View Full Version : Dragon Ball TCG Topic (Focused GT)

Master Rudy
6th March 2004, 12:08 AM
Seeing that GT has recently released I figured it would be best to keep it in it's own topic. Despite the rules between Z and GT being the same for the most part the game does change a bit depending on if your playing focused or expanded. Therefore the original DBZ topic I made is now for Z Focused and this topic is going to be for GT Focused. In the future if I need a topic for Expanded Z/GT then I'll make a topic for that provided the TCG mods have no problems with that.

To start out with I'll do what I usually do with each new set and review some of the personalities. First I'll take a look at Pan's starter set and then review several hero allies in GT.

NOTE-Since each starter character has three High Techs that require the new backer cards I'm not going to bother with those. Unlike Z HT's these new cards can be customized. Anyone that's already played GT should know what I'm talking about.

Pan (Level 1)
Max PL-1.2 million
Min PL-750K
Power- Energy attack doing 10 life cards of damage. Costs 3 PS to perform. Until the end of your next turn, if your opponent advances a personality level and Pan is your MP, Pan may advance a level.

With her PL's and PUR I can see Pan becoming the Krillin of GT. Pan's main weakness lies in that fact that she can take a beating from stronger characters such as Goku and Baby. The good thing about this power is the fact that it gives your opponent a tough choice if your somehow able to hit them for a full ten (easier said than done due to GT's massive amount of endurance). If your opponent goes up a level it gives Pan a chance to level as well. When you consider two and three are geared towards searching for DB's that could potentally be bad for her opponent. Overall a decent level. Just watch out for strong physical decks.

Pan, the Youthful (Level 2)
Max PL-1.95 million
Min-1.2 million
Constant Combat Power-Once per combat, when 1 of your attacks successfully deals at least 5 life cards of damage, you may search your life deck for a Dragon Ball and play it when you use your "If successful" effects, if any.
While this is a decent level I personally don't like it as much as her level 3. It's main weakness is the fact that you've got to do 5 LC for that power to take effect. In GT it's not as easy to do 5 LC as it was in Z. With a massive amount of blocking and endurance it makes it a little on the hard side to pull off this power. On the bright side if your deck runs Black Star DB's in Expanded this could give you a great advantage depending on the current situation.

Pan, the Young Saiyan (Level 3)
Max PL-2.9 million
Min PL-1.4 million
Constant Combat Power-All of your energy attacks do +3 life cards of damage. Once per combat, when 1 of your attacks is successful you may search your life deck for a Dragon Ball and play it when you use your "If successful" effects, if any.
Much better than the level 2 in the fact that the attack only has to be successful. Considering the new blue is heavy on prevention rather than blocking that means that it would be at a severe disadvantage if your running DB with Pan. The PUR on this card is also great since it can fully power up a Pan running a TW deck within two turns. The +3 on all energies also helps her out and could be rather nasty if your opponent is a non-TW. PL's are a bit of a problem but it's to be expected with Pan.

Overall I think Pan is a decent character. Granted she's not the best choice for physical beatdown decks but if your running energy or DB then she seems to be the best pick for the heroes. Now here's a look at some of GT's allies. Unlike Pan I'll give two ratings on these. One for GT alone and the other for Expanded

Videl (level 1)
Max PL-37K
Min PL-22K
Power-Physical attack doing 6 power stages of damage. Discard a drill in play.
If there's one thing I've noticed in GT it's the fact that it's got a severe lack of cards that discard or remove drills. Videl can take care of that fairly well since her power can discard any drill in play. Just watch out if your playing against Baby. Those that have played Z will remember that Babidi had the power to turn any ally Majin. Like Babidi before him Baby's got the power to corrupt your allies. While her power levels aren't strong she can be damaging if your running a large number of drills or have a deck that needs them. As for Expanded this level is great IMO. If you don't plan on having Videl get off level 1 then it's got a fairly decent advantage over her Z cards for this level due to the fact that GT characters can take more of a beating than Z (16 PL's on a card opposed to 10-12)
GT Rating-8/10
Expanded Rating-8/10

Bra/Bulla (level 1)
Max PL-16
Min PL-1
Power-If you have Vegeta or Bulma in play draw a card and discard the top 2 cards of your opponent's life deck.
I actually find the PL's amusing due to the fact that PL's in the card game are sometimes greatly exaggrated on the weaker characters. This is one of the few cases where they might actually be right. Anyway as an ally in GT I'm not too sure about Bra. First off you need Vegeta or Bulma in play just to be able to use her power which kinda hurts. Lose Vegeta/Bulma and you've got an ally that can't do much more than absorb damage. However in Expanded I wouldn't be too surprised to her her in decks that run Vegeta or Bulma as MP's.
GT Rating-3/10
Expanded-7/10 as an ally for Vegeta or Bulma

Goten (level 1)
Max PL-2.05 million
Power-Physical attack doing +2 power stages for each Non-combat card you have in play.
I find it a little strange that Goten is stronger than Trunks in GT. Anyway this has potental to be rather nasty. Both blue and orange seem to be heavy on non-combats in GT therefore making Goten a fairly decent ally. As for Expanded play I would not be surprised to see this Goten being used as a level 1 mixed with Chibi Goten from Z. The reason can be summed up in four words: Buu Saga Freestyle Mastery
GT Rating-7/10

That's gonna do it for my first look at GT. In the next review I'm going to take a look at some of GT's villians. Until then feel free to post a GT deck or your own ratings and opinions on cards ^_~

Master Rudy
23rd March 2004, 03:09 PM
After a bit of a wait I'm going going to start the villains of with Dr. Myuu

Dr. Myuu (All Levels)
Max-1.4 million

Level 1
Power-Discard the top two cards of your opponent's life deck. If any setups or DB's are discarded play them under your control.
One thing you'll quickly notice about Myuu is the fact that he's the Gero of GT. His PL's never change and he's kinda focused on setups and drills. As a result he's a bit of an ally character as well as the perfect choice for blue or orange IMO. For a level 1 this isn't too bad. Your opponent discards two LC instead of taking damage and the mentioned cards go under your control if they lose any of those. Pretty decent I think.

Level 2
Power-Stop any attack Reveal the top 2 cards of your LD. Any NC's revealed in this way are played. Otherwise put them back in the same order.
A bit better than the level 1 I think. Since GT allows you to look at the top six card before drawing three than means your able to put any NC's you may want on top. Plus since GT focused does not have focused attacks that means Myuu can stop any attack.

Level 3
Power-Your opponent discards 1 card from his LD for each NC you have in play.
OUCH! THis has potental to be very brutal. Since it's not an attack it can't be prevented or stopped by blocks or endurance. Easily his best level. Just watch your PL since Myuu never breaks 1.4 million ^_~

If I had time I'd cover allies. Next time I'll go ahead and do another hero and then flip back and forth between heroes and villains until I've covered everyone. At that point I'll do level 4's and then the UR's if I get that far ^_~

23rd March 2004, 03:28 PM
yeah, that sounds about right.