Gordon Sinclair Appreciation

  1. Roy Karrde
    Roy Karrde
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ_okAgAUGE <- You Tube link to the Original Speach.

    Gordon Sinclair went to bed watching the Dollar take a beating as the US pulled out of Nam. All over the news in Canada and all over the world, America was getting trashed, and called a multitude of names. Mainly 'Warmongers'. Gordon said enough is enough and devoted time from his show the next morning to make a speach which not only sweapt across Canada, but sweapt across America in the 70s. It was played in Congress, Records were made out of it, it was played on the radio over and over again. And Gordon was welcomed to America as a National Hero when he came to visit.

    This speach may have been made in the 70s, but it is funny how history repeats itself, and almost all of the speach could be said today, and no one would realize it was written in the 70s.

    This group isn't for anyone of any political affiliation or nationality. Just to pay respect to a amazing Canadian who had the strength to pay respect to a country, when the rest of the world was to cowardly to do so.
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