View Full Version : Dubs suck!

10th March 2004, 01:29 PM
I can't stand the yugioh dub, it sucks. First of all, they play out the Shadow Realm. Can't they get rid of that? I want to see some buzzsaws cutting off people's legs, not some dark energy discs. Who's with me.:mad:

10th March 2004, 01:51 PM

A) Yu-Gi-Oh sucks. There is nothing inherently cool or empowering about a card game.

B) The script sucks. American voice actors > Japanese voice actors. The writers are just idiots.

C) The FCC sucks. Regulations, yo.

D) Subs suck. When done well, a dub will be infinitely better than having to listen to static with text at the bottom.

E) You suck. But anyone reading your post should be able to figure that out.

10th March 2004, 02:11 PM
Okay, kids, this is getting closed. There are some good dubs and some bad ones, and while it's very sad they won't show gory anime bits on TV, rent or buy the movie rather than whine.