View Full Version : How do you see yourself playing video-games in 30 years?

10th November 2003, 07:19 PM
:rolleyes: (God, I hate people who do that, so I´m gonna fill in a bit)

(Before anyone misinterpretates the intention of this thread I´m gonna say it: I´m not trying to start a flame war involving Sony or any other company. Its just a small coment.)

I could see myself as a middle-aged man playing video-games, but my hatred for Sony & Microsoft might not last so long, mainly because I don´t really hate them, I just bought GameCube because I feel it would entretain ME much more than any console, and I did it without getting into any console-over-console disscussion. And even though I see Nintendo existing at least as what Sega is today in the future, it definetly won´t control a "third" of the video-game market like it does now. More companies will occupy the spots that Nintendo, Sony & Microsoft (and Nokia, right) hold right now.

But video-gaming will advance so much. I can´t imagine it in a way that won´t have so much interaction with the user that it will almost be like being in that game´s recreated situation, due to all the extreme simulation.

And by the way, :wave: , experts (I always wonder who the fudge this áss-holic "experts" are) say that by that time, we will all be buying huge television sets that will already have computers, browsers, consoles, house control centers & laser-readers for all types of media built into them.

Yoh Asakura
10th November 2003, 08:28 PM
Damn right =D

I'll still be playing them as an old man =]

10th November 2003, 09:31 PM
I'm actually quite a picky ***** nowadays when it comes to games, and unless a game looks particularly good, I simply have no intrest in it. Perhaps I'm growing up =0 GASP!

So yeah, I'm quite... choosey, I'll be quite frustrated with myself if I brought a ****ty game IE Chef's Luv Shack. Even though it was 10 dollars I want that money back. So I'm a serial renter, I rent and rent and really only own a few games that are simply excellent...

So I'll play the occasional game in 30 years but I'll be even more picky then :P

10th November 2003, 11:09 PM
I will. + ill have more $ so i can get more games. YAAAAAA!!!:yes: :D :yes:

Ein Katze
11th November 2003, 06:09 AM
If they keep making more Resident Evil and Silent Hill games then yeah I will keep playing games til I'm 30, even until I'm 80.:yes:

The Prophet
11th November 2003, 08:43 AM
Heck yes I will. I grew up with 'em, so I highly doubt I'll stop until I'm on my deathbed.

11th November 2003, 12:51 PM
I'm quite sure I'll be a gamer for life. Infact, if I ever stop playing games, I want someone to shoot me. lol

Mikachu Yukitatsu
14th November 2003, 02:13 AM
Some people may still regard video games as 'childish' and they stop playing as they grow up. I just hope there are no such people here at TPM. Not that I didn't respect opinions, but you can't deny these days that videogames are a form of entertainment as well as for example board games, sports, music, television and books.

And me? I'll play games as long as possible. If I get a last wish before I die, one possibility is that I'll want to play Super Mario Bros 3 just one more time. As far as I am concerned, that game gets big points when you add the amount of time I have spent on it to its age.

Azure Pathos-Sketchit
14th November 2003, 06:02 AM
Damn right I'll keep playing 'em. Heck, I hope to actually work in the industry someday as a character artist/story writer. :)

14th November 2003, 01:20 PM
I do see myself playing video games when I get older, just not to the extent that I do now.

14th November 2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Azure Pathos-Sketchit
Damn right I'll keep playing 'em. Heck, I hope to actually work in the industry someday as a character artist/story writer. :)

I hope to be in the industry one day as well. No idea why I didn't mention that in my last post...oh well...lol

I'm aiming to be a programmer at the moment. If not I'm quite cut out to be a programmer, I'll try another section of games development. I really want to be involved with games in some way. Not only because I've always liked games, but because the pay is great too. Also, seeing my name in the credits of a game would be really satisfying to me (even if no one else bothers to read it lol).

14th November 2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Adz44
I hope to be in the industry one day as well. No idea why I didn't mention that in my last post...oh well...lol

I'm aiming to be a programmer at the moment. If not I'm quite cut out to be a programmer, I'll try another section of games development. I really want to be involved with games in some way. Not only because I've always liked games, but because the pay is great too. Also, seeing my name in the credits of a game would be really satisfying to me (even if no one else bothers to read it lol).

I hear you there.

This will be me on my deathbed:

Rod: Shonta, let go of that GBA! You can't take it with you!
Me: If I can't take it with me, then I'm not going!

28th November 2003, 08:39 PM
Me in 30 years time: I don't get all this newfangled http-enhanced subatomic plasma screen consoles with their whole ehernet-connection and twenty million gigabyte hard drive hooey. Why in my day, when we wanted to play video games, we'd go out to the store and buy them! And we only had 128 bits of power and analog controls, and we loved it.

Kids: Uh huh, sure grampa.

29th November 2003, 09:52 AM
As long as they keep bringing out stuff I like, I'll keep playing.

Soldier of God
29th November 2003, 06:52 PM
The effect of entertainment violence on children is complex and variable. Some children will be affected more than others. But while duration, intensity, and extent of the impact may vary, there are several measurable negative effects of children's exposure to violent entertainment. These effects take several forms.

Children who see a lot of violence are more likely to view violence as an effective way of settling conflicts. Children exposed to violence are more likely to assume the acts of violence are acceptable behavior.

Viewing violence can lead to emotional desensitization towards violence in real life. It can decease the likelihood that one will take action on behalf of a victim when violence occurs.

Entertainment violence feeds a perception that the world is a violent and mean place. Viewing violence increases fear of becoming a victim of violence, with a resultant increase in self-protective behavior and a mistrust of others.

Viewing violence may lead to real life violence. Children exposed to violent programming at a young age have a higher tendency for violent and aggressive behavior later in life than children who are not so exposed.

Although less research has been done on the impact of violent interactive entertainment (video games and other interactive media) on young people, preliminary studies indicate that the negative impact may be significantly more severe than that wrought by television, movies, or music.

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
30th November 2003, 02:50 AM
As long as there's a decent gaming console on the market and the suitable software for it I will go out and get it, no matter how old I am - I don't see how age could be a reason to stop playing any kind of game, not just video games. I want to be buried with my consoles. :yes: :D

30th November 2003, 04:45 PM
Hell ya, as long as 2-d gaming exists.