View Full Version : Spiritual Night (redone)

Mystic Latios
30th November 2003, 02:17 AM
I finally decided to redo the whole fic. Now the first chapter will be very similar to the origional one, but the other chapters will definately be different from the origional. And here's the first chapter...

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Spiritual Night

-Chapter 1-

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The sun was slowly starting to hide itself behind the mountainous peaks to the west of the small river valley covered in a lush rainforest. The gigantic trees were stretching their thick branches towards the last specks of sunlight, before the cold night came upon them to slowly form frost on their miniature, oval green leaves. The small exotic flowers that covered the forest floor were slowly closing their petals, preparing for the cold night while trapping some small insects that were trying to get a small snack of their sugar sweet honey.

The glittering silver stars started to sparkle into the darkening sky. Thick clouds that smothered the sky like a blanket were slowly turning into a mist-like form in the blood freezing atmosphere, quickly clearing away for the pokemon and humans to get a good view of the night sky approaching. A small gust of wind blew through the branches as the sleeping Butterfree were slowly waking up from their slumber to see the soon coming spectacle.

The large group of Butterfree started twitching their long antennas and started flapping their rainbow-colored wings to warm them up for their night flight. The Butterfree‘s mouths started sucking honey and pollen from the large apple blossoms on the trees, slurping all the food they could get before their migration.

Their wings started glowing like a bright aurora borealis as they slowly started to lift off of their resting spots and took flight. The small, scaly black flaps around the edges of their wings lifted up as the powdery dust started flowing out of them and floated along in the wind, making it look like they were glowing fireflies riding the wind currents.

They were now starting to migrate south while their small insect bodies were climbing higher and higher into the air. They emerged out of the forest and above a large field, covered in six inch tall grass. The field was surrounded by the forest trees and had a small river flowing its pure, crystal clear water along the east side of the field.

Near the center of the field was a small village, named Usoitar, that had the same architecture look like nineteenth century Japanese buildings. In the center of the town was a three story building, where the Lord and Lady of the town lived. Surrounding it were large food stands and stores, waiting for the last of their customers to purchase their goods so that they could close their doors for the night. Only the medical center stayed open for the night, in case of any late night accidents that the village doctor must heal.

The homes, which surrounded the town, had large peak roofs covered in tube-like shingles and had small, wooden porches surrounding them. Black smoke billowed out of the chimneys as some family members opened the sliding doors made of birch wood and pearl white cloth, like the walls, and sat at the porch steps, admiring the wondrous view of the Butterfree flying overhead. Forming into the night sky over the flying bug pokemon, was a vast aurora borealis, lighting up the night sky with a large arrangement of colors, like a light show.

Sakura Marla, a small ten year old girl, glazed at the amazing sight in awe with her soft, glistering sapphire eyes. Her long, emerald green hair hanged down to the top of her shoulders, and was waving in the sudden cold wind that blew through the chilly night air. She was wearing a silky white, long sleeve shirt along with a small, crimson dress that went down to her ankles. On her small feet were sandals made from intertwining dried grass and sliced bamboo.

The moon shined its pale light on her pale face while the entrance door behind her slid open. Her mother, who was wearing a silky crimson kimono, lightly stepped out of the house, barely making a sound. She watched her daughter observing the spectacle above along with half of the village as a small smile formed on her face.

“It’s amazing.” Sakura exclaimed, turning towards her mother.

“Yes it is. And to think that if you missed it, you would have to wait another fifty years for it to happen again.” Her mothered sweetly answered while watching it too.

“Really? I never knew that.”

“Well you’re still young honey.” The mother started. “There is still a lot of things you need to learn.”

“When do I get to learn it all momma?”

“In a few years sweetie. In a few years.” Sakura’s mom dazed off, thinking of her daughter’s future. “After this rare event is over, come back in for dinner with the rest of your family. I’m cooking some of the fresh sakana (fish) I bought today in the market, along with some small bowls of gohan (rice) and soba (noodles made of buckwheat flour).”

“Okay!” Sakura answered cheerfully while she turned her attention back to the sky.

She smiled to herself as she left her daughter on the porch steps. A tear started to form in the corner of her eye as a sudden thought went through her head.

