View Full Version : Maybe I am not looking hard enough.

Systematic Revolution
6th December 2003, 07:37 PM
Raz is most likely to respond to this :p

Alright do any of you have a direct link to info on the next MTG set? I've been browsing around, but have been unable to find much of anything. Perhaps I am not looking in the right places, or hard enough, but I can't seem to find anything. So, any clues?


6th December 2003, 07:45 PM
Information is scarce. Normally you'll find leaks and previews fomr Wizards around later December/early Janurary.

MTG News (www.mtgnews.com) has recently released the Darksteel logo, though. Not much, but Wizards keeps information tight.

Systematic Revolution
6th December 2003, 07:53 PM
Aha see what did I say? I knew you'd be first to respond lol. Thanks a lot. Is there a date set for when the set is to be released?


6th December 2003, 08:06 PM
The sets are always follow a schedule. October, Feburary, and May is the three months when sets are released. Recently Wizards tweaked the schedule a bit, so I'm unsure of exact dates. But the pre-release is always two weeks prior to the release, barring some unforseen event (like Hurricane Isabel delaying some Virginian pre-releases).