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Thread: a banner of Dragons and there trainer.

  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer
    Charles Legend's Avatar
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    Default a banner of Dragons and there trainer.

    ah my dream team of Dragons....
    and yes I wanted Ryu's to be that color... ;o


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  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
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    Default a banner of Dragons and there trainer.

    owwwww the colors x_x :p jk. me liek the black charizard =D it would look cooler if the background had more in it than just *orange* +_+ ah well. simple works for me ^_^ btw, shouldn't it be 'their', not 'there'? GAH I nitpick ._. I'm turning into my mom.. god save me x_x


  3. #3
    Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer

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    Apr 2001
    Georgia, USA

    Default a banner of Dragons and there trainer.

    Looks pretty good, but I think maybe it would have looked a bit better with another color besides orange. ^^; That's just my taste in colors, though. I like the Pokemon on it, though, they look cool. The guy in it looks pretty cool too; I don't see anything wrong with the banner. Looks nice, good job. Keep up the good work!

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