View Full Version : Service of the Queen

Blackjack Gabbiani
9th May 2004, 04:48 AM
Daddy thinks they're gone.

Daddy doesn't know.

I look out the window and remember how nice this town looked in crystal, and there is an obedient squeak behind me.

The Unown are here again. They never left me.

Teddiursa looks at me. He knows. He's always known.

I can see myself as a queen on a throne, with a crystal castle of my own, and my faithful army of Unown. A grand tapestry of Entei behind me, and my parents gone.

I wanted them back. I was naive then.

The gardens are covered in crystal. Greenfield will be mine.

9th May 2004, 05:49 AM
Now THAT'S a big change from the movie! She was so desperate to get her parents back then... so, what, has she turned 13? ;)

Very short, very unique, very intense - sort of. It kinda has a cliffhanger that will never be resolved, so I guess that makes it intense... does it? :nut:

Blackjack Gabbiani
9th May 2004, 12:22 PM
Say, does anyone here know how to do the double dots over the i in "naive"?

And someday I may write more. Someday. Don't hold your breath.

Although I've done more along this line, I haven't continued the story any, so...

10th May 2004, 10:58 AM
If you type it in Microsoft Word, the program should automatically insert the special characters for you. If not, you can just copy an paste it from this: naïve.

Hope that helps, and I hope you continue the storyline! It's certainly a promising idea! *inhales deeply* Please! For my sake! *closes mouth and nose...*

Blackjack Gabbiani
10th May 2004, 03:21 PM
I can wait...

*waits until mr_pikachu turns purple and passes out*

As I've said, I've done more along these lines (with Molly rediscovering her powers), but they're all pretty much the same. Although in one, she has fire powers like Entei...

15th May 2004, 09:22 PM

I swear, this is the definition of "short and sweet". I don't really think you should continue it, it's wonderful this way. I think new chapters would spoil it, it's so... deep...

Few words with a big image. Wonderful job on writing such a short piece of awesomeness.

Blackjack Gabbiani
17th May 2004, 02:07 AM
Aww, why thank you! *blush*