View Full Version : Wave and Blossom - Backwards Love

14th August 2004, 08:57 PM
OK... this is, er, a 3rd person Pokémon POV romance/humour fic. :what: Well, you'll see. Might be finished, might not. Criticism appreciated, especially on the description since it was originally made as description practise.

Wave and Blossom - Backwards Love

Chapter 1

“Humans are so pathetic.”

These words were snorted by a confident-looking rodent Pokémon, shockingly yellow with two bright red spots on either side of the face. These colors alerted the other inhabitants of Golden woods of the dangerous electrical charge stored within its cheeks, causing most of them to stay at a safe distance if they had a choice.

The Pokémon that had spoken, a young male, leant against a tree, waiting for reactions to this statement from the other members of his species scattered around the small glade. Discovering that apparently nobody had noticed him at all, he looked disappointedly over the audience.

Interestingly enough, the whole group had one thing in common other than the general outwards appearance of their kin: their long, black-tipped ears hung downwards in a limp, half-asleep manner, telling anybody who took a quick look at them that they considered themselves way above entertaining themselves with anything. This, of course, resulted in extreme boredom during these hot summer days. Most of them were simply sitting, wagging their lightning bolt-shaped tails around, trying to fan themselves.

“Humans are so pathetic,” repeated the male, seemingly the leader of the Pikachu group, a bit louder this time. Still not getting the attention he had been hoping for, he decided to use the method that always worked.

“For Mew’s sake, I thought humans were pathetic, but looking at you lazy-butts, I’ve changed my mind.”

Satisfied, he watched as most of the ears raised up along with their respective heads, followed by a few nasty glares but no counter-insults. Not that he had been expecting any; in fact, if anybody had had the guts to make such a remark at him, he’d have been very surprised.

“You know, I just shocked a human yesterday,” the male started, trying to sound casual. There were a few groans of “Oh, not again, Wave”, as that was apparently his name, but he didn’t care; the rest still listened.

“He thought he could catch me, but I showed him with my Thunderbolt!”

“His Pokémon too?” interrupted Blossom, the very prettiest female in the group, at least to Wave’s opinion. He was slightly disappointed to see that she wasn’t looking at him, just making a bored-sounding random comment while lying flat on her stomach, staring in the other direction and flicking her sexy, perfect tail around.

Wave, though, had no idea how much Blossom actually enjoyed this, not because of the cooling movement of air it caused, which was mainly just a nice side-effect, but because of the torture she was putting Wave through as he watched it, wishing he had the guts to tell her that he fancied her. Of course, it was glaringly obvious from the way he looked at her; Wave had just not realized it yet and was convinced that it was his own little secret.

Blossom smirked. What an idiot.

“Um, yeah, his Pokémon too,” Wave quickly answered upon realization that he hadn’t replied to her question yet. “He had a Tyranitar,” he then added, telling the first lie of his story; it had in fact been a Lairon. He exaggerated it into a Pupitar and then evolved it, just for the effects. Everybody did that.

Blossom rolled her eyes pronouncedly, that being the cause of quite some snickering among the Pikachu who were facing her. Wave didn’t notice this, as his attention was again focused on Blossom’s tail end, wagging in a graceful, wavy movement; left, right, left, right…

“So,” Blossom suddenly started again, “how did you beat that Tyranitar?”

“I… er…” Wave’s eyes flickered around as his mind raced, trying to think of something that didn’t sound more far-fetched than his story already was. “I was quicker, so I could fire some Thunderbolts at it from safe distance before it managed to come at me and then I just moved and did the same.”

“Really?” asked Blossom in an uninterestedly disbelieving tone, a hint of sarcasm mixed in.

“Yeah,” said Wave, nodding decisively, almost as if he believed this story himself.

“Did the attack paralyze the trainer, knock him out or did he just run away?” Blossom yawned and decided to turn around and look at Wave now. His little mouse-heart beat faster as his eyes looked upon hers, refusing to see the irony in them.

“It knocked him out,” said Wave truthfully. It sounded better, anyway.

“Can we see him?” one of the youngest Pikachu piped up.

“He’s probably regained consciousness by now, I mean, it was yesterday after all,” said Wave doubtfully.

“Well, perhaps you shocked him so thoroughly that he’s still out cold,” Blossom commented, enjoying the expression on Wave when he got what he took as a compliment from her.

“Yeah, maybe,” he replied, finding it much more likely now that she said it. “I’ll show you where it was…”

Blossom was surprised to hear that; she hadn’t thought he actually did Thunderbolt a human. Not that shocking a human was much to boast of.

Wave got down on all fours and after looking carefully around, he sprang off between the trees. Some of the Pikachu followed curiously, including, to Wave’s great delight, Blossom.

