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Thread: ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)

  1. #1
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)

    Over a century ago, a school of witchcraft and wizardry named Silver Moon opened on an island between Hoenn and Johto, and things ran fine for most years. Until the seventh year, when the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, a female named Professor Selene Moonwater, was suspected of releasing a demon into the academy, yet she was innocent. Moonwater remained hidden within her quarters, until a student was found dead, and Selene was burnt at the stake. The demon continued terrorizing the academy, until apparently Moonwater's ghost cursed the academy itself. With all of what was going on, the academy was closed and remained that way for almost 100 years.
    Silver Moon Academy was re-opened seven years ago, and trainers from 11-17 with magic abilities have populated the academy...Muggles attended too, but only if they were kin to a well-known trainer. All had seemed peaceful at first, but the Ghost of Moonwater soon returned...she had taken over the demon's body, now gaining power. She hasn't killed any students yet, but some have been injured. Students have been trying their hardest to avoid Moonwater, but realized their fate was soon. Now during non-school hours, some students will search for information about this ghost, in attempt to stop the ghost and bring peace to Silver Moon.

    Okay, let's get some info down. First, the houses:
    1. Pyro- This house is the exact equivelent of Gryffindor. On the school banner, it has a orange brackground and an Entei, appears in the upper-left corner.
    2. Aero- The Aero House is exactly like Slytherin. The symbol is a sky blue background with a Rayquaza, and takes the upper-right corner.
    3. Terra- Terra is the house of earth. Its symbol is a brown background with a Groudon. It takes the lower-right corner, and has an alliance with Aero.
    4. Aqua- Aqua is the house that holds students with abilities connecting to water. The symbol is a navy-blue background with a Suicune. It takes the lower-left corner, and apparently has an alliance with Pyro.

    And classes:
    Basic Black/White Magic
    Advanced White/Black Magic
    Defense Against the Dark Arts
    Anything that would be found in school

    Sign-up forms(up to 2 cards):
    Age/Year: (11-17/1st-7th)
    Appearance: (doesn't matter during school hours and weekends. But all students wear a black cloak with your house's symbol on it during school hours.)
    House: (see above)
    Abilities: (let it tie towards your house...I'll allow psychic abilities. Not really required for muggles.)
    Pokemon: (Up to 6. No legendaries)
    Items: (What did you bring with you? The school provides beds, desks, and chairs...but what else?)

    Age: (20+)
    Class: (what class do you teach?)
    Pokemon: (*see form above*)

    My form:
    Name: Laura Rider
    Age/Year: 15/5th
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Deep forest green eyes with a faint ring of brown around the pupils, mid-neck length dark brown(close to black) hair with blue(dyed) higlights, and skin of an extremely pale tone. Seems tall for her age, around 5'11", and thin. Usually wears a long-sleeved black shirt with a blue flame design ob the sleeves, and navy-blue khakis with several pockets. Also has a pair of silver rimmed, elipse-lensed, black tipped glasses, a black string necklace with a blue pendant, and a apir of combat boots. Also has her ears pierced three times with silver-loop earrings.
    Personality: Is mainly dark(dark depressive) and silent, also apathetic and hopeless. She seems to trust nobody, but deep down, she does trust her friends and will stand up for them. Once you get to know her, she'll seem more calm and gentle....sort of emerging from her shell.
    House: Aqua
    Abilities: Aquakinesis(ability to control water), and telepathy. Has some other psychic abilities, but she mainly uses telepathy.
    Classes: Basic/Adavanced Black Magic, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Chemistry, Japanese, Care for Magical Creatures.
    Items: CD Walkman with CDs, A picture of her and Serenity, Mythology book, Book about Ghosts, an elemental deck.
    Relations: Friends with Mike.
    Other: Not again! *shoots with sniper rifles and runs*

    -*-Laura Rider-*-
    "Today's the day, Serenity....Back to Silver Moon." I said softly as I finsihed placing everything into my bag with my wand. After closing it, I grabbed it, and slowly emerged from my room...towards the kitchen. My mother softly smiled at me as I sat down at the table, ready for something before I left...she was the one I inherited my Aquakinesis from. She handed me my toast, a glass of Cranberry juice, and a 'happy pill'. I shrugged and ate it tiredly, Serenity continued to nudge my leg as I ate.

