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Thread: Frank, we duel :D

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    O, the agony this doth bring. I watcheth thee and ever I wait, I longeth for thy day when thy sword runs red with the blood of this foe. Bring me my sword, and doth we duel!

    Styx: *handing me my sword* Ok, Romeo

    My heart doth weep for you, Styx, dost thou not understandeth? My will hath been done, thou art but a slave before thee!

    Styx: Yeah, whatever. I think I'll go back to grammar-checking Shakespeare now.

    Rules, and stuff...
    2 on 2
    I'll send out first
    You attack first
    DQ: An amount of time one second longer than however long it actually takes you to post attacks ^_^ (in other words, don't care)

    Arena: Khazad-dűm

    A great and ancient Dwarven hall built deep under Moria. Huge stone pillars rise at set intervals from the smooth ground to the vaulted ceiling high above, masked in shadow. The many ever-burning torches set into each pillar cast a dim light on the scene, but plenty to see by. The Dwarves of Moria that once called this hall their home are long-gone, routed by the hordes of Goblins that still inhabit the place. Occasionally their drums are still heard deep within the many tunnels and mountain-halls, but they rarely, if ever, wander this far from their own tunnels, out of fear of something the Dwarves awoke long ago...

    As thine first warrior, I doth summon forth Aragog (Male Spinarak). He hath never seen the light (or dark, as the case may be) of battle before.

  2. #2

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    I'll send out the most often starter ever...

    Haunter: Don't say anything...I'm coming...*rolls eyes*

    Me: -_-

    Alright, my Male Haunter, Haunter, will be battling.

    Start off with a Double Team! Then, use a Psychic followed by a Shadow Ball! If at anytime he Baton Passes to a Rain Dancer and Rain Dances, use a thunder! If he uses a Sandstorm, use a Haze to solidify the Sand!

    Double Team-Psychic/Thunder/Haze-Shadow Ball/Thunder/Haze

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    Channel: #TPM

  3. #3
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Frank, we duel :D

    I guess I can ref this battle. Not to familar with this arena but it shouldn't be that hard to do...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Perhaps this will help your understanding of our arena, Matt.

    Now, onto my attacks. As soon as he starts to create his clones, blast them all with a wide range of poisonous darts. Then use a Night Shade, and finally a Psychic.

    Poison Sting~Night Shade~Psychic

  5. #5
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    Default =O


    ~Haunter | M
    ~Health: 100%
    ~Vitals: Fresh
    ~Status Conditions: None


    ~Aragog | M | Spinarak
    ~Health: 100%
    ~Vitals: Freshness
    ~Status Conditions: None


    -Frank- - Double Team- - Psychic/Thunder/Haze - - Shadow Ball/Thunder/Haze -

    -Kyle- - Poison Sting - - Night Shade - - Psychic -

    Round 1

    This is Round 1! The trainers get out their pokeballs and throw them on the arena. "Go Aragog" Kyle said. "Go Haunter" Frank said. Both pokeballs fall onto the ground. The sound of them opening echos down the long corridors. Both pokemon are now on the arena waiting for the attacks. "Start off with a Double Team! Then, use a Psychic followed by a Shadow Ball! If at anytime he Baton Passes to a Rain Dancer and Rain Dances, use a thunder! If he uses a Sandstorm, use a Haze to solidify the Sand!" Frank called. "As soon as he starts to create his clones, blast them all with a wide range of poisonous darts. Then use a Night Shade, and finally a Psychic." Kyle said. As soon as the trainers called their attacks, the round started.

    Haunter laughs at the little Spinarak and starts an attack. Haunter begins to glow. Then, Haunter begins to get blurry. Finally, four more Haunters appear in the arena. Spinarak giggles a little and shoots out poisonous darts towards the Haunter. It is a very wide ranged swarm of darts too. The darts it the Haunter head on. The clones disappear as soon as the darts hit them. Haunter frowns at Aragog. Aragog just smiles slightly and waits for the next turn where he can dominate the Haunter more than he already is.

    Haunter is still frowning at that Spinarak. Haunter starts another attack to teach that Spinarak a lesson. Haunter’s eyes start to glow a really dark purple. He is powering up a Psychic attack! Spinarak could slightly see what was happening and started to power up an attack. Soon, Haunter’s attack was finished. Haunter unleashed it on the Spinarak. Spinarak starts to float in the air, but Spinarak ends that. Aragog lets out the attack he had been powering up. Inky, darkness stuff shot out towards Haunter. It hit Haunter and Spinarak fell to the ground. Haunter regained control and looked for Aragog. He saw that Aragog wasn’t in the air anymore. Haunter growled and waited.

