View Full Version : Fate Fell Short This Time

16th February 2004, 09:16 PM
Yeah, I know another fic, oh well, I was bored and here is somethign I made. I hope to complete it, and I know that it probally doesn't make much sense now, but give slack its only the first chapter. Oh, and time went by really fast in this chapter.

Fate Fell Short This Time.

Chapter #1 Disrespectful beginnings


There I was sitting on a rotten wet log sitting in front of our “Tribal Fire” and no one noticed I was even there, like always, exept this one girl, I think she said her name was Rachel or something, although she was no beauty queen she had hope. Out of everyone there she picked me to talk about my life, my throat felt sore at first and I didn’t want to talk to the wannabe trainers out sitting around the fire but she and the camp counselor forced me to speak.

“Hi, I am Noah Papaya, I am a former Castform rancher, and my first pokemon was ironical a Seedot. I feel that I am better than all of you though, I am not just some poor farmer, no, I know I am destined to do something amazing in my life unlike most of you. I am Noah Papaya and I was a pokemon rancher.” I said, the kids sitting around me gave me mean and nasty faces and moved their stumps away from me.

“Okay Noah, that was very disrespectful, go sit over there and think of what you did.” Our counselor said, I heaved my body up and dragged my stump away from the kids. I felt around the ground and picked up a long pencil like stick and started making lines in the soft loose dirt. After several minutes of hearing some kid going, “I am going to be the best,” I decided to walk away, and restart my adventure to find my destiny as a pokemon trainer.

I began my journey into the forest of Lum, the sky was pitch black with little grains of salt in the sky shining through the thick tree tops. Each step that I made was carefully planted into the hard dirt ground and not on a slippery rock or mossy stump. I did this until I felt my eyes begin to droop, and decided to ditch the idea to run away from Camp Newbie at night, and do it in the morning when I could see. I tried to retake my path, but to no prevail the camp fire’s glow was no where to be seen. I slumped down on top of a large slimy rock, and stared up at the forested sky. If I knew I was destined to do something then why don’t I know what am I destined to do?

“Hey, was it Noah? Where is the signal fire?” A feminine voice asked. I spun my head around trying to find where the voice came from.

“Where are you? Who are you?” I shouted, alerted by the girls voice.

“I am right in front of you, I followed you into the forest, I was the girl that called on you at the signal fire.” She said, her voice. I turned my head so it was aligned with my body and faced the girl at the signal fire.

“Who? I mean what is your name?” I said, focusing on her shadowy body.

“Figures, I knew you weren’t paying attention at the fire, that is why I picked on you, my name is Rochelle, and by the way everyone at camp thinks you are a stuck up.” Rochelle replied. I rolled my eyes, and began my next sentence. “I don’t care what people think of me.” My voice was raised and was sharper than usual when I said this.

“I could tell, why else would you say you are better than other people.” Rochelle said.

“I spoke the truth.” I said. I then stood up, and looked around looking for the signal fire.

“Did you get us lost?” She asked a tinge of fear in her voice.

“No, why are you following me?” I asked. I heard her feet scuffle through the overgrowth.

“Yeah, I, I just wanted to, I wanted to go out for a walk, the counselors were mean, and talked about throwing water balloons at us, while we slept.” She complained, I gave a small chuckle. “They were joking, now go back to camp, I am on my own journey, alone.

“You are going to leave me? That isn’t fair.” She cried.

“Hey, I didn’t ask to be picked on at the fire, and I sure didn’t ask to be followed by you, besides I keep all I need in my pockets.” I said. I then started headed the direction I was going before I turned around. After walking quite a ways, the sound of footsteps rung in my ear, and the sound of Hoot Hoots cooing was stopped and replaced with wings flapping. I turned around, “why are you following me?” I screamed, wings flapped furiously and the footsteps stopped.

“I don’t know where to go?” Rochelle whined.

“Find a way back to camp; I don’t want you to ruin my escape so find your way back.” I called out.

“No, you got me into this; you will get me out of it Noah.” Rochelle screamed. I turned around ready to yell some more, but I noticed the sky was turning a light blue, and the eastern sky was lit with a fabulous orange, the same orange as the fire.

