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Thread: Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

  1. #1
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    I'd love to have LSUs, but as someone's pointed out... we've already got too many people. ^_^; Don't worry, there's gonna be others... Please post your sign-up with your first post, and put your name, gander, class, and side with consecutive posts!

    Wrath of Sebriil~ A D&D Style RPG~ PG-13
    Long ago, before the forming of the kingdom of Ismir, lived a powerful mage known as Sebriil. He was one of the richest people ever to live. No one knew how he acquired his wealth, and none were foolish enough to ask.
    He lusted for the wise sorceress Serinia, but she did not return his admiration. She loved a commoner, a thief named Talen. Serinia hated Sebriil. He wished to rule the world, and was everything she fought against. Daily, Sebriil would attempt to woo her with his power and riches. She refused. He knew nothing of Talen. As long as Sebriil was ignorant to their love, they were safe.
    But all good things must come to an end. Sebriil did find out. His rage has never been equaled. He vowed to destroy Serinia and Talen, along with anyone else who stood between him and world domination. His powers alone weren't enough to accomplish this, though. He created the Rod of Sebriil, a device with the power to control Red Dragons.
    Serinia, Talen, and a group of powerful warriors must find a way to stop Sebriil. To force Dragons to kill was, and is, a horrid crime. The death of one Dragon causes a rift in the fabric of life itself. To kill numerous Dragons could destroy the world. To stop Sebriil, Serinia must discover the Lair of the Gold Dragons and find the Jewel of Redemption. Only then can Sebriil be stopped.

    Sign Up Form
    Class: (Knight, Paladin, Archer, Thief, Cleric, Sorcerer, Ninja, Barbarian)
    Race: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Vampire, Gnome, Half-Orc, Wyvern... You can make up one too, just describe it)
    Side: Serinia or Sebriil
    Magic: (if applicable. Thieves, Knights, Ninjas, Barbarians and a few others can't use magic)
    Skills: (Item Repair, Appraisal, Alchemy, Trap Removal, Cartography, Mountaineering, Tracking, Diplomacy, Merchant...)
    Physical Desc:
    Items: (Weapons, enchanted things, potions, ect)

    Name: Serinia
    Gender: Female
    Class: Sorceress
    Race: Human
    Side: Duh!
    Magic: Elemental (Lightning, Fire, Water, Earth, Air)
    Skills: Alchemy (can make potions), Appraisal (aka Identify Item; can find an item's hidden powers), Enchant Item (can give a specific powers)
    Physical Desc: Tall with long black-red hair. Wears a black and silver velvet peasant-style blouse and a long black skirt. Has a long, hooded, reddish-black cloak and a garnet pendant set in silver. Has a Circlet of Magic set over her hair, made of fine silver and a garnet. Her girdle (as in her belt ¬¬; ) is made of silver and set with garnets as well, called Girdle of Heath. (see Items)
    Personality: Serene ^-^. Often is quiet and thinks a lot. She trusts her emotions and instincts, believing them to come straight from destiny.

    Items: Circlet of Magic-boosts the power of her spells.
    Girdle of Heath- boosts strength and, over a period of time, restores energy lost in battle.
    Cloak of Defense- protects her from magic
    Boots of Speed- self explanatory
    Pendant of the Elements- extremely rare and calls on the pure powers of the Elements for protection
    Staff of Light- Casts light :-P, also a weapon.
    Royal Dagger- Small dagger set with garnets. Can be used as a weapon, but Serinia uses it mostly for cutting herbs.
    Potion Ingredients- Red Root (Strength Restore), Blue Root (Magic Restore), Yellow Root (poisonous in pure form). Different pure extracts make different types of potions. I'll get to those later.

    Other: Much loved by nearly everyone. She uses her powers help the sick and often gives money and food to "commoners".

    I woke early. The sunlight filtered through the curtains, which blew lightly in the early summer breeze. I went and opened the curtains. The red light of the first moments of dawn colored the walls of my room blood red.
    If I'd only known...
    The countryside was beautiful. Young men and women were walking through the fields with their sheep to take them to graze. The branches of the forest stirred, and bird's song could be heard.
    If only I could have seen...
    Some sounds of movement filtered up the stairs from the lower levels of the school. I taught Alchemy here. My students came to me as elite aristocrats. They left as intelligent young men and women. I didn't believe in the hierarchy system; magic users as the ruling class, and everyone else pushed to the bottom. There was no justice.
    Oh, innocence! Serinia, live in your bliss while you can...
    There was a sharp increase in the breeze. My silken nightgown fluttered, stained orange in the color of the day's increasing light. I sighed. I wished that dawn could last forever.
    Nothing is forever, Serinia...
    I walked over to by vanity table and gently brushed my hair. It looked even redder than usual in the dawn light. Slowly, I undressed and looked for something to wear.
    Soon... Soon, you won't have the time for this... for anything...
    I selected a black top with silver lining and a black skirt. Again, I wished that I could stay like this forever. The surreal time between night and day. There was something sacred about it. Why must it end?
    Everything must end, Serinia. You will see soon enough...
    I dressed and set my circlet in my hair. My girdle hung around my slim waist, and my pendant summed it all up. I pulled on my boots. I felt like going out, as I had time before classes started.
    Little do you know how long it will be until you return for those classes...
    I picked up my staff and my bag, which were by the door. On impulse, I grabbed my note book on my way out too. I kept my notes on various herbs in here. I was still working on it. Every day, I found something new to put in it. Locations, properties, formulas... There was so much to know, so little time to learn, to live.
    You have less time than you know, Serinia...
    The workers greeted me as I walked through the building. Technically, they were servants, but I refused to think of them as such. They were slaves to the system, but kept in the dark so they could not know. That was the doing of people I was ashamed to say were also magic users. Other mages and sorcerers. It was disgusting. I wish I could do something about it...
    You will, Serinia. More than you could ever dream...
    I walked through the streets. Children were waking and laughter flew from house to house. "Look! Lady Serinia!"
    I turned and saw some of the local children running towards me.
    "Now, what are you three doing up so early?" I asked them.
    "God said that an angel was coming from heaven, and we thought that it may be you. Is it?" asked the capricious Jakina. She was about twelve. I hoped that, somehow, I could get her into the school. She had such potential. With the current system in place, she would never receive the education that she needed. Later today, I was going to go before the school Governors and ask them for permission to enroll her. If necessary, I would have the cost of her education deducted from my pay automatically. I would do anything for her and her family.
    "Well, I don't know about me being an angel, but I see three in front of me. I think maybe God got confused! He gave you the message for me to you about you, so you thought it was me!"
    They giggled. Jakina tried to think her way through it. She gave up and grinned.
    "Now, go on home and be good. Listen to your mothers, and tell them I said hello, OK?"
    "Yes, Lady Serinia!" they chimed in unison and scampered off.
    I smiled. Ah, to be young again... I walked to the edge of the village and into the forest.
    Now the light from the sun was a pale, golden yellow. Filtered through the trees, it turned a deep green. The air in the forest was cool, and the ground was damp from the morning dew. Deep in the forest, I had a tree. It was an ancient oak that reached up above the tops of the other trees. I loved to climb it and just sit and think. Few knew where it was, so I was assured peace most of the time.
    I threw my bag up to a higher branch and pulled myself up. Suddenly, an arrow pierced the wood near my hand. I jumped down, grasping my staff tightly before me.
    "Oh, give it up Serinia. I have you where I want you, and there's no escape. You have no chance this time."
    My hands began to sweat. Hadin. She was dangerous. She was insane, which made her even more dangerous.
    I gritted my teeth. "Show yourself, Hadin! You want a fight? Then stop hiding!"
    I heard deep laughter. "As you wish, Lady Serinia," she mocked. She had been beautiful once. But the magic rituals she had undergone had marred her body. She came out of the shadows and stood before me.
    "At last, we have a chance to... talk. I've long awaited this. My time has come."
    I smiled. "Perhaps it has, perhaps not, Hadin. You wish to duel? So be it."
    We circled each other, daring the other to make the first move. My staff began to glow. She had physical strength, something I didn't. It worried me, though I refused to show it. If she broke through my barrier, these moments might well be my last.
    She lunged. I activated my power barrier. She was thrown back several feet and into a tree. It hardly even dazed her. I sent a bolt of lightning, and she dodged. Her blade hissed past my ear. I moved quickly and bashed her over the head with my staff. She grunted. There was some blood from where I had hit her. I took some satisfaction in that. She took advantage of my pause and knocked me to the ground.
    "It's over. Give it up," she snarled. Her bow was taught, the arrow aimed straight at my heart. So, this was the end...
    "Talen... goodbye..."
    A dark shape lunged from the shrubs to our left and pinned Hadin down. She roared in anger and pain.
    "Mike!" I exclaimed. Yet again, my Ninja friend had come to my rescue. I owed him so much.
    Hadin screeched in frustration defeat and disappeared in a flash of dark light.
    I ran forward and hugged Mike. It was a little awkward, as he wasn't human, but he was so sweet.
    He glared down at me. "What do you think you're doing! Haven't you heard? Sebriil found out about you and Talen... I'm glad I found you when I did. Talen is waiting for us. Come!"

    Name: Hadin
    Gender: Female
    Class: Archer
    Race: Human
    Side: Sebriil
    Magic: Simple elemental spells
    Skills: Mountaineering, Tracking, Assassination
    Physical Desc: Tall with long deep black hair. Wears red and black; a tight-fitting red shirt and black corset, and red leggings. She has dark scars in various areas, including her face, arms, and stomach. These are the result of black magic.
    Personality: Pure evil and lust. She gets her way in one way or another. If she doesn't get it by temptation, then she threatens, If that doesn't work, she kills. She doesn't care about anyone or anything other than her or Sebriil.
    Items: Bow of Black Magic and Sword of Destroyer are her weapons. She also has boots of speed and a defense ring.
    Other: Mistress of Sebriil. She hates Serinia, believing Serinia to have cursed her and made her impossible to love.

