View Full Version : Darkness Hearts: Sonic and Sirius (Season 2 LIVES)

5th December 2003, 11:20 PM
It's BACK, baby! (Cue Vivaldi:Gloria in Excelsis)

Darkness Hearts: Sonic and Sirius


The Planet Earth is gone.

Vanquished into the darkness.

The small numbers of Earth survivors have taken refuge in Traverse Town. Their hope against the Heartless, shadow creatures, which crave the freedom of the Heart, dwindles fast. The legendary heroes that fought away the Heartless are scattered all over the universe.

Inside that darkness, one soul's heart beats. He is still alive.

This is his story.

5th December 2003, 11:21 PM
Episode 1: I Was a Dreamer

(A/N: I don't own Sonic, Bomberman, KH, Cyborg 009 or anything 'cept Rob and the originals. I am worth dirt right now. And thanks, Sega, for writing "It Doesn't Matter". Most inspirational song EVER. I'll write SOME of the lyrics for use of this episode. Swearing, due to requests, has to be edited or substituted. Don't blame me for lameness!)

A heart beat.

Inside the darkness egg that consumed him, a blue hedgehog sat in slumber, dreaming of his memories. He twitched as his memory refreshed his recent life.


[Insert Sonic's Theme: It Doesn't Matter]

Amy's cry echoed in Sonic's ears. The blue hedgehog raced, dodging the mad doctor's attacks before him. Sweeping past the last missile, he jumped up and extended his foot.

(When I don't show off, Don't criticize!

I'm just livin' by my OWWWNNN feelings...)

Sonic landed a perfect kick on Dr. Eggman's face, knocking him backwards and making him lose control over his mech.

And I don't give in, won't COMMMMPROMISSEEEE

'Cuz I only have a steadfast HEART OF GOLD

"ARRGGHH!" Dr. Eggman fell back, and his mech stumbled. Sonic grabbed Amy and hopped off.

(I don't know why I can't lead, though it might be tough

But I ain't out of control, Just living by my word

Don't ask me why, I don't need a reason

I've got my way, MY OWN WAAAAYYYY)

He set Amy away at a safe distance, and then turned back to Eggman. "Ready to finish this dance?"

"OF COURSE!" Dr. Eggman gloated.

Sonic jumped up, dodging the laser fire from Eggman, and landed a perfect homing attack. Dr Eggman's mech short-circuited and died with a sputter. "WHAT?! Stupid piece of crap!" Dr Eggman swore.

"Sheesh, you're losing your touch, Egghead! Maybe you need to spend a bit more time at the lab?" Sonic grinned.

"I'll be back, shorty! You can count on it!" Dr. Eggman grunted as his Egg-o-matic lifted from his mech and floated away.


Now, what happens,

I will NEVER, give up the fight!

Long as the voice inside

Drives me to run and fight,

It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right.)

"Shorty? That's new..." Sonic blinked at the new insult. However, he wasn't prepared for the sudden wrenching bear hug he received from Amy.


"Please Amy... give me... oxygen!" Sonic gasped.


Shortly after, the whole gang was there. Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, the Chaotix, even Rouge and Big met at Station Square. The crew sat at an Ice Cream parlor, catching up on old times and generally just hanging out.

"Sonic saved my life again today!" Amy crowed happily, as if this were a big accomplishment for her. "Oh, I'm so hostage prone, I don't know what'd I do without out my sweet Sonikku!" Amy rhymed.

All the boys at the parlor save Big, pointed and laughed at Sonic, crowing a favorite rhyme. "Sonic and Amy, sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" They continued laughing and singing, and Sonic sank from the embarrassment.

"Y'all shut up!" Rouge the bat shunned. "Anyways, I've heard about some strange creatures called 'Heartless'. Any one of you heard about them?"

"Nope!" The general response came.

"I actually have..." Tails said, gaining everyone's attention. "It appears they seek Hearts from people and take them, rendering you nothing but a shadow! But no one knows where they came from or how they exist..."

"What do they look like?" Espio, a purple chameleon, asked.

But at this point, a shadow appeared on their front table. It popped up, revealing a small Shadow Heartless. Everyone stared at in curiosity, although Rouge recognized it and shivered in fear.

