View Full Version : 341/AG65: The Great Gulpin-Extermination Strategy! Summary

27th February 2004, 06:42 PM
Yeah, that's the true title. You'll see what I mean.

Headed towards Petalburg City, Ash and co take a pit stop at a nearby town and have a picnic. Ash excitedly discusses his plans for the battle, while May and Max talk about the family reunion, and hoping their parents will be proud. Suddenly, as May grabs her sandwich, a small Gulpin slides by, and swipes it from her hand! After that, it slides by and steals everyone else’s food as well, and spits out the plate! Ash starts to study it a bit in the ‘Dex, when suddenly, Jenny’s voice blares on the PA system throughout the town with a warning. Apparently there is danger lurking in this town, and everyone is to evacuate to indoors for safety ASAP. Being used to stuff like this, Ash and the others decide to check it out anyway.
As they walk through the quiet evacuated streets, they hear a sudden scream coming from the bakery. In there, they find a lady frozen in terror, as a PACK of Gulpin raid the shelves, and eat all of their inventory. Ash tries to help by telling Pikachu to Thunderbolt, but they then leave the bread and start to pile on top of Pikachu before he can make a move. Ash desperately tosses some of the Gulpin aside, until he manages to reach in and grab a really worn-out Pikachu. But then May points up and notices that even more are coming in from the heat vent on the ceiling! As they struggle to get through this mess, they hear a shrill whistle from outside, and freeze. Brock’s heart races as he immediately starts to suspect Jenny, which it is indeed—with a Tangela! She has it release a Vine Whip, and yells for everyone to grab on, which they do, and successfully get out. The Gulpin army then leaves, and scampers down the street, elsewhere…
The bakery lady thanks her and returns to the shop to clean up the mess. Ash and others then ask Jenny to let them help in the operation Gulpin-extermination, to which she gladly accepts. So, they go to the Pokemon Center, where Jenny says is the place where the operation is being monitored.
When they enter, they see Joy at a desk with a button and a huge screen, which displays what looks like a road map. As she works, she seems to be relaying a message… and then she notices Jenny and them, and pauses. They all introduce themselves, and explain that they’re in on the Gulpin-extermination. Then, some weirdo professor who Ash doesn’t recognize comes in, and introduces himself as Professor Shakujii. Jenny explains that Shakujii is the local scientist, and an expert on Gulpin, and in fact the one leading the operation, with her and Joy’s help.
Shakujii starts by showing Ash and co footage on the screen of the Gulpin army roaming the town, eating everything in sight… raiding the supermarket, restaurants, etc. Then he takes him to the map, which happens to be a map of the sewage plant, and points to a big red dot. He explains that this is the chamber where they plan to trap the Gulpin army, once they lure them to the sewage plant first. Suddenly, an alarm starts blaring, and Joy notices on the radar screen that this is the moment they have been waiting for to begin to execute the plan; the Gulpin army are in close proximity to the center!
They rush outside, get their vehicles and Pokeballs ready, and patiently wait for them to arrive. Suddenly, they hear a rumbling sound of the Gulpin army, so Shakujii rushes into his tank-like vehicle and fires a homing missile as they approach. It does a few twists and turns, and when it finally reaches then, it comes apart, and it turns out to not be a missile—but a stack of giant PokeBlocks inside the missile! He then walks out with a small remote, and explains that he’s going to use it as bait to lure them. As they lunge at it, he pushes a green button, and a propeller appears at the top. Then it starts to spin, and the stack begins to fly in the air, as they planned, towards the sewage plant! A few Gulpin manage to cling for a second, but they fall off, and begin to chase it with the rest of the army.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a hand appears and snatches the PokeBlock stack! And yes, it is J&J from the old balloon :rolleyes:. As they quarrel a bit to give it back, luckily the Gulpin want it back badly too, so they attack with Sludge, knocking the balloon down and drenching them. As they threaten to take the PokeBlocks away, the Gulpin get really angry and start to glow purple! Shakujii then realizes what they’re doing, and explains that this is their Stockpile technique, which they’re using to build energy… and then they fire bright purple beams, which he explains is their Spit Up attack, which it stored energy for with Stockpile. TR blast off, and Brock barely manages to catch the giant PokeBlock pack.
Shakujii sure was impressed with that combination, but unfortunately now they have to face them. Jenny then grabs three Pokeballs, and sends out Tangela, a Meganium, and a Parasect, and has them attack with a combination of Tangela’s Vine Whip, Meganium’s Razor Leaf, and Parasect’s Stun Spore. They all work pretty well, except Max is confused since Grass type attacks are meant to be weak against Poison type Pokemon. However, since the other three worked, Ash sends out Treecko anyway, and has it counter their Sludge attack with a Bullet Seed. Shakujii then presses the green button once again, and Brock feels sudden warmth and lets go of the PokeBlock jet pack. In a matter of seconds, it zooms away, over the river and towards the sewage plant, as the Gulpin quickly swim after it, too fast for the crew to keep up, so they head back to the center to view the radar.
Later that evening, J&J walk through the woods, when they suddenly notice a stick, which happens to be the core of the PokeBlock stack… that the Gulpin have eaten! A few seconds later, they see the Gulpin army in the distance, heading towards the city again… Since they’re starving, they figure they would lead them to some food, so they decide to follow!
