World of Darkness RPG

  1. Asilynne
  2. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    This group is for anyone who wants to help me work out a draft for a World of Darkness RPG for the Forums. It will include the above games (since I have the core books) and many supplements.
  3. Asilynne
    Yay I devirginised the group :>
  4. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    As long as you used protection.
  5. Crystal Tears
    Crystal Tears
    : O what happens if she didn't???
  6. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    Then we. Are. Screwed.
  7. Asilynne
    Wouldnt it have been screwed anyway considering what I did with it? XD
  8. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    Okay, for an over view of what I'm thinking of planning.

    The campaign (RPG) will be set in Denver, CO. Why? Because it's where I set my Table Top version of this because of the high influence of Werewolves in the area (I ran a purely werewolf RPG for about two years). However, since there are so many extra supernaturals, I'll be allowing other supernats to get involved.

    You both have the core books, which is fine, somewhat essentional, but fine. The theme of the game for all is going to be "Dark Mystery, on a Personal level." Now CT has shown interest in the Changelings, while Asi wants to get big and fuzzy.

    The Core books have a lot of mechanics that I consider a MUST for the game at whole. However to simplify it, I'm going to keep just the base core mechanics. No dice rolls, nothing that complicated to scare people away. For character building, simply but I will help those who are interested in what their beginning levels are for a character of their choosing. However, at the moment, the books I have access to include strict human characters and werewolves. When the RPG signup is up I'll be able to include Vampires, Mages, all the like.

    Now, for restrictions on Supernaturals.

    Werewolves, Vamps, and Mages I'm not that concerned with numbers, they are the higher popular things in the world. Changelings are a bit lower on the list, because they are trying to hide from the Fae so they keep a low profile. Hunters are somewhat isolated to certain spots that they deem their protectorates, so they're a bit lower on the population ladder as well. However, the one that I'm going to restrict is Prometheans to two. Why? Because of what happens when a large amount of them are around.

    The area around the Created starts to deteriorate as nature itself seems to reject the Promethean's existence. Get two of them in the same general area, and all kinds of hell breaks loose.
  9. Asilynne
    Rudy said (big surprise) that he wants to be a Vampire >.>
  10. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    Like I said, I'd let ppl play what they want. THe only thing I'll really put restrictions on would be only two Prometheans.
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