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Thread: .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

  1. #1
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    Fire, Ice, Wind, Electricity, Water, Forest, Spiritual, Light, Earth, Steel, Darkness, Solar, Lunar, Posion...those were the 14 elements in a holy prescence, keeping the gate between the world and the digital world peaceful among the years, until a gap was formed when the heartless broke loose, where the gate was located, the place where the keyhole once laid, and created havoc. Once Sora and the rest locked the heartless, the gap re-formed, but crests were created to keep a balance for the elements: Courage, Friendship, Love, Knowledge, Reliability, Sincerity, Hope, Light, Kindness, Miracles, Darkness, Goraikou, Getsuei, Wither. Thus, Sephiroth realized the presence of these crests, and soon stole some of the crests and tags, including Darkness, and attempted to find children of a dark heart. Sora soon realized this, and attempted to find children of pure heart, including his only child, to defeat these dark hearts.

    Thus, those with a cross of pure and dark remained neutral, their crests given by Genai. But that's where you come in. You are one of these fourteen...just going on with your regular life. One day when all seemed calm, a device floats down from the air, along with a tag necklace. The device glows, and soon leads you to the former keyhole in Traverse Town. As you and the other thirteen approach it, the device glows brightly, and the gate leads you into the digital world. In this war, will the pure or the dark succeed? Time's shadows hide the answer.

    Okay...down with the crests...For Light, Sora's child, for Darkness, Sephiroth's child:
    Hope/Spiritual-Taken by Prof. JB Wolf
    Light/Light-preferably good-
    Kindness/Earth-Taken by Light_Togetic
    Darkness/Darkness-preferably evil-
    Goraikou/Solar-Reserved for Dark Templar 8
    Getsuei/Lunar-Taken by Me...

    Sign-up forms:
    Age: (13-17)
    Digimon: (Your Rookie-level digimon)
    Digivice Appearance: (Main color, button color)
    Side: (Good, Evil, or Neutral?)
    Other: (Yes...The horrible other. -.-')

    Class: (Vaccine, Data, or Virus?)
    Element(s): (Up to 2. One must be your element.)
    Attacks: (Up to three. Megas can have four.)

    My form:
    Name: Sen Kinomoto
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Her eyes are a hauntingly deep blue color, her hair is pitch black with silver streaks that falls past her shoulders, and her skin is deeply pale, nearly colorless. She's known to dress like the Silent Card from CCS, without the headdress, which I'll try to get a pick of, black boots, and a dark grey cord necklace bearing a blue crescent moon-shaped pendant.
    Personality: She's a typical loner: dark, depressive, quiet, serious, cold, calm, heartless, hopeless, and anti-social, unless to any of her 'friends' and her digimon. She thinks that everybody is against her, so she remains withdrawn much of the time.
    Digimon: Lunamon
    Crest/Element: Getsuei/Lunar
    Digivice Appearance: Silver with deep blue buttons
    Side: First is Neutral, but might convert to Evil...
    Relationships: Apparently the cousin of the child of Darkness....but only he/she knows if she is or not.
    Other: Sen is rumored to be the neice of Sephiroth...Yet nobody knows how, except he and his child.

    Name: Lunamon
    Species: Moon Fox
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: Looks like an Eevee oddly, only with silver fur and blue tufts printed with silver moon crescents and stars. Also has a small pair of feathery black wings.
    Personality: Is a lot like Sen, but doesn't seem as much hopeless. She accepts Sen for her views, and while stand up for her.
    Element(s): Lunar/Wind
    Moonbeam-Fires a beam of silver light from her mouth.
    Tornado of Stars-Lunamon flaps her wings until she forms a tornado, sending stars in with each flap; She continues flapping when complete, until it strikes the enemy.
    Once in a Blue Moon-A radiant glow of blue emits from her body... and the moons printed on her tufts glow silver, and fire beams of light.

    Name: Selenemon
    Species: Moon Cat
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: Appears like Gatomon, with silver fur and what was pruple is a deep blue. Her tail ring is silver, and her gloves are black with blue stripes. Also oddly has a silver loop earring on her left ear, a tatoo of a blue crescent moon on her forehead, and a pair of mid-sized black feathery wings.
    Personality: Same as Lunamon's
    Element(s): Lunar/Wind
    Moonlit Claw-Pretty much a lunar version of Lightning Claw...o_O
    Star Light, Star Bright-Selenemon's tail ring glows, she raises her paws, and stars fire at the enemy from them.
    Feathery Slash-Grabs a blade-like feather from her wing, and fires it at the enemy.

