View Full Version : Ferion: The Story Of Legends: Sign ups

Crystal Tears
5th June 2004, 06:28 PM
In the distant past, on a far off planet a civilization stared up at the sky, eyes wide with anticipation. The pride of their planet was ready to fly. After millennia of bloodshed, peace had finally come to the planet of Ferion. That peace led to the creation of Ferion 1, a rocket powered colony ship, crewed by the best and brightest the Ferion could muster. Days rolled by as the launch preparations were completed. On the first day of the Ferion New Year the ship's crew boarded Ferion 1, and the countdown was initiated.


With a thunderous roar, the Ferion 1 slowly began to move. As it picked up speed, several powerful boosters helped it rocket out of the atmosphere and away from the gravity of Ferion. Months flowed away until eventually the ship reached a lush planet, the fourth planet of the Ferion solar system. The crew came out of cold sleep, and put down on the planet. Thus began the rise of the Ferion. Slowly, the Ferion Empire's technology advanced. Over two hundred years had passed since the launch of Ferion-1. As they rapidly expanded with their highly touted warp engine, they met countless other species. However, none were anywhere near as advanced. Most were still using rockets to move about, but a few had harnessed nuclear energy. Despite their technological shortcomings, these upstart empires insisted on fighting the Ferion. None stood a chance. All were annihilated. System after system fell to the Ferion. It seemed as if there was not a civilization in existence that could stand against the Ferion.

Meanwhile, during the period known as the Great Exploration, A renegade scientist came up with a revolutionary technology. He created a means, by which the size of a planet could be increased, eventually leading to the creation of a ringworld. Though the technology was far from perfection, the ringworld procedure was attempted on a system deep within the Ferion Empire. It was a stunning success. Afterwards, throughout the empire, the Ferion were reforming their solar systems.

Time continued to pass. Eventually, the Ferion were in possession of the most powerful, largest empire ever to exist. They controlled their entire galaxy. With their trademark weapon, the Ferionizer, they subdued and took over all that stood before them. The Ferion Empire felt invincible. Nevertheless, the hard-earned peace was to come crashing down.

In a nearby galaxy, a rival empire arose about the same time. The Karians were a ruthless race, bent on galactic domination. When rumors of the Ferion Empire reached them, Their leader dispatched a diplomatic envoy to meet the Ferion. In an instance of cruel trickery, the Envoy was led to the Home System to meet with the Ferion Emperor. That is when the Karians struck. They opened fire without warning, obliterating hundreds of ships, including the Ferion-1, then an orbiting museum. The treacherous attack left the Ferion Empire seething. A brief war ensued, but the development of new weapons by the Ferion Empire and Karians alike led to an uneasy armistice. For a century, the empires stood, unblinking, waiting for the other to make the first move. In traditional fashion, the Karians took the initiative. Their warships attacked a hospital district, causing the sun to go nova, shattering the surrounding ringworld. Over 500,000,000 people were killed, the majority of them non-combatants. With revenge in their hearts, the Ferion Empire struck back. They mercilessly destroyed several Karian systems, and wiped out hundreds of Karian ships. So began a war that would rage for centuries.Many battles were fought in the void between the two galaxies. Millions of souls met their end in those battles. There was never a day when the bordered were the same as the day before. Battles raged for weeks straight. Some days, several wings of Ferion Battleships would smash into the Karian perimeter. The following day, the Ferion incursion would be flanked and crushed by Karian warships. The war was going nowhere fast. Ferion public opinion was waning. The Ferion R&D teams worked fanatically to develop a new weapon that would return the momentum to the Ferion. Their development was a series of brand new ship technologies.

