View Full Version : The Demolition Crew

9th February 2004, 12:24 AM
I’d just like to get some things cleared up first. The Demolition Crew is based on the Gun Ho Guns from Trigun. So I don’t want people asking me questions about that. Also, one of the Gun Ho Guns will actually be making an appearance as one of the demolition crew (try to guess which one). Now let’s get this fanfic started!

The Demolition Crew

Chapter 1: The New Threat

“Idiots! Absolute Morons! You have to be the worst Team Rocket Members that have ever walked this Earth!” Jesse, James, Meowth, Cassidy and Butch hung their heads in shame. Giovanni glared at them angrily.
“Because of you, we’ve failed to capture any rare pokemon and Team Rocket’s now a laughing stock!”
“Now that’s a bit harsh isn’t it boss?” James said, “I mean, it’s not entirely our fault.”
“He’s right,” Cassidy replied, “Its all because of that boy and his pikachu.”
“SILENCE!!” The two instantly fell silent.
“I don’t want to here your excuses! You six are suspended from Team Rocket without pay till further notice! In the meantime, I hired some people who could get a job.” The five looked up.
“Really?” James asked, “who?” Just then, the doors behind them opened and a man walked in, followed by two others. The first one had long, silver hair, green eyes and wore a white coat with a metal shoulder pad on the right shoulder, white pants, black gloves and black boots. The second looked around 19 years old, had slick, black hair, brown eyes, wore a purple suit with a yellow tie, black shoes and wore lots of jewelery. The third was a tall man with yellow, spiky hair, wore a red coat, black gloves, black boots and orange shades. Giovanni rose from his chair.
“Angelo,” he said in a welcoming voice, “so you’ve finally arrived.” A faint smile appeared on the first man’s face.
“We came as soon as we received your message.”
“So you accept my offer.”
“Yeah,” said the second one, walking up to Giovanni, “Consider yourself lucky. We normally wouldn’t hire ourselves out to anyone, but after careful consideration, we decided to accept your proposal.” Angelo gave the guy a hard stare and he went quiet.
“Ignore Orion,” Angelo said, “Anyway, we accept your proposal. But we expect to be paid in advance.” Giovanni snapped his fingers and a rocket grunt and handed Orion a suitcase.
“you’ll get the rest later, after you’ve done some work.” Meanwhile, Butch looked up at the third guy, who hadn’t said anything the whole time.
“So who are you?” The man looked over at him, but remained silent.
“What’s wrong with him?” Butch mumbled to his partner, “Does he think he’s better then us?” Cassidy smiled coyly.
“I don’t know,” she said, “But he sure is cute. Girls usually go for the strong silent type.”
“So,” Angelo said, “When do we get to work?” Giovanni gave a chuckle.
“I like a man who’s eager to work. Let’s have a little talk in private.” He then looked over at the five.
“You five get out!” The five quickly got to their feet and left the room.
“Who were those guys?” Jesse asked.
“I don’t know,” Meowth answered, “But they sure were creepy.”

As, Misty, Pikachu and Brock were walking along a long, windy road.
“So what’s the next town?” Ash asked. Brock pulled out his traveler’s guide.
“The next town is Mineral City,” Brock answered. An excited look appeared no his face, “And according to this, there should be a festival going on right about now.”
“A festival?” said Misty happily, “I love festivals! Let’s go!” She then ran on ahead.
“Misty! Wait up,” cried Ash, running after her.

