View Full Version : Mama has arrived!

6th November 2003, 10:09 PM
Check out the preview for AG51 at TV Tokyo's website, and then look at the girl with the Medicham closely. Then, look at this: http://netkun.com/pockemon/character/mama/mama.html

What do you guys think?

7th November 2003, 12:01 AM
Lol, that's NOT her. That's Grace, and she was featured in today's episode as well, with the Medicham. And no, contrary to the rumors, today's Medicham wasn't Shuu's. It was Grace's. There hasn't been an image of Grace from the last preview, but she was in the ep.

However, I think May actually might have BEAT Shuu this time in the quarter finals, so she'll either win or be second. I may be wrong though.

Also, I would believe this is the Tough Contest... not sure though.

Oh yeah... if you don't mind, I edited the thread title to avoid humiliation and rumors... but I'll leave this thread open for discussion on AG51, okay? :)


7th November 2003, 08:48 AM
Hmmm...they do look exactly the same except for the hair style, and the one in Pokemon looks a bit taller.

The episode mainly focuses on May, and we didn't even get to see Ash/Max/Brock.

Doesn't Medichamp looks kinda weird?

7th November 2003, 09:49 AM
I'm positive she's Mama's clone, much like Casey is to Yellow.

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