    The pain was unbelievable. That didn't bother me as much as it did that Sebriil knew I hated to travel like this. Whirling invisible through another dimension. I saw the faces of commoners. They were disgusting. Like dirty pigs living in filth. I hated them. Sebriil had the right idea; they should be wiped out. There was no reason for their existence other than to plague us. We, the elite mages. We didn't need them, or the Elves. But the Elves tend to keep to themselves, the bloody hermits. They obviously thought themselves too good to mix with "inferior" humans. They thought they were so good, with their light and happiness. They live in a fantasy world. Light doesn't exist, only darkness is true. Light is a lack of dark, not the other way around. Light was the true evil. See how as shadow must hide from the light, it is the true victim. But no one cares. No one but me. I care. Sebriil cares as well. Soon, darkness, soon you will take your true place in existence, and the light will be driven back, and it will hide from your glorious power...
    Then, I was there. Sebriil was there. He looked down at me as I lay panting on the floor. I pulled myself up and knelt before him.
    "Hadin, dear Hadin... I send you to kill the little Sorceress, who you should easily overpower, and you return like this...." He touched my cheek with a black-gloved hand. I shuddered, not from revulsion, but pleasure. I would never understand how Serinia could resist him. He was beautiful. If darkness ever took a physical form, it would be my beloved.
    I bowed my head and he sighed. "I am sorry My Lord, but that damned Ninja came to her aid. They have word of our plan now, and are taking steps. I shall be able to find them, but it shall take time, My Lord."
    I looked into his eyes. Black as the void of space they were. Some said that they were empty, but no. There was thought there. Always something. Never empty. Only a dead man has empty eyes. Now, they smiled. Some also said that he never smiled. That wasn't true, either. He smiled, just differently than other men. The only thing that some said that I thought to be true was that he was mortal. He bled, and was therefore mortal.
    "No, my dear, there are easier ways to find them. We shall find Serinia and her wretch'd hand servant, and they shall pay. But right now..." He smiled, took my hand, and we left the room.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  2. #2

    Default Meh...Finally

    Name: Takuya Ishtar
    Gender: Male
    Class: Paladin
    Side: Serinia
    Magic: Lots of different healing powers, with some protection powers (Mind,Body, Spirit (Least this is what Drusilla told me...)
    Skillsiplomat, Merchant
    Physical Desc: Short black hair, down to the middle of his neck, with small sideburns.Wears a Black armor with a black cloak covering his pants and legs.His pants are Black,and has black boots. He sometimes takes his claok of, only for Extreme Occasins
    Personality: Is very Nice, sweet and friendly to people on the side of Serinia,but is very agressive, and extreme to enemys
    Holy Sword-
    A Holy sword, blessed by the gods. There is a Beautiful Gem in the middle. The Sword is powered up x8 when facing Unholy eneyms.
    Holy Braclet-
    A Bracelet, blessed by the gods. Takuya's power is increased x4 when doing something asked by Serinia.
    May think of others.
    Other:Has a Crush on Serinia.


    I woke up in the early morning, when the sun was still down low in the sky. "Hmmm...I sense this will be a unpleasant day..." I muttered to myself as I headed to the closet and pulled out my clothes and armor. As soon as I was done, I attached my sheath to my belt and drew my sword. It's Gem in the hilt shimmered, indicating it had also had just woke up. "Hmm...Your mind is stirred spirit. I may free you sometime soon.In exchange for my soul..." I said to the gem, and it shimmered a crimson color, meaning it felt sorry for me.
    I walked outside, and the sun rose. Small children were playing outside, play games like dodgeball and tag.The dusty path infront of him had footprints, royal shoe footprints. "Serinia has been done this path...I might as well follow the tracks to the royal maiden" I thought as i put my finger into the shoe mark in the dirt, and then rubbed my index finger and my thumb together. Soon, kids started to mob me, annoying the he** out of me.
    I put my hand onto my sword, and the children backed off.I could see they were scared. "Stupid Children, never leaving a Paladin alone..." I muttered. Eventully, I found a tree with a arrow stuck in it. I pulled it out, and examined it.
    "It's a arrow from one of Serbill's men. Very sharp point, and small size to fly fast." The sword informed me.
    "Hmmm... Serinia was here...I hope she didn't get hit with one of these... Though I don't smell blood" I talked back to my sword.
    I walked farther, then saw Lord Serinia with a Ninja. I walked up to them.
    "Hello Lord Serinia. Hello Sir Ninja," I said as I bowed to Serinia, then bowed to the Ninja

  3. #3
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    Name: Jonah Palace
    Gender: Male
    Class: Thief (Bard)
    Race: Human
    Side: Serinia
    Magic: No
    Skills: Trap Removal, Tracking, Merchant, Basic Healing
    Physical Desc: About 6' 2", of a fit-build, long chestnut hair, green eyes, stubble. He wears brown leather boots with brass buckles, a blue woolen shirt with a brown leather sleeveless top over it. Black woolen trousers with a brown leather belt with a brass buckle. Has a blue cap with a Phoenix feather in it. He also has a brown leather bag around his shoulder and also a brown leather canteen of water. He sometimes wears a brown leather cloak with a hood when its cold, but he keeps that in his bag. He speaks with a hushed, poetic tone.
    Personality: Very friendly chap who enjoys his food and drink and is easy to make friends with. He claims to have been to many places and has seen many creatures. His knowledge proves it. He rarely ventures out on his own, usually hanging around taverns or guilds waiting for someone to go on a quest. He loves the thrill of action and loves to write songs of his escapades. His skills are useful for anyone, and always wants to lend a hand. he never raises his voice at another human being, but will shout at enemies when his ferociousness in battle shows.
    Items: He carries two short swords on his belt, one on each hip. He has a canteen of water and his bag has various items in it like cooking utensils, healing items, potions, his cloak and orienteering stuff. He also has a small lute called 'Jennifer'.
    Other: In battle with a group, he has an ability called 'Chant' where upon he plays his lute and sings a song of battle, which raises the spirit and strength of his team.


    Jonah Palace

    "So, there I was, cornered in a cave with 3 large orcs around me, armed with clubs. They began arguing who would eat what part of me. I used this chance to stick one of my swords into the one in the middle's head! The other two, in the dark and confusion, both bonked each other on the head and I sliced them!"
    I finished telling my tale and the table roared with laughter.
    "Arrr, Jonah, me ol' matey. If only I lived the life like you did, instead of wiling away my hours drinking warm spit and selling fool's gold, that would be a great life!"
    The large man with the eye patch gave me some hard slaps on the back as I sipped my pint, causing me to spit a bit ahead of me onto the table in front.
    "So, where are you headed off next, Jonah?" Olly asked. I pondered and replied,
    "Well, its getting near summer season in the Silven district and rumour has it some rainbow-fish swim in the estuaries there, so I might hitch a ship over there and get me a new trophy on the wall."
    With that, I pointed to the other mounts I had on the tavern wall.
    "Alrighty, pal, on yer feet! I dinnae tek kindly to those who spit beer down me back!" a gruff voice said. I looked up, taking a puff of my pipe and there stood a young man, quite brawny but had a bruised and dirty face.
    "Now, my man, you realise that violence isn't the answer, nor is it the question. Maybe you should be asking the question of forgiveness?" I told him, poetically. He got a little angrier.
    "Shut it, you poncey bard! You may be famous but after I've finished rearranging yer face, people would think you've just had a baby from your face!"
    I took my feet off the table and put down my pipe.
    "Alright, hotshot, I was scared of that taunt the first 10 times I heard it but now you is asking for it. Wait till you tell yer mates that a 'poncey bard' kicked yer arse!"
    "Bring it on!" he said and the entire tavern made a circle around us, the bartender making bets. He ripped off his shirt and through a punch at me. I swerved past it and laughed.
    "A punching match! Right! Good show!"
    "Shut up, you bastie!" he scowled and threw a left hook. I ducked and landed a fist right into his face. The crowd ooed as he stumbled backwards, holding his face.
    "My face! My face!" he yelled. I held his shoulder and said,
    "Come on, son, I didn't mean it, lets have a look at it," I said sympathetically. He lowered his hands and I grabbed one of his arms, twisted it and held it in my left armpit while I used my right to punch him repeatedly. After 6 punches, I kneed him in the face and he bent over. I turned him around into the direction of the backdoor and kicked him up the rear. He rolled out the door and fell over in the mud and manure. The crowd cheered as I sat back down and finished my pint.
    "Alright, I better go to the thieves guild to see if there are any worthwhile adventures before I book my tickets to Silven. Of course, the only thing which could stop me is most likely something involving something farfetched like unicorns, phoenixes and dragons!" I laughed as I put my cap back on and wandered to the thieves guild.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  4. #4
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    Default Of Elves and Dragons...

    Name: Caryvii Renorala
    Gender: Female
    Class: Guide
    Race: Elven
    Side: Serinia
    Magic: She knows a few faint healing spells, but nothing dramatic by the sorts.
    Skills: Her skills are her knowledge of the land, she's very knowing on where to go and when. Her senses are keen and she knows her way around the land and forests. She's also a pretty good cook too. ^^ Oh, a nd she has some slight archery abilities but can shape-shift into a white, elegant wolf for scouting purposes.
    Physical Desc: She stands about 5'8, with a tall, slender and athletic build. Her skin is pale like an Elven, with long, elegant and enchantingly golden-blonde hair which reaches to about half-way down her back. Her eyes are bewitching as well, for one of her eyes is an icy blue but her right eye is a strange and mysterious magenta. She has the elven ears as well, along with the graceful cheekbones and facial structure. She usually wears a silky sable undershirt, and over that she wears a light silver tunic embroidered with faint glistening cyannic elven jewelery. Her leggings are a stretchy, soft black mateiral and her boots are made out of tough black leather, rimmed in silver. Over this however she wears a large elven cloak, much like in LotR being how it blends in with her surroundings and is drapped around her shoulders and attached together by a leaf-like button.

    Personality: She's very down to earth but fiercely loyal. She is not judgemental by all means, but she some times foresees things in people's character which most do not comprehend at first. This some times causes her stress. She's opinionated about her own beliefs, and isn't afraid to tell others what she believes is the right direction but she's open to different ideas.
    Items: She carries an Elven bow across her back, much like Legolas's in LotR. It's made out of fine Elven wood and is extremely light and embroidered in their language with many markings. She also carries some herbs and cooking utencils in a small pack as well. Around her neck is a silver chain with some sort of bewildering jewel.

    Other: She was assigned by her Elven race to Guide Serinia to find the stone in the Lair of the Golden Dragons, and actually met her before a long time ago. (Hope that's okay)

    Caryvii Renorala - F - Elven
    Walking through the forests, fully equipped with all the needs I believed I would need for this journey, I heard a clamour of voices. I stopped walking for a moment, and held my ground as I listened to these voices… and felt like they were people or beings that I should know of. Picking up my pace, I walked swiftly through the forest with nimble Elven feet, as the voices grew nearer. Finally through one of the thick green shrubbery… I saw three figures – one of them which clearely matched the description of whom I had been looking for.
    “ Serinia!” I called out with my voice- sounding swift as the wind yet sweet like the blossoms in the harvest season. All three heads turned to see me step out, and I nodded as I instantly knelt to the ground, putting one knee downwards as I bent my head low in a honorable stance. My thick, golden hair swayed forward as I closed my eyes and then turned my two bewitching eyes of different colors up to them as I nodded softly.
    “ I beg your pardons if I am intruding upon any conversation, but I have come far and swift as my Elven feet could carry me. I am Caryvii Renorala, and I come from the depths of the Elven Forest of Derniia. They have counciled together in hearing of your soon-to-be leave which they foresaw with in their great minds, and summoned me. They’ve asked me to find you… and when you did leave, to help guide you through the lands to find what you seek.”
    I stood up and approached them slowly, my soft, light walk to them as I smiled.
    “ I wish to offer my services to you when you do leave, and I wish to be your guide- almost a Ranger I suppose, if your human kind calls it that these days of age.”
    I quickly reached inside a pouch which was hastened to my clothing, and then swiftly pulled out a jewel. It was deep green, almost glowing as I showed it to them in the palm of my hand. Inside, small rivers of lighter, more brilliant veigns of brilliant neon green also gleamed. I smiled, for a small, ivory-leaf was also intrapped in the stone as well. Showing it to Serinia, I nodded again.
    “This is a jewel you should know- the Elven Stone, to show my sincerity and proof that I am who I say I am.”
    With that I placed it away and smiled.
    “ I hope you will find trust and accept the Elven offer.”