A few minutes later…
“A Geodude festival?” The gang looked around to see banners of Geodudes and Geodude sculptures all over the town.
“Why would they hold a festival for Geodude?” Ash asked.
“Because if it weren’t for the Geodude, this town would have gone under years ago.” Came a voice. The three looked over to see a guy leaning on a wall. He had short, messy brown hair and wore a brown shirt, jeans, biker’s gloves, sneakers and a red bandana. He looked 17.
“Who are you?” Ash asked.
“Why would the town go under without the Geodude?” Misty asked.
“Because,” the boy said, “The ground surrounding this town is filled with precious minerals. The Geodude seem to be able to sniff out these minerals. Because of them, this town is famous for these minerals. Without the Geodude, the people wouldn’t have known about these minerals. So everywhere, they thank the Geodude by holding a festival in their honor.”
“That’s pretty cool,” Ash said, “By the way, what’s your name?” The boy walked over to them.
“The name’s Nick,” he said.
“I’m Ash Ketchum, from Pallet,” said Ash.
“I’m Misty from the Cerulean Gym,” said Misty.
“And I’m Brock from Pewter,” said Brock.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Toge Togi,” Togepi said happily. Nick smiled.
“How cute.” Nick then turned to walk away.
“See you around guys,” Nick said.
“See you later Nick,” Ash called. He then turned to his friends.
“Now let’s have some fun!”

Ash spent the whole day taking in the sites and taking part in the festival activities.
"This is cool," Ash said to his pikachu, "There's a whole bunch of stuff on Geodude here." He then looked over into the town square and saw a trainer and his geodude.
"Who's that?" Ash asked.
"That's the founder," said a man walking past, "he was the first one to discover the minerals."
Misty was looking at all the jewelery made from a few of the minerals.
"Look at all this pretty jewellry Togepi," Misty said, "Togepi?" she looked over to see togepi playing with a necklace.
"Now Togepi! That's not a toy!"
and Brock was showing off his Geodude.
“That’s a nice lookin’ Geodude you’ve got there,” an old man said to Brock.
“Thanks,” he replied.
“Can it sniff out the minerals here?” said a small boy.
“Well, uh, no.”
“Then what good’s your Geodude?” The kid turned to walk away as Brock sweat dropped. The three met up at the town square.
“This place is great!” Ash said happily.
“I know,” replied Misty, “they’ve got all this cool jewelery.” There was a bit of commotion and the group looked to see a large group of people crowding around something.
“What’s going on?” Ash asked himself. As the three got closer, they realized that there was a pokemon battle going on. It was a rydon versus a nidoqueen.
“This is cool,” Ash exclaimed as he watched the two pokemon.
“Nidoqueen!” the nidoquenn’s trainer called, “Take Down!” The nidoqueen nailed the rydon with a perfect take down. The rydon regained its composer.
“Rydon!” the rydon’s trainer ordered, “Rock Throw!” The rydon grabbed a large chunk of rock and hurled it at the nidoqueen. It dodged the rock and it crashed right into a stone statue of the town's founder. The Statue wobbled began to fall onto its side. A little girl was playing underneath the statue.
“Sarah!” The girl’s mother cried.
“She’ll get crushed!” Brock cried.
“Machoke!” Came a voice, “Catch that statue!” A machoke came out of nowhere and caught the statue, just a few inches from the frightened girl. A guy run under the statue and pulled the girl to safety.
“It’s Nick!” Ash cried. Nick led the girl back to her mother.
“Is she alright?” her mother asked, worried sick.
“She’s fine,” Nick replied.
“Oh thank goodness.” Ash, Misty and Brock ran up to Nick.
“Nice going Nick,” Ash said.
“Glad I could help.” He then turned to his machoke.
“Okay machoke, you can put the statue back now.” The machoke then pushed the statue back into place. Nick then pulled out a pokeball.
“Machoke, return!” a red beam hit the machoke and it returned to it’s pokeball. He then turned back to Ash.
“Now that al this is over, let’s get back to enjoying the festival.” Ash nodded in agreement.
“Let’s go guys!”

“You understand your job?” Giovanni asked. Angelo nodded.
“Yes. We are to collect as many pokemon as possible and deliver them to you.”
“And if anyone interferes?” Angelo closed his eyes and gave a sinister smile.
“Cause them eternal pain!” The two began to laugh, hardly paying any attention to the shadowy figures standing behind Angelo.

Next: The First Attack

9th February 2004, 11:50 PM
Oh, that's good! A very interesting start, especially the descriptions of Angelo and Orion. A bit more detail could go into describing how a character talks, like "said sullenly, shuffling away" and stuff but other than that, no worries. It sounds a bit like a regular Pokemon episode but I guess you intend that, eh?