“Whoa, I have been up almost the whole night? I said to myself, watching the sky’s dark blue sky melt into a rainbow of reds and blues. The tops of the trees gleamed a devilish red with the morning dew adding to the effect. I gave a sigh and sat on a rotting stump, looking at the beautiful scene, I suddenly felt the need to share the moment. I slipped my hand down into my pockets and pulled out a dirty white premium ball. I took my shirt and began to rub the top, cleaning it of its excess dirt.

“Seedot go!” I announced, dropping the already dirty ball into the dirt. An extra large acorn emerged from the premium ball. I patted the pokemon on the head then reached down for his premium ball; I wiped the ball across my shirt ridding it of excess dirt. The pokemon jumped on top of the log but rolled off. I gave a soft laugh then picked him up and placed him on my lap.

“What does the color green look like?” I whispered to him looking at the red tree tops. He didn’t seem to understand, and leapt off my lap and began to roll around in the mud. The pokemon stopped rolling once it saw a pair of shoes walking toward it.

“Why are we not at camp?” Rochelle whined.

“I didn’t want to go back to the camp, I have a badge, and the gym leader just recommended me to go.” I hissed, watching the sun rise. She took a seat by me, and I placed Seedot in between us. “So what pokemon do you have?” I asked.

“Oh, I have an awfully cute little Pichu, it is so cute, I just love it.” Rochelle said eagerly she grabbed her bag and with drew a pokeball. “Pichu, go!” She called out. The pokeball exploded and a small mustard yellow rodent with velvet black ears and rosy blood red cheeks popped out. The rodent gave a small squeak that made Rochelle smile but I frowned. Stupid pokemon giving on a show.

“Tell you what, I challenge you to a battle, your Pichu versus my Seedot.” I said, “If I win you have to leave me alone, if you win I will let you adventure with me to Pulpville.” I said.

“No way, I am too tired to battle your acorn.” She cried.

“Come on, not even a small battle, I want to know how your rank as a trainer.” I beckoned. She shook her head. “I said no, not after the beating Pichu got while trying to beat Mike.” She said. Mike was one of the kids around the camp fire, I remembered him, only because he was a big shot, he had two pokemon, a Voltorb and a Dratini. I envied him because he was given the Dratini, but I knew that Dratini would be pointless to have on my team, dragon pokemon are strong but dumb.

“Do not feel bad about a loss.” I said. I know those words probably didn’t mean anything to her, but they did to me. I laid my head back, and remembered way back when I was 10 and it was the first day I got to train the Castform by myself…

“Why?” Rochelle she asked.

“Because after each fall you get stronger.” I said, I then returned Seedot and got up from the log. “Are you going to travel with me?” I asked. She nodded her head.

“Do I even have a choice, you got me lost.” She said.

“No, I didn’t, you chose to follow me, and there was your choice, if you are going to travel with me, I want to make sure about three things, are you part of a tribe? If you are, I ask of you to go back, second you must be prepared for anything, third, if I tell you not to do something, don’t do it.” I said.

“Noah, I am not part of any tribe, or at least I don’t think I am, what are tribes?” She asked.

“Tribes are the groups of people that are gym leader wannabe’s, they train only one type of pokemon hoping that they could beat the gym leader.” I explained.

“Well, I know I am not part of a tribe, but what do you mean by be prepared for anything?” She asked. I knew that she was going to question every thing I said, unless if it was crystal clear.

“I mean that if an Aggron attacks, be prepared to attack it, if Team Rocket comes and tries to murder us, be prepared.” I said. She backed away from me a little, I want to say frightened. “Now let’s get going, Pulpville is about 3 miles ahead.” I said.

“And when will be able to sleep?” She asked. I gave a small laugh, and pointed at the rising sun.

“When that goes down.” I said, the sunlight enabled me to see through the forest and I re-began my journey toward destiny, with one more uninvited person.

17th February 2004, 07:05 PM
Okay, I was going to post this chapter next week, but because after much thinking I realized that the starting of this fic was not very good. SO here is chapter 2.

Chapter #2 High Flying Seedot of Rage with a dash of Pichu.


The city of Pulpville was not much to brag about. Small run down houses filled up its main street and in a corner I saw a Grimer feasting on a garbage can.

“Lets get out of here!” Rochelle said, catching site of the grimer.

“After I get my badge.” I said.