Rouge pointed a quivering finger. "That..."

Everyone looked at the shadow for a moment. It stared back, its head titled and its yellow eyes staring in an almost-curiosity.

Everyone squealed like little girls.

"DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!" Amy smashed it to a pancake with her Piko-Piko Hammer.

But several more popped up from the ground. They looked like much meaner versions of their little cousins. They jumped up and slashed at Knuckles, who bounced back and returned a punch.

"They're everywhere!" Tails panicked as he dodged several physical attacks from the nightmarish Heartless. The Soldier Heartless were already giving the Chaotix a rough time.

"For everyone that dies, six more show up!" Charmy the bee cried.

The sky grew dark. A strange, dark orb filled with electric energy hovered above Station Square.

A horrible feeling of dread overcame Sonic. As he fought away the Heartless, he noted that most of his friends weren't faring so well. Angry Heartless with swords were chasing Rouge, Big was now a trampoline for a couple of monkey Heartless, and Amy was being eaten-

AMY! Sonic's mind screamed as he rushed to rescue her. Using excellent speed, he ripped open the fat Heartless in half, freeing Amy. Just as Amy hugged Sonic, however, an explosion rocked the parlor.

Sonic looked over. Much to his horror, the earth was splitting! Another explosion threw the two hedgehogs off their feet. The earth itself is dying... Sonic thought, as he rushed to deal with another Heartless who decided Tails would make a nice meal.

"Sonic!" Knuckles strained, as he punched away another Heartless. "Get Amy and Tails... out of here!" Several Heartless jumped Knuckles, and he disappeared.

"KNUCKLES!" Sonic screamed.

"Come on, Sonic!" Tails was airborne now. He extended a hand. Sonic reluctantly took it and grabbed Amy. "We can still escape alive!"

Tails flew over the chaos. Heartless were now everywhere, chasing people and taking their Hearts. Sonic could only shake in fear and self-hatred for being unable to rescue them. However, a sudden shot knocked Tails out of the sky, sending Amy and Sonic falling as well. Sonic crashed into the ground, and Amy landed on top of him. Sonic immediately recovered and started looking for Tails. "Tails! TAILS!" Sonic shook in sadness. He was losing everyone. All he had left was Amy...

Even that wouldn't last long. The earth rumbled beneath him, and even he wasn't fast enough to react to what happened next.

But Amy was.

"Forgive me, Sonic..." was all she said before smashing him away with the hammer. HARD. Where the two of them had been just seconds before, a nasty explosion ripped the earth, barely letting Sonic see the result.

"AMY!" Sonic fell. "Amy..." He had lost her. Now he was alone.

Sonic felt someone's presence. Looking up, he saw a white robot leering back down at him. It looked too alien in design to be of Eggman's expertise. The being has angel-like wings, thick, white armor and its head resembled that of a knight's. Its blue eyes looked coldly at him. Its wings extended and it flew away. Sonic crashed into the ground, feeling defeated for one of the few times in his life.

Moments later, he heard "Sonic... SONIC! Wake up!" He opened his eyes. Tails was there.

"Tails... I... I lost Amy..." Sonic announced sadly.

Tails looked crestfallen. "Oh, no... but we can't get things back to normal at this rate," Tails looked at the orb in the sky. "Sonic, that's our only ticket out of here. We have to get there. It's like a warp to another world."

"All right then, Tails... Let's go..." Sonic revved up in speed, and Tails did the same. The two shot up high in the sky, entering the orb and flashing in white.

Station Square ceased to exist.

Or so they thought.


They awoke.

"Huh?" Sonic looked around. The night sky leered back at them. The streets were alive with many strange people and animals. However, this places shocking resemblance to Station Square was unnerving, even though Sonic knew it was not.

"Sonic... Are we in... Station Square?" Tails looked about.

"No, but... it looks like... This is gonna sound weird... Station Square came with US."


Sonic's memory pulsed. He muttered under his breath, "I was a failure..."

(Sonic?) He heard a childish voice.

"Huh? Who are you?!" Sonic's eyes snapped open. Although he stayed curled, he looked around in his egg-shaped prison.