Wave darted around, trying desperately to remember where he had found the trainer. Or well, the trainer had found him. While he was sleeping. Oh, yes, now he remembered where it had been; it was his favorite sleeping place in the shadow of a certain tree. After having lived in Golden Woods for his whole life, he knew it like the back of his paw.

He took a sharp turn and reached the magnificent, tall tree, only to be disappointed by the fact that where he was positive he had left the trainer lying unconscious, there was now only dewy, bright green grass.

“Well, uh… he used to be here,” Wave said stupidly, scratching the back of his head and glancing anxiously at Blossom. He was relieved that she wasn’t laughing at him; he took that as a sign that she still believed him. A few of the others were snickering, though.

“Fine! If you think I’m an idiot, just leave!” Wave snarled, feeling hurt.

Blossom giggled; she definitely thought he was an idiot, but obviously he hadn’t meant her. Nevertheless, such a large portion of the group left that she couldn’t help feeling sorry for the poor Pikachu who stood there limply, lowering his ears.

“Am I that hopeless, Blossom?” he asked in an I-give-up voice, trying to sound matter-of-factly but failing miserably.

“No, of course not,” she said, although it was the opposite of her mind.

“Blossom, I…”

The Pikachu who were left giggled, knowing what was coming, and snuck behind the trees and into the bushes to watch.

“I’ve always wanted to…”

Wave’s eyes were fixed on Blossom’s tail tip, waving gently beside her face. Seeing that, Blossom moved it, taking his eyes with it, behind her head. She almost burst out laughing when she saw Wave goggle at her face like that. Then he suddenly looked down and started to examine the toes on his own hind leg.

“I mean, I’ve always wanted to tell you something…”

“Go on,” Blossom interrupted.

As usual, as soon as she said something, Wave felt stupid saying this, blushed and looked into the air. “Er.”

Blossom grinned. How she enjoyed this. How very much she enjoyed this.

Suddenly, they heard a crack. Both of them looked up. One small twig being broken could mean something really dangerous; that was one of the basics of forest life.

“Hey! Two Pikachu!”

A human voice spoke these words from somewhere between the trees. An oddly familiar human voice.

“Ahh! It’s the trainer!” yelled Wave desperately.

The two Pikachu immediately started running for it.

“Hey, don’t go away! Creeper, I choose you!” the human yelled. Wave saw a red and white ball fly through the air behind them as he looked back; he quickened his pace and Blossom did too.

“Creeper, Mean look!” commanded the human. The two rodents felt themselves freeze in their tracks as chills went down their spines; at the same time, Wave was horrified because he knew they would now have to face the trainer. A trainer who didn’t want a wild Pokémon to run away could only mean one thing…

He turned around to find himself facing a ghostly, mischievous-looking, dark purple Pokémon. The creature floated in mid-air, shaped somewhat like a pile of sludge slapped onto an invisible wall except for the clawed hands, which levitated where the Pokémon’s hands or paws would normally be despite the lack of actual arms.

As the two Pikachu stared at the Haunter, he got an evil glint in his large, ghostly white eyes and grinned with a jagged, blood red mouth.

He was obviously the sort of Pokémon you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark street at night.

Wave didn’t hesitate any longer; he rose to his hind legs and began charging up electricity. Blossom did the same.


Together, they fired two bolts of lightning from their cheeks at the Haunter. The attacks quickly made contact with the ghost, shocking him severely and sending him backwards, although he was unfortunately still conscious.

“Creeper, Night shade!” said the human’s voice.

The Haunter threw an orb of darkness at the two Pikachu, which exploded in their faces. Wave’s vision went pitch-black in the blink of an eye.

“Pokéballs, go!” the human yelled, throwing two balls at the mouse Pokémon. They couldn’t see the balls, and horrified, they just stood there and squeaked.

Blossom was hit with a ball first; she vaguely felt Wave trying to grab her paw but failing. She felt herself dissolve into energy, drifting away into a weird dream about a bright orange, odd room, her last really conscious thought being that right now Wave was suffering the same fate as he was hit by the other Pokéball.

How very pathetic.

15th August 2004, 02:06 AM
I like this. Sort of like Mewfour's old fic, "Pokemon, Romeo and Juliet Style", except it's actually serious. Wave and Blossom have very distinct personalities, which is definitely good for a first chapter. I liked Wave's partial lie, too; it really showed what he'd do for attention.

The description was pretty good, though the one of Haunter was somewhat confusing. (I thought it was Sableye at first.) Also, you may want to add a bit more to the setting description in the future. It was hard to tell how thick tyhe forest was with trees, for example, as well as how tall they were, and there was only one real landmark mentioned (that being the tree Wave liked to sleep under).

Otherwise, it was pretty good. I'd like to see this continued, just because I really, really loathe one-shots. Seriously. I like a story with a real plot and a real ending. So, I'll (hopefully) see you next chapter! :wave: