View Full Version : PokeRUs Question

Mitch's Bashamo
14th June 2004, 04:51 AM
This morning my Beldum got PokeRUs and I didn't realise until Nurse Joy told me about it. That was the last thing I expected to get. Anyway could someone tell me about the things that happen with this disease?

P.S Does it come into affect after you first recieve it or when Nurse Joy tells you about it because if it does after battle then my EV training is stuffed up!

14th June 2004, 08:44 AM
i don't know EVERYTHING but it does start working if you had a battle before nurse joy told you so when your pokemon had pokerus. basically, doesn't it double the EVs a pokemon gets? and then it lasts for like three days or something and it can spread to your other pokemon, but if you put em in the pc then the rus won't go away until you battle with it alot or somethin

Music Dragon
14th June 2004, 09:19 AM
I hope I'm not too late to tell you, but the Pokerus doubles EV gains. If I were you, I would save it in a box on one of your pokemon so you can infect any Pokemon in need of Effort Points. A Pokemon that has had Pokerus will still get double EVs, but it can't infect others.

14th June 2004, 06:26 PM
Pokérus = good. Doubles Effort points earned for any pokémon who catches it, even after they stop being infectious.

An infectious pokémon will randomly spread the infection to team-mates who are adjacent to them in your team of six. They stop being infectious after about 2 days, unless the pokémon is in a box. Pokérus does not spread in the boxes.