‘Good thing she doesn’t know what would have happened tonight if it still occurred. I couldn’t think of what I would do if I lost my daughter…’

As her mother closed the front door, Sakura suddenly noticed that some of the Butterfree were flying away from the others and were heading towards the western part of the forest. Curiosity got the better of her as she walked down her front yard and checked her small Seedot. It had a gray shell on top of its brown, acorn-looking body along with a stem on top. Two small yellow circles were just below the gray helmet with small, topaz pupils that stared at her.

“Hello Seedy. Want to take a small trip through the woods?” She smiled on the infant pokemon. It started squealing loudly with delight as Sakura wrapped her arms immediately around it and lift it up.

“No Seedy! You can’t make any loud noises, or momma will catch us and we won’t be able to go then.” She whispered.

The baby Seedot quickly became silent as she trotted down the dirt path, trying to catch up with a speedy Butterfree that flew past her head. Sakura suddenly had no choice but to leave the path and ran down the short hill towards the western forest entrance. Her Seedot started to squeal softly with delight, thinking how much fun it was letting the wind brush its face.

Sakura’s hair flowed in the air like an ocean at the seashore as she starting to sprint, trying to catch up as her feet started to ache. The moonlight barely lit the forest floor as she almost tripped on a small tree root that a small, hungry Paras was pulling from the ground. It had started feeding on the tips of the root while Sakura continued to run again in the now frozen ground, more further behind then she was before she tripped.

She suddenly felt her sense of fear growing inside her like a weed while having the feeling that someone was stalking her right now from the darkness. Her breath could be seen as a large puff of smoke coming out of her mouth, while the air temperature started to drop like a rock from a cliff.

She started shivering in the cold as she started seeing tons of glowing yellow eyes staring at her from the trees’ shadows with curiosity, which made her spine chill. Sakura quickly made a huge sigh of relief as she saw that the glowing eyes belonged to a flock of Hoothoot and Noctowl that were settling on the tree branches.

‘What am I so nervous about? Its just a bunch of bird pokemon that were glaring at me. Not some crazy person.’ She tried to convinced herself while trying to warm her hands up. Her words still didn’t comfort her from the feeling that something was hunting her.

She wrapped a small blanket that she was carrying around her Seedot to keep it from shivering . It started to make a small whimper while making a large sneeze. She started hoping that it wasn’t getting sick as another thought came to her head.

‘Where are the Butterfree going anyway? Are they going towards some other Butterfree to make them follow them? Since I‘m all the way out here, I might as well find out.’

That last thought turned out to be the biggest mistake she had ever made in her life. She ran out of the forest and into a hilly field that she didn’t even knew existed near her village. She started squinted her eyes in the pitch black darkness to see where the dim moonlight was reflecting off of. Slowly, she began to see an outline of a huge and empty village. The fairly large buildings looked as if they were slowly decaying like corpses over a long period of time.

She also started to notice a strong, pungent smell of death that was in the air. She tried her best to cover her nose, so that she wouldn’t breath in the strong and awful stench while holding her baby pokemon. The smell, unfortunately, didn‘t go away as Sakura felt like she was going to suffocate.

‘What the hell is with that smell? And what is this place?’ She wondered along with her ever sickening Seedot. ‘Is this the mysterious cursed village that momma kept talking about behind my back when she thinks I‘m not listening?’

She suddenly felt goose bumps all over her arms as she suddenly had that same, dark feeling again in her bones. A strong gust of freezing wind, howling like a snarling wolf, suddenly rushed through her and into the field in front of her. It sounded as if it came from behind her and was going to attack at any time.

Small, silky white snowflakes started falling down towards the ground, even though the sky was clear of dark clouds. Its as if the snow was coming from the aurora borealis. Or may be, just may be, from something else.

The torches that bordered the abandoned looking town started to lit up by themselves, giving the town a haunting look that started to scare her. Candles, large and small, were lighting up by the invisible unknown. She started shivering from fright and from the ever lowering temperature. The stem on top of Seedot’s head started to form frost.

“Its that cold already?” Sakura asked herself, not knowing how to explain the events that were happening around her.

Sakura started hearing the voices of people in the village, but they weren’t sounding like they were just having friendly talk. The voices were screaming in agony and in misery, sounding sort of like the dying people in a war movie that could haunt your dreams for eternity. There were even the sound of children crying in agony, but not in pain as in torture. More like crying as if they were emotionally upset from watching their loved ones dying in front of them.

