself that you're gone, but though you're still with me...I've been alone all along..." ~My Immortal--Evansecence]

I felt cleansed, possibly purified, after that warm shower...the soap against my skin was soothing, even being able to clean my scar from back in Las Mesa. I gazed at myself in the mirror, fully dressed in my normal clothing and placing a hand against the mirror: Was I truely ugly? Sighing, I brushed out my hair, which, due to dampness, looked black with streaks of midnight blue. I gazed once again in confusion, putting in my hairpiece, just for the heck of it. I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed, putting up my traditional clothing from the festival last night and ready to leave. I slung the bag over my back, turning off all the lights, and leaving, possibly to never return ever again.

After dropping the key off at the lounge room, I stepped out the door and into the empty road, the place dimly lit leaving only the stars out. Arwen gazed around, trying to find Vulpa, the fox constellation. I gazed openly at Virgo....my odiac sign and where my power comes from. As a woman I felt alone, and hopefully never did. Maybe....someday, I shall coimpose a myth of her-if one didn't already exist-about how she had a fair and just relationship, until she realized her significant other was with another woman, who was probably holding his child, which set her to mortal sorrow for eternity...and her heart, broken, scattered into the sky which today leaves her outline....and depicts her sad and unlucky life.

"Would that be....me...someday?" I asked quietly to myself in sorrow...sighing mournfully before continuing on. At the hill, I looked around in confusion, as if I was trying to find an invisible person. I felt blind, until I noticed a figure, a little taller than me, stand alone...could it be....Jun? I noticed a gleam of gold in amber eyes under the silver starlight....it was Jun.

I, with a tense feeling hanging in my stomach, walked over...nervous and not knowing what to say. I examined him, he was back in his normal clothing now....and probably got some rest like I assumed.

"Uh....Jun....?" I stuttered slightly, causing him to turn around with a slight 'Hnh?', gazing at me, only to realize it was only me....the tormented puppet of the winter goddess.

"Yeah...what is it?" He asked, but for the first time ever, he actually said something without grunting in a low voice.

"Well....I was just wondering," I started, glancing up and looking down slightly, a bit shy, "Me and the younger Laura were originally planning to set out on a path to the Wishing Lakes, before the rest of us, and I was wondering...if you would like to go with us...?"

He looked down himself, probably muttering something to himself about his decision, "Well....I guess I could."

And I approached him a bit more, finally gaining the courage of facing him eye to eye, my eyes slightly gleaming under the starlight through my glasses, my pendant glowing a low color, saying in a slight sorrowful tone, "I also have something else to talk to you about...."

13th February 2004, 11:01 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

"Black Luster Flare!" Morrigan screamed as dark fire erupted from her skin, hurtling at a dizzying rate towards me. Concentrating quickly on the feeling of the earth below me, I brought up both of my rock covered hands. With a massive shudder, the ground rose up to block the attack, portions of soil and grass exploding in all directions.

Another wave of fire erupted on the battlefield, this time from the copy Ebodramon towards Haruka and Auny. Within the shadows of the large digimon, the two of them abruptly dissapeared, to reappear at a distance in the shade of a tree. The attack exploded uselessly on the ground as the digimon screamed in frustration, it's wings flapping in preparation for flight.

Closing in my distance between myself and the digimon, the upturned ground still shielding me from the Yami Morrigan, I leapt into the air, giving the digimon a kick before I hit the ground rolling. While my foot was armored, I could tell from impact that it had done little more than attract it's attention. Getting up to one knee, I used my right hand in a backfist, slamming the back of one of its knees. It gave a shriek at this, it's eyes glowing in anger. I would not let it attack Auny or Haruka at this point.

"Kenichi, I'm sorry it took so long," A voice floated from behind me. The dragon's elongated head shifted from looking down from me towards the speaker. The look of anger was replaced with a less confident look... A much less confident look.

Using the moment of distraction, I lashed out at the creature's knee again, making it stumble slightly in place as I rolled backwards. A claw slammed into the ground where I had been a moment ago, but the roll brought me away from the force of the impact. I rose to both of my feet, and looked to the gray figure behind me.

"Better late than never... Want to finish this poor excuse for one of our digimon off?"

Rigiamon walked deceptively fast towards the dragon. His head tilted, as an audible crack could be heard. He stretched out his arms, tendons making groaning noises.

"I do need a bit of a warm-up."

Then, Rigiamon was off. Unlike his previous fight, he did not bother to digivolve. The scent of the dragon digimon's fear was livid, and my partner was almost artistic in his performance. Darting around the larger digimon as if it was moving still, Rigiamon's punches and kicks were almost invisible, striking almost faster than the eye could see before withdrawing and attacking another area. Not a hint of anger could be seen in his performance... He did not let it get personal. He was in complete control of his body, mind, and soul... I couldn't imagine having another digimon partner.

Then, the dragon's eyes grew hazy, and with a shudder, it slammed down to the ground, a green aura of data covering it. Pressing my D-Sense, the data exploded around the digimon and slammed into the piece of machinery. A card appeared in my hand, a card of the once copy.

Looking towards where Yami Morrigan once was, all I could see was scorched earth. It hadn't bothered sticking around after Rigiamon had come around... A good tactical move considering that it was overpowered. Though I did not look forward to tracking such creatures that could move around so easily.

Rigiamon and I moved towards the form of Auny and Haruka, who had watched the remainder of the fight apparently. Auny had really saved the day by bringing Haruka away from that attack...

"Are you two alright?" I shouted ahead, as I ran forward, the rock armor slipping off my form...

14th February 2004, 12:05 AM
Haruka Haruda

"Are you two alright?"Kenichi asked as he and Rigiamon ran over to Auny and me. The armour on Kenichi and me started to slip off and reformed with the earth. I awaited Kenichi as I looked at Lopmon, who was in my arms, sleeping. She has some bruises and she was dirty--but she wasn't dead.

"I'm ok"Me and Auny said at the same time. We both looked at each other...I sorta relented being mad at her for what she ALMOST did to Lopmon...but she almost did do it. And that's keeping me from making peace with her. I mean..she attempted murder on Lopmon..

"Thanks."I said, placing a little reluctancy in my voice as I thanked Auny for saving me. Kenichi finally got up at us, looking at us,giving off a funny look."Thanks Kenichi.."
"Are you 2 ok though?"He asked again. I looked down at Lopmon, then back at Kenichi.
"I'm fine...Lopmon's just a little battered.But she'll be ok...After a little rest."I told him.
"I'm fine too."Auny replied. I sighed, and started to walk away from the two. I didn't really want to..but being around Auny also gave me the creeps...a evil aura or something.And I wasn't in the mood to forgive and forget.

"Talk to you later."I said, wlaking away from the two, cradling Lopmon in my arms. I was going to find another empty house, Clean her and me up, then possibly leave this place.

I promise more postyness next time...I think I've got a bit of a pooply laggy brain. Hehe.

Roy Karrde
14th February 2004, 11:31 AM
Well Happy Valentine's day everyone
Laura Lutz
"Auny" I yelled running over to her and hugging her as tightly as possible. "I missed you" I sighed finally letting go of her, she was turning kindof well pale anyway I guess becuase I had cut off her blood supply when I hugged her.

"I thought you hated me?" Auny asked, I looked up at her confused, why would she think that? I hadnt done anything to make her think that, did I? "You dont hate me?" Auny asked tears welling up in here eyes.

"No, never, I would never hate you Auny, your my best friend" I told her, She sighed and hugged me around the neck, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed being with Auny again, When I opened them I could see Kenichi and Satoshi off to the side, Satoshi looked kindof aqward like he was trying to say something but didnt know how.

"Auny I need to tell you something" I said, she let go of me and kindof bent down to my level so that we could look at each other in the eyes. Well no time like the present. "Auny, Satoshi and I, well were kindof, somewhat...engaged" I said, Auny looked at me with her mouth gaping open. Kenichi looked from me to Satoshi then back to me in shock, his mouth moving but no sound coming out. Coming from one of the houses was the sound of something big hitting the floor followed by what sounded like a very angry Lopmon.

"Are you..your not..you and Satoshi" Auny said her words a jumbled mess, "Your not pregnant are you?" Auny finally asked, I felt like I had been slammed into a brick wall, this was happy news and everyone but Satoshi was treating it like we were some aweful things.

"No, no no no" I kept saying backing up while shaking my head, how could she think of such a thing.

"Laura wait, I'm sorry" Auny said walking after me, "I didnt mean it that way"

"Stay away from me, just stay away from me Auny" I yelled back at her as I took off running, was this how everyone was going to react, David, Kari and Laura, would they react this way? Did I make a mistake?

To get back at Annika for saying that I wrote the Kenichi comment, She told me that is how Auny's reaction would be.

14th February 2004, 10:15 PM
Satoshi Takinowa
["Kirameki yozora miagete itara/Ano toki ni mita hoshi ga hikatta/Umi wo norikoe tairiku mezashi/Omoigakezu ni hajimatta adobencha"-Bokura no Digital World[Our Digital World-Memorial Theme]]

"Stay away from me, just stay away from me Auny,"Laura said, before running away from Auny. I sighed, confused. I rolled my eyes slightly, and looked at Kenichi.
"So...overhearing Laura and Auny..you two...are engaged?"Kenichi asked me. I looked around nerviously and jumpy..I didn't want to reply. Unlike Laura, I wanted to keep it a secret.
"Yes."I muttered,"Well....semi."Kenichi looked at me like he couldn't hear. I then looked at him again, with a little glare, and added...Loudly this time..

"Yes, we are. Only it's semi...Like "Promise Rings." "I told him,"But I would much rather want to keep it a secret."
"Yesh...the two are engaged..."Hawkmon snuck upon me, and I jumped a mile high. I looked behind me,and there he appered. I gave him a slight glare, and he backed away..

"Anyway...is Haruka ok?I saw her walk off..In a bad mood--I suppose."I asked Kenichi. He shruged, and I sighed..
"Auny saved her from an attack..."Kenichi replied,"Though I don't know why she would be.."

"Haruka doesn't like Auny very much."

Sucky post, but heheheheh...My mind's on other subjects right now.

17th February 2004, 09:54 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

Silence reigned for a moment, before I sighed slowly. Satoshi did seem to be getting in the thick of it... Things were moving very quickly, and it didn't seem he was handling it that well... He was tired like the rest of us, and some of his strain was obvious to see.

"Satoshi, you might want to think the ring thing over," I began. Satoshi's head shot up as he looked me in the eyes, and I shook my head in response as I brought up my hand.

"No need to take it like that... It's just a suggestion. The past week has taken its toll on us, and I think things have been moving quickly for most. It might not be the best thing to do while we're battling evil digimon, clones, and who knows what else to be pushing your first relationship with a girl to be so important..."

"I haven't been pushing it..." Satoshi mumbled.

"It doesn't matter, just consider whether you want to risk that relationship by putting too much pressure on it in the beginning... I don't know that much about boyfriends and girlfriends, but I know that sort of thing can ruin a friendship," I patted him on the shoulder. "Do what you think is right for you, for her, and for the rest of us, not what is just good for the moment."

Satoshi nodded slowly, a thoughtful expression on his face. I looked towards Auny for a moment, then gave Satoshi a smile.

"I think it's just about time we left this town and continued on with our little quest, eh otouto*?"

The name I called Satoshi startled him for a second out of his thoughts, then a wide smile came over his face. He let out a chuckle. "I think that would be appropriate, oniisan*."