Before his eyes appeared the image of a strange creature. It was white, except its green eyes and blue stomach. It has the appearance of an alien child. Its head also seemed to be a giant jester hat, plated in gold. It glanced at Sonic with childish eyes. (Who I am is not important. What is important is that you, Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, are not a failure.)

"You... So I'm not?"

(I got the request to rescue you from certain doom by a female in pink. She said to protect 'her Sonikku and her friends, and every place they visit...')

"AMY?! She's alive?"

(Listen here. I can sense her Heart, so she's not dead or even Heartless. Problem is I don't know where she is. Most likely she's sealed in this darkness like yourself.)

"I wish I could find her, but I'm sealed in darkness! Rob'll have to reverse it..."

(Not exactly. I couldn't keep my promise if you sank into true darkness, so I trapped you in this egg. Get free. You should be in someplace familiar...)

"All right then! But do me a favor... Find Amy for me... can you? Please?"

(I will do what I can.)

"Thanks! Uhh... Never caught you name."

(I am simply Jirachi. Pokémon of wishes.) Jirachi disappeared.

"Thanks, Jirachi... Now I'll get FREE!" Using all of his emotions, he spun in his ball and raged. "GGGRRRAAAAAHHHH!" The egg cracked away, and the top shattered into tiny fragments and scattered away.


Sonic shook himself and awakened to his surroundings. He was back in Traverse Town. The hard rain had the appearance of the tears of millions of souls in anguish. Sonic emerged from the egg and looked further. The ghostly silhouettes of the skyscrapers were barely visible in the piercing rain. Sonic hopped up and streaked through the soaking rain.

Practically NO ONE stood outside. Sonic glanced about worriedly as he saw no one on the familiar landscape. However, he did see various people looking out of windows and in buildings. Sonic was still curious as to why everyone remained inside-rain wasn't enough to scare most people.

Then they emerged.

Several Heartless, having the appearance of giant, deformed, semi-robotic mosquitoes emerged. THAT'S why nobody's outside, Sonic thought.

They lunged, being surprisingly quick, but Sonic was faster. He dodged their first strike and delivered a smashing homing attack, killing one. It exploded much like a robot would. "They're robots!" Sonic exclaimed as he dodged another and flung it to two of his cousins, destroying all three. Four more lunged, and Sonic sawed through one, gut punched two and threw the last one. Landing with a super-cool pose, Sonic glanced back as they all crashed and exploded. "Heh," Sonic turned back and was about to run when a piercing bolt of lightning struck right behind him. Sonic whirled back in shock and awe (A/N: Gulf War pun intended.) to see a roast Mosquito Heartless twitching behind him.

Sonic turned to see a man with silver hair, a manly face combined with an effeminate body, he had the appearance of an evil drag queen. Of course, Kuja was right by him. "Took you long enough," said the silver-haired man.

"What? How long is long enough?" Sonic asked.

"It's been three months since Earth perished," Kuja answered.


"I'm afraid so."

"And how did YOU survive? Did anyone else survive?"

"I awoke from an egg two months ago. I think several heroes were sealed in those eggs, and they wake up on their own pace," Kuja flicked his hair back and rain slicked the wet floor. The rain had calmed down, but hadn't stopped. "Some creature only known to me as 'Jirachi' had something to do with this..."

"Yeah, he told me he was following orders from a friend of mine..."


"No... you haven't met her."

"Her? OOOOHH! I can't wait to meet her," Kuja taunted as they began walking.

"Shut up," Sonic snarled as he picked up speed. Kuja cast Float on himself and sped up as well. "That's if I can FIND her first. But here's the million dollar question: WHERE'S ROB?" Sonic roared.

"Funny, but we haven't found him. Or anyone else that escaped on ship for that matter."

"Man... I guess we have to find him then. Let's not waste time!" Sonic was about to zip off into the rain when Kuja stopped him.

"Dr. Robotnik may have pinpointed the ships by now. He and Siege managed to salvage some technology from the ship. I'd see him first if I were you."

"Fine then!" Sonic grabbed Kuja and burst off into a burst of speed.