    Name: Getsueimon
    Species: Goddess
    Class: Data
    Appearance: Imagine a young woman with black hair, silvery blue eyes, Selenemon's ears, earring, and tail, and fairly pale skin...dressed in hooded black robes, and a pendant similar to Sen's. Also carries a black staff with a silver moon crescent and has feathery black wings.
    Personality: Same as Lunamon's and Selenemon's
    Element(s): Lunar/Darkness
    Curse of Selene-She spins around in the air, and soon throws blades of crescent moons out.
    Lunar Eclipse-The moon on her staff glows brightly, and fires a beam of dark grey energy.
    Lunar Forgivness-Her pendant glows brightly, and heals any dark ally.

    Name: Serenitymon
    Species: Fallen Angel
    Class: Data
    Appearance: Appears a lot like Getsueimon, but wears a simple black dress with sleeves past her shoulders. Her pendant also gains a star next to it, and her staff's handle now bears a star-shaped sapphire.
    Personality: Exact copy of Sen.
    Element(s): Lunar/Darkness
    Moonlit Serenity-Motions her hands slightly in a circle, and stars and crescent moons of dark energy fire at the enemy.
    Darkness Returns-Her staff glows brightly, and fires a beam of dark energy from the crescent.
    Grim Toll-Like Lunar Forgiveness, only both pendants glow a dark grey.
    Sephiroth's Fate-She crosses her arms in the air, and summons a dragon of dark light. The dragon goes into Serenitymon's staff, and fires at the enemy in a beam of dark energy.

    EDIT: Found a pic of the Silent card...view this:

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  2. #2
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    COuld I reserve Goraiku? Thajs in advance.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  3. #3
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    DT8: Sure....*puts on cheeky Kero-chan grin*

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  4. #4
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    Could I reserve light?

  5. #5
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    Dogman: I'll reserve...

    EDIT:...Then again, I've realized your SU and posts aren't really...descriptive. And I sorta wanted to see a daughter for it'll be semi-free....If I see a Su for it more descriptive...I would accept.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  6. #6
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    Yay! Me like Digimon AND Kingdom Hearts! ^^

    Name: Michelle
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: She's got bright silvery eyes, and long blond hair. She wears a long plum-colored skirt, and has a lavender 3/4 sleeve shirt with a silkscreened bluebird on the front.
    Personality: She's the absolute definition of a goody-goody. Even though her childhood was less than favorable, she seems untouched by it all. She's very shy, and won't speak unless spoken to. She wishes she were more outgoing, but can never muster the courage to become outgoing. Her feelings are easily hurt, but she tends to recover quickly from such attacks. At school, she's teased a lot because of her shyness and nice personality.
    Digimon: Bunamon
    Crest/Element: Kindness/Earth
    Digivice Appearance: It's a silvery-lavender color with dark purple buttons.
    Side: Good. She's a goody-goody. ^^
    Relationships: Open to anyone!
    Other: =^-^= Meow! (Don't ask...)



    Name: Bunamon
    Species: Happy Bunny
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: She's a small, fluffy dark purple rabbit. She has light blue V shapes under her green eyes, and prefers to walk on her hind legs rather than all fours. She has claws kinda like Agumon, and her ears stick up all the time. She carries a small bow and arrow with her for protection.
    Personality: She's nice like Michelle, but is completely different otherwise. Very loud, opinion-stating, and talkative; she's just the kind of person that Michelle wishes she was. Bunamon also likes to fuss over Michelle and make sure she's okay.
    Elements: Earth and Light.
    Mineral Mine- Summons large mineral rocks out of the ground from under her opponent.
    Bright Arrow- Shoots an arrow that's covered in light purple light at her enemy.
    Silver Ore- She pulls from the ground a bright silver ball that fires a beam of sparkly silver light.