    Haunter starts to power up yet another attack. This time it was going to be a strong one. Aragog couldn’t recognize the attack, but he started to power up his attack anyway. Aragog’s eyes start to glow like Haunter’s did. Haunter has a big purple ball in front of him now. Soon, Aragog finished powering up the attack. Aragog unleashed the attack on Haunter. It wasn’t long until Haunter was affected. Haunter shook the pain off and shot out the ball. A giant purple ball shot out towards Aragog. It hit Aragog in the back. Aragog gasped loudly. But, soon, he was a little better.

    Aragog is in pain, as so Haunter. It seems this is going to be a long battle…


    ~Haunter | M
    ~Health: 78%
    ~Vitals: A little mad at Aragog.
    ~Status Conditions: None


    ~Aragog | M | Spinarak
    ~Health: 79%
    ~Vitals: In Pain
    ~Status Conditions: None

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Aragog, you've given me all you can for now. Your time will come, I promise. As for now, it is time to let one of my more experienced warriors take over. I want you to use a little combo of Agility and Baton Pass (I don't know exactly what this will do, but I've seen Teresa use it before), and pass off to...

    Styx: Me! Me! Me!

    Not in a million years. No, I shall call on Psyche, the female Golduck. Matt, you are quite well acquainted with her. Oh, and Psyche, just lock that ghost completely into the real world with a Foresight for lack of anything better to do right now.

  7. #7

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Alrighty then. Then, I'll take this to my advantage.

    First, use a Rain Dance! Then, wait for Ararog to Baton Pass to Golduck and then zap that duck with a Thunder! Finally, hit with another Thunder!

    Rain Dance-Thunder-Thunder

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    Channel: #TPM

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    May I begin by asking just how your Haunter intends to Rain Dance? Any rain summoned (if there is any) stands a very good chance of not being able to penetrate the several hundred feet of solid rock above our heads to reach these mines below in which we are battling.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Once Baton Pass is used, the rest of the round is aborted and all ensuing attacks are canceled. The next round continues as normal. Excellent accuracy.
    Correct me if I am but baton pass aborts any further attacks. Why order additional attacks after the switch?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Frank, we duel :D

    I've seen it done both ways, and our particular ref says he refs a round as a full three actions, regardless of whether Baton Pass is used or not. If this is blatantly wrong, a mod shall correct it, but as long as both myself and my opponent find no fault with it, I see no need for further discussion.

  11. #11

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Originally posted by Syberia
    May I begin by asking just how your Haunter intends to Rain Dance? Any rain summoned (if there is any) stands a very good chance of not being able to penetrate the several hundred feet of solid rock above our heads to reach these mines below in which we are battling.
    Quoted from the Official TPM ASB Attack List
    Rain Prayer: The user beckons the clouds to cover the sky, and induces them to begin to rain. In the rain, water attacks become easier to use to greater effect and fire moves are dampened by the water. The rain will tend to wash away small, loose objects, and in most cases will drain from the battlefield approximately as quickly as it falls. The rain causes other synergistic effects at the whim of the referee. Good accuracy.
    The key word is summon. Clouds are made of precipitate. Air, water, etc. The Rain Dance/Rain Prayer could in theory summon the air and any moisture (breath, air has moisture, the cave is cold so the air has an amount of water (and caves usually are moist)) and create Rain Clouds right in the ceiling of the mines.

    EDIT: I see no problem with the attacking after Baton Pass. As long as the mods/master ref allows it, then its ok.

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    Channel: #TPM

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Frank, we duel :D

    If you want to get technical, then I believe the key word is sky. There is no sky in a cave, only endless gray rock for as far as the eye can see in all directions. So, and clouds he does manage to create in the sky shall do nothing more than rain down their load on the face of the mountain above.

  13. #13

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Still, I think I've seen Rain Dance being perform in arenas with ceilings before, so I guess its up to the ref. *looks to Matt* Whats your verdict, lol.

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    Channel: #TPM

  14. #14
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Frank, we duel :D


    ~Haunter | M
    ~Health: 78%
    ~Vitals: A little mad at Aragog.
    ~Status Conditions: None


    ~Aragog | M | Spinarak
    ~Health: 79%
    ~Vitals: In Pain
    ~Status Conditions: None


    -Kyle- - Agility + Baton Pass to Golduck – Foresight –

    -Frank- - Rain Dance – Thunder – Thunder –

    Round 2

    This is round 2!! The pokemon get ready as the two trainers begin to call out the attacks for this round. “Aragog, you've given me all you can for now. Your time will come, I promise. As for now, it is time to let one of my more experienced warriors take over. I want you to use a little combo of Agility and Baton Pass and pass off to Psyche, the female Golduck.” Kyle called to his Spinarak. A Golduck pops out of the pokeball and stands beside Kyle. “Oh, and Psyche, just lock that ghost completely into the real world with a Foresight for lack of anything better to do right now.” Kyle said to his Golduck. “First, use a Rain Dance! Then, wait for Ararog to Baton Pass to Golduck and then zap that duck with a Thunder! Finally, hit with another Thunder!” Frank said to his Haunter. As soon as the trainers finished telling their pokemon what to do for this round, the round begins.

