View Full Version : Signups: The Black Reign

6th August 2004, 12:14 PM
ok, it's a fairly standard old style rpg of mine but at least i've got my old storyline back (NOTE: this went to semi-completion on another forum hehe)

Storyline: Once when the world was young and a fresh place there was a man called Ashmidas, he was a peerless swordsman who never seemed to lose blood in battle as though he carried a charmed life, yet his power lead him down the road of justice.

Eventually people worldwide became jealous of Ashmidas and eventually a hired assasains guilde disposed of him in his sleep, however his son took up his sword and carried on his fathers crusade to create a fair earth where all men could be seen as equals yet eventually he too feel and in his death a great monument was forged around his sword which was believed to be the source of his power.

The monument has over the past 9000 years become overgrown and people have become less and less complex, the legend of Ashmidas has almost been forgotten and is now merely a story but there are some who believe in him and his deeds of valour.

Humans and Elves have learnt to socialise together but most choose not to, continuing with a decades old system of nomadic life moving together only for large celebrations and wars.

Groups of assasins and scattered clans dominate various area's of the world, but mostly the world is dominated by the beasts of the wild, some rumours even say that the beasts around the sword's monument have evolved faster than mankind, now a group of people stand on the shores of destiny and await thier chance to attempt to claim the sword.

Signup Sheet
Name: well, it's your name!!

Gender: don't say both/neither or you'll find me at your house with a hammer

Race: Human or Elf, Elves are better magically and humans are more weapon oriented.

Age: between 19 and 80.

Personality: what does your charecter like, dislike, how do they react

Appearence: What do you look like?

Class: Mage (Magician, please specify a type), Warrior (fighter, please specify again), Rogue (Thief or something stealthy, specify please)

History: Most lifestyles would be nomadic and please explain how you learnt your skills and obtained your sentimental item.

Skills: pick yourself 4 abilities, choose a "best" skill which will be your strongest, it would be nice if they corresponded with your class (remember, stuff like potion mixing might help too).

Equipment: you can have a basic weapon eg. Staff, Axe, Sword, Warhammer and some light armour (no plate mail :P) and a life potion.

Sentimental Item: something close to your heart, no weapons or armour :) maybe a pendant or somesuch that could help you magically.

Example Signup:
Name - Ray White

Gender - Male

Race - Elf

Age - 42

Personality: Quiet and semi-mysterious, Ray never spends much time doing any more than he has to. He isn't really a leader unless it's about something he knows alot of or he feels that others don't have a clue.

Appearence: about 6'1", he has long black hair tied back to below his shoulders and a very slight build. He has brown eyes which glow slightly in the dark due to his elven blood, his nose is somewhat crooked after various potions going wrong.

Class - Mage (Alchemy Based)

History - Ray grew up in a small tribe of elves and humans living off the land and migrating from year to year to move to better hunting spots. He began training under his Father who was the tribe's Herbalist and Potion Brewer when he was 11 and soon learnt to create strong brews which could regenerate health or magical strength.

As he grew older he learnt some abilities in natural chemistry of fire, wind, water and earth allowing himself to learn to control all four alchemic elements in a unique way and when he was 20 he left his tribe to become a mercenary for hire, he never suceeded but he became a herbalist for various groups which earn't him some gold coins, but it took him a long time to gain what he required.

Eventually he decided to join the search for the sword to attempt to solve the mysteries of Alchemy.

NOTE: this is just a short example history, if yours could be a little longer it would be nice

Skills -
Herbalist: Ray knows what most herbs are.
Potion Brewer: Ray can create life and magic essence potions as well as minor poisonous elixers.
Burning Wind: Ray channels the elements of Fire and Wind together to create a small tornado of fire.
Quadrangle of Alchemy: All four elements of Alchemy (Wind, Water, Fire, Earth) mix together to create a devestating funnel of raw energy. This is Ray's most powerful spell.

Equipment -
Dagger: a short sharp blade.
Fur Pelt: a heavy pelt of fur that blocks most blows.
A healing potion: a standard potion that heals cuts quickly and can even help with grievous wounds.

Sentimental Item -
Mortar and Pessle: Ray has had this as a keepsake from his tribe, he uses it to grind herbs down for his potions - he also seems to gain some form of magical essence boost from it though he is unsure of it's nature.

How combat works with me: unlike some of this forum when you fight things in my RPG you don't describe any consequences of your offence (unless they dodge) so say your a mage here's my example of how to cast fireball against a tiger.

The tiger was closing in on me, however it probably wasn't expecting fire to come it's way - I began to focus on the tiger and my hands began to create a small fireball, I let out a cry and launched my fireball and leant down waiting for the smoke of the impact to clear.

6th August 2004, 02:19 PM
YAY! Elves ^___^
Oh, and what happened to personality and appearance? Isn't that important too?

Name: Willow (last name unknown)
Gender: Female
Race: half elf-half human (if that's okay...)
Age: 19
Class: Assasin (is that okay? does that kinda come under theif?)
History: She's one of few female elves trained in the art of assasination. Her master, who is human, found her at a young age sneaking up on animals of the forest and attacking them. Not realising she was an elf, he took her in and began training her. Not understanding what he was teaching her, Willow learned how to stay hidden, hunting and killing the target.
At the age of 17 she was hired for her first job. She was asked to kill one of the most important figures in Elven society. She wouldn't do it. She couldn't. Her master disowned her and has been hunted by other assasins since.
~Hunt and kill: She finds it easy to sneak up on people that may cause her harm. She will kill them. Unless something happens. If nothing happens then they're dead.
~Walk in the shadows: She hides herself in the shadows to follow people.
~Deadly accuracy: She can fire her arrows from a long distance and has a high chance of hitting the target.
~Basic medicine: She has a very basic understanding of medicine.
Equipment: Bow and arrows, a small dagger and that elven bread that lasts for ages.
Sentimental Item: An arrow head, the one thing that she has to remember her parents by. She doesn't even know which was an elf and which was human...

Umm... I'll edit if you require appearance and personality.

6th August 2004, 02:39 PM
Name: Marek Leveque
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Personality: Ever since his family was murdered, he has been wanting revenge and has this ragefull way of doing things, like he would practice swordfighting often, and his rageful nature would often get the best of him. He also likes to play dead, and at the last moment, get up and stab the victim right in the heart.
Appearance: Dark brown hair and eyes, his hair has black splotches in it. His brown clothes and cloak are ripped from wear & tear, countless swordfights, and the occasional arrow ripping his clothes. His black trousers have no rips, but his old shoes do.

History: His family was murdered when he was 10, his home burned to the ground while he was in the forest looking for firewood. He has been seeking revenge ever since. He forged a 6' long, serrated sword, found a meddalion in a ruined shrine, which he keeps around his neck.

Serrated Bite- Marek's sword is so painfull that some don't feel it when they get stabbed.
Cloak of Darkness- Marek's cloak has a certain sense of darkness and doom around it, and helping Marek stay noticed.
Stabs of the Night- Marek's "Best" skill, he can unleash a flurry of stabs,swings, hacks, etc. at a group of foes, and sometimes his eyes will flare blood red and put fear into the heartiest of anyone.
Backstab- Marek will paralyse a foe by kicking them in the head, then quickly stabbing them in the heart and out the other end.

Equipment: A 6' long serrated sword, and a hilt handle big enough for both hands.
Sentimental Item: A meddalion, which has black stains all over it, somehow helps Marek age slower. Eg, when he's 40, he seems to be 30. It also protects from serious aclchemy damage.

8th August 2004, 04:44 AM
man, i realised SOMETHING was missing from my form - *feels stupid*