View Full Version : Movie name

Mikachu Yukitatsu
8th December 2003, 04:16 AM
I just hope the forum is not going to overflow threads about this movie...

But I just would ask for a proper English translation for the name of the 7th movie...


Rekkuu no Hoomonsha

Now I would translate it like this:

A Visitor Tearing Heaven

Sounds odd? Is it a good translation? I ask because I am fed up with those 'offical' translations...Revelation Lugia...Timeless Encounter...I want to be involved in making of one of our own!

EDIT: Perhaps A Visitor Tearing Sky would be better, what do you think? This is why Japanese should be taught at school here...

8th December 2003, 01:07 PM
Mabey Ash will see God! Seriously though I think the title is a bit weird, because it doesn't really make sense after seeing the trailer

8th December 2003, 02:13 PM
I believe the proper name for the movie is "Visitor of the Space Fissure."

8th December 2003, 03:53 PM
I thought it was the sky splitting invader?

Oh well that sounds coolest.

Jash Thor
8th December 2003, 07:55 PM
Different titles...and they all mean the same thing. They all say about something coming from space and penetrating the sky to collide into the earth with a meteorite.

I hope they give it a good name. Something like...Unknown Encounter...i dont know (that name really sucked..)...but something cool and catchy.

8th December 2003, 08:03 PM
Sky Spltting Invader is the best title!

Besides,Heaven in a title will get lawsuits!

Mikachu Yukitatsu
9th December 2003, 01:47 AM
Just trying to make a linguistic approach or something.

Originally posted by Mikey
I believe the proper name for the movie is "Visitor of the Space Fissure."

This IS actually quite good since it includes an English of genetive just like the Japanese name includes a no genetive.

My translation, as well as Kojiro's, used participle present, but note that it would be more literal in case there was a participle present also in the Japanese title. To translate as something like 'Sky Splitting Visitor' it should go near this:


Sora Wo Saku Hoomonsha

You see this alternate title uses the same kanji, but different hiragana.

Also, using the word 'invader' may sound cool BUT the word hoomonsha has a more neutral tune. Let's look at its two first kanji a bit:


Hoo, the first kanji, means call or visit. You don't call an invader, do you? Mon means question.

Sha, on the other hand means person.

However, to comment on the translation posted by Mikey, wouldn't split be a less peculiar way to translate? What's more, the meteor actually splits the sky in the movie, not the space, and Kuu generally means sky rather than space. I would now, having learned something from your posts and also having thought by myself, translate it like this:

Visitor Of The Sky Split

Whoa, this must be the most nitpicky reply ever!

But I always wanted to do that. Hope someone understood what I said.

KidsWB is going to invent their own 'translation' anyway, so, yeah I know, this topic of mine does not have so good point.

Water Pokemon Master
9th December 2003, 02:20 AM
If someone were to read the Japanese title and understands Japanese, is that what it really means or is there some sort of way that everyone understands what it means that cannot be translated? I mean, "Visitor of the Sky Split" is kind of a weird title that I am sure would not be the title of any American movie.

9th December 2003, 06:22 AM
Can you really call an evil Pokemon created by a mutated space virus a visitor? I far prefer Sky Splitting Invader, whether or not it's a perfect translation. ^^;; But yeah, if you wanted to put the title on your site, you'd have to be official, so it's good to get an accurate translation.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
10th December 2003, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Water Pokemon Master
If someone were to read the Japanese title and understands Japanese, is that what it really means or is there some sort of way that everyone understands what it means that cannot be translated? I mean, "Visitor of the Sky Split" is kind of a stupid title that I am sure would not be the title of any American movie.

The word rekkuu consists of two parts: Retsu, a split, and Kuu, sky. Thus A split in the sky, i.e. a sky split. I didn't find the word itself from any dictionaries, only the parts of it. It may even be that the authors invented the word themselves.

And note, if you have read any Japanese episode titles here in the PokéMasters, you can see they do not sound like American or European ones, they are built in a complete different way mainly due to Japanese culture.

12th December 2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu
The word rekkuu consists of two parts: Retsu, a split, and Kuu, sky. Thus A split in the sky, i.e. a sky split. I didn't find the word itself from any dictionaries, only the parts of it. It may even be that the authors invented the word themselves.

And note, if you have read any Japanese episode titles here in the PokéMasters, you can see they do not sound like American or European ones, they are built in a complete different way mainly due to Japanese culture.

I can back you up on the theory that it's a word created by the authors. Even the Koujien (a very good Japanese language dictionary) doesn't include it.

I personally would translate the title as "Visitor of the Split Sky".

12th December 2003, 07:27 PM
I will still never get why movie-makers (apparently even Japanese ones) refer to hostile aliens as 'visitors'. Evil invaders fits better, if you ask me... not that ya did. ^^;;