View Full Version : Last Exile on American TV in March!

Last Exile
16th February 2004, 03:52 AM
I just found this on of the better anime news/info websites:


Basically, Episodes 1-13 of Last Exile will be shown over a one week period in America in March 8-13, followed by a marathon re-run of all 13 episodes the day after, being March 14.

Unfortunately, if you want the whole series, you're going to have to wait till 2005 or find someone who got the fansub.

But this is good news. This only got released for DVD in the US in December 2003, so geting half the series on TV is something anyone in the US should feel privileged to get.

So I hope this means that soon, I won't have to be a loner or sound like an idiot whenver it comes to Last Exile anymore. Hopefully more people will soon see what I'm talking about. ;)

16th February 2004, 11:39 AM

I have yet to like anything I have seen on TechTV. Boogiepop Phantom, Soultaker, and so forth. Only Serial Experiments LAIN I had any kind of interest in.

Here's to hoping it breaks the trend.

16th February 2004, 02:49 PM
Well that was quick, it usually takes longer than this for animes to be released in America. Last Exile must be really popular

Last Exile
17th February 2004, 12:47 AM
Yeah, Last Exile is being touted to be a huge seller in the Western World in 2004. I think it's the #1 selling anime DVD in the US at the moment. And after only seeing about 5-7 episodes, my state's only club voted it as the #1 anime of all time.

One word of advice: It'll take you five episodes or so to understand what is going on, because tere's plenty you have to get used to. It is imperative you understand the role of the Sylvana and the Guild early on, otherwise you're screwed. And expect people to be dying left, right and centre like there's no tomorrow. Expect a mixture of 18th century naval warfare, World War I and World War II fighting planes and battle tactics, astounding 3D graphics for all backgrounds, ships and so forth, a mainly classical/rustic soundtrack with a bit of electronica/New Age.

But most of all, expect to learn a lot about life. That's what I got out most from this anime.

PS. If you want some detailed explanations, I really recommend getting the October and December issues of Newtype magazine. They had big sections on the Last Exile artwork, character details, and an essential explanation of the world they live in. In fact, I think the October issue is almost essential reading. You can make sense of Last Exile without it, but this will make it easier without having any spoilers.

And if anyone ever needs any help on understanding Last Exile, ask me. I understand the whole series pretty well.