"Let's meet back here in twenty minutes with our things, alright?" I asked. Satoshi nodded back, and gave Auny a brief glance, then the bungalo Haruka was in. He jogged away to where his things were.

Going quickly over to Auny's side, I saw she was upset over her talk with Laura. Easily sliding one arm over her shoulder, I gave her a hug.

"Are you alright?" I asked quietly.

"Y-yeah..." She mumbled back to me, her face buried in my white shirt. I stroked her hair for a moment, then parted from our hug. I looked into her face with a smile.

"Well, we're going to be leaving this place in a few minutes, want me to help you pack before we get going? And before we get me out of these pink tuxedo pants?" I added jokingly to the end.

She sniffed a bit, her troubled expression replaced with a weak smile. "That would be nice... I sure wish I had a camera to have evidence you wore them though..."

My arm still around her shoulder, I led her back towards her small house. "I'm not one to deny such things..."


otouto = younger brother (informal)
oniisan = older brother (formal)

Yami Annika
18th February 2004, 04:02 PM
I'll post again, when I come up with something better. I just got home, and, good news: I'm done with my project! Yaaaaaaaay...


“I’m not one to deny such things…” said Kenichi, leading me away.

I didn’t mean what I said to her. I don’t know what I had been thinking. Shouldn’t I have been happy for Laura? I mean, she was happy.

As we walked further off, I felt my head drift off in the direction Laura had ran.

Why did I have to say that…?

Of all people?

It slowly dawned on me that I was becoming like the rest of them. Before we even hit Las Mesa, a time Laura was so sad. People had been thinking she was too young to be moving this fast, too young to have these feelings – wasn’t I accusing her of the same? Thinking there was something wrong with her, for her to be engaged?

I sighed gently. We had just made up, too. If she didn’t hate me then, she had to hate me now.

I leaned my head against Kenichi… Was he my only true source of comfort and happiness? Laura hated me now; Haruka hated me (although, that was nothing new)…

There was only one option; I’d have to leave, find her, and explain. Then we could all be happy again.

But I didn’t want to go, not right now.

So I didn’t have to, did I?

No, I’d wait. Come up with something to say, then chase. I'd go right before we leave.

Would that work?

All these feelings and emotions... I felt like the world had never been this complicated until now.

Roy Karrde
18th February 2004, 09:35 PM
Okay my last post sucked, I was kindof destracted by the Russ Martin Show. So I am going to delete it and edit it to go along with my sisters.

Laura Lutz
"Laura, Jun" I yelled running up to them on the hill, they both looked suprised to see me, and well a little stunned. "Ready to go?" I panted out of breath.

"What do you want to talk about?" Jun asked, Laura shot a angry look at me and I just shrugged, I had no idea that something was going on between them. Maybe I did come in at a bad time.

"It can wait till later" Laura sighed, "Hey Jun is coming with us, is that okay June?"

"Yep" I said a little more chearful than usual "Off to wishing lake" I yelled as we began to move down the hill. Alpha appeared next to me and nodded, which reminded me.

"Alpha I want you to go tell Satoshi that Laura, Jun and I are going to head on to wishing lake, and that I will see him there, I want you to travel with them until we meet up again, becuase we cant wait around for you" I told him, he seemed a little disapointed and ran off.

"Good bye you stupid town" I yelled once we reached the city limits. "I hope I never see it again" I laughed waving good bye at the town, the sound of running footsteps behind us began to get faster and faster, I turned around to see a very out of breath and tear soaked Auny run up to us. At that point I let down my happy facade and just ran to Auny and hugged her as tightly as possible.

"I'm sorry,I didnt mean to say those terrible things" Auny cried pressing her head up against my shoulder. I grabbed on to her shirt with my hand, holding it tightly as I bit my lip trying not to cry too. "I-I'm just so tired and I'm so sorry" She wispered silently in my ear, as if her voice was too strained to even talk.

"Necklace for the pretty lady?" A red dinosaur Digimon said walking up to Auny and I, he sounded no more than six or seven years old and looked like a child, on his paw were several different necklaces. "I need to sell them or my mommy and daddy cant buy us food" The Digimon said holding out the necklaces.

I let go of Auny and pulled out a wad of Cash, The Digimon's eyes grew huge as I gave it to him, he just dropped all the necklaces and ran home yelling for his mom and dad. "Here I want you to have this' I told Auny picking up a pink heart shape necklace that had the word "Sisters" written across the heart in dark pink letters. With a little force I broke the necklace into two, and tied a second piece of string around the second half, I places one half around her neck, and the other around my neck.

"As long as we both wear these then we will both know that were sisters, and that we can forgive each other for what ever we say" I told Auny with a smile, she looked down at her half of the necklace and touched it as a tear rolled down her cheak. "I..I need to go I promised the others I would go with them to wishing lake, so I guess I'll see you later" I told Auny hugging her one last time before walking off with the rest into the rising sun, with the sun washing over my face, I felt like everything was right in the world.

20th February 2004, 02:16 AM
Satoshi Takinowa

I had 20 minutes before we left for the next place.

"The next place is called Wishing Lakes."Hawkmon told me as I left to find Haruka."It's apparently a very good spot for couples. It also grants wishes for young couples...I know these things."
"Yeahh.."I sighed, walking a bit faster. I was more concentrated on what Kenichi was talking to me about..how a girlfriend..or much less a fiance, would help in times of battle-and it would interfer with our mission.All the things Kenichi said were true..I suppose I didn't really think the whole "I'm gonna have to worry about her more now," or the "I'm stuck with one girl forever," ordeal.

But giving Laura back the ring would break her heart...and most likely her spirit.

I didn't notice where I was going, since I only daydreamed while I was looking for Haruka---I actually bumped into her on the way..I looked up at her face, which was always the same-Serious. She then smiled a little bit at me, then Lopmon waved--who was being carried in Haruka's arms.
"Hey,Satoshi."She said plainly."I was..."
"Did you thank Auny?"I asked her quickly. Upon hearing that name, Lopmon gave a slight growl,and Haruka frowned.
"Yes,I did."She replied,"Is that ok with you?"
"Yeah,just checking."I said, and looked into her eyes. I know that she hate Auny-for reasons unknown..but she seemed in a bad mood.

"Anyway,Lopmon got hurt trying to protect me,"Haruka said, looking at Lopmon,"I should've been protecting her and myself..I didn't ask for any help,you know."
"You should be grateful."I said,"Anyway, wanna walk to Wishing Lakes with us?Me,Kenichi and Auny."
"Uhh.."She said, stuttering,"Fine.."

So we turned around, to where we were supposed to meet Auny and Kenichi. Haruka looked flustered, and I looked just plain...depressed.

"This is the first time your actually travelling with us, you know."I said. She looked up at the sky, her goggles a bit loose and she tightly held grip of Lopmon and her scooter. My moped...was probably broken or something-I could always get another one...if anything.
"I know...anything of it?"Haruka replied,"I feel a strange presence though...which is why I'm coming."
"Oh,so now your "Miss Sixth Sense?""I asked her jokingly. She glared,and for a second, her eyes--which were brown with hints of bubblegum pink-- were fully bubblegum pink..
"Not funny...I just feel like I should actually be near people."Haruka said,"Take notice of this moment-and do not waste it."

"Cause I plan to go out on my own after this 'Wishing Lakes'."

20th February 2004, 03:11 PM
~*~Laura Rider - Ice~*~
["Kitto aoki tsuki no gotoku awaku hikaru de arou sotto tabibito terasu yo na yasashiki ougi mo tsuyosa yo" ~from Tsuki no gotoku(Like the Moon)--Motoko Aoyama song(Love Hina)]

It was only us five: Jun, Arwen, June, Alpha, and me...as we set out for our next destination: the Wishing Lakes. I felt a bit saddenned inside after the little moment of angst earlier with June and Auny...I could tell they would miss each other. Sighing with Arwen on my shoulder, I gazed at the ground...wondering slightly since I never got the chance to admit to Jun my feelings about him. But with the couple thing at the Wishing Lakes, maybe I could hold it off for a bit. I gazed as we passed through the kush meadow, and crossed into the start of a forest of evergreen trees. The sky above hung bright and clear over our heads, the fresh scent of pine beginning to make its way towards our noses. A damp feeling hung in the air slightly, as if it had rained here earlier.

My pendant hung around me, glinting slightly without reason in the sunlight, as I noticed it began to grow slightly...darker. All I knew is we were heading into what I called a f-kai mori, or deep forest. I breathed quietly, the leaves crunching beneath our shoes. What I didn't notice is my right hand was fidgeting slightly, eventually clutching Jun's. When I had noticed this, I began to sweat a cold sweat down my neck in a slight nervous wreck, as Jun looked at me with a slight nod of confusion, Arwen was blinking slightly.

"Gomen nasai..." I said quietly, pulling my hand away and feeling embarassed. Blushing only a slight bit, I wondered why I had done that? Would that ruin his view of me?

[Translation- "I will always be like the pale moon, Shining faintly, Softly illuminating travellers, Whose tender mysteries are also strength"]

Roy Karrde
20th February 2004, 03:47 PM
Well I have been asked, and well asked for to take over the Jun Character intill Kioshi gets back, I do not know where Kioshi is, he has been off the AIM, for over a month, I have sent two emails to him with no responce, so I dunno, I hope he is okay and will come back soon.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at Laura concerned, she seemed so jittery which was very unLauraish.

"I'm fine, heh" Laura laughed blushing ten different shades of red at the same time. I really didnt catch the last thing she said which led me to even more confusion.

"Laura umm June, why dont you head on, Wishing Lake should just be up the road" I asked the little Laura, she nodded and ran ahead of us, if I remembered the map correctly it would be just a few minutes away. "Hey Laura, I well, I.." I began to say.

"I'm, okay, I mean I am I think" Laura stammered out, she seemed so out of it, as if she were fumbling for the right words to say.

"Hey I have feelings for you too, and well I know you somewhat feel the same way, their's no need to feel bad about it" I told her comfortingly, she seemed to instantly relax, as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. I slowly moved my hand forward and took hers, using my thumb to gently go over the top of her hand while the rest of my fingers intertwined with hers.

"I dont feel bad about it, I..I" She began to mumble, I took the opertunity to kiss her on the lips just like I did at Las Mesa, it felt awesome, just as it did back then. When I pulled away she let out a little moan and kept her eyes closed.

"So are we a cou..." I began to say, I couldnt even get it out when Laura..June's scream came out from the distance, Laura looked at me in shock, I nodded and we took off in the direction of the scream, we were about to face something bad, I could feel it, but Laura and I would face it together.

Laura Lutz
"Who are you?" I asked the young woman standing infront of me she was between me and wishing lake, and she gave me a really bad feeling in my stomach, like rancid tomatoes, She seemed to tower over me in height which made me more than a little afread of her, plus with Alpha gone she could just knock me down in one hit, or her...Digimon I guess, a little girl with a white gown and wings, she almost looked like a small child with wings on her back.

"Your worst nightmare--to be exact." The woman said, walking toward's me, for every step she took, I took a step back, that is until I was backed up against a tree with no where to go.

"I-I-I'm not scared of you" My voice studdering, I was shaking like a leaf by then I was so scared of her, she felt so dark so evil.

"You sure?Your shaking in your shoes." She asked, I looked down to see if that was true, she took that second to slam her hand next to the tree, I jumped and let out a short scream but one look at her shut me up. "Then again.." She added looking down at her ankle braclet to see that it was glowing.