    Name: Darshmel
    Gender: Male
    Class: Fighter/Assasin
    Race: Dragon
    Side: Currently Serbil, but that mostly was because Serbil has enslaved Darshmel with dark Sorcery (explained below)
    Magic: He has some Dark Energy abilities, where he can call upon some dark energy from around him to form black fire.
    Skills: His abilities are to track and do those... dragon things.
    Physical Desc: Here!
    Fully Body piiic
    Personality: He is actually pretty tempermental and unbiased. He is easy to get along with and very wise in his ways for he has lived for a long time. Since Serbil however has enslaved him, he is forced to do his bidding so he comes across as destructive and wild- almost as if he doesn't think to what destruction he is causing.
    Items: He has a blood-red crimson collar around his thick black neck, which has jagged, crude spikes digging into his scales on the underneath side and on the outside.
    Other: Serbil enslaves him through the collar which is bound around his neck... it is this collar which forces Darshmel to do what he does- which is hunt Serinia.

    Darshmel – Black Dragon – M

    The pain… the pain of having the horrible, the wretched ring around my neck was unbearable. It kept… seering with flame, with flame unmatchable of any burning sensation a dragon could create to anyone’s self. It burned in my veigns… and it commanded me. I could not fight it… even though deep with in my dragon heart I wanted to, but I could not. The pain was harsh… and it dealt blows to my body and mind. If I disobeyed this sorcerer named Serbil- the one who wanted to claim me to be the middle of his draconic army, he would place death to me or worse- torture until the end.

    I was in one of his many caves… probably the largest, since I was far aware that I was the largest dragon he housed in the caves. The red ones which he adorned were far smaller than me… for black dragons were by far, the largest breed. Chains bound me to the cave however for now… and the temperature which my body gave off made the cave extremely hot, and the rocks nearest to me hissed with ever-giving steam. But a door opened… and light spilled into the cavern as instantly my golden-slitted eyes adjusted and turned their gaze.
    Two figures entered… to one, I instantly recognized. Serbil… his figure dark, his demeanor worse… and with him, a fairer and yet iill-intended creature as well.
    “ Here it is, Hadin… the dragon to which I’ve told you about. His name goes great in ancient times, for he is the black dragon- Darshmel. His power is mysterious and I even do not know it’s full extent.. but I do not care. I have harnessed this beast with the collar of obedience since he did not desire to come willingly. But I would have him in the end… and here he is.”
    Smiling, I watched as the two approached. I flared my nose and breathed heavily, the scent of steam burning in the air as I watched them, my black wings folded and pressed tightly against my back so they would not brush upon the top of the cave.
    “ When and if you leave again… you may take him with you. As long as the collar forever rests along his massive neck, he will be under the control of us. With the power of the dragons Hadin, we can destroy her kingdom and all who oppose.”
    [Please Send Tell]
    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  5. #5
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    Name: Talen
    Gender: male
    Class: Thief
    Race: Human
    Side: Duhh I donno
    Magic: nope
    Skills: Mug, Steal, and uh how bout um Haste (I know its magic but shoot me... I wanna have it)
    Physical Desc: Shoulder length disheveled black hair that is never combed and casts shadows over his dark brown eyes. Tends to wear brown clothes (cuz Im guessing hes a commoner cuz hes a thief) and always has a cocky grin plastered on his face.
    Personality: Witty charming and tends to get on people's good side if he likes you. If he doesn't can be the most irritating annoying and formidable nag in the world.
    Items: Two daggers he stole off some guard men.

    Talen, Human, Thief
    I yawned, covering my mouth with the back of my hand as I sat under the cool shade of this lonely tree, which sat atop a hill. I scanned the empty meadow below awaiting Serinia. I twirled the two daggers in my hands watching and waiting. I blew the loose locks of my hair out of my eyes with an exasperated sigh. I wondered if anything had happened to her.
    In the horrific battle that was taking place to keep myself awake I forgot to keep a lookout for the arrival of Serinia.
    "Talen!" I heard the voice from down the hill. My head snapped up and looked to who had called my name. I smiled and swiftly hiding my dagger under my clothes swaggered down the hill.
    "Could it have taken you any longer? I would have died of boredom let alone some grand wizard." She jumped into my arms happily smiling.
    "I didn't mean to keep you waiting my love but I was detered by a few...errands but have no worries Mike and I have taken care of everything."
    That's when I decided to look around and noticed three indiviuals standing quietly behind her. Mike, a paladin and an elf. I had never seen an elf before and I was greatly intrigued with her but I would save my questions for later. I turned my attention to the paladin. I eyed him noticing his expensive sword and sack of gold on his side. I noticed the look from Serinia that meant 'to behave.' I pouted and decided I would swipe something from him when she wasn't looking.



  6. #6
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    Name: Kalad Galadorian
    Side: Serinia
    Magic:Uses Light and Darkness magics, the offensive aspects of both
    skills:Imbuing:can imbue items with temporary enchantments.
    can, with the right materials make magic items.
    Physical description: Like this with the cloak being a brown color and the clothes underneath being grey, brown boots, blonde hair, blue eyes. is about 5'6"
    Personality:wants knowledge, he is willing to fight for what he believes in, a bit sarcastic, but otherwise friendly, with a touch of cynicism
    Items:gauntlets of protection:duh
    Amulet of singularity:enables him to combine light and dark magic safely.
    cloak of blending: on command, it can immitate the enviroment around it, making him harder to spot.

    I walked up there, watching the group of people talking avidly, I might have joined them, but I was going to Introduce myself to the Lady Serinia, however, an elf was currently having some major talk with her. I was fortunately to be the next to speak with her, for I must deliver my services as soon as possible.
    My reasons for my feeling of urgency stemmed from my magic, more specifically, peoples opinion of ones who studied the magic i used. Few thought it possible to safely walk The Dual Paths of Light and Darkness, most thought it was sheer folly, many thought one would fall to the temptations of darkness. They merely lacked the knowledge of the key to safety:Balance. I learned from my teacher that one cannot take both paths and have a preference, one must treat and desire them equally, or else one will fall to one side or the other.
    I looked over and noticed the discussion between the Elf and Lady Serinia was coming to a close. The elf then walked away. I was motioned to step forward. "And who are you, stranger?" The Lady asked. "I am Kalad Galadorian, Master Mage of the Dual Paths." I answered, with a bow. She blinked in surprise, then asked, "What do you seek me for?" "I seek to offer my services to your cause." I replied, meeting her gaze. "Very well, come with me and I shall accept your services." she answered.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  7. #7
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    Name: Arche Kumashiro
    Gender: Female
    Class: Sorceress
    Race: Half-elf
    Side: Serinia
    Magic: Summoner >=D
    Skills: Can talk to/with beasts, easily taming them
    Physical Desc: Stands about 5'8", with pink hair that goes down a little past her shoulders, tied up in a ponytail with a green bow, blue eyes, and pointed ears (hehe); embedded in the middle of her forehead is a red gem that is pretty much the source of her magic power; the gem attatches to an Elven Headband (items); wears a blue knee-skirt and shirt, with pink shoes; when outside, wears a green Elven Cloak (items)
    Personality: Witty and sarcastic; isn't afraid to speak her mind except to those she fears (she cracks at people she doesn't know, sometimes ); is very loyal to her friends and doesn't like to see them harmed; can get quite furious in battle

    Staff of Ru-Sa: a sapphire colored staff with a large ruby encrusted in the top. ( ^^' hehe )
    Elven Ring: ring encrusted with a clear gem; increases her summon controlling power.
    Elven Headband: wooden band wrapping around her head that attaches to her gem; protects her against Elemental damage.
    Elven Cloak: meant for travellers; it goes down to just past her knees; protects her against physical damage and slowly heals her from battle damage

    Other: Is disliked by most pure elves and liked by most pure humans; Maiku's younger sister

    Name: Maiku Kumashiro
    Gender: Male
    Class: Hero (a mix of attack classes, not that he's the most important)
    Race: Half-Elf
    Side: Serinia

    Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, Light Arrows: charges his arrows with magic. Fire burns, Ice freezes, and Light dispels evil.
    Fire Crystal: creates a hemisphere of fire around his body that expands for a few seconds, burning everything it touches (allies beware)
    Shield Crystal: creates an impenetrable shield around himself; it's more draining on his magic per use and only lasts for about 10 minutes at a time.

    Skills: All forms of combat.
    Physical Desc: tall, about 6' with blond hair that's arched in front, blue eyes, and pointed ears; wears a green tunic over black pants and brown boots (so I'm liable to be caught by the fasion police XP ); on his back is his sheath, which is mostly blue with a gold pattern on it, his quiver, which goes the opposite direction as his sheath, and his shield, which…I have no idea as to how it attatches; also wears brown leather gauntlets
    Personality: Pretty brave, isn't afraid to fight for what he believes; is protective of his sister, possibly a little too protective; makes friends easily and keeps them just as easily

    Elven Bow: Common Elf bow, made from wood, but fireproofed. It's a light tan in color and it has a blue stripe where the arrow knocks.
    Kijutsu Quiver: magic quiver that regenerates arrows as he uses them.
    Nazanata: normal sword (sorry, not much description comes to mind…I'll get a pic up later if I can scan it in ^^')
    Fighter's Shield: Metal Shield, useful for sword combat; is shaped kind of like a badge (think Hylian shield shape, but plain silver-colored)
    Leather Gauntlets: protection against physical attack to his hands.

    Other: Arche's older brother

    Arche (F — Half-Elf Summoner) |Serinia|
    "So, why are we out walking through the forest again?" Maiku asked me as we headed away from our village.

    "Because," I said, "I really needed to get out for a while. And besides," I continued, getting out a green ribbon from my cloak, "I want to go see Serinia again; I haven't seen her in so long. Could'ya hold this a minute?" I said, handing him my Staff of Ru-Sa. I started tying my pink hair into a ponytail.

    "Right," Maiku started, holding the staff, "but why d'ya hafta drag me along, too?" I could tell he was a bit annoyed.

