View Full Version : **+= Visions of Night =+** (The Day Ends Now!)

16th June 2004, 12:40 AM
**=+ Visions of Night +=**

The world holds many secrets, the majority of them never will or are never meant to be found out. Humans, for instance, are never supposed to find out what goes 'bump in the night'. They're a fragile race according to all other species, a race with a fragile mind and body that could easily go into a panic if they knew what inhabited their world. Humans must never find out, because if they did then of course a panic would arise. They'd do any rash thing possible to 'rid' themselves of the other creatures in the world who are not what they 'know'. It's a proven theory, shown about how they tried to enslave all others that did not appear as they appeared.

So humans remain dorment to the fact of other creatures living amongst the earth with them. Sure, perhaps a few of them know of the other intelligent species in the world... but only those who hold some sort of intellect, power, or 'part' that would hold some purpose. All other who know about vampires, demonics, or any other creature in the world die before they get a chance to scream. They're just a casualty if anything.

Part of the reason that humans do not know anything else exists besides their labeled, 'animals' is because they are too blind to see the truth. Their eyes are easily decieved, ears easily muffled, mouths easily silenced.

So what exists in the world besides humans?
Anything and everything. Vampires live in our world of course, but don't you dare think of Count Dracula. Vampires easily adapt and change to their time period, and they have to since they're immortal. You could walk down a street at night, and see a perfect blue-eyed, brown hair man with gorgeous complexion and a warm-hearted smile. Then with in an instant, his eyes slit slightly as he changes to his more 'vampiric' form and kills with a blink of an eye. Vampires are crafty, strong, but they aren't all blood thirsty. Sure most of them ARE, since it is in their nature... especially the new vampirics. The old ones however are far more tempered, and some of them are actually 'good'. Vampires do not have souls, and in fact only two in the entire world do. That could be part of the reason most of them are not very 'goody' 'goody'. ^^;

Why stop with Vampires however? Demonical beings are upon the earth, and probably the species with the most variety. Imagine any type of figure, and you can almost guarentee there is a Demonical being that looks like it. The species 'Demonical' covers many different races. Some look like humans and have the power of a Golem, while others look like a huge, massive power-hungery monster and have the temperment of a kitten. Demons have been upon the earth longer then humans could fathom, and at once there was a Demonical Empire that brought pain and evil into the world. However they were over taken, and now many of the past powerful demons now lie dormant in a well, guarded by a few powerful and truth-saying knights. Best not to run into them, if you don't want to get beheaded. Those demons in the well will always remain dormant... usually. ^^

Of course, why stop with demons too? There are SO many different types of species on the earth- Vampire Slayers (yes, they have earned themselves a 'different' species catagory. They arent' human anymore, and you'll agree if you ever get kicked by one.) Sirens, Faeys, Mythological Creatures, Goblins, Ogres, Trolls, and the list goes on and on. Witches exist too, but they don't look like your classical wicked witch of the west. Like all the creatures on the earth that look humanoid, they blend in easily. Their magic is far more powerful as well... unless your a witch under training.

The list of how many species goes on and on... but the greatest thing about the world is that it doesn't stop at our world.

And that's where the problem begins...

There is more then our world. Didn't you know that? There are other dimensions, with different creatures and some creatures that are the same. They are sealed away from each other, so that their realities and ours do not intermix. If such a thing occured, chaos would ensue. Humans would find out there is more then just what they believe in, and a panic would ensue. Countless slaughterings... and horrible creatures never imagined would reign and try to take over the earth.

A while ago, some one tried to open the seal between dimensions. It was a Goddess, and she was sent to our dimension as punishment. In a desperate attempt, she tried to open the seals of dimensions to get back to her own... but it failed at the last second and she wad doomed to mortality.
But it almost succeeded....

There have been a sudden burst of magical evil in the world. Many artifacts have been stolen...books, and even a few demons, vampires and witches have been killed and after analyzing the bodies, it was determined they were tortured. Normally this wouldn't alarm anybody... not even a Council, but the thing is, one of the artifacts stolen was the book of Armageddonica. In that book, is the history of all Apocaylpses that have taken place in the entire birth of the earth. Each one is analyze, and then it tells how they were stopped. This book is worth more than money could possibly buy, and it is off limits to anyone upon the earth. But it was stolen... from a guard that has never been broken before. It is obvious some one is trying to start an apocalypse, but it is unclear of what type and when. Furthermore, no one knows even what species the 'thing' is who has done the crimes.

And no one wants to try to find out.

So the Council has decided to gather many different species of creatures together, and send them out to investigate the figure. They would pick the creatures that were powerful in some way, smart in some way, and had some useful trait. They needed creatures that when put together, had all the aspects of a perfect fighter- powerful body, powerful magick capabilities, grace, speed, stealth- etc... Of course, no one on earth has every perfect aspect, thus why they are going to summon a variety of different and valuable creatures.

Of course, they're not just going to send them an invitation. That would be too risky and obvious. The Council has ways of 'making things happen' that would lure you to them. They research what motivates and drives you, and then they trigger events to make you come to them. They're rather crafty at it, since they'll be doing it to a number of creatures so that they arrive to the Council at night on a specific numerical day.

Then they'll tell the creatures why they've been summoned, and tell them what they have to do. They can choose not to, but if they do the Council will make sure that there is a very hefty price to pay. The Council, in other words, does not take 'no' for an answer.

Of course... once they go out in search of the figure that has stolen the book of Armageddonica, they're going to need a bit more then luck to find out anything.

Let alone stop it.

Here is the site:


I've updated everything! You can begin posting but DO NOT POST if you have not corrected your sign ups based of my critique! ^^; I'd appreciate it. You should be able to post any number of scenarios for your characters based off the plot above. ^^ Keep that plot ALWAYS in mind.

Name: Illyria (some times called, "Blue")
Age: Ancient. She ruled a Demon Empire back before humans even existed.
Gender: Female
Species: She's a demon who was brought back to life and now controls a human body.
Clan/Alliance: She would say she doesn't belong to anyone but herself.
Appearance: Go here to get her appearance:
Cut and paste if it doesn't work when you clicky.

Personality: She's very matter-of-factly and tells it how it is. She's a bit curious at times, but her total air is almost robotic. She's very literal, and likes to analyze emotions and actions of all the creatures around her. She experiments a lot with emotions as well, because she's curious of how to live with emotions. She hates showing them, and feels weak if she does. However, if she deems you tolerable then that's as good as being 'liked' by her, and she makes a very useful ally.
Abilities: She's extremely agile and powerful with her body, even after her powers being absorbed by Wes's gun (she would have exploded because she had too much power for her human body to control otherwise.) She also has the ability to make her appearance turn back into what it used to be when the human before her was alive.
History: She was a Demon warlord back before humans existed, and ruled with supreme power. However, the demons were at war constantly and finally a few rebel clans ganged up and defeated her down. She was sent to a Well, where all Ancient Demons' essences were gathered to never awaken again. However, Illyria sensed her downfall and arranged it so many years in the future, she would assume a body and rise again. This happened, when a human named Fred opened her 'coffin' like thing of stone. She then took over the human body, expelling the soul and now she inhabits it. She now sorta 'lives' in LA, in a Lawfirm called Wolfram and Hart, which is a Law Firm run by the vampire named Angel.
Relations: She knows mostly everyone whose been around at Wolfram and Heart. Also had a pheonix/human run in.
Other: Nope.

Demoness - Currently at W&H

" Illyria..." the voice was simply one of many of the voices that I heard when I stood near the window, gazing out through the clear glass. I simply tilted my head slightly, to gaze at the figure of the vampire who called himself Angel. He was the more serious vampire of the two that often came to Wolfram and Heart.
"... I have a client coming... you should probably leave my office now."
I blinked, tilting my head to the side...
" Probably? You give me the option to stay? Why?"
My voice shifted through the air, the ending question being demanded. Human ways were very curious to me... they had so many emotions, so many twisting lies and truths that it was hard to follow at times. I was determined to learn them all.
" I.. oh nevermind, I'll go into the conference room instead."
With that the ill-headed vampire left, leaving me alone in his large, brightly illuminated room. It was night time... or at least at the time where the sun hid itself for a while.
For a while now, I had little to do... occasionally I would patrol the streets with the vampires and their friends, help them destroy things for the pure fact that I was either bored or had little else to do. Besides, now that my powers... or at least most of them were stripped from me, Ih ad no goal in mind. No way to live...no way to do much of anything. It was complicated and frustrating.

It seems like hours I stared out the window.. gazing at the ugly view in front of me known as Los Angeles. But then the voice of that cursed vampire came to me again...
" Illyria, would you be interested in doing a job tonight?"
Boredom was almost seeping out of my mind as I jerked my head and let my frost-bitten eyes gaze at Angel.
" Boredom suffocates me. What is this 'job' you speak of?"
Angel waved me into the 'conference' room where he was having a little meeting with some people.
"I have a job for you and some others... about some strange activity down in the LA alleyways. Need some one to check it out."
Angel said as he opened the door and I looked to angel...
" What are these others you speak of?"
"Well... we're going to call Spike."

Name: Spike
Age: About 128
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire... one of the two that has a soul. ^^
Clan/Alliance: Naw, he's in the life for himself.
Appearance: http://www.angelfire.com/vamp/darkspike/5spike013.jpg
Cut and paste if clicking on it doesn't work. ^^
Personality: He's very humorous, and likes to make jokes about things. He can be a bit 'aloof' and doesn't get serious when he isn't fighting. However if he is fighting, his mode shifts and his talents come into play when he battles others. He's sorta the lovable spoof in a way... ^^;;
Abilities: He has the power of a vampire, and that high-jumping ability that vampires do. ^^; He also can 'vamp' out, where vampires change and their faces get more 'fangy' n'stuff, which is just some thing fancy that gives him a bit more power and allows him to bite.
History: He was sired in 1880, by a vampiress named Drusilla who now is pretty much insane. He lived life mostly as a rebel when he was turned into a vampire. However, as a human he was a poet, and they called him William the Bloody because he was 'bloody aweful' at poetry. Eventually the girl he loved broke his heart, and then he went off and found a 'girl' who was a vampire, Drusilla. ANYWHO, he went about... blah blah blah, occasionally teamed up with a vampire named Angel and his siree named Darla. They caused mischief, and eventually Spike killed two slayers in his time. Not too long ago he went to Sunnydale, and met a Slayer named Buffy. He fell in love with her for a while, but he knew he had no soul. So he went off on a quest to get one, and after a long pain-staking journey, he finally was given a soul. He went back to Sunnydale to visit the slayer, until one appocalypse came and he sacrificed his body and died. Strangely, his soul was attached to an amulet and when Angel (the vampire who runs Wolfram and Hart now) opened it, he appeared but as a ghost. Soon he became 'whole' again, soul and all, and hanged around Wolfram and Hart, offering humor to lighten up the mood and some major power to help them fight when they need to. Now he sorta lives in LA and vists the law firm.
Relations: Has a distant descendant he doesn't know about. Knows Angel and the gang and those who go around there... also knows a lot of people by the bar n'such.Other: --

[i]Vampire - In a bar in LA

" Another 'round here.." Spike waved his hand in the air lightly as he leaned against a wall of the bar where he decided to have a drink. Well... at least this was one of the many bars he stopped at. He had the keen smell of smoke and alcohol upon him, mostly from the air but occasionally from his own doings. He drank all he wanted usually... it was impossible for a vampire like him to get drunk, which was good and bad in it's own way.
" Are you... sure?" A lady said, gazing at Spike in a peculiar way. Spike was in a human only bar, or a bar that demons didn't go to and where humans went who had no idea of the demon world. Spike had no idea why he chose the bar...
"Yes I'm bloody well sure! I could have as much as I wanted and I'd still be able to drive."
The lady shook her head, "I'm not serving you..."
she obviously mistook Spike's additude for that of a drunk, which particularly perturbed Spike. Mumbling a few curses and insults, Spike meandered out of the bar and soon found himself in one of the dark streets of LA. He stopped for a moment, lit up his cigarette lighter and had a smoke in his other hand. Soon he was leaning against a brick wall and gazing at the street with a cigarette in his mouth.
No sooner then that, his cell phone rang.
"Why do I even have one of these blokes.." he thought, taking it out only because Angel made sure everyone had it.
"What?!" He almost shouted in the cell phone, only to hear Angel.
" Busy?" Angel's voice rang over the phone.
" I could be..." Spike said, spitting his cigarette out and smashing it into the cement with his foot.
" There is some magical or demonic activity in LA that we need you and some others to check out."
"Well... Illyria, and maybe a few others if they want to."
"Blue I don't mind... but the others better not turn out like the last."
" Alright, Illyria will meet you at Wikkin Bar... maybe with a few others, I'm not exactly sure yet."
"Yeah yeah... alright."
"You better be there Spike." Angel warned.
" .. or what? You'll come out yourself to try to kick my soulified ass?"
" Just be there..." Angel sighed, and then hung up.
Spike simply shrugged as he shoved his hands into his leather jacket and trudged off to the Wikkin Bar.

Alright, this will be the night you some how will find your way into the Council's area. You should be there in 2-3 posts. ^^; Or whatever... anyway, feel free to interact with my characters or any others at will. lol

16th June 2004, 02:13 AM
Name: Gali Virgo
Age: around 25
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire Slayer
Clan/Alliance: He’s on his own, but he’s more on the good side.
Appearance: He has long, messy, black hair and brown eyes. H’s got an impressive build and a normal tan. He wears a grey shirt, a black leather jacket, faded jeans, black combat boots and brown biker’s gloves. He’s also got a silver chain around his neck and wears dark shades.
Personality: He’s a nice guy altogether. He’ll watch out for you if you’re his friend and expects nothing return. He’s a determined individual who thinks things through before he acts. He’s taken a serious disliking to demons.
Abilities: He’s got superhuman strength, speed and stamina. His weapons are a sword and 2 guns.
History: He doesn’t remember his past. He forgot everything. His family, his friends, even his own name. He renamed himself Gali Virgo and dedicated himself to becoming a demon hunter. He’s also trying to remember his past.
Relations: His arch nemesis is Juleon. He’s also interested in Laralyn, even though she’s half demon.
Other: He usually has flashbacks about his past.

Name: Juleon
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Clan/Alliance: He’s on his own, but he’s definitely evil.
Appearance: http://shadowaltz.bizland.com/bone/148.jpg
Ignore that thing on his torso. His hair is blonde and his eyes are blood red, though he wears blue contact lenses. He wears a black shirt, a white coat, black pants (as shown in the pick, black boots and white gloves. He wears a chain mail vest under his shirt and has a kick-ass looking tattoo on his back.
Personality: He’s sick, twisted and sadistic. He acts like a gentleman at times and at others acts like a deranged psycho killer. He enjoys inflicting pain on others and always keeps his cool. It’s hard to get this guy angry, but when you do, watch out.
Abilities: Super strength, speed, stamina and can turn himself into a white mist (if you saw the Dracula episode of Buffy, you’d know what I’m talking about). He’s also armed with a sword.
History: No one knows how long he’s been around, but he’s become the scourge of all Vampire Slayers. He’s slaughtered countless throughout centuries, as well as countless humans. He’s become a bit of a legend among vampires (not as legendary as Dracula, but you get the idea).
Relations: His arch nemesis is Gali.
Other: His heart is in the right side of his chest.

Gali Virgo
I stared at my enemy, who was only a ten feet away. It was dark, raining and I was fighting one of the worst vampires in history. I hated all vampires, but Juleon had to be the worst.
"Are you scared?" Juleon asked in a soothing voice.
"What are you talking about?" I replied, holding back my anger.
"I've killed many slayers over the years. What makes you any different?"
"Nothing." A smile deeper then darkness appeared on his face.
"Then what chance do you have?" The two of us lunged at eachother, swords drawn. We clashed in the middle of the streets. Glaring into eachothers eyes as we tried to kill the other. With one swift kick, Juleon snet me to the ground, my sword falling from my hand. Juleon pointed his sword to my throat.
"Time to die!" he laughed wickedly, as he raised his sword. Suddenly, Juleon cried out in pain and shielded his eyes. I looked behind me. The sun. The sun was rising. When I looked back at Juleon, he was running for cover.
"I must make my leave," said Juleon, keeping his voice calm, "We shall fight again!" As he vanished, I got to my feet and picked up my sword.
"I'll be waiting for you."

16th June 2004, 05:31 AM
Name: Emth Glimth(Demon's Name)

Age: 368 (Demon), 50 (Human)

Gender: Male

Species: Human (Possessed by a demon)

Clan/Alliance: None, despite being a demon is not entirely evil.

Apperance: About 5'6" with long dark hair, very deep set green cat like eyes which appear to hide a dark secret, wears a dark blue suit with a dark blue shirt and a tie(has about 7 in his wardrobe) and tries to appear normal, but is infact growing younger daily, he has a fairly heavy build for someone who is Half Asian, Half Hispanic. Note: He looks about 30 in Human terms Due to possession making him appear younger.

Personality: Has a very sharply changing personality due to an ongoing struggle inside himself between the possessing demon and the originally controlling human, usually secretive and lacking respect for anyone including himself. Definately not someone to trust at any time or place due to fast personality snaps and a tendancy to brutal violence. Enjoys seeing others get hurt and loves the feeling of tearing them to shreds. Also really hates people damaging his suits!

Regeneration: Emth regenerates wounds faster than most people, this is due to being possessed.
Steel Control: Steel is a strong substance and Emth can move and even bend it to a degree with his mind.
Fire: Demons share a strong bond with fire, Emth can use magical fire to incinerate people or other creatures.

History: Emth has spent most of his 368 years (which he counts in a cave north of LA ), Based in LA he takes over people to shelter him from those who want to do him harm, he also helps these people by making thier age reverse amongst other things. He learnt slowly how to Control Steel by stuffing up TV stations who he didn't like because they played too many cutesy cartoons (the real reason many cartoons are ended prematurely).

He learnt to control fire in 1896 when he was captured by and unknown group and was held in a burning jail cell made up of hydrogen, after burning himself by accident at least 4 times he learnt to control fire to burn the hydrogen off and escape, ever since he has valued Fire as a strong ally, In the late 1990's he spent a short amount of time as a professional bountry hunter and gun runner giving him great knowledge of the undercity from a human perspective.

He has spent the last 4 years mysteriously guided and almost attracted to Wolfram and Hart Attoureneys at Law for some strange reason which he is yet to find out.

Relations: None, except Raymond his human host, they get on quite well except when Emth wants to fight, Emth wants to eventually move into another body to allow Raymond freedom.

Other: Emth does not actually have a corporeal state, he controls people to exist and is really just a state of mind. Also im wondering if my formatting is OK?

Emth stretches out his back muscles, he leans on the wall beside him as he lets his eyes circle the area. LA wasn't the best city choice Emth thinks as the cold night air rushes along his suits causing him to lose the hankie he was using to wipe the sweat off his brow, Raymond's instinct allows him to grasp control for a moment and he shudders to the left a little and turns around.. luckily.

Emth regains control and stares into the eyes, if you could call them eyes, of a creature with human form, but it was definately a demon with a consistent facial expression of malice that remained unchanging. "Emth i have come for you" it snarled in a growl like a voice from a deep pit, it lunges at Emth but he somehow evades it and searches for an object to use as a weapon, yet the ground was bare of any possible weaponary, then Emth noticed a glimmer of a chain around it's neck, he concentrates hard and the steel starts to strangle his foe, it makes another desperate lunge but again it is avoided by Emth, he concentrates on the chain and recieves a massive right handed blow to the head yet he manages to stay standing long enough to defeat the Demon.

Raymond finally wrests control from a mentally tired Emth and asks "What in the blue hell is going on?" Emth replies "More likely it is the yellow or green hell, best to check if our friend here has any identification" he searches through all the beast's coat pockets and finally finds a greatly scratched plastic wrapped card, he struggles to make out the words "Wolfram and Hart, Attourneys at Law".

"RIGHT" he yells out crossly and makes his way towards the nearest taxi rank.

16th June 2004, 01:56 PM
Name: Elexand von Ulrich

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Clan/Alliance: Alone

As a human Elexand is at the peak of physical condition, standing at a very respectable 6’5, and being muscled very heavily. He has his hair cut short on the back and sides, but lets the bangs grow long, and they now hang over his eyes. His hair is black, and very straight, mixing in gently with his ghost-like pale skin. Elexand’s cheekbones and jaw are prominent in his face due to his Slavic backgrounds; they also gave him his muscled appearance and his brawly, large shoulders. He wears a plain black sleeveless shirt, or often nothing over his chest. Along with this he wears black jeans, and black work boots.
When Elexand shifts to lycanthrope form he truly becomes a beast to behold. He stands at 7’7 feet tall and his physique becomes even more muscular than it already is. His fur is completely black except for a small white patch that surrounds his left eye. However, no fur grows in both the spots where he was bitten and where the scratch took place. There is still fur around each of the wounds, but no fur covering them, so they are easily seen. His incisors grow to fang-like length and his clothing rips off of him when he transforms, leaving him naked when he changes back. He becomes uncontrollable of himself when he lusts for blood in his lycanthrope form, so it is advised to those nearby to watch out for themselves.

Personality: Very grim and bold, likes to stick to the point of things. He doesn’t speak very good English, but is fluent in Ukrainian and the speech of the wolves. Speaks with a heavy Ukrainian accent, the Ukraine being located in between Russia and Germany (so think Russian like accent). Has a very odd sense of humor, and it isn’t shown much due to his seriousness. Has been a loner basically his whole life, and is not at all used to having people around, especially talking to people.

Abilities: Rather than transforming when the moon is full, he transforms when he is overcome with an extreme of a specific emotion (fear, hatred, love, etc.). Despite this advantage, he is not able to control it, and it happens as his emotions flow, free, and without restrictions. Along with this he has blinding speed in lycanthrope form, along with added strength. This goes hand-in-hand with the fact that he’s already a physical specimen out of lycanthrope form.

History: The Ukraine had always been a barren country since the Second World War, when Hitler led the Third Reich against Russia. The Ukraine, being a small country trapped between the two superpowers, was where a lot of the fighting was done. Elexand’s family was always poor during his upbringing, which is a common thing among Ukrainian people, and Elexand often found himself fighting for food with his other eleven siblings.
Elexand was the youngest in his family, so he often received the least amount of food. When he came of age he began working on the mess at Chernobyl, cleaning the nuclear site so his children would not have to. This hardened his body physically, and sharpened his mind mentally. He was slowly killing himself, however, as the radioactivity took over his body as it had to many other children there. Five of his siblings had succumbed to the radioactivity already and died, all of the other ones were women and were not in that type of work.
Eventually, the meeting came to place between him and the Werewolf that passed his curse onto Elexand. Elexand accepted it regretfully, not having much choice as the snarling animal sunk its incisors into his arm. The scars are still present, a large claw scratch on his chest and the teeth marks on his arm, and both still burn when touched. They cannot be healed, either, and they burn with the incandescence of hell itself.
The radioactive elements in Elexand’s body killed the Werewolf, but the bite cured his nuclear disease temporarily and prolonged his life. He rarely suffers from the disease overtaking his body, but it kicks in now and then, leaving him helpless. The radioactive elements also played a part in changing the lycanthrope-changing period. Now, instead of changing for every full moon, he changes when he experiences a heavy uplift of a single emotion, whether it is fear, love, or hatred.
The Werewolf in Elexand took over his body, craving with the lust for blood, he slaughtered his whole family and then moved to Los Angeles, America, the supposed land of the free, to escape his own shame.

Relations: He’s fresh in America, therefore his lone-standing characteristics have not yet stumbled him upon anyone valid of friendship.

Other: N/A

\-) Elexand von Ulrich (-/

Rusted chains binding, encircling the body of a one, Elexand von Ulrich, they restricted his movement, and kept him sealed to the chair he sat on. It was not his choice to be sitting here shirtless, with only black jeans and black work boots on. It was his capturer that had placed him so.
“Lucrative, I am not. I retain no cash value.” Elexand spoke, his head hanging low. He looked up at his capturer through his bangs.
The man laughed in a drowning Texan accent. “Well, that’s too bad—I’ve got yer, and yer ain’t goin’a leave an’time soon. Yer a menace, a wer’wolf.”
“Lucid is the appearance of the backwater southern hick.” Elexand stared at the man through his bangs, noticing his white uniform. He wore white cowboy boots, white slacks and a white vest overtop of a very light sandy brown colored shirt. His large ten-gallon hat was also white, and his outfit almost illuminated the darkness of the nearly pitch-black room. He heard a dog bark, and the Texan silenced it quickly. Elexand could see a black hunting dog tied to an old desk with a chain similar to the one he was wrapped in.

