View Full Version : Poll: Things that keep you up during the night

9th February 2004, 08:41 AM
Anyways, its 6:39 AM as I'm posting this. I fell asleep at 1, and woke up at 5 and spent the rest of the evening listening to my ****ING MOM SNORE. I don't get how the **** she manages to snore the whole night non-stop. I ask her to stop, and she starts doing it again 20 seconds later.

Right now I feel extremely sleepy and light-headed, and soon I'm going to start stabbing people in the face.

Anyways, what keeps you up during the night? X)

9th February 2004, 10:24 AM
Usually I get to fall asleep to my dad watching TV. He has it full blast and with my door shut, its muffled. Not a pleasant noise. I guess I have gotten used to it because it doesn't really bother me much.

Other nights, when my puppy is asleep in his crate, he'll wake up in the middle of the night to scratch. He has three tags on his collar; two of which are metal. They clang and ding together. Its a soft, quiet noise but it still wakes me up. Same goes when he stands up and shakes his whole body, the tags jingle a lot. Same thing with my older dog and her tags and collar. Except she sleeps outside my room, in the living room.

9th February 2004, 10:25 AM
My ex-boyfriend is the worst snorer in the world ever, and once he goes to sleep there's no waking him up. Just to prove how much of a heavy sleeper he was, one time at a party while he was asleep (and snoring) we put a sock in his mouth and he didn't budge, he's also been victim to wearing a tea cosy on his head and having potato chips stuck in his ears (rule 1 at one of our parties: Do not be the first one asleep). When he stayed over I rarely got to sleep anytime before 8am, then when I finally did sleep out of sheer exhaustion, he would be wake up then start harrassing me to get up too ;<

I'm quite stressed these days, so I'm usually up all night thinking about random things, sometimes I get too hot (even in the middle of winter when you can see your breath in my room) and sometimes I have no reason at all for not sleeping, but I just can't :(

9th February 2004, 10:44 AM
I don't know, I don't think anything periodically keeps me awake at night be sometimes there are things that do. For example:

1) The first time I saw shovler and Gligar as drawn by Bjarni I was terrified and then when we went to bed Suzie insisted on whispering Shovler in a scary voice in my ear just as I was about to go to sleep which freaked me out and kept me awake.

2) Occasionally when I have things to worry about I am kept up by them. The last main one was worrying abotu having enough points to get a Uni placement.

3) When Suzie is hyperactive it is impossible to get to sleep since she will either be jumping off the walls, tickling me or trying to fun fight.

There will be others but they are what springs to mind.

9th February 2004, 11:19 AM
Seeing that my dad's place used to be our camp, it's not very big and we are usually forced to sleep in the same room... Different beds though of course and my dad's ****ing snoring is sooo ****ing loud it keeps me awake... Or sometimes I am forced to sleep in the same bed as my little sister and she has this habit of punching me, elbowing me, or kicking me really hard when I am sleeping...

When I am at my mom's house... Nothing really keeps me awake...

Lady Vulpix
9th February 2004, 11:45 AM
My own mind when I'm too nervous or with many things on my mind... Or my brother when he brings his friends and they make too much noise.

9th February 2004, 11:56 AM
Everything keeps me awake.... I sleep so lightly it's not even funny. I've been woken up before by people walking quietly past my room many times. And when I do get some peace and quiet, I find it hard to sleep because I'm nocturnal basically :(

9th February 2004, 11:58 AM
Usually the only thing that keeps me awake is if I have too many things on my mind, like when I am nervous or worried about something. Usually, I go to sleep pretty easily, I prefer to stay up late, and wake up late, although that isn't really possible on school nights. Sometimes, if one of my Miniature Schnauzers jump on my bed I may wake up. In the summertime, sometimes there are bad thunderstorms during the night, and they make it tough for me to go to sleep, and they usually wake me up too.

Yoh Asakura
9th February 2004, 12:23 PM
I'm an insomniac....

Go figure...

9th February 2004, 01:51 PM
Hungry, Thirst, and Cold Feet. xD

Agent Elrond
9th February 2004, 01:52 PM
Cold feet; my cat lying on my chest and restricting my breathing/movement; stressing about things; coffee; someone leaving the porch light on; gunshots; bombing; Nazgul screams (actually hearing them, not remembering them); and of course: Kitty coming in at 3:00 am and eating a gopher in my room. *crunch crunch* *slurrp* *crunch* *mreow!* *crunch* Worst part is he never eats the stomach or intestines, so there's always a bit leftover for my dog to eat. Or for me to step on when I wake up. Yum.

9th February 2004, 01:55 PM
I'm somewhat of a heavy sleeper, I don't get up when my alarm sounds, nor if sometimes--My mom yells in my ear. I snore occasionally...but ^^;

But things that make me wake up at night include my Hamster chewing on his cage, and trying to get out(We had to use things to make it so this loose door wouldn't open.It bangs on the metal cage and produces a clang noise. It's annoying), and having to go bathroom.

Though sometimes, going through a week, I can't fall asleep, and I can live out a nights sleep, though I catch up in 4th Period Study Hall.^^

Silver Ledian
9th February 2004, 02:39 PM
I normally sleep straight through the night, from the moment I fall asleep to when I wake up.

When I am woken up, however, it's normally because I either have a sore stomach, I suddenly pull a muscle in my leg and bounce up screaming in pain or if I'm worried about something a lot, that has caused me to have a nightmare.

On weekends, there's also the possibilty of the NET keeping me awake until really early in the morning and sometimes all night. That doesn't wake me up, it keeps me up. I don't mind that reason though :)

Deus Mortuorum
9th February 2004, 02:50 PM
Gunshots? Bombings? CATS EATING GOPHERS? The hell do you live?

Anyway, I listen to way too much music during the day so there's usually a song stuck in my head for a few hours. Plus I go to sleep right after Third Watch so that's on my mind, and thinking about what I did that day and what I'm gonna do tomorrow...and your usual car alarms, yelling, heat, cold...

9th February 2004, 03:20 PM
i stay awake by playing video games late at night or going on the internet. the other thing that keeps me awake are the random noises that come from the cars driving by the streets, or some very annoying noise occurs (such as a construction drill at the daytime). i do this almost every night i can, although during school nights i tend to favor sleep b/c even then I only get 4-5 hours of sleep/school night.

AntiAsh Superstar
9th February 2004, 06:52 PM
I'm a stupidly heavy sleeper, and even though I share a bed with someone whose night-time thrashing habits have to be seen to be believed I still sleep through it all (except the time I was poked in the eye - not even I can sleep through that!). I keep myself awake a fair bit coz lately night's the only chance I get for a decent session on the comp. Tho I can't sleep for ages after drinking, either, I only start getting tired when I begin to sober up. And then there's the huge collection of Friends videos that have seen us miss many a decent hour to go to sleep. So it's all purely self inflicted. :o

9th February 2004, 08:02 PM
Sometimes it gets so hot in my room that I can't sleep.

10th February 2004, 03:54 AM
Well, by habbit I crack my kunckles, especially before I go to sleep, this includes neck, back, hands, fingers, arms, legs, feet and toes. Doing this relaxes them for 10 seconds then I can't stand the pain I caused. :(