    "Because…" I said, finishing the bow. I turned around, walking backwards. "I really don't want to go alone…and nobody else wanted to come with me." I took my staff from his hand and turned back. I expected him to complain some more, but surprisingly he went quiet.

    We walked towards the castle for a few minutes, saying nothing the whole time. The only sounds were our feet on the ground and the animals in the forest. I listened to the animals, going about their daily business. Squirrels going out to look for nuts. Birds chirping their mating songs. Foxes stealing off to their holes to get away from the now-rising sun.

    "Get back!" Maiku suddenly whispered in my ear, pulling me out of the path we were making. We hit the ground, with me on top of Maiku, but he didn't seem to care. I watched as a couple squirrels scampered off, avoiding us.

    "What…!" I started yelling in his face.

    "SHHHHH!" he interrupted me. He pointed behind me, silently. Slowly I turned around. There, in a small clearing, was Serinia. I almost ran up to her when I saw that she was facing off against someone. This looked bad.

    Maiku (M — Helf-Elf Hero) |Serinia|
    I lay there on the ground, watching the two circle each other. Then without warning, the battle started. The evil girl charged at Serinia, but was thrown back. Serinia threw a lightning bolt, but the other dodged, stabbing at Serinia with her sword. Serinia dodged, bashing the girl on the head with her staff.

    It looked like Serinia was winning, but then the other girl tripped Serinia, before drawing out a bow. She aimed it at Serinia's heart. Quickly I jumped up, drawing my sword. I was about to jump when my attention was drawn towards a sound nearby.

    Suddenly, a flash of brown rushed out into the clearing, knocking down the other girl. She screamed in anger as Serinia got up. "Mike!" she screamed, as the other girl disappeared in a flash of dark light. (OOC: XD!!) Getting up she hugged him, rather akwardly, before he explained the situation she was in.

    I was about to pop out again as they left, but two others met up with them, an elf and Not wanting to be rude, I waited, holding Arche back, until it seemed like it would be okay to come out. Unfortunately, they left the forest still talking. Quietly we followed, and saw them go up a hill, where they met someone else. Quickly, we climbed up, remembering to introduce ourselves politely.

    Just for your info: I'm going on the fact Arche's talked with Serinia before, but not Maiku (although he's heard enough from Arche that he practially has XP ). Sorry if I interrupted any plots anyone had…
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  8. #8

    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    Name: Shifter
    Gender: Female
    Class: (Knight, Paladin, Archer, Thief, Cleric, Sorcerer, Ninja, Barbarian): Cleric, even though I don't know what it is...
    Race: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Vampire, Gnome, Half-Orc, Wyvern... You can make up one too, just describe it): Shifter Dragon. Only one of her kind, a greyish kind of Dragon who can change into anything else
    Side: Serinia or Sebriil, or I guess you could be neutral or double-crossing....: Good
    Magic: (if applicable. Thieves, Knights, Ninjas, Barbarians and a few others can't use magic): Shape-shifting
    Skills: (Item Repair, Appraisal, Alchemy, Trap Removal, Cartography, Mountaineering, Tracking, Diplomacy, Merchant...)
    It depends.
    Physical Desc: Most of the time, an Ice Dragon, now that people are searching for her as a Fire Dragon. Big, Blue, and icy!
    Personality: Evil. Kill the spiders, dominate the Universe. That's her attitude. Not very trustworthy.
    Items: (Weapons, enchanted things, potions, ect): Umm...none, yet. Her claws and teeth and her ability to shapeshift are her weapons.
    Other: At 500 years old, she was captured by spiders as a Fire Dragon. 10,000 years later, she got free, changed to Ice Dragon, and flew off, vowing to rule the universe and destroy spiders! Her fav. motto: Die, spiders, die...


    Free! Free! I breathed in deeply. Uh-oh. Noises. I quickly changed from a Fire Dragon to Ice Dragon. A squirrel shuffled past. I hungrily grabbed it, then let it go in surprise as it wriggled. I wasn't used to this. Shakily, I flew off.

  9. #9
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    Name: ZEra
    Class: (Knight, Paladin, Archer, Thief, Cleric, Sorcerer, Ninja, Barbarian)NINJA
    Race: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Vampire, Gnome, Half-Orc, Wyvern... You can make up one too, just describe it)Human
    Side: Serinia or Sebriil, or I guess you could be neutral or double-crossing....Neuytal
    Magic: (if applicable. Thieves, Knights, Ninjas, Barbarians and a few others can't use magic)NOne ;-;
    Skills: (Item Repair, Appraisal, Alchemy, Trap Removal, Cartography, Mountaineering, Tracking, Diplomacy, Merchant...)Merchant, Assasination, Tracking, TRap Removal
    Physical Desc: Looks just like a ninja, you know black outfit and everything like SHinobi..ill fnd a pic later
    Items: (Weapons, enchanted things, potions, ect)

    NInja Cloak: THe outfit he wears, allows him to be invisible for short periods of time and allows him to be very stealthy, silent and is very athletic even without the cloak i.e hop from one walll to another, run up one, superspeed

    Ninja Star: SMall sharp ninja stars kept in a small pouch on his belt

    Harpoon: Zera takes a long chain and with a sligt touch of magic he lauches and it uncoils, still sticking to ZEra's hand. Can be used as a tool and weapon

    Schimatar: Zera's weapon kept in a sheathe on his back. A curved blade. Very powerful and light, sometimes will be lit with fire


    What a weird day. I step into a shop to buy something and im chased by the owners guards. Chasing me with clubs, acting like cavemen. I whirled around. The guards chharged towards me. I launched my harpoon which they batted back and it attatched to a tree. It pullled me up and I crashed into the branch. OW. I put back my harpoon and launched it 3 trees away. I swung into the 2nd tree's vine and the harpoon was pulling me with the force of the wine. Er...vine. The vine ripped off and I flew into the midsection of the tree. I wiped the sweat away from me. I looked down where this princess and she was fightin another girl. A cracking noise was heard. A girl and a boy came. THen this dinosaur guy made the other girl dissapear. My harpoon started to make a noise. THis was weird. anOTHER noise. Very weird. A louder noise. I should leave. I started to move up when

    I fell out of the tree and into the grassy meadow. WHat a day. THe people stared at me cept the 2 girls. I got up and brushed mysellf off.
    " Hey.." I waved meekly. The boy lunged at me, sword drawn. The girl cheered him on.
    " A surporter...great." I thought. QUickly drawing the scimitar it was surrounded with a fiery aura. I held it with one hand, waving it in front of me. I hoped itd scare the boy off. It didnt. He took one look at the sword, and dug his feet into the ground to stop. THen, he started mutterin some stuff and this giant barrier surrounded him. THe scimitar went out of fire. Just great. Hcharged with the sword again and I leapt.....

    I flipped over him and threw my stars, he slashed them to the ground. I tapped into the forces of the cloak and vanished. Well ok not really. Just became invisible. The boy looked around and I kicked him in the joint. He sank to the floor. I became visible. Twirling my scimitar and started to sink it into the boys back. Only i didnt. I brought it to a stop just before it reached his skin.
    " WHy am i like this." I muttered. Holding out my hand, which the boy took, I pulled him up and looked around.Better leave. I had no idea what the dino guy was capable of. I jumped into the tree and looked down. The guards were running towards the tree. I slid down and brought my feet, one into each stomach. They flew backward and landed with a thump, knocked out. I used the cloak again and slunk away. WHAT A DAY.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  10. #10
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    Name: Ranis Shadowfury

    Gender: Male

    Class: Ninja

    Race: Night Elf

    Side: Serinia


    Mirror Image [Level 1]: Creates 3 Shadows of pure energy to try and confuse enemies. The shadows cannot cause harm, but can take damage if struck.

    Rain of Chaos [Level 0]: Calls 2 flaming golems to fall from the sky. The Golems have permanent Immolation, but the flames damage only enemies.

    Immolation [Level 1]: Shrouds Ranis in a cloak of green flames. The flames deal minor fire damage to anyone nearby, so allies should watch for the spell to begin and avoid Ranis until it ends.

    Tranquility [Level 0]: Heals all nearby friendly characters to full health. Tranquility has only 1 level.

    Metamorphosis [Level 1]: Ranis turns into a winged demon, whose mere appearance is but a silhouette. Can be in this form for 20 minutes.

    Bladestorm [Ultimate/Final Level]: Ranis spins in a circle, slashing with his Shadowblades. A cyclone forms and nearby draws enemies in, while allies remain unaffected. Has only 1 Level.

    Wildfire [Level 0]: A spiritual flame spreads from Ranis’ body, healing those he wishes to be healed, burning those he wishes to destroy. The damage/healing depends on Ranis’ rage. (Higher Anger=More Healing/Damage) Has only one level.

    Skills: Wind Walk - Ranis can move stealthily, avoiding being easily visible to enemies if he is needed to scout around.

    Shadowmeld – Ranis can blend with his surroundings at night and avoid being seen completely. This is useful for revering stamina during a battle.

    Vampiric Aura [Shared with Friends] – A spiritual link has been forged over the years between Ranis and his Shadowblades. Should his friends be nearby, they will share this link with their own weapons.

    Physical Description: Ranis is taller than a normal elf, 6’5” tall. He has purple skin, and his dark blue eyes can pierce into the darkest of places. His silver hair runs midway down his back, tapering off at a point. He wears a mask that is decorated with night elf symbols. He wears no shirt, and his muscle shows. His black pants have three overlapping circles at the bottom of each leg, right above a white trim that runs around the bottom of each pant leg.

    In demon form, Ranis is nearly 9’ tall with a wingspan of almost 12’. His body is nothing but a black silhouette surrounded by an orange aura. He hovers in this form more than he walks, and his Shadowblades become non-existant while he is in this form. In Demon form Ranis hurls balls of pure energy that splash damage to nearby enemies when they explode. The damage caused by the splash decreases as the distance between the blast and the enemy increases.

    Personality: Ranis was never kind as a child, and even cruel to those he knew well. He has always been a loner, and has gone against authority. As of late he has realized that it is good to have friends, and had lightened up a bit. He has even started socializing with others.

    Items: The Shadowblades – These long, crescent shape blades were forgen deep within Ashenvale forest, where the Night Elf people lurk. These blades have a handle in the very center of the bend, with a curved sheet of steel that guards the hand of the user. The guards has the same three circles carved into them as the symbol on Ranis’ pant legs.

    [Ranis Shadowfury]

    Ranis dashed swiftly along a treeline in the forest, avoiding being seen. He stopped short when he came to a war party, but the affiliation of that party was untold by any banners or flags, for there were none. They had archers posted around their camp, but Ranis could discover their plans easily enough. His body slowly became transparent, and nearly impossible to see, though it could be done with enough concentration.