“Do you even know where the gym is?” She asked, I looked around, then spotted a building, with the letter’s JYM written on it’s a wall.

“That’s the gym? That can’t be, its disgusting.” Rochelle said, covering her mouth and backing up. I then began to walk toward the gym, Rochelle seemed a bit hesitant but I needed to win this badge, so I wouldn’t have to come back here.

“Yes, it is, and I think I would need your Pichu.” I said.

“What? NO! Pichu can’t fight, he’ll lose.” She screamed, in horror. I gave a small sneer, she must have thought this would be a losing fight, well from what I learned was even the weak pokemon know how to fight.

“He won’t lose, I just need him, the gym rules are you must have 2 pokemon to battle, and I only have one.” I pleaded, we reached the gym’s large wooden doors. “Please.”

“Still, I know Pichu, and he is not up to a gym battle.” She argued.

“Just trust me, I found our way to Pulpville, and I can beat this gym leader, just please let me use Pichu.” I said.

“What don’t you understand about the word no?” She snapped. “If you think that any pokemon could beat any pokemon, why don’t you go out to the forest and find a Weedle, or a Mankey, or that nasty Grimer we say licking the trash can lid.” She posed a good point, but I just thought of an even better one.

“Fine, if you want me to go out and have to find a pokemon, then we would have to go out there, in the wild and come back to this ruddy town.” I said. She gave a small growl and thrusted a pokeball into my chest.

“Just take it, if you lose, I will kill you.” She said, angered. I gave her an “I won the argument,” kind of smile, then opened the doors. The place stunk of burnt wood and was crudely decorated, with only one window. The walls were made like the outside of a wood cabin built from the inside out and had a clay floor, covered in burned marks and uneven spots. “Is anyone here?” I yelled out. Heavy footsteps echoed throughout the building, and a familiar man, a person I despised was standing in front of me. He had these cold empty eyes that seemed to only be focused on you, and had a bald head that was dirty and grimy, he was a bit taller than me but he was also had a beer gut. His name was Jim, and to my surprise he was a gym leader.

A raspy voice replied. “Ha ha ha, if it ain’t Noah, the Castform farmer, heh, how many Castform am I going to wipe out today? And now that you have finally been able to find me, I challenge you to a gym battle, if I lose I will not disturb your family’s pokemon again, but if I win you have to give me all your Castform.” The man said. I stared at him confused, then remembered, back at home when he attacked our Castform, it was my first day of training and…

“I don’t have a single Castform with me Jim, and don’t think I will lose this time.” I said, walking up to Jim, and gave him a mean glare to his eyes.

“You say that, but I know I can kick your ***, it is not like last time when you were at home, its on my field now; just look at how large Machop has grown, I swear she is going to evolve soon.” Jim said. I then noticed a blue child like pokemon was standing behind him. “Rules are two pokemon each, no items but there is switching.” He sneered. I gave a hard gulp, that Machop looked much stronger than before.

“Ah, enough talk, I will choose my friend’s Pichu.” I said, releasing the yellow rodent.

“Why are you bringing others down with you? I will choose Machop.” Jim sneered. His Machop walked into the arena all of her muscles tight and flexed. Pichu gave a small gulp and she stood up from her seat, about to run out to the battle field.

“Why are you making Pichu face that monster, Machuup, is huge, Pichu can’t beat it.” Rochelle cried, I threw my arm out to block her from stepping into the ring.

“Sit, and watch. You are not allowed to enter the battle arena” I said.

“But.” She whined.

“Begin.” Jim yelled out. Machop walked up to Pichu and punched him in the jaw.

“That was cheap, Pichu, just listen to me, run to the white line opposite of your master.” I ordered. The tiny mouse scampered off to the corner I directed it, the pokemon cowered while he was waiting for Machop to attack.

“Machop, use your low kick.” Jim ordered. Machop ran toward Pichu, and swiped her heavy foot in Pichu’s direction.

“jump and use a thunder wave.” I yelled. Pichu leapt milliseconds before Machop’s foot was about to hit him. The yellow rodent then released a small circle of electricity from its red cheeks; the electricity flowed through the air and stunned Machop. “Now dive into Machop.” I ordered. Pichu straightened its body and perked its ears, he was on a crash course to Machop.