    Aragog looks at the Haunter and giggles slightly. He is thinking of the evil plan that his trainer has told him. Aragog starts to move around the arena really fast. Haunter moves his head around to trace Spinarak, but he can’t find Aragog that easily. Haunter starts an attack. He holds up his hands and starts to summon a rain storm. In the distance, thunder is heard. Then rain is heard above the arena. It seems the rain was summoned outside instead of inside the arena. Maybe the trainer should think about the limitations of being inside of a cave. Aragog continues to move fast. Then, the Golduck runs out into the arena, while Aragog runs over to his trainer and watchs the remainder of the match. Haunter looks at the Golduck frightened.

    I look over towards the Golduck. @_@... Golduck looks over towards me and smiles evilly. My Alakazam pops out of the pokeball I have to the side. He comes over at my side to protect me from an assault that the evil Golduck might perform.

    Haunter laughs loudly as he thinks of his next attack. Golduck raises her eye slightly looking towards the insane Haunter laughing as loud as he could. Haunter then performs this ‘evil’ plan. Haunter starts to power up some electrical energy to hit the Golduck with. Golduck, sill standing looking at Haunter, looks towards the ref. I look at Golduck. Golduck smiles evilly towards me. I turn my head quickly and continue to ref the round. Haunter continues to power up. Finally, he has enough energy to shoot out the Thunder attack, and he does so. An electrical bolt shoots from Haunter towards the Golduck. Golduck moves her head back towards the battle, when she sees the electricity coming towards her. She screams loudly as the electricity goes through her body! As soon as the electricity went away, she fell to the ground panting loudly. She gets up, with a few scars on her face, and frowns at the Haunter. Haunter just smiles at her.

    Golduck is still frowning at Haunter. She looks over towards me and looks like she wants to take this anger off on me, but she knows that if she does that then she will just be wasting an action. Golduck starts her attack. Her eyes start to glow a reddish color. Then, a reddish beam comes out of her eyes and hits the Haunter. Haunter moves back a little to try to get the beam out of his face, but it didn’t work. The beam is still shining in the Haunter’s face. Haunter decides to stop that beam the hard way. He starts to power up another attack. The beam stops as soon as Haunter starts to power up the electricity. Haunter smiles and continues. Soon, Haunter is done powering up the Thunder attack and lets it out on the Golduck. Golduck gasps as the bolt of lightning starts to fly towards her, but luckily the bolt misses and hits one of the pillars near her. The pillar cracks a little. Haunter frowns a little and waits for the next round where he can try to stop that Golduck. Golduck smiles at Haunter.

    Golduck turns her head at the ref again. She smiles evilly once again. I poke Alakazam. Alakazam wakes up from his slumber to see the Golduck. Alakazam frowns at the Golduck. Golduck smiles at Alakazam. I… am confused…


    ~Haunter | M
    ~Health: 78%
    ~Vitals: A bit mad at Golduck; Getting tired; Rain Dance for 2 more turns.
    ~Status Conditions: None


    ~Psyche | F | Golduck
    ~Health: 84%
    ~Vitals: Has scars on her body from the Thunder attack; is loving tormenting the ref; Foresight for 4 more turns.
    ~Status Conditions: None

  15. #15

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    GRR...Matt...>_< you forgot stuff...Editer

    I'm going to repost.

    Hmm...Foresight only stops illusions, correct? In other words, how do you ref Foresight, Matt.

    TPM IRC Chat
    Channel: #TPM

  16. #16

    Default Frank, we duel :D


    Alright! Haunter! Phase to the outside of the cave! Then, wait for the Golduck to come out and Thunder the crap out of it! Make sure its in the Rain though. As you wait, take a break. But don't go into a rest trance or anything, just chill out, relax.

    Phase to the Outside-Thunder/Take a Break-Thunder/Take a Break

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  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Haunter wants to put several hundred feet of solid rock between himself and you, does he? I don't think we can let him do that

    Disable the ghost before he gets the chance. Next, I want you to make him forget all about his nasty electricity; Amnesia! Don't let him get a single Thunder off. Finally, when he's wondering just what to do, blast him with your most powerful Hydro Pump.

    Disable~Amnesia~Hydro Pump

  18. #18

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    Hmm...Kyle and I have agreed to end this match in a draw. Matt, you take too long . Actually, we're going for a tag team match, but

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  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Frank, we duel :D

    This is getting nowhere, and Frank and myself have mutually agreed just to end it in a draw in order to participate in a Tag Team battle. Nobody wins, nobody loses, and Matt gets a load taken off his reffing jobs ^_^

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