Elexand reflective on his capture—it wasn’t all that good on the Texan’s behalf, in fact, all he’d done was sick a couple guards on Elexand when he was facing a downer. Elexand remembered the radioactivity overcoming him again, him hitting the floor clutching his skull, and then being lifted by four mercenaries.
“So, you would be the leader of those mercenaries, then?” Elexand asked.
“The four standing behind you, they are a hired taskforce. I’m going to make a few pennies off of you, my friend.”
“You’ll make nothing.” Elexand spoke in a voice dead of emotion, “For I am worth nothing to them.”
“A man who kills is always worth something, dear werewolf.” The Texan taunted Elexand.
Elexand felt his muscles contract and he began to breathe heavily.
“Another radioactivity attack boys, arm yourselves.” The Texan motioned to his mercenaries, all garbed in black. Three of them pulled out a single berretta while the last one had a pump action shotgun. They pointed these at Elexand while his muscles contracted and he shifted back and forth in his seat violently.

Elexand von Ulrich felt his mouth begin to foam and he roared mightily. In the blink of an eye, the chains surrounding him all snapped and his body grew to gigantic proportions. He stood at 7’7, a hulking muscled mass of werewolf, with a lone white patch of fur over his left eye. The remainder of his fur was black.

The Texan warned his mercenaries “Don’t shoot to kill!” but it was too late. Elexand leapt onto the man with the shotgun and jammed both of his hands through the center of his chest. He tore his arms apart and opened the man’s ribcage. He screamed in fear one last time before his arms stopped twitched violently.

The other three men began firing shots wildly, some missing, and some hitting. Elexand continued on them, seeming to not even notice the odd bullet lodging itself into his chest. He sideswiped at one man and knocked him through the window of the fifteenth floor of the apartment they were in. He fell, kicking and screaming, to the pavement a long ways down—where he collided roughly and silenced.

Elexand cornered one of the men and lifted him up by his neck. He closed his hand around the man’s neck, snapping it, proceeding to let him slide limply to the floor. The last man fired off one last shot before he noticed his pistol was out of ammunition. He threw the pistol at Elexand and attempted to turn around and run, but when he did, Elexand’s foot extended and hit his back with a full-forced kick. The man flew a few feet and smashed head on into the wall where a loud and gruesome crack announced his death.

Elexand fell to his knees as he transformed back into human form. He approached the Texan who stood bewildered on the other side of the room. Elexand began to walk a little slower as he saw his opponent back into a large cross used for warding vampires away from this room. He smiled devilishly as an idea sprung to mind.
He looked to his left and spotted rusty railroad beside an abandoned desk. Elexand lifted these from the ground and came even closer to the Texan. He held both two spikes in his right hand as he lifted the Texan off the ground with his left. He changed his grip to the Texan’s hand as he held it in place on the cross and drove a spike through the Texan’s wrist with his free hand. Elexand von Ulrich did the same to the other hand and chuckled to himself in that emotionless stammer as the Texan screamed and pleaded, blood running absent-minded from his wounds.

Elexand was walking back to his discarded clothing when he saw a jagged dagger on the floor. He pulled on his pants and walked back over to the Texan with the dagger in hand. The Texan cringed and moved his head to the side, as he thought Elexand was going for his neck. He was surprised when he felt the dagger skin the soles off of his left foot. He screamed in pain as Elexand cut the sole off of his other foot.
Elexand threw the dagger to the ground and picked up a bag of salt the Texan had been using as a treat for his dog that still was silenced, tied up to the desk. Elexand began chuckling to himself as he walked over to the crucified Texan, still squirming a little. Elexand dug his one hand quickly into the bag and drew out some salt; he then took the handful of salt and rubbed it into each one of the bleeding, sole-less feet. The Texan screamed in agony. The Texan’s dog was livened up considerably, smelling the salt he adored. Elexand could only grin to himself as he let the dog loose from it’s chain.
Elexand walked away, out of the door, still hearing the Texan scream as the dog licked his bloody feet, listening with an estranged awe.
“Full-breeds.” Elexand whispered to himself as he called the elevator. “Full-bred humans.” The elevator reached where he was, and Elexand promptly descended, the Texan’s cried echoes still filling his mind.

Elemental Seribii
17th June 2004, 10:33 AM
Name: Abel
Age: Appears to be early teens.
Gender: Male
Species: Faey
Clan/Alliance: His clan, known as The Caecus, are currently neutral.
Appearance: He stands somewhere around 5'8''. His hair, which is cut short at his ears, seems to be trying to pass itself off as a midnight blue. His eyes are two different colors, one a diluted, pale blue and the other a murky green, both with no pupils. His figure borders on digustingly skinny, and his bones stick out at odd angles, as if not used to a human form. However, he's a polished tan, with random, still red scars. His skin seems to glow and is warm to the touch. He usually wears jean shorts and a t-shirt of some sort, with no shoes. He does have medium-sized, dragonfly-like wings, and they're just as sensitive. It's very painful for a non-Faey to touch them.
Personality: A rather quiet boy, he does have a sharp tongue and a bitter streak. He doesn't like rainy days and is much more amiable in the summer and spring. He gives his opinion when he thinks it's needed, and while isn't much of a conversationalist, can be a fun person to talk to. Overall quite likeable, he's just not used to a lot of outside contact. He also heals from shallow wounds quite quickly, but they leave rather nasty scars.
Abilities: He's technically blind in both eyes, and has to use a magick-enhanced sonar-like technique to see what's around him, like bats do. It gives him a clear color picture in his mind's eye for a short time, then fades to black and white, and then disappears. His wings allow him to hover no more than eight feet off the ground, and he does have two medium sized three pronged daggers. He can summon relatively weak spirit animals, which are only as strong as he is at the time.
History: The Caecus live in one of the few secluded parts of the Amazon rainforest left. Faeys, while not immortal, can live for quite a long time, so there are one or two elders left who remember the Amazon when it was almost untouched. They do trade with tribes in their area, but they are often forced to migrate when humans come too close for comfort. Abel knows only of the outside world from a few conversations with some more modernized tribes.
Relations: He does have a twin brother (go on, guess his name), but he'll probably remain NPC, unless someone wants to take him. Other than that, open if you want.
Other: Poor Other, it is abused so. *sends Other to the hospital*

Abel - Faey
When I don't want to see, the world isn't really black, it's more like what happens when you look at the sun for too long. A solar black with dancing dots. I'm not too sure how I know that, but I do. I could have had sight when I was too little to fully remember.

The feeling of the sun beating down on me barely hurts anymore. I've been sunburnt, tanned and scorched so many times, the pain isn't really there.

Sending out a small wave of magick, I find that the forest in front of me is beginning to thin out. As the bright colors fade to black and white, I step out of the forest cover to fleetingly see a river. Gingerly testing the ground in front of me, the aged dirt beneath my feet becomes finer, and gently sinks to fit my steps. I almost stumble when I feel water at my toes, and take a few quick steps back.

The darkness in front of me quickly turns to a small river, glittering in the sun. It's not too far across to the opposite bank, and the small 'beach' soon turns in a monochrome forest. The sky becomes grey as well, and the sun somewhere inbetween black and white, before fading altogether. I sit down, knowing that my current position is safe for the time being. My heels only just touch the earth dampened by the river's occasional surge of power that manages to lap at the bottom of my feet.

I can feel the wings on my back flutter slightly at the cold sensation. I must admit I have never seen my wings in full view, for I can't crane my head that far, and mirrors are quite expensive. I have been told they are like a dragonfly's, and I have held that kind of creature in my hands before, so I have some idea of their shape and appearance.

"Abel! Have you seen your brother?" I turn around, still sitting, and let the shape of someone I soon recognize take form. She kneels down to become eye-level with me, though that's a rather worthless action.

"No, I'm sorry, I haven't." My words border on bitter, and she nods. Her brown hair turns a dark gray, but her black eyes stay the same. They linger there, before fading. I can sense her stand up, and the air around me vibrates slightly as she waves goodbye. I returned the gesture, and she retreated back into the forest, her wings catching the sun, before they become shaded by the trees.

Clenching a handful of fine dirt, I let it slip through my fingers, not wanting to keep it.


Name: Naomi Lyon
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Human, with a pinch of Elven thrown in for good luck.
Clan/Alliance: Evil, apparently.
Appearance: Standing at about 5'6'', she's a redhead, her hair is straight and falls to the small of her back, but it's usually up in a bun, with strands in the front covering her ears. She's not pale, but her skin is a milky color. She wears a thin cover of makeup, and either wears contacts or thin-framed glasses. Her ears are her only distinguishing feature, they are very much like elf ears. She's quite slim and her facial features are angular, and her eyes are a deep blue. She usually wears well-fitting, but normal clothes that change day-to-day.
Personality: Actually quite nice and sweet, she has a way of talking that makes everything sound simple and easy without being demeaning. A calm and usually gentle person, but like all, has her more dangerous side. She takes insults as if they fly over her head, but never forgets them, and isn't too swift to forgive. She comes off as an airhead, it's mostly to make people think she's harmless, and most of the time, she is.
Abilities: Other than being trained in a few forms of self-defense, she's insanely lucky. Her only weapon is a spear, made of a strong mahogany and the spearhead is made of some strong stone.
History: Her elvish blood was more of a curse than a gift from medieval times, one of her ancestors stumbled upon an elven clan in the Alps, around the time when the Plague had become wide-spread. When he told the others in his town what he had seen, they blamed the elves for the Plague for some time, fearing and hating them. The elves weren't exactly happy about their existance being known, and decided that this man's children would show signs of becoming what their father hated, elves (however, not full, just showing traits). Their elvish blood has become recessive, only making itself known every four or five generations. She lost and made quite a lot of money playing in Las Vegas, eventually being kicked out of several casinos for winning too much. She was approached by a Demon who prefered to remain anonymous, and she offered her a job with quite a nice paycheck. After quite a lot of training, she got to where she is now. Naomi currently lives in New York, she is involved with the assasinations and stealing of artifacts. She is unsure of who she is answering to, having only met a few of those involved, but they were only messengers or the Demon she's met before. However, her bank account has 'mysteriously' become quite full, and she'd like it to stay that way.
Relations: Her only current steady contact is the Demon mentioned above. Open.
Other: Nah.

Naomi Lyon - Human, Minor Elven
"Good afternoon, Miss." She smiles, and I return it.
"Hello. I'd like to check my balance, please?" She nods, and after I give her the required information, she comes back with the results. I smile at the numbers, and then bid her a goodbye, not wanting to withdraw any money right now.

As I walk out of the bank, dark red eyes catch mine, as a figure slips into the nearest alleyway. Sighing, I follow her.

"Yes?" The Demon smiles wryly at my question. Her nails are more like claws as she runs a finger down her cheek in thought. She hasn't ever told me her name, and after our first meeting, I no longer expect her to. She made it quite clear she'd like to remain nameless.
"There have been a few incidents that Someone is not happy with." She drawls, examining her painted fingernails. I can see fangs when she speaks, and her eyes are more like a cat's than anything else.

This 'Someone' refers to whoever we're both answering to. I don't even know if this person is male or female, but I do know that whoever this person is, he or she pays their employees quite well.

"And...?" She rolls her eyes at my need for more information. Digging into an inner coat pocket, she retrieves a business card. I snatch it from her fingers, and examine it carefully.

"Wolfram and Hart?" She nods, obviously familiar with the name. A law firm? I suppose I've been crazier places. The Demon continues, staring me straight in the eyes.
"You are only to investigate. Avoid combat at all costs, for the beings there are quite strong. Wouldn't want you getting hurt now." I snort, barely even entertaining the idea. Twirling the card between my fingers, I look over my shoulder as I begin to leave the alley, to find her still standing there.

"I suspect the travel expenses have been paid for?" She rolled her eyes, and threw a small folder at me. I already knew what it contained. A round-trip plane ticket, a hotel booking and a map of Los Angeles, with directions to the previously mentioned law firm. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow. "Why, thank you." The Demon took a deep, mocking bow, and disappeared.