"You guy's have the Hagane and Koori Orbs, don'tcha?" She asked me, I bit my lip and shook my head. "You have the ice and steel orbs you idiot dont'cha?" She asked again adding a more threatning tone to her voice.

"Satoshi help" I begged tears rolling down my face, I was so scared now if she knew I was steel, would she kill me, torture me?

"Which one do you have little girl?" The Digimon asked, I just scrunched up my shoulders a little and continued to cry, what were they going to do to me?

"Satoshi...You know Satoshi Takinowa?" She asked, I just looked at her in fear, the tears in my eyes making everything blury, she cracked her knuckles causing me to sob even more in fear. "Answer me" She yelled.

"He..He's my fiance, were engaged" I sobbed, at that moment Laura and Jun arrived, I looked over to them and so did the woman, Laura looked at me in shock and Jun looked like he was about to rip some one apart.

"June get over here" Laura said, I couldnt even move my legs I was in total shock all I could do is shake my head.

"Hmmm....Satoshi-kun is engaged?" The woman smirked, she reached her hand down and pulled out her D-Sence, so she was a chosen one too? "Well, you knowing him will lead you to your demise!" She spat, her spit hitting my cheak and running down my face. She made a pentagram with her D-Sence causing her Digimon to grow and turn into a aweful looking thing.

The little girl digimon was now a tall woman with long black wings, and a flute dangling in her hands, her feet and body just seemed to hover over the ground. "Revemon digivolve to Fluatamon" It growled. "Musical notes" It roared taking the flute and playing it into the air, both Jun and Laura seemed to slump over at the same time a look of happiness on their face, there wasnt even a chance for them to help me, I was alone.

"Fluatamon, do it to the little girl too...And use your other attack, Silent Mind" She laughed, Fluatamon brought the flute up to it's mouth again and I closed my eyes grabbing on to Auny's necklace.

"Help me Auny"

"Oh we will have none of that" The woman laughed grabbing Auny's necklace out of my hand and ripping it off my neck, she turned and threw it down to the sandy beach of wishing lake. At the same time I felt this kindof calm come over me, my sobbing stopped and my body went limp, I had lost control of my entire body I was just there, unable to move, speak, or do anything. I was so scared that I would tremble if I could, and worst yet I knew this time no one would be able to save me.

Yami Annika
22nd February 2004, 03:41 PM

I watch Laura disappear on her way… Then, after a few seconds, I turned tail and retraced my footprints back to the group. It was a short while before I saw the town and the group.

Everyone who hadn’t already left was there. David, Morrigan, Kari… all the people who I hadn’t seen with us in a while. Kenichi had my bags with him (what little items I had). It seemed everything was in order.

“Ready?” I asked loudly. There was a murmur of assent in the peanut gallery. “Onward!” I laughed. “Onward, to Wishing Lakes!” I grabbed my bags from Kenichi and dashed ahead.

We began a slow walk, almost a march, to Wishing Lakes. Our Digimon usually stayed ahead of us. Luckily, none of us forgot anything, so, although there was no awkward or funny moments of having to run back, we got there faster.

“What’s that?” Kenichi asked me after a while. I looked at him, surprised, not realizing he had appeared beside me. I followed his gaze to the necklace Laura had given me, the same one my fingers had been stroking endlessly the entire time I had been walking.

“This?” I held it up. “It’s… ah, a gift. From Laura.” I grinned widely.

“So everything went well?” He asked.

I nodded energetically. “Of course!” I chirped. We walked a little further, with me having a spring in my step, and he walking normally. Wishing Lakes was starting to appear, Primary Town far behind us. There was still one thing I needed to do…

I stopped suddenly, grabbing his hand. He stopped, too. Pulling him close, I hugged him tightly. I must have caught him by surprise, but he hugged me back.

”Okay,” I smiled, jumping off of him. “We can go on, now.”

-=-=-=-(Time Passes)-=-=-=-

We had finally arrived at the entrance of Wishing Lakes. It was beautiful – there was, of course, a huge lake there. Without thinking, I ran off to it. More than anything, I loved water, though I couldn’t swim very well… Finally, a town I think I liked. I breathed in the damp air, and remembered something I had heard before I left to meet Laura.

“The next place is called Wishing Lakes. It's apparently a very good spot for couples. It also grants wishes for young couples... I know these things.”

Hawkmon had said that, I recalled.

Hmm… what should I wish for?

All these thoughts came into my head. Kenichi and I… Good fortune for all my friends…

Hoshimon. A faint thought whispered in my mind, but it was easily pushed out.

I paced as I thought, oblivious to the movements in the water. The only thing that took me out of my thoughts, was stepping on something small and solid in the sand. Curious, I picked it up – it was the other half of Laura’s sisters charm.

What had I done this time? was the first thought in my mind. But, I hadn’t done anything! I was certain of it this time. Then, why would she take it off?


I looked around, and saw a set of small footprints by the lake. They looked about Laura’s size. There was another set of footprints too… But only one set. And they were bigger, too.

However, I hadn’t stepped over there yet. And – checking over my shoulders to confirm my theory – I was the only human here. I saw the older Laura and Jun in the distance, but if they had come over here, wouldn’t there be two sets?

I blinked for a while, pondering.

What if it was Arkana? I thought worriedly.

No, a voice told me confidently. He couldn’t have done this.

Then, who else? There was only one other known evil child… But I hadn’t seen her in so long… It was that girl named Aiymee…

I growled. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that, too. Aiymee took Laura. How dare she even think about hurting my friend…

I’d make her pay. No mercy.

22nd February 2004, 04:57 PM
Aiymee Haruda

I had led Laura, who told me her name after Fluatamon using her Silent Mind Wave attack on her. I had Fluatamon make her follow me as we went to a cabin that Hypnosimon left for me.It was pretty big, atleast bigger than the other camping cabins set around her. Fluatamon set the fire, and I sat down on the couch, having the body of Laura sit down next to me. Fluatamon locked the door behind me, and we started the extraction..

I closed my eyes, as she closed hers, and I placed my hands on her temples.Memories of her's overflooded me, and for a quick second...I actually thought I was Laura.I felt scared, afraid...hopeless.But I quickly got those emotions back to Laura before anything really serious happened.

Memories of her dad dieing, what seemed to be a mother who could give less than a damn of her. Then memories of her sneaking in to the Digimon Summer Convention, and of a old lady in a strange booth. Then pictures of a Red Eyed boy with glasses, hitting her, kissing her...even slashing his sword at her--though I remembered I had possessed him, it was fun to watch it form a victim's view.

I soon found myslef left with her happy memories of her getting engaged to Satoshi, and Haruka..was with them(well, not with him when he said yes, but I mean in general).I then gave her her memories back(thats not a typo), and looked through her powers..

And I only found one,Mech Swallow. She never used it before, but it wasn't really an attacking spell. She wasn't any true use to me, but she would be perfect bait for Someone that I've controlled before, a A+ Student at Aiymee's school of Betrayal...Satoshi.I let go of her temples as she started to transform,"Into something Beautiful" Fluatamon said.

She now had Raven black hair, and a black dress instead of a instead of her pink one. She adorned pale skin...she looked perfect..

"Kawaii!!"I said, smiling at her while she looked, emotionless to me.She then tried to place a smile on her face, but had a little tough time."Who had hurt you in the past, and deserves payback?"

"Who's evil and should be exterminated?"
"Who's a weakling and a mortal?"

'Perfect, time to bring her to show all the CC twerps. I would most likely loose control over her as Fluatamon tried her grasps on Satoshi's mind, but it is worth it.'I thought as we both stood up. She looked...so evil. Yet she only had one useless power to her name..

So Me,Laura and Flutamon stepped outside, and walked slowly, my purple pladed school uniform skirt brezzing in the wind. We soon came into view of a Angry Auny, and Satoshi..and the rest of their CC group. And with Haruka in the bunch..

"What did you do to Laura!"Auny and Satoshi yelled at the same time.I smiled coldly,and Laura did the same..
"I only gave her a bit of reality.Life isn't always happy, right?"I told them, and nudged on Laura...

"Make Satoshi come here...do whatever you have to do, but make him come over here."I whispered in her ear. She then nodded, and started to walk over to Satoshi.

"Satoshi...."She said silently. He stared at her for a second, and seemed in a trance."Come here, please."

And he followed her, like a sick puppy dog on a tight leash.I stared at she did it, and I was soon face to face with my cousin..
"Aiymee?"He asked, almost shocked when Laura stood next to me..

"Fluatamon, do your work."I told her, and Soon,following a Musical Notes and a Silent Mind Wave--He was in my control. Laura looked at me with fear, her hair now golden and her dress was a pink......

Roy Karrde
22nd February 2004, 05:40 PM
Allright what happens next was allready layed out by Poli, I am even going over it with her as I write this.
Laura Lutz
What, where, where was I, what was I doing, everything was so blury and wierd. Suddenly my mouth was overwhelmed with a thick gungy feel, I doubled over and began to puke the contents up, it was like a black sludge that flew out of my throat, a black sludge that just seemed to be coming and coming, eventually it all came up and I was able to look around. There was that woman, that one that tried to hurt me, she was here, I began to back away frightened at what would happen next, I continued to back away until I bumped into some one..Satoshi.

"Oh thank goodness, Satoshi something awful happened" I cried hugging him as tightly as I could. Satoshi looked down at me and with a forceful shove, pushed me to the ground, my head began to ring as soon as I hit the ground and my jaw felt numb. Satoshi turned his back to me and began to walk toward everyone else, his sword in his hand now.

I slowly got up and rubbed my head, Satoshi was going to try to kill them, he was and it was my responcability to protect him. "Satoshi" I yelled running over to him and clung to his leg to try to slow him down. "Satoshi it's me Laura, your love" I begged he turned to me with his cold emotionless eyes.

"Get off, or I'll cut your head into bite sized pieces." He yelled placing the sword just inches from my head, I let my hands slip a little in fear but I had to slow down, if I didnt everyone would be dead. Satoshi leaned his foot back and gave me a swift kick in the head to knock me on the ground, he followed it up with slamming his foot under my hand crushing it, he mashed it a little more as I screamed out pain, begging him to stop.

"Lowsy *****" He smirked, I craddled my hand trying to make the pain go away. I looked up at Satoshi again wondering why he would do that, he turned to face me, and took a few steps back. He took up a fighting stance bringing his sword into a attacking position, a circle of light formed along the ground, while his sword began to get brighter and brighter until it became a blinding light.

"Laura" Haruka screamed running toward me, she picked me up in one arm and flung me a few feet in one swift motion, I flew outside of the circle and skidded along the ground. I turned and in a silent horror I saw a pink bubble raise around Haruka, a second later the whole area inside the circle that had contained Satoshi and Haruka became pure white, with a small bit of pink glowing inside of it, and then the pink faded.

The light faded a minute later, Satoshi collapsed to his knees, and Haruka lay on the ground, motionless. Satoshi began to cry, heavily. Meanwhile Haruka's legs began to turn into butterflies and flew off. I walked over to Satoshi holding my hand. "Satoshi?" I wispered walking up to him. Satoshi wouldnt answer he just continued to bawl his eyes out. "Satoshi? are you okay?" I asked still no responce.

"I killed...her" Satoshi wispered, I droped to my knees placing my head on his shoulder, the blood from the torn side of my face when Haruka threw me flooded down the side of his shirt. I placed a arm around him and then I tried bringing my other arm around him but just the mear touch of my broken hand caused me to begin to sob in pain.