“Grab it and use Seismic Toss.” Jim yelled, saliva slipped through his lips while he spoke. Machop regained control of her twitching body and grabbed Pichu, foiling my attack strategy. She then started to twirl the tiny pokemon over her head, holding on to his tail. I knew I had to say thunder shock, but my words went too slow, and Pichu ended up knocking into one of the walls, from the look of his little body I knew he couldn’t battle any longer.

“Pichu return; Seedot go.” I took Pichu’s pokeball and aimed the red beam at him returning the pokemon into his ball, and then threw a premium ball through the air. The ball bursted with red energy, and my scrawny acorn pokemon stood tall. “Seedot, you have 2 pokemon to defeat, and this is the first, save some energy.”

“Ah, you have a Seedot, I guess I should return my Machop, wouldn’t want it to be hurt by such a weak pokemon.” Jim said, withdrawing Machop from the area, and throwing a red and brown love ball through the air. A moderately tall flaming pokemon emerged from the love ball, it was mainly a giant fire ball in shaped like a human, and had these long skinny claws, and paper white eyes.

“Ug, Seedot, use your bullet seed.” I ordered. The little acorn pokemon spun ballet style, and released several tennis ball sized seeds.

“Magmar use magma coat.” Jim ordered, Magmar nodded its head, and created some kind of shield out of its fire. The seeds evaporated immediately, no even touching the skin of the fire pokemon. “Now, Magmar use your fire punch.” The pokemon raised one of its clawed arms and threw it down at Seedot.

“Seedot leap out of the way.” I yelled out, Seedot, launched himself over Magmar’s lowered head; the pokemon’s fist went into the clay and was temporarily stuck. “Quick use harden.” Seedot’s eyes flashed, and in an instant the pokemon became a rusty brown color. “Now use your high jump kick.” I ordered. Seedot jumped into the air and darted toward Magmar’s head. The fire pokemon’s head smashed into the ground, and released a small ember attack.

“Magmar, get up, and use a flame thrower attack.” Jim ordered. Magmar struggled to get up, but was able to **** its head at just the right angle to aim a stream of flames at Seedot.

“Watch out.” I yelled, but it was too late Seedot was engulfed in the stream of fire, but to my relief he didn’t faint. “Now use extrasensory.” I yelled. The acorn pokemon eyes glowed a brilliant gold color, and Magmar was telepathically thrown in the air, and was smashed down.

“Get up Magmar!” Jim ordered, but Magmar had enough and stayed on the ground unmoving.

“Knew I should have trained Magmar a bit more, taken out in one hit what a disgrace, Machop go.” Jim said, returning Magmar to its rightful place. Machop strutted into the battle field, she walked over to Seedot and smacked in upside the head.

“Are you going to take that Seedot? No, now use a bullet seed.” I ordered. Seedot lifted his feet and began to spin like a top, after a few seconds of spinning, seeds bursted from his body and shot at Machop, whom immediately kneeled down and protected her thick head. Once the seeds stopped shooting Machop stood up and punched Seedot, knocking him to the hard heated clay floor.

“Machop use Vital throw.”

“You and your Machop are cheap Jim, you must have cheated to get to be a gym leader.” I yelled, watching Machop picking up Seedot. “Seedot turn around and use Nature Power.” The Seedot spun around in Machop’s thick hands and stared into her eyes. A green glow bubbled beneath the fighting pokemon’s feet, vines grew from the green glow and wrapped themselves around the Machop’s bulky arms.

“Machop use your vital throw.” Jim spat. The Machop struggled to move her arms and instead of throwing Seedot just dropped him. Seedot’s pointy head dug into the ground making him stuck, as Machop struggled through the vines, that were wrapped so tightly around her.

“Come on Seedot, get off your head, use rapid spin, bullet seed, nature power, what ever get up.” I yelled a bit concerned about Seedot’s position.

“Machop quit worrying about the vines mega kick Seedot.” Jim yelled, outraged that his pokemon could not even get through some vines.

“Noooo, Seedot, bide, now.” I yelled. The fighting pokemon backed its heavy blue foot and prepared to give Seedot a mega kick, Seedot began to hum and dark maroon glow engulfed him. The Machop threw her foot right in between the acorn pokemon eyes making him fly through the air and smash into a wall. With a heavy thud my grass pokemon laid on the wooden floor, motionless.