    He slowly crept into the camp, making sure not to disturb anything that might give him away. It would still be an easy escape, being the master of illusion he is, but he didn't want to have to spend that much energy on finding information.

    The main tent was easy to spot, decorated with gold trim and a large man standing in the doorway. Ranis, being the certain ninja he is, slipped by the guard and listened to the plans. Very little was being said, and an object was doing most of the talking: a map. It was showing invasion strategies leading to a small town, that would probably be no problem with a force of their size. Ranis slowly crept closer, and he felt one of his Shadowblades brush against something. He turned to see what it was, and a bucket was sent sprawling to the floor by his blade.

    Without his concentration, his invisibility faded, and the largest of the men was heard yelling as Ranis made his get away. He had brushed right by the guard when exiting, and apparently the guard was as stupid as he was large. Soon after escaping that tent, the archers were after him though. His body glowed bright, emitting a green glow only temporarily before splitting into four of himself. The shadow copies moved out among the archers, taking damage to allow his escape. "Help!!! A ninja has attacked the village!" was all he heard as he scrambled up a hillside in the rear of the base.

    With a sigh of relief, he sat down on the ground and watched them scramble after his copies. Eventually the took down the last one, but by then it was near sunset. While watching he had made up his mind, he was going to pay this village a visit, and warn them of the coming danger.

    As the sun faded over the horizon, Ranis noticed a dragon landing at the base. It's red scales were an even more brilliant shade in the light of the setting sun. He looked on for a few more seconds, noticing a bright reddish-pink light coming from an approaching caravan. The light was coming from the end of a scepter, but Ranis didn't want to find out what it could do, so he started off toward the village.

    ((EDIT: Remove Charges from Magic Spells. Since working out the skill Level Up Process, I decided that the skills were not overly powerful as they would have originally been.))

  11. #11
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    Ummm, Where exactly is the elf that was with Serenia? And why exactly did she call Talen "love"...? If you're going to make a pre-existing for the RPG relationship, ask the person AND state it clearly in your profile under 'other'....

  12. #12
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    Mike-love, it says in the intro/plot that Talen and Serinia are in love. And I believe that the elf is B4's char.
    Kisa, please make longer posts... if you don't have enough of an idea to make a descriptive post, wait till you do. Don't mean to sound picky, but... ^_^;

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    Hn. Well, then I apologize for assuming on off-board agreement held any ground whatsoever.

    And don't call me Mike-love least until we talk tonight...

  14. #14

    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs


    I watched as people gathered up with Serinia. I saw the greedy look in one of the peoples eyes, and I could tell they were aiming for my sword and gold. They would never steal my sword, or gold. They were used for good, and nobody could ever change my mind.
    "I'm sorry M'lady, but I must leave, unless we are going somewhere important. It will not take me to long to come back.Goodbye M'lady," I said as I chanted as spell and dissapeared.
    I appered back in a goods shop, were they was anything anybody could ever want. I stared at a Particular box, a box of fire beads, and a box of Instant food make beads. I bought out 50 boxes of each, and talked to the Shops keeper.
    "Hello sir, I'd like to buy these ,"
    " 50 gold coins please sir,"
    I had 50 gold coins, but i didn't feel like spending it all.
    "How about 30 coins?"
    "No, 40, coins!" The Shopkeeper haggled.
    "No, 20 coins!" I haggled more and more.
    "30 coins!"
    "10 coins!"
    "20 coins!"
    "5 coins!"
    "Ten coins, and that's final!" The shopkeeper declared!
    My diplomating skills had worked.
    "Fine," I said as I handed over 10 coins, and grinned, and walked out.
    I chanted another spell, and teleported back.
    "M'Lady, I bought a bunch of food and fire, incause we are.If aren't, I guess I have enough food for a month," I smirked at the thought, and looked at the theif, eyeing him wearily

  15. #15
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    Name: Miras Bloodmoon

    Gender: Male

    Class: Sorcerer

    Race: Human

    Side: Sebril

    Magic: Firestorm, Bolt Dance, Blizzard - The standard elemental magics cause either balls of fire, bolts of lightning, or ice shards to rain from the sky.

    Chain Lightning, Holy Chain - The Chain magics jump from one target to the next as designated by the caster. Either Lightning of Healing magics jump from enemy-to-enemy/ally-to-ally.

    Bloodlust, Inner Fire - Both increase the damage of friendly units. Bloodlust increases attack speed more, while Inner Fire blesses the affected characters with fire damage and increased strength.

    Nausea - Causes one targetted opponent to become nausiated, removing their sense of balance and making them feel sick. They may even throw up.

    Polymorph - Transforms the targetted unit into a wild beast for a short time. The beast may attack either its allies or enemies, depending on its state of mind.

    Skills: Moon Glaive - Miras is talented with his glaive, so telented that he can have it hit one enemy and leap to attack another. Similar to the chain magics.

    Spell Immunity (Granted by a Neckalce) - A permanent barrier shrouds Miras, deflecting spells to enemy units. This barrier can be removed by destroying the necklace.

    Physical Desc: Miras is short, a mere 5'5". His dark brown eyes are bedazzling, and his black hair adds to the effect. He wears a black cloak with gold trim, and a pair of black pants with no other symbols. His feet are protected by brown boots, and he wears no shirt.

    Personality: Miras had always followed in dark ways, being no stranger to Sebril already. He was a close follower of Sebril's works before finally becoming part of the fighting force that would stand by the red dragons Sebril had come to control.

    Other: Miras was nearly killed as a child, attacked by a demon. That demon's claws left a black scar across his chest, which radiates with darkness. It has been said that Sebril sent forth the demon to afflict those that could be talented in sorcery, and apparently Miras was maical even then. There are several others like him, but none are as powerful as Miras Bloodmoon.

    [Miras Bloodmoon]

    Miras looked across the open field. He held tightly to the necklace that had been hanging from his chest for ages. The neckalce was green and round, about the size of an apple in diameter. The pendent shimmered, light reflecting from the teal hue that it was. Miras scanned the horizon, finding no evidence of towns. He knew they were there, but their locations were seemingly hidden.

    He glared around, noticing something dashing across the field. Sebril had sent him to take a town in this area, but he couldn't find it. It was hidden even to his magics, and that bothered him. He fidgetted with the necklace for only a moment more before dashing back to the treeline from the clearing. Within the forest would be where he made his plans for assault... after he found the town.

    Name: Ziota Moonrave

    Gender: Male

    Class: Archer

    Race: Elven

    Side: Serinia

    Magic: Fire Arrows - Fire Enchanted Arrows that burn the enemy causing additionaly fire damage.

    Ice Arrows - Slows the enemy by surrounding their joints with ice. If enough mana is used it can possibly freeze the target for a short time.

    Chain Lightning - A bolt of electicity that can jump from one enemy to the next. Continues until the energy runs out. (6 Jumps to start)

    Blizzard - Shards of sharp ice rain down upon those in the affected area, their skin being slashed by the shards.

    Starstorm - Waves of large energy balls fall from the sky, mystically seeking out enemies as designated by Ziota. A person is known to be an enemy if Ziota has placed an energy beacon on them somewhere. Starstorm can also be cast slightly different to heal friendly characters designated the same way. This spell consumes enough energy to be cast only once a week (Roleplaying time), and maybe not then if Ziota recieves less than sufficient sleep.

    Skills: He has remarkable eye sight, and is extremely accurate with his rare bow.
    Beyond archery and his magic spells though, Ziota has very few skills, but can, if needed, use elven magics to heal to a low degree, usually only enough to allow for safe movement of the injured.

    Physical Description: Ziota stands about 5'7" tall, and his light blond hair flows shoulder length. His deep blue eyes and matching cloak make him look almost as if he could control water itself, though he cannot.

    Personality: Ziota prefers to stay to himself, but will fight whenever needed or assist those who need it. He usually is bitter to those who try to help him, but has learned to accept help in recent years.

    Items: The Sagurasame, Hyrda Bow - This bow was carved from an ancient tree in Gaea's Cradle. It was enchanted to increase arrow speed thus making it more lethal. It also gains slight life leach abilities when infused with certain magics. The Sagurasame is a sister bow to the legendary Windforce.

    The Samurase, Dimensional Blade - The Samurase was crafted by an ancient vampire lord, who had sworn to kill all vampires that had betrayed him. He never succeeded, killed by his own greed and ambition soon after forging the sword. Ziota found the blade lodged in the heart of a great tree near his home as a child. Since then he has learned how to weild it with force unknown to most in his area. It is made of pure silver, and enchanted with spells to make it near indestructible and other spells to make it sharper.

    Other: Ziota is 306 years old, quite young considering the age of some elves. He was a victim of war early in life, losing his mother and father to a dwarven invasion. Eventually the dwarves were driven from the land, and things returned normal for most people. He has been isolated since the war, and has trained himself to be an excellent marksman and an incredible swordsman. Though he prefers archery, he is now stranger to swordplay.

    [Ziota Moonrave]

    Ziota was sitting near the fireplace in his home, watching the sun set from inside. He had watched Ranis run off earlier, and didn't bother to follow. Ziota had already eaten, and was beginning to worry about his friend. Ranis always returned before Ziota went out for a meal. The public square had been the site of a large feast, Ranis coudn't have possible missed the smell as large as it was. The square was empty now though, and Ranis had not yet returned. Ziota walked over to the window above the kitchen table, and looked down into the square. There was a slight movement, but the fading light reduced his visibility. He grabbed the Sagurasame and the Samurase, and headed to the door. He was ready to find his friend.

    He nearly stumbled off his feet when Ranis hit him with the door as he opened it. "Sorry," came his ninja companions apology.

    "That's okay. I was getting ready to go find you. Where were you?"

    "Infiltrating a military base. I found some very interesting information, which is why I am late. They are going to attack the Barrows. I thought at first about going straight there, but I decided to come here first to get you. They are a large force, but I think if we are careful enough we can stop them."

    "We have to stop them, the Barrows are too important to lose. They hold all of our armaments, even the swords and arrows. Hopefully their catapults and ballistae can hold them off until help arrives," responded Ziota.

    The archer walked over to the closet, and grabbed two cloaks, one for each. Ziota's cloak was a dark green, perfect for hiding in foliage, and Ranis' was black, matching his pants, and mask. It even had the overlapping circles on the back like Ranis' pant legs.

    "Let's go." said Ranis, his Shadowblades now hanging from his back, allowing his hands to be free. The two softly closed the door behind them, hoping no one would notice their absence. They headed to the forest, where their journey would begin.

  16. #16

    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs


    A few hours--was that what it was? so long, so long---had gone by, and my wings had grown tired. She was over a long field. Glancing about, she saw noone, so she landed, gladly walking. "Spiders. I swear. If its the last thing I do, everyone of them shall die..." she grumbled.