Satoshi's eyes rolled back into his head and he droped to the ground, my hand was caught under neith his back. I screamed out in pain again but he didnt even come close to waking up."It's okay, Laura I.." Haruka wispered her voice growing horse. I turned to look at her, both of our eyes filled with tears. "Laura, out of everyone that Satoshi could marry, I'm glad it's you, you two share a special love, one that cant easily be found" Haruka said, her body floating into butterflies, she closed her eyes and the last of her body became butterflies. The butterflies flew into the air and merged into a White Digiegg with dark pink stripes. The digiegg slowly flew down to me and landed into my lap.

I looked at the Digital egg in shock and horror and then turned to the rest of the group who just stood around in silence. "Haruka's gone" I wispered at them.

Jun Wakami
"Laura..are you okay?" I coughed rising up from where I guess both of us had fallen, leaving June alone with god knows who. The sound of a girl moaning next to me drew my attention, I could bearly make out Laura's shape through my good eye.

"Jun, what happened?" Laura coughed, I rolled over next to her, and used my arm to prop her head up. "Thanks" She said smiling weakly.

"Are you two okay?" Some one yelled I turned my attention away from Laura to see Kari running up toward us, she eventually got to us and offered a helping hand to help both of us up. At that point I got a chance to look around, everyone was there including Morrgan with her new Digimon. "Satoshi got possessed, Haruka has warned none of us to go.." Kari yelled over the gathering sound, it sounded like a freight train building up speed.

Suddenly the sound of a sonic boom and a flash of light hit us and we were all thrown on to the ground, when the light cleared Satoshi was on the ground and Haruka was....dead. "Haruka" Laura wispered I got back up to my feet and squeezed her hand as tightly as I could. "I thought none of us could die" She wispered her eyes bedded with tears.

I rubbed the side of my face where my dead eye was, it was a reminder of the toll this journey had taken on me, and now the digital world had claim some thing else from our group, this time it was much worce. "I think that little safe guard may be down now" I wispered back to her, right now we had to worry about Kenichi and Satoshi, both of them had just lost family, and we could be the next to fall.

24th February 2004, 10:28 PM
Kenichi Tanaka

Haruka was dead... A piece of my family that I had known for only a few days, but she was gone already. I didn't feel any immiediate pain from it, but a sort of hollowness that I had last experianced when Otaru had...

My eyes flashed at the girl smirking at our group, banishing away the pain from the present and the past. We were in danger and if we didn't act more of us could die in a similar fashion. I would not lose anymore of my friends... I would not lose my brother either.

Sparing a glance at Satoshi where he lay unconcious, I felt more than a little twinge at anger. My newfound brother had been jerked around for quite awhile since we had been brought here... He didn't deserve such treatment, nor did the rest of us. I would make sure this girl would have to go through me to hurt anyone else...

A thought suddenly struck me, as I glanced at the lakes behind us. I could make a wish now! I could wish for Haruka to come back using the power of the lake!

"I wish for Haruka to regain her life once more!" I shouted at the lake itself. The surface of the lake seemed to shimer with light, then it just turned back to normal, a huge blatting noise coming from the water itself.

The girl Aiymee laughed loudly. "Sorry there little fighter, the Wishing Lakes don't have the power to bring things back to life from the dead. Too bad, it would have been such a good wish."

I glared back at her, matching her haughty gaze with my own stoic one. Then, Rigiamon began to talk to me silently within my own head, outlining a new wish. I kept the look of surprise off of my face, and silently agreed with my partner.

"Then..." I said slowly. "I wish for Rigiamon to regain all of his lost Rimon data, now!"

The Lakes once more were bathed in light, but this time their brightness did not abate. Shafts of light penetrated the surface, curving into the air at tremendous speeds in many different directions. One slammed into Aiymee's digimon partner before refocusing on Rigiamon. For a moment my partner was as bright as a lightbulb, making my own eyes spotty for a moment. Then all of the fireworks were over, and Rigiamon stood there, all in one piece.

Aiymee's digimon, however, was looking more than a little bit woozy. The evil girl herself was looking at her digimon in surprise, for the first time a look of uncertainty entering her stance. It was time for my attack.

"Rigiamon, Auny, get the others to a safe place! I'll hold her off!" Without looking to see if my plea was obeyed, I felt the liquid rock cover my body as I ran towards Aiymee, the ground beneath my feet shaking as the Earth matched my own intentions...

28th February 2004, 11:28 AM
I'd like to inform you that my name may eventually change to Kikyo.

~*~Laura Rider - Ice~*~
[Weak? No. Stupid? No. Insane? Partially. Headstrong? Yes.]

Haruka...dead. We had lost a Digidestined, that I have heard about for only a few "days", but have never talked to. All she was now was a white digiegg with a design of dark pink stripes covering it. I had noticed Kenichi was trying to fight this Aiymee girl alone...only telling Rigiamon and Auny to 'get the others to a safe place'. I grew a feeling inside that I couldn't leave. Not because I'm a headstrong girl willing to fight for the hell of it, because something inside wants me to, as if I had to.

As the others followed Aunyalia and Rigiamon out of the area, I stood there, glaring at Aiymee and the woosy-looking Flautamon. My cousin Kouji with his dog-like Digimon stopped, trying to pull my arm with him.

"Laura, what are you thinking? We gotta get out of here!" He said, as if he were a wimp...though I understood he wasn't.

"I can't..." I said quietly, stepping forward a small bit, "It's my duty to stay here...just in case Kenichi can't hold the two femmenine forms of darkness off." He shrugged, before leaving with his Digimon, leaving me and Arwen. I unsheathed my ice katana(I'm still thinking of a name for it) quickly, glaring outward as the ground trembled below my feet.

29th February 2004, 06:36 PM
Name:Haruka Eri Haruda
Age:15, turning 16
Personality: After being hatched, and in the her digiegg, Haruka getting more and more serious. She tends to take things to hardly, and has lost any sense of humor she has left. Partially this is from....things that will happen to her in her digiegg. She also seems to cry whenever her mom, aiymee or satoshi are brought up. She say's "She's hurt them dearly,"and leaves it at that. She's still a loner, never really traveling with the group.
Looks:Fully equiped with her razor scooter and her googles...she looks a lot more different.Standing around 6 foot 1, she now has carmel brown hair to her midback with deeppink tips.Her eyes are completely bubblegum pink.She wears a deeppink longsleeve shirt, with khaki pants that can zipper up halfway into shorts.These have pockets in them, with enough room to store some nice stuff. She wears pink and white Nikes.
Element:Purity(1/2 of the orb, original owner)
Attacks:Same as last time
D-Sense Color:White with deeppink buttons and rims.
Relationships:None really.

Nothing big..wanted to re-write it to according for what it shall be for now on.^^After she hatches, I mean.

Akina Haruda
["yobikata mo tomadou iro no sugata/toritachi ni yousha naku tsutsukareru darou" Hybrid Rainbow[Furi Kuri Insert Song/[i]By The Pillows]]

"Lately I've been worrying about you,Akina-onee-chan."I heard a voice say from the doorway. I positioned myself, looking towards Akira.She held some soda in her hands, and a small smile on her face.She walked over to the window, which I sat besides on a chair, and sat down on the chair besides me.

"Why..would you say that?"I asked her polietly, taking the lemon-lime soda out of her hands, and opening it.
"You've barely moved since Aiymee was placed in the hospital."She answered, opening her Orange soda 20oz. She looked at me with concern, and I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"I've just been thinking about Haruka and Aiymee.."I replied, Akira bringing out her D-Scanner out. Hers was different than mine, with a Ice Blue Base and a White grip, and a different rim around the screen. It was because on our first adventure, me and Arnen both could evolve an extra level called "Hyper Spirit Evolution", with using 10 spirits a pop, 5 different elements.

"And about Gali.."I finished. Gali was the CC of darkness on our first adventure, and on our second adventure, he was corrupted by Lucemon.
"Oh..you know he moved after that, right?"She replied to me. I sighed, nodding in her reply. My brown hair moved along, coming over my shoulders.

Ok, so in the book, Me and Gali really liked eachother, though we didn't really tell eachother. On our first adventure, in what we call "Valentines Town"(OoC:Which is now Tama Market), Valentinmon had shot me with his arrow, along with a lot of other CC, and I feel more madly in love with Gali. It later ended, with Akira almost saving Valentinmon from one of Lucemon's henchmen.But I still feel the effects from it, only they aren't produced from Valentinmon's Arrow, but my own love for him.

On our second mission, thing's grew....or things deflated. Matters how you see it. My spirit was at Spirit Memorial. Lady Devimon was waiting then(Akina fought her in the first adventure), and I recieved my 3rd Spirit(though it was the only one I was carrying, I now have all 3). But after defeating her, Gali came in his spirit form,Pendulumon. He then destoryed me in on blow...

And I reformed into a digiegg. Digiegg's normally pick the owner close to them, and normally, me loving Gali and being concerned for him, my egg flew to him. He carried me off, with the other's pleding for my egg back.

"Did you really hate us for that time being?"Akira asked, like she could read my thoughts. But I suppose she knew what I was thinking about because, after all, we are twins.
"Yeah.."I replied..

Lucemon, then, after a day or so, gave Gali a "Hatching Crystal", which held a pink glow. He said that placing it near my egg would allow me to hatch quickly. Once then, whatever was told to her, she would believe.They told me that the 10 other children, besides me and Gali, were up to destroy the digital world.Though this was a lie, I believed it, and helped Gali try to destroy the 10 CC, never showing my true form..

Untill one day, they defeated me and I de-evolved into myself. They soon took me off, away from Gali. I kept on trying to get away from them, until a image of Seraphimon stood before me, and re-hypnotized me, setting me straight. And I grew feelings for regret for not being with Gali...at the end, we defeated Lucemon once and for all, and saved Gali from his grips. He then though, moved away from where I lived...and I haven't seen him since..

"Akina...stop crying.."I heard Akira say. I touched my face, and felt tears rolling down my cheek's. I sniffled,and she handed me a tissue..."You do still love Gali...do you?"

"More than Minoru?"She asked more.I nodded. Minoru was my husband.And though I still love him, I do love Gali still. I looked into my own D-Scanner..Akira left the room, and I was by myself again, with Aiymee's sleeping body.


Aiymee Haruda
["taisetsu na jikan o/zutto mamotte kureta ne/yukkuri to dakeredo hitotsu dake/kitsuke ita koto tsukaetai kara"Hitotsu Dake; Only One[CardCaptor Sakura-Sakura Song]]

Haruka was dead after protecting little Laura from Satoshi's full power of his Holy Orb, "Holy Sword Blaster". Her Digiegg flew to the little Laura, and shaked everyone in their shoes..thinking they could die the same way. How didn't they know Haruka is the only one that could die??!!?I let my grip over Satoshi drop afterwards, and he fell asleep.

"Rigiamon, Auny, get the others to a safe place! I'll hold her off!"One of the CC yelled at the other CC. One of them stood behind as Haruka's Digiegg and Satoshi's unmoving body were carried off. The earth around him formed around him, making a armour. I made a stance as he moved towards me, and Fluatamon looked at him...

"Musical Notes"She said silently. The notes went through the armour, and soon, you had a dazed, in a bliss Earth CC. I looked at Fluatamon, smiling..

"Silent Mind Wave"She said again, and soon, the Earth CC was in my control..I closed my mind, and started to read it..He's Satoshi's brother..making him family to me. I smiled in glee as I opened my eyes, and looked..