“I am the winner!” Jim announced, he wore an evil grin, with his rotten yellow teeth showing why you should brush your teeth.

“Get up Seedot, finish your attack, then you can have a nice long rest, please use your bide attack.” I pleaded, I wanted to run up to Seedot and give him a potion, but it would disqualify me.

“Noah, Seedot is not going to attack he is knocked out, now go home and go feed the Castform, so I can go beat them up but what is the point they aren’t even strong enough to be called pokemon.” Jim laughed.

“Not so fast Pichu go, Seedot return.” I said.

“No don’t use Pichu?” Rochelle protested.

“Yeah listen to the rodent’s owner, you stupid rancher.” Jim said.

“Rochelle I know what I am doing,” I said switching pokemon. “Pichu use your charm.” I ordered. The Pichu then started to yap away at the chained Machop, being a bit keen about the swaying blue foot, that was still dangerous.

“Machop try to break free.” Jim said, sullenly. Machop struggled, but with some effort was able to release one hand, which tore through the vines like wrapping paper. While Jim was watching Machop break through the vines, I slipped a revive into Seedot’s premium ball.

“Pichu, return, Seedot lets finish this.” I said, whipping the ball through the air. Seedot jumped out of the ball before it hit the ground, pumped up.

“Machop use a vital throw attack.” Jim sneered.

“Seedot double kick.” I ordered, Seedot jumped up and began to kick the blue human pokemon in the exposed ribs. Machop lowered her arms and grabbed Seedot.

“Unleash your bide attack.” I ordered. The acorn shook wildly out of Machop’s tight grip and eventually was able to break free of her grip. Once free the pokemon kicked around madly, like a blind Hitmonlee, throwing his feet at Machop, who was too confused to counter attack.

“Holy sh##!” Jim gasped, watching Machop get the crap kicked out of her. I stood, silenced, now if only I could make Seedot battle like this all the time, I would be unstoppable. “Seedot stop, I think you won.” I shouted, but the little acorn would not stop. He didn’t seem to hear me and he began to jump up and down, drilling its feet into Machop’s back.


“Get your damn Seedot off my Machop.” Jim yelled at me.

“I am trying, Seedot return.” I yelled, taking Seedot’s premium ball and returning the pokemon into its ball. I wore a grin, knowing that Jim would now leave my families Castform alone, and that I will now have 2 badges.

“Ha, I win; you have no pokemon on the field.” Jim sneered, returning his own Machop.

“You returned your pokemon before mine, and officially I win, you are undeserving of the focus badge.” Jim sneered.

“You told me to, so just give me my badge and leave my families Castform alone, Jim.” I yelled, walking across the battle field. “I won fair and square.” I lied about being fair, but I did win.

“You know something you little brat, I will do what I want, and if I do not want to give you a badge I don’t have too, if I want to practice on some of your family’s Castform, I can, and you know something, there is nothing you can do about it.” He said, getting into my face. I clenched my fist, waiting for the opportunity to punch him in his dirty rotten mouth.

“Stop it you two, Jim, Noah won you ordered him to return his Seedot and Noah may not be able to do anything, but I can, my father is one of the Kalonto league’s officials, and all I have to do is say that your gym battle with a trainer was unsatisfactory and you are out of a job.” Rochelle said. Jim and I were flabbergasted, he was probably shocked that there were rules of being a gym leader, and I was shocked because Rochelle may actually have a point in life, to espionage on gym leaders.

“Fine, Noah, here is your badge, now leave.” He said, slapping a piece of metal into my hand. I grasped it, and without looking behind my shoulder I left, hopefully never to go into this town again.

“Rochelle, I didn’t know you…” I began.

“Well I said something yesterday at the camp fire, but can I have my Pichu back?” She said. “and can we please leave this place.” I reached for my belt and gave Rochelle her Pichu back.

“After we visit the pokemon center, Pichu did well for a beginner, needs some work though, and once we our pokemon healed, we can leave.” I said, walking to the pokemon center.

18th February 2004, 12:32 PM
Not to bad, its pretty good so far. I liked the gym battle but its a bit quick because its only the second chapter but again, not bad. I like the originality of the pokemon they have, thats a plus. The length is good and the description is decent. Noticed a few grammer errors but not a lot to worry. So far, pretty good. Looking forward to the next chapter.