I haven't been to California for over a year. Sounds like fun.
Done. X__x;

17th June 2004, 06:10 PM
Name: Christina Webb
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Slayer.
Clan/Alliance: Rogue.
Appearance: Caucasian. Her hair, shoulder-length, is dyed jet black and her eyes are a light shade of red thanks to contact lenses. She's slim but at the same time very athletic-looking, which is true, I suppose, if you count getting into fights as working out. She generally wears torn jeans and varying shirts and jackets, the shirts usually making mention of her favorite bands. Her only flirtations with makeup are in the form of black lipstick and nail polish.
Personality: Reckless, self-centered, and volatile, and that has only gotten more evident since getting her slayerness activated. Despite this, Christy is considerably charismatic and has little trouble interacting with others as long as she doesn't end up breaking one of their limbs. She hates showing weakness and seeming vulnerable, which leads to her sometimes doing a bit of macho posturing.
Abilities: All the strength and agility that comes with the slayer territory. She fights with whatever she has on her, though she always keeps a stake, a handgun, and a pair of brass knuckles handy.
History: The daughter of an ex-anarchist and a former fixture of the New York City punk scene, Christina learned of rebellion quickly and grew up in a household where her constant disobeying of any superiors other than her parents themselves, and even then, that loyalty was shaky. Christy's family moved from city to city constantly, leaving whenever they had wrecked one household or life too many. They settled in Seattle seemingly permanently, and Christy's parents have stayed there since. Christina herself, though, dropped out of high school when she learned that she was a slayer thanks to a paranormalist friend of her father's. Christina is one of the few vampire slayers out there who aren't alligned with Buffy Summers or any of the Scoobies. They attempted to recruit her for the Slayer army, but after multiple failed run-ins with her, determined her to be too destructive for even them (the fact that she left a couple other slayers who attempted to apprehended with broken arms probably had some influence on it), with the only person close to Buffy wanting anything to do with Christy being Faith. Christina is currently moving from place to place again, breaking the law and beating the snot out of people for fun and profit.
Relations: Slightly infamous in certain circles, so her name might be known by some.
Other: Loves music to a fault. An easy way of tracking her down is finding out the best concert playing in the area.


The club is a wonderful place to meet people. Sometimes it's a new friend, sometimes someone worthy of a one-night stand, and sometimes a patron might even get lucky and meet someone they could see themselves spending the rest of their lives with. However, sometimes you run into arrogant fraternity rejects and sex-obsessed lunatics. This was one of those nights.

"Life's a play, babe. Want to play a romantic lead?"

Christy Webb did her best to not laugh. Of all the pickup lines in all the world, you chose that? she thought to herself, before putting on a fake smile and teasing her hair with one finger. "Oooh, I just love smart guys. You read plays much?" Her apparent suitor grinned cockily, dusted off his Hard Rock café t-shirt and puffed his chest out, making a show of everything he did. "Hon, I don't read them, I write them. Wanna go outside and help me find some... inspiration?"

Gotcha. Overconfident AND gullible, what a dangerous combination. Christina thought whilst giggling like a schoolgirl. "Sure! Let me just put my jacket on and we can go." After slipping on her leather jacket and checking to make sure she had everything she needed, the young woman nodded to her newfound aqquaintance and started for the door, but he stopped her by lightly pulling her back. The man pointed to the door leading to the back alley. "It's more quiet there." he said with a smirk and this time Christy couldn't help but roll her eyes as they exited the establishment, leaving the various drunkards, indie kids, and college students behind.

"I should probably tell you my name, babe, before we get started. My name's Cory..." he started off, turning around with a manic grin on his face. "And you're about to --" before he could finish he was cut off by the fist of Christina Webb making contact with his face, sending him sprawling. "Oh, come ON, pal. You honestly bought my sorority girl act despite seeing how I'm dressed? Cory, you deserve what you're getting here and don't try to say otherwise."

Cory stood up, and anyone with two functioning eyes could easily see that his facial features had changed, giving him a more monstrous appearance. "But... how did you know I was a vampire?" he asked. Christina raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Hey, you are a vampire. Hunh. I hit you for being a moron, not a vampire. Maybe I have slayer senses or something. That or bad luck." Cory's eyes widened as he took a step back. "A slayer?" "Yeah, genius. One girl for every generation fights the creepy crawly blah blah blah. Except I'm not and I don't."

The vampire took one quick gulp before attemping to regain the bravado he'd possessed only minutes ago. "I've... I've never killed a slayer before. This should rock." He got himself into what passed as a fighting stance for him, but got a derisive scoff in return from the slayer. "Excuse me? Oh, yeah, this is going to frickin' ROCK, Saved By the Bell. You think I'm one of those namby-pamby girl scout happy family vamp slayers, buddy?" "Well, only one way to find out." Cory responded before charging his would-be prey.

He swinged wildly and hit only air, as Christy casually sidestepped him. As he spun around to try and go after her again, he once again recieved a punch to the face for his efforts. This time he didn't get a chance to get his bearings straight as Webb nailed him with a knee to the gut and an elbow to the back of his head, sending him to the ground. He tried to roll away from his attacker but a swift kick to the ribs ended those hopes, as all Cory could do was writhe in pain as the slayer stood over him, smirking.

"Life's a play, huh? You clearly never EVER rehearsed for the fight scene. I mean, come on, have you ever fought anyone? What are you, a new vampire or something?" Cory tried to respond, but another kick silenced him. Christina kneeled down, stake in hand, so she could get as close to the battered vampire's face as she could without fear of him trying to fight back again. "I shouldn't even bother killing you. You're never going to be a threat to anyone. I mean, I'm pretty sure even Woody Allen could knock you senseless without trying. Yeah, I think maybe I'll spare you." Cory could only exhale a long sigh of relief; he was safe. "By the way..." Christina said as she slammed the stake into his heart. "... I'm a really good liar. Buh-bye, Cory."

As the vampire turned to dust, Christina Webb stood up and strolled back to the club. After all, Botox Aftermath was playing in ten minutes and she needed a drink anyway.

17th June 2004, 08:39 PM
Name: Kamuel
Age: About 700 or so...
Gender: Male
Species: Angelic (because they're not quite the angels that humans believe in)
Clan/Alliance: Neither good nor evil. He generally works on his own, because one day he'll be fighting your enemy and the next day you. He basically fights for balance, if you can work that one out.
Appearance: It's on B4's website.
Personality: He really has no set personality. His mood can change to mimic or offset those around him, events, or even the weather.
Abilities: Flight, can sense auras, quick and agile, stealth, and use of various forms of light or dark energy magic. Is also cunning (on occasion, and then there's times when he acts like a complete baka).
History: Kamuel is actually a forbidden child of both light and darkness. He has been unable to find his parents since his birth, soon after which he was left with humans. No one wanted to take care of him because of his wings (which weren't quite as obvious then...) (*squeals, imagining chibi Kamuel's wings*) and eventually he learned to hide them within his body. After about half a century, he slipped quietly back into the shadows. Ever since, he's been helping to keep the balance within the world; keeping humans from encountering demonic creatures, keeping berserkers from taking down entire towns, things like that.
Relations: Open
Other: Angelics aren't immortal, but they can live for many millenia.

Here goes my attempt at a post while reviewing for finals...
Mixed Angelic

I smiled, shaking the rainwater from my wings as the sun rose. “Well, that one was certainly interesting. Didn’t need much protection though.” A grin crossed my face as the slayer sheathed his sword, his words “I’ll be waiting for you” still hanging in the air. I stood up from my viewing spot, a streetlight about twenty feet away. The clouds from the storm were dissipating, people would be waking up soon.
“Well, can’t let them see these now...”
I jumped down, landing softly on the pavement. The pools of water reflected the light of the sun, and I let out a small laugh. “Every day’s a new day, isn’t it?”
Turning to the spot where the battle had just occurred mere minutes before, the sight of the self-named Gali was not to be found. “Hm. Guess he left.”
I pulled my wings into my back and stretched. “I wonder what’s for breakfast...”

Yawning, I stumbled out of the restaurant, wiping some syrup off my face. “Dammit, was I really up for that long? I push myself way too much...”
I blinked and found myself held upright only by an arm that had subconsciously grabbed a streetlight as I was teetering over unawares, only partially awake. I turned to the metal cylinder clutched in my hand. “These things are really useful, ya know?”
Darkness began to eat away at the edges of my vision. When was the last time I had slept? Let’s see... I was up all last night... and the night before... and before that... and... no, wait, I was asleep then. Hm... three days? Was that right? It didn’t register in my mind as the right number. Maybe I just couldn’t count. I really needed to sleep.
Must get back to apartment.
Yes, one step at a time. One step at a time and you’ll be there before you know it.
Must not walk into people. Walking into people is rude. Walking into people is not good for balancing.
I'm on the pavement, aren't I? That would explain why I'm looking at the sky. Wow, it's comfy down here. I guess everywhere's comfy when you're tired.
Falling asleep here wouldn't be good.
Oh, person. Person leaning over me. I wish I could see person. Especially since aura is not human.
Falling asleep here wouldn't be good.
"Hey, you down there. You alright?"
Aw, how cute, Kamuel-kun wants to fall asleep in the middle of the sidewalk... Of couse, he only has to sleep for like two hours or so.
*closes eyes and pokes random person* TAG! YOU'RE IT!

Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
18th June 2004, 01:27 PM
Errggggghhhhh. (<--- momentarily brain dead after doing compo, summary, malay compo and three add maths exercises)
*eats some sugar* *drinks some tea* *bounces*
NB: Anne's 'timeline' is set somewhat earlier in the morning. Sam's 'timeline' is later, probably about happy hour time in the pubs. Precisely about, er, sixish, Yesh.
Name: Anne Hathaway
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Witch's apprentice... it's more like... er... she has a broom. She can't fly on it, nor does she use it for spells (she doesn't know any, and her mentor is.. well...). She moves dust around quite effectively with it. Also a 'seer': look in Abilities.
Clan/Alliance: N/A. I don't believe she knows what one of these is for...
Appearance: Bulba-senpai's site has it. >D She's the only female in the picture. She's about 5'3", and skinny. Her hair is a sorry shade of dirty blonde, and her left eye is silver, while the right is yellow. Her dress used to be a mellow kind of pink, but it's been washed so many times it looks grey.
Personality: Naive, trusting, simple-minded... or to summarize it... just plain blur. ^^; She always tries to do the right thing to the best of her ability, which isn't much at the moment; and tries to look on the bright side of things. Has a penchant for getting into trouble. Thinks poetry is very very pretty and, er, poetic. Likes animals.
Abilities: She can see through illusions, sense demons/vampires/magickal creatures/etc, see currents of untapped magic and absorb them for herself; if trained properly, this inborn talent can allow her to summon imaginary beasts of great power and ekcetera. Unfortunately, she doesn't know this. She doesn't know ANYTHING, really. *sighs*
History: She was born into a semi-poor English family, though her parents loved her very much. Sadly for her, they died when she was eleven. Then she was sent to her grandmother in the Midlands, who was a very intelligent (or shortsighted, depending on your point of view) old lady and could see that Anne was destined for Greater Things In Life. On that reasoning, she then sent her along with a broomstick and a Victorian-age book of poems (I wonder who wrote such *cough* beautiful lines) to her godfather in London, a Mr Samuel Thespian who also happened to be a witch.
Relations: Some great-great-great grandniece of Spike, on her mother's side (if Bulba allows). Also, goddaughter of Sam Thespian.
Other: Love Gaara! *grovels*

Name: Samuel Thespian
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Witch! (sounds better than Warlock.) Although, a lazy one. =^_^=
Clan/Alliance: N/A... he rather prefers being left alone and to his own devices, thank you very much.
Appearance: Bulba-senpai's site has it. >D The male human in the pic. Ye-es. About 6', or 5'11" if you look sideways and squint. His hair is a nondescript shade of brown, and his eyes are hazel. Thin and wiry, almost never seen not smoking.
Personality: He's easily pissed off, though sensible and more cynical than he should be. Even if he doesn't want to do something troublesome that also happens to be the right thing, he'll do it anyway because it IS (the right thing). He's trying to stop drinking, with the result that he is now more attached to his smokes than ever. Knows his way about the city. Hates any and every kind of demon; he merely instinctively mistrusts any other species.
Abilities: Has an ancient sword that isn't magical, but it IS sharp. He has good magic ability, but he isn't technically a very good Wiccan; his attitude and patience with spells, potions and their ingredients is atrocious, and he usually ends up blowing up his entire upper floor. He's much better at summoning/torturing/making demons do what he wants them to do, and this makes him a permanent resident of the wanted list in Demon circles.
History: The last scion of a once famous witching family, renowned for their skill in 'taming' demons. *cough* He thinks he may have a sister somewhere, but he's not exactly sure, since the demons got them all except him. He currently lives and works in a rather seedier part of London, around Whitechapel, in his missing sister's antique shop/shophouse.
Relations: Goddaughter/apprentice is Anne Hathaway. He's rather notorious in the underworld for the wrong (or right) reasons; otherwise open.
Other: Has a dear little talking dog named Lavaeolus. I mean, a dear little demon named Lavaeolus stuffed (and sealed so he can't get out or use magic) into a scruffy mongrel's body by Sam Thespian when trying and failing to kill Sam Thespian. Lavaeolus now spends his days sleeping, begging for food, and annoying Sam in general. (<--- probably an NPC for my charas to talk to when I'm bored.)
Sam Thespian|M|Witch

Things look better from the bottom of a bottle.
No, they don't.
Yes, they do.
NO, they DON'T.
Yes times two.
No times four.
Yes to the power of infinity.

