View Full Version : A Journey of Blood and Fire

25th January 2004, 03:10 PM
I have realised that I have become very slack in my writing and so I have decided to attempt this fic in order to give my commitment a boost. I've only got an introduction so far but let me know what you guys think so I'll know whether or not pursuing this is a good or bad idea.
So, without further adue, may I present my new fic...

"Two and a half thousand years ago the world was covered by a shadow of darkness. It was a time of fear for the people of Earth as the black wizard Malekin had brought together an army born from the very flames themselves. The Dragons.
"With this powerful army at his side, Malekin wrecked havoc and destruction upon the Earth. Ashes were the only thing left in its wake. And from these ashes, more drangons would arise, adding to Malekins army. The people fought back with every ounce of strength that they had but it wasn't enough. The army was unstoppable and it wasn't long before the people ended their resistance and accepted the innevitable.
"But then, just when all hope had faded, a young girl rode in on the back of the enemy. At first the people hid, fearing that this would merely bring more destruction into their lives. No; this Dragon was different to all the rest. This Dragon was on their side.
"Together the girl and the Dragon battled their way up to Malekin's fortress, storming their way through its defences before coming face-to-face with the dark lord himself. N one knows what happened that day but one thing is known for sure; somehow that young girl brought an end to Malekin's reign but, her Dragon friend didn't make it out alive. the reason for this is unknown but we can assume that Malekin was the one who brought an end to the life of this noble creature.
"At the death of their master, the black dragons - as the people had named them - fell to the ground, their bodies burning from within until nothing was left of them but piles of dark ash that smothered the Earth for seven days, before finally blowing away into the distance.
"The girl disappeared shorlty after and the human race began to reform. Cities and towns were rebuilt piece by piece and in time they began to forget the terrible ordasities of the past. But they shall regret it one day becuase as many of us know, some lengends never die."

There it is. All critsisms welcome. Thankyou.

25th January 2004, 03:22 PM
Well not much to say but so far this seems interesting. Not much there besides that there was a battle war like event and fragons helped and a girl saved them. I will go more about this when you have more to see what will happen. I will keep an eye out for the first chapter or what ever you have planned for this.

25th January 2004, 10:51 PM
Sounds interesting; I suggest that you keep it up. Not a good idea to give up practically before you start.

Double spacing between paragraphs is the preference for most people here, by the way.