View Full Version : Treyala: Dream Island

Zee Sage
21st November 2003, 04:29 PM
Well guys, Take Three at a fic, my other one felt as if it was slowly dying all along so lets see if this one dont die. :) :) :)

Treyala: Dream Island
Chapter I
The Dream Becomes Reality

As the fleeting sun set down on the horizon, a blazing bonfire corrupted the hot and humid air creating even more heat. Clouds of smoke hovered over the fire before they wisped away becoming part of the atmosphere. The house the bonfire was at was celebrating Day Of Becoming; actually it was Day of Becoming Eve, a holiday celebrated in remembrance of Groudon the Legendary Pokemon himself. If it weren’t for Groudon Dream Island would never had existed, if Groudon hadn’t lost his temper and made Mt. Moltres erupt creating an additional part of the continent Treyala. So every year Dream Island sends out twenty trainers to start training.
On Treyala you need ten badges to enter the Pokemon League and also can hold up to six pokemon. In order to be selected you had to write an essay and a team of three people: Lance, Jikinko, and John, selected the top twenty.
Lance master of dragon pokemon and leader of the Indigo Pokemon League was a respected pokemon trainer. Jikinko is the leader of the Treyala Pokemon League trains all pokemon as long as they are strong he too is very respected. Finally, John is the newest leader of Johto AND Hoenn, born and raised in Johto beat the league and assigned a temporary leader and went and beat Hoenn and set up a Master Gym on an island between Johto and Hoenn so now if you beat either you get a free aircraft ride to the island and battle him.

***Earlier Today***

The mail had came today and guess what as I fingered through the mail I said to myself,

“Bill, bill, bill, bill, letter from Aunt Patrice, bill, bill, Congratulations letter from Jikinko, bill…” I said and froze halfway through the door of our tri-level house, “LETTER OF CONGRATULATIONS FROM JIKINKO!”

I tossed the bills and one letter to the ground and ran to my room slamming both my door and the front door behind me. I jumped onto my rolling office chair behind my desk. I carefully took the letter opener across the top being careful not to make any rips in the letter. I carefully took out the letter of the envelope and read out loud to anybody who stopped to listen:

Dear Stellar Stargazer,

We are very pleased to inform you that your essay ranked number four out of twenty. Your first pokemon will be mailed to you and you should report to Dream Island when you collect ten badges and come back home and compete in the league. So your pokemon should arrive later the day you receive this letter. Thank you and good luck on your pokemon journey.

Sincerely Yours,

Jikinko Evans; Leader of the Treyala Pokemon League

My entire body tingled as I walked down our stairs and explained it to my parents.

***7:00 P.M.***

A loud clunk was heard as the small package hit the door, I sprang up and went to get it. As tradition I waited till it was pitch black out and we started a bonfire, which then I would release the pokemon I had received. So I went out set out the wood, took out my lighter (family tradition all thirteen year olds and above need to carry a lighter just in case of emergency) and lighted the bonfire.

“Well my son, your special day of teenage hood passed by three weeks ago and now is step two on the stairs of your life,” my father said in his hoarse voice, I nodded as my throat went dry.

The coarse and rough surface passed by under my fingers, as I felt the heat proceeding from the small ball. My middle finger passed over the small gold octagonal bracket, which held a ruby in. The top half was a red and black tie-die mixture of colors, it was almost guaranteed it was a fire pokemon but you can never be sure until it happens. Along time ago certain pokemon needed a special evolution stone to evolve pokemon. Now you can only get those stones by diving the deepest oceans, going into the deepest volcanos, venturing to the heart of the biggest forest in Treyala, Syther Jungle, and into the biggest storm clouds. So the solutions were easy breed all stone evolution pokemon with a new stone discover Skip Stone.

“Now is the moment of truth you may release your new pokemon,” my father said smiling proudly.

“Tha…nk y…ou,” I said speechless gripping the ball even tighter, I tossed it, usually I would say Go Pokemon, but I was too speechless.

The ball exploded and came back to my hand and put it in my pocket, the brilliant white light formed a small dog. When the light cleared a red dog with black stripes and tan fur stood proudly and a huge smile hung on his face as he looked around. He sniffed the air once and started jogging towards me, he was twenty-five meters away and when he reached five in front jumped and I caught him. He smiled happily and I held him tightly, and set him down.

“How did he know I was his trainer?” I asked my father, my mother who was crying because I was growing so fast.

“He sniffed his pokeball in your pocket Growlithe’s have a keen sense of hearing, sight, and smell,” my father said, “He suits you fine.”

“Thank you father I can’t wait tomorrow I get to catch a ferry and… oh man total freedom, I mean I get my own room, be on my own, catch my own pokemon, get a girlfriend, I mean to…” I started before realizing what I really had said, “I didn’t mean that last one mom.”

“It’s OK, I started dating when I was thirteen, and I met your father when I was thirteen, so go ahead I just wish… wait here’s your one condition I meet her the second she says yes and you call me every week!” my mom’s sweet voice said.