I've got tea in my left hand and bliss in my right. It's precisely about sixish, according to the smartarse demon dog that tails me constantly, whining about his sealed state and demanding that I feed him. Don't ask me how he knows. He's probably got some demon super-senses or something. Stupid dog.

I keep telling myself that my conscience works overtime. Maybe that's why it can't be bothered to convince me that tea is a better drink than cheap whisky. Maybe that's why whisky is winning my internal debate. Maybe that's why I haven't yet skinned this annoying time-telling demon dog called Laveolus and stuck him on a pole yet. He's babbling something. I am obviously not listening.

Until he clamps his little terrier jaws around the neck of my bottle of precious bliss and won't let go and lands with it on the floor. Result: Demon-dog has a few cuts on his paws and stinks of whisky. I kick him, not too discreetly. Stupid, stupid dog. What a waste.

"You moron! I'm saying something important here! Really A-grade high-class important! And you're supposed to hear it, although my pals will seriously tan my hide if you do! Not that there's much consolation in you doing it rather than them, but you know, familiar faces and all that- he-ey-"

"Spit it out, quickly." I grab him by the scruffy neck and glare.

"Y'know, it's funny, but there's lots of things suddenly happening over the ocean, North-America-way? Looks like it's spreading, too. Sure you don't want to check it out, you being a good, responsible demon-hunter and all? There's free airfare." A ticket, no, two tickets, appear in his mouth. "I hear Los Angeles is a great place to vacation. Wonderful pub scene."

"Who's the client?" I ask suspiciously. "And why, by all the gods, are YOU the agent?"

"Undisclosable information, sunshine. I'm not so sure myself. But I'll bet you'll go just out of curiosity, or maybe cos you're getting some responsibility vibes. Or maybe, just on the off chance, you'll nail the bugger what knocked off your sis." I tighten my grip on his neck, considerably. "Gak! Sorry, so-orry!"

"Why are there two tickets?"

"Forget something?" says Lavaeolus, grinning and spitting the tickets out in a puddle of dog drool. "You got a kiddo coming over soon, yeah? You not gonna leave her 'ere, are you?"

I am such a sad specimen of witchery. Or covenry. Or, even, humankind. Whatever. And the bartender thinks I'm talking to myself.

I never had much of a life anyway. It's been pretty much kill demon, send demon away with a searing urge to use crutches for the rest of its life, solve demon problems, brush off the occasional vampire, kill more demon, and more recently, seal demons into inconvenient objects and/or creatures. When I make potions, I usually pay for a new first floor after the result blows the walls out. I don't get how the lady witches do it without blinking. Oh. And the perfectly symmetrical magic circles. I hate these, too.

Not too long ago, I had a letter mentioning something about my goddaughter coming over to London to be apprenticed. I'd almost forgotten I used to be such a social person before I got dumped with the antique shop about eight years ago. Hathaway was a nice guy. Too nice for his own good. Him and his wife, they're dead now. And their kid wants to learn witchcraft from me, of all people. Especially now when the stupid dog just told me demonkind and the like are playing holy hell all over. I give her two days.

But I digress.

When in doubt, reach for the cigarette box.

Anne Hathaway|F|Apprentice Witch/Seer

Anne stared at the little piece of paper in her hand. It had a name and address on it. She could read the name. Unfortunately for her, the address was a mass of squiggle, blot, scribble, and more blots randomly blotted. Apparently, her grandmother had seen it fit to take down the address of Samuel Thespian's shophouse in the manner of one performing chinese calligraphy.

She turned it upside down, which seemed to make things slightly better. She could make out, in mangled, upside-down, tortured letters: Large squiggle, squiggle resembling the number 4, blot, messy blot, tortured-looking messy blot, and at the bottom, Whi-blot-pel. Anne had a vague notion that Whitechapel was in the eastern end of the city. It had been mentioned in a poem.

Arriving in London station from the sad small town of Coventry at about 7 am that day, Anne had been wandering around for approximately two hours, completely and totally lost, clutching a small bag that contained most of her worldly possessions and an extremely old and ratty-looking broom. Several kind passers-by had asked her if she was looking for the roadsweeper's sign-in booth, and when she had showed them the paper with the address, they hadn't been able to read it, either. She had no idea what the London Underground was; and would probably have been technologically challenged even if she had bumped into a station.

There was a bookshop display on the latest anthology of poetry to her left. Anne strained to look. In doing so, she nearly tripped over an inert form on the pavement. It moved, very slightly. It emitted a very odd presence. Definitely not normal. If Anne had been aware that there were other creatures than humans, animals and plantlife in the multiverse, she would have classified the aura as 'I possess a High Concentration of Magic Within My System! I am occupying This Space in the magical world!' Anne was an individual that happened to be chronically blur. As such, she merely wondered why she had alarm bells ringing in her head, and why did semi-translucent wings on the back of the inert form seem to be flickering in and out of her vision, and why no one was staring at the possessor of these wings.

Being one of those very conscientious people that feel guilty when they accidentally walk over someone lying on the pavement, Anne bent over. "Hey, you down there... uh, you alright?"

The inert form muttered something unintelligible. "....Huh?? Pardon?"

"'m tired. Go away."

"You've got wings on your back, you know?"


"Maybe you should, er, be tired on a bed or something. If you tell me where Whitechapel is, I think I can get you a bed. I think. If my godfather doesn't mind." Anne, trying to be artful, really couldn't make the cut.
BlahhhHhhhh.. braindead... continue tag? >D

18th June 2004, 03:09 PM
*gets tagged* Oh, alright...

Name: Mike Rampart
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human, Shape-shifter/Possessor
Clan/Alliance: "Good"
Appearance: In his normal body, he's around 6' tall, with short, wavy brown hair and eyes that are a green/blue mixture; he's rather skinny, kinda lanky, and fairly pale. He's a big fan of slightly baggy jeans and a loose T-shirt. He has no special distinguishing marks, but he does wear his watch on his right wrist despite being right-handed.
Personality: He is the "good guy who bends rules" kind of person. He's very conversational, so long as he has a topic to talk about, and loves making and keeping his friends. He's very loyal, and will do most anything for his friends, as well as doing stuff for people he doesn't know that well (though not as much).
~ Shape-Shifting: Mike can change his body shape at will. This is fastest if the target form is close to humanoid, or if it's a simple shape (like a rock). He can also change the clothes on his body, although he prefers to only do this when he's changing bodies as well.
~ Possession: Mike can take possession of another's body, moving it as if it were his own. In order to to this, however, he needs to be in physical contact with the being he wants to possess (this would work if he was a rock someone picked up). The possessed being simply loses consciousness until he leaves the body. EDIT: The more concious someone is of a threat (like if they're very wary 'cause they sense someone, or if they think they know what Mike will do) the more he has to mentally break them down. For example, a girl crying over a scraped knee would be easier to possess than a thief watching out for danger as he works.
History: Born and raised in London. He came from normal parents, and so he found out about both of his powers by accident. His Shape-shifting he found out when he was about 3, when he tried to get a cookie that was too high for him. He wished he was taller and soon found himself looking down at the cookie container. He quickly changed back before his parents saw (after getting the cookie, of course). His Possession ability took longer to discover; he didn't find it until he was 14. He was comforting a girl he was good friends with (not his girlfriend). He inadvertently put his hand on her arm and said he wished he knew how she felt...and suddenly found himself in her body. He quickly willed himself out and could honestly say it was the weirdest he had ever felt. (The girl simply felt as if she had dozed off.) Has been training both powers of his ever since he discovered them. Has just recently moved out of his parents' home after getting a nicely-paying job doing all the computer work for a large company.
Relations: Ano...still looking for a girlfriend... ^^;
Other: I had to force myself not to say "Metamorphmagus" as species ^^;


"Yeargh..." I yawned, looking at the clock by my bed. Normally I'd be panicking waking up any time after 7 on a Friday morning, but as I looked at the blurred red numbers reading 8:57 I had no problems. As I stood up and walked around my apartment bedroom, I was grateful I had called in a vacation day today, because I was just not getting enough rest the past couple weeks of 5-day-a-week work.

Oh sure, normal people don't have a problem with an eight-hour day, five-day week. But I'm not exactly normal. Almost my whole life I've been everything but normal. Almost since I could remember, I've been able to change my body shape. Yeah, Shape-shifter, that's me. I have no clue how, no clue why, and certainly don't have the motivation to find out. I'm also a Possessor...I can take control of people. Not that I do this often, I just know I can do it. I've also found it sometimes takes more brain power to gain control depending on the person.

This leads to my tiredness. I've been practicing these, a lot more now that I'm out of my parents' house. And after changing shape 5 times within 10 minutes I get kinda tired. Then there was the burglar last week who tried breaking into my across-the-hall neighbor's apartment while he was away. It took a great deal of energy for me to possess him, and this was at 1 AM when I was already quite tired. Then I had to shape-shift after I had dumped him outside so he wouldn't kill me.

Needless to say, I was glad for a day off. I was thinking of going to see the LSO (London Symphony Orchestra) perform tonight as a wrap-up for my day. But first I was gonna take a bit of a peek into the bookstore that was next to my apartment building. So I threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, pulled on my trainers (OOC: he's British, y'know) and went down the stairs from my second-floor home.

I started walking to the bookstore, but I didn't manage to go in. In front of the store was some guy on the ground who looked passed out, and a small girl hovering over him. Before I had even gotten within a meter of them, the girl practically snapped her head up, looking at me. She had a confused look on her face, but it seemed like she was trying to see into me. 'Does she know?' I started to ask myself, but pushed the thought out of my mind. How could a little girl know what I was without seeing me "in action?" Her eyes darted between me and the guy on the ground as I slowed down and crouched so I could talk to her.

"Is he okay?" I asked her. I put my hand on his wrist to check for a pulse (which I found) and the guy mumbled something about who was touching him.

"He's been saying he's tired," she said, "but I can't get anything else out of him." She started looking at me strangely again. I looked at her too, but then I saw something and I started getting a bit nervous. She had a broom with her. Broom plus little girl equals either step-daughter or witch. And I had a feeling, not a gut feeling but a sense (a magical sense, perhaps), that she wasn't a normal girl.

"Here, I live next door, I'll take him there and get him up," I said, picking the guy up and putting him on my shoulders. He muttered something like, "Whee, I'm not doing the flying here..." before I started carrying/dragging him over to the building and up the stairs to my apartment. To my mild surprise, the girl followed.

I deposited him on the couch, then turned to the girl who was still looking between me and the guy. I realized, with a jolt, that I was getting some kind of weird sense from the guy as well. He looked normal enough, and so did the girl, but I had a feeling the three of us had something in common. Still looking at the girl, who had on an extremely faded pink dress, I said, "You're seeing something most people can't, I'm guessing?"

She nodded, pointed to the guy on the couch, and said, "He has wings, but they're not always there. And you...sometimes you look...twisted, and sometimes you're kinda transparent." Yep, she was a witch. Normal people couldn't see anything special about me. And the fact that I felt something from the guy and her saying she saw wings confirmed it. "Um," she started, and I turned to her again, "can you read this?" She held out a very spotty piece of paper.

I looked at it. It looked illegible to me. "Well, I think you've got some kind of gift that you can see things that shouldn't be seen," I said, turning the paper around, "because I'm a Shape-shifter and a Possessor and it sounded like you saw the truth. Now," I lowered the paper, "who wrote this?"

"Um, my grandmother...she's kinda old," she replied.

I nodded. "Okay, now don't be shocked," I said, then screwed up my face. Within seconds, my head was now that of an old lady. I could hear a muffled gasp, but the girl didn't scream. I took another look at the paper and easily read the address. I changed my head back and rattled off the address to her, and she expressed her deep thanks while still looking shocked.

"No problem," I said. "Are you sure you can make it there alright by yourself? I could take you there if you wanted, it'd probably be faster."
Hope that's okay, EV and Chiko!

