View Full Version : The Advancure Of Blaziken!!!!!

Bjarni Haraldur SigfĂşsson
4th January 2004, 12:14 PM
This story is all about Blaziken, this Blaziken can talk, yeah, he's all around the pokémon world! You can find him everywhere! Let's start!

Chapter1: The Pizza Robery
One day, Blaziken woke up 8:00 'o' clock, he ate breakfast! He brush his teeth, in breakfast he gots Cocoa Puffs! He gone and went intro his car, and drove around the big city! Then the light was red and he said "Oh my goat, please come the blue light!" and were really mad! He didn't control himself and used fire blast, no he didn't he cannceled! He just drove on his car and then he came to his work, he worked in a radio tower, then he came, Machoke said "You're hour too late" and Blaziken said "Sorry, boss" and then he slaped Blaziken and said "Keep on working" and Blaziken said "yes boss!" and then he gone intro his office and waited until his broadcast came! He waited and waited! And then he have hear the phone ringing he answered "Yes?" and in the phone was "Now it's your turn to go" and he said "YES!!!" and talked and in the radio was that: "Hi, you're listen to Blaziken's music broadcast, I'll only have music! Please ring me if you want some music *ring* Yes? Hey, I want the a lot of songs! They much all be from coldplay and Blaziken said ok!" and the song In My Place came! Plus a lot of other songs by Coldplay! And then at the end! The work was over, did Blaziken drive home, and picked up his money and went to Blastoise's Pizza Restaurant and said "I want pizza with peporone, ham, cheese and mushroom, thanks" and Blastoise said "Wait a moment" there was only Blastoises as staff on this restaurant, and he said "Send it home, it's Firestreet 456" and Blastoise said "We'll send it home, no problem" then did Blaziken drove home! Then the pizza was readdy! He said "Let's put it in fridge" and he did! And then he played Super Mario in his playstation 2, he played a lot! But then it was afternoon he said "Let's eat the pizza right now!" but then he gone to fridge, there was no pizza and he said "Oh no, the pizza is gone!" Who dare to steel the pizza? Will Blaziken call the police? Or will he maybe find it out himself who stole the pizza? Can he ever get his pizza back? Will the pizza maybe be eaten before he finds the thieves? Continue tomorrow in "Chapter 2: The Hound-thieves"

Pokémon that was in this chapter:
http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs006.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs211.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs074.png

Replay to posts about this Chapter:
No, mistysakura, I didn't use SpellCheck.net or Microsoft word, for some resson my grammar is just much better then on my old fan-fiction
Andrew, yes, I'll do that on the Chapter of the day!

4th January 2004, 05:57 PM
Hi Bjarni, welcome back to Fanfiction.

Here's a few tips.

Write your fic beforehand in word first and use the spellchecker to go over your work.

Whenever someone new is speaking, use a new line.

I won't give you many suggestions this time around, because if you give too many in one time you won't take it in. Try to do those two things first for your next chapter. Then we'll work on some more grammar skills.

5th January 2004, 01:56 AM
Oz, the funny thing is I think he DID use spellcheck -- all his misspelt words are real words, just the wrong ones. :D EDIT: Fine, he does have some words that don't exist, but the majority do.

Hm... I think that this needs some paragraphing. When something new happens (e.g. the person goes somewhere), then press "Enter" twice. That's about it for now; more next chapter. It's not going to help if I make a long list.

Bjarni Haraldur SigfĂşsson
7th January 2004, 12:16 PM
Ok, in last chapter, Blaziken was order pizza, he have set it in his fridge! But then he checked back, it was gone! Somebody stole it, now I'll continue:

Chapter 2: The Hound-thieves

Then our friend, Blaziken shaw that his pizza was gone, he were mad! He tried to fingure out who stole his pizza! He were more mad and said

"Grrr!!!! Then I find the thief.....I'll destruct him"

And Blaziken ran away and scented the thief! And he ran and said

"Stop, now!!!! Or I'll burn you!"

And it was Houndour and Houndoom with the pizza and Houndour said

"Yeah, burn us,"

and Houndoom said

"try your best, we are also fire pokémon!"

and Blaziken said

"Give me my pizza, or I'll be really angry!!!"

guess what, they didn't listen, and ran away, and Blaziken were really angry!!!! Then he came intro forest! And in-site that was everything that the Hound-brothers stole! He was so mad, he said

"So you're thiefs!!!"

and they said

"Yes, sorry, we are"

and Blaziken said

"I want my pizza back! ARGHT!!!"

and he attacked and attacked until they got burned! But there came a big Swampert and said

"I'm theyr' friend, and you attacked my friends, now I'm gonna do something!"

Blaziken were scared! Oh oh, how can Blaziken deafet water pokémon? Can he ever get his pizza back? How about the other peoples that those hound-brothers stole theyr' tools? Will he ever get the stuff back and give it back to the user? Continue in Chapter 3: "Blaziken versus Swampert Vs. Blaziken"

The pokémon of the chapter:
http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs006.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs366.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs367.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs009.png

Bjarni Haraldur SigfĂşsson
12th January 2004, 11:33 AM
Ok! Let's see what happend last time! Blaziken has order but it was stolen, Hound-brothers (Houndoom and Houndour) stole his pizza! He followed them intro the dark forest, he was mad, but then did one Swampert did attack Blaziken, he is also theif! He battled Blaziken, Blaziken was scared! Now the chapter begins:

Chapter 3: Blaziken Versus Swampert

Blaziken are scared, but attacks Swampert anyway with Earthquake! But Swampert don't give it up and uses Hydro Pump, Blaziken hides himself backsite the house! Then he attacks, he uses Fire Blast! But Swampert didn't give up and attacked! Blaziken was really scared and fainted and Swampert laughed! But Blaziken wasn't fainted anymore, but didn't attack! He went to telephone and ringed:

"Hi, this is Blaziken, there are thieves here, it's cabin in the big forest"

and the police said

"Don't worry, we'll take care of him!"

and then he continued fight! Swampert used Earthquake and Blaziken hurted a lot! He used Fire Beam, and that didn't hurt Swampert! And then did Swampert used Swampert's Special Bubblebeem, and then they fighted ang fighted! Blaziken used Smoke-area, and that hurt Swampert a lot! And then the Police came anc said "You are under arrest" and the officers was two Blastoises! They captured Houndour Houndoom and Swampert! And they came intro car mad! Blaziken got his pizza back and went home and ate it! He went to sleep because tomorrow his relatives will come and meet Blaziken! But what kind of pokémon are they? Will they be nice? Continue in next chapter: "Blaziken's relatives together"

The pokémon of the chapter:
http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs006.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs366.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs367.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs009.png http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs211.png