View Full Version : Rumor of The Day [RoTD] 22/8/04

22nd August 2004, 10:39 PM
Welcome to the newest thread, this one having a daily article. Let me explain how this works, everyday (give or take) I will post up a rumor and If you want, you can say YOUR opinion about the rumor. This will be strictly Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG and Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG ownly. Now lwts start the first rumor.

While searching around the internet I have found 2 diffrent sets of the next "Special Edition" Boxes. These are those boxes for IOC that you either got a Ring of Destruction, Gemini Elf, Lava Golem and Magic Cylinder Ultra Rare Promo Card. Now it is rumored that in December the next boxes will come out with Soul of Duelist and it may either have the following...

Dark Magician Girl, Diffusion Wave Motion, Vampire Lord, and Judgment of Anubis as Ultra Rare Promos

The second is that Dimension Magic, Shrink, Foolish Burial, and Magic Shard Excavation will be Ultra Rare Promos.

I am crossing my fingures and leaning towards the second set. This is because It has Never released cards from the Yugi 2, Kaiba 2, Joey 2, and Malik Structure Decks, AND it seems that with the release of the 2004 Tin monsters, that UPD is trying to get N. American gamers, Promo Wise, Caught up with the JPN game.

Also, Dimension magic would start the playablility of GREAT Dark Magician Decks and Foolish Burial is great for many decks.

So what is your opinion on this? Post!