“Okay I think its time to go back now.” Sakura shivered as she slowly backed up.

The baby Seedot in her arms suddenly heard something rustling in the forest behind it and her trainer, and was now squeaking to get her attention. A sudden, loud thump noise from behind alerted her as she quickly turned around and slowly widen her eyes at what she saw.

A small boy that looked like he was the same age as she was, sat on the cold ground. The boy had greasy, black hair that covered his face and was wearing all black clothes that had small bloodstains on them.

“Are you all right?” She started questioning the boy while shivering from the deep cold that now surrounded her.

The eerie and creepy looking boy said nothing as he slowly started standing up on his bare feet. He had small spots of yellow skin spreading on his frost bitten feet. The boy slowly lifted his head, as Sakura starred in horror at the face that was hidden behind his partially long hair.

She started to make a shriek that echoed into the air as the boy started chasing her with his yellow patched arms. Sakura’s exit into the forest was now blocked because of the ghostly boy, and now she had no choice but to go into the haunting village while the moans and shrieks started to increased in volume.

Mystic Latios
1st December 2003, 10:57 PM
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Spiritual Night

-Chapter 2-

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The sun was now starting its slow descend to the west behind the mountains that hid an everlasting desert. The crystal-like dew drops that hung onto the tips of the tall grass were now slowly freezing into ice from the chilly northern winds. The ancient forest trees that surrounded the field started swaying back and forth in a rhythmic beat as the cold northern winds started blowing southward. The frost was now slowly starting to form on the small vegetation that covered the forest floor, forcing the flowers to close their small and delicate petals to preserve their sweet honey.

A ten year old boy sat in the long grass field by the edge of the eastern river. His long, fluffy navy blue hair was tied back in a large bun with a pearl white ribbon, making it look like he was growing miniature, white wings in the area between the bun and the back of his head. He was wearing a light blue half coat and pleated loose fitting trousers with a red border around the edges of his sleeves. On the upper arm of both sleeves was a small, red picture of a pokeball the size of a very small plate. His feet were protected from the itchy grass from the soft, peach colored sandals.

His chocolate brown eyes were scanning the start of the sunset as another small child was walking up behind him. Her clothes were exactly the same as her brother’s, except that she had a pink border and pokeball picture on the sleeves. She even wore the same sandals. Her hair was the same navy blue color, but it was tied back into a small bun with the same white ribbon, letting some of the silky hair hang down to her shoulders and in front of her ears. Her deep chocolate brown eyes looked towards her twin brother’s back as she started speaking with her soft voice.


His head slowly turned towards her direction as he looked at her with a blank face. She then knew that her brother was now in an upset mood, since she distracted him from watching the probably last sunset before they returned to their home in Mossdeep City. The girl always had that talent. Always was able to tell how people were feeling and what kind of mood they were in, especially her brother. Her brother also had the same talent, but it only works with his twin sister. Its as if their minds were one.

“Yes Liza?” Tate replied while looking away towards the sunset.

“Mom wants you to come back to the vacation house for dinner. The fried chicken is waiting for you to feast on..”

“I’d rather stay and enjoy the sunset while it lasts.”

Liza also wanted to enjoy it too, but ever since that Sakura girl disappeared along with her brother a hundred years ago, everyone started to get paranoid, especially their mother. Ever since she heard about the twins Miki and Lao disappearing fifty years ago, she had been determined not to bring them back here, but did it anyway since Liza and Tate wouldn‘t stop complaining about it. Both disappearances started on the same night that the Butterfree migrated south, which is also known in the Usoitar community as Spiritual Night. Why it was called that, they had no idea.

Today was the anniversaries of those dark events. Both of them would have been back in Mossdeep City right now, but the family car broke down a few days ago and the mechanic said it would take some time to fix it, which made their mother very frustrated. Until it was fixed, their mother made a new rule in the house that they had to stay indoors when the sun starts to set towards the west.

Tate, thanks to his nosy personality, was able to sneak in the living room unnoticed yesterday when their mother and a friendly neighbor, Mrs. Jenzean, were having some tea. Tate’s mother kept babbling about taking them back home before something kidnaps them while the neighbor agreed with her, saying with her high squeaky voice that they could be the next ones to vanish into thin air like Miki and Lao.

