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Thread: Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Default Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

    The Meiji Revolution has brought about the end of the Shogun era and the samurai in Japan. Westernization is dramatically changing Japan. Firearms are replacing the sword. Many of this was too much for many of the battle tested samurais of the Shogun dynasty.
    Wandering the lands these warriors sought to recruit many of the old samurais. Banning under one excellent warrior known as Izumo they hope to replace the Meiji era with the Izumo Dynasty. Years have passed and members of this Izumo faction continue to grow. They are preparing to strike...

    Meanwhile the rulers of the Meiji dynasty have caught whiff of this. Increasing ground patrols and defense around the country they are very wary of this rebellion and of any of samurai descent...

    This is were you come in. As a descendant of a samurai family living in Japan at this time it is up to you to decide what faction if any you wish to side with... You can do almost anything but be careful every action you make will carry a consequence leading to the final showdown between the Meiji army and the revolting Izumo warriors.

    Sign up~~
    Name: Original characters only. Remember in Japan your last name is what you are called for example (Ruroni Kenshin: Kenshin is what he is called) make it Japanese sounding
    Age: 21+
    Alliance: Izumo, Meiji, Neutral
    Location at start of rpg: need help find a place here
    Only the mainland though... the one with Tokyo.

    Name: Ichii Sakio
    Age: 28
    Sex: Male
    Looks: Medium long ruffled black hair that stops just above his shoulder. Dark brown eyes that peer out through the many locks and a clean cut face. Wears gray samurai attire.
    Personality: Very peaceful. Does everything from talking to eating slowly and methodically.
    History: Was a hired assassin during the shogun era working for the highest bidder. After the Meiji era settled in a small town outside of Yokohama.
    Weapon: a long slightly curved sword
    Alliance: neutral
    Location: Yokohama
    Relations: No
    Other: nope


    I sat in my brown wooden hut drinking tea as I slowly looked out the small open window. Sipping the hot drink I looked to see a small little girl pop up into view. Semi-startled I placed the tea down and eyed her curiously.
    "Hello little girl." I said smiling. She reached into her kimono and pulled out a small brown bag. Undoing the rope around it she put her hand and pulled out a handful of dust that looked a lot like cinnamon.
    "Why what's that?" She giggled and blew it into my face before running away. Instantly my head felt lightheaded and i fell sideways onto the floor next to the table. The door slammed open
    and I saw blurry boots running toward me. I reached for my sword but found myself to disoriented to do so. Before I was completely knocked out I felt the hands of these men pick me and carry me out. My head slumped as my body fully gave way to the poison and I was hauled off.

    Ok NOTE: No one has met any of the current samurais. You may have heard of their history but you have never met them personally. Keep this in mind when you do come upon fellow rpgers...

  2. #2

    Default Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

    Name: Hiyoko Ori
    Age: 30
    Sex: Male
    Looks: He's about 6'0 and has a rugged face with signs of many battles. A scar on his left cheek shows that even more. He has brown eyes and black hair. He wears a red bandana on his forehead. His build is steadily medium and isn't that fat or skinny. He wears a black/gray gi (or is it kimono with ripped sleeves?) that has a few rips on the body part and black sandals in quite poor condition. It does not look like he is very wealthy. His sword is in it's sheath by his waist ready to be pulled out. A long tiny invisible string is attatched to it and his wrist with a length of about 6 feet and is used to retreive his weapon when needed.
    Personality: Quiet and thoughtful. A kind loner who does not lose his cool very easily. But when he is pissed off, he will attack with anger but still won't go out of control. He thinks before he does it but when fighting, it's all on his instincts.
    History: A loner that doesn't have much of a history. Or at least he doesn't remember most of it. All he knows is that he can work a katana well and he was probably a samurai before his amnesia. Now he just goes around and try to use his skills to work as a mercenary and for money. Or for something worthwhile.
    Weapon: A katana with handle that is covered with black leather. (For better visualization, look at the attachment.)
    Alliance: Neutral
    Location at start of rpg: Tokyo
    Relations: None as of yet
    Other: He just sticks with the crowd. He has no real place he can call home but in the tall grass fields is usually the place he sleeps and thinks.

    I walk down a small bridge leading to Tokyo. It was good to see the place again, full of merchants and people. I hope I can get a small job here. At least then I'll get some money. I took a bite out of the apple I was carrying. I heard some rustling in the bushes and looked to see what it was. It rustled a bit more and a figure jumped out from it. Without unsheathing my katana, I blocked the slice the person brought down with his katana.
    "It's rude to disturb someone while they are eating." I said calmly.
    "Whatever buddy, just come along with me silently and nobody'll get hurt." He was probably another bounty hunter. I don't know why but people keep looking for me. I don't think I did anything bad did I?
    "Thanks for the kind offer, but I'll have to turn it down." I pushed him back and threw up my half-eaten apple. I unsheathed my katana and quickly but carefully struck his katana so that he was pushed back and off the bridge. As he fell into the water, I sheathed my katana and caught my apple. I continued walking across and into the towns of Tokyo.
    "I hope this doesn't happen throughout the rest of my trip." I sighed and moved in with the crowd.

