View Full Version : Poll: Mom, I changed my name to Tom the Australian Google Elf.

Jay Umbreon
12th February 2004, 03:34 AM
Hi. It's been about 18 months since I've posted a poll...but like bad taste, the knack never goes away :)

1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?


1. Tom

2. I would live in Australia

3. Googleplex

4. I was about 7 I think...either that or 6.

5. I remember being in my grandparents house, playing on some really old atari game with my grandad...then I remember playing toy cars :) awww.

6. When I spilt a bottle of tipex on the bathroom carpet. :( I had to leave the house for a few hours while my mum went ballistic.

7. I would be an Elf. So I could marry Arwen :) and turn Ashlea and Kt and Soo into my Elf-slave-ladies...they'd dance in green underwear, wear top hats and chant my name in russian.


12th February 2004, 04:50 AM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?

- I'd keep my first name, but if I had to, I'd change it to... Ed

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

- I'd totally go all Eurotrash. Holland.

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

- www.webwombat.com or Just plain google.

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

- 3

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?

- Getting up at 4, letting myself out of the house, going down to the swings then going and visiting my neigbours before the sun was up and watching cartoons with them.

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?

- Mm... mum's all talk, she never does anything.

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?

- EWwwwwwwwwww. Wizard. K :D

12th February 2004, 04:59 AM
i'd change my name to blake. i'd move to somewhere in america. google is bookmarked. don't know when i started riding, but around 7 i think. i can't remember what my earliest childhood memory was, and ones that i can remember i'm not sure if they were real or a dream. most trouble with my parents, they are all talk and no action, and we aren't social in anyway really so they don't have a clue about most things i do. and i would definately be an ork.

Luthien Tinuviel
12th February 2004, 05:45 AM
Welcome back Jay, this is Ashley in case you didn't know...

1. I would change my name to Weatherfield. Don't ask me why, I really just like the name.

2. I would live in Spain, so I could see my pen-pal every day.

3. Google

4. 7

5. Getting caught watching MTV on Saturday mornings. That and getting stung on my butt by a bee.

6. See above, and when I cussed out a guy at the movies because he started making fun of Lord of the Rings.

7. I would loooooooove to be Luthien Tinuviel. She had cool powers, and from what I could gather from Master Tolkien's description, Beren was a hottie. Yum ^_^

Lady Vulpix
12th February 2004, 06:37 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Aragorn married Arwen.

1. Silvina. I've always liked that name.
2. I don't know... Finland, maybe. It sounds like a great place and I can stand the cold much better than the heat. Only I'd have to learn the language. Australia would be really cool to visit, but I don't think I'd want to live there. And then there's Israel... I've been there a few times and I could get used to living there, though I wouldn't feel too comfortable living in a country where a war is going on (which rules out the USA too).
3. Mostly Google. Sometimes Webcrawler, Altavista, Yahoo and Dogpile (which is actually a set of search engines).
4. 7
5. I have a few memories of when I was 2, about my old appartment... I'm not sure which of them was the oldest, but the most vivid was the night when my dad came into my room to glue a white moon and star on my blue closet.
6. It must be the time when we went to the USA and my brother and I were climbing a hill and I left him behind (I was 8 and he was 5).
7. If I could choose... I guess an elf would be cool. Wizards aren't really a race, you know.

Jay Umbreon
12th February 2004, 09:52 AM
don't wanna sound arrogant or anything but my sword is waaaaay longer than aragorns ;)

and hey ash ^^ long time no see. hehe. we should talk sometime! get in touch with me on AIM (JayUmbreonTPM)

bai bai.


12th February 2004, 10:31 AM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?

1. Death.
2. Canada. Yeh...
3. Ask Jeeves. He doesnt link to any random site that has that single word in it. -.o;
4. Two wheels? Five.
5. Uhm... I dunno. I think its when I fell on my back from a swing set thing that didnt have swings on it... that I was swinging on from my hands. O_o;
6. Uhh... I dont know. Probably when I kicked my brother in the stomache.
7. Geh. Elf, I guess.