After Tate barely was able to sneak out of there without tripping, he told his sister Liza the whole conversation that went on between their mother and their next door neighbor Mrs. Jenzean. It left them wondering about what could be after them. It also seemed weird to them that their mother was now being more protective than before, just because they were ten now.

“Well then you better be prepared when mom comes out here with steam bursting from her ears in rage. You know how mom is always trying to make us stay indoors during this time of the year.” Liza smirked.

“Fine.” He sighed several seconds as he slowly stood up from the frozen ground. “But I’m going to beat you in the race this time!”

“Hey wait a minute!” She yelled as they both started sprinting through the field with their sandals crushing the freezing strands of the mustard yellow grass.

Both of them started giggling like two friends enjoying a carnival ride while having their annual fun race. The twin may look like they were serious people on certain days. But most of the time, they usually act like normal children who only wants to enjoy life and have fun. Tate was still in the lead, with Liza only a few feet behind and was trying desperately to catch up. Both of them were filling their lungs with the fresh, chilly air in large breaths while continuing the race.

Liza was slowly started to catch up to her brother as she was determined to beat him. But Tate was also determined to beat her and to continue his winning streak, even though his legs were starting to get sore around the knees. Liza suddenly felt Tate’s small amount of pain in her mind as she started to slow down, hoping that he wouldn’t go too far to beat her and break his leg from tripping when they get to the streets like the last time. To her, his health was more important than a silly annual race that they do just for fun.

In a matter of seconds, they ran right into their quiet neighborhood, which looked exactly the same as it did a hundred years ago, only roads covered in asphalt now replaced the gravel road and there were cars parked in front of the homes. A few minutes later, both of them could see their front yard. Tate suddenly started to run faster with determination, which alarmed Liza.

“Hey are you ASKING for you leg to be broken again?!” She yelled at him.

As Tate turned to yell back, his foot stubbed on a pebble on the road, causing him to fall down towards the ground. Liza immediately grabbed his arm, which luckily stopped him from ending up in the hospital again. Tate made a large sigh of relief as he stood up straight, remembering that he still has that unknown medical condition that was new to the doctors.

“Arigatou gozaimazu.” He said with a tone of thankfulness in his voice.

“Your welcome.” She answered before her warm smile turned into a fierce frown and her eyes narrowing into slits. “Don’t you ever try to run that fast again! You know how much trouble I would be in if you fell and break one of your bones!”

“Relax already! I didn’t break a single bone did I? So quit worrying about it.” Tate said while rolling his eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me. You know about that….” Liza said with concern.

“Yea yea I know. But if I weren’t such a klutz then we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“It just seems as if someone made a cursed that you would always trip for all eternity.” She said while suppressing a giggle.

“Tell me about it. I almost tripped while trying to sneak out of the living room yesterday!”

Both of them started laughing heartily as they started walking towards their front yard. The yard was covered with short grass, which the frost was slowly started to cover with the help of the gusts of wind. A large weeping willow on the left side of the yard was slowly loosing its delicate, yellow oval leaves, which was slowly making small leaf piles all over the yard. A large border made of crimson and pink tulips were growing all around the porch; their fluffy and soft petals slowly closing from the cold. All together, the yard looked like something that a person in the city could only dream of in their sleep.

Their mother was standing on the front porch, tapping her foot as if she were tap dancing on a stage. Their mother was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a white shirt. Her black hair was tied back into a long ponytail that extended a few inches past her shoulders. The twins started sensing that their mother was angry at them for taking so long to come back, but was slowly calming down when she saw them.

“Thank heavens! I though that…well never mind what I thought. The important part is that you’re both here. Dinner has been ready for a minute so hurry up and get inside before the food gets cold. And why are you laughing?”

Both Tate and Liza immediately stopped laughing and gave a puzzling look at their mother before slowly walking towards their vacation home. Both of them looked into the darkening sky as it was slowly being filled with glittering stars. A large aurora borealis slowly started to flow in the night sky like a small stream as the first Butterfree started to rise into the air, spreading its multi colored pollen into the cold wind. Their mother’s eyes suddenly widened until they were the size of golf balls as she saw the very known event that occurs during this certain night.

“Hurry up and get inside now!” she yelled at them.

“Why are you panicking over a Butterfree and an aurora borealis?” Tate questioned in a nosy way.

