View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks & Combos.

Yoh Asakura
31st January 2004, 04:59 AM

Bored, wanna make a new deck but I have no idea what to make and what to base it around... I was gonna make a Needle bunker + Polite Intruding Trio based deck but I just can't be arsed LOLZ

I need something good to make =\ I'm bored of all the Chaos Decks that EVERYBODY is using, same with Necro, Beat ad Lock...

Any suggestions?

31st January 2004, 08:41 AM
The good thing about the Japanese metagame is that there a sufficient card base to stop any one deck type from becoming too powerful (unlike the English Metagame with their Yata lock decks). Anyway, I'm seeing less and less chaos decks, more people coming up with original deck ideas. Black Magician decks can be quite powerful if you build and play them right. Twilight Fusion decks and other OTK's are also really good (Just don't descend into the ranks of the stupid and unoriginal w/ Jougen, Sealing Wall of Light, and Last Battle), Animal Warrior/Trample decks (w/ Gorilla, Minotaur, Igzarion Universe, Reckless Charge, ect.), Undead/Vamp Lord decks, ect.

Yoh Asakura
31st January 2004, 10:43 AM
Funny since I lost to the Jougen, Sealing Wall of Light, and Last Battle combo the other day =)

Already made a V-Lord/Undead deck, I usually pull a big *** 2800 or 2000+ monster first turn with Call Of the Corpses....

I've done the same with the Animal/Warrior tramples... I'm getting bored of the game =\ I need something new to do...

Heck I used to have a Killer Insect deck! that's how board I was! and it used to win most of my duels! =\

31st January 2004, 07:13 PM
Yupz I must agree on this... You can try out a Machine Deck since Limiter Removal had been removed from the restricted list a long time ago.

You can actually one turn KO your opponent by chaining 3 Limiter Removals during Damage step. Try running 2 Blowbacks for this deck it helps a lot...

Or you can always try a DDV deck. Many ppl in my area hav start switching to DDV deck no thanks to the rumours. They easily make full use of the card Shrink and DDV on big creatures like Kycoo or Breaker.

Yoh Asakura
1st February 2004, 03:42 AM
Hmmm yeah I guess I could. That would stop a lot of the Chaos Decks...

I could be really annoying and make a Reversed Worlds deck X)

I used to run a Machine deck along with a lot of others, but all my cards where stolen from my locker at a tourny.... so i'm limited down by what I used to have =\

I think i'll go with a DDVD, then use a Machine..

Thanks =]

Mew Master
16th February 2004, 03:15 PM
Try a Dragon Deck... They're always fun to play.