The boy, Kenichi, started to glow with a bright light as a "S" on my anklet started to tug more strongly than anyother time something on it tugged or glew...

[You can finish that up, Thargor.]

Roy Karrde
29th February 2004, 07:20 PM
Laura Lutz
I wanted to go with Laura, to go and fight Aiymee and make her pay for what she did, but I had my hands full at the moment. Litterly I had Satoshi ballanced on one side with my good arm, and Auny holding him up on the other side.

"There's the hotel...er motel" David yelled out, the remaining members let out a sigh of relief as we walked toward it. Luckly the guy there gave us rooms for free, so it was no trouble in getting a room.

I walked Satoshi to our room and layed him on the bed Auny asked if I needed anything and I shook my head no. The motel room was really nice, it had a Tv, and a mini kitchen complete with a stove and a small fridge. I pulled up a chair to Satoshi's bed and took his hand. "Hang in there my love" I wispered holding his cold hand, while placing Haruka's Digiegg on the pillow next to him with my bad hand, which was bandaged up.

"Laura...?" Satoshi moaned I almost jumped out of my chair when he said my name.

"Yes I'm here" I replied never letting go of his hand.

"Haruka?" He said this time his voice was fainter, I guess he was just talking in his sleep. The next few days were going to be really hard for him, they were going to be hard for all of us.

"How's he doing?" Kari asked appearing behind me, I kept my mouth shut and placed a damp cloth on his forehead to catch any sweat. "Hey there's this store across the street here, they sell some food, we need to get some supplies anyway, why dont you come along with me" She suggested, I just sat back down and held his hand, then I remembered what Aoi had told me, about Satoshi loving Pizza, if I could get some stuff to make Pizza maybe I could make him some for when he woke up.

"Do..you know how to make Pizza, and what ingrediance it takes?" I asked, Kari seemed to almost go estatic at this.

"Oh I know everything about Pizza" Kari smiled, I smiled back weakly and got up from the chair, I leaned over and kisssed Satoshi on the forehead just above the cloth and followed Kari out the door. That was when I realized, I had no idea on how to make a Pizza.

29th February 2004, 07:49 PM
~`~`Kari [Pizza gewd :D]`~`~

A glance at her told me she didn't know how to make pizza. "Don't worry about it, mom makes pizza all the time. They probably have a mix for the crust, that's the hardest part. Now what kind of pizza should we make?"

"Japanese," she said. I frowned; I'd never made that before. "It's got eggs on it," she added.

I nodded. "Ok. I'll make Hawaiian for myself."

We walked into the store, and it only took me a few moments to grab a shopping cart and lead Laura down the dairy section for cheese. Finding a bag of shredded mozzerella and cheddar, I threw it into the cart and continued a few aisles down for sauce. They didn't have any big jars of it, so I got a few smaller ones. Then I found a bag of crust mix, the kind mom always used back home. Now all that was left was the toppings. Eggs were easy to find, as were pineapples, and I got a bag of this bacon stuff that could be put in the oven to cook. We payed for all of it and brough it all in a big bag back to my hotel room.

29th February 2004, 09:03 PM
The character that I'm writing for the sign up, I won't really write for unless I need to.He's basically a "partner" in crime with Aoi, like Satoshi.And he stays in the RW for the whole RPG.

Name:Hirokazu (called Hiro for short) Kinamoto
Age:15(recently turned)
Personality:Hirokazu is...a..I suppose you can say he's verging into otaku-dom. He's got a cool attitude, with a mature mind so to speak. He's nice to people of "his kind", and is shy to other people. He tends to look on the past a lot for answers to his present life, and tends to judge people by first glance.He hates adults that seem to be too carefree, and also dislikes unmatured teenagers.
Looks:Hirokazu is around 5'8", with gleaming emerald eyes that are so rare.He's got black hair that's actually sorta long for a guy's cut, with it near his neck.It's very sloppy though.He wears earbud-headphones, that are black when you pop them out.He wears a black shirt with a picture of a spaceship similar to Spike's from Cowboy Bebop on it, with the Honoo symbol on the front of his shirt.He has a Backpack on, the kind that goes like \ on the chest, then have the pack on the back. He has his cd-player in the back, with a long headphone wire coming to his front. The strap on the front has a pocket for his Cellphone(a one that can take pictures.).The backpack is a silver color. His pants are denim blue jeans, with a little baggy feel to them. He wears black and red Nikes.^^
Element:Fire, only slightly though.He doesn't hold the orb though.
D-Sense Color:He doesn't have one. However, his Cellphone serves as one.
1.Fire Starter: Only a simple attack, small fireballs can emerge from his hand.
Digimon:Labramon protects him only because she can sense Hiro's connection with Aoi
Relationships:He's friends with Aoi and Satoshi, but seem's to have the hot's for Aoi, but doesn't show it.
Other:He listen's to J-Rock a lot.^^

I'll post as Aoi tomorrow.

29th February 2004, 11:27 PM

I had only begun to herd the group away to the nearby hotel when my chest felt as if it were being torn out. The pain wasn't my own, however, it was Kenichi's alone. Our connection alone seemed to actually be dulled by the pain, as if Kenichi himself were becoming blurry to me... What was happening?!

As I turned about face, I let my power loose as I darted away silently from the group. I doubted any of them would notice I wasn't around for some time, but that didn't matter at the moment, only Kenichi. The ground, my surroundings, nothing seemed to matter to me at the moment. My vision was that of only a dark tunnel, with a light at the end...

I came to a stop as I saw the older Laura infront of me. Dust and grass clumps flew over my head as I came to a stop. Laura was holding an icy looking blade, with a stunned, wide-eyed expression on her pale face.

"Laura, where is Keni-" I halted in midsentence as I turned my head to the right. My eyes widened in surprise and horror.

The scene was an unusual one, even for the Digital world. Off to the side were Aiymee and her digimon Fluatamon. Aiymee was backing off from the area, her face white in the light that bathed her, the source a scant few meters away from her. Fluatamon, however, was stuck on the ground, its grotesque face twisted into extreme pain, too far gone to even scream. Then, floating several feet above the ground, was Kenichi.

Is that another orb... Was the first thought that crossed my mind, as I saw Kenichi up there. His entire body was like a flame, not a single place dark... But to the left side of his chest, right where his heart should be, a swirling ball of color resided that was stronger than any other part of his body. An elemental orb of power I had not witnessed before, actually welded with Kenichi's body! An orb that had somehow been activated... My eyes widened as I realised what was happening.

For every moment that I watched, Kenichi's distinct features were growing fuzzier, as the light demanded more and more out of him... Something his body, his data could not give at this time. My partner was not prepared for this strain, and would die in a very real manner if I did not do something soon.

I did not let another thought cross my mind besides activating one of my Rimon programs dealing with energy absorption. I leapt up to Kenichi, my friend, and brought all of my arms around him. Or at least as close as I could, as I felt an invisible wall surround the child. Linking myself to him, pain engulfed my own body as I syphoned off the power the orb was emitting. The very digital fabric around Kenichi was threatening to tear off, and the pain from the energy was making it hard to concentrate...

It clicked at that moment. Using the energy to push a little more, I felt the digital fabric strain. Kenichi would be killed with an activated orb like this in the digital world... He would not if he escaped back into the Real World, at least for a time...

Goodbye my friend... I will see you soon... I managed to project into Kenichi's mind before completing one final push. The air around the human boy rippled, then with a popping noise Kenichi was no longer there. At that moment, the orb, which dissapeared with my partner, threw its last energy at me.

I felt myself propelled backwards towards the lake at tremendous speed, slamming onto the surface like a rock, skipping as if it was made of rock. Feeling as if I broke the sound barrier, I continued on for some time, my own data trying desperately to hold together as it was ground into the mystical lake. Coming to a "stop" at the other side of the lake, I felt my body plunge into the what should have been soft soil on the other side. It took several seconds to completely stop. My data fizzled for a moment, then resolidifed as the excess energy from the orb was burned off...

As I slowly got to my feet, I wished my friend good luck...


Kenichi Tanaka (or is it Takinowa)

Goodbye my friend... I will see you soon... Rigiamon's last thoughts came through the pain, even as my mind seemed to be coming out from a veil. I had no time to think on the subject, however, when I was suddenly filled with darkness.

It was not just dark around me, I was darkness itself. I didn't have hands, I didn't have eyes, I didn't even have a mouth to scream with. I was there, but not there at the same time... All I could feel was a sense of brief lonliness and terrible cold...

I woke up screaming, thrashing my arms at my sides. Tubes and wires covered portions of my body, and I choked for a moment. I looked down as I hacked, to see a clear tube running up the side of me, right into my mouth. Holding my breath for a moment, I slowly slid it out. Ripping the rest of the wires and tubes out of my arms and chest, I stepped woozily off the bed.

It appeared as if I was in a hospital... But I had no idea how I had gotten here... The clothes I had been wearing before the digital world were placed on a chair, a hospital gown covering my body. But clasped in my hand was my D-Sense, which was, for the moment, dark. Had I gotten back to the real world?

A nurse slammed open the door, and looked at me in shock. My screaming had obviously gotten me some attention. It was if the nurse was seeing a ghost as I stood there, trying to keep some dignity with the frail hospital garments.

"Doctor, another one is awake!" she shouted. Then, for the moment, she was gone. I heard something other things at the edge of my hearing, words like "parents" and "mystery" but nothing distinct. I suppose soon I would be facing a-

My thoughts halted as another woman stepped into the room from beyond. My knees locked into attention, as my eyes widened. Her belly, large with pregnancy shook as she panted slightly from the run she had obviously taken to get here. Her face was readily familiar to me, even though I had only seen it once in a picture.

Nervousness and politness slammed into my system, as I went into a deep bow that put my parallel to the ground, my knees still locked. Tears threatened at the edge of my eyes as I began to speak. "Hello... It is an honor to meet you... Okaasama*."

* Okaasama= mother (honorific form)

Roy Karrde
1st March 2004, 05:05 PM
Woo hoo Spring Break next week oh yeah and 6 more days till the one year aniversury of Legends :o .

Laura Lutz
"Dough fight" I screamed throwing a handful of Pizza dough back at Kari who had fired the first shot by hitting me square in the face with a big lob of dough. the food sailed effortlessly by Kari and splattered across the wall. Kari responded my chuncking another piece of dough at me which hit me square in the chest. "I give I give" I weased waving a napkin like a white flag. The kitchen was allready dirty but luckly the Pizza was allready in the oven and cooking.

"So what now?" I asked getting a good look around the room while scraping the left over dough off of my dress.

"Right now were going to make this room look very nice so that you and Satoshi will have a very special night together" Kari said taking down some candles from the cubboard, she brought them into the small living room like area where the kitchen and the bedroom connected. She sat the candles around the living room, while I cleaned down the table, placed a white cloath over the table, and finally placing a plastic rose in a glass vase on the table.

"Everything looks really nice" I commented looking around the room.

"Almost everything" Kari replied taking my hand and leading me in to the adjacent hotel room, which was supprisingly empty and the door to it unlocked. We spent so long in that room as Kari did my hair, she made it look pretty as she undid the braids and then ran through it with a comb many times. After that she placed lipstick on my lips which felt really wierd, she also placed eye shadow on my eyes, and some glittery stuff on my cheeks. Finally she helped me into the dress that I had worn only once in Primary town which was suprisingly clean.