“Enough with the question! Now get inside now!”

“But...” Tate started to speak.


Both of them didn‘t feel like arguing with their mother at that moment as they started to jog towards the front door with a blank, serious look on their face. Unknown to them, another Butterfree was watching the twins from the neighbor’s old oak tree with a look of interest in its eyes. As more of its kind started to rise into the air, its eyes started to glow a crimson color while it started fluttering its pale wings. Tate and Liza entered through the front door, not knowing that they were soon going to go through the worst and one of the strangest night ever in their lifetime.

2nd December 2003, 12:25 AM
Something about your writing style makes everything really beautiful. I can't tell what it is; maybe it's all the detail. Good job. Your description is really good.

I remember rezading this fic before, and i see that you've totally changed it. It's still good, though. I hope that this one will continue.

Mystic Latios
2nd December 2003, 01:02 AM
mistysakura- I always like, and try, to put a lot of description in my fics. I also hope this one will continue, because I don't want to remake it a hundred times:P Glad your enjoying it so far.:)

3rd December 2003, 06:34 PM
Oh wow, this is absolutely gorgeous. You have such a talent for imagery. Its really beautiful, especially how you sit down and describe before just launching into it with the people!

Mystic Latios
6th December 2003, 12:23 PM
Topaz- Thank you for reviewing it. I enjoy getting reviews since it helps me with my writing.

I have updated the second chapter. Is it a little better than before?

Mystic Latios
25th December 2003, 04:50 PM
Sorry about not posting the next chapter for so long, but I pretty much lost inspiration to continue it for a while. Well now I'm back with a new chapter that should begin the mystery about the cursed village...

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Spiritual Night

-Chapter 3-
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The entrance door were quickly slammed shut by their mother as she slowly started to calm down. The small wall lamps around their small, dim living room lit it up. Right in front of them was a pearl white fluffy couch that was facing the television in the corner of the square room.

Unfortunately, there was only enough room for another chair, which made the room compatible for three people to sit in. The walls were an emerald green color that reflected some of the light in the room like a mirror. An open doorway was on either side of the room; one to the family’s left side and one to the right. Right by the television was a small fireplace.

On the rosewood mantle of the fireplace were two small poke balls being displayed like trophies, which belonged to their father. He was a promising pokemon trainer who had always tries to spend more time with his family than with pokemon battles.

Sometimes the family starts to grieve every time they see the mantle or visit his grave, especially the twins. The twin’s father always seemed to be there for them when they needed him. His two pokemon, Lunatone and Solrock, were still alive though and still healthy. Chances are that they’re in the kitchen eating their supper for tonight.

Their mother, Rina, sat on the overstuffed chair with relief as she took the remote off the chair arm. Tate and Liza only enjoyed the warmth from the fireplace for only a few seconds, still curious on what all the fuss about a lost village is about. Tate then went into his usual nosy mode.

“So what’s all the fuss about coming inside mom?” Tate asked.

“Its just…..well never mind.”

“No. How about you just tell us now. We have the right to know.” Tate demanded.

“He does have a point.” Liza agreed.

“Now kids, after tonight I’ll be able to tell you since you will no longer will be in danger. But tonight is not a good night to discuss this.”


“Tate!” Rina interrupted with a ticked off look in her face. “If you say one more word about….IT I’ll send you to bed without supper or dessert and I’ll lock your bedroom door and window to make sure that you don’t sneak out! Do you understand that?!”

Tate just shook his head while his eyes, along with Liza’s eyes, widened to the size of golf balls. They knew that if their mother was going to give them that kind of punishment for something they were planning to do, they usually skip the plan immediately.

To them, no punishment from anyone was worse than to starve all night while being locked in their rooms. Rina’s angry face immediately turned into a goofy happy face as she stood up and walked to the doorway near the front door.

“Well you better start eating your food before it gets as cold as a blizzard in the middle of winter.” She said with a happy tone.

The twins looked at each other in confusion as they followed their mother into the dinning room. Not even they could figure out how their mother can suddenly switch moods in less than a second. The dinning room seemed to look like a duplicate of the living room, but it only had a single round table surrounded by fancy rosewood chairs.

Near the doorway was a large window showing the darkening front lawn. Tate was now slowly getting over the ‘have to go inside because of paranoid mother’ issue, since he could now see a clear view of it.