"This ain't looking good," Yusuke Urameshi. "Half of us are injured, and the other half is trying to keep the first half alive. DANGIT, I'M SURPRISED THE HEARTLESS HAVEN'T DEVOURED MORE PLANETS ALREADY!"

"Yusuke, please calm down," Botan tried to placate the frustrated spirit detective. "We're all doing the best we can, and although not everyone's in fighting condition or free from those weird eggs, we haven't had much problem launching a defense if needed."

"I know, I KNOW, but it's still frustrating!"

"Gonna take us a while, yeah, I know, but it's working!" Siege came in with Eggman. "Hey everyone, I believe I have homed in on the other pod's location. Some place called 'Gaia.' A HUGE planet, just like Earth. We're looking for exact coordinates now."

"Sweet! About time we got good news!" Yusuke cheered. "But who's gonna go search for them?"

"And the million dollar question: WHERE'S ROB?" Ash burst in. "We can't win this fight without him or Sora."

"Fine! The I'll find both of them... I hope," Yusuke whirled out of the building.


"Alto Mare?" Sonic gaped. The town had been brought mysteriously into Traverse Square, and aside from the perpetual night and the added rain, it looked just the same.

"It appears Alto Mare has survived," Kuja said.

Sonic slowed his speed down a bit and began looking about the town. Unlike the rest of Traverse Square, people were milling about, doing daily things with their Pokémon. "I guess people have tried to move on..."

"Yes, but it hasn't been easy," Sonic and Kuja turned to see Brock. "About 99% of earth's population is gone, and people are still recovering from shock. I've got no idea of what happened since Earth blew up. To tell you the truth I'm still having a hard time believing it."

"I know, it sucks," Sonic snarled. "Is Misty all right? Have you heard from Ash or Rob?"

"Ash just left. He came by when he heard this place survived and said hi. Misty and Bianca are taking it rather well, I guess. As for Rob... He seems to appear and fade like a ghost. He seems rather close to this new girl around town... she's hot..." Brock began drooling, but Kuja smacked him, and he came back his senses. "No one seems to be able to see Rob for more than two seconds..."

"Odd," Sonic dashed to another edge in town. Kuja looked at Brock.

"Too bad..." Kuja said. "I think Rob might have a dire sense of failure, as we all have..." He cast Float again and headed off towards where Sonic left.


On a further edge of Alto Mare, Kagome sat alone. Satisfied her parents, grandpa, and little brother were still alive, she had basically spent all three months exploring Traverse Square. From time to time, Rob would show up whenever she was attacked by Heartless, help her defeat them, and vanish as quickly as he came. She wondered what was up with Rob's sullen attitude.

But she rose and walked about three feet when she felt a presence behind her. She turned to see no one but two people: a white, angelic looking robot and a human with a shock of mahogany hair covering one red eye. The latter wore some red suit with large yellow buttons and a flowing yellow scarf. His black boots glistened in the rain. She noticed a Heartless crest on his chest.

"Who are you?" She asked, backing away wearily.

"You're coming with us, Kagome," said the human.

"I can't allow you to resurrect Earth, missy," the robot said matter-of-factly. "It would be a damper to our plans."

"Stay back!" Kagome threatened.

"We have no wish to harm you, now come with US," they both said.

"YEAH RIGHT," Sonic dashed in right in front of them. "Such bold words from such evil fiends."

"We're not evil!" The human snarled.

Sonic looked up. That robot looked familiar...

"It's YOU. YOU led the attack on Station Square!" Sonic yelled at the robot.

"Yes, the wrath of Sirius is not easily forgotten," Sirius laughed. "I think I remember seeing you now, blue hedgehog. What a failure you were! What a failure you are NOW!"

"I'll make you eat those words!" Sonic roared.

"Not on my watch," the human muttered. He clinched his back teeth and disappeared. A lightning quick smash to Sonic's gut was his only answer. As Sonic crashed into the ground, the human reappeared. "Too slow..."

"Nice work, Shimomura," Sirius said in monotone.

"How are... you so... fast?" Sonic struggled to get up.

"Acceleration... I am Cyborg 009, unaffected by the parameters of time," Shimomura answered.