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  3. #3

    Default Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

    Name: Bokkai Daishi
    Age: 28
    Sex: Male
    Looks: 6'6" tall and muscular. His build fits his height well and allows him to use a great deal of strength as well as move quickly. He has long brown hair the he keeps tied in a triple-braided ponytail that goes down to his knees. He has a light tan that makes his many battle scars show up more. His eyes are a startling, captivating ice green that tend to catch the attention of women around him, and he is quite handsome. He wears a black vest with metal plates inside of it (The vest looks like the ones that Sub-Zero, Rain, Scorpion, Reptile, ect. from Mortal Kombat wear) and baggy black pants and black boots that are worn in enough for easy movement in combat. He usually wears a large black hooded cloak over that to hide his eyes.
    Personality: He is an honorable person. He'll stick up for women and doesn't want them to get hurt. He also admires strong women. Daishi doesn't show attraction to any of the women that seem attracted to him, though he hopes to one day find a strong, strong-willed woman that he may settle down with. He will open up to people he finds to be trustworthy and interesting.
    History: He was known as the Green-Eyed Shinnagami (Green-Eyed God of Death is too long. Yay for Japanese). He was a powerful samurai fighting against the Meiji for his own purposes. He was defeated by the Battosai (sp?) and has trained ever since in order to prevent being defeated again by the man with the cross-shaped scar. He began his training at an early age--when he turned 5 actually. He always trained with swords and bokkens that were much heavier than any of the other children's who were training at the time. When he turned 8 he was given a katana, which he used in training so often that it finally snapped. He was given a high-quality Jin-Tachi when he turned 15 by his grandfather and has been using that ever since. He considers it a symbol of power and good luck. It has never chipped or snapped, and his style of fighting is perfect for using the Jin-Tachi for increased leverage, speed, and power. He has been living in Sendai near his grandfather's home since the end of the revolution
    Weapon: Jin-Tachi (Picture attached)
    Alliance: Izumo
    Location at start of rpg: Sendai--about to take a ship to Tokyo
    Relations: His grandfather--Katzuhita Daishi. Also Sakura Tsukikage--but neither of them know it. They are cousins, but she was orphaned.
    Other: His style is his own--un-named and not studied. It focuses on destroying the enemy's defenses with one swift, very powerful blow, then following quickly with a second blow to finish the enemy. However, it also uses fluid, out-thrust slashes to block oncoming attacks before they get within striking distance. The ultimate attack of this style is the Daishi Tri-Slash, which was invented by his grandfather.

    Daishi, Bokai
    I walked along the top of a large stone wall around an impressive manor. This was the home of my target. After the revolution, I became an assasin for hire, though it was growing old. I saw my target leave his home and I ducked down behind the wall. I pulled two Needle Shurikens (OOC: I don't remember their name, but they are the ones that look like metal pencils). He came out the gate and I through the two poisoned weapons directly into his neck, and the man fell to the ground, dead in seconds. I shook my head. This work was hell.

    "Hey, you!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and came face-to-face--almost--with a slender man weilding a bokken. I reached back over my shoulder and pulled my Jin-Tachi out of it's scabbard a little, allowing about 6 inches of the blade to shine. The man's eyes grew large. He looked as if he was going to run--either at me or away from me. I pulled the sword out all the way and slashed his bokken in half in one fluid motion. That sent him running off.

    "Maybe someday I'll find someone who's as good or better than me..." I said to myself. I will find you, Battosai. I thought. I looked at my ticket to a cargo ship heading to Tokyo. "CRAP! It leaves in half an hour!" I yelled, and ran as fast as I could to the docks. I get to leave this place behind! I thought happily.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

    Name: Sakura Tsukikage
    Age: Not known, looks 24
    Sex: Female
    Looks: 5'6", and more muscular than most girls. Has raven black hair up to her knees, usually braded up, and bright blue eyes, usually disguises herself as a man, with a cloak and hood to hide her features.
    Personality: Quiet and gentle, but with a hot temper.
    History: Orphaned not long after birth, and adopted by an ancient samurai, who taught her the art, despite her gender.
    Weapon: A katana with sapphires encrusted on the hilt and a dragon curving up the blade itself.
    Alliance: Neutral
    Location at start of rpg: just arrived in Tokyo after travelling by foot (well, she's kinda poor, so she can't afford a boat ride...)
    Relations: Bokkai Daishi, the cousin I've yet to know...
    Other: nil


    I sat down under the shade of a Sakura tree, just outside Tokyo. It had been a long journey by foot, and I was finally here. Not that I really needed to be here... I was homeless, travelling whereever I wished to go, whenever I pleased.