"Thank you" I told her twirling around in the mirror I looked almost fourteen with all the new makeup on me and how my dress sparkeled from the lit candles in the next room.

"Now go in there and have fun" Kari motioned pushing me back into the living room of Satoshi and my's room. I was about to argue but she shut the door before I could leaving me in the room candle lit room, with the pizza on the table, and me looking really beautiful.

1st March 2004, 11:01 PM
Satoshi Takinowa

It was a sunny, warm spring day in April. The sunlight refracted off the buildings in Tokyo.The scenery was almost too realistic for a dream. I was sitting in a tree in the local park, just looking at the scenery. Me, Aoi and Hirokazu did this all the time, sitting on the biggest tree in the park, and talking and discussing the latest decks, music..etc.

But I was all alone this time. I looked across from me, then a little more towards the ground.I saw Hiro, with his back rooted, going more blondish towards his near-neck long hair cut..and Aoi. Her black hair was probably the most silkiest in Japan, with it glimmering in the sun, the Sakura Petals dancing to a unfamilar tune in the wind. One landed on her nose, and they both laughed about it, with Aoi blowing it off her nose, and grabbing it inbetween her thumb and ring finger, rubbing the softness against her baby-soft skin.

Hiro then, just seemed to gleam into her eyes, and her's into his. They leaned..and leaned...and leaned further. And for a second, time stopped as their lips touched eachothers. I watched silently, and time went back to normal, and they kissed. A French-style kiss...so to say...They then stopped, and suddenly, a flash of pink blinded me..

And it was I now who was sitting besides Aoi. Everything seemed perfect as I unwillingly told her jokes I told her as a kid, and she laughed innocently. She just smiled, her crimson dyed eyes watching my movements as I explained my emotion of bliss through my humor and my motions.

"Satoshi.."She said, her sweet voice unmatching to any heard before."Do you think...we will be together forever?"
"Forever....and a day."I told her, the cherry blossoms dancing to a more joyous tone played by the soft wind.

And it's then We locked eyes, looking into each other, grasping one anothers soul.She smiled sweetly as she leaned forth, as I preformed the same. At the exact moment, Our lips touched eachother, and we shared a joyous kiss.
"I...Love you Aoi."I told her, hugging her tightly, smelling her honeyblossom scent hair.I then looked ahead of me...and fell into shock.

A Smallfigure was ahead of me, looking into my eyes...with emotions of shock and dissapoinotment being displayed clearly.

Laura. And she ran away as I noticed her...

She saw it all.


I woke up, my head leaning against a soft pillow, a cold bead of sweat running down my face. I quickly stood up, and saw Haruka's digiegg near my bed. I looked at it, in a daze...

And then, I smelt a fragrance of no other...well..besides Aoi's hair scent. It smelt of food...More like American Pizza that was tried to be formed into Japanese Pizza..I followed the aroma, and saw a glourious sight..

Candles lit, a table for two set up. And there stood a girl that looked like a princess, with her hair dolled up, make up on her face. She looked adult...then I noticed who it was---Laura..

And as I saw Laura, standing there magnificantly...I could only remember the feeling of kissing Aoi in my dream...

And I knew what I had to do...

I had to break up our engagement.

I'll post as Akira tomorrow.

Roy Karrde
3rd March 2004, 08:37 PM
I'm going to go on and post so that I can set some stuff for Annika

Laura Lutz
Everything seemed to go so slow, I guess that when you look back at things everything moved in normal speed, but for those brief few minutes, seconds seemed to pass like hours. I had walked up to Satoshi, leaned up to kiss him on the mouth, but he turned a cold cheak to me, I stoped half way realizing something was wrong. We both walked back to the table saying nothing. Satoshi wouldnt even look at me, he just started to take off his ring and speak slowly. At that moment I couldnt even hear him, his mouth was moving but I couldnt even understand the sound. He sat the ring on the table the sound resonated like a loud crash of thunder.

My vision seemed to become a sort of tunnel vision, I could only see the ring, the smooth round edge, the imperfections in the small jewels, the way the light reflected off the surface. Satoshi looked at me for a second and then slowly walked out of the room with out saying a word. I must of sat there for hours, maybe days, or maybe it was just a few minutes. I found the strength to get up from some untapped source in my body. I began to gather up the dishes and take them over to the sink where I scrubbed them, I scrubbed them, and I scrubbed them, I scrubbed them so so hard that the wool from the woolpad I used made my hands bleed a cold thick blood that washed over the dish.

When I was done for the dish I began to clean up around the kitchen, until I finally got to this bottle. This little red bottle, this simple red bottle. I had secretly bought it for Satoshi to drink it in celebration. I took the bottle in my hands and tossed it against the wall with every ounce of strength I had left in my body. Something must have happened, something queer. The wall was caught aflame from the candle sitting next to it, the candle used to set the setting for our dinner. I stood there watching the flame, watching it bathe over the wall, bathe over the celing, my whole world was caught in flame.

"Laura" A faint cry could be heard from behind me, I turned from the flame to see Kari, I knew Kari, or atleast I did. "Laura come here" She yelled. Was I this Laura? No I didnt want to be Laura, this Laura she was weak so weak that not even Satoshi would care about her. I was not this Laura.

And then everything snapped, it all came flooding back like a massive wave hitting the shore. Where I was at, what would happen if I didnt get out of the Inferno that was once the Hotel room. "Laura" Kari screamed I began to run in her direction when a large wood beam crashed through the celing creating a wall of fire between us.

I turned to grab the ring and make a run for the door when I realized what I was leaving in the other room. The backpacks, all of my stuff and Satoshi's stuff both in two different backpacks. The room that they were in was also in flames. Two backpacks. One choice. Mine was closer to the window, a easy excape. Satoshi's was in the back of the room next to the bed. Maybe, just maybe going after Satoshi's would prove myself to him. I went for Satoshi's.

When I grabbed it the door of the room fell infront of the beds catching the beds on fire and keeping me from excaping. The flames leaped from the bed, onto the floor, they encircled me, lapping at my dress, at my skin. Smoke filled the room, it was everywhere, it got into my clothes, into my hair, into my lungs. It filled my chest like a burning fire, the room began to spin as the fire began to burn isnide me too, it spun and spun as darkness closed in. "Help" I wispered before colapsing.

I woke up to a dark shadow, it blacked out everything, the sun, the sky, everything. "You okay?" A deep voice asked. It was Rigiamon as my eyes were able to adjust, I could see Rigiamon there, with Laura looking off to the side look on her face, and finally Aiymee behind them her eyes half opened. I began to raise up letting my ash soaked hair fall on my face, my dress which was once white was now pitch black. my skin the same kindof silky black. "Your lucky we got you out before you were roasted alive" Rigiamon sighed.

I finally raised up to a sitting position and let go of Satoshi's backpack and let the ring fall from my hand. "Where's Kenichi?" I breathed my lungs felt like they were cloagged with gallons of sute.

"He's gone" Rigiamon sighed, it took a few seconds to finally set in, Kenichi? gone? I got up to a somewhat standing position, the burns on my legs kept me from standing straight.

"I need to go talk to Auny" I said, Rigiamon began to protest but fell silent as I staggered toward Auny's apartment.

Jun Wakami
"Laura" I yelled placing almost too much emotion in my voice as I ran up to her, She looked depressed, saddened, by something, all the while she was dragging Aiymee along who didnt seem to put up too much of a strugle except for the occasional grunts. "So where's Kenichi did he stay behind?" I asked Rigiamon just seemed to look away and Laura got a little choaked up.

Without a moments notice or a actual explination Rigiamon just seemed to take off running toward the apartments, where smoke was billowing out of one room. "Tell me everything" I said my voice getting a little more sollem and sad, Laura began to explain to me Kenichi's death or well disapearence while I took Aiymee's other arm and with a jerk dragged her along behind me.

We got to back to the motel in no time, Laura finished up on the details of what happened, the capture of Aiymee, and how she just didnt seem to put up a fight. Rigiamon's sudden disapearence was explained when we arrived at Satoshi's room to see a soot covered Laura laying on the ground making gasping noices while Rigiamon blew into her mouth. "I'm going to go tell Satosh" I told the older Laura, I didnt even think she was listening, after a bit of searching I found out that Satoshi had rented a room just a few minutes ago, when I arrived to it I found the door unlocked. "Satoshi?" I asked peaking into the room. Satoshi sat up from the table where he had a half eaten slice of Pizza and waved me in.

"I have some bad news, and some well even worce news" I began debating which to tell him first that his Fiance was traped in a fire and was having trouble breathing? or that his brother had disapeared off the face of the digital world?

The stuff about Satoshi getting a new room was allready confermed by Poli over AIM just a few nights before.

7th March 2004, 08:50 PM
Akira Takinowa
["Kimi to dattara koete yukeru sa/Ano sora no mukou made/Donna tsurai koto demo/Kitto daijoubu sa"Yuuki wo Tsubasa ni Shi-te[Yagami Taichi Theme Song-Digimon Adventure]]

"Hello... It is an honor to meet you... Okaasama."The boy that stood before me said...His name was Kenichi. I looked at him as he kept in his bow, and felt my cheek's getting a little hot.
"You know, you can get up now."I smiled, looking at his body. He shook with nervousness, and gave out a aura of uncertainty. He quickly stood straight up as I closed the door behind me, still keeping grasp with my bottle of soda and my pocketbook.

"It might help if you go lay back in the bed."I smiled again, and giggled a little. He slowly walked back to the hospital bed, and I followed him to the chair besides him. I followed his movements with my eyes, and caught grasp of something in his hand....Something circular with a screen..

As we both sat down(well...he LAYED down..but..), I saw his eye's coming to a quiver...as of they were full of tears and he refused to let go. I looked into his eyes as a creepy silence overflooded the room, and his to my eyes. I felt him searching my soul for answers as I opened my mouth...

"You look, a lot like Satoru."I said quietly,"I might've not noticed it when you were first born, but now you look a lot like Satoru."

And then, his eye's started started to flow with a river of tears. I got up, and hugged him tightly, allowing his tears to go onto my shoulder.I smelt his hair, tugged on his shirt as the tears stoped. I sat back down, and handed Kenichi a tissue.

"I'm..so sorry Kenichi."I told him silently,"I'm not sure if I can make what I've done in the past fix it's self.."

"When you were a newborn, you came out before Satoshi. The doctors didn't think you had that much longer to live, but they could always try to extend your life by doing somethings. They said you would be in best care if I gave you to the government to pay for your care, and to take care of you."I told him, and he listened in."Satoru was away at business, so he didn't know about you...In fact, he still doesn't know about you."

"I guess I owe something to you.."I told him. I reached for my pocketbook, and grabbed for my D-Scanner..

I guess I really didn't know what to do.

I'll post more tomorrow.

Yami Annika
10th March 2004, 09:03 PM

I walked around my hotel room… Or apartment room. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was, which was strange; of all people I should know the difference. I liked this room, though. It was roomy enough. And the bed was fluffy – always a plus. I bounced up and down on it a few times once I was alone.

Then I got bored, and started doing laundry… There wasn’t much laundry to do. After all, I was only planning to go to the tournament. Like I would bring extra sets of clothes for that. I did find a few socks, and I took delight in shrinking them.

The water had filled with bubbles, some of which now covered my forearms. The water was cold, and soon my arms were not only covered with bubbles, but chill-bumps and my skin was textured like a prune. Bubbles floated around me in the air from all the movement.

