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16th January 2004, 03:46 PM
It could be alot better. The planets irk me and I don't think they fit but what do you think?


Atleast I didn't use blue ;)

Agent Elrond
16th January 2004, 09:39 PM
We-ell, I think it looks dern good, as always, and very nice light effects. All that red gives it a slightly menacing feel.

As to the planets, I agree they do seem a bit out of place. I think it might be improved if you remove the highlighting from around the edges of the nearer one. Thus giving it a sense of being on the same plane as the one farther off. (Or is it just smaller?)

All in all the piece has a wonderful finished look, like a mette painting from a Star Trek episode. Anyway, that's just to give you an idea of how good I think it is, namely --------> :o

Keep it up! :wave:

17th January 2004, 09:18 AM
^^; Thanks...

Actually, the smaller planet was supposed to be farther away. But what happened was I had a planet in the middle that was like, bleh T_T; So I took it out and it did look better but I still hate the planets...o_O I think my next project will have some better planets in it xP

19th January 2004, 08:35 AM
Wow... *stares blankly into the screen for an hour* I think that looks very, very nice! It looks soooo realistic... *Attempts to get into the screen so she can play in space* I think the smaller planet just seems a little out of place... Other then that... It looks fantastic! Keep up the awesome work... I look forward to seeing more of your art... So, keep posting... :wave:

19th January 2004, 05:52 PM
._. You're so good at these...

I kind of agree with you on the planets thing. The one farthest away from the viewer doesn't look right. It's edges are just too sharp for the picture, I think. The surface of the planets look kind of odd too. =\ But they still look really good. I like the "glow" around the planet closest to us. ^_^ As for the background... it's just amazing. The stars don't look all clumped or too spread out. They're distributed perfectly. You've done an amazing job... ^^' Good work!

19th January 2004, 06:07 PM
dun................duuuun......................DUN DUN!!

Woah, that is really cool:yes:
Nah, the planets add the whole wow, big space. effect

Hmm...to me, the bigger planet looks farther away, and the small one looks like a moon:yes: i think it looks good that way.

that pic kicks @ss8)

19th January 2004, 06:55 PM
Royal_Goddess Wow. Thanks so much. ^.^

Lightning Actually, I agree with you completely >.o Well on the planets part anyway. The smaller planet actually does have a glow on it I just didn't make it large enough. I also don't know whats wrong with the surface but I do realize it looks kind of odd. I also hate the other surface but I just screwed up on it. I was lazy then I guess >.<;;;;;

Soggy Moon? Hm...I never did think of it like that. I guess that is possible since that planet I made is so HUGE. Never seen a bright red moon though. ^^;

Thanks alot people >.o
I'm gonna try to see what I can do with planets now. Well not now.....but like....later ^______^