View Full Version : He is called "The clone"

25th January 2003, 11:27 PM
wile I get over my writters block of the baby mew storythis brain storm came . .what if Lance the elite four master found out about mewtwo? what if Lance had a little girl? and what would happen if I write such a story and make the chapters short? would people read this? would people be so kind as to post and say they like it? WILL YOU? *falls over* I guess I we well have to see.

I don't like posting these chapters if no one reads and says they like them cuz it makes me feel stupid for posting them. . .I'm giving this a shot and maybe I will get my mind going again . .

They call him "the clone"

a mewtwo story

by Michelle/Mew-girl

He opened its eyes but could see nothing but darkness, for the last week that’s all he could see. No food no water. Nothing just this darkness

‘If only’ He thought. He trade to move his bonds but they only tightened. His arms legs neck tail wrapped up in strange wires. His ankle had a band around it holding back his power. A door opened, He closed the eyes the bright light blinding him.


I woman walked down the hall. Long blond hair and an umbreon at her side rubbing at her legs, She walked into a big hall and at the end of the hall sat a man. Red spiked hair and a black cape.

“Lance” Said the woman.

“Karen” He said to her.

“The clone” she started but lance cut her off.

”The clone is no longer my trouble” He spat out.

“Lance it is still a pokemon. You can not keep it locked away like this” She said anger tacking over.

“It is dangerous Karen I am doing what muss be done” He said.

“The pokemon did nothing. Started a storm, it saw it wrong and changed its ways” She said glaring at him. He stood up.

“What if it goes mad? What if it can’t control its power? What if it no longer cares?” He said to her. “No I am not tacking that chance,” Lance growled. He turned around and left the room, leaving Karen staring at his chair, She sighed deeply and left her self.

<Who is there? > He asked looking around.

“I’m Lee,” said a young girls voice. She walked out of the shadows; She had bright red hair that went down to her shoulders. Dark green eyes, her hair was frizzy. She looked about 13 years of age.

<What is it you want human> Said the dark voice.

“I want to help, Mewtwo” said the girl, She walked a little close

<What could a girl do? I have been ripped from my island. Taking yet I did nothing. I did not want to fight; I no longer wanted to hurt humans or pokemon a like. Locked away to never see the sun again. What could you do?” Mewtwo growled, pulling on his bonds making them tighten hard, He closed his eyes. They were too tight he was not getting blood to his hands and legs.

“Oh don’t do that. My friend made those, they can get pretty tight” She said, her high little voice.

<Friend? So your one of the leagues little pets are you? > Mewtwo said glaring at the girl who stood in front of him.

She looked down at her feet. “I-“ she started.

“LEE WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE” Yelled a male’s voice.

“Oh no Will” She said turning around and run to the door. “I will come back,” She whispered. Before closing the door and the darkness came back. Mewtwo closed his eyes, some how his bonds had lightened and he could feel the blood rushing into his hands and feet. He sighed, falling back into the black sleep.


“Lee, you can not just go wherever you want” scolded her father, Lance the leader of the elite four. She closed her eyes is shame. She never liked going against her father, a high man. She wanted to make him proud. Her little dretini wrapped around her legs cuddling her master.

“Father I am sorry. He did not seem so bad thou. I mean he seemed more alone the evil,” Lee said patting her pokemon. Lance only glared at her. Will stood in the background. He really did not like seeing the little one being punished but he did not want her to get hurt.

“You have lots of learn. You can go now,” He said turning around and living. Lee walked out of the room ignoring Will’s sorrow look and walked down the halls tell she made it to the back door. Opening the door showed a field five houses sat out there she walked down the small dirt road and came to the big blue one. Memories of when she was a little girl playing with her father came into her mind. So far all she ever knew she has lived in this house ever since her father became the first of the elite four and worked his way up to where he is now. She walked into the house unlocked as oh ways. She went strait up the steps and into her room. A normal size room with a one-person bed in the corner, the walls painted blue. Posters of legendry pokemon hinged on the wall. She looked up at her fav. A mew. A pokemon she would have given the world to see. She loved the eyes and the pink fur. She sat down on her bed and looked on her desk. All her artwork and schoolwork sat on it. She picked up a file and opened it. It was all the data she knew about Mewtwo. She had grown attached to the pokemon ever since she knew about it. A mew in its own way. Free from this world and alone. And is now her fathers prisoner and alone. She wanted to help him. Wanted her father to see his wrong. But she knew that he would never change his mind. Bubbles got onto her bed. Bubbles was her Dritini. An Eevee was sleeping by the door and her vulpix playing with a ball.

“Bubbles, blazer, Angel. We have to help Mewtwo” Lee said looking out her window and glaring at the top floor of the HQ. All she wanted was to stop her father. All she wanted was to be free.

Chapter two: a girl’s got to do what a girl got to do!

Shadowed Mewtwo
26th January 2003, 06:44 AM
*scans the fanfic forums*
*notices the word "clone" in one of the titles*

GASP! A Mewtwo fic! *reads it*

Pretty good! ^-^ I love Mewtwo fics! There aren't enough around here! You have several sentence fragments, and places where you could put two sentences together to make it less choppy, but I don't mind the technical details as much as some people. ;) I like the plot! And this one is quite original... Poor Mewtwo! Poor misunderstood half-human power-packed Pokemon! I love Mewtwo in every way... It's sad to see him suffer... Write more!

26th January 2003, 07:54 AM
*cocks a brow at Shadowed Mewtwo* Why am I not suprised to see you around?

Anyways, I like this story so far. I think that if you read through what you write, you'll be able to catch the little goofs. The concept is preaty good, though. I hope it doesn't take too long for another chapter.

26th January 2003, 09:00 AM
what is funny . .after I posted it. I read it and I saw all the mess ups. but . .I was too lazy to change them. Hey it was late -_-';; any how I will double check chapter two if I ever get it done.

*having trouble with who to add to the cast and more plot*