View Full Version : Crossover chapters: are they good in fic?

30th January 2003, 03:40 PM
After reading the EBTV and Lisa the Legend crossover, I was wondering if crossover chapters with other fics are good, this due to the fic that I'm planning to do crossover chapters with Skullfire's the Lannia League and my fic The Industrial League which will come much later in the fic, so what do you think.
post your views here.

Chris 2.1
5th February 2003, 11:43 AM
its really up to you snd Skullfire to be fair. However, a lot of people have seen crossover fics done by two of T.H.E B.E.S.T aurthors on these boards (turns ***-kissing mode off) and well, people may not have as much interest in another c/o.

Put simply, Gavin and Andrew had an amazing sucess rate, basically because it was such an amazing idea; two fanfics crossing! However, i think the same enthusiasm may miss another c/o, so be careful.

8th February 2003, 12:31 AM
I don't mind crossovers, just as long as they don't alter their own respective stories

Lady Vulpix
10th February 2003, 01:52 PM
I like crossovers if both fics (or stories in general) are somehow related. If the crossovers are evidently forced and artificial, then no. But if the stories tame place in the same world (or travelling between worlds is to be expected in them) and there's a logical reason for their characters to cross their paths, go ahead!

16th February 2003, 03:15 AM
As Gabi said, crossovers are fine. Just as long as they aren't forced. If they are then I guess you can just go eugh to them.


Darien Shields
16th February 2003, 07:50 PM
'Course it depends if people like your fic in the first place doesn't it? And the same is true of whoever you're crossing over with... Careful not to pull an Angel and end up having events happenning in one Fic but not the other.... To be extreme, after your crossover (Still the fics are in the same world) a Meteor hits the earth in one, but it's not ever mentionned in the other. That would be bad.