I then took to drying them with a hairdryer the apartment had provided me. It worked extremely well, even if it took a while. The incessant sound of the hairdryer covered up everything else, and, for the first time in my life, it sounded like music. The sound of a hairdryer – something I’ve always despised – was the same here as the real world. A lot of other things were too, but the heat was the same, too…

Dry the inside of the sock…


Fold. Fold together.

Where was he?


He should be back by now, if anything. He should be safe, and I should be splashing him with bubbles in celebration right now.

Fold again.

So why wasn’t he here? Where was he?


Why was it so silent? Shouldn’t there at least be an explosion, some kind of sounds from the battle if it was still ensuing?


Was that smoke I smelt a while ago? No, it couldn’t be….

Fold. Unfold.


Throw the stupid socks on the bag.

I went back over to the sink… Sadly, the bubbles were mostly gone, and those remaining were too small to do anything. I smiled a little, and drained the sink of its soapy contents. It swirled down the drain slowly, the water level slowly lowering. I grabbed the already damp towel and wiped off the counter tops. It wasn’t exactly the way it was when I first entered, but now at least it was clean.

I walked backwards, and fell face-up on my bed. It was still fluffy, even if I had landed on my bag. I was honestly bored.

There was still nothing going on outside… at least nothing I could see or hear. I listened to the sound of my breathing and examined my nails – surprisingly not chipped yet. Simply amazing. I was admiring fingernails, when there was a knock on my door.

“Come in!” I called, and sat straight up.

“Auny?” It was Laura. She opened the door and peeked her head in.

I smiled widely and gave a little wave. “Yo.”

She walked in and shut the door behind her. She looked charred.

“What happened?” I asked, immediately concerned, while getting up and walking to her. She opened her mouth the speak, when I noticed the burns on her legs.

“Oh my gosh!” I half-gasped half-screamed, then composed myself. “Come on, sit down.” I nodded toward the bed. “It’s very fluffy.”

She made her way over and sat down, legs hanging off the sides. I grabbed another towel, and dampened it. Her face – well, her whole body – was covered in soot. I gently touched her face with the towel, and a small smudge of pale skin appeared. The towel, of course, was immediately black.

“Oh look,” I teased. “There’s a face underneath.”

Laura was quiet, then said, almost silently: “Auny…”

“Honestly, what did you do?”


I stopped and tilted my head. “What is it?”

“I-it’s…” She began, and then stopped short. “Something bad happened.”

My stomach plummeted. “To whom?” My voice was unnaturally high.

“There was an accident.” She said. “Kenichi… he…” She wasn’t able to say it.

I swallowed, then found my hands brushing the soot off her face with the towel again.

“Auny?” She asked again, her voice oddly distant. She started again. “Kenichi… he’s…”

I don’t know what happened next. The room blurred, and salty tears rolled nonstop down my cheeks. My forehead fell against Laura’s shoulder, while I just sobbed loudly.

11th March 2004, 11:15 PM

"I guess I owe something to you.." my mother said softly, as she reached into her purse. For a moment, I turned stock still as she turned away. What was she going to do? Give me a handout? Try to push me away by giving me something?

Quickly I dismissed those thoughts and the surprising amount of anger that came attached. This was a chance for me to be with my mother for at least a moment, wasting it with matters that could only hurt the both of us further.

I recovered by the time she turned around, the half smiling, half shocked expression still plastered on her face. In her hand, which had begun to shake a little to my dismay, was a device that looked vaguely similar to my own D-Sense...

"I was in the Digital world myself, quite some time ago now..." She began in a quiet voice. I found myself paying close attention as she spoke of her own journies within the digital world, which seemed to occur a bit differently than it had this time...

"... I see you also have a digital device..." She ended with a half smile, pointing at my D-Sense that I still clutched.

I managed a weak smile of my own. "Yes... It's my D-Sense. It sounds a bit different from your own though... None of us in the digital world this time can transform into digimon, we have digimon partners and elemental orbs which we can use to attack alone if the case arrises."

Akira nodded her head thoughtfully. "So... Do you have anyone we need to contact here now that you're awake? Parents, foster parents, guardians?"

I shook my head slowly, a very familiar smile coming over my face, one that embodied the emptiness of my words. "No... I don't have anyone in this world who wants me..."

A pain began slowly in my chest, but I ignored it, trying to brighten up my mood. "But as long as I can get back to the digital world, I suppose I can worry about where I'll be shuttled off next once everyone in the group is safe..." Thoughts of Satoshi, Auny, Rigiamon, and the others emerged with the comment...



The makeshift repairs I had made to my body seemed to be holding, but I would need to have some true rest before I could even begin to heal properly. But I had more to deal with now... The little one had gone to Aunyailia, despite her injuries. I had no illusions that Kenichi's accident would remain a secret from her. And from how the two had been acting towards each other, I could only imagine how she could react...

The situation between the two humans didn't puzzle me much... For some reason or another they enjoyed each other's company, and I had no reason to interfere with something that made Kenichi that happy. The memories of several absorbed memories from digimon that I had taken in the name of the Lunars dealt with this emotional attachment, but I myself had no first hand experiance, or truly wanted any. The closest I would ever get would be caring for my partner.

"Rigiamon!" Laura's muted voice came from behind the older girl's apartment door. Even in my weakened state, it did not take more than a couple of seconds to get inside and observe the situation.

Aunyailia had fainted, with the little girl trying to support her head. I noted that her face was streaked with tears, the girl was probably panicked then lost consciousness. I silently moved over to her side, and brought her up to lie on the bed. Little Laura moved with me, an anxious expression on her face.

"I shouldn't have told her..." she whispered, her face still streaked with black.

"She would have known sooner or later," I said in a soothing voice. "If you could, would you wet one of those towels for me?"

The little girl solemnly obeyed, bringing the piece of cloth to me quickly. I folded it, placing it on Aunyailia's head. We only had to wait a couple of moments before the girl's eyes flickered and she shot up from the bed.

"Kenichi....!" She half shouted, her eyes taking time to focus on her surroundings. It took her a moment, but as she saw both Laura and myself in the room, she seemed to compose herself. Slowly, she took the towel off her forehead, and gave Laura a weak smile.

"Laura... Would it be alright if I spoke to Rigiamon for awhile?"

The little girl nodded quickly, seemingly having no urge to cross anyone's path. Absentmindedly I patted her head as she moved out of the apartment, and closed the door. With the click, Auny took a little breath, then her barriers came down. Tears once more flowed freely from her eyes, a couple of sobs escaping. She looked at me, a desperate look on her face.

"What happened? Tell me the truth... Is Kenichi... alive?"

I nodded quickly. "Kenichi is still alive, I was able to do that much at the end... Aiymee, the Lunar controlled girl attempted to take over his mind when he faced her. It had the unexpected result of awakening a power within him, an orb I'm guessing, and a powerful one at that. It was too soon for him though, and threatened to tear apart his data so badly that I doubt any egg could ever have formed if it had gone on for too long..."

"Where is he?" She asked quickly.

I shook my head. "That, I cannot be sure of... To make sure he wouldn't be killed by the force of the orb, I had to make sure he was no longer in the digital world..."

"So he's in the real world?" she asked, a look of hope entering her face.

"Possibly... He could be trapped between the two worlds, but either situation is only a temporary situation. He'll be sent back here to the Digital world, the orb will see to that... At most, it should take about a day or two considering the energy involved... He could even be back now."

"Wouldn't you know?" She asked quietly.

A frustrated sigh left me. "Our link is strong, but not built for long distances... I can only detect him if he is within my range, the only thing I do know that he is alive... And when he returns to this world, it could be anywhere... And he most likely will be on his own..."

Roy Karrde
12th March 2004, 10:01 PM
Laura Lutz
I didnt know where I was going to sleep for the night, I know that I couldnt stay with Auny, and everyone else seemed to not have egnough space, so I ended up standing infront of Satoshi's door, he hated me, for some reason he really hated me, but I knocked anyway. And Jun answered the door.

"I..I" I stood there standing at the door with my mouth gaping open, Jun nodded and walked out of the room leaving the door open, Satoshi was sitting on the bed, his eyes red from tears. "I have no where else to go" I said letting his backpack fall from my hands.

"Laura, I.." Satoshi began to say getting off the bed and walking over to the door, he kept one hand on the door, the other on the frame.

"I..I cant stay anywhere else..please dont make me sleep out in the cold" I begged getting on my knees infront of him. Satoshi bent down and helped me up.

"You can stay here" Satoshi smiled, leading me over to the bed, I was...well I didnt know what to say, Satoshi walked over to the bathroom and returned with a wet towel, he helped me wash my legs, my arms, and the rest of my face. "Try to get some sleep now, I'm going out but I'll be back soon" He said raising the covers up off the bed and allowed me to slip underneith the covers.

I snuggled down into the warm sheets of the bed and placed my head on the comfortable pillow. "Sleep tight" Satoshi wispered leaning down and kissing me on the forehead, I blushed.

"Satoshi..I love you" I wispered as he turned off the lights, he stood there for a second, and smiled, then he walked out the door locking it behind him.


"There you are" Jason yelled running up to me. I could hardly believe my eyes, it was..Jason..he was here..in the Digital World..but it wasnt the Digital World it was Earth, we were back home, on a nice spring day.

"I've been looking all over for you" He said, Jason hadnt aged a day since I saw him two years ago, he was ten, and so was I. He reached up and brushed some hair out of my face with his soft hand.

"I.. I had something to do, I..was away" I studdered out still trying to soak in the situation. Jason smiled and leaned in, this time the kiss was different, he bit down on my upper lip for a second, it wasnt a painfull bite but a loving bite. We both leaned our forheads together, he moved his mouth lower and kissed me fully on the lips this time.

I let the feeling, the moment sink in, then I realized what I was doing. With all my strength I pushed him away from me and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. "I cant..I love some one else" I told him with a bit of force in my tone, Jason looked hurt, and shocked. Yet that wasnt the real Jason, Jason would be understanding and realize what I ment.

The world seem to melt away like terpentine over a painting.The scene was replaced with me laying on a couch with Aiymee standing over me, her fingers deep into my scalp. "I have created the perfect monster" Aiymee laughed her fingers digging in deeper

"I'm a monster?" I wispered, feeling the blood trickle down my face. Auny walked over to me from behind Aiymee.

"She's the perfect monster, she will destroy the group" Auny laughed a deep throated laugh like the ones you hear from villians in the movie.

Satoshi walked out from behind Auny, his chest bleeding. " She ripped my heart out, she killed me, she is a monster " Satoshi said sadly touching his chest where his heart should be.

"You will kill us all, kill us all, kill us all" They chanted over and over till they surounded me, and bent down, as they continued to chant "Kill us all, kill us all"


"No" I screamed rising up in the bed suddenly, I was covered in sweat, my hair damp, my skin clammy. "I'm a monster" I cried taking the covers up to my face, I felt so small so vuluable. Worst of all Satoshi wasnt even back yet. Slowly I got off the bed and took the comforter with me, wraping it around me like a shaw. I also picked up a pillow and opened the door. Outside was where Satoshi layed shivering.

"He didnt want to sleep in the same room as me" I sniffed laying down on the concrete next to him, I slid the pillow underneith his head and layed the comforter above both of us so that it would keep us warm for the night. "I'm sorry" I wispered to him, placing a kiss on his cheek. It may have been biterly cold that night, but I felt so warm, and comforted by snuggling up close to Satoshi, and placing a arm around his waste.

The thing with Satoshi will be explained by Poli it is something she plotted out and I hope my post adapted to it properly.