12th February 2004, 11:21 AM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
- Hmmmmmmmmmmm... Taita

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?
- India

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?
- I don't know... Maybe 3?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
- Earliest... ummm.... I can't think that far back at the moment...

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
- I really don't know... I've gotten in trouble lot's... I remember my parents were really, really mad at me when I was in Grade 3 and I missed the bus on purpose and my teacher had to drive me home... lol... But, that's not the most trouble...

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
- I'd like to be a fairy, but that ain't on the list... I will chose wizard...

Crystal Mew
12th February 2004, 11:35 AM
Hi Jay! :wave: WB, haven't talked to you since...for like 6 months! we should talk more often :yes:

1. Hmm....I always liked the name Ashley o_0; I wish my mom named me that when I was born...or I used to think that =] due to lotr, I told my mom 'you could have named me Arwen =>' lol

2. Ooh, New Zealand, or Austrailia =D those places are really pretty, well NZ is, and austrailia is really cool

3. google :B

4. hmmm .-.; 4-5? I don't remember ^_^;

5. I remember when I was 4, and had to get my tonsils out, a very tramtic memory (y)

6. Em, I hardly get in that much trouble, but I remember when I was 6 and my mom told me to come straight home after school, and I went to a friends house....my mom went crazy trying to find me, because she didn't know where I was....ooh yep, I was in deep for that one :yes:

7. you forgot hobbits! lol. well, I would be an elf so I could marry Legolas ;D lol.......he's so hot..

12th February 2004, 11:46 AM
1. I sometimes wish my name was something like Adena, pretty and not overused, but not unheard of.

2. I would love to live in Sweden!

3. Usually for image searches I use either google or altavista.

4. I was 6 or 7 when I learned how to ride a bike.

5. My earliest memory was probably playing with Rammers, our german shepherd, and her 12 puppies.. :) I was only about 3 then...

6. Over the years I've done a few REALLY BAD things... but we won't go into it because it's kinda... mmmm yeah i just don't want to say ;o

7. I would be an elf so i could be Jay's elf-slave-lady who dances in green undies with a top hat and chants his name in Russian :wave:

12th February 2004, 11:55 AM
hiya j! you need to stop disappearing 8(

1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?

uh.. I've always liked the name allison, but I don't think it really fits me

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

engyland sounds cool, according to my stepmommy

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)


4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

with or without training wheels? I dunno, maybe 6. don't think I've ridden one since though :P I was never much of a bike person

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?

I remember hitting my cat with a wooden spoon when I was 2 or something. my dad was like 'pet the kitty, not beat the kitty!'

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?

can't really think of the thing that I got in the most trouble for, but they got pretty mad when I wanted to go to the mall with some friends, and I called my dad to make sure it was ok, but he wasn't there, soI left a message saying 'if you don't call back in time, then I'm going' and I went anyway... heh oops

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?

elf so I could wear all those cool clothes and speak that cool language. or human so I can marry aragorn :D


12th February 2004, 02:25 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?

i'd like to have a different first name, but i'm not sure what

2. some pacific island

3. i always use google

4. 8

5. the birthday cake for my 3rd birthday

6. stealing money in 3rd grade

7. human

Agent Elrond
12th February 2004, 04:57 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?

Umm, either Morgan or Keiko.

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

New Zealand. Or Ireland.

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

I do not use a seArcH EngINe.

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

Uh, five?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?

Spreading butter all over the kitchen when I was 3. Good times.

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?

Trouble? With my parents? No no no, you mean parents in trouble with me. In which case it would have been when my dad had the backhoe guy rip out my favorite trees and sitting rocks. Yep, he was up a certain creek then, and I had hid the paddle. *evil grin*

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?