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    Well I am trully sorry for what I did. I took for granted that some people had common sense. I didn't put it in my other because it was stated in the plot. So please if you want to reprimand me get a liable reason before you go off on me.

  18. #18
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    *drags Kashikoi in by the scruff of her neck* Ehh...heh...uhh...

    Name: Kashikoi (Wise, clever, or smart in Japanese )
    Gender: Female
    Class: Dragon.
    Race: Western Dragon
    Side: Serinia
    Magic: None.
    Skills: Tracking
    Physical Desc: Black body with a sky-blue mark on her forehead, symbolizing her goodness. Her eyes are a radiant dark-blue that slowly fade to sky blue (sky blue being where light reflects). She has a dark blue stomach and a simliar color of dark blue on her wing membranes. She's around...27' tall on all fours (excluding wings) and about 54' tall on hind legs (excluding wings). Wingspan is around...40' per wing (80' total) and she's about 80' long (as she has a very long tail).
    Personality: Very friendly, although rejected in alot of places because they suspect her of raiding their cattle. She wanders around, usually, sticking to forests.
    Items: Dragon's Tear - Similar to Phoenix tears, hers can heal wounds.
    Other: She doesn't mind giving rides to any humans, so long as they don't yank her tail.

    O-o';; I must fight back the urge to make Kashikoi fall on one of them...XD!

    I awoke from my nap around...Oh I don't know. The sun was up. Yawning and stretching, I moved awkwardly from my resting place; a large hollow where I could actually sleep without causing a ruckus. Humans would be suspicious if they saw a wing sticking out of the forest, now wouldn't they?

    Mumbling sleepily, I walked to the bank of the river that ran through the forest, drinking deeply. I dipped my head in the cool stream, and took it out again, shaking it happily. I gazed at the woods around; to food! I thought.

    Walking quietly, I thought what should be for breakfast. Let's see...I had deer last monday... I spotted a squirrel rushing in front of me, looking as it had had the living daylights scared out of him. Oh bother, a squirrel isn't enough...

    Just then, I caught a scent upon the air. Sniffing curiously, it seemed to be another...Dragon? I glared around at the silent woods. It comes from...that way... I thought.

    Sniffing cautiously, I followed the scent, until suddenly, a large blue Dragon flew over my head. I hissed low and solemnly, and the Dragon spotted me, wheeling around and landing some yards away.

    I flared my wings in friendly posture, addressing the sky-blue Dragon. "'Tis early in the morning, fair wings. Alas, who may you be?" I asked her, for evident from her posture, it was a female.

    She returned the formal greeting, with many a flit of her tail. "I am Shifter, fellow Dragona, and who are you?"

    "My name is Kashikoi, a drifter through the woods. I have never seen you here before...what brings you to this idle forest, Shifter?"

    "Alas, may no offence come to you, Kashikoi, but my buisness in these woods is my own."

    "None taken." I replied. "And none to you, for it is late in the morning, and I have had no breakfast."

    "Nor I." She replied. "Farewell, Kashikoi."

    "Goodbye, Shifter." I bowed, as we turned our seperate ways. ((OOC: I dunno if any of you are educated in proper Dragon etiquette (LOL), but this is how Kashikoi speaks, if any act her out in their posts, okay? ^-^'))

    After feeding upon a deliciously fat buck, I returned to my daily routine of exploring the forest.

    Nearing the borders between the woods and the town, I paused. Human voices were upon the air.

    "M'Lady, I bought a bunch of food and fire, in cause we are. If aren't, I guess I have enough food for a month." A male's voice was saying.
    X-x';; That's...all my inspiration for now. If you want to make Kashikoi come out, just make her very polite. XD!

    Edit: Other things...XD!

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  19. #19
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    Jonah Palace

    Examining the board, I sighed. Nothing worthwhile. I mean, the best that they have is 'Some mean git has thrown a burnt bed over into my garden. Someone go sort it out'.
    "Well, nothing going. See ya, chaps!" I said, cheerfully and began to walk out the door. But before I could reach for the handle, the door slammed open and a young lad, completely out of breath, appeared in front of me. His shirt was torn and had a gash across his chest. His arms and face had been cut too. This guy had obviously lost a fight.
    "Zan? Zan! I thought you were in the Dragon District? What has happened?"
    Although only 14, he was an experienced animal empathist. He tried to get his breath back at the same time.
    "A...dark...sorceror...Sebriil...has enslaved the dragons. I could...I could...I could do nothing...he was too strong. He set one of the dragons on me...he however let me live...said I was unworthy...said I was lucky compared to the scum Talen..."
    He fell forwards, exhausted. I caught him.
    "Zan! Zan! Did you say Talen?!" I asked. He looked at me and nodded. He then fell unconscious, although I could feel his pulse.
    "Kerlonious, please, take this boy to the back and revive him. I have to see an old friend," I said. Kerlonious, one of the keepers of the guild, nodded and carried the boy to the back. I then put my cap in my cloak and ran as fast as I could to the hills. That is where Talen usually hangs out. This is pretty damn serious, but it wasn't even on the thieves board or the tavern gossip board, so there is a good chance it happened recently. Also, the dragons that Zan guarded were only teenagers. Only one of the dragons in the district he lived in was an adult, Darshmel. I remember helping Zan in the past. It was only with the baby dragons being kidnapped by pirates to sell but I remember seeing Darshmel; a huge, beautiful black dragon. If he has been enslaved, then Talen is going to be in deep trouble. I was already out of town and running up the hill.


    Okay, can the next person to post about Talen and the gang please include Jonah making his entrance, please?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  20. #20
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    Yesh! Posteez are yummyness!

    I spoke to the others. Dear Takuya returned with supplies. Suddenly, I heard... no, felt a presance. I couldn't explain it. I didn't know what it was, nor where it came from, nor how. I knew there was a dragon near. It was widley rumored that sorcerers were decendants of shape-shifting dragons. Before, I had thought it nonsence. But now...
    I turned and looked. A dark shape was just outside the ring of trees. I walked forward. The trees stirred. Everyone turned to look. They looked at me in horror.
    "What IS that?" Arche whispered.
    I made a motion to hush her. Then, something unexpected happend.
    "Welcome, great one. We mean you no harm." I whispered. But it wasn't in the Common tounge. I had spoke Dragon...
    The shape moved. A breath-taking sight. She reared up out of the forest. She had a great, sky blue mark on her forehead against a black body. I knew who this was. I'd heard stories of a dragon that live in these woods.
    She flitted her tail at me. "I fear none of you, little sister. Are you a Dragon Diciple? I have rarely heard of your people speaking mine language."
    I shook my head. "Nay, great one. I am a mere sorceress. I am called Serinia in mine tounge. What of you, great one?"
    "I am called Kashikoi among mine peoples. What bussiness have you here?"
    "None disrespect, great Kashikoi, but we hide for fear of great enemies. With your leave, we wish to stay here for a short while."
    "Leave granted. Perhaps, you may be able to tell me of..."
    A sudden crashing through the underbrush announced the arrival of another. A bard, a friend of Talen's probably, burst into the clearing.
    "Talen! There's trouble!"
    That good?

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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    Talen, Human, Thief

    I took my eye off the massive dragon and turned to yet another person bursting out and calling my name. I was getting mighty popular these days.
    "Talen! Talen thank goodness I've found you-"
    "I haven't seen you for ages buddy and-"
    "No time now Talen. Some sorcerer named Sebriil is after you. He's out to kill you. I came here to warn you."
    "Well thanks for the warning Jonah but I already know of the danger."
    "Oh." he said scratching his head. I laughed at his dramatic entrance.
    "Just like ol' Jonah to come barging in with great news. Come with me and we'll have a grand time. Think of all the stories we could tell down at the pub? And what about the Dragon's stash of gold? We haven't forgotten that legend, have we? It'll be just like the adventure we said we would have when we were kids. We wouldn't want me outstaging you down at the bar eh?"
    "Well I couldn't let you get all the glory?" he smirked, "Besides why should you get to have all the fun. I'm with you but as for this loot seeing as how I am the better thief I say i should get sixty percent..." he droned off and I laughed at him.
    Jonah would never change.

  22. #22
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    [Ranis Shadowfury and Ziota Moonrave]

    The duo of elves traveled through the forest, quietly making their way to the Barrows. The road had been a long one for them, overnight and another day. Finally, as the sun peeked over the horizon, they caught a glimpse of the Barrows. Nothing seemed disturbed, and they had not passed the war party along the way. Ziota climbed a tree and peered out over the town. The catapults and balistae were ready, and footmen stood at the gates. He gazed to the left long enough to notice the war party. They were approaching the town. The catapults were firing, but their aim was pitiful. Ziota leapt from the tree and pointed toward the enemies.

    Ranis slipped to his friends side and listened to the trumpets of war sound. The two elves nodded to each other, and redied themselves for combat. Ranis grabbed his Shadowblades, and Ziota got back to the treetops with the Sagurasame. Ziota held several arrows in his hands, ready to attack as soon as Ranis was ready.

    Ranis was shrouded in an orange light, and his body expanded into a large black silhouette. As soon as his wings finished emerging from his back, his body split into four. The copies rushed downward, taking damage as Ranis hurled energy balls and Ziota fired his arrows. Ziota, feeling that his archery skills were not needed, leapt from the tree with the Samurase in his hand. He landed near Ranis, and his sword started darting back and forth between enemies. Luckily the Barrows had realized the ambush, and catapults hurled their heavy ammunition at the war party. Archers were crushed, and guards were heaved off their feet by the exploding ground as a rock from the catapults would hit.

    The balista sat unfired, the towns-folk afraid of hitting the elves who had started the ambush. Ranis glowed green, and flames danced from his skin. Ziota heeded the warning early, and backed away, ushering foes into Ranis' blazing flesh.

    As the footmen of the Barrows engaged the flank of the war party, Ziota was back up a hillside pumping out arrows. Energies engulfed the arrows now, burning deep as they struck flesh. Lightning also danced from his fingertips during his breaks from shooting, and it fried the innards of the unfortunate few it hit.

    As the last of their enemies fell, Ranis was slashing with his Shadowblades, having returned to normal form just moments before, and Ziota was sitting against a tree, exhausted from the use of multiple spells he knew. They slowly dragged themselves into the town, worn down from the fighting. Ranis found Ziota sitting on the edge of a fountain in the town square, and sat down next to him. They drank from the fountain as their bodies restored lost energy. After drinking their fill, they found an inn, and spent the night, exhausted still.

    Ranis Shadowfury Current Profile (Skill Levels, etc.)

    *Kills (Total): 11
    *Kills (Last Battle): 11

    *Each kill provides Ranis with a Skill Point to be placed in an ability. When Certain Abilities have anough skill points, they will level up.

    When a skill Levels Up, the original number of Points doubles, so it takes more to increase it to Level 3.

    Later on, Level 2 and 3 forms of Tranquility and Wildfire will come up.