“I had someone replace the window last summer so that we could enjoy this night’s spectacle inside instead of outside in the cold night.”

“You should have done that a long time ago mom.” Tate said quietly while watching the aurora in the sky.

“I truly would have, but we didn’t exactly have enough money, since these certain kids keep wanting lots of presents for Christmas.” Rina started.

They ignored her of course, since they were too busy watching the window. The kitchen door on the other side of the room opened with a creaking noise. A mustard yellow, crescent-shaped pokemon with a small beak and red cat eyes floated towards the window along with an orange sun-looking pokemon with its outside spikes the same color as the Lunatone’s body.

The Lunatone was very much wide awake as if it drank tons of coffee with sugar, while the Solrock’s eyes kept opening and closing, as if it was going to fall asleep any time now. The twins were annoyed by this, since they were in their way.

“Hey Lunatone, your blocking my view!” Tate exclaimed as he tried to shove it away.

“You too Solrock.” Liza said while attempting to do the same thing.

“I wonder what’s gotten into them?” Rina asked herself.

Her answer was immediately answered after that as the dinning room window suddenly exploded inward towards the table. The whole family yelped in surprise, even screamed in terror, as they hid under the table.

The razor sharp shards of glass impaled the dinning table like large spears as the family’s pokemon started attacking an unknown intruder. The battle went on in the living room as the family slowly crawled out, trying not to get cut by the glass.

“What the heck was that?!” Liza questioned loudly.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to sit and wait to find out!” Tate exclaimed.

“Hey wait!” Their mother started to say as they both ran into the living room. As they entered, they started to witness their pokemon attacking two Butterfree who had broke into their home.

“Solrock don’t use anything that might destroy the house!” Liza yelled. “Just tackle them to the ground!”

“You too Lunatone!”

The Butterfree’s eyes started to glow in multiple colors as two large, rainbow-like beams burst from their eyes and aimed towards their pokemon. The two pokemon easily dodged their attacks at they floated above them, ready to slam them to the ground. As they were going swiftly down towards them, the two Butterfree flew out of the way just in time as Lunatone and Solrock slammed into the floor, making two large dents.

“Man mom is going to be pissed when she sees this…” Liza said to herself as she continued to watch.

The two Butterfree seemed to have lost their interest in the pokemon battle as they flew down and swiped the most valued thing to the twins. Their father’s pokeballs on the fireplace. They then immediately flew back into the busted dinning room and out the window.

“HEY COME BACK HERE!” They both screamed out loudly as they ran through the front door and towards the two pokemon thieves.

Their mother stared in shock before realizing what had happened. She ran out the front door, frantically looking for her kids. She panicked even more when she remembered that it was Spiritual Night tonight, and that if her kids keep on following the Butterfree, they would be doomed. She now turned to her only hope, her deceased husband’s pokemon.

“Lunatone! Solrock! Go find Tate and Liza and bring them back here immediately!” She ordered quickly.

The pokemon nodded in agreement, since they didn’t want the twins to go off alone too. They always act like bodyguards when it comes to watching Liza and Tate to make sure they didn’t get into any mischief.

The Lunatone quickly went into the air like a firecracker while Solrock slowly floated right behind it, while getting more tired by the minute. Rina wanted to chase along with them, but knowing what is going on, she knew she wouldn’t be able to help at all.

“I hope they get back here safely and not go through that…that…oh I just can say it!”

Mystic Latios
27th December 2003, 06:08 PM
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Spiritual Night

-Chapter 4-
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The tree branches were rustling roughly through the trees as the full moon slowly rose into the star crowded sky, illuminating the dark and eerie village in the large and healthy looking field. A few of the oval green leaves snapped off and rode the wind towards the mysterious little village that seemed to be trapped in time. The wind guided the small leaves as only a few of them dodged the lit torches that were standing straight up by the dirt paths of the empty ancient oriental buildings.

Only a few leaves survived going past the torches as they were closing in towards a large, mystifying building that stood out from the rest. From the looks of the condition of the building, it was as if it were the village’s special shrine. The slowly rotting doors were already opened up wide, revealing an everlasting darkness that was calling to anything that dared to entered it. The wind shoved the leaves towards the strange building, forcing them to go through the doorway and into the everlasting darkness.