IMO Elves are terribly overerrated. I'd rather be a she-dwarf, so I could be a bad-@ss axefighter and elope with Hector to go kick mega booty in Fire Emblem. 8D

12th February 2004, 05:17 PM
1. Gary sounds cool xD

2. Japan. xD

3. Yahoo!

4. Uh... 6 I think.

5. Learning to walk. Yes, I remember what it look like. :3

6. Um... When I just learned to drive. I have to back up. But, I used Drive, instead ... and as a result... xP

7. Sauron !!! mwhahaha... j/k !!! I'd be an elf. :3

AntiAsh Superstar
12th February 2004, 06:26 PM
1. Hmm, tricky, I was something totally ludicrous, maybe along the lines of... umm... no, sorry, I can't think of anything! Oh, call me Blipwinplimplim. (sorry, dumb injoke)

2. Prolly France or somewhere like that, a place a little warmer than the UK and maybe where the people are a little less unruly.

3. Interweb? @_@;;; Umm, I use Google, is there any real need to use any others?

4. Let me let you into a little secret. I never really managed to get the hang of bikes. I possess the world's worst sense of balance, and I'd rather walk anyways!

5. Umm, prolly helping me mum to make the sandwiches my grandad used to take to work before he retired, that or the old family washing machine that used to run halfway up the kitchen because it vibrated so much and we all used to have to hold it in place

6. Hmm... dunno, I think the big question here is how much trouble have my parents got in with me! :o I don't really fight much with me mum, she's too laid back and never had much in the way of authority anyways. ^_^;;;


Originally posted by Jay Umbreon
7. I would be an Elf. So I could marry Arwen :) and turn Ashlea and Kt and Soo into my Elf-slave-ladies...they'd dance in green underwear, wear top hats and chant my name in russian.


In your dreams, Jay. :P I suppose I'd have to be an elf too in order to have equal elf powers to this guy and hence stop him from stealing my girlfriend and making her talk Russian. You do realise Soo talks little sense in English, never mind another language, right? :D

The Muffin Man
12th February 2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Jay Umbreon
Hi. It's been about 18 months since I've posted a poll...but like bad taste, the knack never goes away :)

1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
~Lance Uppercut.

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?
~I heard England are teh rock. Well no. I hear it's like New England, only more british.

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)
~IntArweb. And I use Yahoo.

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
~;( I have no memories.

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
~Alot of stuff XD

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
~Human. ;(

12th February 2004, 08:48 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
*laughs* Sorry, long story... *slides past question*

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)
Music: Dogpile; Everything else: Google; Stuffs too cool for "Everything else": Internet Explorer default search engine

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?
By bike I'm betting you mean two-wheeler.
Old... >.> I ended up trying to learn on this really hard-to-balance bike... took me forever to learn, and that was only because I hopped onto Myste's bike instead.

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
When I was one, I remember sitting in the hospital waiting to get stitches. I was looking at this monitor, and there was a screensaver on it. It was some icon, bouncing around on a black screen. That's all I remember, but gimme a break I was 1. O_o

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
Erm... I dunno. I don't think I ever got in a lot of trouble, actually.

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
Elf or Wizard. Prolly Elf, but magic still rocks.

12th February 2004, 08:55 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
"Garrett" has always been an interesting name. I'd have to choose something uncommon (like my current name) and I think it's a rare enough name.

That, or Max Power.

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?
Canada. It's America Jr.

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet).
You mean, there are other search engines besides Google (http://www.google.com)?

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?
Six or seven. I forget.

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
Getting a Hulk Hogan action figure when I was three. It was at my grandmother's. I also got a Fisher Price airplane. Sweet.

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
Flunking Resources Geology. Not entirely my fault, but parents don't take a lot of excuses when you fail a class.

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
Wizard. They tend to be most powerful.