    Name: Quaykunamon
    Species: Earthquake
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: Her skin still has the dark purple color. She now wears an armor helmet which her ears stick out of. They no longer stick straight up, but flop to the sides. The helmet comes down to her mouth line, so that her lower jaw is exposed, and the light blue V shape is on the helemt under her eyehole. Her feet are much larger, and have sharp nails on them. Her hands are rather large too, and the claws on them have also elongated.
    Personality: She's pretty much the same as Bunamon, except at this stage she's really protective of Michelle, maybe a little too protective...
    Elements: Earth and Light.
    Shaky Ground- She stomps on the ground vigorously, and roughs up the ground under the enemy.
    Kind Ray- Makes a ray of purple light come down from the sky to heal either friends or herself.
    Rock Meteors- Smashes the ground with her claws and hurls large boulders at the opponent.


    Name: MineralBunamon
    Species: Precious Stone
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: She's not much larger than Quaykunamon, but has more armor (like around her elbows, knees, etc.), and has a shinning silvery fluff of fur around her neck. Her ears have gotten longer and look kinda like Antylamon's. She has a large diamond on the forehead of her helmet that changes colors with her mood.
    Personality: She's not as protective as Quaykunamon, so she's pretty much the personality of Bunamon. This is Michelle's favorite stage of Bunamon.
    Elements: Earth and Light.
    Diamond Beam- She emits a large beam of light from the diamond on her head. Its strength depends on how bright the color of the stone is before she attacks. Light blue= more powerful than dark blue.
    Silver Spikes- Her fluffy silver fur becomes stiff, and it shoots out small needles of silver at the opponent.
    Jewels of the Earth- She places one hand on the ground, and summons the energy of all the precious stones of the world, which send a blinding rainbow light from the ground to fire at the enemy.


    Name: Harmabunamon
    Species: Harmonic
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: She's gone from looking like a very large rabbit to looking more like a human. She still has the ears and the tail though. She carries her bow and arrows again (but they're much larger of course), and also still has the fluffy silvery fur around her neck. She also still has the helmet and other armor, along with the diamond on her forehead. She is wearing dark purple clothes.
    Personality: Same as MineralBunamon, except much calmer.
    Elements: Earth and Light.
    Arrows of Kindness- Shoots at opponent with her arrows, that glow softly with a light purple light.
    Bottomless Casam- Closes her eyes to concentrate, and then quickly slams her fist into the ground, causing a huge crack in the earth that swallows up opponents and closes on them after a few seconds. However, it doesn't always work... flying opponents will get away easily, and really strong ones can burst through the ground.
    Earthly Elemental Harmony- Her bow and arrows temporarily dissapear, and she draws a circle in midair with her hands. The circle she drew begins to glow with a bright purple light, and fires a mixture of light beams and minerals of all kinds at the opponent.

    Whew... finally done! ^^

  7. #7
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    LT: Okay. What you have so far is accepted.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  8. #8
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    K, I finished my sign-up card! Just thought I'd say that so that there's no confusion or anything.

  9. #9
    WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!? Advanced Trainer
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    Name: Seikou Sanessan
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Long, and I mean long black hair that falls all the way down to his ankles. Usually it's tied into a tail, though he sometimes lets it hang naturally. His are are a bright emerald green and always seems as if he's laughing at something. He's actually fairly tall for his age, though after years of intense martial arts training, he doesn't look as lanky or gangly, but rather, fills out his frame well. Wears sandals, khakis and a crimson sleeveless shirt beneath an open white over shirt.
    Personality: Sei is one of the friendliest guys you could ever meet. Always ready with a smile and a compliment, he's ever willing to do a favor for even a passing acquaintance. His trust is easily obtained, and he is sometimes taken advantage of because of this, but he doesn't mind because he's just as forgiving. People sometimes write him off as flaky and air-headed for his attitude, but he's actually very smart, he just chooses to hide it beneath an easy-going nature.
    Digimon: Spiritmon
    Crest/Element: Hope/Spiritualistic
    Digivice Appearance: White with grey buttons
    Side: Good
    Relationships: Open to anybody
    Other: *Boom*

    Name: Spiritmon
    Species: Soul
    Class: Data
    Appearance: About half the height of his partner, he stands maybe only three feet tall. Humanoid shaped, Spiritmon is featureless except for his mouth, eyes, and strangely enough hair which is slightly spiked and his bangs fall over to frame his eyes. His hands are covered in what looked to be bandages, but are wrapped around his fingers individually rather than around all of them.
    Personality: While very much like Sei, Spiritmon is not an exact carbon copy. Where Sei is easy-going, Spiritmon is not as confident in his abilities, despite his strengths. He always pushes himself to do the best he can, even if his body cannot take it.
    Element(s): Spirit/Fighting
    Soul Blade - Creates a pair of energy blades that extends outwards from his from his wrists.
    Spirit Cutter - Swinging both of his hands forward, Spiritmon creates a pair of blazing energy discs.