    "You know, Laura, you're lucky. You actually get to go to Silver Moon, and when I was you're age, I had to be in a Muggle School...But I was taught magic over the summer."

    "Hm...You're right," I sighed, "I'm glad that's over, they hated me there."

    "I know." she said, as I lifted the dishes to her with my wand. I shrugged, and put my wand up....standing outside for a moment. It was a sunny day in MossDeep City, waves striking the shoreline calmly, wind blowing my hair in my eyes. Serenity soon leapt towards me, and stared.

    'I really amgoing to miss this sight, Serenity,' I said telepathically to her, she nodded silently and followed me inside, to get my things. I returned Serenity to her blue-topped Poke'Ball, and grabbed my bags.

    "Wait...Laura..." she whispered. I turned my head, about to ask what for, but didn't. She soon hugged me, and replied, "Good luck this year."

    I widened my eyes, but nodded. After leaving the door, I waved goodby, and clutched a Poke'Ball, Draco. I released my Charizard, who gave a quick roar after emerging, after flexing his wings out. I leapt onto his back, he smirked, I whispered 'Silver Moon' to him, and he was off, it would be hours before seeing land again...

    There...Each student and teacher should be leaving home to Silver Moon.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  2. #2
    Supernova Advanced Trainer
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    Default ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)

    Name:Kouji Yakatami
    Appearanceomewhat Shoulder-length blue hair, that he Places in a Ponytail, and then in a Bandana. He has Midnight blue Eye's...He wears Black pants, Yellow T-shirt and a blue Jacket.5 foot 9.
    Personality:He sometimes can be cold, but he really speaks the truth. He's a Loner, unless he's with his Twin..But very Caculating and Smart..
    Abilities:To Create a mist, Like Steam, and ClaroVoyant(Tell the Future)...A little bit of TeleKinesis, He'll only use it to float himself around. He can Create Illisions with the Mist, and also little fireballs.
    Advanced White Magic
    Defense against the Dark Arts
    Potions(Although he is good at it, he hates this class)
    English Literature
    AP History(Advanced Placement=AP)
    Band(Play's his Guitar in it)
    Items:MP3 Player, Computer Notebook, Picture of his Twin, although he is in the same house.And a Electric Guitar he'll play when he is depressed.
    Relations:His Twin, Kouichi.But with G/F...somewhat open.


    "Kouji, today's your day back to Silver Moon!"Mom yelled at me, as I ws getting changed slowly...I somewhat wanted to go, somewhat didn't...

    "I know, ma.."

    "Kouichi is already.."
    "So? I'm not Kouichi!"

    I walked outside, and looked at my Packed stuff, including my Guitar and Kouichi's Keyboards in cases..My Backpack had my stuff..Robe's..PJ's, and clothing. Mine was a Blue Backpack, Kouichi had a Purple one..

    I used my wand to float my Milk over, and gulped it down. Kouichi did the same...We went over, and kissed mom...

    "You guy's are lucky to have Silver Moon. I was taught magic after school, by my Ma.."

    "I know.."Me and Kouichi said in unison..

    We got outside, and felt the Breeze from The Slateport air...Since there was no way to get to Silvermoon by Train or something..I had to call..

    I could float myself there, but it would be boring..

    "Mizu!"I called my Lapras out, and carried, by hand, my stuff..If anyone saw I used magic...

    Name:Kouichi Yakatami
    Appearancehorter Blue hair(It's more blackish), with Midnight blue eyes. He wears Black Pants, purple T-shirt and a Green Jacket.5 foot 9
    Personality:A lot more silent, can be depressive at times.He is also somewhat more manipulative, and puts more stress on school work. But, he can be fun when he is with his brother. Both eat like piggy's.He's a serious Pokemon Trainer..He loves his Pokemon more than his Magic.
    Houseyro, But didn't get to pick. He was mistaken for his brother..He should be in Aqua, though he doesn't mind.
    Abilities:He also can create steam illusions, but can make water balls, and Rainbows with his brother's Fire Power.
    Advanced White Magic
    Basic Dark Magic
    AP Chemistry
    English Literature
    Potions(He loves this class SO much..Not like Kouji)
    Band(Play's Piano and Keyboards.)
    Items: Picture of Kouji and his Mom,Dad.A Computer Notebook, and a Little Keyboards He'll play when Kouji is play
    Relations:Open for G/F...But he's got a serious bond with his Brother..After all, they are twins.