Oh...and...Taggity! >=D

19th June 2004, 08:50 AM
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to resign from being in this RPG, I just am on too many of 'em and I'm trying to narrow down.

19th June 2004, 09:07 AM
OOC(out of charecter): how many people are in this? my head hurts trying to count on my fingers lol.

19th June 2004, 12:54 PM
Name: Laralyn Elizabeth Zemei (Lara Zemei)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species: "artificially" half-demon (see History)

Clan/Alliance: *shrug* Generally fights on the side of good...

Appearance: Normal: Shoulder-length dark brown hair with a slight natural curl at the ends, honey-brown eyes with slight flecks of dark gold that dance when she's happy. Willowy slender, quite attractive. Normally wears casual clothing like t-shirts, tank tops, and jeans. Always wears a pewter pendant on a silver chain around her neck, on which is depicted a plain dragon within a circle. The circle is set with 5 red gems, which, if invisible lines were drawn to each, would form a star. Between the gems, the signs of the Zodiac are carved.

Dark: Her skin turns a red-tinged black. Her hair and eyes turn blood-red. Small black bat wings sprout from her back, a tail from just above her behind, and tiny ivory horns from each temple. The pewter pendant she wears slightly sinks into her chest just below her neck, to become part of her skin. The chain completely disappears. In this form, she normally wears a blood-red bikini. (a peculiarity of the change is that the clothes she was wearing at the time disappear, and reappear when she changes back)

Personality: Normal: A nice young woman. She's quite smart for her age, and has seen more in her short life than some people do in a lifetime. Enjoys solitude and books. Always tries to keep calm and collected. She isn't quick to anger, but watch out when she gets ticked, because...

Dark: Ruthless, intelligent, and terribly cold. Though her first instincts are to kill/destroy what angers her, she possesses a "bothersome" conscience, and will try not to take an innocent's life if she can help it. Very imaginative and creative when it comes to using her abilities.

Abilities: Normal: Telepathy, to some degree. She is also a Wiccan of considerable skill, and is well-versed in the lighter side of magick (which she puts to use in limiting the headaches her telepathy produces). When she is angered, she becomes her dark form. (she is trying to learn how to trigger the change without getting angry, but is having no luck)

Dark: In addition to telepathy (which is more limited than in normal form), this form manifests limited flight and pyrokinesis. Will change back into normal form once her anger fades. Generally does not use magick in this form.

History: Born in Reno, Nevada, along with a fraternal twin brother, Zacharias Franklin Zemei. Their father, Dr. Benton Zemei, was a little deranged, and would kidnap people off the street to perform "experiments" involving transfusions of demon blood/DNA upon. It wasn't long until he used his children as guinea pigs as well, going just a bit further with them than he had with his past experiments. Their mother got a divorce and tried to get custody of the children, but was denied. Shortly after the proceedings, their father was murdered by an extremely ticked-off demon, who took exception to what the doctor was doing, and the twins went to live with their mother.

Several years later, the twins began to exhibit the results of the experiments. While Lara came out of it relatively unscathed, Zach grew horns from each temple, and ran away from home, going into hiding. As soon as she was able, Lara left home to find her brother, and to learn more about her powers. It was only after being attacked and nearly raped in an alleyway in Las Vegas that Lara discovered her dark half, nearly killing her assailants. Deeply troubled, she attempted to take her own life. She nearly succeeded, but was discovered by a passer-by, who took her to the hospital. While she did not die, she was in a coma for a month.

When she awoke, she realized she needed help. Delving into the underground, she discovered the whereabouts of a coven in England, where she soon traveled. She studied with them for a time, eventually meeting a man by the name of Rupert Giles, who invited her to move to Sunnydale, which she did.

She had a bit of a crush on Giles at the time, which she is mostly over. She moved to Los Angeles when Sunnydale was destroyed, and tries to live a somewhat normal life, despite herself.

She has had some contact with her brother, through letters and the occasional phone call. Despite the return address on the letters (he does not live there), she does not know where her brother is, and Zach refuses to tell her. She worries about him a lot.

Relations: Open (Zach is and will remain an NPC). Acquainted with each member of the Scooby gang, but was a little closer in friendship to Spike than to the rest. She believes that he's still dead (boy, will she be surprised...).

Other: Sorry for the long history, I got carried away :)

Lara Zemei (Half-Demon, technically a Witch as well)

"Wonderful. Just wonderful."

Lara sighed, wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of a flour-smeared hand, the white powder sticking to her forehead. Despite the frustration and annoyance involved in the task, she now looked upon a perfect magickal circle, drawn in flour across the hardwood floor of the room.

"This is the last time I forget to get chalk."

She left the room, careful not to stir the flour. She'd leave the circle undisturbed, until she got chalk and was able to put a few hours into the task of retracing. She stopped off at her bedroom, picking up a black tanktop and jeans, then made a beeline for the bathroom. She needed a shower.

She untied the bandanna holding her hair in place, and studied her face in the mirror. Touching a hand to her pendant, she smiled at her flour-streaked reflection, then turned away.

10 minutes later, she pulled the tanktop over her head, then looked at her reflection again, fingers busily working. Sky blue eyeliner, shadow of a matching navy. Shiny pink lipgloss, strawberry-flavored. A dusting of light pink across her cheekbones. Shiny blue polish, drying quickly as she waved her hands around. It was just enough, but not too much. She left her hair down, waves of dark brown touching her shoulders, curling at the tips.

Leaving the house, she mused over choices in her head. Most of the bars in Los Angeles either weren't Demon-friendly or just plain creepy. Despite only being a half-Demon, she felt a bit of a kinship with them...

She decided upon Wikkin. It wasn't much distance from her house, and was friendly enough...and she usually needed a drink after circle-drawing. She didn't get drunk very easily, which she rather liked.

(OOC: Hehehehehe...took me forever to write that. Oh well. Maybe Lara'll run into someone along the way?)

19th June 2004, 06:44 PM
\-) Elexand von Ulrich (-/

Stepping out of the front door of the apartment complex, Elexand walked to his left into the adjacent alleyway. Just as he began to walk away his nose picked up the scent of flesh. His werewolf characteristics carried over and looped with his human form often. Curiosity taking hold of him, he turned his head around and peered out of the alleyway.
Elexand’s eyes fell upon a woman, tall, slender and graceful, bearing quite a resemblance to his mother in her younger days. Her brown hair blended with the macabre reality of the streets she walked, curled only slightly at tips that ran daggers end past his eyes. His eyes focused, using his werewolf heightened vision, and she appeared almost magnified. Elexand first looked at her eyes, sweet pools of brown inveiglement, alit with a hidden incandescence, silent, as if to hide a secretive something. He saw a pendant around a chain on her neck, and just as he saw this she passed out of his view. He had to see more.

Elexand scaled the side of the building beside him, acrobatically ascending each brick until he could pull himself up to the top. From here he hunched over and peered down the roof towards her. He slowly crept forward until he felt she was far enough away, and then he leapt to a building rooftop even closer to her. She stopped and looked up behind her, and Elexand thought he had been caught. He hit the floor of the building and hoped she hadn’t seen him, but as he hoped this—a little glimmer inside of him hoped she had.

19th June 2004, 07:54 PM
OOC: lets just see how this goes, taxi drivers always equal bad luck in my books.

"Raymond, can't you read my thoughts or something? i can read yours, I've never been on the other end of this possession thing.." Raymond wrests control of his own body again and mutters some jargon before seeming to take a mental rest leaving Emth on his own inside his head for a while.

He makes a running dash to the taxi rank while trying to understand what the hell wolfram and hart want with him, he notices a problem, "****, no taxi's" he growls to himself, "looks like i have to bloody well walk".

Twenty minutes later Emth finds himself smashing his hands on the door of wolfram and hart.

20th June 2004, 10:21 PM
Hey, just a note or two. If you wanna be one of the 'people/creatures' that Angel from Wolfram and Hart summoned to be with Illyria and Spike to check out the disturbance, then find a good reason why and go ahead. She'll be leaving shortly after this 'disturbance' post... mwha. And Spike's at the bar... waiting...


Angel stood, rummaging through papers as I stood around him with the seeping tendrils of boredom trying to grasp at my mind. Angel then sighed... gazing to me as well as the dark colored human named Gunn.
" Well... if those who I asked to come aren't here, then you'll have to go meet Spike on your own."
I nodded slightly, "I wish to meet my pet now." (Illyria in one episode wished to have Spike as her 'pet' so she could spar with him... so now that's what she says. Nothing relationshipy or anything.)
Angel shook his head, looking to Gunn as Gunn nodded.
" Just wait a few more minutes."


Guards came in... or actually, a big, oozing green demon with claws and a human who probably wasn't as human as he looked came in, pulling a person or figure with them.
(Hey Leon, next time include name at title. ^^)
Angel instantly stood up, either confused or baffled as I tilted my head to the side in curiosity. This figure smelled, or rather reeked of the scum of human flesh but there was some thing deep inside... a bitter smell, like poisonous herbs. A demon... there was a demon inside of this person, but yet the sickening human soul stench and aura remained to flicker with in.
"What is this?" Angel instantly barked, looking rather annoyed at disturbance when he was concentrating on some th ing else. I saw this quite often.
" This man was banging on the doors... he refused to go away and... well, you didn't answer your phone so we thought we'd bring him up to you ..."
I almost could have laughed, if I let emotions of humans come to me easily, which I did not. They obviously were new... to inferior to realize that action was at fault.

Angel shook his head... ".. I don't have time..." he muttered, as he looked to the person.
"What do you want?"

(Heh... have fun with this. I'm not too picky on anything... but if you try to tell Angel you're just human, Illyria will state you're lying. ^^ )


A shadowy figure leaned against the brick wall of the bar called, 'Wikkin'. In other words... The Wikkin Bar. Spike was that figure, leaning against it with a face that could tell he was either out right bored or he was drunk. Of course... it was rather impossible for him to get drunk so he was just plain bored. He heard the noises from inside the bar... saw a few figures walk past, bu toverall he was much ignored.

Only a few scents that rose into the air gave him interest... that of a scent not too far off that seemed familiar, and one that... well, didn't seem very familiar.
All too strange...
" Hrmm... bloody boring being the wait-ee if you ask me." Spike thought outloud, looking up at the darkened sky. Normally he would have simply trotted off to see what was up... especially if a scent seemed familiar. However, if he left and Illyria did show up... she wouldn't exactly show her displeasure that he wasn't there in a rather friendly way. Not that Spike feared her, but she was a bit moody ever since the death that occured not all too long ago. It had been a strange thing... to see her disturbed when she normally was a pillar of ignorance to emotion.

Sighing rather loudly for a normal sigh, Spike scanned the darkness around the bar while waiting.

20th June 2004, 11:21 PM
Lara Zemei

Lara stopped, leaning against a wall, seemingly tired. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply. She really wasn't tired. She could feign it quite well.

There was something, or someone, out there, lurking just on the edge of her senses. She turned around, looking up. A flash of movement...or was that just her magick-drained mind playing tricks on her?

She shook her head, pushing off the wall, and continued walking. Occasionally, she'd look up, just in case something really was following her. She hoped not. She knew L.A. was quite a hangout for vampires, not to mention other types of creeps and creepies.

She turned a corner...and stopped in her tracks. The shadow along the corner served as a temporary hiding spot as she looked...

The blond hair, the familiar, slightly angular face...it couldn't be...

She rubbed her eyes with both hands, then looked again. No. He was truly dead, he'd been dusted that day...but here he was again.

She wondered for a moment how long it'd been, then shook her head. Too many things happening all at once. She really needed a drink.

21st June 2004, 03:38 PM
Yay! It starts.
Name: Anamar Zaharia (Goes by Anam)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Sylph/Amadan/Human
Clan/Alliance: Neutral, with his own intentions, though likely helpful to the good side of the imminent conflict. The Sylph race in itself, with their own elders, are helping to retrieve the book in coordination with the council but this only governs true Sylph.

Appearance: Somewhere around 6'2, so a tad tall, and very slim. Despite his slim appearance he has built a lot of lean muscle past those scrawny legs and arms. His eyes are an piercing hazel color, with mysteriously clouded whites, though he has no eye problems whatsoever. His hair is cut short, with his bangs somewhat diagonally and haphazardly cut, so that the right side of his head has significantly longer bangs than the left. The color of his hair is black, though streaked twice across his scalp with a pure white. His skin is paler than most others he has met, because of his Sylph origin. It also has a slight, hardly noticeable, blue tint. Very clean face, no face problems of any sort, and it shines quite clearly when exposed to light. He with a bit of a human sense of recklessness got a tattoo of a blue-gray wraith-like creature on his left arm. Needing to appear like a normal human he wears a simple long black pant, and a gray t-shirt that reads, "I want to CTRL-ALT-DEL you." in black.