"Yes, but not FAST ENOUGH," A blast of lightning hit both cyborg and robot, forcing Sirius to nearly crash into the ground. Kuja came beside Sonic. "Must I ALWAYS save your sorry hide?"

"Kuja! Don't know what I'd do without you!" Sonic grinned. "This joker says he's unaffected by the parameters of time!" Sonic pointed to 009, dropping the smile. "Got a remedy?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," Kuja said. "Distract mister Sirius for me," Kuja aimed.

"GLADLY," Sonic snarled. "Yo robo-butt! I'm about to wreak some 'Sirius' havoc on you!" Sonic streaked towards the robot. However, Sirius's headpiece moved up and revealed a rocket launched. A small rocket countered Sonic's rushing body, causing him to go flying into a nearby wall. Kuja had no luck stopping Shimomura from attacking, as he was far too slow, and Acceleration was far too fast. Kuja crumpled to the ground.

"Ugh..." Kuja groaned.

"Fools, you can't beat us! WE'RE the good guys, not you!" Sirius mocked.

"Such pompous talk, you disgusting robotic ingrate," A sudden force slashes Sirius, and he crashes.

Kagome steps forward for the first time. "Rob?"

It IS Rob. His sullen figure stood tall, his neon orange eyes glaring at his two opponents. "You know NOTHING of justice. Be gone, before I smite thee into the bowels of inexistence!"

"Way to increase your vocab, Rob!" Sonic gave a thumbs-up.

"About time, Sonic," Rob gave a faint smile.


Rob stood to face Sirius, but the damaged robot seemed reluctant to attack. "This failure seems to have upped his winning streak severely. Come, Shimomura, we'll have another opportunity to pound him," Sirius flickered out as if he used high speed to disappear, and 009 followed suit.

Silence greeted our heroes with its own rock concert, but Sonic only had to speak softly over the lack of noise. "Rob? Where ya been? What's happening?"

Rob hung his head low and began to walk away. Sonic could've sworn he heard sniffling. "Rob! Where are you GOING? Don't cry like a wuss on me!"

BIG mistake.

"WHO THE HELL ARE *YOU* TO DISREGARD EMOTIONS?!" Rob whipped back in sudden rage and belted Sonic in the stomach with his Keyblade at speeds the blue hedgehog could barely achieve. Sonic flew back fifty feet and crashed into the floor in shock. Kagome jumped back in shock, and Kuja clenched his teeth and got ready to fight. "ARE YOU NO DIFFERENT FROM THE MOCKING FOOLS WE FIGHT AGAINST?!" Rob leapt to pound Sonic again, tears streaming in his eyes, but a second Keyblade clashed with his.

Rob looked to see Sora, glaring back at him with an oddly calm sort of anger. "Have you lost it?"

"ARRGGGGHH!" Rob decided to hack Sora's Keyblade instead. His tears kept falling as Rob slashed madly at the Keyblade, raging in an emotionally charged madness.

"Just let it all out..." Sora said smoothly, noting Rob specifically attacked his Keyblade and not him. When Sora had enough, he dealt Rob a blow to the gut and crashed him to the ground. Rob simply laid flat in a teary mess, the rain only adding to his soaked form. The five of them saw Yusuke running towards them in the distance.


Beelzemon crashed out of his egg. Those dreams... or were they memories? Beelzemon shook himself and saw he was in the Mansion of Souls infirmary. Looking about, he saw Rob viciously attacking... a box of tissue. His nose was ruthless. "Rob?" Beelzemon asked.

"Don't bother him, his emotions went haywire," Sonic hobbled in, clutching his stomach. "My aching tummy can attest to that..."

"What did he DO to you? Or more appropriately, what did you do to him to get him to do that to you?"

"DON'T ASK..." Sonic growled.

"Hmph... How long have I been in this frickin' egg?"

"Three months."


"That's what *I* said, but it's true..." Sonic said, and he briefed Beelzemon on the recent events.

"So Jim and Conker still haven't 'hatched'... And Buu's nowhere to be found... dang it... too bad..." Beelzemon sighed. "And there are so many wounded. And Rob at this state... what can we do? What's our next move?"