21st March 2004, 12:42 AM
~*~*~Laura Kimura Rider(she plans to hide her surname "Rider" eventually)~*~*~
[size=1]["boku-tachi wa, samayoi nagara/ikite yuku, doko made mo/shinjite'ru, hikari motome/arukidasu, kimi to ima..." ~F-kai Mori---Do As Infinity(Inu-Yasha 2nd ending)][/size=1]

I was sitting there, knealing on my knees on the banks of the lake closest to the "hotel", cleary reflecting light in its dark blue murkiness of the night. The gibbous moon shown as much as it could, eventually-in a few days-it would be full. I looked up with slight emotion in my eyes, confused on my next objective. I was
no help at all...as far as I know, merely a puppet of the celestials, I probably didn't belong here...but..why did they choose me as a digidestined?

Sighing, I slowly closed my eyes to clear my thoughts...as I slowly drifted into imagination.
I was at the starting place of my imagination...a dark sky, much like space...as I purely stood...floated there. I felt myself slowly sinking into a pool of water...which held fallen rocks and the skeleton of a water demon. I held my breath as much as I could, but let it go...realizing I could breath.

'This truely is....imagination....' I thought to myself, as a rippling silvery ribbon extended out, as if it wanted me to grab onto it. I clinged my hand slightly to it, as it began to pull me up. The sun's rays shined upon the surface, as I slowly swam to the edge and emerged. Oddly, I wasn't wet. But...an awkward feeling developed in my stomach, and I threw up...a pure lime-ish liquid of juices...no food bits. Dazed, I glanced around the forest until I reached a well...an ancient japanese well. Blinking, realizing my mind was playing trick on me...I just looked around, before I sensed one's prescence, and turned around, realizing 10 beasts in shadows with glowing red eyes(everybody's(except her's and Jun's) partner at Ultimate level), staring at me. Wondering why they were this was, I slowly stepped back, ending up against the well....

"Go to where you belong, Laura-oneesan....Go to where you belong..." They chanted over and over again, and I didn't get what I meant.

"But...I don't get what you mean...." I said, starting to cry slightly because of stressful confusion. But, all I got was the same chanting. Eventually, everybody, except Jun, stepped out, staring without emotion at me....Satoshi, June, Haruka, Aoi, Kenichi, Auny, Morrigan, David, Kari, and Kouji.

"Laua-oneesan....you must find where you belong...." The digidestined chanted...continuing to look a bit emotionless.

"B-B-But...." I stuttered, starting to burst into tears, "I...I s-still don't un-underst...stand..." They all continued chanting, as the digidestined gained in towards me... forcing me completely against the well. Kouji stepped out, with his hands reaching out, only blinking once, before pushing me into the wel...as I slowly fell through a void of dark blue and black.

"Good luck, Laura-oneesan...." They all finally said, as their vision completely faded. I felt alone, falling head first into nothingness...fealing weakened, and fainting of fatigue.

I slowly re-opened my eyes, remembering it wasn't reality...but it felt like it. What did it really mean by "where I belong"? Do I really belong anywhere, if that's the case? I feel like I must train now...to challenge what lies ahead of me....but as I thought this, my stomach began to urge upward, and I vomitted up the water and soup I had today. I know I must train...but I can't train during a stomach virus. I stood up, and rushed back to my "hotel" room, where dear little Arwen was still sleeping as I left her.

[Translation- "We live our lives, wandering to the ends of the earth/Believing (in you?), now I begin my journey with you,
in search of the light...."]

Roy Karrde
24th March 2004, 05:51 PM
* Sniff Sniff * Well this will be my last DS post, Poli is hard at work on the next one which should be up soon, Well this one was fun and I cant wait for the next one, which is rumored to have a shorter amount of characters allowing us to get to all the temples.

Jun Wakami
I walked back to Laura's room after telling Satoshi about his brother's death, he seemed to take it..moderatly well, but I felt bad for little Laura and Satoshi, with Satoshi experiencing so much death, he would most likely go into a depressed state, little Laura would never be able to understand and eventually they would probley break up. It was going to be a rough ride for both of them. I walked in to Laura's *Rider* room to see her watching over Arwen sleep. I came up behind her and wraped my arms around her waste while nuzzling her neck.

"Your in a good mood" She replied to the sudden amount of attention I was giving her, I slowly turned her around and placed my hand on her cheek.

"Listen I just want you to know, no matter what happens, no matter what ever happens to me, to us. That I will always love you, you mean the world to me, you always will. Who ever tells you differently is a fool, you are my world Laura Kumura Rider, and I am extremely greatful to have known a woman like you" I told her, a tear building up in my eye, I leaned in and kissed her, deeply, pationatly.

Now what ever happened, now or the future she would know how I truely felt, even if I ever turned on her, or acted against her she would still know my true feelings and in the end, that's all that matters.

Laura Lutz
Drowzly I woke up, the bitter chill of the morning was in my mouth, I then remembered the memories of last night, the horrible horrible dreams. Next to me Satoshi stured and began to make noise. I slowly slipped out of his arms, and bundled him up with the comforter.

I began to walk around the hotel trying to get my head back in order. Everything was just so jumbled, the days events, the deaths, everything. I stopped by my old room to see the smokey remains of it, I stepped inside allowing the smokey flavor to fill my lungs, the ground beneath me shuttered with every foot step, I moved over to the remains of my back pack, everything in it was destroyed, everything. I was about to leave when a hint of color caught my eye, deep inside of my backpack the small picture of Satoshi and I taken on the night I asked him to marry me, it was still intact and in good shape.

I looked at the picture, running over it with my fingers as I held it in my hand. "Everything was easier back then" I wispered. I decided to hold on to the picture for later and moved on, eventually arriving at Auny's door where a soft sobbing could be heard. I knocked on the door softly, there was no responce. I knocked again this time in a light tone said "Auny it's me can I come in?"

"No, Laura just..just dont..just go away" Auny snapped her tone harsh and full of anger. I was going to reply but decided against it, on my long walk back to Satoshi's room I remembered the events of the last few days, the battles, the fights we all had. I remembered Satoshi telling me that I needed to learn how to battle that I was too weak if I didnt battle. I remember my memory of the group calling me a monster, yelling at me. I remembered Satoshi giving back the ring. Was it becuase I was weak, becuase I didnt know how to fight in the digital world? Ever fight I had been in I needed some one else to bail me out of. Was that the reason why Satoshi gave back the ring? becuase he was worried that I would never be able to protect myself if I was engaged to him?

I tiptoed past Satoshi and into his room where I found Alpha in standby mode. "Alpha wake up, were going on a little adventure" I told it as it booted up it's programing. While I waited for Alpha to come online I decided to write out a letter to everyone telling them what I was going to do.

Dear Everyone

I decided that I am really not needed here, I just serve to slow the group down, and dont have any real battle experience, yet. As of this morning I am going off to take on the Lunars. I know you guys may want to try to stop me, but dont this is something I want to do, that I have to do to prove to all of you that I am worthy to be a chosen child. Satoshi was right he cant protect a Fiance and battle at the same time, So he wont have to, I'm going to end all of this here and now and defeat the evil in the Digital world.

~ Laura the Chosen Child of Metal

I placed the letter down and folded it up nice and neatly, I also added the picture of Satoshi and myself into the folded letter so that he would find them at the same time. "C'mon Alpha we have some Lunars to bring down" I told Alpha when he was fully ready, Alpha nodded and we started to the door, only to be stoped by...

"Daddy?" I wispered seeing a young version of daddy standing infront of the door way, blocking my path.

"Dont do this Laura" He warned, no it wasnt my dad, it...it was just a illusion, the temple guardian, a faded memory of the Digital world.

"Your not real, your just a fake, a nothing" I spat back at him, he looked away, almost as if my words were hurting him, almost as if he could actually feel emotion. I walked around him and opened the door. "I'm sick of the Digital world's mind games" I finally said shutting the door in his face. I moved past Satoshi and onto the soft earth. I looked up and saw the sun rise of the Digital world.

"One way or another, this is going to be the last time I see that sunrise" I said defiantly walking down the path that would lead me to the dark masters, a path that would lead me away from my friends, my big sister, my big brother, my..love.

"C'mon Alpha, lets end this" I said turning my face toward the sun and walked toward my destiny.

Hey no matter what anyone says this, Digimon Digital Sensations, will always be one of the greatest RPGs of all time.

Yami Annika
4th April 2004, 04:50 PM
I'm so sorry for my part in this RPG dying! I just had soo many projects and homework and this is really not the time for excuses is it? I am deeply sorry, will try to post more in the next one, and second Roy's statement. Best RPG of all time!


I watched Rigiamon carefully. He was perhaps a little frustrated with all my questions – I knew he had yet to trust me, so I could blame him very little. Or, perhaps, like me, he was frustrated at this entire situation.

According to Rigiamon, Kenichi was trapped… trapped and alone. Soon he would be back, no one seemed to know where he would be, but he would be back. And he was alive. Rigiamon made sure of that.

“I’m sorry, Rigiamon.” I smiled weakly. When he looked at me, I explained further. “For going to pieces like that. You saved his life, that’s all that matters. I shouldn’t be upset if he’s just away.”

“It is a frustrating situation.” He spoke.

“For you and me both, obviously.” I laughed strangely, and breathed deeply. Surprising how being knocked out could make one even more tired. “You don’t mind if I take a small nap, do you?”

Rigiamon shook his head and got back up, as I lied down again, awkwardly. I stayed propped up on my elbows. “Rigiamon?” I spoke, as he was leaving.


“He will be alright, right?”

“He should be.”

“Not possessed? Or memory altered? Nothing evil could happen to him, right?”

“He will be fine.”

I knew Rigiamon didn’t care much for me, but those words were very comforting. I hoped he knew that. “Goodnight, Rigiamon.”

“Goodnight,” he repeated to me oddly.


I knew I shouldn’t have, but I woke up in tears many times throughout the night. Once, there was knocking on the door, as I was trying to calm myself.

“Auny, it’s me, can I come in?” A little voice asked.

“No, Laura, don’t…” Tears were threatening to come again, she couldn’t see my like this. “Just don’t… Just go away!” I buried my face into a pillow and was lost to the world again.

I cried for hours on end, until I felt like I was dehydrated. I finally forced myself up and got myself a drink of water. In the window, the sun was already rising. I splashed some water into my face, and fixed my hair back up. With the cup filled again, I stood by the window, in time to see a little figure and her Digimon retreating.

What had I done?

Kenichi was okay, and yet, I played a part in her leaving. She must’ve just needed to talk. How could I have been so stupid? I still had time, though. I could fix my mistake.

I packed my backpack to leave, when I was drawn to a bookcase. Carefully, forces unknown guided my hand to a leather-bound book. Without thinking, I added it to my pack. I’ll return it when we get back, I promised.

I strapped my pack on, and dashed after Laura. I was lucky my legs were longer than hers, but the sun was already near its noon-position by the time she came back into sight.

“LAURA!” I screamed. “WAIT!”

She stopped grudgingly, and I caught up with her.

“Bonjour.” I greeted, catching my breath. I could have sworn a small “hey” flitted through her lips. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to go fight the Lunars.” She said, matter-of-factly. “Alone,” she added. She was walking into death, more like… There are some things you just can't face alone, and death is one of them. She waited for my reaction, her mind set on leaving.

“Great!” I grinned, and placed my hand on her shoulder. A great burden seemed to lift from me. “I’ll come with you.”