Personality: Serious and emotionless most of the time, and carries a sense of foreboding with him. Calm and collected in the most dire and panicked of situations, and unafraid to face threats larger in rank or stature than himself. Tends to stray from conversations if they last too long and never seems to be able to hold a person's gaze. Has a hidden fun-loving spirit that he rarely shows, except that time way back when when he got drun.... eh eh.. em.. Loyal to any friend he meets, though he never remembers having many. He has a great intelligence and wisdom of the things going on around him though he doesn't usually show it outwardly, but can occasionally be reliable for good advice. Slow in building in relationships with anyone, and even slower to forget ones that didn't last. Does not always act as the adult that he is becoming, and likes to hold onto his childhood.

Abilities: Anam can fly because of his transparent wings, that he has learned to conceal within his body. His wings like those of most faeries are of the dragonfly. Touching his wings without faerie blood is likely to cause severe pain. His touch like that of the Amadan can be willed to stun for temporary or if enough energy is used and at the maximum kinship with his grandfather's Amadan spirit, can last quite a long time. With his Sylph blood comes control over the winds to a minor extent, and a true form of a blinding bright free elemental with glowing red eyes. This form comes in handy, and while in it his control over the winds is at its maximum. Transfiguring in and out of his true form is extremely tiring on body and mind. Besides his supernatural powers, he is proficient in using a long staff tipped with a diamond shaped orb that was handed down to him as a present from his father, who was given it by his grandfather and grandmother. The staff can shoot small blasts of pure wind energy focused into a single beam that also have the tinge of stunning touch in them, though the blasts feed off Anam's energy. When using his quarterstaff he uses intricate dance-like technique and swiftness to prevail. He has the mysterious ability to become invisible and walk through solid objects, though it is extremely hard for him to do, especially for length amounts of time. Even with his training, his racial abilities are still hard to use, and he more often uses the quarterstaff.

His species is a vague mix of generations before him. The Sylph gene was passed down from his grandmother of sorts, who bonded with an Amadian male (faerie) of Ireland. The Amadan race are known in folklore for their stunning beauty, and also their touch, as Amadans can parylze with the mere stroke of the hand. The Sylph, being an air elemental merely taking a human form, was immune to the touch. His grandparents produced his father, a half-breed, who chose to remain perpetually in his human form so he could wed his mother, and so produced Anamar. This effectively makes him 25% Sylph, 25% Amadan, and 50% Human.

Anam's original home was at the foot of the Carpathian mountains in Romania. Being so near Transylvania, there were as human's had always suspected, vampires. Though solitary, vampires were easy to spot for Anam because of his supernatural affiliation with the more fantastic of creatures. Though relations with any nearby vampires were peaceful for a while, at the age of thirteen things changed for Anam. A fledgling vampire with a nasty temperment made an attempt to suck the life and blood of Anam as he was enjoying the crisp cold of a Romanian night. At this his father and mother came to a decision to move somewhere where the threat of fledgling vampires would hopefully be less apparent. They chose a small rural town in Wisconsin, as the climate there was quite similiar to what they were used to despite much warmer because of the absense of mountains. Riding the winds they crossed Europe, and applied for citizenship in the United States. With a little persuasion, Anam's father and mother managed to get in quickly and proceeded to buy a small farm on the reaches of the rural town of Lucin, WI. Anam spent the rest of his life here along with his father and mother, and with the sudden stealing of the book, the tension and both him and his father because of their supernatural blood has been preparing them for conflict.

Anam didn't go to school but rather was home-schooled, but still has a better education than those with formal schooling.

Relations: His father and mother as well as distant relations with his grandfather and grandmother both still in Romania. Open.
Other: Has a liking for animals do to his Faey nature, and has a pure-white colored kitsune (Chinese Trickster Fox) that helps him to be more carefree.
Will post later, I promise.

21st June 2004, 08:28 PM
If I mess up anything... sorry... um, this takes place a few hours after VP's post. I figured I should mention that... And I figured Mike would have already taken Anne to... wherever she's going, so... feel free to fill that in ^^;
Mixed Angelic

I was awake. I felt this before my mind processed it. Let’s see, that meant I had fallen asleep. I had been asleep...
There had been that person. A girl. I think... She had said something... and then there was someone else... at that point I hadn’t really been awake anyway.
But I was now.

The first thing that met my eyes was a cushion. This cushion was on a couch. So was I.
I pushed myself onto my knees, rubbing my head slightly. Well, that was a good rest.
As my mind pulled itself out of dreamland, I became aware of a presence nearby me. I quickly jumped to my feet, on guard. My eyes met those of a seemingly normal human. No, no, not normal human. Aura. Remember to watch those. It's saved your butt a few times.
"Oh, hey, you're awake. Here I was wondering if you'd be asleep until after dark or something when I'd have to worry..."
He trailed off, leaving an awkward pause hanging in the air. I was still trying to make out the unfamiliar aura surrounding him when the silence was broken. "Would you mind not standing on the couch?"
Looking down, I noticed I hadn't moved my location since waking. "Um... oops, sorry about that!"
I plopped down, a small grin spreading across my face. "Hey there. My name's Kamuel!"
"I'm Mike."
Another short silence.
"So... that girl... She said you had wings, or something... She's already gone, by the way." I paused, thinking over this. Well, he pretty much had it right already, and it wasn't like I had to keep it a secret from anyone who knew more than the average human...
I nodded. "Yeah. I do. I'm an Angelic. And... what are you?"
I still couldn't read his aura.
EDIT: Gah, I can't believe how short my posts are getting! *whacks internet time limit* IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!

22nd June 2004, 10:34 AM


Spike knew that shadows could play tricks with your eyes... but as he glanced about, and that scent of some one that was familiar came closer... he finally decided to pay attention to it. Blinking, I scanned the area until suddenly a flicker of movement came to his eyes... her figure, and he was almost certain that it was a 'her' was shadowed. But as Spike's stare became more intense... he realized that she was looking at him through deep, brown-like eyes. A flash of recognition came to him...

"Whose there?" He suddenly called, but the figure seemed to quickly turn away. Spike felt rather annoyed since he was being spied upon, so swiftly, with vampire speed, he seemed to run towards the spot and hug the other side of the building so he could not be seen. As soon as he came to the corner, he whirled around it extremely face to suddenly become face to face with....

"Lara?!" Spike suddenly exclaimed, taking a few steps back as he examined the brown-hued hair girl. It was Lara, Spike was now certain. Her scent, her appearance... the pendant. It was her. She seemed doubly taken aback... and Spike suddenly realized he hadn't contact with anyone from Sunnydale since being brought back to life. This... probably came as a shock.

"Emm... well, I'm guess'n it wouldn't be all that polite to say I'm back?" He said, his accent thick as he tried to add some humor for comfort as she seemed to stare at him from eyes with disbelief. Her gaze had always been kind... and the kind of confused glare that she was sending him now was unsettling. Well... almost unsettling, but not quite as bad as her dark self... which Spike had seen before.

"Well... you see I died... but then I came back with a pendant because of Angel and his gang... and then I was a ghost... but I became non-ghosty again, and then I helped Angel fight the baddies... and then an appocalypse came... and we fought... and now we're still alive... and-"
Her expression seemed to be further confused.
Spike bite his lip slightly, gazing up and inhaling a deep sigh.
"Emmm..... drink?"

23rd June 2004, 12:42 AM
Ok, now that i've got to my computer, here is project #1.. man i need a life!
Emth Glimth

I was roughly "escorted" into a room with a creature who appeared to be a human though plainly wasn't weak enough to be one, who claimed not to have "time" to talk to me, and now i was staring into the eyes of the she-devil despite that the fact i requested not to meet any secretaries..

"well, what i want is to know why in the yellow hell someone with one of your cards was doing searching for and trying to kill me? really if you wanted me to bash on your door you could've sent me a bill instead of trying to kill me, or even better.. asked" He stops noticing the woman he originally thought to be this creature's secretary seeming to smell him.. "Would you mind not smelling me, i havent had a wash in a while".

Meanwhile Raymond wakes up again and starts think-talking (i don't have a better description, Emth "hears" what Raymond thinks) he says something about hearing Emth's thoughts and points out the irony of Emth never asking any humans before, Emth is a bit scattered in the head and starts to sway on his feet a little, propping himself up on a nearby wall and watching Illyria closely despite the fact he doesn't have a clue who and what she is.

24th June 2004, 09:40 AM
\-) Elexand von Ulrich (-/

Elexand followed that woman by rooftop until she came to a stop at a corner. She looked towards a bar, the Wikkan, and a man with blonde hair. Elexand watched as the man approached her quickly and watched even closer as they began speaking to each other. It was now that most of his hope of her was lost, but his intrigue stayed still. If America were anything like the Ukraine, a man and a woman that weren’t either neighbors or family wouldn’t talk unless they were to get married.
Elexand hoped they were neighbors, he supposed family would serve the same standing, but he didn’t like the look of this blond haired man, if he even was a man.

He jumped down from the roof and landed, legs spread to balance his fall. Elexand dusted off his knees from crouching on the rooftops and entered the bar. Approaching the barkeeper, he mustered together in his heavy Ukrainian accent “Vodka, bottle.” The bartender looked at him for a couple seconds then pulled a clear bottle from underneath the counter and put it on the bar in front of Elexand.
Elexand picked up the bottle from the neck and drank a quarter of it, resting it on the bar when he was down with that particular sip. He figured it wasn’t so much of a sip as a chug, but continued to take another one regardless.
“What could keep girl out there?” he asked to himself in quiet words, noticing to himself even that his English was not very strong. He began to recall on his past, like he did often when he drank, and this disturbed him. Elexand rested his head on his clenched fist, propping himself up, and stared blankly into space.

24th June 2004, 09:51 PM
~Name: Duke Krimzon
~Age: Ancient/Immortal - around 2000 yrs. old
~Gender: Male
~Species: Pheonix/Human/Slayer
~Clan/Alliance: A secretive bounty-hunters' association
~Appearance: Duke has black spiky hair with Egyptian (browned) skin. He is about 5'10" and has a very muscular build. He usually wears a black leather jacket/cloak without a hood and has pockets on the sides. He wears brown leather gloves that go halfway up his forearm and brown boots that go halfway up his shin. He has a small scar on his eye and always wears Egyptian jewelry.
~Personality: He is strange. He is rather kind to humans and the races of good and neutrality, but is heartless to demons, vampires, black witches, etc. He also has a dry sense of humor, though against evil, he is very strict and judges his enemies and friends.
~Abilities: If he is killed, his body will be engulfed in flames and he'll be reborn because of the pheonix blood coarsing through his veins. He can also emit flames from his hands, though he usually carries a sword made out of black adamantium around with him and two revolvers - Ebony and Ivory. He can channel heat through his sword, who's name is Ichneumon, which makes it easier to slice through things.
~History: Duke is from Ancient Egypt. He was born Eptar Gnyark, a slave, on the night of a solar eclipse and somehow escaped Egypt into Europe. When he was born he was given special 'gifts', his parents would say. As a kid, he would get mad at the slave masters and he would shoot sparks from his hand. He grew up and lived in Switzerland upon the Alps until recently when he moved to L.A. and joined a Vampire-killing organization.
~Relations: Uhh...Duke recently had a run-in with an ancient demon warlord woman - on which case he had been killed - since then, he has been searching for her.
~Quote: "By the name of god, though art guilty!" or "By the name of the Lord, thou are not guilty."
~Song: "Jesus Walks" By Kanye West
~Other: My sword, Ichneumon. Ichneumon is an Egyptian equivalent to an american mongoose. They eat cobras and feed consistently on Crocodile eggs. The reason I picked Ichneumon is because the snake is usually a sign of evil. For example in the bible, the snake in the story of Adam and Eve was the devil. A mongoose kills snakes, so by calling it Ichneumon, I'm metaphorically saying: "The Evil Killer"

Duke Krimzon

I walked down through the alley. I instantly pulled out Ichneumon. I squeezed lightly on the blade's handle. A black flame burst to life from the base of the blade. I quickly turned to catch a shadow zoom past. I walked toward that way, swinging my heated sword readily. Out of the shadows walked a creature with human-like features. He was human looking, but from many past experiences, I knew he wasn't. I looked at the features of his face. His brow was oddly shaped and his eyes were too evil to be human. He began to speak.