  3. #3
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    Default ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)

    Name:Kalad Galadorian
    Appearance: Like this.
    Personality:fairly friendly, but a tad anti-social.
    Abilities: The "Gate of Fire" he basically opens a "Gate"(looks like two red circles floating in the air, one inside the other) that lets him create and manipulate fire.
    pokemon: Kadabra/M
    Classes:Advanced black magic, def. against dark arts, physics, fencing, kendo(Japanese equivalent of fencing).
    Items:His armor and family sword(It has a slight enchantment on it.) a gba, his pet guinea pig, his collection of anime, and a gold and silver plated flute.

    I was practicing my inborn ability to open the Gate of Fire when my mother called me into the house. "Yes mom? what is it? I was practicing. "it's time to go back to Silver Moon, get your stuff together." She stated. I ran up the stairs to my room, and grabbed my bag, which wasn't heavy, for me at least. I was eager to go back, very few people in this area could give me a REAL challenge at either swordplay OR magic, especially once I started using my Gate. "All ready mom! where's Rand?" I asked. "He's right here in his carrier, now get going." I threw down my one and only pokeball, allowing Kadabra to come out. "All right, Kadabra, to Silver Moon, you know where it is." I commanded it. Kadabra began concentrating, and suddenly, we were there. I loved Teleport. I knew I was WAY ahead of schedule so I started practicing with my sword.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  4. #4
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    Default ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)

    Name: Phoebe Moonwater
    Age/Year: 15/5th
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: 5'8", waist-length silver-streaked black hair which she usually wears in twin braids, slightly slanted silver-grey eyes. Normally wears black, silver, or a combination of the two.
    Personality: She's generally a reclusive loner who usually doesn't talk too much. To friends, she's a really nice person with a pretty good sense of humor. She's also very intelligent, and takes her schoolwork seriously.
    House: Aero
    Abilities: Phoebe is a Lunakinetic, able to control shadows. She can also bend moonbeams to her purposes and even generate them, if she concentrates enough. She is telepathically linked to her Lunatone and her Espeon, and their abilities augment her own, if the three are together.
    Pokemon: Dia (Lunatone), Eos (Espeon, F), Isis (Xatu, F), Freya (Milotic, F), Ceres (Gardevoir, F), Luna (Dustox, F)
    Classes: Advanced Black magic, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, Basic White magic.
    Items: A silver crescent moon necklace, the crescent moon studded with 13 red rubies. She also has a CD player with her favorite CDs (generally sort of softer alt-rock), a picture of her family (for when she gets homesick sometimes), and a few good books (she enjoys dark fantasy and vampire novels).
    Relations: Phoebe is Selene Moonwater's many-times great grand-niece. She doesn't have a boyfriend.

    Phoebe Moonwater

    "Mum! I'm leaving now!"

    "See you during the summer, sweetie."

    Phoebe loaded her stuff onto Isis, who flapped her wings experimentally before soaring off.

    "You know where to go, ol' girl."

    Phoebe leaned back, admiring the sight of her hometown, Mauville, from the air, and contemplated what the year might bring. She was actually hoping for some more demon sightings, crazy as that might sound.

    *She doesn't even KNOW you, Pheebs.*

    Phoebe shuddered at the voice in her head, which the pokeball always failed to muffle.

    *Oh be quiet, Eos.*

    *She's right, Pheebs.*

    *You BOTH know I absolutely HATE that nickname.*

    *Pheebs Pheebs Pheebs!*

    *Don't make me throw both your pokeballs into the ocean!*

    *You know you wouldn't do that, Phoebe.*

    The slightly reproachful tone in her head made her sigh. She didn't even bother to answer. The flight continued, with Phoebe just admiring the sights beneath her.