“That’s two conditions but I agree to both, what about you Growlithe?” I asked my new pokemon.

“Growl, Lithe, Grow, Growl,” he said breaking into a smile and nodding his small head he was probably a little over one years old.

“Then it’s settled, OK so I say lets roast some weenies, and SMORES!” I screamed reaching for the roasting sticks, I put a hotdog onto the stick and roasted it.

I gave the first one to Growlithe who scarfed it down in two bites, and then I made one for me, two for Growlithe, one for me, and three for Growlithe. Then when we were both full I started the marshmallows and made smores, since chocolate was poison to dogs I didn’t want to take any chances with it being poison to pokemon dogs. So I just fed him a smore minus the chocolate, he seemed to like it fine. When it was eight thirty I decided I was tired so I would sleep and be up at seven-thirty for the eight ‘o’ clock ferry to the mainland.

“Do you want to go back into your pokeball? It’s your choice if you do or don’t,” I told him petting him softly I was lying in my bed and watching the show called Pokemon: Johto Journeys.

It was about this loser named Ash and the most stupid pokemon a Pikachu. I mean it’s a rat, a rat that blasts you with lightning if you give it a sausage instead of a hotdog.

“Growlithe,” Growlithe bark shaking his head no, he jumped onto the foot of bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

“Good Night good friend,” I said stroking his fur softly, I too fell asleep and drifted into dreamland.

***7:00 A.M.***

The dreaded alarm clock rang continuously until Growlithe finally had it and kicked it off stopping it. I got up and dressed in my normal clothes, a silver shirt and black, baggy, cargo jeans, and went down stairs Growlithe at my heels. I had two Strawberry PopTarts and went outside, my family had said their goodbyes yesterday. So I was leaving without waking anyone up, I was going to walk the distance. It was a fifteen-minute walk to the docks so I would arrive at approximately 7:55 A.M. just in time to make the ferry.
I walked past a line of houses onto a main road and crossed the street carefully. I cut through a cornfield, which was my secret shortcut to the road of the docks. It was like I said fifteen minutes later when I arrived. I took out my wallet, which had my most recent School ID in it, took out a five-dollar bill. I walked to the cahier dude at the ticket master booth. Dude was right and that was putting it nicely.

“Surf’s up Brah,” said a guy wearing a red pineapple shirt and blue swim shorts with surfboards on it.

“I’d like one ticket to Treyala mainland,” I said handing him the five-dollar bill he hand me a white ticket.

“Another Dream Island trainer your number twentieth today Brah, well peace out Dude!” the surfer guy.

I walked back to the docks and the ticket checker and let me on board of the S.S. FerryCruiser. I had a seat onto the wooden bench with a red flower pattern cushion. It was a one and a half hour miniature cruise. I took out a TempDex, which wasn’t even a real pokedex it was a booklet. I looked up Growlithe and found his picture, pokedex entry, and attacks at level fifteen. Which was the starting pokemon level, Growlithe’s evolve at level thirty-five. His attacks were Ember, Tackle, Take Down, Growl, Bark, and a very weak Flamethrower.
I slowly and soundly fell asleep with Growlithe at my side falling asleep too.

***9:30 A.M.***

“Sir, Sir, wake up, the cruise is over,” said the same ticket checker guy from the dock. I got up and shook Growlithe awake, he followed me sleepily.

“Thanks mister,” I said tiredly and sleepily, I left the boat and immediately went to the nearby sign.

It was a large green board; I had read somewhere that towns painted there signs the color of the element their town gym trained. I was in for an easy victory at this gym it was grass type. The sign read:

Information Kiosk= ------->
Pokemon Center/Mart/Lodge= <-------
Town Gym= Forward Straight ahead

I was going to go to the Information Kiosk first to get information on this town, like what is there to do, hot spots for catching pokemon, and other junk. So I followed that dirt path for a few then crossed onto the sidewalk. I saw in the horizon a large wood cabin with green shingled roof, the sign read in bold: ‘Information Kiosk!’ So I followed until I reached the oak doors and I entered them Growlithe at my heals.

“Hello welcome to the wondrous town of Gourga Town, could we interest you in a brochure?” she asked, she wore a blue dress over a white long sleeve shirt.

“No thank you I could use some information on the town though,” I told her.

“Well all I could give you is that our title is, ‘Ferocious Pokemon Central,’ in fact I think there selling Ferocious Pokemon Eggs at the pokemon center,” she said, “well I hope that helped you a little, Next Please.”

I left, thinking something, ‘could I handle ferocious pokemon at such an inexperience?’ ‘I don’t know but I’m going to find out!’

21st November 2003, 11:15 PM
Quite original, with the Tempdex and the essay competition and everything. The myth about Groudon was a nice thouch too. One thing that could have been better, though: the description. It helps give a picture of what's happening, since we don't all have telekinesis access to your thoughts. write about what everything looks like, what people feel, etc. It wasn't too bad, though; I could see some evidence of description.

There were some homonym problems, like heal/heel, but the rest was fine. This fic's actually off to a pretty good start. Keep it up!