    Rain of Chaos is probably Ranis' most powerful spell, so to get it to level 3 takes a total of 174 Skill Points. It isn't likely I will put Points into it though. The spell is worth it, but it consumes too many skill points. Though I did create the chart, I had to keep it balanced enough to keep the spell from being too powerful.

    Placed 5 skill points in Metamorphosis (Leveled Up). Placed 3 Skill Points in Mirror Image (Leveled Up). Placed 3 Skill Points in Immolation (Did Not Level Up)

    Spell(Level)/# of Points Needed to Level Up

    Mirror Image(2)/6
    Rain of Chaos(0)/29

    No Changes in Skills/Abilities or Items.

    Also, just FYI, I'm only keeping a profile like this for Ranis. He is the main character I will use, so he gets the special Ability Level Ups and organized Skills Table over Miras and Ziota. I didn't plan on developing it this far, but now proved a good time to perfect it so I did.

    Edit: Added the Current Profile thing. It explains the Level Up Process for Ranis' skills which had not been explained before.

  23. #23
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    *sighing* -_-';; There's a problem with transformations in one of the other RPG's I'm in...*sighs again*


    I sat, amusing myself with listening to the conversation between the ones called Talen and Jonah.

    "Well I couldn't let you get all the glory?" Jonah smirked. "Besides why should you get to have all the fun. I'm with you but as for this loot seeing as how I am the better thief, I say I should get sixty percent..." Jonah continued on talking, and Talen laughed at him.

    "An odd bunch, these humans..." I spoke to Serenia.

    She laughed, "I've become used to it. The village is full of such people."

    "My apologies, fair Serenia, but might you introduce me to your fellows?" I asked.

    "Alas, of course." She smiled, and switched to human tongue. "Dear companions, this is the Dragon Kashikoi."

    I nodded my head, hissing as best I could, "I hope you shall enjoy your sstay in the foresst...The fair lady Sserenia hass told me of your possition..."

    After greeting each in turn, we turned back to the subject of the threat of this sorceror...Sebriil.

    "I usse a ssecluded area of the foresst to ssleep in at night," I told them, motioning the direction of it. "It issn't much, dear friendss, but I will gladly let you sstay there."
    *shrugging* Seems like a great place to hide.

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    I jumped limply into a big hole as trumpets of war sounded. It seemed they were attacking the village. I walked into the gates and a man jumped out of a barrel and pinned me down.
    " WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE!" He spat.
    " SOLDIERS! THEY ARE ATTACKING YOUR VILLAGE!" I returned just as loudly, he annoyed me.
    " You, HELP US!"" He pleaded.
    " I dont do work for me." I said.
    " Ill give you 50 coins!" He pleaded again.
    " Alright, pay me now." I answered. He gave me a sack of coins and dashed off as a balista sat unfired. Before i could reach it 2 people took the troops down. They dashed off I watched them as they neared an inn.
    " You'll pay." I muttered and dashed out of the village and used the cloak. I dissapeared into the trees and rested on the trunk. I thought how to get back at that ninja.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  25. #25

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    (Shifter talks to herself as we do, but to others Dragon Etiquette, but hers is a little rusty!)


    I was surprised that I was not alone in the field. There was another Dragon. Kashikoi. She seemed nice. Maybe I would rethink my idea about ruling the Universe. Things seeed to have changed in the last 10,000 years. After all, the reason I wanted to rule the Universe was to have people and Dragons and the like be kind to each other, killing only what they needed to eat. Or was it? So long...I frowned.

    After testing my wings, and crashing into a tree, I decided they weren't ready. I looked in surprise. Humans! I scrunched back. I didn't want to eat them, maybe if I didn't see them...

    "Shifter! Alas, we meet again!" Kashikoi said. I turned, once again surprised.

    "Kashikoi! Please excuse me. I did not see you...and this fair Maiden. Who might she be?" I asked.

    "Serenia, the Wizardess." Kashikoi answered.

    "Ah. And these men. Who might they be? I have not seen them before, and still have not found my breakfast. All I found was a squirrel, and that was before I met you. I have not seen anything since, my friend." I said.

  26. #26

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    I watched as everybody tralked and talked, while I sat their on the floor, trying to figure out how to make these so called "Instant Bakes" food beads. I tried to chop them inhalf, but it didn't work. I tried stepping on them, but that didn't work either.
    Finally, I got it to work. I poured a tiny bit of water, and it turned into Pizza.I took a small bite off of the pizza, and it tasted the best that anybody could ever make. "Finally, I got it to work!Anybody up for lunch?" I yelled over the conversations, and they all stared at the Pizza I had made.

  27. #27

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    I stared at the pizza. "What is that? That does not look edible. A nice big deer, I shall eat. But that does not look like a deer, like any meat." I said, trying to remember etiquitte. It didn't work... much. I might have got a few words in there right, but not much. So long, so long...

  28. #28
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    O-O';; KALIN'KASYR! XP Tomorrow's my birthday...


    "Serenia, the Wizardess." I answered Shifter's question.

    "Ah...And these men. Who might they be? I have not seen them before, and still have not found my breakfast. All I found was a squirrel, and that was before I met you. I have not seen anything since, my friend." Shifter replied.

    "Ahh, wings, let me introduce these humans...I do believe I get their names correct..." I looked 'round at the humans.

    "Let me see...This one here is called Talen. This one is Jonah, and this one is Takuya. And these two, Arche and Maiku, whilst he is Kalad, and she is an Elven called Caryvii." ((OOC: If I've forgotten anyone, just lemme know, 'kays? ^_^'))

    "My thanks..." She smiled.

    "We are headed to my so-called 'home,' where they shall be staying. Dear wing, would you care to join us?" I asked.

    "I would be delighted...but..." She began, but was interupted by a large growling from her stomach.

    Nearly laughing, I said, "Once we arrive we can tend to that food problem of yours."
    Later, as we arrive at Kashikoi's weyr-that-isn't...

    I led the humans into my grassy home. Watching them descend into its valley-like depths, I noticed one carried an odd sort of ... food, I suppose, smelling of cheeses and sauces...which reminded me of Shifter.

    Turning to her, I smiled. "And now, Shifter, as my friends are settling in, let us take care of your hunger."

    She smiled gratefully, and I turned to speak with Serenia. "Fair lady Serenia, we shall be gone for only a while. Feel free to look around. You'll find a stream not to far from here, 2 tails from the southern area."

    She nodded, and I turned to help Shifter find a nice, fat deer in the forest.
    Fwa! *dances happily*

    Edit: XD Sorry Bulba! It was confusing...

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    Kisa, dear, you really do need to make longer posts...

    The valley was beautiful. I found a tree quickly. I liked trees. I climbed it and sang to Ehlonna, the goddess of nature. The others listened and applauded when I was done. Jonah, the bard, began to play an old tune, and I joined in. We were all laughing when I dark shadow passed over the valley.
    "Sebriil," I murmured. I could feel that it was him.
    A cold laugh was accompanied by an equally cold wind. "Dear Serinia, you think that you may hide from me? You are mistaken. Run while you can. I have the means to your destruction. You know of my project, the Rod. It is completed. You and your little friends will be destroyed!" As soon as his thought had come, it was gone. I shuddered.
    "It looks like we need a plan," I said, jumping down from the tree. We gathered together, pulling out maps and various books.
    A thought came to me. "What do any of you know of the Jewel of Judgement?"
    Short, but I gots ta go...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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  30. #30
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    ^^;;; You guys ferget my elven character!!! *sweatdrops* Thats one of the big problems when everyone meets up at the same time..

    Caryvii Renorala - F - Elven

    I stood quietly, seemingly unnoticed by everyone. I sighed..
    Was this how one was to be treated who was a guide? Ignored but yet still allowed to be with them? If the Elven race..
    I sighed loudly as I gazed around and crossed my arms slightly.

    " I have heard of the Jewel of Judgement... "
    I turned my two-colored eyed gaze to them, as I sighed.
    " I tried telling you before... the Elven Race foresaw you on a search for the Golden Lair of the Dragons... and hired to me to assist you to find that lair. You see, I have extensive knowledge all about this land... I know the herbs, the plants... the animals and the land in all its make-up."

    I sighed as I gazed about...
    "But, again.. if you do not want my help or the help of my race- you simply say so."

    My voice was strong and wise, completely unbiased as I tried to sound sincere and sweet as the honey dew... but it was a bit hard. An Elven was not used to so many not noticing her really... but I managed just to simply shake it off. Still... if things were to go well against Serbil, no thoughts of ill could take place.
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    I remembered you ^_^
    You was the elf I was intrigued with. So don't worry you are wuved.


    The elven lady seemed to be getting aggravated with the lack of attention given to her. Seeing as how she would be difficult to talk to later on I decided I would ask my questions now.
    I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. Gracefully
    she twirled around and her eyes instantly pierced mine.
    I held out my hand, "Name's Talen. Nice to meet you."
    She stared at the hand for a while before extending her's, " Caryvii."
    I scratched my head ruffling my hair around before asking, "So how come you're here?"
    "I have been sent by my people to guide the Lady Serinia in her search for the Lair of Dragons and what by chance is your purpose in being here?"
    "Well I have no choice really. Fight or be killed. You know all that nonsense." She looked at me confused the two different colored orbs seeming to glow with curiosity, "Sebriil wants me dead."
    "And what could have a common thief have done to anger such a powerful wizard?"
    I stared at Serinia, "Simple... I stole what he feels he deserves."
    She nodded in understanding. Taking a loaf of bread from my bag I broke it in two pieces and sitting down offered the half to the elf in sign of friendship.

  32. #32
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    Okay, someone clue me in: when were pizza and instant food tablets a part of D&D? Ah, well…I'll just go as if I have no idea what they are.

    Arche (F — Half-Elf Summoner) |Serinia|
    I looked around nervously. I knew Serinia wouldn't mind me coming along on a journey with her, but I noticed that there was a Pure Elf as well. I've always been wary around Pure Elves; most of them seemed to not trust us Half-Elves. It's really not fair. I mean, I didn't ask to be a Half-Elf. But my parents just decided to intermarry, without thinking of the consequences Maiku and I would have to suffer.

    Because, what if this Pure Elf didn't take kindly to me? I really wouldn't have a good trip. Maybe Serinia could convince her that I was really good, and not someone they should try to avoid. Maybe Serinia could help get me introduced. Maybe…

    "'Scuse me, would you like some pizza?" someone [OOC: Takuya] interrupted my train of thought. I turned to face a Human who was clad entirely in black. He was holding out what looked like a flat wedge, covered in some kind of sticky stuff.

    "Um…no thanks…" I said, trying not to be too mean to someone I didn't know. Dejected, the man walked off to see if anyone else would try his 'pizza.'