Two ships were equipped with these weapons as test beds. The FX-alpha and FX- Beta were equipped with the newly produced Traveler, Protector, and Annihilator. Tests on the experimental ships commenced immediately. At the same time, the war began to escalate. A Karian raiding party slipped undetected into Ferion territory. They cut a swath of terror through the heart of the Ferion Empire. Using genetically engineered plagues; they killed the populations on five ringworlds before the Ferion fleet was able to intercept them. As the raiders were killed off one by one, the lead ship escaped in the chaos. Behind the Ferion fleet, he found the FX-Beta dead in space. Unstable weapons energy manifolds had disabled the primary power systems; and while the Beta's crew struggled to get main power back online, the raiders boarded.

Fierce deck to deck fighting ensued, but the poorly armed but gallant scientists and security officers were no match for the Karian soldiers. As the fighting began to tail off, the Beta's automatic systems repair had finished rerouting power. All main systems came back online, and the Beta's powerful energy core hummed. FX-Beta, this is command. Drop shields and disengage weapons. The battle is over. Command ordered.Sir, we are getting no response from the Beta, the communications officer. Scan her. Make sure nothing's wrong. The captain ordered. Aye sir, the sensor operator said. As she worked her systems, her face twisted in disgust. Sir, the Beta reads no Ferion life signs! However, there are approximately 300 Karian life signs on board! Sir, they are targeting weapons! I suggest we get out of here! she said desperately.Get out of here now! the captain ordered over all comm. frequencies. The Ferion battleship broke hard right. The rest of the fleet scattered. Despite their efforts, several Ferion warships were smashed into nothing. Despite its massive size, the FX-Beta swung around effortlessly and trained her annihilator on the flagship of the shattered fleet. In a blinding flash, a crimson beam of energy stabbed out from the Beta's weapons. Moments later, the flagship's shields fell, and the core went critical. When the violent explosion cleared, there was no trace of the Ferion warship. Knowing full well that he could not hold out against a massively dedicated attack, he broke for Karian lines at full speed. Using his incredible speed, he was able to return to friendly space. For years to come, ships equipped similarly to the FX series would fight savage battles. The Karians called them Reapers, but they were essentially the same as what the Ferion Empire was fielding. Again, after roughly fifty years of static fighting, the war was screaming for a new weapon. Both sides had one in mind. The Karians had an ultra-deadly virus that they were going to release throughout the Ferion empire, and the Ferion had N/S warheads. These Nova/Singularity warheads were terribly deadly. When fired at a star or black hole. They caused a chain reaction that destroyed everything within a hundred light year radius. Their only drawback was their speed. When disguised as a simple asteroid, they had to move like one. In a daring move, a fleet over 10,000 Ferion warships planted the asteroids under the guise of a massive invasion. Despite the fact that the Ferion were repelled, they accomplished their mission. Back on the Ferion homeworld, the emperor pushed a series of buttons. This act sent into motion the most destructive attack ever conceived. In twenty-five years time, the Karian Empire would be reduced to a collection of ruined rocks. Time passed, and the Karians suspected nothing.

A different generation would see the horrific results of the N/S warheads. Within a matter of days, thousands of stars were annihilated, along with virtually everything in the rest of the galaxy. Despite the absolute destruction, the battered Karians continued to fight. The Ferion realized that to defeat the Karians, they would need to wipe out every single Karian. On an outlying ringworld, four FX hulls were combined. That massive shell was slowly converted into a titanic N/S bomb. The massive bomb was flown directly into the black hole that formed the center of the Karian spiral galaxy. When the bomb arrived, it was directed to the event horizon remotely. The sudden graviton pressure set the weapon off. In its aftermath, the Karian galaxy was gone. All traces of the galaxy were wiped out.Joyous celebrations occurred on every planet in the Ferion Empire. A great peace followed. However, the centuries long war instilled in the Ferion a primal bloodlust. It was because of this bloodlust that peace was unable to take root. Soon after the war ended, several militant factions revolted. They were put down without much effort, but dissent and violence among the Ferion was rising fast. Despite the best efforts of the Ferion military, and the civil security corps, hundreds of small militia groups terrorized the population, and several prominent warlords called for another period of expansion. They were not looking for more land, but a new, more powerful enemy. The Ferion had tasted blood, and they liked it. Now they wanted more.