  5. #5
    SALTED NUTS! Advanced Trainer
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    Default ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)

    Name: Petra Sunsteam
    Age/Year: 15/5th
    Gender: F
    Appearance: She's about 6'0, with red and blue streaked hair. Very gymnastic, her clothes are always a combonation of various shades of red and blue. She's actually very beatiful, but tries to hide it, because she's afraid of having close relationships. You can see hurt in her eyes.
    Personality: She's very friendly, but is afraid of long term relationships. She's been betrayed a lot. She loves to swim though.
    House: Aqua. It was basically a toss for Pyro or Aqua, and she just chose randomly.
    Abilities: She can telapthically communicate with any water or fire pokemon.
    Advanced black magic
    Defense against the dark arts
    Care of magical creatures
    Pokemon breeding
    Swimming (?)
    Items: A ring with Jade and Onyx. She won't tell where it came from.
    Relations: You can try, but good luck!
    I'll post for her when I get rid of my writer's block ><

  6. #6
    Supernova Advanced Trainer
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    Default ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)


    With everything on Mizu, which wasn't a lot, I stepped onto the shell part of her body, and sat..

    "Good Mizu..You know where Silver Moon is, right? We've been going for 3 year's, with this being my forth year."I told her..


    Lapras liked Silver Moon, I dunno why..Kouichi, who normally rode on Lapras..sent out..

    "Mizu!"He named his Dewgong 'Mizu'..He climbed on her..

    "Your going to get wet, bro.."


    I concentrated on Kouichi's body..and Got a vision of Him getting soaked..

    "HEH!Your going to get soaked, bro!I promise it!"


    I rolled my eye's...I knew I was going to get Wet...But I really didn't mind....

    I thought for a tad, but Kouji's Lapras started to swim away..

    "WAIT!Come on!"I yelled, and whispered to Mizu

    "Come on....."I said..But I thought of something..

    I concentrated on the path to Kouji..and looked at the water..The water's current got faster and faster, so Mizu didn't have to swim..

    "Heh!When you control Water, Things are much more.."I said..but noticed Kouji being asleep....

    I whispered to Mizu, and in a instant, Mizu did a little aurora Beam over Kouji..making it cold..

    "Grr...I will get you!"Kouji woke up, shivering..


  7. #7
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    Default ~{Silver Moon Academy: Darkened Shadows}~ (STARTS! LSUs welcome!)

    Name: Professor Karen (Karen N. Tai)
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Very tall and skinny, but very intimidating to look at. She has long (past shoulder) silver hair, and a left eyepeice.
    Personality: At first glance, and first word, Professor Karen is appeared as cold, worse than a haughty Aero. This being true, she warms up to students if they prove intellgent and skilled. She is not truly mean, only calculating.
    Class: Potions
    Pokemon: Ditto (Axe, m), Umbreon (Ny, f), Absol (Mekhet, m), Houndoom (Bruja, f), Yanma (Aeris, f), Tyranitar (Quay, m)
    Relations: nothing out of the ordinary
    Other: She was an Aero when she attended the school.

    "Come, Ny." The umbreon strode to my side and heeled at my feet, braying softly in a deep thrum. I stroked her head lovingly and kneeled down, fitting a moonstone charm necklace around her neck before rising again, shrinking it to fit her neck perfectly with my wand. "See to it that you don't lose that, mind you." I chuckled and got back to work packing my last minute items for the day to come. A phrase echoed in my mind, in the voice of Ny. "I won't."

    Smiling, I headed to the kitchen and grasped the crystal pokeballs that lay on the counter. One was empty, but the others were not; until I released Aeris and Bruja that is. The yanma and houndoom respectively voiced their pleasure at being let out early, and Aeris lighted on my shoulder sleeve. Large Bruja simply stood tall, her horns easily reaching the ceiling. I lifted Aeris onto my fingertips and raised her to my face, whispering a message to be relayed to Silver Moon. Being in Lilycove, it was not a far ways to travel there, and she could handle the flight. She was fast, and would probably make the journey in minutes without the burden of a human companion, as well as a slight magical spell that enabled her to surpass mach speeds.

    "Tell the Headmaster that Professor Tai is ready for duty, and about to head out. Godspeed, now." I wished her an easy and safe flight before launching her into the air, and Aeris was gone, almost magically. I'd see her again upon arrival at the school most likely.

    Ny nibbled the cuff of my black robes and cooed, wanting to arrive at Silver Moon as soon as possible. She loved the place, and eagerly leapt up onto my shoulders for the walk. We wouldn't be walking to the school, oh no, but to the harbour where our ship was. The one that ferried straight to, and only to, Silver Moon Academy. Bruja trailed behind me like a shadow demon, and we boarded.

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