View Full Version : Three Quick Questions

Sir Gluggo
5th May 2004, 06:10 PM
1. Is there any penalty in trading pokemon to another game to get the 1.5 exp?

2. If you have Battle style set to "Shift," will it say "Whoever is about to use whatever, would you like to change Pokemon" in link battles?

3. Can Wonder Guard be Skill Swapped/Role Played/Traced? I've heard people saying it can, and people saying it can't. Which is it?


5th May 2004, 06:35 PM
I can answer 2 and 3.

No, it's like Battle Tower.

-- ShockingAlberto

5th May 2004, 07:02 PM
1. Is there any penalty in trading pokemon to another game to get the 1.5 exp?

There are two penalties. First off, traded pokémon, which the game occasionally refers to as "outsiders", are more likely to disobey you than your own caught pokémon if you don't have enough badges to control pokémon of their level; some people say only outsiders can disobey you. I'm not sure. Second, since these pokémon do get half-again EXP, they raise levels faster, which, aside from making them possibly disobey you earlier, means they don't get as many Effort Points per levelup. That means their stats will be slightly less because they aren't as far along in Effort Value building. This penalty goes away eventually, though, since all pokémon have a roof on building EVs. Traded pokémon just take longer to hit it is all.

2. If you have Battle style set to "Shift," will it say "Whoever is about to use whatever, would you like to change Pokemon" in link battles?

As ShockingAlberto said, the answer is no.

3. Can Wonder Guard be Skill Swapped/Role Played/Traced? I've heard people saying it can, and people saying it can't. Which is it?

The concensus around here appears to be that it cannot be Skill Swapped or Role Played, but can be Traced.