You Are Part of a Rebellion Group called "Diablo's Halo." As it said before, you want a more powerful enemy, lead but the nortorious Halo. You are now on a insane mission to escape from Ferion Space, and find that enemy your looking for.
I wish all you men and women goodluck..
Your gonna need it...

color=red] RATED: M For Mature
Contains harsh langauge and Violent scenes. Not Suitable for all RPGers.[/color]

Combat code:
A - Excellent
B - Rather Good
C - needs improvement
D - Not trained
Ranks: (choose one)

Leader (1 only, Nickname has to Contain "Halo" in it)
Rules over all Diablo's Halo, what he/she says goes, is trained in all weapons and vechicles.
Psi weapons - B
Blade Dwelling - A
Assault - B
Snipe - B
Air - B
Ground - A
HeadHunter (4 only)
Very good with psi weapons, or weapons having to do with blades. Has limited training in Sniping and Assault Weapons.
Psi Weapons - A
Blade Dwelling - A
Assault - C
Snipe - C
Air - D
Ground - D
Sniper (2 only)
Steathy and very deadly, Snipers are also training in Psi Technology to have close range protection
Psi Weapons - B
Blade Dwelling - C
Assault - C
Snipe - A
Air - D
Ground - D
Grunts (unlimited)
Not well training in anything but Assault weapons, but is able to learn with time
Psi Weapons - D
Blade Dwelling - D
Assault - B to A
Snipe - D
Air - D
Ground - D to C
Ghost (2 only)
Has the rare ability to "Cloak" making him/her self invisble to enemy eyes and a very good spy in cases.
Psi Weapons - B
Blade Dwelling - C
Assault - D
Snipe - A
Air - D
Ground - B
Pilot (4 only)
People who have the dream to fly have been granted it, very good with air, aswell as ground, trained in Assault and Blade Dwelling.
Psi – D
Blade Dwelling – B
Assault – B
Snipe – D
Air – A
Ground – B to C

Medic (3 only/ Special Unit)
The only unit really trained in Medical ability, rather weak in anything else, perfers to hide amongst Tanks and Grunts for support.
Psi – D
Blade Dwelling – D
Assault – C
Snipe – D
Air – D
Ground – C
*Medical* - A+

Land Vechicle Support (4 only)
Trained in every but Sniping, the Land Vechicle Support are dangerous, but weak in anything but Ground Vechicles, they have power and defence, but lack in speed.
Psi – B
Blade Dwelling – C
Assault – A
Snipe – D
Air – C
Ground – A

If you wish for a special rank please pm me.

Please Fill This out:

Weapon(s): (nothing to powerful and base it on what your trained in)

I'll sign up later, and I reserve a Pilot ranking for myself.

Leader: open
1) Resevred for Bamm
2) open
3) open
4) open
1) open
2) open
Grunts: open
1) Resevred For Mystic_Clown
2) open
1) resevred for Crystal Tears
2) open
3) open
4) open
Land Vechicle Support:
1) open
2) open
3) open
4) open
1) open
2) open
3) open

5th June 2004, 10:46 PM
Could I reserve a Head Hunter rank plz?

Bamm ^_^

5th June 2004, 11:37 PM
Save me a ghost will ya?

21st June 2004, 02:52 PM
How can I not sign up for this?

Name: Sam Omaras
Gender: Male
Personality: He's kinda strange. he knows his limits but will stretch them if and when he wants to. He's nice generally but feels very strongly when his best attempts fall short. He's passionate about what he does, he loves to fly almost as much as he loves to fight. He's pretty outgoing but doesn't depend on anyone else to help him out of a situation. generally a team player but has rogue tendencies.
Rank: Pilot
History: TBR
Relationships: CTs char?
Weapon(s): His ship mainly but also a plasma sword
Other: none