View Full Version : EP. # 348 Tag Battle! Ash vs. May!

have a stammer
9th April 2004, 03:14 PM
Well there is alot going on for such a small clip. And with the release of the New Opening and the tiles for the next 2 episodes excitement has been built for the possibilities, but let us not forget the episode that proceeds those as this episode does look rather good.

The clip starts off with Ash and May arguing, who are then interrupted by a man and a woman wearing a solider uniform and a southern belle get up (not Jessie and James) It then shows a Nidoking and a Nidoqueen side by side unleashing some sort of punch attack in unison. Then it appears a battle is on against these flamboyant strangers as Ash uses Corphish and May using Skitty. Skitty uses what looks like ember (assist from torchic) but the ember hits Corphish! Corphish leaps up burned as Ash yells at the shocked May. Next the two strangers are shown face to face commanding an attack, followed by Jessie and James showing there a team by interlocking there arm with one another. This is followed by both Nidoqueen and Nidoking unleashing hyberbeams. But apparently the teamwork does not last long for Team Rocket as next we see Jessie and James arguing, in the background we see that seviper is wrapped around cacnea for some reason. Because of their fight it appears that Team Rocket rather work with the enemy, as Jessie grabs May's arm and James teams up with Ash. What happens next is the battle of the sexes as former friends turn on each other and look to there enemies as teammates. At this Meowth, Brock, and Max look on at the thick headiness of there friends with doubt. We then come to the battle shots as Skitty who is up first unleashes a projectile attack, Corphish uses bubblebeam, Seviper using Poison tail, and Cacnea using pin missile. The clip starts to come to it's end with the fighters and there pokemon running from what looks like a pin missile, I guess cacnea was off. Followed the odd ending with Max, Pikachu, and Meowth sitting on a rock, then running off as Brock and Wobbuffet are sent flying over the rock the 3 were sitting on and into a wall.

Well, a lot happened and my poor writing is very obvious as I struggled along to explain the clip. Anyway on to my thoughts. It should be interesting to see how the battle goes with Ash and James vs. May and Jessie, although I am positive the working together wont last long, in fact it seems it'll be a very short partnership. Team Rocket will try to steal pikachu and that will bring Ash and May back together so they can blast the rockets off, or the Ash and May will see how foolish there fight was and make up ... by blasting the rockets off. Im sure the sight of a long haired temperamental woman, a weak man, a talking cat, and a blue blob sailing off into the horizon would be enough to end any fight and cause anyone to make up. The flamboyant strangers seem to stay around just long enough to get Ash and May at each others throat, to bad Because I really like the Nido royalty. All in all should be fun. So say what you will, just make sure to stammer.



9th April 2004, 11:49 PM
Haruka and Satoshi arguing again?! Musashi and Kojirou teaming up with Haruka and Satoshi to beat the "Team Nido Royalty"?! Man, Hell has officially frozen over. :lol:

10th April 2004, 12:16 AM
Heh, I've wondered for YEARS if they will have a Jessie VS James battle, given that pratically all the twerps have battled each other. And this reminds a bit of Forest Grumps, eh?

Have a Stammer pretty much summed up what is said in the teaser text, plus more. Just one irrelevant thing I'll add: This takes place in Katekin Town, a city near Fortree where they're headed now.