    Name: Astralmon
    Species: Dimension
    Class: Data
    Appearance: Now as tall as a regular sized human, Astralmon is covered in a long tattered tan cloak that hides his entire body and face. Two glowing white orbs shine from beneath the depths of the hood and his hands are somewhat visible from where he clenches the long, double-bladed sword in its hands.
    Personality: Same as Spiritmon, just with a giant confidence boost. Sometimes a little to confident.
    Element(s): Spirit
    Astral Break - With a wave of his hand, Astralmon creates a hole in the air in front of himself and the enemy. He then unleashes a blast of spirtual energy straight through the rip to smash the opponent.
    Rune Guard - Sketching a vairety of different runic letters in the air, Astralmon creates a large shield around himself, and anyone else in the five foot radius, from just about any attack. Unfortunately, he cannot hold the shield for very long, and if the attack is especially powerful (Like from an Ultimate or Mega level Digimon) it could shatter the shield after one attack.
    Kai Ten Kenbu - Focusing his power to contact the other realm, Astralmon draws on the spirit of a great warrior. Flashing through the realms he seems to become five before coming into strike with a deadly ten-slash combo.

    Name: Templarmon
    Species: Guardian Spirit
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: Giant, almost as tall as MetalGreymon in height. He is now a being of almost pure spiritual energy his shaped by the seemingly wooden armor he wears. It wraps around his head over where his fore head and mouth would be, leaving a strip of blinding white light for sight. His torso is similarly wrapped in the armor, with large shoulder pieces and gauntlets. Greaves, pants, and boots finish it out. A staff, made of the same material as his armor is held in his hands with scythes at two ends. Try checking out the pic in this Card for what he looks like.
    Personality: Templarmon bears little resemblance to his other forms. He has now become very serious and has become extremely protective of not only Seikou but all of the other Chosen ones, even the ones that are evil. His life is forfeit to the Chosen and would give his very life to insure their safety.
    Element(s): Spirit/Light
    Fury of the Heavens - Raising his staff in the air, Templarmon calls upon the very heavens to unleash their rage upon his enemies. (Basically meaning a rain of lightning bolts and meteors.)
    Will of Serra - The blades on his staff glow a blinding white, as he raises it above his head and begins to spin it, forming a twirling vortex of energy. Bringing it in front of him, he slashes downwards, sending a whirlwind of light at any and all enemies.
    Gususen Kenbu - A more powerful, fifteen-strike version of Kai Ten Kenbu

    Name: MagnaTemplarmon
    Species: Ancient Guardian Spirit
    Class: Vaccine
    Appearance: An imposing giant now encased within golden armor trimmed in silver. A visor now surrounds his eyes as they continue to glow a bright white. A GIGANTIC greatsword is sheathed across his back, it's girth almost half the size of his massive back and extends all the way down to his knees. Somehow he can easily wield it in one hand.
    Personality: See Templarmon.
    Element(s): Spirit/Light
    Imperial Crossfire - His greatsword glowing a holy white, MagnaTemplarmon holds it aloft in his hand before pointing it at any of his opponents. He then uneleashes a mighty blast of spirit energy in the shape of a cross.
    Flash Fire Dance - Flames erupt along MagnaTemplarmon's body and sword as he makes a blazing rush towards the opponent. He strikes with a twenty slash combo, finishing with a powerful explosive blast that blows the opponent away.
    Ball Lightning - Holding his the sword above his head, electricity begins to gather, forming into a crackling ball of lightning. With a sweep, he sends the ball bouncing forward to smash into the opponent.
    Final Judgement - Slamming the tip of his greatsword into the ground, MagnaTemplarmon concentrates, creating a circle of eight burning fireballs with the kanji symbol for heaven etched into the center that surrounds the hilt and crossguard of the sword. Reciting an ancient incantation, the balls begin to spin faster and faster until they are nothing but a blur of flames. A large fissure appears, starting from the blade tip stretching towards the enemies. The fireballs disappear into the fissure, creating a blazing whirlwind inferno wave that engulfs everything in its path.







  10. #10
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default .:Digimon~Legend of the Elementals:.(sign-ups)

    Accepted! ^^

    ...I'm not dead yet!

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