Name to come later

  1. Crazy Elf Boy
    Crazy Elf Boy
    Name: Lucio Carion (Shadow of Despair)
    1 (+1 level Adjustment)
    Race: Ghost Elf
    Class: Rogue
    Alignment: Lawful Evil

    Stats Stat Modifier
    STR: 15 +2
    CON:12 +1
    DEX: 18 +4
    INT: 14 +2
    WIS: 10 +0
    CHA 10 +0

    Attack Bonus:+0
    Armour Class: 16
    Fortitude Save: 1
    Reflex Save: 6
    Will Save: 0

    Sneak Attack +1d6

    Agile Athlete
  2. Crazy Elf Boy
    Crazy Elf Boy

    STR: Climb: 3
    Jump: 3
    Swim: 3
    Dex: Balance: 5
    Escape Artist: 5
    Hide: 8
    Move Silently: 7
    Open Lock: 5
    Sleight of Hand: 6
    Tumble: 4
    Use Rope: 4
  3. Crazy Elf Boy
    Crazy Elf Boy
    Int: Appraise: 2
    Craft: 2
    Decipher Script: 2
    Disable Device: 2
    Forgery: 2
    Know (local): 2
    Search: 4
    Concentration: 4
    Wis: Listen: 3
    Profession: 1
    Sense Motive: 1
    Spot: 3
    Cha: Bluff: 3
    Diplomacy: 0
    Disguise: 5
    Gather Information: 3
    Intimidate: 2
    Perform: 2
    Use Magical Device: 1
  4. Crazy Elf Boy
    Crazy Elf Boy

    Gold Pieces: 35g

    Leather Armour
    Armor bonus to AC: +2
    Max Dex mod: +6
    Armor Check penalty: 0
    Arcane spell fail: 10%

    Bladed Crossbow
    Damage: 1d4
    Crit: 19-20 x2
    Weight: 8 lbs

    50 Cold Iron Bolts
    Weight: 1/6 lb each
  5. Crazy Elf Boy
    Crazy Elf Boy

    Place of Birth
    Religious or Scholarly Institution
    You were born in a monastery or university or similar setting

    Childhood Environment
    Given over to a Master to be apprenticed from an early age

    Caretaker's Origin
    Raised at an institution, be it an orphanage, monastery or other.

    Loose fitting, dark clothing good for sneaking or comfort

    Unruly mass of unkept hair. A dirty, dingy bird's nest.

    A weapon with unusual styling such as a red axe or spear with the head carved like a wasp sting.

    Personal Treasure
    Item of Clothing
    Your mom's scarf or similiar
  6. Crazy Elf Boy
    Crazy Elf Boy
    Fate Table
    4 Events

    First Event Made a Friend

    Intelligent Creature
    Maybe you ran into a Sphinx or a Wemic and managed to take the proverbial thorn out of the proverbial paw

    Connected to the Dark
    Demonic forces, or connections with Abyssal entities or other such nasties

    Second Event Made an Enemy

    Dark Powers

    Somehow you've come to the attention of dark forces, and they know your name

    A small 55 group of like minded individuals

    Convinced this person killed a friend/relative/lover

    Whatever you have to do to bring this person down, her personal life, her job, family, etc

    Third Event

    Personal Enlightenment
    Events unfold that help you grow as a person

    Running with a band of rogues or maybe at the circuit with the jugglers sharpen your reflexes
  7. Crazy Elf Boy
    Crazy Elf Boy
    Fourth Event Cupid Strikes


    The year is marked with relationships. You date several people throughout the year, each for about 10 weeks
Results 1 to 7 of 7