Later at night, once all the city lights go out, they monitor the Gulpin on the radar, and notice that they finally reached the sewage plant! It’s only a matter of time before they reach the trap chamber…
As they near it, Jenny passes the message, so Joy pushes some buttons and shuts some openings. However, they then realize that on the way they would pass some manhole, which could be an escape! After much frustration, they agree that while Joy and Shakujii monitor the radar inside, Jenny and the rest of them will go outside to watch in case they escape.
As expected, they do in fact escape from the manhole, but Jenny has her three Pokemon ready. Just like before, she has the same three Pokemon use Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, and Sun Spore, while Ash uses Pikachu’s Thunderbolt, and it all affects them just as good. However, there are too many, and that just won’t cut it. Suddenly, they hear a horn, and its Shakujii pulling up in his truck and tank! He obviously saw what happened through the radar, so he hurried over to help them. As he pushes a button, two dishes pop out from the tank, followed by a huge cannon. Another lever is pulled, and the two dishes spark out a purple energy beam, and abduct a handful of Gulpin! Minutes later, a Gulpin appears on the screen inside the vehicle, and he pushes another button, which fires them one by one from the cannon, off into the distance! Everyone watches, impressed, as he keeps doing this to the rest of them, and he’s ready to abduct the last one remaining Gulpin, but as he pulls the lever—the power freezes, and the machine fizzles! One Gulpin isn’t much of a threat though, right? Ash sure thinks so, so while Shakujii desperately tries to find out what’s wrong, Ash sends out Treecko to battle it. Gulpin uses Sludge, which Treecko counters with Bullet Seed. Then, as Treecko heads in for a Pound, Shakujii finally gets the machine fixed… but unaware of what’s going on, he pulls the lever, and it abducts both Treecko AND Gulpin! Inside the tank, they appear together on the screen, and still appear to be bickering, since Shakujii notices Gulpin glow purple and fire an energy beam, that being Stockpile/Spit Up. Outside, Ash desperately knocks on the engine, and Shakujii gets the message and understands that he doesn’t want Treecko blasted as well. He searches around for a way to release them safely, but unfortunately it’s unsafe to leave them in there like that, because a few minutes later, the machine heats up, and explodes! Slowly, the smoke clears…
Luckily, Shakujii climbs out safely, having survived the blast. But Treecko and Gulpin are nowhere to be found. However, few seconds later, two purple dots of energy rise from the rubble, and start to grow—a little too big, though! They’re practically the height of a skyscraper, and pretty much Godzilla rip-offs! Everyone watches as they prepare for a great fight…
First off, Ash borrows Jenny’s mike and yells for Treecko to stay away from the buildings and not damage a single one. Unfortunately Gulpin is wild, and they have no control over it, so they can only hope. But they’re in an alley anyways, and people run away before they start. Gulpin and Treecko start by simple wrestling, but Gulpin is strong and manages to push Treecko. However, before Treecko hits anything, Treecko grabs Gulpin, lifts it up, and hurls it at a building cause it (and the building) some damage. Gulpin then uses the first attack, Sludge, which knocks Treecko back, as well as deal the town some damage. Ash then notices that they’re near the mixing basin, so he has an idea to save the town. Grabbing the mike, he commands Treecko to throw Gulpin into the water, and then run there and finish the battle there. As it does so, and Gulpin gets hurled into the water, its starts to glow purple while in the air, Stockpiling again…
Apparently it did this not to harm Treecko yet, but to Spit Up at a passing J&J in the woods, and successfully blast them off. Back in the water-field, Treecko rushes there, and gets knocked aside by Gulpin once again. Everyone cheers Treecko on, while Gulpin uses another Stockpile/Spit Up combo. Treecko dodges the beam, starts glowing white—and shrinks back to normal size, landing back on the dock with Ash and co. Ash thanks it for putting up a good fight, and Joy realizes that it was tired and out of energy, so that’s why it shrunk.
But they still have a powerful enormous Gulpin to deal with, and it’s certainly not out of energy. Even worse, now that Treecko shrunk, they practically have nothing that could stand a chance against it. May then notices Ash looking through his Pokeballs, thinking of what to use, and gets an idea. Hopefully someone can capture it in a Pokeball, so she tells Shakujii to give it a try. As he tosses the Pokeball, it sucks it in for a second, but the Pokeball is no match for it, since it escapes less than a second later. Luckily, Joy manages to have a spare Heavy Ball on her hands, so she gives it to Shakujii. He hurls it at Gulpin, and waits a few seconds… and successfully captures it!
Everyone cheers for him, but then they’re a bit concerned about it’s size. He throws the Pokeball to test it out, and it’s size is the same. They all welcome it, except Jenny, who angrily yells for him to return it and never let it out in public again until it’s back to its normal size. He then explains that he doesn’t plan to drain any energy, but instead keep it the size it’s at and study it in his lab a bit. They all wish him luck and congratulate him on discovering this new bug, and then head off once more on their way to Petalburg City!


Chris 2.1
29th February 2004, 05:50 AM
Great summary! I wonder if we ever hear more on The gigantic Gulpin....hmm, Stockpile, Swallow and Spit up (are they right?) are pretty kool attacks, and I'm strangely fond of Hulpin now.....

Seems Treecko is fatigued. Uh-oh....:rolleyes:

1st March 2004, 02:20 AM
Thank god James didn't capture Gulpin. What a relief!