    I looked towards the city. It was beautiful. And yet, I didn't not know why I had come. It had nothing to offer me, but I just felt a strong feeling that I had to be there.

    I got up and walked into the city, looking for the inn. I had some money, just enough for a small meal and a room to stay for one night. And after that, I'll have to work there to earn my keep.

    "Thief!" Someone cried from behind me. I turned sharply. Thankfully, the accused was not me. A man was speeding up the street towards me. As he passed me, I gave chase after him. I finally cornered him in a dark alley, my katana in my hand. The man broke out in cold sweat.

    "Don't kill me, sir!" he begged. "I looked at him coldly with my blue eyes half hidden under my hood. I smiled inwardly. Sir? I never expected my disguise to be so effective.

    "If you're so afreaid of death, then why steal?" I told him. "Pathetic!" I reached over and pried the money purse he had stolen from his clutching hands. "I'll take this! Thanks, and better luck next time!" With that, I turned and left, sheathing back my katana.

  5. #5

    Default Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

    Sorry guys, I won't be able to post because on Sunday I'm leaving for 2 weeks in Chicago and probably won't get many chances to post. But I must insist that you still keep this thing goin'

  6. #6

    Default Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

    Name: Namo Kamera

    Age: 25

    Sex: Male

    Looks: 5'0", has a round scar on his forehead. People do not usually see this do to his white headband. His black spikey hair hides his face when combed down. He wears a blue shirt with a black jacket over it. He has black pants with two pockets.

    Personality: He is an expert at moving fast, and will not rest until he reaches his goal or dies. He is not friendly with anyone and does not accept help willingly. He can sence a persons ego to create a perfect taunt. Kamera does not attack first ever. If he is bothered, then the person bothering will pay. He will do everything he can to find the best possible result of his attacks. Kamera is very smart and cunning.

    History: He tells no one his history

    Weapon: Unbreakable sword

    Alliance: Meiji

    Location at start of rpg: Tokyo

    Relations: None


    __________________________________________________ __________

    I was a little short on money so I joined an alliance called Meiji. It sounded easy enough. All I had to do was arrest anyone who was a threat to the Meiji. 'Well depending on their enimies this wont be to hard' I thought.

    "They said that the Izumo was their main threat. I had best keep my eyes open." This was something I was better off not messing up. I almost never fail but there is always that small percent chance.

    'Hmmm, if I go into a town maybe there will be some enimies to spot'. I had nothing to lose except higher pay. I thought it was a well worth idea. So I started walking west until I sat on a rock and rested.

    'I hope a town is close by'. For a while I just listened to the leaves rustling. It was like music the way the wind whisled in the air. It was soothing in a way. And creepy at the same time.

    "For some reason I'm getting the creepes. I don't get the creepes." Then I saw some people carrying this man. 'If that is an ally than they are my enimy'. "Hey you guys!" Who are you carrying?....

  7. #7

    Default Life By the Blade~~ Starts (LSUS always welcome)

    I don't know ye olde money currency so excuse me if I'm wrong.

    "Good god, I need some money..." I said looking at my money bag, containing only 2 silver schillings.
    "That's about... 25 coins. Not bad. I can stay at an inn with this money." I did the math in my head quietly. I was hoping to find some work to do before the end of the day so I decided to find some work. I went around the black market in the area and asked some scrawny people if they needed work done. They all rejected, saying they rather do it themselves. I for one liked to see them try.

    "Hey you, looking for some work?"A fat man caught attention to me and called me over. He seemed wealthy and well in the business of the black market.
    "Yeah, I do. What do you need done?" I asked.
    "I'll pay you 100 gold schillings if you get rid of this guy for me." he explained the job.
    "Ok, how important is this guy?" I asked.
    "He's the head of the market. He has some high security with his trained samurai's. He should be in the big building up there." He pointed foward to a... well big building.
    "If you can get it done in... 5 hours, I'll throw in another 100 gold schillings." He made it with interest.
    "So you want me to kill him?" I asked specifically. He nodded.
    "And if there was to be any spiff with the government, I ain't in it?" I asked again.
    "Ok, so not as much as kill him but like scare him. Just say its a warning from me and he better not mess with me." He reconsidered the job.
    "Ok, so lemme get this straight. You want me to go into that building, go through all their samurais and defenses, scare this guy, and come back out like nothing has happened and if I do it in less than 5 hours, I'll get an extra 100? Sounds easy enough..." I recapped the job.
    "Now whats your name?" I asked him to give a name for the scare.
    "My name is Marasma Nori"

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