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Thread: Younger Person's Bomb Joke Revenged Itself

  1. #1
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Younger Person's Bomb Joke Revenged Itself

    I don't find this story in English so I post a quote from a Finnish magazine called Kaleva, the date being the 16th of February:

    The Danish young persons could bitterly notice that there is no joking about bombs in planes at these ages of terror.

    The Danish youngsters were on the way to Malaga, Spain.

    'Did you remember to bring the bomb?' one of the youngsters asked his friend.

    The travelling ended there. The employees called the police and the young persons were removed from the plane.

    Too bad I forgot my bomb in Polls, Clubs and Games forum...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Younger Person's Bomb Joke Revenged Itself

    From Meet the Parents:

    Norm: I got a plane full of people saying you threatened that stewardess.
    Greg Focker: I was not threatening her. I was just trying to get my bag into the overhead storage thing...
    Norm: You were acting like a maniac and you threatened her with a bomb.
    Greg Focker: No, I said I didn't have a bomb.
    Norm: But you said bomb.
    Greg Focker: I said, "It's not like I have a bomb".
    Norm: You said "Bomb" on an airplane.
    Greg Focker: What's wrong with saying 'Bomb' on an airplane?
    Norm: You can't say 'Bomb' on an airplane!
    Greg Focker: Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb. You gonna arrest me? Bomb bomb bomb bomb! During the war I was a BOMBardier!

    You would have thought that would be lesson enough.

    But seriously, people ought to be more careful about what they say in this day and age. Even in America, where you have "free speech", something like this would elicit a similar response. Jokes aren't funny when people have to be suspicious anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  3. #3
    TPM's Statistician Honorary ModeratorMaster Trainer
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    Default Re: Younger Person's Bomb Joke Revenged Itself

    heh, yeah well lol @ the bomb focker thing

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