13th February 2004, 03:08 AM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
--- I'd pick lance..... I hate my name right now. I dont know what my parents were thinking :( (Clark)

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?
--- eh, Australia suits me fine to be honest... but if i had no choice i'd move to japan. they have cool gadgets and stuff there... yeah, cool..

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)
--- interweb sounds sucky... but anyway, I use google the most. I'll use it pretty much anywhere - on the net, phone, even television :o

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?
--- I think i was 6. i remember i kept falling off.... that was not cool :no:

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
--- kindergarten and kissing one of the girls lol.. pathetic, yeah.

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
--- umm, they don't usually put any blame on me. so I don't know. i don't think they have before (i'm self-disciplined)

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
--- WIZARD would be cool, because you learn magic and stuff while you're a WIZARD without your looks differing too much from a HUMAN. :P

13th February 2004, 07:35 AM
1. More than likely, my name would be Vivien. If I could choose my middle name, I always thought Vivien Evangeline would have a nice ring to it. :D

2. Japan. (is about to say a huge "DUH" in 5, 4, 3, 2...)

3. Overture. Which used to be GoTo.com, but now it's Overture.

4. With training wheels I was about 5. Without them...never :P. I'm not really a biker at all.

5. When I was 1, it snowed for the first time in Baton Rouge in a long while. And then when I was 12 and had moved, we got hit again. :D

6. Probably the most trouble was when my friend was trying to clean the dust off of my ceiling fan and my mom yelled and screamed and cussed out the both of us :(. We had to leave and go to my friend's house and I stayed the night there. But there was something wrong with my mom then...

7. A wizard. Magic rocks.

13th February 2004, 03:48 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
Aw, man. Do I have to? Fine, I would choose the first name of Kard.

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?
Does Mars count as a country? If not, I choose Antarctica

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?
I think about 8 years.

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
Um, when I was two, I took a knife and almost smashed the TV screen.

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
Leaking Permanent Markers + Carpet + Walls = Trouble.

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
Wizards = Cool

13th February 2004, 11:26 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
-Timmy 8)

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?
-I would live in America or Canada, I don't know where exactly, but that would be pretty cool.

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)
Interweb sounds more likea new, retarded word for the internet, but nevertheless, I obviously use Google, and it is also my homepage.

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
-When I was one I pretended to be like my cat and started eating cat food next to my cat 8)

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
-Nothing major.

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
-Obviously an orc.

14th February 2004, 03:06 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?


1. Kikyo. Don't ask...I just hate my real name for an odd reason...(Laura)

2. Japan....or Ireland. The paganism and landform in Ireland would be cool, but there's the drunken Catholics...so I guess either one would be great...^^;;

3. MSN

4. With training wheels, 2(almost 3). Without training wheels, 7.

5. When I was three, I was put in this Bible School and on the first day, I bit another girl's arm. When we grew older, we resolved our differences...xD

6. Nothing major with my parents...but if you count school, when in fifth grade, my English teacher hated me so much. When she said I was saying something out loud about her and when I didn't, I told her she could 'burn in hell'....;.;

7. Wizard....or Elf. Either one would be cool...>:D

14th February 2004, 05:34 PM
1. If you HAD to have a different first name, and you could choose it, what would it be?
But I like my first name... If I had to choose, well Alison's good, but a bit too common. Amber would be cool (although not one of my favourite names, at least it's not common.)

2. If you HAD to live in a different country, where would you live?
New Zealand. Yeah, I like my life as it is, so I don't try to change much.

3. Which search engine do you use when on the interweb? (interweb is a new, hip word for internet)

4. How old were you when you began to ride a bike?
4? 5?

5. What's your earliest memory of being a kid?
I remember flipping through photo albums. Weird.

6. What's the most trouble you've gotten into with your parents?
Um... like right now. I'm not going into it.

7. If you lived in those long ago ages where TV didn't exist (like the LOTR days), would you be an ELF, HUMAN, DWARF, ORC or WIZARD?
Wizard. Yay.