"Hello, there," he said with his British accent, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me stranger for a spot of tea. I'm rather lonely."

I thought for a second. That shadow went by too fast and was too large to be human. There was no time for me to have tea anyway, I had to get to a Clan meeting.

"Okay, sir. Why not?" I replied, sheathing my sword.

We walked down the alley and we ran into a dead end. With great difficulty, his body morphed into a larger demonic creature. It was much like a scaly wolfman. It's scales were red and it's snout had long green whiskers sticking out that hit the ground. It's demonic voice bounced off of the alley walls.

"You puny human!" he said loudly, "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to talk to strangers in dark alleys? I bet she would have tasted good also. But you're gonna be a nice treat, you little human."

I looked around the alley as if I didn't know who he was talking to. He stepped toward me slowly, his bushy tail swinging slowly back and forth.

"First of all: No one talks about my mother. Second, I'm not a human," I said. The flame in my eyes began to glow brightly as it did when I was angered, "Third, I happen to be a slayer."

My fists immediately began to glow in black flames. I grabbed my sword and made the fire course through the blade by squeezing the hilt. I drew out symbols quickly. The heiroglyphs read: "By the name of God, thou ART guilty!"

I dashed forward and jammed the sword into his heart. The large wolf-dragon let out a howl as he became frozen with pain. I quickly lifted the sword, causing his upper body to split. His carcas fell to the ground with a heavy sound. I stuck out my hand and a light came out of my hand. It engulfed the limp body and burned it. I headed off towards my Clan Meeting. I was always late anyway. I wouldn't want to ruin my reputation.

Sorry it took me so long to post, I've been kind of busy with the running and stuff. Anyways, I'm kinda at a stand-still. I can't really think of anything really creative right now.

25th June 2004, 12:58 AM
Lara Zemei

The confused look gave way to one of relief.

"Thought you'd never ask."

Lara wasn't even going to begin to decipher all Spike had said before that. Not before a drink or 5, at the very least. Turning, she opened the door, leaning against it.

"Well then, shall we?"

28th June 2004, 09:53 AM

I watched the possessed human, tilting my head to the side as I saw him sway and then ask the vampire known as 'Angel' why he sent people after him. Angel talked while I remained impatient and quite, and noticing how the human kept gazing at me awkwardly.
" I am sorry... they must have got the message wrong. I asked for a demon named Emth to be sought and brought here because I heard of some things he could do and wanted to ask him about a mission. You're obviously not a demon so-"
This time I spoke up, such ignorance Angel often had.
" They were correct. This pathetic human body before you is possessed, by a demon."
Angel's eyes widened.. as he looked at me, as if trying to figure out if I told the truth. However, he knew that I didn't tell lies... and gazing at the figurre he sighed.
"Well... then Emth, I wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to go on a mission with Illyria here... "


Nodding, Spike and Lara both walked into the Wikkin Bar. Instantly the smell of smoke hit Spike in face, but it hardly stunned him much as they continued to walk forward. The bar was filled with much chatter of all different types of creatures, and soon Spike found a suitable booth that was unoccupied and motioned for Lara to get in. As soon as she did so, he sat across from her... but suddenly his eyes darted slightly.
There was a rough figure far away from them in the bar... a figure that he oddly scented to be familiar. Plus he now recognized the scent very clearly, and could have sworn he saw the guy eyeing them occasionally.
Most likely checking out Lara...
Spike shook his head with a slight grin on his face as he quickly ordered two regulars for both himself and Lara. As soon as the drinks arrived, Spike eased up a bit... drinking the first rather quickly and then ordering a second... and a third.
Upon the third he decided to slow down. He couldn't get drunk... literally, so it wasn't like he was worried of getting irrational or anything.
" So... how is the gang? Ya'know... in Sunnydale... if that didn't get all smashed up because of everything. "
He gazed at her with his piercing eyes, waiting for her answer with an actual keen look upon his face. Even though he had a soul when he was with the gang, he still had a few rough edges that slowly were becoming smoothed down. Ever since he was brought back to life by the pendant, he suddenly went under a change. Especially after Fred died... he became less of a ignorant, wild personality and more calm and collected. He noticed it a bit too these days... but he was trying to determine if it was a bad thing or a good thing yet. He wouldn't admit to it either....

" Also, what in the bloody world brought you to LA? Not a very... quite place here." He softly mentioned, glancing about again at that figure and back to Lara.

28th June 2004, 06:27 PM
Gali Virgo
I walked down the dark ally ways of the city, ignoring all the gangs and bums hanging around. Due to the fight against Juleon, and me I had forgotten that I was supposed to meet up with some people at the Wikkin bar.

1 hour before…

I was sitting at home, watching TV, reading a book and just being plain bored. Suddenly the phone rang.
“Hello?” I said, picking it up.
“Is this Gali Virgo?” came a voice I didn’t recognise.
“Yeah. Who is this?”
“I’ll tell you later. I need you to meet me at the Wikkin bar. See you there.” The phone then went dead.
“This has to be a trap,” I said, putting the receiver down. I smiled.
“This could be fun.” I grabbed my sword, which was laying nearby, slipped my two guns into their holsters and walked out the door.

“Hey you!” yelled some street punk, “nice shades.” I only glanced back at him.
“Thanks,” I replied, walking away.
“I don’t think you understand me. I said, nice shades.” I looked back to see the punk had a knife. A smile broke across my face. This kid actually thought he could rob me.
“That’s funny,” I replied, “Now run along before you get hurt.” The thing about street punks is that they’re easy to provoke.
“Think you’re smart do you?” the punk said, a bit of frustration in his voice, “Well let’s see you handle this!” he dived at me, only to be hit by a roundhouse kick. Before the kid could get back up, I had drawn my gun and was aiming between his eyes.
“Get lost you little s***!” I growled. The kid scrambled to his feet and ran full tilt in the opposite direction. I replaced my gun and continued walking.
I really need a beer

I leaned back in my chair at my “current estate” which was an abandoned mansion outside of town. A female vampire lay on my lap, running her hand through my hair.
“Did that big bad vampire slayer hurt you darling?” she said, trying to sound cute. I chuckled softly.
“Do you honestly think that a mere mortal can stop me,” I replied, a hint of superiority in my voice. I reached for the remote and switched on the TV.
This is Jeff Ken live on the scene where a teenage girl has been found unconscious in an ally way. The only markings on her are to bite marks on her neck. Doctors are baffled.
I smiled, baring my fangs. I remembered that meal. It was the easiest meal I had all night.
“So what do you want to do darling?” the vampire asked. I got to my feet.
“I think I’ll go have a midnight snack Jezebel,” I replied, licking my lips.

28th June 2004, 11:03 PM
Emth Glimth
__________________________________________________ _____________
"Well... then Emth, I wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to go on a mission with Illyria here... " said the one that appeared to be a male human though was undoubtedly not a human, if there's one thing worse than my suit getting damaged it's people asking a question they don't mean as a question .. "ok, ill go just point me in the right direction, or the wrong one as the case may well be".

Raymond starts trying to get control from Emth who is trying to shut him up and not start yelling at him aloud at the same time, eventually Raymond calms down a little and Emth glowers around a little, waiting for a response from the two standing across the room.

28th June 2004, 11:08 PM
(OOC: Elexand's not on the characters page of the website, for some reason...)

Lara Zemei

"Sunnydale quite literally blew up. Most of the gang's out on the road somewhere. I think they were going to find more Slayers, but I'm not sure."

Lara slowly sipped her drink. While she couldn't get drunk that easily, she didn't like herself when she did get drunk, not to mention she could lose whatever control she had on herself. All she needed would be to change while in here, and she'd probably be thrown out for a good long while.

"I've been here for a couple months now. I'm not sure what, but something just drew me in."

It was just then she noticed that he'd look away from time to time, at a rough-looking guy sitting at the bar. She lowered her voice, making a slight gesture with her head.

"Something up?"

29th June 2004, 09:52 AM
\-) Elexand von Ulrich (-/
Whispers. They always try to whisper when Elexand’s there, but with his heightened hearing, he always manages to pick it up. He had learned to be very selective with his hearing, as if he just let his ears hear everything, he’d have a headache all the time. Elexand’s eyes lit up a little when he heard her speak. They were talking about Sunnydale, he had no idea what the hell Sunnydale was, or the people in it, but he listened inventively anyway. Elexand noticed the man with her giving him side glances, but he assumed it was only natural since he had been looking towards the girl every once in a while.
“Something up?” she spoke in a slightly deeper, yet quieter voice.
At this point, Elexand picked himself up and walked towards her and the man she was with. With the neck of the bottle of vodka still clenched in his grasp, he stood beside the two of them and introduced himself, why, he wasn’t sure why he had.
“Elexand von Ulrich” he spoke in a heavy Ukrainian accent “New to America, from the Ukraine. You mind showing me around?”

1st July 2004, 12:22 PM
~ Vampire/M ~

Spike was about to open his mouth to speak, until the tainted man came up to them an introduced himself, while adding that he wondered if they'd show him around.
More like Lara... Spike added to his thoughts, for it was the reason alone that he looked at Elexand- because he sensed him looking at Lara. A feeling of protection and... perhaps possesiveness came over Spike as he stood up, nodding to Lara and then looking to the large humanoid before them.
" We'd be glad to show you around... nothing else to bloody do, right Lara?"
Spike turned and gazed at her, slightly hoping she wouldn't notice how quick Spike was to rise to his feet. Spike waited for his response, while silently forgetting about the plans that Angel had made for Spike.


Illyria was given information by Angel, and with that she looked to Emth with a calm, almost too calm and stiff appeal. She walked towards him with a strong, stiff look but it some how was filled with a grace that no mortal could master. Gazing upon him slightly, Illyria nodded.
" You will follow me. We are leaving to meet my pet. "

With that Illyria walked past him... only to hear his slight footsteps behind her as they went into the elevator.
"Who is 'your pet'?" Emth asked, a sharp gaze towards her face that she didn't seem quite stunned by.
" He is a vampire." Illyria stated, not giving anymore information then she had too. As the elevator opened, they soon exited the grounds of Wolfram and Hart... entering the darkness of LA.

2nd July 2004, 12:51 AM
Emth Glimth
__________________________________________________ ___________
Illyria stating her pet was a vampire had Emth surprised, he never felt like anyone around him was on his level..

But then again the usual company was after all Raymond who was only a businessman after all, and a human businessman at that, forget souls and fire these guys deal in pieces of processed tree Emth thinks to himself while trying to keep track of a speechless and hard to follow Illyria due to her speed..

He creates a small fire spark in his hand that to anyone watching would look like a match, he suddenly puts it out remembering that all sorts of people would be interested in a woman wandering down the streets of LA, not that he'd mind losing her too much seeing as he doesn't know her and she isn't by any standards talkative though it isn't as though he has tried to be nice "by the way, has it occured that being blue in public might not be such a great idea?" Emth mutters noticing Illyria is still appearing in a rather blue manner.

OOC: 500th post for me, oh yeah!! :)

13th July 2004, 03:37 PM
Time to rescue this topic from the brink of oblivion...

Lara Zemei


Lara could sense something...something familiar from Elexand. She couldn't put her finger on it exactly, but it was something. She slid out from the booth, placing one hand on the table edge to help her up.

"After all, LA is usually somewhat more interesting in the late hours."

Today just kept getting better and better, she decided.

14th July 2004, 11:29 AM

Illyria heard the demon's comment, and shrugged slightly to herself as she turned to let her icey-blue colored eyes stare at him for a moment.
" I have done this before. Myself being the hue of blue that I am never seemed to be noticed. We are going to a place in LA that is heavily demon populated anyway, so I don't think I'll stand out as much as the regular demonics would."

Illyria stopped abruptly however, causing Emth to have to stop abruptly as well.
"What is it?" He spoke, as Illyria shook her head... gazing about.
"There is an odd presense here, followed by others... ... there." She pointed ahead, into a shadowy part of the street.

(Anyone who is anybody can be that group or some thing.)

15th July 2004, 03:29 AM
Emth Glimth
Illyria stopped sharply infront of me, i was about to ask what was going on, however it didn't matter as Illyria told me before i recovered my balance.

Pitch darkness was not my idea of fun so i started to make another tiny fire to see the figure.

OOC: this was sorta just an activity post.