"I don't know," Sonic mused. "That Samus chick said we're having a meeting in here right about-" Several people walked in. "...now."

Taz walked in first, pushing in Samus, whose leg was in a cast. Ash, Kuja, Yusuke, Kagome, Botan, Sora, Riku, Sara, Kairi, Eggman, and Siege followed them in. Cell, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy had to squeeze in a vent to make room to hear the briefing. Rob threw away the last tissue he tortured and landed in front of Beelzemon and sat down beside him.

"Beelzemon! You're awake!" Siege exclaimed.

"Back from the darkness, baby!" Beelzemon grinned. They hugged briefly.

"All right, everyone alive is here," Samus said. "In case you wish to know what happened to my leg, I'll tell you that in detail on a later date. But now our meeting must commence. It's been three months since Earth as perished, and the Heartless have only increased in strength. We still don't know how to reverse the effect on Earth, we've heard nothing from Ansem, and the new planet we have detected is just as large as Earth and is in great danger from the Heartless. We need plans now to deal effectively with this crisis."

"Yeah? I understand, but how? Most of us are in no shape to fight," Yusuke said. "And we still ain't found the rest of our crew! So who's going to handle what?"

"I'm in good shape!" Sonic said. "Let me find the rest of the crew! I can even tour this 'Gaia' if you so wish, I have enough speed to make up for the lack of transportation."

"Yeah, but you can't do it alone!"

"And what about the rest of us?" Ash insisted.

"So? If I'm right, Tails is on that planet, and he could build a ride, and I wanna find him FAST!" Sonic shook his fist.

"Gimme a raise of hands if you can run at the speed of sound!" Yusuke sarcastically bellowed.

"SHUT UP AND STOP ARGUING!" Taz smacked both of them.

"Lest we all forget we have TWO of the world's greatest geniuses on hand," Eggman boasted. "Siege and I can build another ship... perhaps greater than the Hyperion."

"What about Sora?"

"Yeah, we can't fight without him OR Rob!"

"Ain't Kagome have some use for the revival of Earth?"

Everyone bickered amongst each other, with Taz bellowing for everyone to shut up, but his efforts were fruitless. Wait, wrong word. Several people repeatedly threw fruit at Taz. His efforts had no luck, I should say.

"Hey..." Rob said softly, speaking for the first time. Rob had more success silencing everyone than Taz ever would, and he barely had to use his voice. Everyone looked at him. Rob began softly. "As much as I wish to aid everyone, I'm afraid I cannot. At the rate my mind is... I need to focus. You must forgive me when I say I need to excuse myself for training." Everyone, save Sora, dropped his or her jaws in shock.

Sora did not, for he added, "So must I."

Everyone further collapsed in chaos at this announcement. Yusuke used a bed sheet to make a white flag, and several others pondered suicide. However, Sora began, "Allow me to explain."

They all stopped and looked at Sora and Rob. "During the months in which Earth perished and Sonic reappeared, I have run against a mysterious youth in a cloak. He wields TWO Keyblades, not unlike Kairi, but they are similar to both my AND Rob's Keyblades. He says he has sought me, and says I've but a year to prepare for a new foe that will further power the Heartless and 'upgrade' them. This foe is much stronger than I can imagine, he says, and Rob and I must work together to bring this new enemy down."

"I suspect the Holy Darkness may be behind this, and we have already witnessed HER power..." Rob said. "The two of us will go our own way. However... don't lose hope," He walked to Sonic. "Sonic... you possess a unique power in your Heart. Until we return, YOU can summon the Keyblades from subspace and accomplish the things we could've done."

"M-m-m-me?!" Sonic gasped, utterly shocked.

"Yes, YOU. Would you like to remember your lunch?" Rob smiled.

"GET AWAY FROM MY STOMACH!" But Rob tapped him there anyway, and Sora did as well. The Keyblades disappeared, and Sonic felt something new inside his Heart. A simple thought, and both Keyblades appeared in his hands. "Sweet!"

"Sonic... I believe Gaia holds the key to reviving Earth. Take Kagome and a small team there. I believe this will be your ultimate test," Rob grinned.

