View Full Version : Gah... back again.

27th October 2003, 01:56 PM
Gah... Im back... again... I know I know. I left cause I got err.. depressed. And all. I dunno. Its in my nature to leave and come back I guess... gah... sorry. Really...

Eh... I've been drawing alot. I drew one piccy Im rather fond of... its of some random char thing. I like making creatures up. I tried a different kind of shading, and I like how it came out. In comparism to my other shading style, anyhow. Meh. I like the claws. *Shrugs..*

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27th October 2003, 02:20 PM
awwww, cuty ^^

27th October 2003, 07:26 PM
Yay!! I knew you'd come back!! ^_^ Welcome back. Don't worry, you're not the only one who leaves and then returns a lot... in fact, out of all the people here, it's probobly me who does that the most.. ._.;;

Anyway, I already told you what i thought about the picture, but I will again. ^^ You did an awesome job! What a neat critter! You're so creative with them... though I must admit, the claws freak me out a bit.. o.o; Still, you did a great job drawing them. ^^; The shading looks awesome... though to be honest, I do prefer your other style... either way still looks great, though! ^^ Plus, it's good to try new styles and things. I've been experimenting with my own new styles as well. Hmm... my favorite part is the face. ^^ For some reason, it reminded me slightly of a Sneasel.. I'm not sure what it is.. maybe the eye? O.o; Oh, you did a great job on the eye as well, btw. ^^ This creature seems calm and collected, yet... I wouldn't want to run into one.. not with those claws, anyhow. XD Really, you did such a great job!! I'm looking forward to you posting more soon!!
(But show me the pictures first through msn. It makes me feel really special, like I'm one of the first people to witness such fantastic art. ^^;;)

28th October 2003, 06:37 AM
Heh.. thanks... Im rather fond of that one. Though I dont know what you see in my art, Chika. Your quite weird... thats not a bad thing. Thats a good thing. Anyhow.

Thanks for the.. comments, and... yeah. Heres another piccy... of a creature... thing. Its a kind of piglike beast. I tried the shading style again. Im rather fond of him, but I like the other one more...

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28th October 2003, 09:05 AM
it kinda looks like a mole, because of it build. And I likies it ^^

28th October 2003, 10:12 AM
I see an amazing talent and a lot of work put into your art, that's what.

I don't like this picture quite as much as the other one, but I still like it as lot. ^^ I don't think it's very pig-like though, other than the fact it's pink.. O.o; I agree with Susan_Rocket, it seems more like a mole or something. Still, very cute... I love the shading. So smooth. What a creative creature.. I could never think up something like that. Ooh, I love the claws, they're so.. different.. o.o; The fact that one of them looks broken makes this creature seem more realistic, as well. Hmm.. great job!! ^_^ Can't wait to see more. (And now I better go, because I'm at school, and not supposed to be on here... X_x)

29th October 2003, 08:26 AM
Eeh.. thanks... I guess it is more mole like, I dont know. Heh... thanks again...

Heres another picture... its differently shaded again. I was trying to draw more realistic animals. I know I screwed the farther front paw.. meh.. but I think the rest is okay, though Im not too fond of the shading... *Shrugs* Err.. yeah.

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Agent Elrond
29th October 2003, 06:09 PM
The cat is cuuuuuuute! I think the shading came out very well, IMHO. By the way, do you do these all on the computer, or just color them on the comp?

Bye now, :wave:

30th October 2003, 07:59 AM
Eeh... thanks again... uhm, I usually sketch them on paper, then scan and color on PSP7... but sometimes I just draw the whole thing on PSP7, cause Im bored and all... and Im weird, yes? Yes. Okay...

Heh... this is one of my fav. chars. I call him Death.. heh... I tend to change his look everytime I draw him. Im very weird. Anyhow, I drew this on computer, without a sketch, cause I was bored... and... yeah. Err.. enjoy? Or.. something.

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Lynx Wolverina
30th October 2003, 09:26 AM
What are those creatures, can you tell me?
Are they Pokémon?
They look really nice, pretty colours, cool ideas.
Keeep it up!!!!

30th October 2003, 11:19 AM
Actually... they're just creatures I tend to draw. I dont like to draw Pokemon as much as I like to make up creatures, oddly enough... and I dont tend to do anything with the creatures. I usually just draw them, name them, and thats basically it... but I like making creatures up. I dont know.

Err.. and thanks.. heh.

Anyhow... this is an older piccy. I drew it on the comp only... I guess its a sorta mix of a husky and a tiger, since I love both alot. Im still rather fond of this, even though I tend to despise my older pics, and my newer ones for that matter... eh... yeah.

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31st October 2003, 06:25 PM
Hehe, I do that a lot too... making up creatures. ^_^ Only a lot of times, I don't even name them... except if they're characters for my stories and whatnot, which I also have a lot of... then I give them a personality, a past, everything. And I eventually fall in love with them... XD So I know how it feels to really like your characters. ^_^
Oooh!! That new one you just posted, I havn't seen before. But it's just sooo pretty.... x_x; Is it male or female? I think I've fallen in love with it... XD Can I draw it sometime? Pwweeeeaaase? You get full credit for the character and everything. ^^; But when I see creatures I really, really like, I tend to really wanna draw them. ^^; Just sooo cute... you're so amazing at this stuff. Oh, Death is really cool too!! I can't wait to see more!! ^_^

31st October 2003, 07:29 PM
Cuties! ^^ Especially that first one... love the claws. Hehe...

1st November 2003, 09:49 AM
Eep... err, thanks Chika... and I thought I had showed it to you... anyhow, yeah, y'can draw it, of coarse... y'can draw anything of mine you want, and even claim it yours, for all I care... meh...
And, thanks Dragonfree, too... heh...

Err... here's another... Its one of my Neopets, on my second account... a lenny, heh. Im rather fond of Lenny's, but I found out it was very hard to draw them. So I gave him a sorta... odd style, yes? Yes, Im weird. Anyhow, here's Zhikoto, the brown Lenny. Brown lenny's are cool, they're colored somewhat like red-tailed hawks... err, yeah.

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1st November 2003, 12:38 PM
Yay! Thanks. ^^; Nope, you never showed it to me.. And there's no way I'd claim something of your's as my own. O_o; I'm not like that. ^^;
Ohmigosh, the Lenny is sooo cute!! I havn't seen this one yet either. ^^; Too be honest, I never really liked they style they were done in the official Neopet art... but I love the way you made it!! Just too adorable! He looks kinda curious, but in a happy way. ^_^ Dunno if I'm making any sence... the backround's cute too. Looks windy. ^^ And how you made his lil' green scarf blowing in the wind.. great work! I'm looking forward to seeing more. ^_^

1st November 2003, 02:23 PM
Eh, thanks... Billy Jojo said it looked like a Chocobo. Heh... I guess it do. Yes... meh...

And... here's Rhidoh, my Korbat on the same account. It got into the art gallery. Heh. Korbat's are extremely hard to draw, meh... the wings, mainly. I dont like wings... evil... gah. Anyhow, I guess this is okay, I made him chibi-ish, so it was simpler. And... yeah.

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2nd November 2003, 10:37 AM
A Chocobo? Come to think of it, it kinda does. ^^ Never noticed that. Hehe, I saw that Korbat... 'tis so cute. Sure, the wings aren't perfect, but I really like the style you did them in... I can't do wings period. I love his expression! And the shading, again, is great. Hmm.. love the chibi style. I can't do that at all. ^^; great work!! More!! =P