View Full Version : Some Pokemon Movie/Minimovie Ideas

PokeLady Jeannette
13th July 2004, 11:09 AM
Here's some minimovie and movie ideas!

1. Minimovie 9: The Snatching

For those who are wondering what happened before the start of Pokemon Collosseum, we finally get to meet Wes, Espeon and Umbreon for the first time, before he 'joined' Team Snagem. And how an accident with a Pokeball transporter created Miror B.

2. Movie 9: Destroy All Nurse Joys Melee!

Every Pokemon fan wants to how those Nurse Joys look the same. Well, we finally get to explain it. Oh and we meet...the ORIGINAL NURSE JOY (who long before you were born) was a Nurse and a Pokemon Master too! Now...as a new Team Rocket plot to destroy the technology to make more Nurse Joys unfolds...the original Nurse Joy must fight and defeat Team Rocket and stop all the Nurse Joys from being destroyed.

PS. If you want, I can change the title of the movie to "The Last Nurse Joy".

3. Minimovie 10: Gardevoir Needs A Hug!

A new trainer character debuts, but she/he doesn't like her/his Gardevoir much. But when Annie and Oakley try to steal his/her Magneton (and it's a very special one) the trainer and Gardevoir must unite to defeat them.

A possible funny line:

Gardevoir: I need high heels. And some lipstick. And I want to stand flat on my feet. Dear, going on pointe all the time is REALLY KILLING ME! (cries)

4. Movie 10: Pardon The PokeInterruption

This is a PTI/Pokemon crossover movie. Mike Wilbon, Tony Kornheiser, Stat Boy and the Pokemon characters discuss and argue in a funny way, what they went through during all the 10 movies and minimovies. Plus Ken Gates drops in (as himself) and discovers he's a Pokemon Master in the making.
We even get to see his Mudkip, Oddish, Magnemite, Zigzagoon and his Ralts (who's a Kirlia now!) and digs ballet (with a touch of breakdancing).