The leaves were wrinkling up tightly, as if they were loosing all hope of ever seeing a spec of light again. Then a small glow of red light was slowly catching up towards them. The glow was, in fact, an unknown light that was seeping through the cracks of two large sliding doors. The sliding doors were in perfect condition, from the polish look of the oak wood around the edges to the thick, pearl white cloth blocking the viewer from seeing through.

The doors slowly slid opened with a small creaking noise as the small glow of light invited the wind and leaves to enter and to escape the darkness. The wind blew the leaves into the glowing room as if it was accepting the invitation and was meet with a strange sight. The round room had no roof and some of the light was provided by the moon above. A large amount of large, thick candles circled the room near the walls of the room while being on top of iron candle holders the size of coat hangers.

In the center of the room was a large pit the size of a well that doesn’t seem to have a bottom. If the small leaves had any ears, they would be able to hear a small and dark growl echoing from the depths of the pit that no human ears could hear. The growl itself seemed to suck the life from the insects near the pit as they all suddenly fell down towards the damp ground as dead as a corpse.

Standing by the pit were two small, ten year old twins standing in front of each other. The small boy was wearing a deep, navy blue half coat and pleated loose fitting trousers while his sister was wearing a bright red kimono. On both of their clothes was a small, white pattern of a single triangle on the chest part of their clothes. Hanging around their necks was a long necklace made of string with something attached to it, but was hidden in the darkness.

The twin’s thin faces were shrouded in darkness as they both stared at each other for a long time. They both started to make a very small grin as their hands slowly raised up towards each other’s throats, intending to finish what they started. The memory started to fade from the male Butterfree’s mind as he started to concentrate on luring the twins Liza and Tate towards the thick forest along with their father’s pokeballs along with the female Butterfree.

“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?” The female said with concern. The male Butterfree kept his eyes ahead of him as the whole group started to enter the mist covered forest. “Well aren’t you going to answer me?”

“It’s the only way we can be free from it. I’m sure of it.” He tried to convince the female Butterfree.

“That’s what you said the last several times and it didn’t work.” She said in doubt.

“Well I’m very sure it will work this time. We just need to get it done quickly before the curse starts to affect them too.”

The female Butterfree knew that it probably wouldn’t work. Part of her kept thinking that there had to be another way, while the other part of her mind kept saying that it would work this time. She felt like falling into madness just from thinking about it. Luckily, her sanity kept holding on as the part that kept telling her to go on with his plan took over and she started to hope that she was doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, the Lunatone and Solrock were flying around in the chilly night air, continuing their search for the twins. The Solrock was growing ever more tired from the moonlight that illuminated its rocky body. She was about to fall asleep as the Lunatone knocked against it, making its eyes wide open.

“I know that you aren’t as active at night, but we must find Liza and Tate before they get themselves into trouble.”

“Hey I was just trying to get a few seconds of sleep.”

“More like several hours of sleep.” Lunatone interrupted while rolling his eyes.

“Look, I want to chase after them and bring them back as much as you do, but I can’t concentrate under the condition I’m in right now.”

“Yea some condition you have.” He said with sarcasm.

“Keep that up and I’ll indicate that it was you that decided to ransack the kitchen to consume the bags of sugar.” She threatened while her slit eyes glowed a deep crimson red color.

Lunatone’s eyes started to glow a crimson red in fury, but he slowly looked down as if he were defeated. His eyes then widened as he saw the twins chasing the Butterfree into the dark forest.

“Hey, there they are! If we don’t get them back now, then you’ll never get any of that precious sleep that you want so badly.”

Solrock, for once, was now wide awake in the middle of the night. Both of the pokemon started speeding towards the small group as they swiftly dodged the tree branches and entered the thick forest, unknown to them that getting Liza and Tate back home wasn’t going to be as easy as they thought.

28th December 2003, 10:47 PM
This fic is really good. Usually when I stop reading people's fics for 4 weeks, after oly a couple of chapters, I've totally forgotten the plot already. But I haven't. :no:

These two chapters were good. I think that the value of Tate and Liza's father's pokeballs was displayed well. Without their significance, the twins' being lured out wouldn't have made sense, and I know that many fic writers would have made that mistake. But you didn't. Cool.

I find it mysterious how the two Butterfree are doing this to end their curse, and the memory of the male Butterfree was decidedly unusual. Anticipation...