    I turned and looked at the Pure Elf again. Now she was holding half of a loaf of bread. The man she was next to, Talen I think, was holding the other half. He sat down and started eating his part. Suddenly, the Pure Elf glanced up at me. Quickly I diverted my eyes, but I had a feeling she realized what I was. She didn't seem to be making any real notice of me. When I glanced back, she was eating her bread.

    I sighed. I didn't know if I could make it through without being on her good side. I just hoped Serinia could introduce me, and Maiku too. Speaking of Maiku…well, he was over Serinia, probably trying to get her attention. 'Just as long as he doesn't make a fool of himself…' I thought. Worst way to start the day off is on someone's bad side.

    Heh…I'd hate to see the guy who made Serinia pissed. Lucky she's so patient with everyone. I'm sure a lot of people would be worse off than they are now. Of course, I wish I was as tolerant as Serinia…sometimes I just can't keep myself…

    "'Hey, would'ya like some pizza?" the guy in black said, coming back. "Not much left, better hurry if you wa-"

    I konked him on the top of his head with my Staff.

    Sorry about hitting Takuya on the head, Raven! I just had to get Arche's character out! I'll get Maiku up a little later…
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  33. #33

    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    OOC: That's ok... I'll post up in a Mintue

  34. #34
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    A minute, huh? he he he...
    *ish bored*

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  35. #35
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    Serinia~F~Sorceress (not Wizardess... it's different)
    At least someone knew something. We weren't completely doomed..
    Everyone seemed to be eating. There was a little bit of noise between Arche and Takuya. A little misunderstanding. I laughed. I took an apple out of my bag and began to eat.
    When we were done, everything was quiet again. I cleared my throat when our two Dragon companions returned.
    "For those who don't know, the Jewel of Judgement is, as Caryvii has stated, in the Lair of the Gold Dragons. We are fortunate enough that she has been sent to us, since few know where the lair is. That's just as well, because the Jewel of Judgement supposedly gives the bearer the power to control Gold Dragons. If we can get it, we could used to Dragons to help us. The Gold are the most powerful, and can easily defeat the Red Dragons that Sebriil has harnessed to do his bidding."
    "Then what are we waiting for!" cried Jonah. "Let's get the Jewel, crush this Sebriil, and make it back to the bar by next week!" There were a few nods to this plan.
    "It's not that simple," said Caryvii. "Dragons come from the very center of existance. There's a reason that thier blood is so powerful. The death of a single Dragon is catastrophic. If we began a was with Sebriil and the Dragons were caught in the middle, the result would be a total Apocolypse."
    Somber glances went around. I nodded.
    "Our mission is not to get the Jewel to use it, but to protect it. If Sebriil got ahold of it..." I left the statement hanging. They understood. "I hope he doesn't know where it is yet. If he doesn't, we're not entirely safe, either. Hadin is also a problem."
    A few of them looked at me quizzicly. They didn't know who Hadin was, and I didn't feel like explaining.
    "She could track us accross the ocean if she wanted. We're going to have to move quickly if we don't want her breathing down our necks. We have to move... Now."
    Yeah, yeah... I'll give yall room to play with the plot now...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  36. #36
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    XD Yeah, Bulba! O-o';; Elves are coolie-woolie...-boolie...XD!

    *stretches animatedly* OMG, it's the middle of my birthday party, and I'm completely BOOORED. XD! 'Tis sad, ne?


    It was around 15 minutes later from when we left camp. I caught a buck for Shifter, and she was hungrily devouring it.

    Sitting quietly, munching on a couple of leaves now and then, I turned to Shifter as she finished her meal.

    "Hungry?" I joked, for she had picked the bones clean.

    "Pardon? Oh...yes...I suppose I was." She smiled.

    "Shall we head back to the camp?"

    "Certainly, most certainly..."

    I stood up, pausing only slightly (waiting for Shifter to rise), and we set off through the forest.
    Later, as Kashikoi and Shifter arrive at that valley thing...

    We slid down the slope of the hill, coming upon our companions. Serenia cleared her throat importantly.

    "For those who don't know, the Jewel of Judgement is, as Caryvii has stated, in the Lair of the Gold Dragons. We are fortunate enough that she has been sent to us, since few know where the lair is. That's just as well, because the Jewel of Judgement supposedly gives the bearer the power to control Gold Dragons. If we can get it, we could used to Dragons to help us. The Gold are the most powerful, and can easily defeat the Red Dragons that Sebriil has harnessed to do his bidding."

    "Then what are we waiting for?!" cried Jonah. "Let's get the Jewel, crush this Sebriil, and make it back to the bar by next week!"

    There were a few nods to this plan. I smiled to myself.

    "It's not that simple," said Caryvii. "Dragons come from the very center of existance. There's a reason that thier blood is so powerful. The death of a single Dragon is catastrophic. If we began a war with Sebriil and the Dragons were caught in the middle, the result would be a total Apocolypse."

    Silently, I nodded my head as if to justify this information. Solemn looks went around, as Serenia nodded.

    "Our mission is not to get the Jewel to use it, but to protect it. If Sebriil got ahold of it..." Serenia left the statement hanging. I understood.

    Serenia continued, "I hope he doesn't know where it is yet. If he doesn't, we're not entirely safe, either. Hadin is also a problem."

    Hadin? I thought. Who is this human Hadin?

    Obviously some of our companions felt the same way. A few of them looked at Serenia quizzingly.

    "She could track us accross the ocean if she wanted." Serenia spoke again. "We're going to have to move quickly if we don't want her breathing down our necks. We have to move... Now."

    I stood up, addressing my comrades, as I know thought of them. "Then what are we waiting for, dear lady Sserenia? Let uss move, with hasste! I can only shudder at the thought of that nassty ssounding human Ssebriil, controlling my kinsswing."

    She nodded. "Yes...yes...with haste...yes..." She looked deep in thought.
    Just to help some who are confused, when Kashikoi's s's are like "ss" for each single s, then she's talking English. If not, she's speaking Dragon. ^_^'

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  37. #37
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    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    [Ranis Shadowfury & Ziota Moonrave]

    The two elves, after awakening from their slumber, gathered the supplies they would need for a 3 day journey. The kind residence of the Barrows, to show their thanks for the help in defeating the war party, granted Ziota and Ranis each a horse. The elven friends loaded the horses down with thier equipment, and set out together on foot.

    Ziota pulled deep into his bag of jokes, and started yakking Ranis' ear off with make believe tails of incredible stupidity. Ranis laughed only to humor him, as his thoughts were somewhere else. Ashenvale had been peaceful since the Burning Legion was last defeated, and Ranis was beginning to wonder what the war party had been after. That question had taken their journey on a turn to the south, where they hoped to find the answer.

    Ranis could smell something in the distance, food he thought. Ziota stopped talking when he sniffed the aroma. "There are people near, Ziota. We must be careful, it may be another war party."

    Ziota nodded, and the two crept through the woods toward the scent, leaving thier steeds behind. The trees were slightly more dense here than in most places this forest held. As they made their way to the clearing, laughter was heard, followed by a voice.

    "It's not that simple," said Caryvii. "Dragons come from the very center of existance. There's a reason that thier blood is so powerful. The death of a single Dragon is catastrophic. If we began a was with Sebriil and the Dragons were caught in the middle, the result would be a total Apocolypse."

    The two elves looked at each other, missing the rest of the speech. Ziota accidentally stumbled while trying to walk back through the forest, and they were sure they'd been heard. Ranis leapt from the growth, followed by Ziota. Ranis held his hands in front of him, motioning for the group not to worry.

    "We are not here to fight. We've come looking for answers about a war party that attacked a town north of here." said Ranis.

    "Yeah, we were engaged in a struggle with the war party," added Ziota.

    "Maybe we should start over. Hello, my name is Ranis Shadowfury, and this archer is my friend Ziota Moonrave. We've come because of a war..." A voice in the crowd cut him off.

  38. #38
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    [Miras Bloodmoon]

    The human sorcerer overlooked the area where the battle had taken place. Bodies of those soldiers under his authority lay in piles, each and every one lifeless as the ground they occupied. Miras waved a hand around in the air, and mana zoomed from his fingertips. Golden energy jumped from one body to the next, restoring the slightest vital signs to each it hit. The chain revived more than enough warriors to take the Barrows, and Miras grinned. He hadn't been sure if the Holy Chain would revive the dead, but luckily it had. A longer chain jumped through all of the soldiers, and restored enough of their health for a battle.

    "Luck was on my side this time, but I can't continue to run on luck."

    He pointed his finger at the Barrows, and the reanimated warriors shambled toward the town. He followed close behind, and lightning rained from the sky onto the elven buildings through his palms. After the bolts, a wave of ice destroyed three buildings, and a rain of fire consumed the rest town. The smoke rose heavily into the air, and blew south over the forest.

    [Ranis & Ziota]

    Ranis was looking at the group, when he saw a plume of smoke rising from north. His first thought was a camp, but th plume continued to grow. His second thought awakened fear, the Barrows! He grabbed Ziota by the cloak and pulled him back into the woods. "Please help us. I know we don't know each other but another war party is attacking the town."

    The two elves had made it out of the woods when they heard rustling leaves from behind them. They didn't turn as they tossed their supplies to the ground and rode for the smokey tower.

  39. #39

    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    I know, I know, no need to rub it in. *Cries* I had to go to bed...


    I hungrily ate the buck Kashikoi had helped me catch. "Hungry?" she asked. I wasn't sure whether it was a joke or not.

    "Pardon? Oh...yes...I suppose I was." I said, smiling. I wished I could tell her I had not eaten for 10,000 years, only what bugs and small things I could find kept me alive.

    "Shall we head back to the camp?" she asked.

    "Certainly, most certainly..."

    She rose, and waited for me to rise. Then, we set out for the forest.

    When we got back to camp, we started talking about a Jewel. I couldn't remember it. And talk of Gold Dragons. They said they were the strongest, they were wrong. But, only I knew who I was. Maybe there was some suspicion, but the Lady seemed kind, even if she did suspect...

  40. #40

    Default Wrath of Sebriil~Starts~Sorry, no LSUs

    I got clonked on the head by a staff, and fell on the ground. About 15 mintues later I woke up,and heard Serinia said we had to get moving, and I disagreed. I threw a food tablet on the ground and sprinkled water on it, and it turned into a loaf of bread. I sliced it into pieces, and ate a few. I put the bread into a spare box I had, and put it in my pocket.
    "Do you even know if Serbill has even heard of this so called Jewel Of Judgement?" I asked, as I took my sword out of it's sheath.
    " Because Sebrill has heard of it, I know," Serinia replied. "We must move now,"
    "Fine M'lady," I countined. "But this sword cannot help you, so i should say it is worthless unless I tell it to, and I am the only one who will make those decisions for when my sword will wake up and help, M'lady," I replied rudely as I slowly returned the sword to it's sheath.


    Meh...All I could think of...

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