"Until then," Sora leapt up, and he and Rob stood at an exit. "Farewell." They left.

Everyone blinked. Sonic made the blades disappear, and he looked at the group. "Okay... so who's going with me?"

That's it for Episode 1! Stay tuned for the next Episode: Freedom Fighters

Rob and Sora begin their own journey, while Sonic heads for Gaia with newfound powers. What awaits at the mysterious building only known as HAL Laboratory? Keep reading!

(To keep loyal to Kingdom Hearts 2 (This story takes place BEFORE, during, and AFTER KH2,an alternate universe if you will) I decided to revamp our heroes' positions. There will be more characters and less characters at once, to avoid confusion (except when Sesshomaru comes along, that's when I WANT you to scratch your head.) Sonic wielding the Keyblades? This will be something new. If you missed my previous story, look for it on my author name. If you wish not to read all of Season One, just pay attention to Episodes 1,2,3,6,9,11, and the last two or so. They're shorter and build up the plot. So long...)

The Prophet
6th December 2003, 08:00 AM


Your new description of Kuja was oddly funny. Evil drag queen, heh...

And Sonic as a Keyblade master is DAMNED COOL... just like the first KH2 screens.

31st December 2003, 11:05 PM

Season one is being redone, fresh from SCRATCH! That's right people, that means you'll have to disregard this story! ALTHOUGH I wish for you to post comments about the revamped Season one here...

Go check it out... it's in my sig.

The Prophet
1st January 2004, 12:04 PM

What...? NO! Just when it was getting good... well, I did the exact same thing, so I shouldn't complain...

26th January 2004, 08:45 PM
Season one has been edited up to episode 10. Check it out! This season will get a makeover as well. HANG TIGHT!

27th January 2004, 07:14 PM
Nice story. Anyway, you know how Kaju said that a bunch of heroes were sealed in eggs? Isn't Kuja a bad guy!?

3rd February 2004, 08:38 PM
^You need to read Season One, sunny boy. FOLLOW THE LINK!

Episode 11 has a makeover. IGNORE EPISODE 12-17 UNTIL I EDIT THEM!

The Prophet
4th February 2004, 03:15 PM
....MAGUS! Kuja, you ROCK!

Though I AM waiting for a certain psychotic psychic to show up... he doesn't seem to have joined the merry little band of villans yet...

Ludwig? Could I be correct in smelling a Superstar Saga adaptation coming soon?

5th February 2004, 12:37 AM
Oh, so Kuja WAS a bad guy. But I guess there wasn't a Zorn and Thorn for Kuja to boss around as well (for all those who haven't played FF9, Zorn & Thorn were Kuja's lackeys).

15th March 2004, 08:44 PM

Thar hast been an update. Go, look into me sig, follow the link, and ENJOY EPISODE 12, BECAUSE IT'S BACK, AND KIM POSSIBLE FREE!

The Prophet
16th March 2004, 09:10 AM
Great chapter... even though I don't know the characters very well. And I LOVED the Gir reference. I'm kinda upset that there weren't many villains introduced... I love the villains... I love them good...

Speaking of Invader Zim, any chance of the characters making an appearance?

Oh, and dissapearing for months on end makes baby Jesus cry, y'know.

21st March 2004, 06:49 PM

Episode 13 has been edited. go forth and BE AMAZED!

And as for Invader Zim... or any cartoon like it... No chance.

8th September 2004, 07:38 PM

I'm making this story over... AGAIN! But unlike last time, the plot changes aren't in every Episode, so I suggest as I edit the episodes, If you've seen it all before, only re-read the episodes with Sora in them (ep. 3 so far). All the severe changes are there.

KH2 has come out with shiny, cool info, and Teen Titans will play a bigger role than I expected. Be patient, new content WILL be around soon!

Edit: I can't edit my story! CRAP! It looks like I may have to repost it... mods, if you see fit, you may delete this topic if I don't get to it first.

Chrono Storm
9th September 2004, 03:11 PM
Again? My God... I think your theme song would have to be Rewrite... but, hey, no prob. It's always more fun the schfifty-fifth time around.